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package builder
import cli.CliBuilderTestCase
import groovy.cli.picocli.CliBuilder
import groovy.cli.TypedOption
import groovy.transform.TypeChecked
// tag::mapOptionImports[]
import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit
import static java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit.DAYS
import static java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit.HOURS
// end::mapOptionImports[]
// Core functionality we expect to remain the same for all implementations is tested in the base test case
// here we also add any functionality specific to this implementation that we value highly
class CliBuilderTest extends CliBuilderTestCase {
String getImportCliBuilder() { 'import groovy.cli.picocli.CliBuilder\n' }
void testAnnotationsInterfaceToStringWithUsage() {
doTestAnnotationsInterfaceToString('usage', '''\
Usage: groovy Greeter
[<remaining>...] positional parameters
-a, --audience=<audience>
greeting audience
-h, --help display usage
void testAnnotationsInterfaceToStringWithName() {
doTestAnnotationsInterfaceToString('name', '''\
Usage: groovy Greeter [-h] [-a=<audience>] [<remaining>...]
[<remaining>...] positional parameters
-a, --audience=<audience>
greeting audience
-h, --help display usage
void testTypeChecked_addingSingleHyphenForLongOptSupport() {
def cli = new CliBuilder(acceptLongOptionsWithSingleHyphen: true)
TypedOption<String> name = cli.option(String, opt: 'n', longOpt: 'name', 'name option')
TypedOption<Integer> age = cli.option(Integer, longOpt: 'age', 'age option')
def argz = "--name John -age 21 and some more".split()
def options = cli.parse(argz)
String n = options[name]
int a = options[age]
assert n == 'John' && a == 21
assert options.arguments() == ['and', 'some', 'more']
void testTypeChecked_defaultOnlyDoubleHyphen() {
def cli = new CliBuilder()
TypedOption<String> name = cli.option(String, opt: 'n', longOpt: 'name', 'name option')
TypedOption<Integer> age = cli.option(Integer, longOpt: 'age', 'age option')
def argz = "--name John -age 21 and some more".split()
def options = cli.parse(argz)
assert options[name] == 'John'
assert options[age] == null
assert options.arguments() == ['-age', '21', 'and', 'some', 'more']
void testUsageMessageSpec() {
// suppress ANSI escape codes to make this test pass on all environments
System.setProperty("picocli.ansi", "false")
ByteArrayOutputStream baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream()
System.setOut(new PrintStream(baos, true))
// tag::withUsageMessageSpec[]
def cli = new CliBuilder() = "myapp"
cli.usageMessage.with {
headerHeading("@|bold,underline Header heading:|@%n")
header("Header 1", "Header 2") // before the synopsis
synopsisHeading("%n@|bold,underline Usage:|@ ")
descriptionHeading("%n@|bold,underline Description heading:|@%n")
description("Description 1", "Description 2") // after the synopsis
optionListHeading("%n@|bold,underline Options heading:|@%n")
footerHeading("%n@|bold,underline Footer heading:|@%n")
footer("Footer 1", "Footer 2")
cli.a('option a description')
cli.b('option b description')
cli.c(args: '*', 'option c description')
// end::withUsageMessageSpec[]
String expected = '''\
Header heading:
Header 1
Header 2
Usage: myapp [-ab] [-c[=PARAM...]]...
Description heading:
Description 1
Description 2
Options heading:
-a option a description
-b option b description
-c=[PARAM...] option c description
Footer heading:
Footer 1
Footer 2
assertEquals(expected.normalize(), baos.toString().normalize())
void testMapOption() {
// tag::mapOption[]
def cli = new CliBuilder()
cli.D(args: 2, valueSeparator: '=', 'the old way') // <1>
cli.X(type: Map, 'the new way') // <2>
cli.Z(type: Map, auxiliaryTypes: [TimeUnit, Integer].toArray(), 'typed map') // <3>
def options = cli.parse('-Da=b -Dc=d -Xx=y -Xi=j -ZDAYS=2 -ZHOURS=23'.split())// <4>
assert options.Ds == ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd'] // <5>
assert options.Xs == [ 'x':'y', 'i':'j' ] // <6>
assert options.Zs == [ (DAYS as TimeUnit):2, (HOURS as TimeUnit):23 ] // <7>
// end::mapOption[]
void testGroovyDocAntExample() {
def cli = new CliBuilder(usage:'ant [options] [targets]',
header:'Options:')'print this message')
cli.logfile(type:File, argName:'file', 'use given file for log')
cli.D(type:Map, argName:'property=value', 'use value for given property')
cli.lib(argName:'path', valueSeparator:',', args: '3',
'comma-separated list of 3 paths to search for jars and classes')
// suppress ANSI escape codes to make this test pass on all environments
System.setProperty("picocli.ansi", "false")
StringWriter sw = new StringWriter()
cli.writer = new PrintWriter(sw)
String expected = '''\
Usage: ant [options] [targets]
-D=<property=value> use value for given property
-help print this message
comma-separated list of 3 paths to search for jars and
-logfile=<file> use given file for log
assertEquals(expected.normalize(), sw.toString().normalize())
void testGroovyDocCurlExample() {
// suppress ANSI escape codes to make this test pass on all environments
System.setProperty("picocli.ansi", "false")
ByteArrayOutputStream baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream()
System.setOut(new PrintStream(baos, true))
def cli = new CliBuilder(name:'curl')
cli._(longOpt:'basic', 'Use HTTP Basic Authentication')
cli.d(longOpt:'data', args:1, argName:'data', 'HTTP POST data')
cli.G(longOpt:'get', 'Send the -d data with a HTTP GET')
cli.q('If used as the first parameter disables .curlrc')
cli._(longOpt:'url', type:URL, argName:'URL', 'Set URL to work with')
String expected = '''\
Usage: curl [-Gq] [--basic] [-d=<data>] [--url=<URL>]
--basic Use HTTP Basic Authentication
-d, --data=<data> HTTP POST data
-G, --get Send the -d data with a HTTP GET
-q If used as the first parameter disables .curlrc
--url=<URL> Set URL to work with
assertEquals(expected.normalize(), baos.toString().normalize())