blob: dfc0f8de7fd46ce9079b7f3662af3c2a9e4048f2 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
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* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
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import groovy.transform.NotYetImplemented
* Unit tests for static type checking : generics.
class GenericsSTCTest extends StaticTypeCheckingTestCase {
void testDeclaration1() {
assertScript '''
List test = new LinkedList<String>()
void testDeclaration2() {
assertScript '''
Map<String,Integer> obj = new HashMap<String,Integer>()
void testDeclaration3() {
shouldFailWithMessages '''
Map<String,String> obj = new HashMap<String,Integer>()
'Incompatible generic argument types. Cannot assign java.util.HashMap <String, Integer> to: java.util.Map <String, String>'
// GROOVY-10010: check beyond first wildcard
void testDeclaration4() {
shouldFailWithMessages '''
Map<? extends CharSequence,String> obj = new HashMap<String,Integer>()
'Incompatible generic argument types. Cannot assign java.util.HashMap <String, Integer> to: java.util.Map <? extends java.lang.CharSequence, String>'
void testAddOnList() {
shouldFailWithMessages '''
List<String> list = []
'Cannot find matching method java.util.List#add(int)'
void testAddOnList2() {
assertScript '''
List<String> list = []
list.add 'Hello'
assertScript '''
List<Integer> list = []
list.add 1
void testAddOnListWithDiamond() {
assertScript '''
List<String> list = new LinkedList<>()
list.add 'Hello'
void testAddOnListUsingLeftShift() {
shouldFailWithMessages '''
List<String> list = []
list << 1
'Cannot call <T> java.util.List <String>#leftShift(T) with arguments [int]'
void testAddOnList2UsingLeftShift() {
assertScript '''
List<String> list = []
list << 'Hello'
assertScript '''
List<Integer> list = []
list << 1
void testAddOnListWithParameterizedTypeLeftShift() {
assertScript '''
class Trie<T> {}
List<Trie<String>> list = []
list << new Trie<String>()
void testAddOnListWithDiamondUsingLeftShift() {
assertScript '''
List<String> list = new LinkedList<>()
list << 'Hello'
void testListInferrenceWithNullElems() {
assertScript '''
List<String> strings = ['a', null]
assert strings == ['a',null]
void testListInferrenceWithAllNullElems() {
assertScript '''
List<String> strings = [null, null]
assert strings == [null,null]
void testAddOnListWithDiamondAndWrongType() {
shouldFailWithMessages '''
List<Integer> list = new LinkedList<>()
list.add 'Hello'
'Cannot find matching method java.util.LinkedList#add(java.lang.String). Please check if the declared type is correct and if the method exists.'
void testAddOnListWithDiamondAndWrongTypeUsingLeftShift() {
shouldFailWithMessages '''
List<Integer> list = new LinkedList<>()
list << 'Hello'
'Cannot call <T> java.util.LinkedList <java.lang.Integer>#leftShift(T) with arguments [java.lang.String]'
void testAddOnListWithDiamondAndNullUsingLeftShift() {
assertScript '''
List<Integer> list = new LinkedList<>()
list << null
void testReturnTypeInference() {
assertScript '''
class Foo<U> {
U method() { }
Foo<Integer> foo = new Foo<Integer>()
Integer result = foo.method()
void testReturnTypeInferenceWithDiamond() {
assertScript '''
class Foo<U> {
U method() { }
Foo<Integer> foo = new Foo<>()
Integer result = foo.method()
void testReturnTypeInferenceWithMethodGenerics() {
assertScript '''
List<Long> list = Arrays.asList([0L,0L] as Long[])
void testReturnTypeInferenceWithMethodGenericsAndVarArg() {
assertScript '''
List<Long> list = Arrays.asList(0L,0L)
// GROOVY-8638
void testReturnTypeInferenceWithMethodGenericsAndBridge() {
assertScript '''
ListMultimap<String, Integer> mmap = ArrayListMultimap.create()
Map<String, Collection<Integer>> map = mmap.asMap()
Set<Map.Entry<String, Collection<Integer>>> set = map.entrySet()
Iterator<Map.Entry<String, Collection<Integer>>> it = set.iterator()
while (it.hasNext()) { Map.Entry<String, Collection<Integer>> entry =
Collection<Integer> values = entry.value
// GROOVY-10051
void testReturnTypeInferenceWithMethodGenericsAndBounds() {
assertScript '''
interface Handle {
Result getResult()
class HandleContainer<H extends Handle> {
H handle
abstract class State<H extends Handle> {
// Why not return HandleContainer<H>? I can't really say.
def <T extends Handle> HandleContainer<T> getHandleContainer(key) {
class Result {
int itemCount
String[] items
List<String> getStrings(State state, List keys) {
keys.collectMany { key ->
List<String> strings = Collections.emptyList()
def container = state.getHandleContainer(key) // returns HandleContainer<Object> not HandleContainer<SearchHandle>
if (container != null) {
def result = container.handle.result
if (result != null && result.itemCount > 0) {
strings = Arrays.asList(result.items)
assert getStrings(null,[]).isEmpty()
assertScript '''
interface Handle {
int getCount()
class HandleContainer<H extends Handle> {
H handle
interface Input {
HandleContainer<? extends Handle> getResult(key)
interface State {
def <X extends Handle> HandleContainer<X> getResult(key)
void test(Input input, State state) {
def container = state.getResult('k') ?: input.getResult('k')
Handle handle = container.handle
Integer count = handle.count
assert count == 1
Handle h = {->1}
def c = new HandleContainer(handle: h)
test({k->c} as Input, {k->c} as State)
// GROOVY-9033
void testReturnTypeInferenceWithMethodGenerics8() {
shouldFailWithMessages '''
List<String> test() {
def x = [].each { }
x.add(new Object())
return x // List<E>
'Incompatible generic argument types.' // Cannot assign java.util.List<java.lang.Object> to: java.util.List<java.lang.String>
assertScript '''
def type = node.getNodeMetaData(INFERRED_TYPE)
assert type.genericsTypes[0].toString() == 'java.lang.String'
assert type.genericsTypes[1].toString() == 'java.util.List<java.lang.Object>' // not List<E>
def map = [ key: [] ]
void testDiamondInferrenceFromConstructor1() {
assertScript '''
class Foo<U> {
U method() { }
Foo<Integer> foo = new Foo<>()
Integer result = foo.method()
void testDiamondInferrenceFromConstructor2() {
assertScript '''
Set<Long> set = new HashSet<>()
void testDiamondInferrenceFromConstructor3() {
assertScript '''
new HashSet<>(Arrays.asList(0L))
assertScript '''
Set<Number> set = new HashSet<>(Arrays.asList(0L))
// not diamond inference, but tests compatible assignment
assertScript '''
Set<Number> set = new HashSet<Number>(Arrays.asList(0L))
assertScript '''
Set<? super Number> set = new HashSet<>(Arrays.asList(0L))
assertScript '''
Set<? extends Number> set = new HashSet<>(Arrays.asList(0L))
// GROOVY-7419
void testDiamondInferrenceFromConstructor4() {
assertScript '''
Map<Thread.State, Object> map = new EnumMap<>(Thread.State)
assert map.size() == 0
assert map.isEmpty()
// GROOVY-9956
void testDiamondInferrenceFromConstructor8() {
assertScript '''
class C<T> {
T p
interface I { }
class D implements I { }
C<I> ci = new C<I>(new D())
ci = new C<>(new D()) // infers C<D> on RHS
void testDiamondInferrenceFromConstructor9() {
assertScript '''
abstract class A<X> { }
class C<T> extends A<T> {
T p
interface I { }
class D implements I { }
A<I> ai = new C<>(new D())
shouldFailWithMessages '''
abstract class A<X> { }
class C<T> extends A<T> {
T p
interface I { }
class D implements I { }
A<String> ax = new C<>(new D())
'Incompatible generic argument types. Cannot assign C <D> to: A <String>'
shouldFailWithMessages '''
Set<List<String>> strings = new HashSet<>([new ArrayList<Number>()])
'Incompatible generic argument types. Cannot assign java.util.HashSet <java.util.ArrayList> to: java.util.Set <List>'
// GROOVY-10086
void testDiamondInferrenceFromConstructor12() {
shouldFailWithMessages '''
class C<T> {
T p
class D {
void m(int i, C<D>... zeroOrMore) {
D d = zeroOrMore[0].p
m(0, new C<>(1))
'Cannot call', 'm(int, C <D>[]) with arguments [int, C <java.lang.Integer>]'
// GROOVY-10324
void testDiamondInferrenceFromConstructor20() {
assertScript '''
class C<T> {
def <X> X m(C<X> c) {
List<String> x = m(new C<>())
// GROOVY-10310
void testDiamondInferrenceFromConstructor21() {
assertScript '''
class A<T> {
T f
class B<T> {
def <T> A<T> m(T t, B<? extends T> b_of_t) {
new A<>(t)
def x = 'x'
m(x, new B<>()) // Cannot call m(T,B<? extends T>) with arguments...
// GROOVY-10344
void testDiamondInferrenceFromConstructor22() {
assertScript '''
class C<X,Y> {
def <T extends C<? extends Number, ? extends Number>> T m(T t) {
return t
def x = m(new C<>())
assert x instanceof C
@NotYetImplemented // GROOVY-10230
void testDiamondInferrenceFromConstructor23() {
assertScript '''
class A {
def <T extends C<Number,Number>> T m(T t) {
return t
class B extends A {
def <T extends C<Number,Number>> T m(T t) {
T x = null; super.m(true ? t : x)
class C<X,Y> {
def x = new B().m(new C<>())
assert x instanceof C
// GROOVY-10351
void testDiamondInferrenceFromConstructor24() {
assertScript '''
class C<T> {
C(T one, D<T,? extends T> two) {
class D<U,V> {
D<Integer,? extends Integer> d_of_i_and_i = null
C<Integer> c_of_i = new C<>(1,d_of_i_and_i) // 3 witnesses for T
// GROOVY-10368
void testDiamondInferrenceFromConstructor25() {
['T', 'T extends Number', 'T extends Object'].each {
assertScript """
class C<$it> {
C(p) {
void m(C<Integer> c) {
m(new C<>(null)) // Cannot call m(C<Integer>) with arguments [C<# extends Number>]
// GROOVY-10367
void testDiamondInferrenceFromConstructor26() {
assertScript '''
class C<X, Y extends X> { // works without Y
X x
def <Z extends Number> void test(Z z) {
z = new C<>(z).x // Cannot assign value of type Object to variable of type Z
@NotYetImplemented // GROOVY-10343
void testDiamondInferrenceFromConstructor27() {
assertScript '''
class C<T1, T2 extends T1> {
T1 p
C(T1 p) { this.p = p }
T2 m() { return null }
void test(Integer x) {
def c = new C<>(x) // type witness for T1 can also help bound T2
def y = c.m()
Integer z = y // Cannot assign value of type Object to variable of type Integer
// GROOVY-10316
void testDiamondInferrenceFromConstructor28() {
assertScript '''
class A<T> {
A(T t) {
class B<T> {
A<T> p
def b = new B<>(new A<>(1L))
A<Long> x = b.p // Cannot assign A<Object> to A<Long>
// GROOVY-10624
void testDiamondInferrenceFromConstructor29() {
assertScript '''
class A<T> {
class B<T> {
B(A<T> a) { }
B<Float> x = new B<>(new A<>()) // Cannot assign B<Object> to B<Float>
// GROOVY-10280
void testTypeArgumentPropagation() {
assertScript '''
class Test<T> {
T test() {
def type = node.getNodeMetaData(INFERRED_TYPE)
assert type.toString(false) == 'T'
def t = new Foo<T>().x.y.z
class Foo<X> {
Bar<X> x = new Bar<>()
class Bar<T> {
Baz<T> y = new Baz<>()
class Baz<Z> {
Z z
new Test<String>().test()
void testTypeArgumentPropagation2() {
assertScript '''
class Foo<T extends Bar> {
public List<T> bars
void test() {
class Bar {
def baz() {}
def obj = new Foo(bars: [new Bar()])
void testLinkedListWithListArgument() {
assertScript '''
List<String> list = new LinkedList<String>(['1','2','3'])
void testLinkedListWithListArgumentAndWrongElementTypes() {
shouldFailWithMessages '''
List<String> list = new LinkedList<String>([1,2,3])
''', 'Cannot call java.util.LinkedList <String>#<init>(java.util.Collection <java.lang.Object extends java.lang.String>) with arguments [java.util.List <java.lang.Integer>]'
void testCompatibleGenericAssignmentWithInference() {
shouldFailWithMessages '''
List<String> elements = ['a','b', 1]
''', 'Incompatible generic argument types. Cannot assign java.util.List <> to: java.util.List <String>'
void testGenericAssignmentWithSubClass() {
assertScript '''
List<String> list = new
void testGenericAssignmentWithSubClassAndWrongGenericType() {
shouldFailWithMessages '''
List<Integer> list = new
''', 'Incompatible generic argument types'
void testAddShouldBeAllowedOnUncheckedGenerics() {
assertScript '''
List list = []
list.add 'Hello'
list.add 2
list.add 'the'
list.add 'world'
void testAssignmentShouldFailBecauseOfLowerBound() {
shouldFailWithMessages '''
List<? super Number> list = ['string']
''', 'Number'
void testGroovy5154() {
assertScript '''
class Foo {
def say() {
FooWithGenerics f
FooBound fb
class FooWithGenerics {
def <T extends FooBound> void say(T p) {
class FooBound {
new Foo()
void testGroovy5154WithSubclass() {
assertScript '''
class Foo {
def say() {
FooWithGenerics f
FooBound2 fb
class FooWithGenerics {
def <T extends FooBound> void say(T p) {
class FooBound {
class FooBound2 extends FooBound {}
new Foo()
void testGroovy5154WithIncorrectType() {
shouldFailWithMessages '''
class Foo {
def say() {
FooWithGenerics f
Object fb
class FooWithGenerics {
def <T extends FooBound> void say(T p) {
class FooBound {
new Foo()
''', 'Cannot find matching method FooWithGenerics#say(java.lang.Object)'
void testVoidReturnTypeInferrence() {
assertScript '''
Object m() {
def s = '1234'
println 'Hello'
// GROOVY-5237
void testGenericTypeArgumentAsField() {
assertScript '''
class Container<T> {
private T initialValue
Container(T initialValue) { this.initialValue = initialValue }
T get() { initialValue }
Container<Date> c = new Container<Date>(new Date())
long time = c.get().time
void testReturnAnntationClass() {
assertScript '''
import java.lang.annotation.Documented
Documented annotation = Deprecated.getAnnotation(Documented)
void testReturnListOfParameterizedType() {
assertScript '''
class A {}
class B extends A { void bar() {} }
public <T extends A> List<T> foo() { [] }
List<B> list = foo()
list.add(new B())
// GROOVY-6126
void testChoosesCorrectMethodOfParameterizedReturnType() {
assertScript '''
class Loader {
public <T> T load(Class<T> entityClass, Serializable id) {entityClass.newInstance()}
public void load(final Object entity, final Serializable id) {}
class MyClass<D> {
Class<D> persistentClass
Loader hibernateTemplate = new Loader()
MyClass(Class<D> c) {
this.persistentClass = c
D load(Serializable id) {
id = convertIdentifier(id)
if (id != null) {
return hibernateTemplate.load(persistentClass, id)
Serializable convertIdentifier(Serializable s) {"1"}
class Foo{}
MyClass<Foo> mc = new MyClass(Foo)
Foo foo = mc.load("2")'''
void testMethodCallWithClassParameterUsingClassLiteralArg() {
assertScript '''
class A {}
class B extends A {}
class Foo {
void m(Class<? extends A> clazz) {}
new Foo().m(B)
void testMethodCallWithClassParameterUsingClassLiteralArgWithoutWrappingClass() {
assertScript '''
class A {}
class B extends A {}
void m(Class<? extends A> clazz) {}
// GROOVY-7945
void testSpecialCtorCallWithClassLiteral() {
shouldFailWithMessages '''
abstract class A<X, Y> {
private final Class<X> x
private final Class<Y> y
A(Class<X> x, Class<Y> y) {
this.x = x
this.y = y
void test() {
println("{$x} and {$y}")
class B extends A<String, Integer> {
B() {
super(Integer, String)
A<String, Integer> a = new B()
''', 'Cannot call A <String, Integer>#<init>(java.lang.Class <String>, java.lang.Class <Integer>) with arguments [java.lang.Class <java.lang.Integer>, java.lang.Class <java.lang.String>]'
void testPutWithPrimitiveValue() {
assertScript '''
def map = new HashMap<String, Integer>()
map.put('hello', 1)
void testPutAtWithPrimitiveValue() {
assertScript '''
def map = new HashMap<String, Integer>()
map['hello'] = 1
void testPutWithWrongValueType() {
shouldFailWithMessages '''
def map = new HashMap<String, Integer>()
map.put('hello', new Object())
'Cannot find matching method java.util.HashMap#put(java.lang.String, java.lang.Object). Please check if the declared type is correct and if the method exists.'
void testPutAtWithWrongValueType() {
shouldFailWithMessages '''
def map = new HashMap<String, Integer>()
map['hello'] = new Object()
'Cannot call <K,V> java.util.HashMap <String, Integer>#putAt(java.lang.String, java.lang.Integer) with arguments [java.lang.String, java.lang.Object]'
// GROOVY-9069
void testPutAtWithWrongValueType2() {
shouldFailWithMessages '''
class ConfigAttribute {
void test(Map<String, Map<String, List<String>>> maps) {
maps.each { String key, Map<String, List<String>> map ->
Map<String, List<ConfigAttribute>> value = [:]
maps.put(key, value)
maps[key] = value
'Cannot call java.util.Map <String, Map>#put(java.lang.String, java.util.Map <String, List>) with arguments [java.lang.String, java.util.LinkedHashMap <String, List>]',
'Cannot call <K,V> java.util.Map <String, Map>#putAt(java.lang.String, java.util.Map <String, List>) with arguments [java.lang.String, java.util.LinkedHashMap <String, List>]'
void testPutAtWithWrongValueType3() {
assertScript '''
void test(Map<String, Map<String, List<String>>> maps) {
maps.each { String key, Map<String, List<String>> map ->
Map<String, List<String>> value = [:]
// populate value
maps[key] = value
maps.put(key, value)
// GROOVY-10576
void testPutAllWithMapParameterUnbounded() {
assertScript '''
class C {
Map<String,Object> map
void test(Map<String,?> m) {
map.putAll(m) // Cannot call Map#putAll(Map<? extends String, ? extends Object>) with arguments [Map<String, ?>]
def obj = new C(map:[:])
def map =
assert map == [foo:'bar']
// GROOVY-9460
void testMethodCallWithClassParameterUnbounded() {
assertScript '''
class Bar {
static void baz(Class<?> target) {
class Foo<X> { // cannot be "T" because that matches type parameter in Class
void test(Class<X> c) {
Bar.baz(c) // Cannot call Bar#baz(Class<?>) with arguments [Class<X>]
new Foo<String>().test(String.class)
// GROOVY-10525
void testMethodCallWithClassParameterUnbounded2() {
assertScript '''
import javax.validation.Validator
void test(Object bean, List<Class<?>> types, Validator validator) {
validator.validate(bean, types as Class<?>[])
// GROOVY-9413
void testMethodCallWithClassParameterUnbounded3() {
File parentDir = createTempDir()
config.with {
targetDirectory = createTempDir()
jointCompilationOptions = [stubDir: createTempDir()]
try {
def a = new File(parentDir, '')
a.write '''
import java.util.Map;
interface APSBus {
void send(String target, Map<String, Object> message, APSHandler<APSResult<?>> resultHandler);
interface APSBusRouter {
boolean send(String target, Map<String, Object> message, APSHandler<APSResult<?>> resultHandler);
interface APSHandler<T> {
void handle(T value);
interface APSResult<T> {
class APSServiceTracker<Service> {
void withService(WithService<Service> withService, Object... args) throws Exception {
interface WithService<Service> {
void withService(Service service, Object... args) throws Exception;
def b = new File(parentDir, 'B.groovy')
b.write '''
class One9413 implements APSBus {
private APSServiceTracker<APSBusRouter> busRouterTracker
void send(String target, Map<String, Object> message, APSHandler<APSResult<?>> resultHandler) {
busRouterTracker.withService { APSBusRouter busRouter, Object... arguments ->
busRouter.send(target, message, resultHandler)
class Two9413 implements APSBusRouter {
boolean send(String target, Map<String, Object> payload, APSHandler<APSResult<?>> resultHandler) {
def loader = new GroovyClassLoader(this.class.classLoader)
def cu = new JavaAwareCompilationUnit(config, loader)
cu.addSources(a, b)
} finally {
void testConstructorCallWithClassParameterUsingClassLiteralArg() {
assertScript '''
class A {}
class B extends A {}
class C extends B {}
class Foo {
Foo(Class<? extends A> clazz) {}
new Foo(B)
new Foo(C)
void testConstructorCallWithClassParameterUsingClassLiteralArgAndInterface() {
assertScript '''
interface A {}
class B implements A {}
class C extends B {}
class Foo {
Foo(Class<? extends A> clazz) {}
new Foo(B)
new Foo(C)
void testShouldComplainAboutToInteger() {
shouldFailWithMessages '''
class Test {
static test2() {
if (new Random().nextBoolean()) {
def a = new ArrayList<String>()
a << "a" << "b" << "c"
return a
} else {
def b = new LinkedList<Number>()
b << 1 << 2 << 3
return b
static test() {
def result = test2()
new Test()
''', 'Cannot find matching method java.lang.Object#getAt(int)'
void testAssignmentOfNewInstance() {
assertScript '''
class Foo {
static Class clazz = Date
public static void main(String... args) {
assert node.getNodeMetaData(INFERRED_TYPE) == OBJECT_TYPE
def obj = clazz.newInstance()
// GROOVY-5415
void testShouldUseMethodGenericType1() {
assertScript '''import
class ClassB {
void bar() {
def ClassA<Long> a = new ClassA<Long>();;
new ClassB()
// GROOVY-5415
void testShouldUseMethodGenericType2() {
shouldFailWithMessages '''import
class ClassB {
void bar() {
def ClassA<Long> a = new ClassA<Long>();;
new ClassB()
''', 'Cannot call <X>$ClassA <Long>#bar(java.lang.Class <Long>) with arguments [java.lang.Class <? extends java.lang.Object>]'
// GROOVY-8961
void testShouldUseMethodGenericType3() {
assertScript '''
void setM(List<String> strings) {
void test() {
m = Collections.emptyList() // Cannot assign value of type List<T> to variable of List<String>
assertScript '''
void setM(Collection<String> strings) {
void test() {
m = Collections.emptyList()
assertScript '''
void setM(Iterable<String> strings) {
void test() {
m = Collections.emptyList()
shouldFailWithMessages '''
void setM(List<String> strings) {
void test() {
m = Collections.<Integer>emptyList()
''', '[Static type checking] - Cannot assign value of type java.util.List <Integer> to variable of type java.util.List <String>'
// GROOVY-9734
void testShouldUseMethodGenericType4() {
assertScript '''
void m(List<String> strings) {
void test() {
m(Collections.emptyList()) // Cannot call m(List<String>) with arguments [List<T>]
assertScript '''
void m(Collection<String> strings) {
void test() {
assertScript '''
void m(Iterable<String> strings) {
void test() {
// GROOVY-9751
void testShouldUseMethodGenericType5() {
assertScript '''
interface Service {
Number transform(String s)
void test(Service service) {
Set<Number> numbers = []
List<String> strings = ['1','2','3']
test({ String s -> Integer.valueOf(s) } as Service)
void testShouldUseMethodGenericType6() {
assertScript '''
def type = node.rightExpression.getNodeMetaData(INFERRED_TYPE)
assert type.equals(CLOSURE_TYPE)
assert type.getGenericsTypes()[0].getType().equals(STRING_TYPE)
def ptr = "".&toString
assertScript '''
def type = node.rightExpression.getNodeMetaData(INFERRED_TYPE)
assert type.equals(CLOSURE_TYPE)
assert type.getGenericsTypes()[0].getType().equals(Double_TYPE)
def ptr = Math.&abs
// GROOVY-9945
void testShouldUseMethodGenericType7() {
assertScript '''
interface I<T> {
class A<T> implements I<String> {
def m(T t) { 'works' }
class B<T> extends A<T> {
def bee = new B<Float>()
def obj = bee.m(3.14f)
assert obj == 'works'
// GROOVY-5516
void testAddAllWithCollectionShouldBeAllowed() {
assertScript '''import
List<String> list = ['a','b','c']
Collection<String> e = list.findAll { it }
def dmt = node.rightExpression.getNodeMetaData(DIRECT_METHOD_CALL_TARGET)
assert dmt instanceof ExtensionMethodNode == false
assert == 'addAll'
assert dmt.declaringClass == make(List)
boolean r = list.addAll(e)
void testAddAllWithCollectionShouldNotBeAllowed() {
shouldFailWithMessages '''
List<String> list = ['a','b','c']
Collection<Integer> e = (Collection<Integer>) [1,2,3]
boolean r = list.addAll(e)
''', 'Cannot call java.util.List <java.lang.String>#addAll(java.util.Collection <java.lang.Object extends java.lang.String>) with arguments [java.util.Collection <Integer>]'
// GROOVY-5528
void testAssignmentToInterfaceFromUserClassWithGenerics() {
assertScript '''class UserList<T> extends LinkedList<T> {}
List<String> list = new UserList<String>()
// GROOVY-5559, GROOVY-10010
void testGStringInListShouldNotBeConsideredAsAString() {
String base = '''import as LUB
def bar = 1
assertScript base + '''
assert node.getNodeMetaData(INFERRED_TYPE) == LIST_TYPE
assert node.getNodeMetaData(INFERRED_TYPE).genericsTypes[0].type instanceof LUB
def list = ["foo", "$bar"]
shouldFailWithMessages base + '''
assert node.getNodeMetaData(INFERRED_TYPE) == LIST_TYPE
assert node.getNodeMetaData(INFERRED_TYPE).genericsTypes[0].type instanceof LUB
List<String> list = ["foo", "$bar"]
''', 'You are trying to use a GString in place of a String'
shouldFailWithMessages base + '''
assert node.getNodeMetaData(INFERRED_TYPE) == LIST_TYPE
assert node.getNodeMetaData(INFERRED_TYPE).genericsTypes[0].type == GSTRING_TYPE // single element means no LUB
List<String> list = ["$bar"]
''', 'You are trying to use a GString in place of a String'
shouldFailWithMessages base + '''
void m(List<String> list) {}
m(["foo", "$bar"])
''', 'You are trying to use a GString in place of a String'
// GROOVY-5559, GROOVY-10010
void testGStringInMapShouldNotBeConsideredAsAString() {
String base = 'def bar = 123'
shouldFailWithMessages base + '''
Map<String,String> map = [x:"foo", y:"$bar"]
''', 'You are trying to use a GString in place of a String'
shouldFailWithMessages base + '''
void m(Map<?,String> map) {}
m([x:"foo", y:"$bar"])
''', 'You are trying to use a GString in place of a String'
shouldFailWithMessages base + '''
void m(Map<?,String> map) {}
m(x:"foo", y:"$bar")
''', 'You are trying to use a GString in place of a String'
// GROOVY-5559: related behaviour
void testGStringString() {
assertScript '''
int i = 1
assert node.getNodeMetaData(INFERRED_TYPE) == GSTRING_TYPE
def str = "foo$i"
assert str == 'foo1'
// GROOVY-5594
void testMapEntryUsingPropertyNotation() {
assertScript '''
Map.Entry<Date, Integer> entry = null
assert node.getNodeMetaData(INFERRED_TYPE) == make(Date)
def k = entry?.key
assert node.getNodeMetaData(INFERRED_TYPE) == Integer_TYPE
def v = entry?.value
void testInferenceFromMap() {
assertScript '''
Map<Date, Integer> map = [:]
def infType = node.getNodeMetaData(INFERRED_TYPE)
assert infType == make(Set)
def entryInfType = infType.genericsTypes[0].type
assert entryInfType == make(Map.Entry)
assert entryInfType.genericsTypes[0].type == make(Date)
assert entryInfType.genericsTypes[1].type == Integer_TYPE
def entries = map?.entrySet()
void testInferenceFromListOfMaps() {
assertScript '''
List<Map<Date, Integer>> maps = []
def listType = node.getNodeMetaData(INFERRED_TYPE)
assert listType == Iterator_TYPE
def infType = listType.genericsTypes[0].type
assert infType == make(Map)
assert infType.genericsTypes[0].type == make(Date)
assert infType.genericsTypes[1].type == Integer_TYPE
def iter = maps?.iterator()
void testAssignNullMapWithGenerics() {
assertScript '''
Map<String, Integer> foo = null
Integer result = foo?.get('a')
assert result == null
void testAssignNullListWithGenerics() {
assertScript '''
List<Integer> foo = null
Integer result = foo?.get(0)
assert result == null
void testAssignNullListWithGenericsWithSequence() {
assertScript '''
List<Integer> foo = [1]
foo = null
Integer result = foo?.get(0)
assert result == null
void testMethodCallWithArgumentUsingNestedGenerics() {
assertScript '''
ThreadLocal<Map<Integer, String>> cachedConfigs = new ThreadLocal<Map<Integer, String>>()
def configs = new HashMap<Integer, String>()
cachedConfigs.set configs
void testInferDiamondUsingAIC() {
shouldFailWithMessages '''
Map<String,Date> map = new HashMap<>() {}
''', 'Cannot use diamond <> with anonymous inner classes'
// GROOVY-5614
void testInferDiamondForFields() {
assertScript '''
class Rules {
def type = node.initialExpression.getNodeMetaData(INFERRED_TYPE)
assert type == make(HashMap)
assert type.genericsTypes.length == 2
assert type.genericsTypes[0].type == Integer_TYPE
assert type.genericsTypes[1].type == make(Date)
final Map<Integer, Date> bindings1 = new HashMap<>();
def type = node.initialExpression.getNodeMetaData(INFERRED_TYPE)
assert type == make(HashMap)
assert type.genericsTypes.length == 2
assert type.genericsTypes[0].type == STRING_TYPE
assert type.genericsTypes[1].type == STRING_TYPE
final Map<String, String> bindings2 = new HashMap<>();
def r = new Rules()
r.bindings1[3] = new Date()
assert r.bindings1.containsKey(3)
r.bindings2['a'] = 'A'
r.bindings2.put('b', 'B')
void testInferDiamondForAssignment() {
assertScript '''
def type = node.getNodeMetaData(INFERRED_TYPE)
assert type == make(HashMap)
assert type.genericsTypes.length == 2
assert type.genericsTypes[0].type == STRING_TYPE
assert type.genericsTypes[1].type == STRING_TYPE
type = node.rightExpression.getNodeMetaData(INFERRED_TYPE)
assert type == make(HashMap)
assert type.genericsTypes.length == 2
assert type.genericsTypes[0].type == STRING_TYPE
assert type.genericsTypes[1].type == STRING_TYPE
Map<String, String> map = new HashMap<>()
void testInferDiamondForAssignmentWithDates() {
assertScript '''
def DATE = make(Date)
def type = node.getNodeMetaData(INFERRED_TYPE)
assert type == make(HashMap)
assert type.genericsTypes.length == 2
assert type.genericsTypes[0].type == DATE
assert type.genericsTypes[1].type == DATE
type = node.rightExpression.getNodeMetaData(INFERRED_TYPE)
assert type == make(HashMap)
assert type.genericsTypes.length == 2
assert type.genericsTypes[0].type == DATE
assert type.genericsTypes[1].type == DATE
Map<Date, Date> map = new HashMap<>()
void testInferDiamondForAssignmentWithDatesAndIllegalKeyUsingPut() {
shouldFailWithMessages '''
def DATE = make(Date)
def type = node.getNodeMetaData(INFERRED_TYPE)
assert type == make(HashMap)
assert type.genericsTypes.length == 2
assert type.genericsTypes[0].type == DATE
assert type.genericsTypes[1].type == DATE
type = node.rightExpression.getNodeMetaData(INFERRED_TYPE)
assert type == make(HashMap)
assert type.genericsTypes.length == 2
assert type.genericsTypes[0].type == DATE
assert type.genericsTypes[1].type == DATE
Map<Date, Date> map = new HashMap<>()
map.put('foo', new Date())
''', '[Static type checking] - Cannot find matching method java.util.HashMap#put(java.lang.String, java.util.Date). Please check if the declared type is correct and if the method exists.'
void testInferDiamondForAssignmentWithDatesAndIllegalKeyUsingSquareBracket() {
shouldFailWithMessages '''
def DATE = make(Date)
def type = node.getNodeMetaData(INFERRED_TYPE)
assert type == make(HashMap)
assert type.genericsTypes.length == 2
assert type.genericsTypes[0].type == DATE
assert type.genericsTypes[1].type == DATE
type = node.rightExpression.getNodeMetaData(INFERRED_TYPE)
assert type == make(HashMap)
assert type.genericsTypes.length == 2
assert type.genericsTypes[0].type == DATE
assert type.genericsTypes[1].type == DATE
Map<Date, Date> map = new HashMap<>()
map['foo'] = new Date()
''', 'Cannot call <K,V> java.util.HashMap <java.util.Date, java.util.Date>#putAt(java.util.Date, java.util.Date) with arguments [java.lang.String, java.util.Date]'
void testInferDiamondForAssignmentWithDatesAndIllegalValueUsingPut() {
shouldFailWithMessages '''
def DATE = make(Date)
def type = node.getNodeMetaData(INFERRED_TYPE)
assert type == make(HashMap)
assert type.genericsTypes.length == 2
assert type.genericsTypes[0].type == DATE
assert type.genericsTypes[1].type == DATE
type = node.rightExpression.getNodeMetaData(INFERRED_TYPE)
assert type == make(HashMap)
assert type.genericsTypes.length == 2
assert type.genericsTypes[0].type == DATE
assert type.genericsTypes[1].type == DATE
Map<Date, Date> map = new HashMap<>()
map.put(new Date(), 'foo')
''', '[Static type checking] - Cannot find matching method java.util.HashMap#put(java.util.Date, java.lang.String). Please check if the declared type is correct and if the method exists.'
void testInferDiamondForAssignmentWithDatesAndIllegalValueUsingSquareBracket() {
shouldFailWithMessages '''
def DATE = make(Date)
def type = node.getNodeMetaData(INFERRED_TYPE)
assert type == make(HashMap)
assert type.genericsTypes.length == 2
assert type.genericsTypes[0].type == DATE
assert type.genericsTypes[1].type == DATE
type = node.rightExpression.getNodeMetaData(INFERRED_TYPE)
assert type == make(HashMap)
assert type.genericsTypes.length == 2
assert type.genericsTypes[0].type == DATE
assert type.genericsTypes[1].type == DATE
Map<Date, Date> map = new HashMap<>()
map[new Date()] = 'foo'
''', 'Cannot call <K,V> java.util.HashMap <java.util.Date, java.util.Date>#putAt(java.util.Date, java.util.Date) with arguments [java.util.Date, java.lang.String]'
void testCallMethodWithParameterizedArrayList() {
assertScript '''
class MyUtility {
def methodOne() {
def someFiles = new ArrayList<File>()
def someString = ''
methodTwo someString, someFiles
def methodTwo(String s, List<File> files) {}
new MyUtility()
void testGenericTypeArrayOfDGMMethod() {
assertScript '''
int[] arr = [0,1,2,3]
assert arr.findAll() == [1,2,3]
// GROOVY-5617
void testIntermediateListAssignmentOfGStrings() {
assertScript '''
def test() {
def type = node.getNodeMetaData(INFERRED_TYPE)
assert type == make(List)
assert type.genericsTypes.length==1
assert type.genericsTypes[0].type == GSTRING_TYPE
List<GString> dates = ["${new Date()-1}", "${new Date()}", "${new Date()+1}"]
def type = node.getNodeMetaData(INFERRED_TYPE)
assert type == make(List)
assert type.genericsTypes.length==1
assert type.genericsTypes[0].type == GSTRING_TYPE
List<GString> copied = []
List<String> upper = copied*.toUpperCase()
// GROOVY-5650
void testRegressionInGenericsTypeInference() {
assertScript '''import as JavaClass
List<JavaClass.StringContainer> containers = new ArrayList<>();
containers.add(new JavaClass.StringContainer());
List<String> strings = JavaClass.unwrap(containers);
// In Groovy, we do not throw warnings (in general) and in that situation, not for unchecked
// assignments like in Java
// In the following test, the LHS of the assignment uses generics, while the RHS does not.
// As we have the concept of flow typing too, we are facing a problem: what inferred type is the RHS?
void testUncheckedAssignment() {
assertScript '''
def ift = node.getNodeMetaData(INFERRED_TYPE)
assert ift == make(List)
assert ift.isUsingGenerics()
def gts = ift.genericsTypes
assert gts.length==1
assert gts[0].type == STRING_TYPE
List<String> list = (List) null
void testUncheckedAssignmentWithSuperInterface() {
assertScript '''
def ift = node.getNodeMetaData(INFERRED_TYPE)
assert ift == make(List)
assert ift.isUsingGenerics()
def gts = ift.genericsTypes
assert gts.length==1
assert gts[0].type == STRING_TYPE
Iterable<String> list = (List) null
void testCompatibleArgumentsForPlaceholders1() {
assertScript '''
def <X> X foo(X x) {
def <Y> Y bar() {
def <Z> void baz() {
// GROOVY-10482
void testCompatibleArgumentsForPlaceholders2() {
['def', 'public', 'static', '@Deprecated'].each {
assertScript """
class Foo<X> {
Foo(X x) {
$it <Y> Y bar() {
$it <Z> void baz() {
new Foo<Z>(bar()) // Cannot call Foo#<init>(Z) with arguments [#Y]
void testIncompatibleGenericsForTwoArguments() {
shouldFailWithMessages '''
public <T> void printEqual(T arg1, T arg2) {
println arg1 == arg2
printEqual(1, 'foo')
''', '#printEqual(T, T) with arguments [int, java.lang.String]'
void testIncompatibleGenericsForTwoArgumentsUsingEmbeddedPlaceholder() {
shouldFailWithMessages '''
public <T> void printEqual(T arg1, List<T> arg2) {
println arg1 == arg2
printEqual(1, ['foo'])
''', '#printEqual(T, java.util.List <T>) with arguments [int, java.util.List <java.lang.String>]'
// GROOVY-9902
void testIncompatibleArgumentsForGenericArgument_IncludingDelegation() {
shouldFailWithMessages '''
class Holder<Unknown> {
TypedProperty<Number, Unknown> numberProperty = prop(Number)
TypedProperty<String, Unknown> stringProperty = prop(String)
def <T> TypedProperty<T, Unknown> prop(Class<T> clazz) {
return new TypedProperty<T, Unknown>(clazz: clazz)
// Note: type argument of Holder cannot be supplied to value attribute of @DelegatesTo
def <T> T of(@DelegatesTo(value=Holder, strategy=Closure.DELEGATE_FIRST) Closure<T> c) {
class TypedProperty<X, Y> {
Class<X> clazz
void eq(X x) {
assert x.class == clazz : "x.class is ${x.class} not ${clazz}"
void test(Holder<Object> h) {
h.stringProperty.eq("${0}") // STC error
h.of { // <-- 2nd type parameter discarded
stringProperty.eq(1234) // expect STC error
numberProperty.eq("xx") // expect STC error
test(new Holder<Object>())
'Cannot call TypedProperty <String, Object>#eq(java.lang.String) with arguments [groovy.lang.GString]',
'Cannot call TypedProperty <String, Unknown>#eq(java.lang.String) with arguments [int]',
'Cannot call TypedProperty <Number, Unknown>#eq(java.lang.Number) with arguments [java.lang.String]'
// GROOVY-5748
void testPlaceholdersAndWildcards() {
assertScript '''
interface IStack<T> {
INonEmptyStack<T, ? extends IStack<T>> push(T x)
interface IEmptyStack<T> extends IStack<T> {
INonEmptyStack<T, IEmptyStack<T>> push(T x)
interface INonEmptyStack<T, TStackBeneath extends IStack<T>> extends IStack<T> {
T getTop()
TStackBeneath pop()
INonEmptyStack<T, INonEmptyStack<T, TStackBeneath>> push(T x)
class EmptyStack<T> implements IEmptyStack<T> {
INonEmptyStack<T, IEmptyStack<T>> push(T x) {
new NonEmptyStack<T, IEmptyStack<T>>(x, this)
class NonEmptyStack<T, TStackBeneath extends IStack<T>>
implements INonEmptyStack<T, TStackBeneath> {
private final TStackBeneath stackBeneathTop;
private final T top
NonEmptyStack(T top, TStackBeneath stackBeneathTop) { = top
this.stackBeneathTop = stackBeneathTop
T getTop() {
TStackBeneath pop() {
INonEmptyStack<T, INonEmptyStack<T, TStackBeneath>> push(T x) {
new NonEmptyStack<T, INonEmptyStack<T, TStackBeneath>>(x, this)
final IStack<Integer> stack = new EmptyStack<Integer>()
def oneInteger = stack.push(1)
assert oneInteger.getTop() == 1
def twoIntegers = stack.push(1).push(2)
assert twoIntegers.getTop() == 2
def oneIntegerAgain = stack.push(1).push(2).pop()
assert oneIntegerAgain.getTop() == 1 // BOOM!!!!
// GROOVY-5758
void testShouldNotForbidAssignmentToString() {
assertScript '''
class A {
public String foo
new A().foo = new ArrayList()
// GROOVY-5735
void testCorrespondingParameterType() {
assertScript '''
public <T> void someMethod (java.lang.Class<T> clazz, T object) {}
void method() {
List<String> list = null
someMethod(java.util.List.class, list)
void testCorrectlyBoundedByWildcardGenericParameterType() {
assertScript '''
class Foo {
static <T extends List<?>> void bar(T a) {}
void testCorrectlyBoundedByExtendsGenericParameterType1() {
assertScript '''
class Foo {
static <T extends List<? extends CharSequence>> void bar(T a) {}
// GROOVY-8960
void testCorrectlyBoundedByExtendsGenericParameterType2() {
File parentDir = createTempDir()
config.with {
targetDirectory = createTempDir()
jointCompilationOptions = [stubDir: createTempDir()]
try {
def a = new File(parentDir, '')
a.write '''
public class aJavaClass<A extends Serializable> {
public static <A extends Serializable> aJavaClass<A> create(A a) {
return new aJavaClass<>(a);
private aJavaClass(A a) {
public enum anEnum {
def b = new File(parentDir, 'aGroovyClass.groovy')
b.write '''
import aJavaClass
class aGroovyClass {
static main(args) {
def out = aJavaClass.create(aJavaClass.anEnum.entry1)
assert out != null
def loader = new GroovyClassLoader(this.class.classLoader)
def cu = new JavaAwareCompilationUnit(config, loader)
cu.addSources(a, b)
} finally {
void testCorrectlyBoundedBySuperGenericParameterType() {
assertScript '''
class Foo {
static <T extends List<? super CharSequence>> void bar(T a) {}
}[new Object()])
void testCorrectlyBoundedByExtendsPlaceholderParameterType() {
assertScript '''
class Foo {
static <T extends List<? extends CharSequence>> void bar(T a) {}
class Baz {
static <T extends List<? extends String>> void qux(T a) {
void testCorrectlyBoundedBySuperPlaceholderParameterType() {
assertScript '''
class Foo {
static <T extends List<? super CharSequence>> void bar(T a) {}
class Baz {
static <T extends List<? super Object>> void qux(T a) {
Baz.qux([new Object()])
void testCorrectlyBoundedSubtypeGenericParameterType() {
assertScript '''
class Foo {
static <T extends Collection<? extends CharSequence>> void bar(T a) {}
void testOutOfBoundsByExtendsGenericParameterType() {
shouldFailWithMessages '''
class Foo {
static <T extends List<? extends CharSequence>> void bar(T a) {}
}[new Object()])
''', 'Cannot call <T extends java.util.List<? extends java.lang.CharSequence>> Foo#bar(T) with arguments [java.util.List <java.lang.Object>]'
void testOutOfBoundsBySuperGenericParameterType() {
shouldFailWithMessages '''
class Foo {
static <T extends List<? super CharSequence>> void bar(T a) {}
''', 'Cannot call <T extends java.util.List<? super java.lang.CharSequence>> Foo#bar(T) with arguments [java.util.List <java.lang.String>]'
void testOutOfBoundsByExtendsPlaceholderParameterType() {
shouldFailWithMessages '''
class Foo {
static <T extends List<? extends CharSequence>> void bar(T list) {}
def <U extends List<Object>> void baz(U list) {
''', 'Cannot call <T extends java.util.List<? extends java.lang.CharSequence>> Foo#bar(T) with arguments [U]'
void testOutOfBoundsBySuperPlaceholderParameterType() {
shouldFailWithMessages '''
class Foo {
static <T extends List<? super CharSequence>> void bar(T list) {}
def <U extends List<String>> void baz(U list) {
''', 'Cannot call <T extends java.util.List<? super java.lang.CharSequence>> Foo#bar(T) with arguments [U]'
// GROOVY-5721
void testExtractComponentTypeFromSubclass() {
assertScript '''
class MyList extends ArrayList<Double> {}
List<Double> list1 = new ArrayList<Double>()
list1 << 0.0d
// OK
Double d1 = list1.get(0)
List<Double> list2 = new MyList()
list2 << 0.0d
//Groovyc: [Static type checking] - Cannot assign value of type java.lang.Object to variable of type java.lang.Double
Double d2 = list2.get(0)
MyList list3 = new MyList()
list3 << 0.0d
//Groovyc: [Static type checking] - Cannot assign value of type java.lang.Object to variable of type java.lang.Double
Double d3 = list3.get(0)
// GROOVY-5724
void testJUnitHamcrest() {
assertScript '''
public class Matcher<T> {}
public <T> void assertThat(T obj, Matcher<T> matcher) {}
public <T> Matcher<T> notNullValue() {}
String result = '12345'.substring(2)
// assert
assertThat(result, notNullValue())
// GROOVY-8103
void testJUnitFestAssert() {
assertScript '''
import static Fluent.*
import Util.Ours
class Fluent {
static FluentAPI fluent(String s) { return new FluentAPI() }
static <T extends FluentExtension> T fluent(T t) { return t }
class FluentAPI {
FluentAPI isEqualTo(String s) { return this }
interface FluentExtension {
class Util {
static class Ours implements FluentExtension {
Ours isSimilarTo(String json) { return this }
static Ours factory(String json) { new Ours() }
void test() {
fluent('string').isEqualTo('x') // fine
fluent(new Ours()).isSimilarTo('') // fine
fluent(Util.factory('{}')).isSimilarTo('{"key":"val"}') // STC error
// GROOVY-5836
void testShouldFindMethodEvenIfUsingGenerics() {
assertScript '''
class Test<T> {
void transform(boolean passThroughNulls, Closure<T> mapper) {}
void transformAll(boolean passThroughNulls, Closure<T>... mappers) {
for (m in mappers) {
transform passThroughNulls, m
new Test()
// GROOVY-10166
void testShouldFindMethodEvenWithRepeatNames1() {
assertScript '''
abstract class A<T extends C> {
T getC() {
Map toMap() {
class C<T extends A> {
Map getMap(T a) {
new C()
// GROOVY-10166
void testShouldFindMethodEvenWithRepeatNames2() {
assertScript '''
abstract class A<T extends C> {
T getC() {
class C<T extends A> {
T get() {
A a = null
T get(int i) {
new C()
// GROOVY-10196
void testShouldFindMethodEvenWithRepeatNames3() {
assertScript '''
interface M<K,V> {
interface MM<K,V> extends M<K,List<V>> {
void add(K key, V val)
class MMA<K,V> implements MM<K,V> {
void add(K key, V val) {
class LMM<K,V> extends MMA<K,V> {
MM<String,String> map = new LMM<>()
@NotYetImplemented // GROOVY-10322
void testShouldFindMethodEvenWithRepeatNames4() {
assertScript '''
class C<T> {
def <T> T m(T t) { // this T hides T from C<T>
return t
int x = new C<String>().m(1) // no error, param and return types are `int` not `String`
assert x == 1
// GROOVY-10337
void testShouldFindMethodEvenWithRepeatNames5() {
assertScript '''
class C<X,Y> {
C(C<Y,? extends Y> that) {
def <T> void test() {
new C<Number,T>((C<T,T>)null) // cannot call ctor with argument C<T,T>
// GROOVY-10282
void testShouldFindMethodEvenWithRepeatNames6() {
assertScript '''
interface BiFunction<T,U,R> {
R apply(T t, U u);
interface BinaryOperator<T> extends BiFunction<T,T,T> {
interface Stream<T> {
def <U> U reduce(U identity, BiFunction<U, ? super T, U> accumulator, BinaryOperator<U> combiner);
void test(Stream<Integer> stream) {
stream.reduce('', { s, i -> s + '-' }, String.&concat)
@NotYetImplemented // GROOVY-5893
void testPlusInClosure() {
assertScript '''
def list = [1, 2, 3]
assert node.getNodeMetaData(INFERRED_TYPE) == int_TYPE
def sum = 0
list.each { int i -> sum = sum+i }
assert sum == 6
sum = 0
list.each { int i -> sum += i }
assert sum == 6
assert node.getNodeMetaData(INFERRED_TYPE) == Integer_TYPE
def sumWithInject = list.inject(0, { int x, int y -> x + y })
sum = sumWithInject
assert sum == 6
void testShouldNotCreateStackOverflow() {
assertScript '''
class Element {
Iterator<List<Element>> multi() {
[ [ ] ].iterator()
new Element()
// GROOVY-9822
File parentDir = createTempDir()
config.with {
targetDirectory = createTempDir()
jointCompilationOptions = [stubDir: createTempDir()]
try {
def a = new File(parentDir, '')
a.write '''
import java.util.*;
// from org.apache.tinkerpop:gremlin-core:3.4.8
interface TraversalStrategy<S extends TraversalStrategy> extends Serializable, Comparable<Class<? extends TraversalStrategy>> {
interface VerificationStrategy extends TraversalStrategy<VerificationStrategy> {
abstract class AbstractTraversalStrategy<S extends TraversalStrategy> implements TraversalStrategy<S> {
abstract // don't want to implement Comparable
class ReadOnlyStrategy extends AbstractTraversalStrategy<TraversalStrategy.VerificationStrategy>
implements TraversalStrategy.VerificationStrategy {
static ReadOnlyStrategy instance() { return null; }
interface TraversalSource extends Cloneable, AutoCloseable {
TraversalSource withStrategies(TraversalStrategy... strategies);
abstract // don't want to implement AutoCloseable
class GraphTraversalSource implements TraversalSource {
public GraphTraversalSource withStrategies(TraversalStrategy... strategies) {
return null;
class Graph {
public <C extends TraversalSource> C traversal(Class<C> c) {
return null;
public GraphTraversalSource traversal() {
return null;
def b = new File(parentDir, 'Script.groovy')
b.write '''
GraphTraversalSource test(Graph graph) {
def strategy = ReadOnlyStrategy.instance()
def loader = new GroovyClassLoader(this.class.classLoader)
def cu = new JavaAwareCompilationUnit(config, loader)
cu.addSources(a, b)
} finally {
void testRegressionInConstructorCheck() {
assertScript '''
new ArrayList(['a','b','c'].collect { String it -> it.toUpperCase()})
void testReturnTypeInferenceWithMethodUsingWildcard() {
assertScript '''
public Object createInstance(Class<?> projectComponentClass, String foo) { projectComponentClass.newInstance() }
createInstance(LinkedList, 'a')
// GROOVY-6051
void testGenericsReturnTypeInferenceShouldNotThrowNPE() {
assertScript '''
class Bar {
public static List<Date> bar(List<Date> dummy) {}
class Foo extends Bar {
static public Date genericItem() {
def inft = node.getNodeMetaData(INFERRED_TYPE)
assert inft == make(List)
assert inft.genericsTypes[0].type == make(Date)
def res = bar(null)
new Foo()
// GROOVY-6035
void testReturnTypeInferenceWithClosure() {
assertScript '''import org.codehaus.groovy.ast.expr.ClosureExpression
class CTypeTest {
public static void test1(String[] args) {
// Cannot assign value of type java.lang.Object to variable of type CTypeTest
def cl = node.rightExpression.arguments[0]
assert cl instanceof ClosureExpression
def type = cl.getNodeMetaData(INFERRED_TYPE)
assert type == make(Closure)
assert type.isUsingGenerics()
assert type.genericsTypes
assert type.genericsTypes[0] == 'CTypeTest'
type = node.getNodeMetaData(INFERRED_TYPE)
assert == 'CTypeTest'
def s1 = cache {
return new CTypeTest();
CTypeTest s2 = cache {
new CTypeTest()
static <T> T cache(Closure<T> closure) {
// GROOVY-10557
void testReturnTypeInferenceWithClosure2() {
assertScript '''
class C {
interface Function<T, R> {
R apply(T t)
def <T> T m(Function<Reader,T> fn) {
new StringReader("").withCloseable { reader ->
Object result = new C().m { it.text.empty }
// ^^ StringReader
assert result == Boolean.TRUE
// GROOVY-6129
void testShouldNotThrowNPE() {
assertScript '''
def map = new HashMap<>()
map.put(1, 'foo')
map.put('bar', new Date())
// GROOVY-6233
void testConstructorArgumentsAgainstGenerics() {
shouldFailWithMessages '''
class Foo<T>{ Foo(T a, T b){} }
def bar() {
Foo<Map> f = new Foo<Map>("a",1)
''', '[Static type checking] - Cannot find matching method Foo#<init>(java.lang.String, int)'
// GROOVY-5742
void testNestedGenerics() {
assertScript '''
import static Next.*
abstract class Base<A extends Base<A>> {}
class Done extends Base<Done> { }
class Next<H, T extends Base<T>> extends Base<Next<H, T>> {
H head; T tail
static <H, T extends Base<T>> Next<H, T> next(H h, T t) { new Next<H, T>(head:h, tail:t) }
String toString() { "Next($head, ${tail.toString()})" }
Next<Integer, Next<String, Done>> x = next(3, next("foo", new Done()))
// GROOVY-7848
void testNestedGenerics2() {
assertScript '''
List<Integer> test() {
def listOfLists = [[1,2], [3,4]]
listOfLists.collect { pair -> pair[0] + pair[1] }
def result = test()
assert result == [3,7]
void testMethodLevelGenericsFromInterface() {
assertScript '''
interface A {
public <T> T getBean(Class<T> c)
interface B extends A {}
interface C extends B {}
void foo(C c) {
String s = c?.getBean("".class)
// GROOVY-5610
void testMethodWithDefaultArgument() {
assertScript '''
class A{}
class B extends A{}
def foo(List<? extends A> arg, String value='default'){1}
List<B> b = new ArrayList<>()
assert foo(b) == 1
List<A> a = new ArrayList<>()
assert foo(a) == 1
shouldFailWithMessages '''
class A{}
class B extends A{}
def foo(List<? extends A> arg, String value='default'){1}
List<Object> l = new ArrayList<>()
assert foo(l) == 1
'#foo(java.util.List <A extends A>) with arguments [java.util.ArrayList <java.lang.Object>]'
// GROOVY-5891
void testMethodLevelGenericsForMethodCall() {
assertScript '''
public <T extends List<Integer>> T foo(Class<T> type, def x) {
return type.cast(x)
def l = [1,2,3]
assert foo(l.class, l) == l
assertScript '''
public <T extends Runnable> T foo(Class<T> type, def x) {
return type.cast(x)
def cl = {1}
assert foo(cl.class, cl) == cl
assertScript '''
public <T extends Runnable> T foo(Class<T> type, def x) {
return type.cast(x) as T
def cl = {1}
assert foo(cl.class, cl) == cl
// GROOVY-5885
void testMethodLevelGenericsForMethodCall2() {
assertScript '''
class Test {
public <T extends Test> T castToMe(Class<T> type, Object o) {
return type.cast(o);
def t = new Test()
assert t == t.castToMe(Test, t)
// GROOVY-6919
void testMethodLevelGenericsForMethodCall3() {
assertScript '''
interface I1 {
String getFoo()
interface I2 {
String getBar()
def <T extends I1 & I2> void test(T obj) {
// GROOVY-6919
void testMethodLevelGenericsForPropertyRead() {
assertScript '''
interface I1 {
String getFoo()
interface I2 {
String getBar()
def <T extends I1 & I2> void test(T obj) {
void testMethodLevelGenericsForPropertyRead2() {
assertScript '''
interface I1 {
static String getFoo() { 'foo' }
interface I2 {
String bar = 'bar'
def <T extends I1 & I2> void test(Class<T> cls) {
void testMethodLevelGenericsForPropertyRead3() {
assertScript '''
interface I1 {
String getFoo()
interface I2 {
String getBar()
class C<T extends I1 & I2> {
def <U extends T> void test(U obj) {
new C().test(null)
void testMethodLevelGenericsForPropertyRead4() {
assertScript '''
interface I1 {
String getFoo()
interface I2 {
String getBar()
@groovy.transform.SelfType(I2) trait T2 {
abstract String getBaz()
def <T extends I1 & T2> void test(T obj) {
// GROOVY-5839
void testMethodShadowGenerics() {
shouldFailWithMessages '''
public class GoodCodeRed<T> {
Collection<GoodCodeRed<T>> attached = []
public <T> void attach(GoodCodeRed<T> toAttach) {
static void foo() {
def g1 = new GoodCodeRed<Long>()
def g2 = new GoodCodeRed<Integer>()
''', 'Cannot call <T> GoodCodeRed <Long>#attach(GoodCodeRed <Long>) with arguments [GoodCodeRed <Integer>]'
void testHiddenGenerics() {
// Groovy-6237
assertScript '''
class MyList extends LinkedList<Object> {}
List<Object> o = new MyList()
shouldFailWithMessages '''
class Blah {}
class MyList extends LinkedList<Object> {}
List<Blah> o = new MyList()
''', 'Incompatible generic argument types. Cannot assign MyList to: java.util.List <Blah>'
// Groovy-5873
assertScript """
abstract class Parent<T> {
public T value
class Impl extends Parent<Integer> {}
Impl impl = new Impl()
Integer i = impl.value
// GROOVY-5920
assertScript """
class Data<T> {
T value
class StringDataIterator implements Iterator<Data<String>> {
boolean hasNext() { true }
void remove() {}
Data<String> next() {
new Data<String>( value: 'tim' )
class Runner {
static main( args ) {
Data<String> elem = new StringDataIterator().next()
assert elem.value.length() == 3
void testReturnTypeInferenceRemovalWithGenerics() {
assertScript '''
class SynchronousPromise<T> {
Closure<T> callable
Object value
SynchronousPromise(Closure<T> callable) {
this.callable = callable
T get() throws Throwable {
assert node.getNodeMetaData(INFERRED_TYPE) == OBJECT_TYPE
return value
def promise = new SynchronousPromise({ "Hello" })
// GROOVY-6455
void testDelegateWithGenerics() {
assertScript '''
class IntList {
@Delegate List<Integer> delegate = new ArrayList<Integer>()
def l = new IntList()
assert l == []
// GROOVY-6504
void testInjectMethodWithInitialValueChoosesTheCollectionVersion() {
assertScript '''import
def method = node.rightExpression.getNodeMetaData(DIRECT_METHOD_CALL_TARGET)
assert == 'inject'
assert method instanceof ExtensionMethodNode
method = method.extensionMethodNode
assert method.parameters[0].type == make(Collection)
def result = ['a','bb','ccc'].inject(0) { int acc, String str -> acc += str.length(); acc }
assert result == 6
// GROOVY-6504
void testInjectMethodWithInitialValueChoosesTheCollectionVersionUsingDGM() {
assertScript '''import org.codehaus.groovy.runtime.DefaultGroovyMethods
def method = node.rightExpression.getNodeMetaData(DIRECT_METHOD_CALL_TARGET)
assert == 'inject'
assert method.parameters[0].type == make(Collection)
def result = DefaultGroovyMethods.inject(['a','bb','ccc'],0, { int acc, String str -> acc += str.length(); acc })
assert result == 6
// GROOVY-6760
void testGenericsAtMethodLevelWithGenericsInTypeOfGenericType() {
assertScript '''
import rx.Observable
import java.util.concurrent.Callable
static <T> Observable<T> observe(Callable<Iterable<T>> callable) {
observe({ ["foo"] }) map {
it.toUpperCase() // <- compiler doesn't know 'it' is a string
} subscribe {
assert it == "FOO"
// GROOVY-6135
void testGenericField() {
assertScript '''
class MyClass {
static void main(args) {
Holder<Integer> holder = new Holder<Integer>()
holder.value = 5
assert holder.value > 4
private static class Holder<T> {
T value
//GROOVY-6723, GROOVY-6415
void testIndirectMethodLevelGenerics() {
assertScript '''
class C1<A> {
def void m1(A a) {C1.m2(a)}
static <B> void m2(B b) {}
new C1().m1(null) // the call does not really matter
assertScript '''
class Test1 {
static <A, B> void pair1(A a, B b) {}
static <A, B> void pair2(A a, B b) {pair1(a, a)}
static <A> List<A> list1(A a) {[a]}
static <B> List<B> list2(B b) {list1(b)}
static <A> List<A> list3(A a) {list1(a)}
Test1.pair2(1,2) // the call does not really matter
assertScript '''
class Foo {
String method() {
return callT('abc')
private <T> T callT(T t) {
return callV(t)
private <V> V callV(V v) {
return v
println new Foo().method()
// GROOVY-6358
void testGenericsReturnedFromStaticMethodWithInnerClosureAndAsType() {
assertScript '''
import java.lang.reflect.Method
interface Ifc {
void method()
class Generator {
static <T> T create (Class<T> clazz ){
return clazz.methods.collectEntries { Method method ->
[ ( : { println "${} called"} ]
class User {
static void main() {
Ifc ifc = Generator.create(Ifc)
void testConcreteTypeInsteadOfGenerifiedInterface() {
assertScript '''
import groovy.transform.ASTTest
import static*
import static org.codehaus.groovy.ast.ClassHelper.*
interface Converter<F, T> {
T convertC(F from)
class Holder<T> {
T thing
Holder(T thing) {
this.thing = thing
def <R> Holder<R> convertH(Converter<? super T, ? extends R> func1) {
new Holder(func1.convertC(thing))
class IntToFloatConverter implements Converter<Integer,Float> {
public Float convertC(Integer from) { from.floatValue() }
void foo() {
def holderType = node.getNodeMetaData(INFERRED_TYPE)
assert holderType.genericsTypes[0].type == Float_TYPE
def h1 = new Holder<Integer>(2).convertH(new IntToFloatConverter())
// GROOVY-6748
void testCleanGenerics() {
assertScript '''
class Class1 {
static <A, B> void method1(A a, B b) {
method2(a, b)
static <A, B> void method2(A a, B b) {}
static <A, B> void method3(List<A> list1, List<B> list2) {
method1(list1.get(0), list2.get(0))
new Class1().method3(["a"],["b"])
// GROOVY-6761
void testInVariantAndContraVariantGenerics() {
assertScript '''
class Thing {
public <O> void contravariant(Class<? super O> type, O object) {}
public <O> void invariant(Class<O> type, O object) {}
void m() {
invariant(String, "foo")
contravariant(String, "foo") // fails, can't find method
new Thing().m()
// GROOVY-6731
void testContravariantMethodResolution() {
assertScript '''
interface Function<T, R> {
R apply(T t)
public <I, O> void transform(Function<? super I, ? extends O> function) {
String result = null
transform(new Function<String, String>() {
String apply(String input) {
result = "ok"
assert result == 'ok'
void testContravariantMethodResolutionWithImplicitCoercion() {
assertScript '''
interface Function<T, R> {
R apply(T t)
public <I, O> void transform(Function<? super I, ? extends O> function) {
String result = null
transform {
result = 'ok'
assert result == 'ok'
void testGROOVY5981() {
assertScript '''
import javax.swing.*
import java.awt.*
class ComponentFixture<T extends Component> {}
class JButtonFixture extends ComponentFixture<JButton> {}
class ContainerFixture<T extends Container> extends ComponentFixture<T> {}
abstract class ComponentAdapter<Fixture extends ComponentFixture> {
Fixture getFixture() {
return fixture
abstract class ContainerAdapter<Fixture extends ContainerFixture> extends ComponentAdapter<Fixture> {}
class ButtonComponent extends ComponentAdapter<JButtonFixture> {
void setFixtureResolver(final ContainerAdapter<? extends ContainerFixture> containerAdapter) {
final ContainerFixture containerFixture = containerAdapter.getFixture()
new ButtonComponent()
// GROOVY-6856
void testReturnTypeFitsInferredTypeWithBound() {
assertScript '''
class Wrapper {}
class Foo<W extends Wrapper> {
W doIt (List<W> l) {
Wrapper w = new Wrapper()
assert new Foo<Wrapper>().doIt([w]) == w
// GROOVY-7691
void testCovariantReturnTypeInferredFromField() {
assertScript '''
import groovy.transform.*
abstract class A<N extends Number> {
protected final N number
class C<L extends Long> extends A<L> { // further restriction of type parameter
C(L longNumber) {
L getValue() {
return number
assert new C<Long>(42L).value == 42L
// GROOVY-7691
void testCovariantReturnTypeInferredFromProperty() {
assertScript '''
import groovy.transform.*
abstract class A<N extends Number> {
final N number
class C<L extends Long> extends A<L> {
C(L longNumber) {
L getValue() {
return number
assert new C<Long>(42L).value == 42L
void testCovariantReturnTypeInferredFromMethod1() {
assertScript '''
import groovy.transform.*
abstract class A<N extends Number> {
protected final N number
protected N getNumber() {
return number
class C<L extends Long> extends A<L> {
C(L longNumber) {
L getValue() {
return getNumber()
assert new C<Long>(42L).value == 42L
// GROOVY-9580
void testCovariantReturnTypeInferredFromMethod2() {
assertScript '''
import groovy.transform.*
abstract class A<N extends Number> {
final N number
class C<L extends Long> extends A<L> {
C(L longNumber) {
L getValue() {
return getNumber() // property method stubbed by StaticTypeCheckingVisitor
assert new C<Long>(42L).value == 42L
// GROOVY-9635
void testCovariantReturnTypeInferredFromMethod3() {
assertScript '''
interface Function<T, R> {
R apply(T t)
class C<R extends Number> {
def <V> V m(Function<C, V> f) { // R from C is confused with R->V from Function
V result = f.apply(this)
return result
def ret = new C().m(new Function<C, String>() {
String apply(C that) {
return 'foo'
assert ret == 'foo'
void testReturnTypeChecking() {
shouldFailWithMessages '''
class Foo {
List<String> run() {
[11, 12]
''', 'Incompatible generic argument types. Cannot assign java.util.List <java.lang.Integer> to: java.util.List <String>'
void testBoundedReturnTypeChecking() {
assertScript '''
class Foo {
List<? extends Serializable> run() {
[1, 'a']
// GROOVY-9821
void testBoundedReturnTypeChecking2() {
File parentDir = createTempDir()
config.with {
targetDirectory = createTempDir()
jointCompilationOptions = [stubDir: createTempDir()]
try {
def a = new File(parentDir, '')
a.write '''
interface A9821 {
java.util.Collection<? extends B9821> getBees();
interface B9821 {
Object getC();
def b = new File(parentDir, 'Script.groovy')
b.write '''
def test(A9821 a) {
def loader = new GroovyClassLoader(this.class.classLoader)
def cu = new JavaAwareCompilationUnit(config, loader)
cu.addSources(a, b)
} finally {
// GROOVY-9891
void testBoundedReturnTypeChecking3() {
assertScript '''
class Pogo {
Map<String, ? extends Number> map
def test(Pogo p) {
Collection<? extends Number> c =
Iterable<? extends Number> i =
def n = test(new Pogo(map:[x:1,y:2.3]))
assert n == 1
File parentDir = createTempDir()
config.with {
targetDirectory = createTempDir()
jointCompilationOptions = [stubDir: createTempDir()]
try {
def a = new File(parentDir, '')
a.write '''
import java.util.Map;
class Pojo {
Map<String, ? extends Number> getMap() {
return map;
void setMap(Map<String, ? extends Number> map) { = map;
private Map<String, ? extends Number> map = null;
def b = new File(parentDir, 'Script.groovy')
b.write '''
void test(Pojo p) {
Collection<? extends Number> c =
Iterable<? extends Number> i =
def loader = new GroovyClassLoader(this.class.classLoader)
def cu = new JavaAwareCompilationUnit(config, loader)
cu.addSources(a, b)
} finally {
// GROOVY-10234
void testSelfReferentialTypeParameter() {
File parentDir = createTempDir()
config.with {
targetDirectory = createTempDir()
jointCompilationOptions = [stubDir: createTempDir()]
try {
def a = new File(parentDir, 'Main.groovy')
a.write '''
def <T> T getBean(Class<T> beanType) {
return { Object object, Class target -> new Reference<T>(object.toString()) } as Service
def result = getBean(Service).convert(new ArrayList(), String)
assert result.get() == '[]'
def b = new File(parentDir, '')
b.write '''
import groovy.lang.Reference;
public interface Service<Impl extends Service> { // self reference
<T> Reference<T> convert(Object object, Class<T> targetType);
def loader = new GroovyClassLoader(this.class.classLoader)
def cu = new JavaAwareCompilationUnit(config, loader)
cu.addSources(a, b)
} finally {
@NotYetImplemented // GROOVY-10055
void testSelfReferentialTypeParameter2() {
assertScript '''
abstract class A<Self extends A<Self>> {
Self foo(inputs) {
// ...
abstract class B<Self extends B<Self>> extends A<Self> {
Self bar(inputs) {
// ...
class C<Self extends C<Self>> extends B<Self> { // see org.testcontainers.containers.PostgreSQLContainer
Self baz(inputs) {
// ...
new C<>()
.bar('y') // error
.baz('z') // error
@NotYetImplemented // GROOVY-10556
void testSelfReferentialTypeParameter3() {
['(B) this', 'this as B'].each { self ->
assertScript """
abstract class A<B extends A<B,X>,X> {
B m() {
(new A(){}).m()
// GROOVY-9968
void testSelfReferentialTypeParameter4() {
assertScript '''
abstract class A<B extends A<?>> implements Iterable<B> {
void m(A iterable) {
iterable?.each {
// GROOVY-7804
void testParameterlessClosureToGenericSAMTypeArgumentCoercion() {
assertScript '''
static <T> T doGet(Supplier<T> supplier) {
interface Supplier<T> {
T get()
def result = doGet { -> 'foo' }
assert result == 'foo'
// GROOVY-7713
void testClosureReturnNull() {
assertScript '''
Closure<String> cl = {
if (hashCode() > 0) {
return null
// GROOVY-10673
void testMockito() {
assertScript '''
import static org.mockito.Mockito.*
class C {
String string
interface I {
C f(String s)
def i = mock(I)
when(i.f(anyString())).thenAnswer { /*InvocationOnMock*/ iom ->
//new C(string: iom.arguments[0]) works
new C().tap {
string = iom.arguments[0]
assert i.f('x') instanceof C
static class MyList
extends LinkedList<String> {
static class ClassA<T> {
def <X> Class<X> foo(Class<X> classType) {
return classType;
def <X> Class<X> bar(Class<T> classType) {
return null;
static class JavaClassSupport {
static class Container<T> {
static class StringContainer extends Container<String> {
static <T> List<T> unwrap(Collection<? extends Container<T>> list) {
static boolean isEmpty(Map<?,?> map) {
map == null || map.isEmpty()
protected static File createTempDir() {
File.createTempDir('groovy-junit-', Long.toString(System.currentTimeMillis()))