blob: af6105acf8b5d5da965a3aae11060188fe3642bd [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
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package groovy.cli.internal
import groovy.cli.TypedOption
import org.codehaus.groovy.runtime.InvokerHelper
import org.codehaus.groovy.runtime.StringGroovyMethods
import picocli.CommandLine.Model.OptionSpec
import picocli.CommandLine.ParseResult
class OptionAccessor {
ParseResult parseResult
Map<String, TypedOption> savedTypeOptions
OptionAccessor(ParseResult parseResult) {
this.parseResult = parseResult
boolean hasOption(TypedOption typedOption) {
parseResult.hasMatchedOption(typedOption.longOpt ?: typedOption.opt as String)
public <T> T defaultValue(String name) {
Class<T> type = savedTypeOptions[name]?.type
String value = savedTypeOptions[name]?.defaultValue() ? savedTypeOptions[name].defaultValue() : null
return (T) value ? getTypedValue(type, name, value) : null
public <T> T getOptionValue(TypedOption<T> typedOption) {
getOptionValue(typedOption, null)
public <T> T getOptionValue(TypedOption<T> typedOption, T defaultValue) {
String optionName = (String) typedOption.longOpt ?: typedOption.opt
if (parseResult.hasMatchedOption(optionName)) {
return parseResult.matchedOptionValue(optionName, defaultValue)
} else {
OptionSpec option = parseResult.commandSpec().findOption(optionName)
return option ? option.value : defaultValue
public <T> T getAt(TypedOption<T> typedOption) {
getAt(typedOption, null)
public <T> T getAt(TypedOption<T> typedOption, T defaultValue) {
getOptionValue(typedOption, defaultValue)
private <T> T getTypedValue(Class<T> type, String optionName, String optionValue) {
if (savedTypeOptions[optionName]?.cliOption?.arity?.min == 0) { // TODO is this not a bug?
return (T) parseResult.hasMatchedOption(optionName) // TODO should defaultValue not simply convert the type regardless of the matched value?
def convert = savedTypeOptions[optionName]?.convert
return getValue(type, optionValue, convert)
private <T> T getValue(Class<T> type, String optionValue, Closure convert) {
if (!type) {
return (T) optionValue
if (Closure.isAssignableFrom(type) && convert) {
return (T) convert(optionValue)
if (type == Boolean || type == Boolean.TYPE) {
return type.cast(Boolean.parseBoolean(optionValue))
StringGroovyMethods.asType(optionValue, (Class<T>) type)
Properties getOptionProperties(String name) {
if (!parseResult.hasMatchedOption(name)) {
return null
List<String> keyValues = parseResult.matchedOption(name).stringValues()
Properties result = new Properties()
keyValues.toSpreadMap().each { k, v -> result.setProperty(k, v) }
def invokeMethod(String name, Object args) {
// TODO we could just declare normal methods to map commons-cli CommandLine methods to picocli ParseResult methods
if (name == 'hasOption') { name = 'hasMatchedOption'; args = [args[0] ].toArray() }
if (name == 'getOptionValue') { name = 'matchedOptionValue'; args = [args[0], null].toArray() }
return InvokerHelper.getMetaClass(parseResult).invokeMethod(parseResult, name, args)
def getProperty(String name) {
if (name == 'parseResult') { return parseResult }
if (parseResult.hasMatchedOption(name)) {
def result = parseResult.matchedOptionValue(name, null)
// if user specified an array type, return the full array (regardless of 's' suffix on name)
Class userSpecifiedType = savedTypeOptions[name]?.type
if (userSpecifiedType?.isArray()) { return result }
// otherwise, if the result is multi-value, return the first value
Class derivedType = parseResult.matchedOption(name).type()
if (derivedType.isArray()) {
return result ? result[0] : null
} else if (Collection.class.isAssignableFrom(derivedType)) {
return (result as Collection)?.first()
if (!userSpecifiedType && result == '' && parseResult.matchedOption(name).arity().min == 0) {
return true
return parseResult.matchedOption(name).typedValues().get(0)
if (parseResult.commandSpec().findOption(name)) { // requested option was not matched: return its default
def option = parseResult.commandSpec().findOption(name)
def result = option.value
return result ? result : false
if (name.size() > 1 && name.endsWith('s')) { // user wants multi-value result
def singularName = name[0..-2]
if (parseResult.hasMatchedOption(singularName)) {
// if picocli has a strongly typed multi-value result, return it
Class type = parseResult.matchedOption(singularName).type()
if (type.isArray() || Collection.class.isAssignableFrom(type) || Map.class.isAssignableFrom(type)) {
return parseResult.matchedOptionValue(singularName, null)
// otherwise, return the raw string values as a list
return parseResult.matchedOption(singularName).stringValues()
List<String> arguments() {
parseResult.hasMatchedPositional(0) ? parseResult.matchedPositional(0).stringValues() : []