blob: 7b70c951d0455edc4105215f9c99f6e94166273c [file] [log] [blame]
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= Stress Tests
Tests in this subproject are used for stress testing. These types of tests
will normally involve calls to `System.gc()`, spinning up many threads, and
may attempt to create OutOfMemory errors.
These tests can be long-running and may be prone to failure on different
platforms, so in order to run these tests you must enable them as follows:
./gradlew -PstressTests :stress:test
You can run a single test with the following command:
./gradlew -PstressTests :stress:test --tests org.codehaus.groovy.util.SomeTest
Or run all tests under in a given package and subpackages:
./gradlew -PstressTests :stress:test --tests org.codehaus.*