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package groovy
import org.junit.Test
import static groovy.test.GroovyAssert.assertScript
* Tests for Closure composition
final class ClosureComposeTest {
void testComposeMultiply() {
assertScript '''
def twice = { a -> a * 2 }
def thrice = { a -> a * 3 }
def times6 = twice >> thrice
assert times6(3) == 18
void testReverseComposeAndCallShortcut() {
assertScript '''
def twice = { a -> a * 2 }
def thrice = { a -> a * 3 }
assert twice << thrice << 3 == 18
void testComposeAndLonghand() {
assertScript '''
def twice = { a -> a * 2 }
def inc = { b -> b + 1 }
def f = inc >> twice
def g = { x -> twice(inc(x)) }
assert f(10) == 22
assert g(10) == 22
@Test // GROOVY-4512
void testClosureCompositionInstance() {
def inst = new ComposeTestHelper()
assert == 42
assert inst.composedA() == 42
assert == 122
assert inst.composedB(3) == 122
static class ComposeTestHelper {
def closure1 = { 40 }
def closure2 = { it * 40 }
def closure3 = { it + 2 }
def composedA = closure1 >> closure3
def composedB = closure2 >> closure3
void testComposeWithMethodClosure() {
assertScript '''
def s2c = { it.chars[0] }
def p = Integer.&toHexString >> s2c >> Character.&toUpperCase
assert p(15) == 'F'
void testComposeWithMultipleArgs() {
assertScript '''
def multiply = { a, b -> a * b }
def identity = { a -> [a, a] }
def sq = identity >> multiply
assert (1..5).collect { sq(it) } == [1, 4, 9, 16, 25]
void testReverseCompositionWithMultipleArgs() {
assertScript '''
def multiply = { a, b -> a * b }
def identity = { a -> [a, a] }
def sq = multiply << identity
assert (1..5).collect { sq(it) } == [1, 4, 9, 16, 25]
void testComposeWithCurriedClosures() {
assertScript '''
def add3 = { a, b, c -> a + b + c }
def add2plus10 = add3.curry(10)
def multBoth = { a, b, c -> [a * c, b * c] }
def twiceBoth = multBoth.rcurry(2)
def twiceBothPlus10 = twiceBoth >> add2plus10
assert twiceBothPlus10(5, 10) == 40
@Test // GROOVY-4994: failed with MissingPropertyException
void testDelegate() {
assertScript '''
def a = { foo }
def b = { bar }
class O {
def foo = 'foo'
def bar = 'bar'
def ab = a >> b
ab.delegate = new O()
void testAndThenCS() {
assertScript '''
import java.util.function.Function
void test() {
Function<String, String> lower = String::toLowerCase
Function<String, String> upper = String::toUpperCase
Function<String, String> lu = lower.andThen(upper)
Function<? super String, String> ul = upper.andThen(lower)
assert lower('Hi') == ul('Hi')
assert upper('Hi') == lu('Hi')
void testAndThen() {
assertScript '''
def lower = String::toLowerCase
def upper = String::toUpperCase
def lu1 = lower.rightShift(upper)
def ul1 = upper.rightShift(lower)
assert lower('Hi') == ul1('Hi')
assert upper('Hi') == lu1('Hi')
def lu2 = lower.andThen(upper)
def ul2 = upper.andThen(lower)
assert lower('Hi') == ul2('Hi')
assert upper('Hi') == lu2('Hi')
void testAndThenSelf() {
assertScript '''
def inc = String::next
def inc2 = inc.andThenSelf()
def inc4 = inc.andThenSelf(3)
assert inc('abc') == 'abd'
assert inc2('abc') == 'abe'
assert inc4('abc') == 'abg'
void testComposeCS() {
assertScript '''
import java.util.function.Function
void test() {
Function<String, String> lower = String::toLowerCase
Function<String, String> upper = String::toUpperCase
Function<String, String> ul = lower.compose(upper)
Function<String, ? extends String> lu = upper.compose(lower)
assert lower('Hi') == ul('Hi')
assert upper('Hi') == lu('Hi')
void testCompose() {
assertScript '''
def lower = String::toLowerCase
def upper = String::toUpperCase
def ul1 = lower.leftShift(upper)
def lu1 = upper.leftShift(lower)
assert lower('Hi') == ul1('Hi')
assert upper('Hi') == lu1('Hi')
def ul2 = lower.compose(upper)
def lu2 = upper.compose(lower)
assert lower('Hi') == ul2('Hi')
assert upper('Hi') == lu2('Hi')
void testComposeSelf() {
assertScript '''
def inc = String::next
def inc2 = inc.composeSelf()
def inc4 = inc.composeSelf(3)
assert inc('abc') == 'abd'
assert inc2('abc') == 'abe'
assert inc4('abc') == 'abg'