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= Traits
Traits are a structural construct of the language which allows:
* composition of behaviors
* runtime implementation of interfaces
* behavior overriding
* compatibility with static type checking/compilation
They can be seen as *interfaces* carrying both *default implementations* and *state*. A trait is defined using the
`trait` keyword:
<1> declaration of a trait
<2> declaration of a method inside a trait
Then it can be used like a normal interface using the `implements` keyword:
<1> Adds the trait `FlyingAbility` to the `Bird` class capabilities
<2> instantiate a new `Bird`
<3> the `Bird` class automatically gets the behavior of the `FlyingAbility` trait
Traits allow a wide range of capabilities, from simple composition to testing, which are described thoroughly in this section.
== Methods
=== Public methods
Declaring a method in a trait can be done like any regular method in a class:
<1> declaration of a trait
<2> declaration of a method inside a trait
=== Abstract methods
In addition, traits may declare _abstract_ methods too, which therefore need to be implemented in the class implementing the trait:
<1> implementing class will have to declare the `name` method
<2> can be mixed with a concrete method
Then the trait can be used like this:
<1> implement the trait `Greetable`
<2> since `name` was abstract, it is required to implement it
<3> then `greeting` can be called
=== Private methods
Traits may also define private methods. Those methods will not appear in the trait contract interface:
<1> define a private method `greetingMessage` in the trait
<2> the public `greet` message calls `greetingMessage` by default
<3> create a class implementing the trait
<4> `greet` can be called
<5> but not `greetingMessage`
WARNING: Traits only support `public` and `private` methods. Neither `protected` nor `package private` scopes are
=== Final methods
If we have a class implementing a trait, conceptually implementations from the trait methods
are "inherited" into the class. But, in reality, there is no base class containing such
implementations. Rather, they are woven directly into the class. A final modifier on a method
just indicates what the modifier will be for the woven method. While it would likely be
considered bad style to inherit and override or multiply inherit methods with the same
signature but a mix of final and non-final variants, Groovy doesn't prohibit this scenario.
Normal method selection applies and the modifier used will be determined from the resulting method.
You might consider creating a base class which implements the desired trait(s) if you
want trait implementation methods that can't be overridden.
== The meaning of this
`this` represents the implementing instance. Think of a trait as a superclass. This means that when you write:
then calling:
will return the same instance:
== Interfaces
Traits may implement interfaces, in which case the interfaces are declared using the `implements` keyword:
<1> declaration of a normal interface
<2> add `Named` to the list of implemented interfaces
<3> declare a class that implements the `Greetable` trait
<4> implement the missing `name` method
<5> the `greeting` implementation comes from the trait
<6> make sure `Person` implements the `Named` interface
<7> make sure `Person` implements the `Greetable` trait
== Properties
A trait may define properties, like in the following example:
<1> declare a property `name` inside a trait
<2> declare a class which implements the trait
<3> the property is automatically made visible
<4> it can be accessed using the regular property accessor
<5> or using the regular getter syntax
== Fields
=== Private fields
Since traits allow the use of private methods, it can also be interesting to use private fields to store state. Traits
will let you do that:
<1> declare a private field `count` inside a trait
<2> declare a public method `count` that increments the counter and returns it
<3> declare a class that implements the `Counter` trait
<4> the `count` method can use the private field to keep state
TIP: This is a major difference with[Java 8 virtual extension methods]. While virtual extension methods
do not carry state, traits can. Moreover, traits in Groovy are supported starting with Java 6, because their implementation does not rely on virtual extension methods. This
means that even if a trait can be seen from a Java class as a regular interface, that interface will *not* have default methods, only abstract ones.
=== Public fields
Public fields work the same way as private fields, but in order to avoid the[diamond problem],
field names are remapped in the implementing class:
<1> declare a public *field* inside the trait
<2> declare a class implementing the trait
<3> create an instance of that class
<4> the public field is available, but renamed
The name of the field depends on the fully qualified name of the trait. All dots (`.`) in package are replaced with an underscore (`_`), and the final name includes a double underscore.
So if the type of the field is `String`, the name of the package is `my.package`, the name of the trait is `Foo` and the name of the field is `bar`,
in the implementing class, the public field will appear as:
String my_package_Foo__bar
WARNING: While traits support public fields, it is not recommended to use them and considered as a bad practice.
== Composition of behaviors
Traits can be used to implement multiple inheritance in a controlled way. For example, we can have the following traits:
And a class implementing both traits:
<1> the `Duck` class implements both `FlyingAbility` and `SpeakingAbility`
<2> creates a new instance of `Duck`
<3> we can call the method `fly` from `FlyingAbility`
<4> but also the method `speak` from `SpeakingAbility`
Traits encourage the reuse of capabilities among objects, and the creation of new classes by the composition of existing behavior.
== Overriding default methods
Traits provide default implementations for methods, but it is possible to override them in the implementing class. For example, we
can slightly change the example above, by having a duck which quacks:
<1> define a method specific to `Duck`, named `quack`
<2> override the default implementation of `speak` so that we use `quack` instead
<3> the duck is still flying, from the default implementation
<4> `quack` comes from the `Duck` class
<5> `speak` no longer uses the default implementation from `SpeakingAbility`
== Extending traits
=== Simple inheritance
Traits may extend another trait, in which case you must use the `extends` keyword:
<1> the `Named` trait defines a single `name` property
<2> the `Polite` trait *extends* the `Named` trait
<3> `Polite` adds a new method which has access to the `name` property of the super-trait
<4> the `name` property is visible from the `Person` class implementing `Polite`
<5> as is the `introduce` method
=== Multiple inheritance
Alternatively, a trait may extend multiple traits. In that case, all super traits must be declared in the `implements`
<1> `WithId` trait defines the `id` property
<2> `WithName` trait defines the `name` property
<3> `Identified` is a trait which inherits both `WithId` and `WithName`
== Duck typing and traits
=== Dynamic code
Traits can call any dynamic code, like a normal Groovy class. This means that you can, in the body of a method, call
methods which are supposed to exist in an implementing class, without having to explicitly declare them in an interface.
This means that traits are fully compatible with duck typing:
<1> the `SpeakingDuck` expects the `quack` method to be defined
<2> the `Duck` class does implement the method using _methodMissing_
<3> calling the `speak` method triggers a call to `quack` which is handled by `methodMissing`
=== Dynamic methods in a trait
It is also possible for a trait to implement MOP methods like `methodMissing` or `propertyMissing`, in which case implementing classes
will inherit the behavior from the trait, like in this example:
<1> create a trait implementing several MOP methods
<2> the `Dynamic` class defines a property
<3> the `Dynamic` class defines a method
<4> calling an existing property will call the method from `Dynamic`
<5> calling an non-existing property will call the method from the trait
<6> will call `setProperty` defined on the trait
<7> will call `getProperty` defined on the trait
<8> calling an existing method on `Dynamic`
<9> but calling a non existing method thanks to the trait `methodMissing`
== Multiple inheritance conflicts
=== Default conflict resolution
It is possible for a class to implement multiple traits. If some trait defines a method with the same signature as a
method in another trait, we have a conflict:
<1> trait `A` defines a method named `exec` returning a `String`
<2> trait `B` defines the very same method
<3> class `C` implements both traits
In this case, the default behavior is that the method from the *last declared trait* in the `implements` clause wins.
Here, `B` is declared after `A` so the method from `B` will be picked up:
=== User conflict resolution
In case this behavior is not the one you want, you can explicitly choose which method to call using the `` syntax.
In the example above, we can ensure the method from trait A is invoked by writing this:
<1> explicit call of `exec` from the trait `A`
<2> calls the version from `A` instead of using the default resolution, which would be the one from `B`
== Runtime implementation of traits
=== Implementing a trait at runtime
Groovy also supports implementing traits dynamically at runtime. It allows you to "decorate" an existing object using a
trait. As an example, let's start with this trait and the following class:
<1> the `Extra` trait defines an `extra` method
<2> the `Something` class does *not* implement the `Extra` trait
<3> `Something` only defines a method `doSomething`
Then if we do:
the call to extra would fail because `Something` is not implementing `Extra`. It is possible to do it at runtime with
the following syntax:
<1> use of the *as* keyword to coerce an object to a trait *at runtime*
<2> then `extra` can be called on the object
<3> and `doSomething` is still callable
IMPORTANT: When coercing an object to a trait, the result of the operation is not the same instance. It is guaranteed
that the coerced object will implement both the trait *and* the interfaces that the original object implements, but
the result will *not* be an instance of the original class.
=== Implementing multiple traits at once
Should you need to implement several traits at once, you can use the `withTraits` method instead of the `as` keyword:
<1> call to `methodFromA` will fail because `C` doesn't implement `A`
<2> call to `methodFromB` will fail because `C` doesn't implement `B`
<3> `withTrait` will wrap `c` into something which implements `A` and `B`
<4> `methodFromA` will now pass because `d` implements `A`
<5> `methodFromB` will now pass because `d` also implements `B`
IMPORTANT: When coercing an object to multiple traits, the result of the operation is not the same instance. It is guaranteed
that the coerced object will implement both the traits *and* the interfaces that the original object implements, but
the result will *not* be an instance of the original class.
== Chaining behavior
Groovy supports the concept of _stackable traits_. The idea is to delegate from one trait to the other if the current trait
is not capable of handling a message. To illustrate this, let's imagine a message handler interface like this:
Then you can compose a message handler by applying small behaviors. For example, let's define a default handler in the
form of a trait:
Then any class can inherit the behavior of the default handler by implementing the trait:
Now what if you want to log all messages, in addition to the default handler? One option is to write this:
<1> explicitly implement the `on` method
<2> perform logging
<3> continue by delegating to the `DefaultHandler` trait
This works but this approach has drawbacks:
. the logging logic is bound to a "concrete" handler
. we have an explicit reference to `DefaultHandler` in the `on` method, meaning that if we happen to change the trait that our class implements, code will be broken
As an alternative, we can write another trait which responsibility is limited to logging:
<1> the logging handler is itself a handler
<2> prints the message it receives
<3> then `super` makes it delegate the call to the next trait in the chain
Then our class can be rewritten as this:
which will print:
As the priority rules imply that `LoggerHandler` wins because it is declared last, then a call to `on` will use
the implementation from `LoggingHandler`. But the latter has a call to `super`, which means the next trait in the
chain. Here, the next trait is `DefaultHandler` so *both* will be called:
The interest of this approach becomes more evident if we add a third handler, which is responsible for handling messages
that start with `say`:
<1> a handler specific precondition
<2> if the precondition is not met, pass the message to the next handler in the chain
Then our final handler looks like this:
Which means:
* messages will first go through the logging handler
* the logging handler calls `super` which will delegate to the next handler, which is the `SayHandler`
* if the message starts with `say`, then the handler consumes the message
* if not, the `say` handler delegates to the next handler in the chain
This approach is very powerful because it allows you to write handlers that do not know each other and yet let you
combine them in the order you want. For example, if we execute the code, it will print:
but if we move the logging handler to be the second one in the chain, the output is different:
The reason is that now, since the `SayHandler` consumes the message without calling `super`, the logging handler is
not called anymore.
=== Semantics of super inside a trait
If a class implements multiple traits and a call to an unqualified `super` is found, then:
. if the class implements another trait, the call delegates to the next trait in the chain
. if there isn't any trait left in the chain, `super` refers to the super class of the implementing class (_this_)
For example, it is possible to decorate final classes thanks to this behavior:
<1> define a trait named `Filtering`, supposed to be applied on a `StringBuilder` at runtime
<2> redefine the `append` method
<3> remove all 'o's from the string
<4> then delegate to `super`
<5> in case `toString` is called, delegate to `super.toString`
<6> runtime implementation of the `Filtering` trait on a `StringBuilder` instance
<7> the string which has been appended no longer contains the letter `o`
In this example, when `super.append` is encountered, there is no other trait implemented by the target object, so the
method which is called is the original `append` method, that is to say the one from `StringBuilder`. The same trick
is used for `toString`, so that the string representation of the proxy object which is generated delegates to the
`toString` of the `StringBuilder` instance.
== Advanced features
=== SAM type coercion
If a trait defines a single abstract method, it is candidate for SAM (Single Abstract Method) type coercion. For example,
imagine the following trait:
<1> the `greet` method is not abstract and calls the abstract method `getName`
<2> `getName` is an abstract method
Since `getName` is the _single abstract method_ in the `Greeter` trait, you can write:
<1> the closure "becomes" the implementation of the `getName` single abstract method
or even:
<1> the greet method accepts the SAM type Greeter as parameter
<2> we can call it directly with a closure
=== Differences with Java 8 default methods
In Java 8, interfaces can have default implementations of methods. If a class implements an interface and does not provide
an implementation for a default method, then the implementation from the interface is chosen. Traits behave the same but
with a major difference: the implementation from the trait is *always* used if the class declares the trait in its interface
list *and* that it doesn't provide an implementation *even* if a super class does.
This feature can be used to compose behaviors in an very precise way, in case you want to override the behavior of an
already implemented method.
To illustrate the concept, let's start with this simple example:
In this example, we create a simple test case which uses two properties (_config_ and _shell_) and uses those in
multiple test methods. Now imagine that you want to test the same, but with another distinct compiler configuration.
One option is to create a subclass of `SomeTest`:
It works, but what if you have actually multiple test classes, and that you want to test the new configuration for all
those test classes? Then you would have to create a distinct subclass for each test class:
Then what you see is that the `setup` method of both tests is the same. The idea, then, is to create a trait:
Then use it in the subclasses:
It would allow us to dramatically reduce the boilerplate code, and reduces the risk of forgetting to change the setup
code in case we decide to change it. Even if `setup` is already implemented in the super class, since the test class declares
the trait in its interface list, the behavior will be borrowed from the trait implementation!
This feature is in particular useful when you don't have access to the super class source code. It can be used to
mock methods or force a particular implementation of a method in a subclass. It lets you refactor your code to keep
the overridden logic in a single trait and inherit a new behavior just by implementing it. The alternative, of course,
is to override the method in *every* place you would have used the new code.
IMPORTANT: It's worth noting that if you use runtime traits, the methods from the trait are *always* preferred to those of the proxied
<1> the `Person` class defines a `name` property which results in a `getName` method
<2> `Bob` is a trait which defines `getName` as returning `Bob`
<3> the default object will return _Alice_
<4> `p2` coerces `p` into `Bob` at runtime
<5> `getName` returns _Bob_ because `getName` is taken from the *trait*
IMPORTANT: Again, don't forget that dynamic trait coercion returns a distinct object which only implements the original
interfaces, as well as the traits.
== Differences with mixins
There are several conceptual differences with mixins, as they are available in Groovy. Note that we are talking about
runtime mixins, not the @Mixin annotation which is deprecated in favour of traits.
First of all, methods defined in a trait are visible in bytecode:
* internally, the trait is represented as an interface (without default or static methods) and several helper classes
* this means that an object implementing a trait effectively implements an _interface_
* those methods are visible from Java
* they are compatible with type checking and static compilation
Methods added through a mixin are, on the contrary, only visible at runtime:
<1> class `A` defines `methodFromA`
<2> class `B` defines `methodFromB`
<3> mixin B into A
<4> we can call `methodFromA`
<5> we can also call `methodFromB`
<6> the object is an instance of `A`
<7> but it's *not* an instanceof `B`
The last point is actually a very important and illustrates a place where mixins have an advantage over traits: the instances
are *not* modified, so if you mixin some class into another, there isn't a third class generated, and methods which respond to
A will continue responding to A even if mixed in.
== Static methods, properties and fields
WARNING: The following instructions are subject to caution. Static member support is work in progress and still experimental. The
information below is valid for {groovyVersion} only.
It is possible to define static methods in a trait, but it comes with numerous limitations:
* Traits with static methods cannot be compiled statically or type checked. All static methods,
properties and field are accessed dynamically (it's a limitation from the JVM).
* Static methods do not appear within the generated interfaces for each trait.
* The trait is interpreted as a _template_ for the implementing class, which means that each
implementing class will get its own static methods, properties and fields. So a static member
declared on a trait doesn't belong to the `Trait`, but to it's implementing class.
* You should typically not mix static and instance methods of the same signature. The normal
rules for applying traits apply (including multiple inheritance conflict resolution). If the
method chosen is static but some implemented trait has an instance variant, a compilation error
will occur. If the method chosen is the instance variant, the static variant will be ignored
(the behavior is similar to static methods in Java interfaces for this case).
Let's start with a simple example:
<1> the static field is declared in the trait
<2> a static method is also declared in the trait
<3> the static field is updated _within_ the trait
<4> a static method _init_ is made available to the implementing class
<5> the static field is _remapped_ to avoid the diamond issue
As usual, it is not recommended to use public fields. Anyway, should you want this, you must understand that the following code would fail:
because there is _no_ static field _CALLED_ defined on the trait itself. Likewise, if you have two distinct implementing classes, each one gets a distinct static field:
<1> class `Bar` implements the trait
<2> class `Baz` also implements the trait
<3> `init` is only called on `Bar`
<4> the static field `CALLED` on `Bar` is updated
<5> but the static field `CALLED` on `Baz` is not, because it is *distinct*
== Inheritance of state gotchas
We have seen that traits are stateful. It is possible for a trait to define fields or properties, but when a class implements a trait, it gets those fields/properties on
a per-trait basis. So consider the following example:
The trait defines two properties, `x` and `y`, as well as a `sum` method. Now let's create a class which implements the trait:
The result of calling `f` is `3`, because `f` delegates to `sum` in the trait, which has state. But what if we write this instead?
<1> Override property `x`
<2> Override property `y`
<3> Call `sum` from trait
If you call `elem.f()`, what is the expected output? Actually it is:
The reason is that the `sum` method accesses the _fields_ of the trait. So it is using the `x` and `y` values defined
in the trait. If you want to use the values from the implementing class, then you need to dereference fields by using
getters and setters, like in this last example:
== Self types
=== Type constraints on traits
Sometimes you will want to write a trait that can only be applied to some type. For example, you may want to apply a
trait on a class that extends another class which is beyond your control, and still be able to call those methods.
To illustrate this, let's start with this example:
<1> A `Service` class, beyond your control (in a library, ...) defines a `sendMessage` method
<2> A `Device` class, beyond your control (in a library, ...)
<3> Defines a communicating trait for devices that can call the service
<4> Defines `MyDevice` as a communicating device
<5> The method from the trait is called, and `id` is resolved
It is clear, here, that the `Communicating` trait can only apply to `Device`. However, there's no explicit
contract to indicate that, because traits cannot extend classes. However, the code compiles and runs perfectly
fine, because `id` in the trait method will be resolved dynamically. The problem is that there is nothing that
prevents the trait from being applied to any class which is *not* a `Device`. Any class which has an `id` would
work, while any class that does not have an `id` property would cause a runtime error.
The problem is even more complex if you want to enable type checking or apply `@CompileStatic` on the trait: because
the trait knows nothing about itself being a `Device`, the type checker will complain saying that it does not find
the `id` property.
One possibility is to explicitly add a `getId` method in the trait, but it would not solve all issues. What if a method
requires `this` as a parameter, and actually requires it to be a `Device`?
If you want to be able to call `this` in the trait, then you will explicitly need to cast `this` into a `Device`. This can
quickly become unreadable with explicit casts to `this` everywhere.
=== The @SelfType annotation
In order to make this contract explicit, and to make the type checker aware of the _type of itself_, Groovy provides
a `@SelfType` annotation that will:
* let you declare the types that a class that implements this trait must inherit or implement
* throw a compile time error if those type constraints are not satisfied
So in our previous example, we can fix the trait using the `@groovy.transform.SelfType` annotation:
Now if you try to implement this trait on a class that is *not* a device, a compile-time error will occur:
The error will be:
class 'MyDevice' implements trait 'Communicating' but does not extend self type class 'Device'
In conclusion, self types are a powerful way of declaring constraints on traits without having to declare the contract
directly in the trait or having to use casts everywhere, maintaining separation of concerns as tight as it should be.
== Limitations
=== Compatibility with AST transformations
CAUTION: Traits are not officially compatible with AST transformations. Some of them, like `@CompileStatic` will be applied
on the trait itself (not on implementing classes), while others will apply on both the implementing class and the trait.
There is absolutely no guarantee that an AST transformation will run on a trait as it does on a regular class, so use it
at your own risk!
=== Prefix and postfix operations
Within traits, prefix and postfix operations are not allowed if they update a field of the trait:
<1> `x` is defined within the trait, postfix increment is not allowed
<2> `x` is defined within the trait, prefix decrement is not allowed
A workaround is to use the `+=` operator instead.