blob: 3ab00107b9fb5b75287d14fe46d952ed32279234 [file] [log] [blame]
allprojects {
test {
if (JavaVersion.current().isJava8Compatible()) {
jvmArgs '-ea', "-Xms${groovyJUnit_ms}", "-Xmx${groovyJUnit_mx}"
} else {
jvmArgs '-ea', "-Xms${groovyJUnit_ms}", "-Xmx${groovyJUnit_mx}", "-XX:PermSize=${groovyJUnit_permSize}", "-XX:MaxPermSize=${groovyJUnit_maxPermSize}"
def headless =['java.awt.headless']
if (headless == 'true') {
systemProperties 'java.awt.headless': 'true'
forkEvery = 50
maxParallelForks = isRunningOnCI() ? 1 : Runtime.runtime.availableProcessors()
scanForTestClasses = true
ignoreFailures = false
testLogging {
exceptionFormat = 'full'
// uncomment the following line if you need more logging
// events "failed", "started"
sourceSets {
test {
groovy {
srcDirs += 'src/spec/test'
resources {
srcDirs += 'src/spec/test-resources'
test {
def testdb =['groovy.testdb.props']
if (testdb) {
systemProperties 'groovy.testdb.props': testdb
systemProperties 'apple.awt.UIElement': 'true', 'javadocAssertion.src.dir': './src/main'
systemProperties 'gradle.home': gradle.gradleHomeDir // this is needed by the security.policy
classpath = files('src/test') + classpath
exclude buildExcludeFilter()
ext.resultText = ''
doLast {
ant.delete {
fileset(dir: '.', includes: '*.class')
boolean isRunningOnCI() {
def path = new File('.').absolutePath
path.contains('') || path.contains('teamcity')
logger.lifecycle "Detected ${isRunningOnCI() ? 'Continuous Integration environment' : 'development environment'}"
tasks.addRule('Pattern: testSingle<Name> will test **/<Name>.class') { String taskName ->
if (taskName.startsWith('testSingle')) {
test.includes = ['**/' + taskName.substring(10) + '.class']
test.outputs.upToDateWhen { false }
def buildExcludeFilter() {
def excludes = ['GroovyTestCase', 'TestSupport', 'DummyTestDerivation', 'LineColumnChecker']
// temporary disabling Groovy4393Bug because it requires a specific configuration
excludes << 'Groovy4393Bug'
// deal with OS specific tests
def windowsTests = ['ExecuteTest_Windows']
def unixTests = ['ExecuteTest_LinuxSolaris']
Set osSpecificTests = [*windowsTests, *unixTests]
if (Os.isFamily(Os.FAMILY_WINDOWS)) {
osSpecificTests.removeAll windowsTests
} else if (Os.isFamily(Os.FAMILY_UNIX)) {
osSpecificTests.removeAll unixTests
excludes += osSpecificTests
// temporarily disable security tests, see GRADLE-2170
excludes << 'security'
// if not compiled with indy support, disable indy tests
if (!rootProject.useIndy()) {
excludes += ['indy', 'Indy']
// if no network available, disable Grapes
if (!['']) {
excludes << 'groovy/grape/'
return { f ->
excludes.any { f.file =~ it }