blob: c3104b6660e1df6cbf6e016b279855a3f472deab [file] [log] [blame]
/* The Computer Language Shootout
contributed by Tony Seebregts
modified by
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Date;
import java.util.SortedSet;
import java.util.TreeSet;
/** First hack at a Java solver for the meteor puzzle - just the IBM
* developerWorks article algorithm optimized with precalculated shapes
* and bitmasks. Should be possible to optimize it some more to take
* advantage of reflections but its turning out to be less obvious
* than expected :-).
* <p>
* Notes:
* <ul>
* <li>Seems to run faster without the -server switch.
* <li>Testing for islands seems to be slower than just fitting pieces.
* </ul>
* @author Tony Seebregts
public class meteor
private static final int[] SHIFT = { 0,6,11,17,22,28,33,39,44,50 };
private static final long[][] MASK = { { 0x01L, 0x02L, 0x04L, 0x08L, 0x10L },
{ 0x01L << 6, 0x02L << 6, 0x04L << 6, 0x08L << 6,0x10L << 6 },
{ 0x01L << 11,0x02L << 11,0x04L << 11,0x08L << 11,0x10L << 11 },
{ 0x01L << 17,0x02L << 17,0x04L << 17,0x08L << 17,0x10L << 17 },
{ 0x01L << 22,0x02L << 22,0x04L << 22,0x08L << 22,0x10L << 22 },
{ 0x01L << 28,0x02L << 28,0x04L << 28,0x08L << 28,0x10L << 28 },
{ 0x01L << 33,0x02L << 33,0x04L << 33,0x08L << 33,0x10L << 33 },
{ 0x01L << 39,0x02L << 39,0x04L << 39,0x08L << 39,0x10L << 39 },
{ 0x01L << 44,0x02L << 44,0x04L << 44,0x08L << 44,0x10L << 44 },
{ 0x01L << 50,0x02L << 50,0x04L << 50,0x08L << 50,0x10L << 50 }
private static final boolean DEBUG = false;
private SortedSet<String> solutions = new TreeSet<String>();
private Entry[] solution = new Entry[10];
private int depth = 0;
private Piece[] pieces = { new Piece(PIECE0),
new Piece(PIECE1),
new Piece(PIECE2),
new Piece(PIECE3),
new Piece(PIECE4),
new Piece(PIECE5),
new Piece(PIECE6),
new Piece(PIECE7),
new Piece(PIECE8),
new Piece(PIECE9)
/** Application entry point.
* @param args Command line arguments:
* <ul>
* <li> solution limit
* </ul>
public static void main(String[] args)
{ int N = 2098;
// ... parse command line arguments
if (args.length > 0)
if (args[0].matches("\\d+"))
N = Integer.parseInt(args[0]);
// ... solve puzzle
meteor puzzle = new meteor ();
Date start;
Date end;
long time;
SortedSet<String> solutions;
start = new Date();
solutions = puzzle.solve();
end = new Date();
time = end.getTime() - start.getTime();
// ... print result
if (solutions.size() > N)
else if (solutions.size() < N)
{ if (DEBUG)
{ System.out.println("START : " + start);
System.out.println("END : " + end);
System.out.println("TIME : " + time);
System.out.println("SOLUTIONS: " + solutions.size ());
System.out.println("FIRST : " + solutions.first());
System.out.println("LAST : " + solutions.last ());
System.out.print(solutions.size () + " solutions found\n\n");
print(solutions.last ());
/** Prints out the puzzle.
private static void print (String solution)
{ System.out.print(solution.replaceAll("(\\d{5})(\\d{5})","$1 $2")
.replaceAll("(\\d)","$1 "));
/** Initialises the puzzle.
public meteor ()
{ for (int i=0; i<10; i++)
solution[i] = new Entry();
/** Initialises the puzzle and solution set at [0,0]
* @return Sorted list of solution strings.
private SortedSet<String> solve()
{ solve(0x0002004008010020L,0,0);
return solutions;
/** Recursively solves the puzzle by fitting pieces into the
* next available hexagon.
* @param puzzle Current puzzle bitmask.
* @param row Row of next available hexagon.
* @param col Column next available hexagon.
private void solve (long puzzle,int row,int col)
{ for (int ix=0; ix<pieces.length; ix++)
{ Piece piece;
Shape[] list;
// ... find shapes that fit
if ((piece = pieces[ix]) == null)
list = pieces[ix].shapes(row,col);
for (Shape shape: list)
{ // ... fits badly ?
if ((shape.bitmap & puzzle) != 0)
// ... try piece in puzzle
long clone = puzzle | shape.bitmap;
// ... find next position
int irow = row;
int icol = col/2 + 1;
while (irow < 10)
{ while (icol < 5)
{ if ((clone & MASK[irow][icol]) == 0)
break next;
icol = 0;
// ... solve next
Entry entry;
pieces[ix] = null;
entry = solution[depth++];
entry.row = row;
entry.col = col;
entry.shape = shape;
if (depth == 10)
solve (clone,irow,2*icol + (irow % 2));
pieces[ix] = piece;
/** Serializes the current solution to a string.
private String serialize (Entry[] solution)
{ char[] puzzle = new char[50];
Shape shape;
int row;
int col;
for (Entry entry: solution)
{ shape = entry.shape;
row = entry.row;
col = entry.col;
for (int[] xy: shape.vector)
puzzle[5 * (row + xy[0]) + (col + xy[1])/2] = shape.symbol;
return new String(puzzle);
/** Container class for a solution set entry.
private static class Entry
{ public int row;
public int col;
public Shape shape;
/** Container class for the shapes for a single puzzle piece.
private static class Piece
{ private Shape[][][] shapes = new Shape[10][10][];
private Piece (Shape[] list)
{ // ... initialise
ArrayList[][] array = new ArrayList[10][10];
for (int i=0; i<10; i++)
for (int j=0; j<10; j++)
array[i][j] = new ArrayList<Shape>();
// ... generate list
for (Shape mutant: list)
for (int row=0; row<=mutant.maxRow; row++)
for (int col=mutant.minCol; col<=mutant.maxCol; col++)
{ if (!mutant.islet)
array[row][col].add(new Shape(mutant,row,col));
else if ((row != 0) || (col != 0))
array[row][col].add(new Shape(mutant,row,col));
for (int row=0; row<10; row++)
for (int col=0; col<10; col++)
shapes[row][col] = (Shape[]) array[row][col].toArray(new Shape[0]);
private Shape[] shapes(int row,int col)
{ return shapes[row][col];
/** Container class for the shape vector and bitmap single puzzle piece mutation.
private static class Shape
{ private char symbol;
private int[][] vector;
private long bitmap;
private int shift;
private boolean islet;
private int maxRow;
private int minCol;
private int maxCol;
private Shape (char symbol,
int[][] vector,
long bitmap,
int shift,
boolean islet,
int maxRow,
int minCol,
int maxCol)
{ this.symbol = symbol;
this.vector = vector;
this.bitmap = bitmap;
this.shift = shift;
this.islet = islet;
this.maxRow = maxRow;
this.minCol = minCol;
this.maxCol = maxCol;
private Shape (Shape shape,
int row,
int col)
{ this.symbol = shape.symbol;
this.vector = shape.vector;
this.bitmap = shape.bitmap << ((SHIFT[row] + (col - (row % 2))/2) - shape.shift);
this.islet = shape.islet;
this.maxRow = shape.maxRow;
this.minCol = shape.minCol;
this.maxCol = shape.maxCol;
private static final Shape[] PIECE0 = { new Shape ('0',new int[][] {{3, 5},{2, 4},{1, 3},{0, 2},{0, 0}},0x0000000000082083L,0,false,6,0,4),
new Shape ('0',new int[][] {{4,-2},{3,-1},{2, 0},{1, 1},{0, 0}},0x0000000000421082L,1,false,5,2,8),
new Shape ('0',new int[][] {{1,-7},{1,-5},{1,-3},{1,-1},{0, 0}},0x00000000000003D0L,4,false,8,7,9),
new Shape ('0',new int[][] {{0, 0},{1, 1},{2, 2},{3, 3},{3, 5}},0x00000000000C1041L,0,false,6,0,4),
new Shape ('0',new int[][] {{0, 0},{1,-1},{2,-2},{3,-3},{4,-2}},0x0000000000821084L,2,false,5,3,9),
new Shape ('0',new int[][] {{0, 6},{0, 4},{0, 2},{0, 0},{1,-1}},0x000000000000005EL,1,false,8,1,3),
new Shape ('0',new int[][] {{0, 0},{1, 1},{2, 2},{3, 3},{4, 2}},0x0000000000841041L,0,false,5,0,6),
new Shape ('0',new int[][] {{0, 0},{1,-1},{2,-2},{3,-3},{3,-5}},0x0000000000062108L,3,false,6,5,9),
new Shape ('0',new int[][] {{1, 7},{1, 5},{1, 3},{1, 1},{0, 0}},0x00000000000003C1L,0,false,8,0,2),
new Shape ('0',new int[][] {{4, 2},{3, 1},{2, 0},{1,-1},{0, 0}},0x0000000001041042L,1,false,5,1,7),
new Shape ('0',new int[][] {{3,-3},{2,-2},{1,-1},{0, 0},{0, 2}},0x000000000002108CL,2,false,6,3,7),
new Shape ('0',new int[][] {{0, 0},{0, 2},{0, 4},{0, 6},{1, 7}},0x000000000000020FL,0,false,8,0,2)
private static final Shape[] PIECE1 = { new Shape ('1',new int[][] {{0, 2},{0, 0},{1,-1},{2, 0},{3,-1}},0x0000000000021046L,1,false,6,1,7),
new Shape ('1',new int[][] {{1, 3},{0, 2},{0, 0},{1,-1},{1,-3}},0x00000000000002CCL,2,false,8,3,6),
new Shape ('1',new int[][] {{3, 3},{2, 4},{1, 3},{1, 1},{0, 0}},0x00000000000420C1L,0,false,6,0,5),
new Shape ('1',new int[][] {{3,-3},{3,-1},{2, 0},{1,-1},{0, 0}},0x0000000000062084L,2,false,6,3,9),
new Shape ('1',new int[][] {{0, 0},{1, 1},{1, 3},{0, 4},{0, 6}},0x00000000000000CDL,0,true, 8,0,3),
new Shape ('1',new int[][] {{0, 0},{1,-1},{2, 0},{2, 2},{3, 3}},0x0000000000083042L,1,false,6,1,6),
new Shape ('1',new int[][] {{0, 6},{1, 5},{1, 3},{0, 2},{0, 0}},0x000000000000018BL,0,true, 8,0,3),
new Shape ('1',new int[][] {{3, 3},{3, 1},{2, 0},{1, 1},{0, 0}},0x0000000000060841L,0,false,6,0,6),
new Shape ('1',new int[][] {{3,-3},{2,-4},{1,-3},{1,-1},{0, 0}},0x00000000000208C4L,2,false,6,4,9),
new Shape ('1',new int[][] {{1,-1},{0, 0},{0, 2},{1, 3},{1, 5}},0x0000000000000346L,1,false,8,1,4),
new Shape ('1',new int[][] {{0, 0},{0, 2},{1, 3},{2, 2},{3, 3}},0x0000000000041083L,0,false,6,0,6),
new Shape ('1',new int[][] {{0, 0},{1, 1},{2, 0},{2,-2},{3,-3}},0x0000000000023104L,2,false,6,3,8)
private static final Shape[] PIECE2 = { new Shape ('2',new int[][] {{1, 1},{0, 0},{2, 0},{2,-2},{2,-4}},0x0000000000003904L,2,false,7,4,8),
new Shape ('2',new int[][] {{2, 4},{1, 5},{2, 2},{1, 1},{0, 0}},0x0000000000003141L,0,false,7,0,4),
new Shape ('2',new int[][] {{3,-1},{3, 1},{2,-2},{1,-1},{0, 0}},0x0000000000060842L,1,false,6,2,8),
new Shape ('2',new int[][] {{1,-1},{2, 0},{0, 0},{0, 2},{0, 4}},0x000000000000104EL,1,false,7,1,5),
new Shape ('2',new int[][] {{0, 0},{1,-1},{0, 2},{1, 3},{2, 4}},0x0000000000004146L,1,false,7,1,5),
new Shape ('2',new int[][] {{0, 2},{0, 0},{1, 3},{2, 2},{3, 1}},0x0000000000021083L,0,true, 6,0,6),
new Shape ('2',new int[][] {{0, 2},{1, 3},{0, 0},{1,-1},{2,-2}},0x0000000000000946L,1,false,7,2,6),
new Shape ('2',new int[][] {{1, 5},{2, 4},{0, 4},{0, 2},{0, 0}},0x0000000000002107L,0,false,7,0,4),
new Shape ('2',new int[][] {{3, 1},{3,-1},{2, 2},{1, 1},{0, 0}},0x0000000000062082L,1,false,6,1,7),
new Shape ('2',new int[][] {{2,-4},{1,-5},{2,-2},{1,-1},{0, 0}},0x0000000000003148L,3,false,7,5,9),
new Shape ('2',new int[][] {{1,-1},{0, 0},{2, 0},{2, 2},{2, 4}},0x0000000000007042L,1,false,7,1,5),
new Shape ('2',new int[][] {{0, 0},{0, 2},{1,-1},{2, 0},{3, 1}},0x0000000000041046L,1,false,6,1,7)
private static final Shape[] PIECE3 = { new Shape ('3',new int[][] {{0, 0},{2, 0},{1,-1},{2,-2},{2,-4}},0x0000000000003884L,2,false,7,4,9),
new Shape ('3',new int[][] {{1, 5},{2, 2},{1, 3},{1, 1},{0, 0}},0x00000000000011C1L,0,false,7,0,4),
new Shape ('3',new int[][] {{3, 1},{2,-2},{2, 0},{1,-1},{0, 0}},0x0000000000041842L,1,false,6,2,8),
new Shape ('3',new int[][] {{2, 0},{0, 0},{1, 1},{0, 2},{0, 4}},0x0000000000000847L,0,false,7,0,5),
new Shape ('3',new int[][] {{1,-3},{0, 0},{1,-1},{1, 1},{2, 2}},0x00000000000041C4L,2,false,7,3,7),
new Shape ('3',new int[][] {{0, 0},{1, 3},{1, 1},{2, 2},{3, 1}},0x00000000000210C1L,0,true, 6,0,6),
new Shape ('3',new int[][] {{1, 3},{0, 0},{1, 1},{1,-1},{2,-2}},0x00000000000009C2L,1,false,7,2,6),
new Shape ('3',new int[][] {{2, 4},{0, 4},{1, 3},{0, 2},{0, 0}},0x0000000000002087L,0,false,7,0,5),
new Shape ('3',new int[][] {{3,-1},{2, 2},{2, 0},{1, 1},{0, 0}},0x0000000000023082L,1,false,6,1,7),
new Shape ('3',new int[][] {{1,-5},{2,-2},{1,-3},{1,-1},{0, 0}},0x00000000000021C8L,3,false,7,5,9),
new Shape ('3',new int[][] {{0, 0},{2, 0},{1, 1},{2, 2},{2, 4}},0x0000000000003841L,0,false,7,0,5),
new Shape ('3',new int[][] {{0, 0},{1,-3},{1,-1},{2,-2},{3,-1}},0x00000000000410C4L,2,false,6,3,9)
private static final Shape[] PIECE4 = { new Shape ('4',new int[][] {{1, 5},{2, 2},{1, 3},{0, 2},{0, 0}},0x0000000000001183L,0,false,7,0,4),
new Shape ('4',new int[][] {{3, 1},{2,-2},{2, 0},{1, 1},{0, 0}},0x0000000000041882L,1,false,6,2,8),
new Shape ('4',new int[][] {{2, 0},{0, 0},{1, 1},{1, 3},{0, 4}},0x00000000000008C5L,0,true, 7,0,5),
new Shape ('4',new int[][] {{1,-3},{0, 0},{1,-1},{2, 0},{2, 2}},0x00000000000060C4L,2,false,7,3,7),
new Shape ('4',new int[][] {{0, 0},{1, 3},{1, 1},{2, 0},{3, 1}},0x00000000000208C1L,0,false,6,0,6),
new Shape ('4',new int[][] {{0, 0},{2, 0},{1,-1},{1,-3},{2,-4}},0x00000000000028C4L,2,false,7,4,9),
new Shape ('4',new int[][] {{0, 0},{1,-3},{1,-1},{2, 0},{3,-1}},0x00000000000420C4L,2,false,6,3,9),
new Shape ('4',new int[][] {{1, 3},{0, 0},{1, 1},{2, 0},{2,-2}},0x0000000000001982L,1,false,7,2,6),
new Shape ('4',new int[][] {{2, 4},{0, 4},{1, 3},{1, 1},{0, 0}},0x00000000000020C5L,0,true, 7,0,5),
new Shape ('4',new int[][] {{3,-1},{2, 2},{2, 0},{1,-1},{0, 0}},0x0000000000023042L,1,false,6,1,7),
new Shape ('4',new int[][] {{1,-3},{2, 0},{1,-1},{0, 0},{0, 2}},0x00000000000020CCL,2,false,7,3,7),
new Shape ('4',new int[][] {{0, 0},{2, 0},{1, 1},{1, 3},{2, 4}},0x00000000000028C1L,0,false,7,0,5)
private static final Shape[] PIECE5 = { new Shape ('5',new int[][] {{0, 2},{1, 1},{0, 0},{1,-1},{2,-2}},0x00000000000008C6L,1,false,7,2,7),
new Shape ('5',new int[][] {{1, 5},{1, 3},{0, 4},{0, 2},{0, 0}},0x0000000000000187L,0,false,8,0,4),
new Shape ('5',new int[][] {{3, 1},{2, 0},{2, 2},{1, 1},{0, 0}},0x0000000000021841L,0,false,6,0,7),
new Shape ('5',new int[][] {{2,-4},{1,-3},{2,-2},{1,-1},{0, 0}},0x00000000000018C4L,2,false,7,4,9),
new Shape ('5',new int[][] {{0, 0},{0, 2},{1, 1},{1, 3},{1, 5}},0x00000000000001C3L,0,false,8,0,4),
new Shape ('5',new int[][] {{0, 0},{1, 1},{1,-1},{2, 0},{3, 1}},0x00000000000410C2L,1,false,6,1,8),
new Shape ('5',new int[][] {{0, 2},{0, 0},{1, 1},{1,-1},{1,-3}},0x00000000000001CCL,2,false,8,3,7),
new Shape ('5',new int[][] {{2, 4},{1, 3},{2, 2},{1, 1},{0, 0}},0x00000000000030C1L,0,false,7,0,5),
new Shape ('5',new int[][] {{3,-1},{2, 0},{2,-2},{1,-1},{0, 0}},0x0000000000021842L,1,false,6,2,9),
new Shape ('5',new int[][] {{1,-1},{1, 1},{0, 0},{0, 2},{0, 4}},0x00000000000000CEL,1,false,8,1,5),
new Shape ('5',new int[][] {{0, 0},{1, 1},{0, 2},{1, 3},{2, 4}},0x00000000000020C3L,0,false,7,0,5),
new Shape ('5',new int[][] {{0, 0},{1,-1},{1, 1},{2, 0},{3,-1}},0x00000000000210C2L,1,false,6,1,8)
private static final Shape[] PIECE6 = { new Shape ('6',new int[][] {{1, 1},{0, 0},{1,-1},{1,-3},{2,-4}},0x00000000000009C4L,2,false,7,4,8),
new Shape ('6',new int[][] {{2, 4},{1, 5},{1, 3},{0, 2},{0, 0}},0x0000000000002183L,0,false,7,0,4),
new Shape ('6',new int[][] {{3,-1},{3, 1},{2, 0},{1, 1},{0, 0}},0x0000000000061082L,1,false,6,1,8),
new Shape ('6',new int[][] {{1,-5},{2,-4},{1,-3},{1,-1},{0, 0}},0x00000000000011C8L,3,false,7,5,9),
new Shape ('6',new int[][] {{0, 0},{1,-1},{1, 1},{2, 2},{2, 4}},0x00000000000060C2L,1,false,7,1,5),
new Shape ('6',new int[][] {{0, 2},{0, 0},{1, 1},{2, 0},{3, 1}},0x0000000000020843L,0,false,6,0,7),
new Shape ('6',new int[][] {{0, 0},{1, 1},{1,-1},{2,-2},{2,-4}},0x0000000000001984L,2,false,7,4,8),
new Shape ('6',new int[][] {{1, 5},{2, 4},{1, 3},{1, 1},{0, 0}},0x00000000000021C1L,0,false,7,0,4),
new Shape ('6',new int[][] {{3, 1},{3,-1},{2, 0},{1,-1},{0, 0}},0x0000000000061042L,1,false,6,1,8),
new Shape ('6',new int[][] {{2,-2},{1,-3},{1,-1},{0, 0},{0, 2}},0x00000000000010CCL,2,false,7,3,7),
new Shape ('6',new int[][] {{1,-1},{0, 0},{1, 1},{1, 3},{2, 4}},0x00000000000041C2L,1,false,7,1,5),
new Shape ('6',new int[][] {{0, 0},{0, 2},{1, 1},{2, 2},{3, 1}},0x0000000000021043L,0,false,6,0,7)
private static final Shape[] PIECE7 = { new Shape ('7',new int[][] {{0, 2},{1, 1},{0, 0},{2, 0},{2,-2}},0x0000000000001886L,1,false,7,2,7),
new Shape ('7',new int[][] {{1, 5},{1, 3},{0, 4},{1, 1},{0, 0}},0x00000000000001C5L,0,true, 8,0,4),
new Shape ('7',new int[][] {{3, 1},{2, 0},{2, 2},{1,-1},{0, 0}},0x0000000000043042L,1,false,6,1,7),
new Shape ('7',new int[][] {{2,-2},{1,-1},{2, 0},{0, 0},{0, 2}},0x0000000000001846L,1,false,7,2,7),
new Shape ('7',new int[][] {{0, 0},{0, 2},{1, 1},{0, 4},{1, 5}},0x0000000000000147L,0,false,8,0,4),
new Shape ('7',new int[][] {{0, 0},{1, 1},{1,-1},{2, 2},{3, 1}},0x00000000000420C2L,1,false,6,1,7),
new Shape ('7',new int[][] {{0, 4},{0, 2},{1, 3},{0, 0},{1,-1}},0x000000000000014EL,1,false,8,1,5),
new Shape ('7',new int[][] {{2, 4},{1, 3},{2, 2},{0, 2},{0, 0}},0x0000000000003083L,0,false,7,0,5),
new Shape ('7',new int[][] {{3,-1},{2, 0},{2,-2},{1, 1},{0, 0}},0x0000000000021882L,1,false,6,2,8),
new Shape ('7',new int[][] {{1,-1},{1, 1},{0, 0},{1, 3},{0, 4}},0x00000000000001CAL,1,false,8,1,5),
new Shape ('7',new int[][] {{0, 0},{1, 1},{0, 2},{2, 2},{2, 4}},0x0000000000003043L,0,false,7,0,5),
new Shape ('7',new int[][] {{0, 0},{1,-1},{1, 1},{2,-2},{3,-1}},0x00000000000208C2L,1,false,6,2,8)
private static final Shape[] PIECE8 = { new Shape ('8',new int[][] {{4, 2},{3, 1},{2, 0},{1, 1},{0, 0}},0x0000000000820841L,0,false,5,0,7),
new Shape ('8',new int[][] {{3,-5},{2,-4},{1,-3},{1,-1},{0, 0}},0x0000000000021188L,3,false,6,5,9),
new Shape ('8',new int[][] {{0, 0},{0, 2},{0, 4},{1, 5},{1, 7}},0x0000000000000307L,0,false,8,0,2),
new Shape ('8',new int[][] {{0, 0},{1, 1},{2, 2},{3, 1},{4, 2}},0x0000000000821041L,0,true, 5,0,7),
new Shape ('8',new int[][] {{0, 0},{1,-1},{2,-2},{2,-4},{3,-5}},0x0000000000023108L,3,false,6,5,9),
new Shape ('8',new int[][] {{1, 7},{1, 5},{1, 3},{0, 2},{0, 0}},0x0000000000000383L,0,false,8,0,2),
new Shape ('8',new int[][] {{0, 0},{1, 1},{2, 2},{2, 4},{3, 5}},0x0000000000083041L,0,false,6,0,4),
new Shape ('8',new int[][] {{0, 0},{1,-1},{2,-2},{3,-1},{4,-2}},0x0000000000420842L,1,false,5,2,9),
new Shape ('8',new int[][] {{0, 4},{0, 2},{0, 0},{1,-1},{1,-3}},0x00000000000000DCL,2,false,8,3,5),
new Shape ('8',new int[][] {{3, 5},{2, 4},{1, 3},{1, 1},{0, 0}},0x00000000000820C1L,0,false,6,0,4),
new Shape ('8',new int[][] {{4,-2},{3,-1},{2, 0},{1,-1},{0, 0}},0x0000000000421042L,1,false,5,2,9),
new Shape ('8',new int[][] {{1,-5},{1,-3},{1,-1},{0, 0},{0, 2}},0x00000000000001D8L,3,false,8,5,7)
private static final Shape[] PIECE9 = { new Shape ('9',new int[][] {{3, 3},{2, 2},{1, 1},{0, 0},{0, 2}},0x0000000000041043L,0,false,6,0,6),
new Shape ('9',new int[][] {{3,-3},{2,-2},{1,-1},{0, 0},{1, 1}},0x0000000000021184L,2,false,6,3,8),
new Shape ('9',new int[][] {{0, 0},{0, 2},{0, 4},{0, 6},{1, 5}},0x000000000000010FL,0,false,8,0,3),
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