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= Delegation Pattern
The[Delegation Pattern] is a technique where an object's behavior (public methods) is implemented by delegating responsibility to one or more associated objects.
Groovy allows the traditional style of applying the delegation pattern, e.g. see <<_replace_inheritance_with_delegation,Replace Inheritance with Delegation>>.
== Implement Delegation Pattern using ExpandoMetaClass
The gapi:groovy.lang.ExpandoMetaClass[] allows usage of this pattern to be encapsulated in a library. This allows Groovy to emulate similar libraries available for the Ruby language.
Consider the following library class:
With this in your classpath, you can now apply the delegation pattern dynamically as shown in the following examples. First, consider we have the following classes:
We can now use the __delegator__ to automatically borrow methods from the __lender__ object to extend the __Person__ class. We can borrow the methods as is or with a rename:
The first line above, adds the __borrowFor__ method to the __Person__ class by delegating to the __lender__ object. The second line adds a __getMoney__ method to the __Person__ class by delegating to the __lender__ object's __borrowAmount__ method.
Alternatively, we could borrow multiple methods like this:
Which adds these two methods to the __Person__ class.
Or if we want all the methods, like this:
Which will make all the methods in the delegate object available in the __Person__ class.
Alternatively, we can use a map notation to rename multiple methods:
== Implement Delegation Pattern using @Delegate annotation
Since version 1.6 you can use the built-in delegation mechanism which is based on AST transformation.
This make delegation even easier: