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package objectorientation
import groovy.test.GroovyTestCase
class MethodsTest extends GroovyTestCase {
void testMethodDefinition() {
assertScript '''
// tag::method_definition[]
def someMethod() { 'method called' } //<1>
String anotherMethod() { 'another method called' } //<2>
def thirdMethod(param1) { "$param1 passed" } //<3>
static String fourthMethod(String param1) { "$param1 passed" } //<4>
// end::method_definition[]
void testNamedArguments() {
assertScript '''
// tag::named_arguments[]
def foo(Map args) { "${}: ${args.age}" }
foo(name: 'Marie', age: 1)
// end::named_arguments[]
void testNamedArgumentsAlongWithOtherArguments() {
assertScript '''
// tag::named_arguments_with_additional_arguments[]
def foo(Map args, Integer number) { "${}: ${args.age}, and the number is ${number}" }
foo(name: 'Marie', age: 1, 23) //<1>
foo(23, name: 'Marie', age: 1) //<2>
// end::named_arguments_with_additional_arguments[]
void testFailedNamedArgumentsAlongWithOtherArguments() {
shouldFail '''
// tag::failed_named_arguments_with_additional_arguments[]
def foo(Integer number, Map args) { "${}: ${args.age}, and the number is ${number}" }
foo(name: 'Marie', age: 1, 23) //<1>
// end::failed_named_arguments_with_additional_arguments[]
void testExplicitNamedArgumentsAlongWithOtherArguments() {
assertScript '''
// tag::explicit_named_arguments_with_additional_arguments[]
def foo(Integer number, Map args) { "${}: ${args.age}, and the number is ${number}" }
foo(23, [name: 'Marie', age: 1]) //<1>
// end::explicit_named_arguments_with_additional_arguments[]
void testDefaultArguments() {
assertScript '''
// tag::default_arguments[]
def foo(String par1, Integer par2 = 1) { [name: par1, age: par2] }
assert foo('Marie').age == 1
// end::default_arguments[]
void testVarargs() {
assertScript '''
// tag::varargs_example[]
def foo(Object... args) { args.length }
assert foo() == 0
assert foo(1) == 1
assert foo(1, 2) == 2
// end::varargs_example[]
void testVarargsArrayNotation() {
assertScript '''
// tag::varargs_array_notation[]
def foo(Object[] args) { args.length }
assert foo() == 0
assert foo(1) == 1
assert foo(1, 2) == 2
// end::varargs_array_notation[]
void testVarargsNullParameter() {
assertScript '''
// tag::varargs_null_parameter[]
def foo(Object... args) { args }
assert foo(null) == null
// end::varargs_null_parameter[]
void testVarargsArrayParameter() {
assertScript '''
// tag::varargs_array_parameter[]
def foo(Object... args) { args }
Integer[] ints = [1, 2]
assert foo(ints) == [1, 2]
// end::varargs_array_parameter[]
void testVarargsMethodOverloading() {
assertScript '''
// tag::varargs_method_overloading[]
def foo(Object... args) { 1 }
def foo(Object x) { 2 }
assert foo() == 1
assert foo(1) == 2
assert foo(1, 2) == 1
// end::varargs_method_overloading[]
void testIdiomaticMethodDeclaration() {
assertScript '''
import static groovy.test.GroovyAssert.shouldFail
// tag::idiomatic_method_declaration[]
def badRead() {
new File('doesNotExist.txt').text
shouldFail(FileNotFoundException) {
// end::idiomatic_method_declaration[]
void testMethodDeclarationWithCheckedException() {
assertScript '''
import static groovy.test.GroovyAssert.shouldFail
// tag::checked_method_declaration[]
def badRead() throws FileNotFoundException {
new File('doesNotExist.txt').text
shouldFail(FileNotFoundException) {
// end::checked_method_declaration[]
void testMultiMethods() {
assertScript '''
// tag::multi_methods[]
def method(Object o1, Object o2) { 'o/o' }
def method(Integer i, String s) { 'i/s' }
def method(String s, Integer i) { 's/i' }
// end::multi_methods[]
// tag::call_single_method[]
assert method('foo', 42) == 's/i'
// end::call_single_method[]
// tag::call_multi_methods[]
List<List<Object>> pairs = [['foo', 1], [2, 'bar'], [3, 4]]
assert pairs.collect { a, b -> method(a, b) } == ['s/i', 'i/s', 'o/o']
// end::call_multi_methods[]
assertScript '''
import static groovy.test.GroovyAssert.shouldFail
// tag::multi_method_ambiguous[]
def method(Date d, Object o) { 'd/o' }
def method(Object o, String s) { 'o/s' }
def ex = shouldFail {
println method(new Date(), 'baz')
assert ex.message.contains('Ambiguous method overloading')
// end::multi_method_ambiguous[]
// tag::multi_method_ambiguous_cast[]
assert method(new Date(), (Object)'baz') == 'd/o'
assert method((Object)new Date(), 'baz') == 'o/s'
// end::multi_method_ambiguous_cast[]
assertScript '''
// tag::multi_method_distance_interfaces[]
interface I1 {}
interface I2 extends I1 {}
interface I3 {}
class Clazz implements I3, I2 {}
def method(I1 i1) { 'I1' }
def method(I3 i3) { 'I3' }
// end::multi_method_distance_interfaces[]
// tag::multi_method_distance_interfaces_usage[]
assert method(new Clazz()) == 'I3'
// end::multi_method_distance_interfaces_usage[]
assertScript '''
// tag::non_varargs_over_vararg[]
def method(String s, Object... vargs) { 'vararg' }
def method(String s) { 'non-vararg' }
assert method('foo') == 'non-vararg'
// end::non_varargs_over_vararg[]
assertScript '''
// tag::minimal_varargs[]
def method(String s, Object... vargs) { 'two vargs' }
def method(String s, Integer i, Object... vargs) { 'one varg' }
assert method('foo', 35, new Date()) == 'one varg'
// end::minimal_varargs[]
assertScript '''
// tag::object_array_over_object[]
def method(Object[] arg) { 'array' }
def method(Object arg) { 'object' }
assert method([] as Object[]) == 'array'
// end::object_array_over_object[]
assertScript '''
// tag::multi_method_distance_interface_over_super[]
interface I {}
class Base {}
class Child extends Base implements I {}
def method(Base b) { 'superclass' }
def method(I i) { 'interface' }
assert method(new Child()) == 'interface'
// end::multi_method_distance_interface_over_super[]