blob: 6b9a028c949fb0fc126414ac6fd38c0d0c85f4e5 [file] [log] [blame]
import groovy.swing.SwingBuilder
plugins {
id 'maven-publish'
id 'signing'
id 'org.apache.groovy-publish-validation'
id 'org.apache.groovy-artifactory'
def componentName
if (pluginManager.hasPlugin('java-platform')) {
componentName = 'javaPlatform'
} else if (pluginManager.hasPlugin('org.apache.groovy-distribution')) {
componentName = 'groovyDistribution'
} else {
componentName = 'groovyLibrary'
publishing {
repositories {
maven {
name "LocalFile"
url "${rootProject.buildDir}/repo"
maven {
name "Apache"
url findProperty('groovyVersion').contains('SNAPSHOT')
? ''
: ''
credentials {
username findProperty('groovyVersion').contains('SNAPSHOT') ? findProperty('asfNexusUsername') : findProperty('apacheUser')
password findProperty('groovyVersion').contains('SNAPSHOT') ? findProperty('asfNexusPassword') : findProperty('apachePassword')
publications {
maven(MavenPublication) {
from components[componentName]
pom {
name = 'Apache Groovy'
description = 'Groovy: A powerful multi-faceted language for the JVM'
url = ''
inceptionYear = '2003'
organization {
name = 'Apache Software Foundation'
url = ''
developers {
developer {
id = 'glaforge'
name = 'Guillaume Laforge'
organization = 'Google'
roles.add 'Developer'
developer {
id = 'bob'
name = 'bob mcwhirter'
email = ''
organization = 'The Werken Company'
roles.add 'Founder'
developer {
id = 'jstrachan'
name = 'James Strachan'
email = ''
organization = 'Core Developers Network'
roles.add 'Founder'
developer {
id = 'joe'
name = 'Joe Walnes'
organization = 'ThoughtWorks'
roles.add 'Developer Emeritus'
developer {
id = 'skizz'
name = 'Chris Stevenson'
organization = 'ThoughtWorks'
roles.add 'Developer Emeritus'
developer {
id = 'jamiemc'
name = 'Jamie McCrindle'
organization = 'Three'
roles.add 'Developer Emeritus'
developer {
id = 'mattf'
name = 'Matt Foemmel'
organization = 'ThoughtWorks'
roles.add 'Developer Emeritus'
developer {
id = 'alextkachman'
name = 'Alex Tkachman'
roles.add 'Developer Emeritus'
developer {
id = 'roshandawrani'
name = 'Roshan Dawrani'
roles.add 'Developer Emeritus'
developer {
id = 'spullara'
name = 'Sam Pullara'
email = ''
roles.add 'Developer Emeritus'
developer {
id = 'kasper'
name = 'Kasper Nielsen'
roles.add 'Developer Emeritus'
developer {
id = 'travis'
name = 'Travis Kay'
roles.add 'Developer Emeritus'
developer {
id = 'zohar'
name = 'Zohar Melamed'
roles.add 'Developer Emeritus'
developer {
id = 'jwilson'
name = 'John Wilson'
email = ''
organization = 'The Wilson Partnership'
roles.add 'Developer Emeritus'
developer {
id = 'cpoirier'
name = 'Chris Poirier'
email = ''
roles.add 'Developer Emeritus'
developer {
id = 'ckl'
name = 'Christiaan ten Klooster'
email = ''
organization = 'Dacelo WebDevelopment'
roles.add 'Developer Emeritus'
developer {
id = 'goetze'
name = 'Steve Goetze'
email = ''
organization = 'Dovetailed Technologies, LLC'
roles.add 'Developer Emeritus'
developer {
id = 'bran'
name = 'Bing Ran'
email = ''
organization = 'Leadingcare'
roles.add 'Developer Emeritus'
developer {
id = 'jez'
name = 'Jeremy Rayner'
email = ''
organization = 'javanicus'
roles.add 'Developer Emeritus'
developer {
id = 'jstump'
name = 'John Stump'
email = ''
roles.add 'Developer Emeritus'
developer {
id = 'blackdrag'
name = 'Jochen Theodorou'
email = ''
roles.add 'Developer'
developer {
id = 'russel'
name = 'Russel Winder'
email = ''
organization = 'Concertant LLP & It\'z Interactive Ltd'
roles.add 'Developer'
roles.add 'Founder of Gant'
developer {
id = 'phk'
name = 'Pilho Kim'
email = ''
roles.add 'Developer Emeritus'
developer {
id = 'cstein'
name = 'Christian Stein'
email = ''
organization = ''
roles.add 'Developer Emeritus'
developer {
id = 'mittie'
name = 'Dierk Koenig'
organization = 'Karakun AG'
roles.add 'Developer'
developer {
id = 'paulk'
name = 'Paul King'
email = ''
organization = 'OCI, Australia'
roles.add 'Project Manager'
roles.add 'Developer'
developer {
id = 'galleon'
name = 'Guillaume Alleon'
email = ''
roles.add 'Developer Emeritus'
developer {
id = 'user57'
name = 'Jason Dillon'
email = ''
roles.add 'Developer Emeritus'
developer {
id = 'shemnon'
name = 'Danno Ferrin'
roles.add 'Developer Emeritus'
developer {
id = 'jwill'
name = 'James Williams'
roles.add 'Developer Emeritus'
developer {
id = 'timyates'
name = 'Tim Yates'
roles.add 'Developer'
developer {
id = 'aalmiray'
name = 'Andres Almiray'
email = ''
roles.add 'Developer'
developer {
id = 'mguillem'
name = 'Marc Guillemot'
email = ''
roles.add 'Developer Emeritus'
developer {
id = 'jimwhite'
name = 'Jim White'
email = ''
organization = ''
roles.add 'Developer'
developer {
id = 'pniederw'
name = 'Peter Niederwieser'
email = ''
roles.add 'Developer Emeritus'
developer {
id = 'andresteingress'
name = 'Andre Steingress'
roles.add 'Developer'
developer {
id = 'hamletdrc'
name = 'Hamlet D\'Arcy'
email = ''
roles.add 'Developer Emeritus'
developer {
id = 'melix'
name = 'Cedric Champeau'
email = ''
roles.add 'Developer'
developer {
id = 'pascalschumacher'
name = 'Pascal Schumacher'
roles.add 'Developer'
developer {
id = 'sunlan'
name = 'Daniel Sun'
roles.add 'Developer'
developer {
id = 'rpopma'
name = 'Remko Popma'
roles.add 'Developer'
developer {
id = 'grocher'
name = 'Graeme Rocher'
roles.add 'Developer'
developer {
id = 'emilles'
name = 'Eric Milles'
organization = 'Thomson Reuters'
roles.add 'Developer'
contributors {
contributor {
name = 'Joern Eyrich'
contributor {
name = 'Robert Kuzelj'
contributor {
name = 'Rod Cope'
contributor {
name = 'Yuri Schimke'
contributor {
name = 'James Birchfield'
contributor {
name = 'Robert Fuller'
contributor {
name = 'Sergey Udovenko'
contributor {
name = 'Hallvard Traetteberg'
contributor {
name = 'Peter Reilly'
contributor {
name = 'Brian McCallister'
contributor {
name = 'Richard Monson-Haefel'
contributor {
name = 'Brian Larson'
contributor {
name = 'Artur Biesiadowski'
email = ''
contributor {
name = 'Ivan Z. Ganza'
contributor {
name = 'Larry Jacobson'
contributor {
name = 'Jake Gage'
contributor {
name = 'Arjun Nayyar'
contributor {
name = 'Masato Nagai'
contributor {
name = 'Mark Chu-Carroll'
contributor {
name = 'Mark Turansky'
contributor {
name = 'Jean-Louis Berliet'
contributor {
name = 'Graham Miller'
contributor {
name = 'Marc Palmer'
contributor {
name = 'Tugdual Grall'
contributor {
name = 'Edwin Tellman'
contributor {
name = 'Evan "Hippy" Slatis'
contributor {
name = 'Mike Dillon'
contributor {
name = 'Bernhard Huber'
contributor {
name = 'Yasuharu Nakano'
contributor {
name = 'Marc DeXeT'
contributor {
name = 'Dejan Bosanac'
email = ''
contributor {
name = 'Denver Dino'
contributor {
name = 'Ted Naleid'
contributor {
name = 'Ted Leung'
contributor {
name = 'Merrick Schincariol'
contributor {
name = 'Chanwit Kaewkasi'
contributor {
name = 'Stefan Matthias Aust'
contributor {
name = 'Andy Dwelly'
contributor {
name = 'Philip Milne'
contributor {
name = 'Tiago Fernandez'
contributor {
name = 'Steve Button'
contributor {
name = 'Joachim Baumann'
contributor {
name = 'Jochen Eddel+'
contributor {
name = 'Ilinca V. Hallberg'
contributor {
name = 'Björn Westlin'
contributor {
name = 'Andrew Glover'
contributor {
name = 'Brad Long'
contributor {
name = 'John Bito'
contributor {
name = 'Jim Jagielski'
contributor {
name = 'Rodolfo Velasco'
contributor {
name = 'John Hurst'
contributor {
name = 'Merlyn Albery-Speyer'
contributor {
name = 'jeremi Joslin'
contributor {
name = 'UEHARA Junji'
contributor {
name = 'NAKANO Yasuharu'
contributor {
name = 'Dinko Srkoc'
contributor {
name = 'Raffaele Cigni'
contributor {
name = 'Alberto Vilches Raton'
contributor {
name = 'Paulo Poiati'
contributor {
name = 'Alexander Klein'
contributor {
name = 'Adam Murdoch'
contributor {
name = 'David Durham'
contributor {
name = 'Daniel Henrique Alves Lima'
contributor {
name = 'John Wagenleitner'
contributor {
name = 'Colin Harrington'
contributor {
name = 'Brian Alexander'
contributor {
name = 'Jan Weitz'
contributor {
name = 'Chris K Wensel'
contributor {
name = 'David Sutherland'
contributor {
name = 'Mattias Reichel'
contributor {
name = 'David Lee'
contributor {
name = 'Sergei Egorov'
contributor {
name = 'Hein Meling'
contributor {
name = 'Michael Baehr'
contributor {
name = 'Craig Andrews'
contributor {
name = 'Peter Ledbrook'
contributor {
name = 'Scott Stirling'
contributor {
name = 'Thibault Kruse'
contributor {
name = 'Tim Tiemens'
contributor {
name = 'Mike Spille'
contributor {
name = 'Nikolay Chugunov'
contributor {
name = 'Francesco Durbin'
contributor {
name = 'Paolo Di Tommaso'
contributor {
name = 'Rene Scheibe'
contributor {
name = 'Matias Bjarland'
contributor {
name = 'Tomasz Bujok'
contributor {
name = 'Richard Hightower'
contributor {
name = 'Andrey Bloschetsov'
contributor {
name = 'Yu Kobayashi'
contributor {
name = 'Nick Grealy'
contributor {
name = 'Vaclav Pech'
contributor {
name = 'Chuck Tassoni'
contributor {
name = 'Steven Devijver'
contributor {
name = 'Ben Manes'
contributor {
name = 'Troy Heninger'
contributor {
name = 'Andrew Eisenberg'
contributor {
name = 'Eric Milles'
contributor {
name = 'Kohsuke Kawaguchi'
contributor {
name = 'Scott Vlaminck'
contributor {
name = 'Hjalmar Ekengren'
contributor {
name = 'Rafael Luque'
contributor {
name = 'Joachim Heldmann'
contributor {
name = 'dgouyette'
contributor {
name = 'Marcin Grzejszczak'
contributor {
name = 'Pap LÅ‘rinc'
contributor {
name = 'Guillaume Balaine'
contributor {
name = 'Santhosh Kumar T'
contributor {
name = 'Alan Green'
contributor {
name = 'Marty Saxton'
contributor {
name = 'Marcel Overdijk'
contributor {
name = 'Jonathan Carlson'
contributor {
name = 'Thomas Heller'
contributor {
name = 'John Stump'
contributor {
name = 'Ivan Ganza'
contributor {
name = 'Alex Popescu'
contributor {
name = 'Martin Kempf'
contributor {
name = 'Martin Ghados'
contributor {
name = 'Martin Stockhammer'
contributor {
name = 'Martin C. Martin'
contributor {
name = 'Alexey Verkhovsky'
contributor {
name = 'Alberto Mijares'
contributor {
name = 'Matthias Cullmann'
contributor {
name = 'Tomek Bujok'
contributor {
name = 'Stephane Landelle'
contributor {
name = 'Stephane Maldini'
contributor {
name = 'Mark Volkmann'
contributor {
name = 'Andrew Taylor'
contributor {
name = 'Vladimir Vivien'
contributor {
name = 'Vladimir Orany'
contributor {
name = 'Joe Wolf'
contributor {
name = 'Kent Inge Fagerland Simonsen'
contributor {
name = 'Tom Nichols'
contributor {
name = 'Ingo Hoffmann'
contributor {
name = 'Sergii Bondarenko'
contributor {
name = 'mgroovy'
contributor {
name = 'Dominik Przybysz'
contributor {
name = 'Jason Thomas'
contributor {
name = 'Trygve Amundsens'
contributor {
name = 'Morgan Hankins'
contributor {
name = 'Shruti Gupta'
contributor {
name = 'Ben Yu'
contributor {
name = 'Dejan Bosanac'
contributor {
name = 'Lidia Donajczyk-Lipinska'
contributor {
name = 'Peter Gromov'
contributor {
name = 'Johannes Link'
contributor {
name = 'Chris Reeves'
contributor {
name = 'Sean Timm'
contributor {
name = 'Dmitry Vyazelenko'
mailingLists {
mailingList {
name = 'Groovy Developer List'
archive = ''
mailingList {
name = 'Groovy User List'
archive = ''
licenses {
license {
name = 'The Apache Software License, Version 2.0'
url = ''
distribution = 'repo'
issueManagement {
system = 'jira'
url = ''
scm {
connection = 'scm:git:'
developerConnection = 'scm:git:'
url = ''
signing {
required {
sign publishing.publications.maven
if (sharedConfiguration.signing.useGpgCmd.get()) {
gradle.taskGraph.whenReady { taskGraph ->
if (sharedConfiguration.signing.shouldSign(gradle.taskGraph)) {
// Use Java 6's console or Swing to read input (not suitable for CI)
if (!sharedConfiguration.signing.hasAllKeyDetails()) {
printf "\n\nWe have to sign some things in this build." +
"\n\nPlease enter your signing details.\n\n"
if (!sharedConfiguration.signing.keyId.present) {
sharedConfiguration.signing.keyId.set promptUser('PGP Key Id')
if (!sharedConfiguration.signing.secretKeyRingFile.present) {
sharedConfiguration.signing.secretKeyRingFile.set promptUser('PGP Secret Key Ring File (absolute path)')
if (!sharedConfiguration.signing.password.present) {
sharedConfiguration.signing.password.set promptUser('PGP Private Key Password')
allprojects {"signing.keyId", sharedConfiguration.signing.keyId.get())"signing.secretKeyRingFile", sharedConfiguration.signing.secretKeyRingFile.get())"signing.password", sharedConfiguration.signing.password.get())
printf "\nThanks.\n\n"
def promptUser(String prompt) {
def response = ''
if (System.console() == null) {
new SwingBuilder().edt {
dialog(modal: true, // pause build
title: 'Response required', // dialog title
alwaysOnTop: true,
resizable: false,
locationRelativeTo: null, // centered on screen
pack: true,
show: true
) {
vbox {
label(text: "$prompt:")
input = passwordField()
button(defaultButton: true, text: 'OK', actionPerformed: {
response = new String(input.password)
} else {
response = new String(System.console().readPassword("\n$prompt: "))
if (!response) {
throw new InvalidUserDataException("Null response detected!")