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* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
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* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
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* under the License.
package groovy.lang
import org.codehaus.groovy.ast.ClassHelper
import org.codehaus.groovy.ast.ClassNode
import org.codehaus.groovy.ast.CompileUnit
import org.codehaus.groovy.ast.ConstructorNode
import org.codehaus.groovy.ast.ModuleNode
import org.codehaus.groovy.classgen.GeneratorContext
import org.codehaus.groovy.control.CompilationUnit
import org.codehaus.groovy.control.CompilerConfiguration
import org.codehaus.groovy.control.MultipleCompilationErrorsException
import org.codehaus.groovy.control.Phases
import org.codehaus.groovy.control.SourceUnit
import org.codehaus.groovy.control.messages.SyntaxErrorMessage
import org.junit.Test
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger
import static org.objectweb.asm.Opcodes.*
final class GroovyClassLoaderTest {
private final GroovyClassLoader classLoader = new GroovyClassLoader()
private static boolean contains(String[] paths, String eval) {
try {
eval = new File(eval).toURI().toURL().getFile()
for (it in paths) {
if (eval.equals(it)) return true
} catch (MalformedURLException ignore) {
return false
static List<URL> getPaths(URLClassLoader ucl) {
ucl.getURLs().findAll { !it.file.endsWith('.jar') }
static List<URL> getPaths(String path) {
int start = 0, end = 0
String sep = File.pathSeparator
def list = []
while (end < path.length()) {
start = end
end = path.indexOf(sep, end)
if (end == -1) break
def sub = path.substring(start, end)
if (!sub.endsWith('.jar')) {
list.add(new File(sub).toURL())
end += 1
static void verifyPackageDetails(Class clazz, String expectedPkgName) {
assert clazz.package instanceof Package
assert == expectedPkgName
void testAddsClasspathEntryOnlyIfItHasNotAlreadyBeenAdded() {
String newClasspathEntry = '/tmp'
int initialClasspathEntryCount = classLoader.classPath.length
assert classLoader.classPath.length == initialClasspathEntryCount + 1
assert contains(classLoader.classPath, newClasspathEntry)
assert classLoader.classPath.length == initialClasspathEntryCount + 1
assert contains(classLoader.classPath, newClasspathEntry)
void testParseThenLoadByName() {
def clazz = classLoader.parseClass('println "howdy"')
assert classLoader.loadClass( == clazz
void testParseThenLoadByNameWeak() {
def clazz = classLoader.parseClass('println "howdy"')
assert classLoader.loadClass( != null
void testClassNotFoundIsNotHidden() {
def paths = []
def loader = this.class.classLoader
while (loader != null) {
if (loader instanceof URLClassLoader) {
paths += getPaths(loader)
loader = loader.parent
paths += getPaths(System.getProperty('java.class.path'))
paths = paths.unique()
def file, tempFolder
try {
// On the latest update of the Mac JDK (as of 2009/06/24), the default placement of temp files seems problematic
// specifying explicitly a custom target directory seems to solve the build issue.
tempFolder = new File('./build/generated')
file = File.createTempFile('Foo', '.groovy', tempFolder)
def name = - '.groovy'
def script = "class $name extends groovy.test.GroovyTestCase{}"
file << script
paths << file.parentFile.toURL()
def cl = new URLClassLoader(paths as URL[], (ClassLoader) null)
def gcl = new GroovyClassLoader(cl)
try {
assert false
} catch (NoClassDefFoundError ncdfe) {
// TODO: hack for running when under coverage; find a better way
assert ncdfe.message.indexOf('TestCase') > 0 || ncdfe.message.indexOf('cobertura') > 0
} catch (MultipleCompilationErrorsException mce) {
mce.errorCollector.errors.each { err ->
assert err instanceof SyntaxErrorMessage
assert err.cause.message.indexOf('TestCase') > 0 || err.cause.message.indexOf('cobertura') > 0
} finally {
try {
if (file != null) {
} catch (Throwable ignore) {
} finally {
if (tempFolder != null) {
void testClassPathNotDerived() {
def config = new CompilerConfiguration()
def loader1 = new GroovyClassLoader(null, config)
config = new CompilerConfiguration()
def loader2 = new GroovyClassLoader(loader1, config)
config = new CompilerConfiguration()
def loader3 = new GroovyClassLoader(loader2, config)
def urls = loader1.URLs
assert urls.length == 0
urls = loader2.URLs
assert urls.length == 1
assert urls[0].toString().endsWith('foo')
urls = loader3.URLs
assert urls.length == 0
void testMultiThreading() {
def config = new CompilerConfiguration()
config.recompileGroovySource = true
def loader = new GroovyClassLoaderTestCustomGCL(config)
def ts = new Thread[100]
for (i in 0..<100) {
ts[i] = Thread.start {
if (i % 2 == 1) sleep(100)
assert GroovyClassLoaderTestFoo1 == loader.loadClass('Foox')
for (i in 0..<100) {ts[i].join()}
assert GroovyClassLoaderTestFoo2 == loader.loadClass('Foox')
void testAdditionalPhaseOperation() {
def loader = new GroovyClassLoaderTestCustomPhaseOperation()
def clazz = loader.parseClass('class Foo {}')
def field = clazz.declaredFields.find { == 'id' && it.type == Long.TYPE }
assert field != null
void testSourceEncoding() {
String oldEncoding = System.getProperty('file.encoding')
System.setProperty('file.encoding', 'US-ASCII')
try {
def gcl = new GroovyClassLoader(this.class.classLoader, new CompilerConfiguration().tap{sourceEncoding = 'UTF-8'})
def clazz = gcl.parseClass('return "\u20AC"') // EURO currency symbol
def result = clazz.newInstance().run()
int i = result[0]
// 0xFFFD is used if the original character was not found,
// it is the famous ? that can often be seen. So if this here
// fails, then the String conversion failed at one point
assert i != 0xFFFD
} finally {
System.setProperty('file.encoding', oldEncoding)
// GROOVY-3537
void testPackageDefinitionForGroovyClassesInParseClass() {
def loader = new GroovyClassLoader(this.class.classLoader)
def script = '''
package pkg1
def x = 1
verifyPackageDetails(loader.parseClass(script, 'Pkg1Groovy3537Script.groovy'), 'pkg1')
script = '''
package pkg1.pkg2
class Groovy3537A{}
verifyPackageDetails(loader.parseClass(script, 'Pkg1Pkg2Groovy3537A.groovy'), 'pkg1.pkg2')
void testPackageDefinitionForGroovyClassesInDefineClass() {
def loader = new GroovyClassLoader(this.class.classLoader)
def classNode = new ClassNode('pkg3.Groovy3537B', ACC_PUBLIC, ClassHelper.OBJECT_TYPE)
classNode.addConstructor(new ConstructorNode(ACC_PUBLIC, null))
def unit = new CompileUnit(loader, new CompilerConfiguration())
def module = new ModuleNode(unit)
def clazz = loader.defineClass(classNode, classNode.getName() + '.groovy', '')
verifyPackageDetails(clazz, 'pkg3')
// GROOVY-11117
void testParseClassReturn() {
def c = classLoader.parseClass '''
interface A {
interface B { }
interface C { }
assert == 'A'
c = classLoader.parseClass '''
interface A {
trait B { }
class C { }
assert == 'A'
c = classLoader.parseClass '''
interface A {
trait B {
static class C { }
assert == 'A'
c = classLoader.parseClass '''
def m() {
def aic = new Object() {}
interface A { }
trait B { }
class C { }
c = classLoader.parseClass '''
print "hello"
class GroovyClassLoaderTestFoo1 {}
class GroovyClassLoaderTestFoo2 {}
class GroovyClassLoaderTestCustomGCL extends GroovyClassLoader {
GroovyClassLoaderTestCustomGCL(config) {
super(null, config)
def counter = new AtomicInteger(0)
protected Class recompile(URL source, String name, Class oldClass) {
if (name == 'Foox') {
if (counter.getAndIncrement() < 100) {
return GroovyClassLoaderTestFoo1
} else {
return GroovyClassLoaderTestFoo2
return super.recompile(source, name, oldClass)
protected boolean isSourceNewer(URL source, Class cls) {
return true
class GroovyClassLoaderTestPropertyAdder implements CompilationUnit.IPrimaryClassNodeOperation {
void call(SourceUnit source, GeneratorContext context, ClassNode classNode) {
classNode.addProperty('id', ACC_PUBLIC, ClassHelper.long_TYPE, null, null, null)
class GroovyClassLoaderTestCustomPhaseOperation extends GroovyClassLoader {
CompilationUnit createCompilationUnit(CompilerConfiguration config, CodeSource source) {
super.createCompilationUnit(config, source).tap {
addPhaseOperation(new GroovyClassLoaderTestPropertyAdder(), Phases.CONVERSION)