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package groovy.util
import groovy.test.GroovyTestCase
class ProxyGeneratorTest extends GroovyTestCase {
ProxyGenerator generator = ProxyGenerator.INSTANCE
void testAggregateFromBaseClass() {
Map map = [myMethodB: {"the new B"}, myMethodX: {"the injected X"}]
def testClass = generator.instantiateAggregateFromBaseClass(map, TestClass)
assert testClass instanceof TestClass
assert testClass.myMethodA() == "the original A"
assert testClass.myMethodB() == "the new B"
assert testClass.myMethodX() == "the injected X"
void testAggregateFromAbstractBaseClass() {
Map map = [myMethodG: {"the concrete G"}, myMethodX: {"the injected X"}]
def testClass = generator.instantiateAggregateFromBaseClass(map, AbstractClass)
assert testClass instanceof AbstractClass
assert testClass.myMethodA() == "the original A"
assert testClass.myMethodG() == "the concrete G"
assert testClass.myMethodX() == "the injected X"
void testAggregateFromInterface() {
Map map = [myMethodC: {"the injected C"}]
def testClass = generator.instantiateAggregateFromInterface(map, TestInterface)
assert testClass instanceof TestInterface
assert testClass instanceof GroovyObject
assert testClass.myMethodC() == "the injected C"
void testAggregate() {
Map map = [myMethodE: {"the injected E"}, myMethodB: {"the new B"}, myMethodX: {"the injected X"}]
def testClass = generator.instantiateAggregate(map, [TestInterface, TestOtherInterface], TestClass)
assert testClass instanceof TestInterface
assert testClass instanceof TestOtherInterface
assert testClass instanceof TestClass
assert testClass.myMethodA() == "the original A"
assert testClass.myMethodB() == "the new B"
assert testClass.myMethodX() == "the injected X"
assert testClass.myMethodE() == "the injected E"
void testDelegate() {
def delegate = new TestClass()
Map map = [myMethodE: {"the injected E"}, myMethodB: {"the new B"}, myMethodX: {"the injected X"}]
def testClass = generator.instantiateDelegate(map, [TestInterface, TestOtherInterface], delegate)
assert testClass instanceof TestInterface
assert testClass instanceof TestOtherInterface
assert testClass.myMethodA() == "the original A"
assert testClass.myMethodB() == "the new B"
assert testClass.myMethodX() == "the injected X"
assert testClass.myMethodE() == "the injected E"
void testDelegateWithBaseClass() {
def delegate = new TestClass()
Map map = [myMethodE: {"the injected E"}, myMethodB: {"the new B"}, myMethodX: {"the injected X"}]
TestClass testClass = generator.instantiateDelegateWithBaseClass(map, [TestInterface, TestOtherInterface], delegate)
assert testClass instanceof TestInterface
assert testClass instanceof TestOtherInterface
assert testClass.myMethodA() == "the original A"
assert testClass.myMethodB() == "the new B"
assert testClass.myMethodX() == "the injected X"
assert testClass.myMethodE() == "the injected E"
void testDelegateForGROOVY_2705() {
def delegate = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
def testClass = generator.instantiateDelegate([List], delegate)
assert testClass instanceof List
assert 5 == testClass.size()
assert [1, 2, 3, 4, 5] == testClass.iterator().collect { it }
assert 3 == testClass[2]
testClass[3] = 99
assert 99 == testClass[3]
assert [1, 99, 5] == testClass
void testUnknownMethodThrowsUnsupportedOperationException() {
def map = [ myMethodA: { 'some string' } ]
def proxy = ProxyGenerator.instantiateAggregateFromInterface(map, TestInterface)
assert proxy instanceof TestInterface
assertEquals 'some string', proxy.myMethodA()
shouldFail(UnsupportedOperationException) {
void testUnknownMethodWithBlankBody() {
def map = [ myMethodA: { 'some string' } ]
def gen = new ProxyGenerator()
gen.emptyMethods = true
def proxy = gen.instantiateAggregate(map, [TestInterface])
assert proxy instanceof TestInterface
assertEquals 'some string', proxy.myMethodA()
void testProxyWithToString() {
def map = [ toString: {'hello'} ]
def gen = new ProxyGenerator()
def proxy = gen.instantiateAggregateFromBaseClass(map, Object)
assert proxy.toString() == 'hello'
void testProxyWithClosureChangedAfterCreation() {
def map = [ toString: { 'hello'} ]
def gen = new ProxyGenerator()
def proxy = gen.instantiateAggregateFromBaseClass(map, Object)
assert proxy.toString() == 'hello'
map.toString = { 'world' }
assert proxy.toString() == 'world'
void testProxyMethodUsingLongAsParameter() {
def map = [ foo: { a,b -> a*b }]
def gen = new ProxyGenerator()
def proxy = gen.instantiateAggregateFromBaseClass(map, TestInterfaceWithLong)
assert,3) == 9
void testProxyMethodUsingDoubleAsParameter() {
def map = [ foo: { a,b -> a*b }]
def gen = new ProxyGenerator()
def proxy = gen.instantiateAggregateFromBaseClass(map, TestInterfaceWithDouble)
assert,3d) == 9d
void testProxyMethodUsingVariousTypesAsParameters() {
def map = [ foo: { a,b,c,d -> a*b+c-d }]
def gen = new ProxyGenerator()
def proxy = gen.instantiateAggregateFromBaseClass(map, TestInterfaceWithVariousTypes)
assert, 3d, 4, 1f) == 12d
class TestClass {
def myMethodA() { return "the original A" }
def myMethodB() { return "the original B" }
interface TestInterface {
def myMethodA()
def myMethodC()
def myMethodD()
interface TestOtherInterface {
def myMethodB()
def myMethodE()
def myMethodF()
interface TestInterfaceWithLong {
long foo(long a, long b)
interface TestInterfaceWithDouble {
double foo(double a, double b)
interface TestInterfaceWithVariousTypes {
double foo(int a, double b, long c, float d)
abstract class AbstractClass {
def myMethodA() { return "the original A" }
abstract myMethodG()