blob: 7b8cb221562de9119006c56df8fa1c756f84d017 [file] [log] [blame]
class LoaderConfigurationTest extends GroovyTestCase {
void testComment() {
def txt = "# I am a comment"
def config = new LoaderConfiguration()
config.requireMain = false
config.configure(new StringBufferInputStream(txt))
assert config.classPathUrls.length == 0
void testNormalPath() {
// generate a load instruction with a valid path
def file = new File(".")
def txt = "load $file"
def config = new LoaderConfiguration()
config.requireMain = false
config.configure(new StringBufferInputStream(txt))
assert config.classPathUrls.length == 1
assert config.classPathUrls[0].sameFile(file.toURI().toURL())
void testNonexistingPath() {
// generate a load instruction with a valid path
def file = getNonexistantFile(new File("."))
def txt = "load $file"
def config = new LoaderConfiguration()
config.requireMain = false
config.configure(new StringBufferInputStream(txt))
assert config.classPathUrls.length == 0
private File getNonexistantFile(File base) {
def number = "0"
while (base.exists()) {
base = new File(base,number)
return base
void testExistingProperty() {
def txt = 'load ${java.home}'
def config = new LoaderConfiguration()
config.requireMain = false
config.configure(new StringBufferInputStream(txt))
assert config.classPathUrls.length == 1
def url1 = config.classPathUrls[0]
def url2 = new File(System.getProperty("java.home")).toURI().toURL()
assert url1.sameFile(url2)
void testNonexistingProperty() {
String name = getNonexistingPropertyName("foo")
def txt = 'load !{'+name+'}'
def config = new LoaderConfiguration()
config.requireMain = false
shouldFail {
config.configure(new StringBufferInputStream(txt))
txt = 'load ${'+name+'}'
config = new LoaderConfiguration()
config.requireMain = false
config.configure(new StringBufferInputStream(txt))
assert config.classPathUrls.length == 0
private getNonexistingPropertyName(String base) {
while (System.getProperty(base)!=null) {
base += "x"
return base