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package groovy.util
import groovy.test.GroovyTestCase
class ProxyTest extends GroovyTestCase {
void testStringDecoration(){
def original = 'decorated String'
def proxy = new StringDecorator().wrap(original)
// method, that is only known on proxy
assertSame original, proxy.adaptee
// method, that is only known on adaptee is relayed through the proxy
assertEquals original.size(), proxy.size()
// method, that is availabe in both objects should come from proxy
assertEquals 0, proxy.length()
// method, that is availabe in both objects
// but should come from adaptee needs explicit relay
assertEquals original, proxy.toString()
// method from decorator, that is not in adaptee
assertEquals 'new Method reached', proxy.someNewMethod()
* Some test cases to probe perceived problems with each and collect on Proxy objects.
* cf. GROOVY-1461. Jonathan Carlson <> made a proposal for a test
* as a single method, Russel Winder <> split things up when entering
* them so that there is only a single assert per method to try and maximize the benefit of
* the tests.
void testProxyCollect ( ) {
def collection = [ 1 , 2 , 3 ]
def proxy = ( new Proxy ( ) ).wrap ( collection )
assertEquals ( [ 2 , 3 , 4 ] , proxy.collect { it + 1 } )
void testProxyAny ( ) {
def collection = [ 1 , 2 , 3 ]
def proxy = ( new Proxy ( ) ).wrap ( collection )
assertEquals ( true , proxy.any { it == 2 } )
void testProxyFind ( ) {
def collection = [ 1 , 2 , 3 ]
def proxy = ( new Proxy ( ) ).wrap ( collection )
assertEquals ( 2 , proxy.find { it == 2 } )
void testProxyEach ( ) {
def collection = [ 1 , 2 , 3 ]
def proxy = ( new Proxy ( ) ).wrap ( collection )
def testString = ''
proxy.each { testString += it }
assertEquals ( '123' , testString )
void testMultipleWrapping() {
assertScript """
import groovy.util.Proxy
class Proxy1 extends Proxy {
def foo() { "Foo" }
class Proxy2 extends Proxy {
def bar() { "Bar" }
class Obj {
def baz() { "Baz" }
def proxy1 = new Proxy1()
def proxy2 = new Proxy2()
proxy1.adaptee = proxy2
proxy2.adaptee = new Obj()
assert == "Foo"
assert == "Bar"
class StringDecorator extends Proxy{
int length() { 0 }
String toString() { adaptee.toString()}
String someNewMethod(){ 'new Method reached' }