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package groovy.util
import groovy.test.GroovyTestCase
import org.codehaus.groovy.runtime.ProxyGeneratorAdapter
class ProxyGeneratorAdapterTest extends GroovyTestCase {
void testShouldCreateProxy() {
def map = ['toString': { 'HELLO' }]
ProxyGeneratorAdapter adapter = new ProxyGeneratorAdapter(map, Object, null, this.class.classLoader, false, null)
def obj = adapter.proxy(map)
assert obj instanceof GroovyObject
assert obj.toString() == 'HELLO'
void testShouldCreateProxyWithArrayDelegate() {
def adapter = new ProxyGeneratorAdapter([:], Map$Entry, [Map$Entry] as Class[], null, false, String[])
assert adapter.proxyName() =~ /String_array\d+_groovyProxy/
void testImplementSingleAbstractMethod() {
def map = ['m': { 'HELLO' }]
ProxyGeneratorAdapter adapter = new ProxyGeneratorAdapter(map, Foo, null, this.class.classLoader, false, null)
def obj = adapter.proxy(map)
assert obj instanceof GroovyObject
assert obj instanceof Foo
assert obj.m() == 'HELLO'
void testImplementSingleAbstractMethodReturningVoid() {
def map = ['bar': { println 'HELLO' }]
ProxyGeneratorAdapter adapter = new ProxyGeneratorAdapter(map, Bar, null, this.class.classLoader, false, null)
def obj = adapter.proxy(map)
assert obj instanceof GroovyObject
assert obj instanceof Bar
void testImplementSingleAbstractMethodReturningVoidAndSharedVariable() {
def x = null
def map = ['bar': { x = 'HELLO' }]
ProxyGeneratorAdapter adapter = new ProxyGeneratorAdapter(map, Bar, null, this.class.classLoader, false, null)
def obj = adapter.proxy(map)
assert obj instanceof GroovyObject
assert obj instanceof Bar
assert x == null
assert x == 'HELLO'
void testImplementMethodFromInterface() {
def map = ['foo': { 'HELLO' }]
ProxyGeneratorAdapter adapter = new ProxyGeneratorAdapter(map, Object, [FooInterface] as Class[], this.class.classLoader, false, null)
def obj = adapter.proxy(map)
assert obj instanceof GroovyObject
assert obj instanceof FooInterface
assert == 'HELLO'
void testImplementMethodFromInterfaceUsingInterfaceAsSuperClass() {
def map = ['foo': { 'HELLO' }]
ProxyGeneratorAdapter adapter = new ProxyGeneratorAdapter(map, FooInterface, null, this.class.classLoader, false, null)
def obj = adapter.proxy(map)
assert obj instanceof GroovyObject
assert obj instanceof FooInterface
assert == 'HELLO'
void testImplementMethodFromInterfaceAndSuperClass() {
def x = null
def map = ['foo': { 'HELLO' }, 'bar': { x='WORLD'} ]
ProxyGeneratorAdapter adapter = new ProxyGeneratorAdapter(map, Bar, [FooInterface] as Class[], this.class.classLoader, false, null)
def obj = adapter.proxy(map)
assert obj instanceof GroovyObject
assert obj instanceof Bar
assert obj instanceof FooInterface
assert x == null
assert == 'HELLO'
assert x == 'WORLD'
void testImplementMethodFromInterfaceWithPrimitiveTypes() {
def map = ['calc': { x -> x*2 } ]
ProxyGeneratorAdapter adapter = new ProxyGeneratorAdapter(map, Bar, [OtherInterface] as Class[], this.class.classLoader, false, null)
def obj = adapter.proxy(map)
assert obj instanceof GroovyObject
assert obj instanceof OtherInterface
assert obj.calc(3) == 6
void testWildcardProxy() {
def map = ['*': { '1' } ]
ProxyGeneratorAdapter adapter = new ProxyGeneratorAdapter(map, Foo, null, this.class.classLoader, false, null)
def obj = adapter.proxy(map)
assert obj instanceof GroovyObject
assert obj instanceof Foo
assert obj.m() == '1'
void testDelegatingProxy() {
assertScript '''
public abstract class A { abstract protected String doIt() }
class B extends A {
String doIt() { 'foo' }
def map = [ x : { int a, int b -> } ]
def adapter = new org.codehaus.groovy.runtime.ProxyGeneratorAdapter(map, B, null, B.classLoader, false, B)
def pxy = adapter.delegatingProxy(new B(), map)
assert pxy.doIt() == 'foo'
// GROOVY-5925
void testProxyForLongConstructor() {
def map = [nextInt: { x -> return 0 }]
def gen = new ProxyGenerator()
// Random(long) is special as the long param has a register length == 2
def proxy = gen.instantiateAggregateFromBaseClass(map, Random)
assert proxy.nextInt() == 0
void testProxyForDoubleConstructor() {
assertScript '''
public class A {
A() {}
A(double d) {}
def test() {}
def map = [ test : { 42 } ]
def gen = new ProxyGenerator()
// A(double) is special as the double param has a register length == 2
def proxy = gen.instantiateAggregateFromBaseClass(map, A)
assert proxy.test() == 42
// GROOVY-7146
void testShouldNotThrowVerifyErrorBecauseOfStackSize() {
assertScript '''
interface DoStuff {
class Foo {
void foo(double a, int b) {} // first a parameter that requires 2 slots, then one that requires only 1
def gp=new Foo() as DoStuff
static class ClassA {}
static trait Trait1 { def method1() { 'Trait1 method' } }
// GROOVY-7443
void testTraitFromDifferentClassloader() {
def aWith1 = new ClassA().withTraits(Trait1)
assert aWith1.method1() == 'Trait1 method'
GroovyClassLoader gcl = new GroovyClassLoader(Thread.currentThread().contextClassLoader)
Class classB = gcl.parseClass('class ClassB {}')
Class trait2 = gcl.parseClass('trait Trait2 { def method2() { "Trait2 method" } }')
def bWith1 = classB.newInstance().withTraits(Trait1)
assert bWith1.method1() == 'Trait1 method'
def bWith2 = classB.newInstance().withTraits(trait2)
assert bWith2.method2() == 'Trait2 method'
def aWith2 = new ClassA().withTraits(trait2)
assert aWith2.method2() == 'Trait2 method'
void testGetTypeArgsRegisterLength() {
def types = { list -> list as org.objectweb.asm.Type[] }
def proxyGeneratorAdapter = new ProxyGeneratorAdapter([:], Object, [] as Class[], null, false, Object)
assert 2 == proxyGeneratorAdapter.getTypeArgsRegisterLength(types([org.objectweb.asm.Type.LONG_TYPE]))
assert 2 == proxyGeneratorAdapter.getTypeArgsRegisterLength(types([org.objectweb.asm.Type.DOUBLE_TYPE]))
assert 1 == proxyGeneratorAdapter.getTypeArgsRegisterLength(types([org.objectweb.asm.Type.BYTE_TYPE]))
assert 1 == proxyGeneratorAdapter.getTypeArgsRegisterLength(types([org.objectweb.asm.Type.CHAR_TYPE]))
assert 1 == proxyGeneratorAdapter.getTypeArgsRegisterLength(types([org.objectweb.asm.Type.INT_TYPE]))
assert 1 == proxyGeneratorAdapter.getTypeArgsRegisterLength(types([org.objectweb.asm.Type.FLOAT_TYPE]))
assert 1 == proxyGeneratorAdapter.getTypeArgsRegisterLength(types([org.objectweb.asm.Type.BOOLEAN_TYPE]))
assert 5 == proxyGeneratorAdapter.getTypeArgsRegisterLength(types([
org.objectweb.asm.Type.INT_TYPE ] as org.objectweb.asm.Type[]))
abstract static class Foo {
abstract String m()
abstract static class Bar {
abstract void bar()
static interface FooInterface {
String foo()
static interface OtherInterface {
int calc(int x)