blob: fcbf3dd01f1730eb3f3ae88edc2dc5be7ef2ae80 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
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package groovy
import groovy.test.GroovyTestCase
import java.awt.Dimension
import java.nio.CharBuffer
import java.util.concurrent.LinkedBlockingQueue
import org.codehaus.groovy.util.StringUtil
* Tests various GDK methods
class GroovyMethodsTest extends GroovyTestCase {
void testAbs() {
def absoluteNumberOne = 1
def negativeDouble = -1d
def negativeFloat = -1f
def negativeLong = -1l
assert absoluteNumberOne == negativeDouble.abs()
assert absoluteNumberOne == negativeFloat.abs()
assert absoluteNumberOne == negativeLong.abs()
void testCollect() {
assert [2, 4, 6].collect {it * 2} == [4, 8, 12]
def answer = [2, 4, 6].collect(new Vector()) {it * 2}
assert answer[0] == 4
assert answer[1] == 8
assert answer[2] == 12
assert [1: 'a', 2: 'b', 3: 'c'].collect {k, v -> k + v} == ['1a', '2b', '3c']
assert [1: 'a', 2: 'b', 3: 'c'].collect {it.getKey() + "*" + it.getValue()} == ['1*a', '2*b', '3*c']
void testGStringIsCase() {
def one = 'one'
def two = 'two'
assert 'onetwo'.isCase('onetwo')
assert 'onetwo'.isCase("one$two")
assert 'onetwo'.isCase("$one$two")
assert "one$two".isCase('onetwo')
assert "$one$two".isCase('onetwo')
assert "one${two}".isCase("${one}two")
void testSpreadDot() {
def animals = ['cat', 'dog']
assert animals*.size() == [3, 3]
animals = [1:'cat', 2:'dog']
assert animals.values()*.size() == [3, 3]
animals = ['cat', 'dog'] as Vector
assert animals.elements()*.size() == [3, 3]
void testCollectNested() {
def animalLists= [["ant", "mouse", "elephant"], ["deer", "monkey"]]
assert animalLists*.size() == [3, 2]
assert animalLists.collect{ it.size() } == [3, 2]
assert animalLists.collectNested{ it.size() } == [[3, 5, 8], [4, 6]]
void testAsCoercion() {
if (HeadlessTestSupport.headless) return
def d0 = new Dimension(100, 200)
assert d0 == new Dimension(width: 100, height: 200)
assert d0 == [100, 200] as Dimension
assert d0 == [width: 100, height: 200] as Dimension
void testAsCoercionPropogatesCauseMessage() {
try {
['one hundred', 200] as Dimension
} catch (Exception e) {
assert e.message.contains("Could not find matching constructor for:")
assert e.message.contains("String,")
void testAsCoercionInterface() {
def letters = ['a', 'b', 'c']
def ol = new ObserverLike()
def o = new Observable()
o.addObserver(ol as Observer) // addObserver takes Observer as param
letters.each{ o.changed = true; o.notifyObservers(it) }
assert ol.observed == letters
private class ObserverLike {
def observed = []
void update(Observable o, arg) {observed << arg }
void testCombinations() {
def lists = [['a', 'b'], [1, 2, 3]]
def sets = [['a', 'b'] as Set, [1, 2, 3] as Set]
def expected = [['a', 1], ['a', 2], ['a', 3],
['b', 1], ['b', 2], ['b', 3]] as Set
assert lists.combinations() as Set == expected
assert sets.combinations() as Set == expected
lists = [['a', 'b'], 3]
assert lists.combinations() as Set == [['a', 3], ['b', 3]] as Set
void testCombinationsWithAction() {
def lists = [[2, 3],[4, 5, 6]]
def expected = [8, 12, 10, 15, 12, 18]
assert lists.combinations {x,y -> x*y } as Set == expected as Set
void testEachCombination() {
def lists = [[2, 3],[4, 5, 6]]
Set expected = [8, 12, 10, 15, 12, 18]
Set collector = []
lists.eachCombination {x,y -> collector << x*y }
assert collector == expected
void testTranspose() {
def list1 = [['a', 'b'], [1, 2, 3]]
def list2 = [['a', 'b', 'c'], [1, 2]]
def expected = [['a', 1], ['b', 2]]
assert list1.transpose() == expected
assert list2.transpose() == expected
void testSum() {
assert [].sum() == null
assert [null].sum() == null
assert [1].sum() == 1
assert [1, 2, 3].sum() == 6
def nums = [1, 2, 3, 4] as Integer[]
assert nums.sum() == 10
assert nums.sum(5) == 15
assert [1, 2, 3].sum("") == "123"
assert [[1, 2], [3, 4], [5, 6]].sum() == [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]
assert [[1, 2], [3, 4], [5, 6]].sum("") == "[1, 2][3, 4][5, 6]"
assert [].sum {it.length()} == null
assert [null].sum {it.toString()} == 'null'
assert ["abc"].sum {it.length()} == 3
assert ["a", "bc", "def"].sum {it.length()} == 6
assert ["a", "bc", "def"].sum("") {it.length()} == "123"
assert [[1, 2], [3, 4], [5, 6]].sum {it.size()} == 6
assert [[1, 2], [3, 4], [5, 6]].sum {list -> list.collect {it * 2}} == [2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12]
def result = []
[[1, 2], [3, 4], [5, 6]].each {list -> result << list.collect {it * 2}}
assert result.sum() == [2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12]
assert [[1, 2], [3, 4], [5, 6]].sum {list -> list.collect {it * 2}} == [2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12]
void testSumForIteratorWithList() {
def result = [1, 2, 3].iterator().sum([])
assert result == [1, 2, 3]
void testEachLineString() {
def twolines = 'one\ntwo'
def result = ''
twolines.eachLine{ line, count -> result += "$count: $line\n" }
assert result == '0: one\n1: two\n'
void testEachLineStringWithStartingLine() {
def twolines = 'one\ntwo'
def result = ''
twolines.eachLine(1){ line, count -> result += "$count: $line\n" }
assert result == '1: one\n2: two\n'
void testSumForIteratorWithInt() {
def result = [1, 2, 3].iterator().sum(0)
assert result == 6
void testReverseForIterator() {
def listIterator = [1, 2, 3].iterator()
def result = []
def revIterator = listIterator.reverse()
assert revIterator instanceof Iterator
result << it
assert result == [3, 2, 1]
void testReverseForObjectArrays() {
Object[] numbers = [1, 2, 3]
def result = numbers.reverse()
assert result == [3, 2, 1]
void testJoin() {
assert [2, 4, 6].join("-") == "2-4-6"
assert ["edam", "cheddar", "brie"].join(", ") == 'edam, cheddar, brie'
assert ["abc", 5, 2.34].join(", ") == "abc, 5, 2.34"
void testTimes() {
def count = 0
5.times {i -> count = count + i}
assert count == 10
count = 0
def temp = 5
temp.times {i -> count = count + i}
assert count == 10
void testArraySubscript() {
def list = [1, 2, 3, 4]
def array = list.toArray()
def value = array[2]
assert value == 3
array[0] = 9
assert array[0] == 9
assert array[0..<0] == []
void testToCharacterMethod() {
def s = 'c'
def x = s.toCharacter()
assert x instanceof Character
void testGetCharsMethod() {
def s = 'abc'
def x = s.chars
assert x instanceof char[]
assert x.size() == 3
void testCharacterToMethods() {
char c1 = 'a'
char c2 = 'Z'
assert c1.toUpperCase() == 'A'
assert c2.toLowerCase() == 'z'
void testCharacterIsMethods() {
def f = false
def t = true
checkProperties('a', f, t, f, f, t, t)
checkProperties('Z', t, f, f, f, t, t)
checkProperties('5', f, f, f, t, f, t)
checkProperties(' ', f, f, t, f, f, f)
checkProperties('&', f, f, f, f, f, f)
private def checkProperties(String s, boolean isUpperCase, boolean isLowerCase, boolean isWhitespace,
boolean isDigit, boolean isLetter, boolean isLetterOrDigit) {
char c = s as char
assert c.isUpperCase() == isUpperCase
assert c.isLowerCase() == isLowerCase
assert c.isWhitespace() == isWhitespace
assert c.isLetter() == isLetter
assert c.isDigit() == isDigit
assert c.isLetterOrDigit() == isLetterOrDigit
void testPutAtRange() {
def list
list = ['a', 'b', 'c']; list[4] = 'x'; assert list == ["a", "b", "c", null, "x"]
list = ['a', 'b', 'c']; list[1..2] = ['x', 'y']; assert list == ["a", "x", "y"]
list = ['a', 'b', 'c']; list[1..2] = 'x'; assert list == ["a", "x"]
list = ['a', 'b', 'c']; list[4..5] = ['x', 'y']; assert list == ["a", "b", "c", null, "x", "y"]
list = ['a', 'b', 'c']; list[4..5] = 'x'; assert list == ["a", "b", "c", null, "x"]
void testGetAtRange() {
def list = ['a', 'b', 'c']
assert list[1..2] == ['b', 'c']
assert list[0..<0] == []
void testCharSequenceGetAt() {
def x = "matrix"
assert x[0, 5..0] == 'mxirtam'
assert x[3..0, 0..3] == 'rtammatr'
assert x[2..-4, 3..-4, 3..-3] == 'trtr'
assert x[-1..-3, -3..-1] == 'xirrix'
assert x[0..<0] == ''
void testListGrep() {
def list = ["James", "Bob", "Guillaume", "Sam"]
def answer = list.grep(~".*a.*")
assert answer == ["James", "Guillaume", "Sam"]
answer = list.grep(~"B.b")
assert answer == ["Bob"]
void testCollectionToList() {
def c = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5] // but it's a list
def l = c.toList()
assert l.containsAll(c)
assert c.size() == l.size()
void testIteratorToList() {
def c = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
def l = c.iterator().toList()
assert l.containsAll(c)
assert c.size() == l.size()
void testIteratorSize() {
def c = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
def it = c.iterator()
assert c.size() == it.size()
void testEnumerationToList() {
def c = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
def v = new Vector()
c.each {
def l = v.elements().toList()
assert l.containsAll(c)
assert c.size() == l.size()
void testStringToList() {
String s = 'hello 10'
def gs = "hello ${5 + 5}"
def expected = ["h", "e", "l", "l", "o", " ", "1", "0"]
assert s.toList() == expected
assert s as String[] == expected
assert gs as String[] == expected
void testCollectionAsList() {
Integer[] nums = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
def numList = nums as List
nums.each {assert numList.contains(it)}
assert nums.size() == numList.size()
void testCollectionAsLinkedList() {
Integer[] nums = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
def numList = nums as LinkedList
nums.each {assert numList.contains(it)}
assert nums.size() == numList.size()
assert numList.class == LinkedList.class
void testArrayListAsLinkedList() {
ArrayList nums = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
def result = nums as LinkedList
assert result == [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
assert result.class == LinkedList
void testFileSize() {
assert new File('').size()
void testMatcherSize() {
assertEquals 3, ('aaa' =~ /./).count
assertEquals 3, ('aaa' =~ /./).size()
assertEquals 1, ('a' =~ /./).size()
assertEquals 0, ('a' =~ /x/).size()
void testJoinString() {
String[] arr = ["a", "b", "c", "d"]
def joined = arr.join(", ")
assert joined == "a, b, c, d"
void testReverseEachForList() {
def l = ["cheese", "loves", "Guillaume"]
def expected = ["Guillaume", "loves", "cheese"]
def answer = []
l.reverseEach {answer << it}
assert answer == expected
void testReverseEachForArray() {
String[] items = ["cheese", "loves", "Guillaume"]
String[] expected = ["Guillaume", "loves", "cheese"]
def answer = []
items.reverseEach {answer << it}
assert answer == expected
assert items.reverse() == expected
void testGrep() {
def list = ["Guillaume", "loves", "cheese"]
def answer = list.grep(~".*ee.*")
assert answer == ["cheese"]
list = [123, "abc", 4.56]
answer = list.grep(String)
assert answer == ["abc"]
list = [4, 2, 7, 3, 6, 2]
answer = list.grep(2..3)
assert answer == [2, 3, 2]
void testMapGetWithDefault() {
def map = [:]
assert == null
map.get("foo", []).add(123)
assert == [123]
map.get("bar", [:]).get("xyz", [:]).cheese = 123
assert == 123
assert map.size() == 2
void testInForLists() {
def list = ['a', 'b', 'c']
assert 'b' in list
assert !('d' in list)
void testFirstLastHeadTailInitForLists() {
def list = ['a', 'b', 'c']
assert 'a' == list.first()
assert 'a' == list.head()
assert 'c' == list.last()
assert ['b', 'c'] == list.tail()
assert ['a', 'b'] == list.init()
assert list.size() == 3
list = []
shouldFail(NoSuchElementException) {
shouldFail(NoSuchElementException) {
shouldFail(NoSuchElementException) {
shouldFail(NoSuchElementException) {
shouldFail(NoSuchElementException) {
assert list.size() == 0
void testFirstLastHeadTailInitForIterables() {
int a
Iterable iterable = { [ hasNext:{ a < 6 }, next:{ a++ } ] as Iterator } as Iterable
a = 1
assert 1 == iterable.first()
a = 1
assert 1 == iterable.head()
a = 1
assert 5 == iterable.last()
a = 1
assert [2, 3, 4, 5] == iterable.tail()
a = 1
assert [1, 2, 3, 4] == iterable.init()
iterable = { [ hasNext:{ false }, next:{ 1 } ] as Iterator } as Iterable
shouldFail(NoSuchElementException) {
shouldFail(NoSuchElementException) {
shouldFail(NoSuchElementException) {
shouldFail(NoSuchElementException) {
shouldFail(NoSuchElementException) {
void testFirstLastHeadTailInitForArrays() {
String[] ary = ['a', 'b', 'c'] as String[]
assert 'a' == ary.first()
assert 'a' == ary.head()
assert 'c' == ary.last()
assert ['b', 'c'] == ary.tail()
assert ['a', 'b'] == ary.init()
assert ary.length == 3
ary = [] as String[]
shouldFail(NoSuchElementException) {
shouldFail(NoSuchElementException) {
shouldFail(NoSuchElementException) {
shouldFail(NoSuchElementException) {
shouldFail(NoSuchElementException) {
assert ary.length == 0
void testPushPopForLists() {
def list = ['a', 'b', 'c']
assert list.push('d')
assert list.size() == 4
assert list.pop() == 'd'
assert list.size() == 3
void testInForArrays() {
String[] array = ['a', 'b', 'c']
assert 'b' in array
assert !('d' in array)
void testMaxForIterable() {
assert [-5, -3, -1, 0, 2, 4].max {it * it} == -5
assert ['be', 'happy', null].max{ it == 'be' ? null : "" + it } == null
assert ['be', 'happy', null].max{ it == 'happy' ? null : "" + it } == null
assert ['happy', null, 'birthday'].max{ ("" + it).size() } == 'birthday'
assert ['be', null].max{ ("" + it).size() } == null
assert [null, 'result'].max{ "" + it } == 'result'
def nums = [42, 35, 17, 100]
assert [].max{ it } == null
assert nums.max{ it } == 100
assert nums.max{ null } in nums
assert nums.max{ it.toString().toList()*.toInteger().sum() } == 35
void testMinForIterable() {
assert [-5, -3, -1, 0, 2, 4].min {it * it} == 0
assert ['be', 'happy', null].min{ it == 'happy' ? null : "" + it } == 'happy'
assert ['happy', null, 'birthday'].min{ ("" + it).size() } == null
assert [null, 'result'].min{ "" + it } == null
def nums = [42, 35, 17, 100]
assert [].min{ it } == null
assert nums.min{ it } == 17
assert nums.min{ null } in nums
assert nums.min{ it.toString().toList()*.toInteger().sum() } == 100
void testSort() {
assert [-5, -3, -1, 0, 2, 4].sort {it * it} == [0, -1, 2, -3, 4, -5]
void testMaxForIterator() {
assert [-5, -3, -1, 0, 2, 4].collect { it * it }.iterator().max() == 25
void testMinForIterator() {
assert [-5, -3, -1, 0, 2, 4].collect { it * it }.iterator().min() == 0
void testMinForObjectArray() {
Integer[] numbers = [-5, -3, -1, 0, 2, 4]
def result = numbers.min()
assert result == -5
result = numbers.min{it * it}
assert result == 0
void testMaxForObjectArray() {
Integer[] numbers = [-5, -3, -1, 0, 2, 4]
def result = numbers.max()
assert result == 4
result = numbers.max{it * it}
assert result == -5
void testCountForIterator() {
assert [1, 2, 3, 2, 1].iterator().count(2) == 2
void testCountForPrimitiveArray() {
int[] nums = [1, 2, 3, 2, 1]
assert nums.count(2) == 2
void testCountForCollection() {
def nums = [1, 2, 3, 2, 1]
assert nums.count(2) == 2
void testCountForString() {
def string = 'google'
assert string.count('g') == 2
void testCountForStringEdgeCase_GROOVY5858() {
def blank6 = ' ' * 6
8.times { assert blank6.count(' ' * it) == 7 - it }
void testJoinForIterator() {
assert ['a', 'b', 'c', 'a'].iterator().join('-') == 'a-b-c-a'
void testSortForIterator() {
def result = []
def iterator = [-5, -3, -1, 0, 2, 4].iterator().sort {it * it}
assert iterator instanceof Iterator
iterator.each {
result << it
assert result == [0, -1, 2, -3, 4, -5]
void testReplaceAllClosure() {
assert "1 a 2 b 3 c 4".replaceAll("\\p{Digit}") {it * 2} == "11 a 22 b 33 c 44"
void testReplaceAllClosurePattern() {
assert "1 a 2 b 3 c 4".replaceAll(~"\\p{Digit}") {it * 2} == "11 a 22 b 33 c 44"
void testObjectSleep() {
long start = System.currentTimeMillis()
long sleeptime = 200
sleep sleeptime
long slept = System.currentTimeMillis() - start
assert (slept >= sleeptime): \
"Should have slept for at least $sleeptime ms (+/- epsilon ms) but slept only $slept ms"
void testObjectSleepInterrupted() {
def interruptor = new groovy.TestInterruptor(Thread.currentThread())
new Thread(interruptor).start()
long start = System.currentTimeMillis()
long sleeptime = 200
sleep sleeptime
long slept = System.currentTimeMillis() - start
assert (slept >= sleeptime): \
"Should have slept for at least $sleeptime ms (+/- epsilon ms) but slept only $slept ms"
void testObjectSleepWithOnInterruptHandlerStopSleeping() {
def log = ''
def interruptor = new groovy.TestInterruptor(Thread.currentThread())
new Thread(interruptor).start()
long start = System.currentTimeMillis()
long sleeptime = 3000
sleep(sleeptime) {
log += it.toString()
long slept = System.currentTimeMillis() - start
assert slept < sleeptime, "should have been interrupted but slept $slept ms > $sleeptime ms"
assertEquals 'java.lang.InterruptedException: sleep interrupted', log.toString()
void testObjectSleepWithOnInterruptHandlerContinueSleeping() {
def log = ''
def interruptor = new groovy.TestInterruptor(Thread.currentThread())
new Thread(interruptor).start()
long start = System.currentTimeMillis()
long sleeptime = 3000
sleep(sleeptime) {
log += it.toString()
false // continue sleeping
long slept = System.currentTimeMillis() - start
short allowedError = 60 // ms
assert slept + allowedError >= sleeptime, "should have slept for at least $sleeptime ms but only slept for $slept ms"
assertEquals 'java.lang.InterruptedException: sleep interrupted', log.toString()
void testObjectIdentity() {
def a = new Object()
def b = a
assert !
assert !
// naive impl would fall for this trap
assert !new WackyHashCode().is(new WackyHashCode())
void testGroupByListIdentity() {
def items = [1, 2, 'foo']
assert items.groupBy() == [1:[1], 2:[2], foo:['foo']]
assert items.groupBy([]) == [1:[1], 2:[2], foo:['foo']]
assert items.groupBy(Closure.IDENTITY) == [1:[1], 2:[2], foo:['foo']]
assert items.groupBy({it}) == [1:[1], 2:[2], foo:['foo']]
assert items.groupBy({it},{it}) == [1:[1:[1]], 2:[2:[2]], foo:[foo:['foo']]]
void testGroupByList() {
def expected = [Integer: [1, 2], String: ["a", "b"], BigDecimal: [3.5, 4.6]]
def list = [1, "a", 2, "b", 3.5, 4.6]
def result = list.groupBy {it.class}
assert [1, 2] == result[Integer]
assert ["a", "b"] == result[String]
assert [3.5, 4.6] == result[BigDecimal]
assert 3 == result.size()
void testGroupByListMultipleCriteria() {
def list1 = [1, 'a', 2, 'b', 3.5, 4.6]
def result1 = list1.groupBy({ it.class }, { it.class == Integer ? 'integer' : 'non-integer' })
assert [integer: [1, 2]] == result1[Integer]
assert ['non-integer': ['a', 'b']] == result1[String]
assert ['non-integer': [3.5, 4.6]] == result1[BigDecimal]
def list2 = [
[aa: 11, bb: 22, cc: 33],
[aa: 11, bb: 22, cc: 44],
[aa: 11, bb: 33, cc: 55],
[aa: 22, bb: 22, cc: 66],
[aa: 22, bb: 22, cc: 77],
[aa: 22, bb: 33, cc: 77]
def result2 = list2.groupBy([{ it.aa }, { }, { }])
assert [[aa: 11, bb: 22, cc: 33]]== result2[11][22][33]
assert [77: [[aa: 22, bb: 33, cc: 77]]] == result2[22][33]
void testGroupByMapIdentity() {
def map = [a:1, b:2]
def entries = map.entrySet()
def result = map.groupBy()
def groupedKeys = result.keySet()
assert entries == groupedKeys
def entry_a = entries.find{ it.key == 'a' }
assert result[entry_a] == [a:1]
void testMapGroupEntriesBy() {
def expectedKeys = [Integer: [1, 3], String: [2, 4], BigDecimal: [5, 6]]
def expectedVals = [Integer: [1, 2], String: ["a", "b"], BigDecimal: [3.5, 4.6]]
def map = [1: 1, 2: "a", 3: 2, 4: "b", 5: 3.5, 6: 4.6]
def result = map.groupEntriesBy {Map.Entry entry -> entry.value.class}
assert expectedKeys.Integer == result[Integer].collect {it.key}
assert expectedVals.Integer == result[Integer].collect {it.value}
assert expectedKeys.String == result[String].collect {it.key}
assert expectedVals.String == result[String].collect {it.value}
assert expectedKeys.BigDecimal == result[BigDecimal].collect {it.key}
assert expectedVals.BigDecimal == result[BigDecimal].collect {it.value}
assert 3 == result.size()
void testMapGroupBy() {
def map = [1: 1, 2: "a", 3: 2, 4: "b", 5: 3.5, 6: 4.6]
def result = map.groupBy {entry -> entry.value.class}
assert 3 == result.size()
assert result[BigDecimal] == [5:3.5, 6:4.6]
assert result[String] == [2:'a', 4:'b']
assert result[Integer] == [1:1, 3:2]
void testMapGroupByMultipleCriteria() {
def map1 = [1: 1, 2: "a", 3: 2, 4: "b", 5: 3.5, 6: 4.6]
def result1 = map1.groupBy({entry -> entry.value.class}, {entry -> entry.key + 1})
assert 3 == result1.size()
assert result1[BigDecimal] == [6: [5: 3.5], 7: [6: 4.6]]
assert result1[String] == [3: [2: "a"], 5: [4: "b"]]
assert result1[Integer][2] == [1: 1]
assert result1[Integer][4] == [3: 2]
def map2 = [aa: 11, bb: 22, cc: 33]
def result2 = map2.groupBy({ it.key }, { }, { })
assert result2.size() == 3
assert result2['aa']['ab']['ac'] == [aa: 11]
assert result2['bb']['bc']['bd'] == [bb: 22]
assert result2['cc']['cd']['ce'] == [cc: 33]
void testCountBy() {
def list = ['a', 'b', 'c', 'a']
def result = list.countBy { it }
assert [a: 2, b: 1, c: 1] == result
def leftCol = ["2"]
def rightCol = ["1", "2", "3"]
void testList() {
def lst = [] as LinkedList
void testSetWithExplicitCoercion() {
def set = [] as HashSet
void testSetWithImplicitCoercion() {
Set set = []
void testVector() {
def vctr = [] as Vector
void doIt(col) {
// not really concerned about correctness, rather that the method can be called, however..
assert col.intersect(rightCol) as List == ["2"]
void testFileWithReader() {
def f = new File('')
def expected = f.text
assert expected == f.withReader { r -> r.text }
void testFileWithInputStream() {
def f = new File('')
def buf = new byte[f.size()]
assert buf.size() == f.withInputStream { i -> }
void testUrlReader() {
def u = new File('').toURL()
def expected = u.text
assert expected == u.withReader { r -> r.text }
void testUrlWithInputStream() {
def f = new File('')
def u = f.toURL()
def buf = new byte[f.size()]
assert buf.size() == u.withInputStream { i -> }
void testMinus() {
// collections and lists remove all - deemed most common behavior for these
assert [1, 2, 1, 3] - 1 == [2, 3]
// strings remove first - deemed most common behavior for strings
assert 'abcda.ce' - /a.c/ == 'abcde'
assert 'abcda.ce' - ~/a.c/ == 'da.ce'
// should handle nulls too
assert [null] - [1] == [null]
void testListSplit() {
def nums = 1..6
def (evens, odds) = nums.split{ it % 2 == 0 }
assert evens == [2, 4, 6]
assert odds == [1, 3, 5]
def things = ['3', 'cat', '7', 'dog', '11']
def (numbers, others) = things.split{ it.isNumber() }
assert numbers == ['3', '7', '11']
assert others == ['cat', 'dog']
void testListDerivativesAreRetainedWithCommonOperators() {
def x = new WackyList([1, 2, 3])
assert x.size() == 3
x += 4
assert x.sum() == 10
assert x.size() == 4
assert x.class == WackyList
def y = x.findAll{ it % 2 == 1 } as WackyList
assert y.size() == 2
assert y.class == WackyList
void testEachOnEnumClassIteratesThroughTheValuesOfTheEnum() {
def expected = Suit.values().toList()
def answer = []
Suit.each { answer << it }
assert answer == expected
void testForLoopWithEnumClassIteratesThroughTheValuesOfTheEnum() {
def expected = Suit.values().toList()
def answer = []
for (s in Suit) {
answer << s
assert answer == expected
void testAsEnumType() {
assert Suit.HEARTS == ("HEARTS" as Suit)
shouldFail(IllegalArgumentException) {
"FOO" as Suit
void testJavaEnumType() {
def x = Language.English
assert x == Language.French
x = Language.English
assert x == Language.Spanish
assert Language.French in Language.English..Language.Spanish
void testStringBuilderPlusPutAtSizeLeftShift() {
def sb = new StringBuilder('foo')
assert sb + 'bar' == 'foobar'
sb << 'baz'
assert sb.size() == 6
def result = sb.toString()
assert result == 'foobaz'
sb[3..4] = 'abc'
result = sb.toString()
assert result == 'fooabcz'
sb[6..<6] = 'xy'
result = sb.toString()
assert result == 'fooabcxyz'
void testDefiningQueue() {
def result = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5] as Queue
assert result instanceof Queue
assert result.size() == 5
assert result.sum() == 15
void testLinkedBlockingQueue() {
def q = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9] as LinkedBlockingQueue
assert q.size() == 9
assert q.class == LinkedBlockingQueue
q = (q + 10) as LinkedBlockingQueue
assert q.size() == 10
assert q.class == LinkedBlockingQueue
def r = q.findAll{ it % 2 == 0 } as LinkedBlockingQueue
assert r.size() == 5
assert r.class == LinkedBlockingQueue
def s = ((r as LinkedList) - [4, 6]) as LinkedBlockingQueue
assert s.size() == 3
assert s.class == LinkedBlockingQueue
[2, 8, 10].each{ assert it in s }
void testSubsequences() {
def items = [1, 2, 3]
assert items.subsequences() == [[1, 2, 3], [1, 3], [2, 3], [1, 2], [1], [2], [3]] as Set
assert "frog".toList().subsequences() == [
['f', 'r', 'o', 'g'],
['f', 'r', 'o'],
['f', 'r', 'g'],
['f', 'o', 'g'],
['r', 'o', 'g'],
['f', 'g'],
['r', 'g'],
['o', 'g'],
['f', 'o'],
['r', 'o'],
['f', 'r'],
] as Set
void testPrettyPrintingRecursiveStructures() {
def m = [a:1]
m.self = m
assert m.toMapString() == '[a:1, self:(this Map)]'
def l = ['first']
l << l
assert l.toListString() == '[first, (this Collection)]'
def animals = ['ant', 'bee', 'cat']
animals << [pets:animals]
assert animals.toListString(5) == '[ant, ...]'
assert animals.toListString(10) == '[ant, bee, ...]'
assert animals.toListString(15) == '[ant, bee, cat, ...]'
assert animals.toListString(20) == '[ant, bee, cat, [pets:[...]]]'
assert animals.toListString(40) == '[ant, bee, cat, [pets:[ant, bee, cat, [pets:[...]]]]]'
void testRemoveAll() {
def items = [1, 2, 3, 4]
assert items.removeAll{ it % 2 == 0 }
assert items == [1, 3]
void testRetainAll() {
def items = [1, 2, 3, 4]
assert items.retainAll{ it % 2 == 0 }
assert items == [2, 4]
void testPermutationsForLists() {
def items = [1, 2, 3]
assert items.permutations() == [[1, 2, 3], [1, 3, 2], [2, 1, 3], [2, 3, 1], [3, 1, 2], [3, 2, 1]] as Set
items = "frog".toList()
def ans = [] as Set
items.eachPermutation {
ans << it
assert ans == [
['f', 'r', 'o', 'g'],
['f', 'r', 'g', 'o'],
['f', 'o', 'r', 'g'],
['f', 'o', 'g', 'r'],
['f', 'g', 'r', 'o'],
['f', 'g', 'o', 'r'],
['r', 'f', 'o', 'g'],
['r', 'f', 'g', 'o'],
['r', 'o', 'f', 'g'],
['r', 'o', 'g', 'f'],
['r', 'g', 'f', 'o'],
['r', 'g', 'o', 'f'],
['o', 'r', 'f', 'g'],
['o', 'r', 'g', 'f'],
['o', 'f', 'r', 'g'],
['o', 'f', 'g', 'r'],
['o', 'g', 'r', 'f'],
['o', 'g', 'f', 'r'],
['g', 'r', 'o', 'f'],
['g', 'r', 'f', 'o'],
['g', 'o', 'r', 'f'],
['g', 'o', 'f', 'r'],
['g', 'f', 'r', 'o'],
['g', 'f', 'o', 'r'],
] as Set
void testPermutationsForIterables() {
int a = 1
Iterable items = { [ hasNext:{ a <= 3 }, next:{ a++ } ] as Iterator } as Iterable
assert items.permutations() == [[1, 2, 3], [1, 3, 2], [2, 1, 3], [2, 3, 1], [3, 1, 2], [3, 2, 1]] as Set
a = 0
items = { [ hasNext:{ a <= 3 }, next:{ "frog"[a++] } ] as Iterator } as Iterable
def ans = [] as Set
items.eachPermutation {
ans << it
assert ans == [
['f', 'r', 'o', 'g'],
['f', 'r', 'g', 'o'],
['f', 'o', 'r', 'g'],
['f', 'o', 'g', 'r'],
['f', 'g', 'r', 'o'],
['f', 'g', 'o', 'r'],
['r', 'f', 'o', 'g'],
['r', 'f', 'g', 'o'],
['r', 'o', 'f', 'g'],
['r', 'o', 'g', 'f'],
['r', 'g', 'f', 'o'],
['r', 'g', 'o', 'f'],
['o', 'r', 'f', 'g'],
['o', 'r', 'g', 'f'],
['o', 'f', 'r', 'g'],
['o', 'f', 'g', 'r'],
['o', 'g', 'r', 'f'],
['o', 'g', 'f', 'r'],
['g', 'r', 'o', 'f'],
['g', 'r', 'f', 'o'],
['g', 'o', 'r', 'f'],
['g', 'o', 'f', 'r'],
['g', 'f', 'r', 'o'],
['g', 'f', 'o', 'r'],
] as Set
void testPermutationsWithAction() {
def items = [1, 2, 3]
assert items.permutations { it.collect { 2*it } } as Set == [[2, 4, 6], [2, 6, 4], [4, 2, 6], [4, 6, 2], [6, 2, 4], [6, 4, 2]] as Set
void testStringTranslate() {
assert"abcdefghijklmn", "abcdefghijklmn", "ABCDEFGHIJKLMN") == "ABCDEFGHIJKLMN"
assert"abcdefghijklmn", "abc", "ABC") == "ABCdefghijklmn"
assert"abcdefghijklmn", "ace", "ACE") == "AbCdEfghijklmn"
assert"abcdefghijklmn", "afghn", "AFGHN") == "AbcdeFGHijklmN"
assert"abcdefghijklmn", "xyz", "XYZ") == "abcdefghijklmn"
assert"abcdefghijklmn", "", "") == "abcdefghijklmn"
void testTr_Expand() {
assert"abcdefghijklmn", "a-n", "ABCDEFGHIJKLMN") == "ABCDEFGHIJKLMN"
assert"abcdefghijklmn", "abcdefghijklmn", "A-N") == "ABCDEFGHIJKLMN"
assert"abcdefghijklmn", "a-n", "A-N") == "ABCDEFGHIJKLMN"
assert"abcdefghijklmn", "a-c", "A-C") == "ABCdefghijklmn"
assert"abcdefghijklmn", "af-hn", "AF-HN") == "AbcdeFGHijklmN"
assert"abcdefghijklmn", "x-z", "X-Z") == "abcdefghijklmn"
assert"abcdefghijklmn", "a-cfj-l", "A-CFJ-L") == "ABCdeFghiJKLmn"
assert"-abc-", "-", "*") == "*abc*"
assert"-abcdef--ghijklmn-", "-cfj-l", "*CFJ-L") == "*abCdeF**ghiJKLmn*"
assert"abcdefghijklmn", "a-n", "A-C") == "ABCCCCCCCCCCCC"
assert"abcdefghijklmn", "a-c", "A-N") == "ABCdefghijklmn"
assert 'hello'.tr('aeiou', 'AEIOU') == 'hEllO'
assert 'Hello World!'.tr('a-z', 'A') == 'HAAAA WAAAA!'
assert 'Hello World!'.tr('a-z', 'A-Z') == 'HELLO WORLD!'
assert 'Hello World!'.tr('z-a', 'Z-A') == 'HELLO WORLD!'
assert 'Hello World!'.tr('lloo', '1234') == 'He224 W4r2d!'
assert 'Hello-World!'.tr('a-d-f-m-s', '_') == 'He__o_Wor__!'
assert 'Hello-World!'.tr('--a', 'Z') == 'ZelloZZorld!'
assert 'Hello, World!'.tr(' --', 'Z') == 'HelloZZWorldZ'
void testListTake() {
def data = [
new ArrayList( [ 1, 2, 3 ] ),
new LinkedList( [ 1, 2, 3 ] ),
new Stack() {{ addAll( [ 1, 2, 3 ] ) }},
new Vector( [ 1, 2, 3 ] ),
data.each {
assert it.take( -1 ) == []
assert it.take( 0 ) == []
assert it.take( 2 ) == [ 1, 2 ]
assert it.take( 4 ) == [ 1, 2, 3 ]
assert it.takeRight( -1 ) == []
assert it.takeRight( 0 ) == []
assert it.takeRight( 2 ) == [ 2, 3 ]
assert it.takeRight( 4 ) == [ 1, 2, 3 ]
void testArrayTake() {
String[] items = [ 'ant', 'bee', 'cat' ]
assert items.take( -1 ) == [] as String[]
assert items.take( 0 ) == [] as String[]
assert items.take( 2 ) == [ 'ant', 'bee' ] as String[]
assert items.take( 4 ) == [ 'ant', 'bee', 'cat' ] as String[]
assert items.takeRight( -1 ) == [] as String[]
assert items.takeRight( 0 ) == [] as String[]
assert items.takeRight( 2 ) == [ 'bee', 'cat' ] as String[]
assert items.takeRight( 4 ) == [ 'ant', 'bee', 'cat' ] as String[]
void testMapTake() {
def data = [
[ 'ant':10, 'bee':20, 'cat':30, 'dog':40 ],
new TreeMap( [ 'ant':10, 'bee':20, 'cat':30, 'dog':40 ] ),
data.each {
assert it.take( -1 ) == [:]
assert it.take( 0 ) == [:]
assert it.take( 2 ) == [ 'ant':10, 'bee':20 ]
assert it.take( 4 ) == [ 'ant':10, 'bee':20, 'cat':30, 'dog':40 ]
assert it.take( 5 ) == [ 'ant':10, 'bee':20, 'cat':30, 'dog':40 ]
void testIteratorTake() {
int a = 1
Iterator items = [ hasNext:{ true }, next:{ a++ } ] as Iterator
assert items.take( -1 ).collect { it } == []
assert items.take( 0 ).collect { it } == []
assert items.take( 2 ).collect { it } == [ 1, 2 ]
assert items.take( 4 ).collect { it } == [ 3, 4, 5, 6 ]
void testWellBehavedIteratorsForInfiniteStreams() {
int a = 1
def infiniterator = [ hasNext:{ true }, next:{ a++ } ] as Iterator
assert infiniterator.drop(3).dropWhile{ it < 9 }.toUnique{ it % 100 }.init().tail().take(3).toList() == [10, 11, 12]
void testIterableTake() {
int a = 1
Iterable items = { [ hasNext:{ true }, next:{ a++ } ] as Iterator } as Iterable
assert items.take( -1 ).collect { it } == []
assert items.take( 0 ).collect { it } == []
assert items.take( 2 ).collect { it } == [ 1, 2 ]
assert items.take( 4 ).collect { it } == [ 3, 4, 5, 6 ]
items = { [ hasNext:{ a < 6 }, next:{ a++ } ] as Iterator } as Iterable
assert items.takeRight( -1 ).collect { it } == []
a = 1
assert items.takeRight( 0 ).collect { it } == []
a = 1
assert items.takeRight( 2 ).collect { it } == [ 4, 5 ]
a = 1
assert items.takeRight( 4 ).collect { it } == [ 2, 3, 4, 5 ]
void testCharSequenceTake() {
def data = [ 'groovy', // String
"${'groovy'}", // GString
java.nio.CharBuffer.wrap( 'groovy' ),
new StringBuffer( 'groovy' ),
new StringBuilder( 'groovy' ) ]
data.each {
// Need toString() as CharBuffer.subSequence returns a java.nio.StringCharBuffer
assert it.take( -1 ).toString() == ''
assert it.take( 0 ).toString() == ''
assert it.take( 3 ).toString() == 'gro'
assert it.take( 6 ).toString() == 'groovy'
assert it.take( 10 ).toString() == 'groovy'
void testListDrop() {
def data = [
new ArrayList( [ 1, 2, 3 ] ),
new LinkedList( [ 1, 2, 3 ] ),
new Stack() {{ addAll( [ 1, 2, 3 ] ) }},
new Vector( [ 1, 2, 3 ] ),
data.each {
assert it.drop( -1 ) == [ 1, 2, 3 ]
assert it.drop( 0 ) == [ 1, 2, 3 ]
assert it.drop( 2 ) == [ 3 ]
assert it.drop( 4 ) == []
assert it.dropRight( -1 ) == [ 1, 2, 3 ]
assert it.dropRight( 0 ) == [ 1, 2, 3 ]
assert it.dropRight( 2 ) == [ 1 ]
assert it.dropRight( 4 ) == []
void testArrayDrop() {
String[] items = [ 'ant', 'bee', 'cat' ]
assert items.drop( 2 ) == [ 'cat' ] as String[]
assert items.drop( 4 ) == [] as String[]
assert items.drop( 0 ) == [ 'ant', 'bee', 'cat' ] as String[]
assert items.drop( -1 ) == [ 'ant', 'bee', 'cat' ] as String[]
assert items.dropRight( 2 ) == [ 'ant' ] as String[]
assert items.dropRight( 4 ) == [] as String[]
assert items.dropRight( 0 ) == [ 'ant', 'bee', 'cat' ] as String[]
assert items.dropRight( -1 ) == [ 'ant', 'bee', 'cat' ] as String[]
void testMapDrop() {
def data = [
[ 'ant':10, 'bee':20, 'cat':30, 'dog':40 ],
new TreeMap( [ 'ant':10, 'bee':20, 'cat':30, 'dog':40 ] ),
data.each {
assert it.drop( -1 ) == [ 'ant':10, 'bee':20, 'cat':30, 'dog':40 ]
assert it.drop( 0 ) == [ 'ant':10, 'bee':20, 'cat':30, 'dog':40 ]
assert it.drop( 2 ) == [ 'cat':30, 'dog':40 ]
assert it.drop( 4 ) == [ : ]
assert it.drop( 5 ) == [ : ]
void testIteratorDrop() {
int a = 1
Iterator items = [ hasNext:{ a < 6 }, next:{ a++ } ] as Iterator
assert items.drop( 0 ).collect { it } == [ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 ]
a = 1
assert items.drop( 2 ).collect { it } == [ 3, 4, 5 ]
a = 1
assert items.drop( 4 ).collect { it } == [ 5 ]
a = 1
assert items.drop( 5 ).collect { it } == []
a = 1
assert items.dropRight( 0 ).collect { it } == [ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 ]
a = 1
assert items.dropRight( 2 ).collect { it } == [ 1, 2, 3 ]
a = 1
assert items.dropRight( 4 ).collect { it } == [ 1 ]
a = 1
assert items.dropRight( 5 ).collect { it } == []
// if we ever traverse the whole exploding list we'll get a RuntimeException
assert new ExplodingList('letters'.toList(), 4).iterator().dropRight(1).drop(1).take(1).toList() == ['e']
void testIterableDrop() {
int a = 1
Iterable items = { [ hasNext:{ a < 6 }, next:{ a++ } ] as Iterator } as Iterable
assert items.drop( 0 ).collect { it } == [ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 ]
a = 1
assert items.drop( 2 ).collect { it } == [ 3, 4, 5 ]
a = 1
assert items.drop( 4 ).collect { it } == [ 5 ]
a = 1
assert items.drop( 5 ).collect { it } == []
a = 1
assert items.dropRight( 0 ).collect { it } == [ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 ]
a = 1
assert items.dropRight( 2 ).collect { it } == [ 1, 2, 3 ]
a = 1
assert items.dropRight( 4 ).collect { it } == [ 1 ]
a = 1
assert items.dropRight( 5 ).collect { it } == []
void testCharSequenceDrop() {
def data = [ 'groovy', // String
"${'groovy'}", // GString
java.nio.CharBuffer.wrap( 'groovy' ),
new StringBuffer( 'groovy' ),
new StringBuilder( 'groovy' ) ]
data.each {
// Need toString() as CharBuffer.subSequence returns a java.nio.StringCharBuffer
assert it.drop( -1 ).toString() == 'groovy'
assert it.drop( 0 ).toString() == 'groovy'
assert it.drop( 3 ).toString() == 'ovy'
assert it.drop( 6 ).toString() == ''
assert it.drop( 10 ).toString() == ''
void testTakeDropClassSymmetry() {
int a
// - Cannot test plain HashMap, as Groovy will always default to a LinkedHashMap
// See
// - Cannot test StringBuffer or StringBuilder, as X.subSequence in Java returns String
def data = [
// Lists
(java.util.ArrayList) : new ArrayList( [ 1, 2, 3 ] ),
(java.util.LinkedList) : new LinkedList( [ 1, 2, 3 ] ),
(java.util.Stack) : new Stack() {{ addAll( [ 1, 2, 3 ] ) }},
(java.util.Vector) : new Vector( [ 1, 2, 3 ] ),
// Maps
(java.util.LinkedHashMap) : new LinkedHashMap( [ a:1, b:2, c:3 ] ),
(java.util.TreeMap) : new TreeMap( [ a:1, b:2, c:3 ] ),
(java.util.Hashtable) : new Hashtable( [ a:1, b:2, c:3 ] ),
// Iterators
(java.util.Iterator) : [ hasNext:{ true }, next:{ 'groovy' } ] as Iterator,
// Iterables
(java.lang.Iterable) : { [ hasNext:{ a < 6 }, next:{ a++ } ] as Iterator } as Iterable,
// CharSequences
(java.lang.String) : new String( 'groovy' ),
(java.nio.CharBuffer) : java.nio.CharBuffer.wrap( 'groovy' ),
data.each { Class clazz, object ->
a = 1
assert clazz.isInstance( object.take( 5 ) )
a = 1
assert clazz.isInstance( object.drop( 5 ) )
data = [
// Lists
(java.util.ArrayList) : new ArrayList( [ 1, 2, 3 ] ),
(java.util.LinkedList) : new LinkedList( [ 1, 2, 3 ] ),
(java.util.Stack) : new Stack() {{ addAll( [ 1, 2, 3 ] ) }},
(java.util.Vector) : new Vector( [ 1, 2, 3 ] ),
// Iterables
(java.lang.Iterable) : { [ hasNext:{ a < 6 }, next:{ a++ } ] as Iterator } as Iterable,
data.each { Class clazz, object ->
a = 1
assert clazz.isInstance( object.takeRight( 5 ) )
a = 1
assert clazz.isInstance( object.dropRight( 5 ) )
void testContainsForPrimitiveArrays() {
boolean[] bools = [false]
byte[] bytes = [1, 3]
short[] shorts = [1, 3]
int[] ints = [1, 3]
long[] longs = [1, 3]
float[] floats = [1.0f, 3.0f]
double[] doubles = [1.0d, 3.0d]
char[] chars = ['a' as char, 'c' as char]
assert bools.contains(false)
assert !bools.contains(true)
assert bytes.contains(3)
assert !bytes.contains(2)
assert shorts.contains(3)
assert !shorts.contains(2)
assert ints.contains(3)
assert !ints.contains(2)
assert longs.contains(3)
assert !longs.contains(2)
assert longs.contains(3)
assert !longs.contains(2)
assert floats.contains(3.0f)
assert !floats.contains(2.0f)
assert doubles.contains(3.0d)
assert !doubles.contains(2.0d)
assert chars.contains('c' as char)
assert !chars.contains('b' as char)
void testContainsForArrays() {
String[] vowels = ['a', 'e', 'i', 'o', 'u']
assert vowels.contains('u')
assert !vowels.contains('x')
void testContainsForLists() {
List vowels = ['a', 'e', 'i', 'o', 'u']
assert vowels.contains('u')
assert !vowels.contains('x')
void testContainsForIterables() {
int a
Iterable iterable = { [hasNext: { a < 6 }, next: { a++ }] as Iterator } as Iterable
a = 1
assert iterable.contains(5)
a = 1
assert !iterable.contains(6)
iterable = { [hasNext: { a < 6 }, next: { a++; null }] as Iterator } as Iterable
a = 1
assert iterable.contains(null)
a = 1
assert !iterable.contains("a")
void testContainsAllForLists() {
List vowels = ['a', 'e', 'i', 'o', 'u']
assert vowels.containsAll([] as String[])
assert vowels.containsAll(['e', 'u'] as String[])
assert !vowels.containsAll(['a', 'x'] as String[])
void testContainsAllForIterables() {
int a
Iterable iterable = { [hasNext: { a < 6 }, next: { a++ }] as Iterator } as Iterable
a = 1
assert iterable.containsAll([] as int[])
a = 1
assert iterable.containsAll([2, 5] as int[])
a = 1
assert !iterable.containsAll([1, 6] as int[])
void testCollectEntriesIterator() {
def items = ['a', 'bb', 'ccc'].iterator()
def map = items.collectEntries { [it, it.size()] }
assert map == [a: 1, bb: 2, ccc: 3]
void testCollectEntriesIterable() {
def things = new Things()
def map = things.collectEntries { [it.toLowerCase(), it.toUpperCase()] }
assert map == [a: 'A', b: 'B', c: 'C']
void testCollectEntriesListFallbackCases() {
assert [[[1,'a'], [2,'b'], [3]].collectEntries(),
[[1,'a'], [2,'b'], []].collectEntries(),
[[1,'a'], [2,'b'], [3, 'c', 42]].collectEntries()] == [[1:'a', 2:'b', 3:null], [1:'a', 2:'b', (null):null], [1:'a', 2:'b', 3:'c']]
shouldFail(NullPointerException) {
[[1, 'a'], [3]].collectEntries(new Hashtable())
void testCollectEntriesWithArray() {
def cityList = '1 San Francisco,2 Cupertino'
def cityMap = cityList.split(',').
collectEntries{ it.split(' ', 2) }
assert cityMap == ['1': 'San Francisco', '2': 'Cupertino']
void testListTakeWhile() {
def data = [
new ArrayList( [ 1, 3, 2 ] ),
new LinkedList( [ 1, 3, 2 ] ),
new Stack() {{ addAll( [ 1, 3, 2 ] ) }},
new Vector( [ 1, 3, 2 ] ),
data.each {
assert it.takeWhile{ it < 0 } == []
assert it.takeWhile{ it < 1 } == []
assert it.takeWhile{ it < 3 } == [ 1 ]
assert it.takeWhile{ it < 4 } == [ 1, 3, 2 ]
void testArrayTakeWhile() {
String[] items = [ 'ant', 'bee', 'cat' ]
assert items.takeWhile{ it == '' } == [] as String[]
assert items.takeWhile{ it != 'cat' } == [ 'ant', 'bee' ] as String[]
assert items.takeWhile{ it != '' } == [ 'ant', 'bee', 'cat' ] as String[]
void testIteratorTakeWhile() {
int a = 1
Iterator items = [ hasNext:{ true }, next:{ a++ } ] as Iterator
assert items.takeWhile{ it < 5 }.collect { it } == [ 1, 2, 3, 4 ]
void testCharSequenceTakeWhile() {
def data = [ 'groovy', // String
"${'groovy'}", // GString
java.nio.CharBuffer.wrap( 'groovy' ),
new StringBuffer( 'groovy' ),
new StringBuilder( 'groovy' ) ]
data.each {
assert it.takeWhile{ it == '' } == ''
assert it.takeWhile{ it != 'v' } == 'groo'
assert it.takeWhile{ it } == 'groovy'
void testInjectWithoutIntialValue() {
int a = 1
def data = [
new ArrayList([1, 2, 3]),
new LinkedList([1, 2, 3]),
new Stack() {{ addAll([1, 2, 3]) }},
new Vector([1, 2, 3]),
[1, 2, 3] as int[],
{ [hasNext: { a <= 3 }, next: { a++ }] as Iterator } as Iterable,
data.each {
assert it.inject { int acc, int val -> acc + val } == 6
void testInjectWithIntialValue() {
int a = 1
def data = [
new ArrayList(["a", "aa", "aaa"]),
new LinkedList(["a", "aa", "aaa"]),
new Stack() {{ addAll(["a", "aa", "aaa"]) }},
new Vector(["a", "aa", "aaa"]),
["a", "aa", "aaa"] as String[],
{ [hasNext: { a <= 3 }, next: { "a" * (a++) }] as Iterator } as Iterable,
data.each {
assert it.inject(10) { int acc, String val -> acc + val.length() } == 16
void testIntersectForLists() {
assert [] == [].intersect([4, 5, 6, 7, 8])
assert [] == [1, 2, 3, 4, 5].intersect([])
assert [4, 5] == [1, 2, 3, 4, 5].intersect([4, 5, 6, 7, 8])
assert [[0, 1]] == [[0, 0], [0, 1]].intersect([[0, 1], [1, 1]])
void testIntersectForIterables() {
int a = 1, b = 4
Iterable iterableA = { [ hasNext:{ a <= 5 }, next:{ a++ } ] as Iterator } as Iterable
Iterable iterableB = { [ hasNext:{ b <= 8 }, next:{ b++ } ] as Iterator } as Iterable
Iterable iterableEmpty = { [ hasNext:{ false }, next:{ 0 } ] as Iterator } as Iterable
assert [] == iterableEmpty.intersect(iterableB)
assert [] == iterableA.intersect(iterableEmpty)
a = 1
b = 4
assert [4, 5] == iterableA.intersect(iterableB)
void testIntersectForSets() {
assert [].toSet() == [].toSet().intersect([] as Iterable)
assert [].toSet() == [].toSet().intersect([1, 2, 3] as Iterable)
assert [].toSet() == [1, 2, 3].toSet().intersect([] as Iterable)
assert [2, 3].toSet() == [2, 3, 4].toSet().intersect([1, 2, 3] as Iterable)
assert [2, 3, 4].toSet() == [2, 3, 4].toSet().intersect([1, 2, 3, 4] as Iterable)
assert [2, 3].toSet() == [2, 3, 4, 5].toSet().intersect([1, 2, 3] as Iterable)
void testIntersectForMaps() {
// GROOVY-7602
def list1 = [[language: 'Java'], [language: 'Groovy'], [language: 'Scala']]
def list2 = [[language: 'Groovy'], [language: 'JRuby'], [language: 'Java']]
def intersection = list1.intersect(list2)
assert intersection == [[language: 'Groovy'], [language: 'Java']]
def locs1 = [[loc: [0, 1]], [loc: [1, 1]]]
def locs2 = [[loc: [2, 1]], [loc: [1, 1]]]
def locInter = [[loc: [1, 1]]]
assert [[loc: [1, 1]]] == locs1.intersect(locs2)
// GROOVY-7602
void testIntersectForURL() {
def c1 = []
def c2 = []
c1 << new URL("")
c2 << new URL("")
assert c1.intersect(c2)
void testDisjointForMaps() {
// GROOVY-7530
def list1 = [[language: 'Java'], [language: 'Groovy'], [language: 'Scala']]
def list2 = [[language: 'Groovy'], [language: 'JRuby'], [language: 'Java']]
assert !list1.disjoint(list2)
def locs1 = [[loc: [0, 1]], [loc: [1, 1]]]
def locs2 = [[loc: [2, 1]], [loc: [1, 1]]]
assert !locs1.disjoint(locs2)
class Foo {
private String name
Foo(String name) { = name
boolean equals(Object o) {
if ( return true
if (o == null || getClass() != o.getClass()) return false
name ==
int hashCode() {
return 13 + 7 * name.hashCode()
// GROOVY-7530
void testDisjointForFoo() {
def a = [new Foo("foo")]
def b = [new Foo("foo")]
assert !a.disjoint(b)
void testDisjointForLists() {
assert [].disjoint([])
assert [].disjoint([4, 5, 6, 7, 8])
assert [1, 2, 3, 4, 5].disjoint([])
assert ![1, 2, 3, 4, 5].disjoint([4, 5, 6, 7, 8])
assert [1, 2, 3].disjoint([4, 5, 6, 7, 8])
assert ![[0, 0], [0, 1]].disjoint([[0, 1], [1, 1]])
void testDisjointForIterables() {
int a = 1, b = 4
Iterable iterableA = { [ hasNext:{ a <= 5 }, next:{ a++ } ] as Iterator } as Iterable
Iterable iterableB = { [ hasNext:{ b <= 8 }, next:{ b++ } ] as Iterator } as Iterable
Iterable iterableEmpty = { [ hasNext:{ false }, next:{0 } ] as Iterator } as Iterable
assert iterableEmpty.disjoint(iterableB)
assert iterableA.disjoint(iterableEmpty)
a = 1
b = 4
assert !iterableA.disjoint(iterableB)
a = 1
b = 6
assert iterableA.disjoint(iterableB)
void testAsCollectionForIterables() {
int a = 1
Iterable iterable = { [ hasNext:{ a <= 3 }, next:{ a++ } ] as Iterator } as Iterable
assert [1, 2, 3] == iterable.asCollection()
void testToSetForIterables() {
int a = 1
Iterable iterable = { [ hasNext:{ a <= 3 }, next:{ a++ } ] as Iterator } as Iterable
assert ([1, 2, 3] as Set) == iterable.toSet()
void testToSpreadMapForArrays() {
def spreadMap = ([1, 2, 3, 4] as Integer[]).toSpreadMap()
assert 2 == spreadMap.size()
assert 2 == spreadMap[1]
assert 4 == spreadMap[3]
assert !spreadMap.containsKey(5)
void testToSpreadMapForLists() {
def spreadMap = [1, 2, 3, 4].toSpreadMap()
assert 2 == spreadMap.size()
assert 2 == spreadMap[1]
assert 4 == spreadMap[3]
assert !spreadMap.containsKey(5)
void testToSpreadMapForIterables() {
int a = 1
Iterable iterable = { [ hasNext:{ a <= 4 }, next:{ a++ } ] as Iterator } as Iterable
def spreadMap = iterable.toSpreadMap()
assert 2 == spreadMap.size()
assert 2 == spreadMap[1]
assert 4 == spreadMap[3]
assert !spreadMap.containsKey(5)
void testPlusMinusClassSymmetryForCollections() {
int a
def data = [
// Lists
(java.util.ArrayList) : new ArrayList( [ 1, 2, 3 ] ),
(java.util.LinkedList) : new LinkedList( [ 1, 2, 3 ] ),
(java.util.Stack) : new Stack() {{ addAll( [ 1, 2, 3 ] ) }},
(java.util.Vector) : new Vector( [ 1, 2, 3 ] ),
// Sets
(java.util.HashSet) : new HashSet( [ 1, 2, 3 ] ),
// Iterables
(java.util.Collection) : { [ hasNext:{ a <= 3 }, next:{ a++ } ] as Iterator } as Iterable,
data.each { Class clazz, object ->
a = 1
assert clazz.isInstance( object + 1 )
a = 1
assert clazz.isInstance( object - 1 )
a = 1
assert clazz.isInstance( object + [1, 2] )
a = 1
assert clazz.isInstance( object - [1, 2] )
void testPlusForLists() {
assert [1, 2, 3] == [1, 2] + 3
int a = 3
Iterable iterable = { [ hasNext:{ a <= 4 }, next:{ a++ } ] as Iterator } as Iterable
assert [1, 2, 3, 4] == [1, 2] + iterable
assert [1, 2, 3, 4] == [1, 2] + [3, 4]
void testPlusForIterables() {
int a, b
Iterable iterableA = { [ hasNext:{ a <= 2 }, next:{ a++ } ] as Iterator } as Iterable
Iterable iterableB = { [ hasNext:{ b <= 4 }, next:{ b++ } ] as Iterator } as Iterable
Iterable iterableEmpty = { [ hasNext:{ false }, next:{ 0 } ] as Iterator } as Iterable
assert [1] == iterableEmpty + 1
a = 1
assert [1, 2] == iterableEmpty + iterableA
assert [1, 2] == iterableEmpty + [1, 2]
a = 1
assert [1, 2, 3] == iterableA + 3
a = 1
b = 3
assert [1, 2, 3, 4] == iterableA + iterableB
a = 1
assert [1, 2, 3, 4] == iterableA + [3, 4]
void testMinusForIterables() {
int a, b
Iterable iterableA = { [ hasNext:{ a <= 2 }, next:{ a++ } ] as Iterator } as Iterable
Iterable iterableB = { [ hasNext:{ b <= 4 }, next:{ b++ } ] as Iterator } as Iterable
Iterable iterableEmpty = { [ hasNext:{ false }, next:{ 0 } ] as Iterator } as Iterable
assert [] == iterableEmpty - 1
a =1
assert [] == iterableEmpty - iterableA
a =1
assert [1, 2] ==iterableA - iterableEmpty
assert [] == iterableEmpty - [1, 2]
// Iterable.minus(Object)
a = 1
assert [2] == iterableA - 1
// Iterable.minus(Iterable)
a = 1
b = 3
assert [3, 4] == iterableB - iterableA
// Iterable.minus(List)
b = 3
assert [3, 4] == iterableB - [1, 2]
void testMultiplyForLists() {
assert [] == [] * 3
assert [1, 2, 1, 2, 1, 2] == [1, 2] * 3
void testMultiplyForIterables() {
Iterable iterableEmpty = { [ hasNext:{ false }, next:{ 0 } ] as Iterator } as Iterable
assert [] == iterableEmpty * 3
int a = 1
Iterable iterable = { [ hasNext:{ a <= 2 }, next:{ a++ } ] as Iterator } as Iterable
assert [1, 2, 1, 2, 1, 2] == iterable * 3
void testSwap() {
assert [1, 2, 3, 4] == [1, 2, 3, 4].swap(0, 0).swap(1, 1)
assert [1, 3, 4, 2] == [1, 2, 3, 4].swap(1, 2).swap(2, 3)
assert (["a", "c", "d", "b"] as String[]) == (["a", "b", "c", "d"] as String[]).swap(1, 2).swap(2, 3)
assert ([false, true, true, false] as boolean[]) == ([false, false, true, true] as boolean[]).swap(1, 2).swap(2, 3)
assert ([1, 3, 4, 2] as byte[]) == ([1, 2, 3, 4] as byte[]).swap(1, 2).swap(2, 3)
assert ([1, 3, 4, 2] as char[]) == ([1, 2, 3, 4] as char[]).swap(1, 2).swap(2, 3)
assert ([1, 3, 4, 2] as double[]) == ([1, 2, 3, 4] as double[]).swap(1, 2).swap(2, 3)
assert ([1, 3, 4, 2] as float[]) == ([1, 2, 3, 4] as float[]).swap(1, 2).swap(2, 3)
assert ([1, 3, 4, 2] as int[]) == ([1, 2, 3, 4] as int[]).swap(1, 2).swap(2, 3)
assert ([1, 3, 4, 2] as long[]) == ([1, 2, 3, 4] as long[]).swap(1, 2).swap(2, 3)
assert ([1, 3, 4, 2] as short[]) == ([1, 2, 3, 4] as short[]).swap(1, 2).swap(2, 3)
shouldFail(IndexOutOfBoundsException) {
[].swap(1, 2)
shouldFail(ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException) {
([] as String[]).swap(1, 2)
shouldFail(ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException) {
([] as int[]).swap(1, 2)
void testCharSequenceTakeRight() {
def data = ['groovy', // String
"${'groovy'}", // GString
new StringBuffer('groovy'),
new StringBuilder('groovy')]
data.each {
// Need toString() as CharBuffer.subSequence returns a java.nio.StringCharBuffer
assert it.takeRight(-1).toString() == ''
assert it.takeRight(0).toString() == ''
assert it.takeRight(3).toString() == 'ovy'
assert it.takeRight(6).toString() == 'groovy'
assert it.takeRight(10).toString() == 'groovy'
void testCharSequenceTakeAfter() {
def text = 'Groovy development. Groovy team'
def data = [text, // String
"${text}", // GString
new StringBuffer(text),
new StringBuilder(text)]
List<List<String>> searchStringsAndResults = [
['Groovy', ' development. Groovy team'],
['team', ''],
['Java.', ''],
['Unavailable text', ''],
['Some larger String than self', ''],
['', ''],
[null, '']
data.each { s ->
searchStringsAndResults.each { r ->
// Need toString() as CharBuffer.subSequence returns a java.nio.StringCharBuffer
assert s.takeAfter(r[0]).toString() == r[1] //String as searchString
assert s.takeAfter("${r[0]}").toString() == r[1] //GString as searchString
if (r[0]) {
assert s.takeAfter(java.nio.CharBuffer.wrap(r[0])).toString() == r[1] //CharBuffer as searchString
assert s.takeAfter(new StringBuffer(r[0])).toString() == r[1] //StringBuffer as searchString
assert s.takeAfter(new StringBuilder(r[0])).toString() == r[1] //StringBuilder as searchString
void testCharSequenceTakeBefore() {
def text = "Groovy development. Groovy team"
def data = [text, // String
"${text}", // GString
new StringBuffer(text),
new StringBuilder(text)]
List<List<String>> searchStringsAndResults = [
[' Groovy ', 'Groovy development.'],
['Groovy', ''],
[' ', 'Groovy'],
['Unavailable text', ''],
['Some larger String than self', ''],
['r', 'G'],
['', ''],
[null, '']
data.each { s ->
searchStringsAndResults.each { r ->
// Need toString() as CharBuffer.subSequence returns a java.nio.StringCharBuffer
assert s.takeBefore(r[0]).toString() == r[1] //String as searchString
assert s.takeBefore("${r[0]}").toString() == r[1] //GString as searchString
if (r[0]) {
assert s.takeBefore(java.nio.CharBuffer.wrap(r[0])).toString() == r[1] //CharBuffer as searchString
assert s.takeBefore(new StringBuffer(r[0])).toString() == r[1] //StringBuffer as searchString
assert s.takeBefore(new StringBuilder(r[0])).toString() == r[1] //StringBuilder as searchString
void testCharSequenceDropRight() {
def data = ['groovy', // String
"${'groovy'}", // GString
new StringBuffer('groovy'),
new StringBuilder('groovy')]
data.each {
// Need toString() as CharBuffer.subSequence returns a java.nio.StringCharBuffer
assert it.dropRight(-1).toString() == 'groovy'
assert it.dropRight(0).toString() == 'groovy'
assert it.dropRight(3).toString() == 'gro'
assert it.dropRight(6).toString() == ''
assert it.dropRight(10).toString() == ''
void testCharSequenceTakeBetween() {
def text = 'Time taken for Select Query = 12 ms, Update Query = 15 ms. Result = "One", "Two"'
def data = [text, // String
"${text}", // GString
new StringBuffer(text),
new StringBuilder(text)]
data.each { s ->
List<List<String>> fromToCasesWithoutNum = [
['Query = ', ' ms', '12'], //positive case
['Query = ', ' MS', ''], //negative case with invalid 'to'
['Query123 = ', ' ms', ''] //negative case with invalid 'from'
fromToCasesWithoutNum.each { r ->
assert s.takeBetween(r[0], r[1]).toString() == r[2]
assert s.takeBetween("${r[0]}", "${r[1]}").toString() == r[2]
if (r[0] && r[1]) {
assert s.takeBetween(CharBuffer.wrap(r[0]), CharBuffer.wrap(r[1])).toString() == r[2]
assert s.takeBetween(new StringBuffer(r[0]), CharBuffer.wrap(r[1])).toString() == r[2]
assert s.takeBetween(CharBuffer.wrap(r[0]), new StringBuilder(r[1])).toString() == r[2]
data.each { s ->
List<List<String>> enclosureWithoutNum = [
['"', 'One'], //positive case
['Query', ' = 12 ms, Update '], //negative case with invalid enclosure
['Query123', ''] //negative case with invalid enclosure
enclosureWithoutNum.each { r ->
assert s.takeBetween(r[0]).toString() == r[1]
assert s.takeBetween("${r[0]}").toString() == r[1]
if (r[0] && r[1]) {
assert s.takeBetween(CharBuffer.wrap(r[0])).toString() == r[1]
assert s.takeBetween(new StringBuffer(r[0])).toString() == r[1]
assert s.takeBetween(new StringBuilder(r[0])).toString() == r[1]
data.each { s ->
List<List<Object>> fromToCasesWithNum = [
['Query = ', ' ms', 1, '15'],
['Query = ', ' ms', 2, '']
fromToCasesWithNum.each { r ->
assert s.takeBetween(r[0], r[1], r[2]).toString() == r[3]
assert s.takeBetween("${r[0]}", "${r[1]}", r[2]).toString() == r[3]
if (r[0] && r[1]) {
assert s.takeBetween(CharBuffer.wrap(r[0]), CharBuffer.wrap(r[1]), r[2]).toString() == r[3]
assert s.takeBetween(new StringBuffer(r[0]), new StringBuffer(r[1]), r[2]).toString() == r[3]
assert s.takeBetween(new StringBuilder(r[0]), new StringBuilder(r[1]), r[2]).toString() == r[3]
data.each { s ->
List<List<Object>> enclosureWithNum = [
['"', 1, 'Two'],
['"', 2, ''],
['"', -1, '']
enclosureWithNum.each { r ->
assert s.takeBetween(r[0], r[1]).toString() == r[2]
assert s.takeBetween("${r[0]}", r[1]).toString() == r[2]
if (r[0] && r[1]) {
assert s.takeBetween(CharBuffer.wrap(r[0]), r[1]).toString() == r[2]
assert s.takeBetween(new StringBuffer(r[0]), r[1]).toString() == r[2]
assert s.takeBetween(new StringBuilder(r[0]), r[1]).toString() == r[2]
assert 'smalltext'.takeBetween('somelargertextfrom', 'somelargertextto') == ''
assert 'smalltext'.takeBetween('somelargertextfrom', 'somelargertextto', 0) == ''
def text2 = "name = 'some name'"
assert text2.takeBetween("'") == 'some name'
assert text2.takeBetween('z') == ''
def text3 = "t1=10 ms, t2=100 ms"
assert text3.takeBetween('=', ' ', 0) == '10'
assert text3.takeBetween('=', ' ', 1) == '100'
assert text3.takeBetween('t1', 'z') == ''
assert 'one\ntwo\nthree'.takeBetween('\n') == 'two'
void testCharSequenceStartsWithIgnoreCase() {
def text = 'Some Text'
def data = [text, // String
"${text}", // GString
new StringBuffer(text),
new StringBuilder(text)]
List<List<Object>> searchStringsAndResults = [
['SOME', true],
['some', true],
['Some', true],
['Wrong', false],
['Some larger String than self', false],
['', false],
[null, false]
data.each { s ->
searchStringsAndResults.each { r ->
assert s.startsWithIgnoreCase(r[0]) == r[1]
assert s.startsWithIgnoreCase("${r[0]}") == r[1]
if (r[0]) {
assert s.startsWithIgnoreCase(CharBuffer.wrap(r[0])) == r[1]
assert s.startsWithIgnoreCase(new StringBuffer(r[0])) == r[1]
assert s.startsWithIgnoreCase(new StringBuilder(r[0])) == r[1]
void testCharSequenceEndsWithIgnoreCase() {
def text = 'Some Text'
def data = [text, // String
"${text}", // GString
new StringBuffer(text),
new StringBuilder(text)]
List<List<Object>> searchStringsAndResults = [
['TEXT', true],
['text', true],
['Text', true],
['Wrong', false],
['Some larger String than self', false],
['', false],
[null, false]
data.each { s ->
searchStringsAndResults.each { r ->
assert s.endsWithIgnoreCase(r[0]) == r[1]
assert s.endsWithIgnoreCase("${r[0]}") == r[1]
if (r[0]) {
assert s.endsWithIgnoreCase(CharBuffer.wrap(r[0])) == r[1]
assert s.endsWithIgnoreCase(new StringBuffer(r[0])) == r[1]
assert s.endsWithIgnoreCase(new StringBuilder(r[0])) == r[1]
void testCharSequenceContainsIgnoreCase() {
def text = 'Some Text'
def data = [text, // String
"${text}", // GString
new StringBuffer(text),
new StringBuilder(text)]
List<List<Object>> searchStringsAndResults = [
['E TEX', true],
['Me t', true],
['me T', true],
['Wrong', false],
['Some larger String than self', false],
['', false],
[null, false]
data.each { s ->
searchStringsAndResults.each { r ->
assert s.containsIgnoreCase(r[0]) == r[1]
assert s.containsIgnoreCase("${r[0]}") == r[1]
if (r[0]) {
assert s.containsIgnoreCase(CharBuffer.wrap(r[0])) == r[1]
assert s.containsIgnoreCase(new StringBuffer(r[0])) == r[1]
assert s.containsIgnoreCase(new StringBuilder(r[0])) == r[1]
class WackyList extends LinkedList {
WackyList(list) {super(list)}
WackyList() {this([])}
class WackyHashCode {
int hashCode() {return 1;}
class Things implements Iterable<String> {
Iterator iterator() {
["a", "B", "c"].iterator()
class ExplodingList extends ArrayList {
final int num
ExplodingList(List orig, int num) {
this.num = num
def get(int index) {
if (index == num) {
throw new RuntimeException("Explode!")
Iterator iterator() {
int cursor = 0
new Iterator() {
boolean hasNext() { cursor < ExplodingList.this.size() }
def next() { ExplodingList.this.get(cursor++) }
void remove() {}