blob: 63f95d3b20a9e702dc777e89c47806217e3b3778 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
package groovy.lang;
import org.apache.groovy.internal.util.UncheckedThrow;
import org.apache.groovy.util.BeanUtils;
import org.apache.groovy.util.SystemUtil;
import org.codehaus.groovy.GroovyBugError;
import org.codehaus.groovy.ast.ClassNode;
import org.codehaus.groovy.classgen.asm.BytecodeHelper;
import org.codehaus.groovy.control.CompilationUnit;
import org.codehaus.groovy.control.Phases;
import org.codehaus.groovy.reflection.CacheAccessControlException;
import org.codehaus.groovy.reflection.CachedClass;
import org.codehaus.groovy.reflection.CachedConstructor;
import org.codehaus.groovy.reflection.CachedField;
import org.codehaus.groovy.reflection.CachedMethod;
import org.codehaus.groovy.reflection.ClassInfo;
import org.codehaus.groovy.reflection.GeneratedMetaMethod;
import org.codehaus.groovy.reflection.ParameterTypes;
import org.codehaus.groovy.reflection.ReflectionCache;
import org.codehaus.groovy.runtime.ArrayTypeUtils;
import org.codehaus.groovy.runtime.ConvertedClosure;
import org.codehaus.groovy.runtime.CurriedClosure;
import org.codehaus.groovy.runtime.DefaultGroovyMethods;
import org.codehaus.groovy.runtime.GeneratedClosure;
import org.codehaus.groovy.runtime.GroovyCategorySupport;
import org.codehaus.groovy.runtime.InvokerHelper;
import org.codehaus.groovy.runtime.InvokerInvocationException;
import org.codehaus.groovy.runtime.MetaClassHelper;
import org.codehaus.groovy.runtime.MethodClosure;
import org.codehaus.groovy.runtime.callsite.AbstractCallSite;
import org.codehaus.groovy.runtime.callsite.CallSite;
import org.codehaus.groovy.runtime.callsite.ConstructorSite;
import org.codehaus.groovy.runtime.callsite.MetaClassConstructorSite;
import org.codehaus.groovy.runtime.callsite.PogoMetaClassSite;
import org.codehaus.groovy.runtime.callsite.PogoMetaMethodSite;
import org.codehaus.groovy.runtime.callsite.PojoMetaClassSite;
import org.codehaus.groovy.runtime.callsite.PojoMetaMethodSite;
import org.codehaus.groovy.runtime.callsite.StaticMetaClassSite;
import org.codehaus.groovy.runtime.callsite.StaticMetaMethodSite;
import org.codehaus.groovy.runtime.metaclass.ClosureMetaMethod;
import org.codehaus.groovy.runtime.metaclass.MetaClassRegistryImpl;
import org.codehaus.groovy.runtime.metaclass.MetaMethodIndex;
import org.codehaus.groovy.runtime.metaclass.MethodMetaProperty.GetBeanMethodMetaProperty;
import org.codehaus.groovy.runtime.metaclass.MethodMetaProperty.GetMethodMetaProperty;
import org.codehaus.groovy.runtime.metaclass.MethodSelectionException;
import org.codehaus.groovy.runtime.metaclass.MissingMethodExceptionNoStack;
import org.codehaus.groovy.runtime.metaclass.MissingMethodExecutionFailed;
import org.codehaus.groovy.runtime.metaclass.MissingPropertyExceptionNoStack;
import org.codehaus.groovy.runtime.metaclass.MixinInstanceMetaMethod;
import org.codehaus.groovy.runtime.metaclass.MultipleSetterProperty;
import org.codehaus.groovy.runtime.metaclass.NewInstanceMetaMethod;
import org.codehaus.groovy.runtime.metaclass.NewMetaMethod;
import org.codehaus.groovy.runtime.metaclass.NewStaticMetaMethod;
import org.codehaus.groovy.runtime.metaclass.TransformMetaMethod;
import org.codehaus.groovy.runtime.typehandling.DefaultTypeTransformation;
import org.codehaus.groovy.runtime.typehandling.NumberMathModificationInfo;
import org.codehaus.groovy.runtime.wrappers.Wrapper;
import org.codehaus.groovy.util.ComplexKeyHashMap;
import org.codehaus.groovy.util.FastArray;
import org.codehaus.groovy.util.SingleKeyHashMap;
import org.codehaus.groovy.vmplugin.VMPlugin;
import org.codehaus.groovy.vmplugin.VMPluginFactory;
import javax.annotation.Nullable;
import java.beans.BeanInfo;
import java.beans.EventSetDescriptor;
import java.beans.Introspector;
import java.beans.PropertyDescriptor;
import java.lang.reflect.Array;
import java.lang.reflect.Constructor;
import java.lang.reflect.Method;
import java.lang.reflect.Modifier;
import java.lang.reflect.Proxy;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.Comparator;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.LinkedHashSet;
import java.util.LinkedList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap;
import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentMap;
import static org.apache.groovy.util.Arrays.concat;
import static;
import static org.codehaus.groovy.reflection.ReflectionCache.isAssignableFrom;
* Allows methods to be dynamically added to existing classes at runtime
* @see groovy.lang.MetaClass
public class MetaClassImpl implements MetaClass, MutableMetaClass {
public static final Object[] EMPTY_ARGUMENTS = {};
protected static final String STATIC_METHOD_MISSING = "$static_methodMissing";
protected static final String STATIC_PROPERTY_MISSING = "$static_propertyMissing";
protected static final String METHOD_MISSING = "methodMissing";
protected static final String PROPERTY_MISSING = "propertyMissing";
protected static final String INVOKE_METHOD_METHOD = "invokeMethod";
private static final String CLOSURE_CALL_METHOD = "call";
private static final String CLOSURE_DO_CALL_METHOD = "doCall";
private static final String GET_PROPERTY_METHOD = "getProperty";
private static final String SET_PROPERTY_METHOD = "setProperty";
private static final Class[] METHOD_MISSING_ARGS = new Class[]{String.class, Object.class};
private static final Class[] GETTER_MISSING_ARGS = new Class[]{String.class};
private static final Class[] SETTER_MISSING_ARGS = METHOD_MISSING_ARGS;
private static final MetaMethod AMBIGUOUS_LISTENER_METHOD = new DummyMetaMethod();
private static final Comparator<CachedClass> CACHED_CLASS_NAME_COMPARATOR = Comparator.comparing(CachedClass::getName);
private static final boolean PERMISSIVE_PROPERTY_ACCESS = SystemUtil.getBooleanSafe("");
private static final VMPlugin VM_PLUGIN = VMPluginFactory.getPlugin();
protected final Class theClass;
protected final CachedClass theCachedClass;
protected final boolean isGroovyObject;
protected final boolean isMap;
protected final MetaMethodIndex metaMethodIndex;
private final Index classPropertyIndex = new MethodIndex();
private final SingleKeyHashMap staticPropertyIndex = new SingleKeyHashMap();
private final Map<String, MetaMethod> listeners = new HashMap<>();
private final List<MetaMethod> allMethods = new ArrayList<>();
// we only need one of these that can be reused over and over.
private final MetaProperty arrayLengthProperty = new MetaArrayLengthProperty();
private final Index classPropertyIndexForSuper = new MethodIndex();
private final Set<MetaMethod> newGroovyMethodsSet = new HashSet<>();
private final MetaMethod[] myNewMetaMethods;
private final MetaMethod[] additionalMetaMethods;
protected MetaMethod getPropertyMethod;
protected MetaMethod invokeMethodMethod;
protected MetaMethod setPropertyMethod;
protected MetaClassRegistry registry;
private ClassNode classNode;
private FastArray constructors;
private volatile boolean initialized;
private MetaMethod genericGetMethod;
private MetaMethod genericSetMethod;
private MetaMethod propertyMissingGet;
private MetaMethod propertyMissingSet;
private MetaMethod methodMissing;
private MetaMethodIndex.Header mainClassMethodHeader;
private boolean permissivePropertyAccess = PERMISSIVE_PROPERTY_ACCESS;
* Constructor
* @param theClass The class this is the metaclass dor
* @param add The methods for this class
public MetaClassImpl(final Class theClass, MetaMethod[] add) {
this.theClass = theClass;
theCachedClass = ReflectionCache.getCachedClass(theClass);
this.isGroovyObject = GroovyObject.class.isAssignableFrom(theClass);
this.isMap = Map.class.isAssignableFrom(theClass);
this.registry = GroovySystem.getMetaClassRegistry();
metaMethodIndex = new MetaMethodIndex(theCachedClass);
final MetaMethod[] metaMethods = theCachedClass.getNewMetaMethods();
if (add != null && add.length != 0) {
myNewMetaMethods = concat(metaMethods, add);
additionalMetaMethods = metaMethods;
} else {
myNewMetaMethods = metaMethods;
additionalMetaMethods = MetaMethod.EMPTY_ARRAY;
* Constructor that sets the methods to null
* @param theClass The class this is the metaclass dor
public MetaClassImpl(final Class theClass) {
this(theClass, null);
* Constructor with registry
* @param registry The metaclass registry for this MetaClass
* @param theClass The class
* @param add The methods
public MetaClassImpl(MetaClassRegistry registry, final Class theClass, MetaMethod[] add) {
this(theClass, add);
this.registry = registry;
this.constructors = new FastArray(theCachedClass.getConstructors());
* Constructor with registry setting methods to null
* @param registry The metaclass registry for this MetaClass
* @param theClass The class
public MetaClassImpl(MetaClassRegistry registry, final Class theClass) {
this(registry, theClass, null);
* Returns the cached class for this metaclass
* @return The cached class.
public final CachedClass getTheCachedClass() {
return theCachedClass;
* Returns the registry for this metaclass
* @return The resgistry
public MetaClassRegistry getRegistry() {
return registry;
* @see MetaObjectProtocol#respondsTo(Object, String, Object[])
public List respondsTo(Object obj, String name, Object[] argTypes) {
Class[] classes = MetaClassHelper.castArgumentsToClassArray(argTypes);
MetaMethod m = getMetaMethod(name, classes);
if (m != null) {
return Collections.singletonList(m);
return Collections.emptyList();
* @see MetaObjectProtocol#respondsTo(Object, String)
public List respondsTo(final Object obj, final String name) {
final Object o = getMethods(getTheClass(), name, false);
if (o instanceof FastArray) {
return ((FastArray) o).toList();
return Collections.singletonList(o);
* @see MetaObjectProtocol#hasProperty(Object, String)
public MetaProperty hasProperty(Object obj, String name) {
return getMetaProperty(name);
* @see MetaObjectProtocol#getMetaProperty(String)
public MetaProperty getMetaProperty(String name) {
MetaProperty metaProperty = null;
SingleKeyHashMap propertyMap = classPropertyIndex.getNotNull(theCachedClass);
metaProperty = (MetaProperty) propertyMap.get(name);
if (metaProperty == null) {
metaProperty = (MetaProperty) staticPropertyIndex.get(name);
if (metaProperty == null) {
propertyMap = classPropertyIndexForSuper.getNotNull(theCachedClass);
metaProperty = (MetaProperty) propertyMap.get(name);
if (metaProperty == null) {
CachedClass superClass = theCachedClass;
while (superClass != null && superClass != ReflectionCache.OBJECT_CLASS) {
MetaBeanProperty property = findPropertyInClassHierarchy(name, superClass);
if (property != null) {
metaProperty = property;
superClass = superClass.getCachedSuperClass();
return metaProperty;
* @see MetaObjectProtocol#getStaticMetaMethod(String, Object[])
public MetaMethod getStaticMetaMethod(String name, Object[] argTypes) {
Class[] classes = MetaClassHelper.castArgumentsToClassArray(argTypes);
return pickStaticMethod(name, classes);
* @see MetaObjectProtocol#getMetaMethod(String, Object[])
public MetaMethod getMetaMethod(String name, Object[] argTypes) {
Class[] classes = MetaClassHelper.castArgumentsToClassArray(argTypes);
return pickMethod(name, classes);
* Returns the class this object this is the metaclass of.
* @return The class contained by this metaclass
public Class getTheClass() {
return this.theClass;
* Return wether the class represented by this metaclass instance is an instance of the GroovyObject class
* @return true if this is a groovy class, false otherwise.
public boolean isGroovyObject() {
return isGroovyObject;
* Fills the method index
private void fillMethodIndex() {
mainClassMethodHeader = metaMethodIndex.getHeader(theClass);
LinkedList<CachedClass> superClasses = getSuperClasses();
CachedClass firstGroovySuper = calcFirstGroovySuperClass(superClasses);
Set<CachedClass> interfaces = theCachedClass.getInterfaces();
populateMethods(superClasses, firstGroovySuper);
if (isGroovyObject) {
connectMultimethods(superClasses, firstGroovySuper);
private void populateMethods(LinkedList<CachedClass> superClasses, CachedClass firstGroovySuper) {
MetaMethodIndex.Header header = metaMethodIndex.getHeader(firstGroovySuper.getTheClass());
CachedClass c;
Iterator<CachedClass> iter = superClasses.iterator();
while (iter.hasNext()) {
c =;
CachedMethod[] cachedMethods = c.getMethods();
for (CachedMethod metaMethod : cachedMethods) {
if (!metaMethod.isPrivate() || c == firstGroovySuper)
addMetaMethodToIndex(metaMethod, header);
MetaMethod[] cachedMethods1 = getNewMetaMethods(c);
for (final MetaMethod method : cachedMethods1) {
if (!newGroovyMethodsSet.contains(method)) {
addMetaMethodToIndex(method, header);
if (c == firstGroovySuper)
MetaMethodIndex.Header last = header;
while (iter.hasNext()) {
c =;
header = metaMethodIndex.getHeader(c.getTheClass());
if (last != null) {
metaMethodIndex.copyNonPrivateMethods(last, header);
last = header;
for (CachedMethod metaMethod : c.getMethods()) {
addMetaMethodToIndex(metaMethod, header);
for (final MetaMethod method : getNewMetaMethods(c)) {
if (method.getName().equals("<init>") && !method.getDeclaringClass().equals(theCachedClass)) continue;
if (!newGroovyMethodsSet.contains(method)) {
addMetaMethodToIndex(method, header);
private MetaMethod[] getNewMetaMethods(CachedClass c) {
if (theCachedClass != c)
return c.getNewMetaMethods();
return myNewMetaMethods;
private void addInterfaceMethods(Set<CachedClass> interfaces) {
MetaMethodIndex.Header header = metaMethodIndex.getHeader(theClass);
for (CachedClass c : interfaces) {
final CachedMethod[] m = c.getMethods();
for (int i = 0; i != m.length; ++i) {
MetaMethod method = m[i];
addMetaMethodToIndex(method, header);
protected LinkedList<CachedClass> getSuperClasses() {
LinkedList<CachedClass> superClasses = new LinkedList<>();
if (theClass.isInterface()) {
} else {
for (CachedClass c = theCachedClass; c != null; c = c.getCachedSuperClass()) {
if (theCachedClass.isArray && theClass != Object[].class && !theClass.getComponentType().isPrimitive()) {
return superClasses;
private void removeMultimethodsOverloadedWithPrivateMethods() {
MethodIndexAction mia = new MethodIndexAction() {
public boolean skipClass(Class clazz) {
return clazz == theClass;
public void methodNameAction(Class clazz, MetaMethodIndex.Entry e) {
if (e.methods == null)
boolean hasPrivate = false;
if (e.methods instanceof FastArray) {
FastArray methods = (FastArray) e.methods;
final int len = methods.size();
final Object[] data = methods.getArray();
for (int i = 0; i != len; ++i) {
MetaMethod method = (MetaMethod) data[i];
if (method.isPrivate() && clazz == method.getDeclaringClass().getTheClass()) {
hasPrivate = true;
} else {
MetaMethod method = (MetaMethod) e.methods;
if (method.isPrivate() && clazz == method.getDeclaringClass().getTheClass()) {
hasPrivate = true;
if (!hasPrivate) return;
// We have private methods for that name, so remove the
// multimethods. That is the same as in our index for
// super, so just copy the list from there. It is not
// possible to use a pointer here, because the methods
// in the index for super are replaced later by MOP
// methods like super$5$foo
final Object o = e.methodsForSuper;
if (o instanceof FastArray) {
e.methods = ((FastArray) o).copy();
} else {
e.methods = o;
private void replaceWithMOPCalls(final CachedMethod[] mopMethods) {
// no MOP methods if not a child of GroovyObject
if (!isGroovyObject) return;
class MOPIter extends MethodIndexAction {
boolean useThis;
public void methodNameAction(Class clazz, MetaMethodIndex.Entry e) {
if (useThis) {
if (e.methods == null)
if (e.methods instanceof FastArray) {
FastArray methods = (FastArray) e.methods;
} else {
MetaMethod method = (MetaMethod) e.methods;
if (method instanceof NewMetaMethod)
if (useThis ^ Modifier.isPrivate(method.getModifiers())) return;
String mopName = method.getMopName();
int index = Arrays.binarySearch(mopMethods, mopName, CachedClass.CachedMethodComparatorWithString.INSTANCE);
if (index >= 0) {
int matchingMethod = findMatchingMethod(method, mopName, index, mopMethods);
if (matchingMethod != -1) {
e.methods = mopMethods[matchingMethod];
} else {
if (e.methodsForSuper == null)
if (e.methodsForSuper instanceof FastArray) {
FastArray methods = (FastArray) e.methodsForSuper;
} else {
MetaMethod method = (MetaMethod) e.methodsForSuper;
if (method instanceof NewMetaMethod)
if (useThis ^ Modifier.isPrivate(method.getModifiers())) return;
String mopName = method.getMopName();
// GROOVY-4922: Due to a numbering scheme change, we must find the super$X$method which exists
// with the highest number. If we don't, no method may be found, leading to a stack overflow
String[] decomposedMopName = decomposeMopName(mopName);
int distance = Integer.parseInt(decomposedMopName[1]);
while (distance > 0) {
String fixedMopName = decomposedMopName[0] + distance + decomposedMopName[2];
int index = Arrays.binarySearch(mopMethods, fixedMopName, CachedClass.CachedMethodComparatorWithString.INSTANCE);
if (index >= 0) {
int matchingMethod = findMatchingMethod(method, fixedMopName, index, mopMethods);
if (matchingMethod != -1) {
e.methodsForSuper = mopMethods[matchingMethod];
distance = 0;
private String[] decomposeMopName(final String mopName) {
int idx = mopName.indexOf('$');
if (idx > 0) {
int eidx = mopName.indexOf('$', idx + 1);
if (eidx > 0) {
return new String[]{
mopName.substring(0, idx + 1),
mopName.substring(idx + 1, eidx),
return new String[]{"", "0", mopName};
private void processFastArray(FastArray methods) {
final int len = methods.size();
final Object[] data = methods.getArray();
for (int i = 0; i != len; ++i) {
MetaMethod method = (MetaMethod) data[i];
if (method instanceof NewMetaMethod) continue;
boolean isPrivate = Modifier.isPrivate(method.getModifiers());
if (useThis ^ isPrivate) continue;
String mopName = method.getMopName();
int index = Arrays.binarySearch(mopMethods, mopName, CachedClass.CachedMethodComparatorWithString.INSTANCE);
if (index >= 0) {
int matchingMethod = findMatchingMethod(method, mopName, index, mopMethods);
if (matchingMethod != -1) {
methods.set(i, mopMethods[matchingMethod]);
MOPIter iter = new MOPIter();
// replace all calls for super with the correct MOP method
iter.useThis = false;
// replace all calls for this with the correct MOP method
iter.useThis = true;
private int findMatchingMethod(MetaMethod method, String mopName, int index, CachedMethod[] mopMethods) {
int from = index;
while (from > 0 && mopMethods[from - 1].getName().equals(mopName))
int to = index;
while (to < mopMethods.length - 1 && mopMethods[to + 1].getName().equals(mopName))
return findMatchingMethod(mopMethods, from, to, method);
private void inheritInterfaceNewMetaMethods(Set<CachedClass> interfaces) {
// add methods declared by DGM for interfaces
for (CachedClass cls : interfaces) {
MetaMethod[] methods = getNewMetaMethods(cls);
for (MetaMethod method : methods) {
boolean skip = false;
// skip DGM methods on an interface if the class already has the method
// but don't skip for GroovyObject-related methods as it breaks things :-(
if (method instanceof GeneratedMetaMethod && !isAssignableFrom(GroovyObject.class, method.getDeclaringClass().getTheClass())) {
for (Method m : theClass.getMethods()) {
if (method.getName().equals(m.getName())
// below not true for DGM#push and also co-variant return scenarios
//&& method.getReturnType().equals(m.getReturnType())
&& MetaMethod.equal(method.getParameterTypes(), m.getParameterTypes())) {
skip = true;
if (!skip) {
addMetaMethodToIndex(method, mainClassMethodHeader);
private void connectMultimethods(List<CachedClass> superClasses, CachedClass firstGroovyClass) {
superClasses = DefaultGroovyMethods.reverse(superClasses);
MetaMethodIndex.Header last = null;
for (final CachedClass c : superClasses) {
MetaMethodIndex.Header methodIndex = metaMethodIndex.getHeader(c.getTheClass());
// We don't copy DGM methods to superclasses' indexes
// The reason we can do that is particular set of DGM methods in use,
// if at some point we will define DGM method for some Groovy class or
// for a class derived from such, we will need to revise this condition.
// It saves us a lot of space and some noticeable time
if (last != null) metaMethodIndex.copyNonPrivateNonNewMetaMethods(last, methodIndex);
last = methodIndex;
if (c == firstGroovyClass)
private CachedClass calcFirstGroovySuperClass(Collection superClasses) {
if (theCachedClass.isInterface)
return ReflectionCache.OBJECT_CLASS;
CachedClass firstGroovy = null;
Iterator iter = superClasses.iterator();
while (iter.hasNext()) {
CachedClass c = (CachedClass);
if (GroovyObject.class.isAssignableFrom(c.getTheClass())) {
firstGroovy = c;
if (firstGroovy == null) {
firstGroovy = theCachedClass;
} else {
if (firstGroovy.getTheClass() == GroovyObjectSupport.class && iter.hasNext()) {
firstGroovy = (CachedClass);
if (firstGroovy.getTheClass() == Closure.class && iter.hasNext()) {
firstGroovy = (CachedClass);
return GroovyObject.class.isAssignableFrom(firstGroovy.getTheClass()) ? firstGroovy.getCachedSuperClass() : firstGroovy;
* Gets all instance methods available on this class for the given name
* @return all the normal instance methods available on this class for the
* given name
private Object getMethods(Class sender, String name, boolean isCallToSuper) {
Object answer;
final MetaMethodIndex.Entry entry = metaMethodIndex.getMethods(sender, name);
if (entry == null) {
answer = FastArray.EMPTY_LIST;
} else if (isCallToSuper) {
answer = entry.methodsForSuper;
} else {
answer = entry.methods;
if (answer == null) answer = FastArray.EMPTY_LIST;
if (!isCallToSuper) {
List used = GroovyCategorySupport.getCategoryMethods(name);
if (used != null) {
FastArray arr;
if (answer instanceof MetaMethod) {
arr = new FastArray();
} else {
arr = ((FastArray) answer).copy();
for (Object o : used) {
MetaMethod element = (MetaMethod) o;
if (!element.getDeclaringClass().getTheClass().isAssignableFrom(sender))
filterMatchingMethodForCategory(arr, element);
answer = arr;
return answer;
* Returns all the normal static methods on this class for the given name
* @return all the normal static methods available on this class for the
* given name
private Object getStaticMethods(Class sender, String name) {
final MetaMethodIndex.Entry entry = metaMethodIndex.getMethods(sender, name);
if (entry == null)
return FastArray.EMPTY_LIST;
Object answer = entry.staticMethods;
if (answer == null)
return FastArray.EMPTY_LIST;
return answer;
* Returns whether this MetaClassImpl has been modified. Since MetaClassImpl
* is not designed for modification this method always returns false
* @return false
public boolean isModified() {
return false; // MetaClassImpl not designed for modification, just return false
* Adds an instance method to this metaclass.
* @param method The method to be added
public void addNewInstanceMethod(Method method) {
final CachedMethod cachedMethod = CachedMethod.find(method);
NewInstanceMetaMethod newMethod = new NewInstanceMetaMethod(cachedMethod);
final CachedClass declaringClass = newMethod.getDeclaringClass();
addNewInstanceMethodToIndex(newMethod, metaMethodIndex.getHeader(declaringClass.getTheClass()));
private void addNewInstanceMethodToIndex(MetaMethod newMethod, MetaMethodIndex.Header header) {
if (!newGroovyMethodsSet.contains(newMethod)) {
addMetaMethodToIndex(newMethod, header);
* Adds a static method to this metaclass.
* @param method The method to be added
public void addNewStaticMethod(Method method) {
final CachedMethod cachedMethod = CachedMethod.find(method);
NewStaticMetaMethod newMethod = new NewStaticMetaMethod(cachedMethod);
final CachedClass declaringClass = newMethod.getDeclaringClass();
addNewStaticMethodToIndex(newMethod, metaMethodIndex.getHeader(declaringClass.getTheClass()));
private void addNewStaticMethodToIndex(MetaMethod newMethod, MetaMethodIndex.Header header) {
if (!newGroovyMethodsSet.contains(newMethod)) {
addMetaMethodToIndex(newMethod, header);
* Invoke a method on the given object with the given arguments.
* @param object The object the method should be invoked on.
* @param methodName The name of the method to invoke.
* @param arguments The arguments to the invoked method as null, a Tuple, an array or a single argument of any type.
* @return The result of the method invocation.
public Object invokeMethod(Object object, String methodName, Object arguments) {
if (arguments == null) {
return invokeMethod(object, methodName, MetaClassHelper.EMPTY_ARRAY);
if (arguments instanceof Tuple) {
Tuple tuple = (Tuple) arguments;
return invokeMethod(object, methodName, tuple.toArray());
if (arguments instanceof Object[]) {
return invokeMethod(object, methodName, (Object[]) arguments);
return invokeMethod(object, methodName, new Object[]{arguments});
* Invoke a missing method on the given object with the given arguments.
* @param instance The object the method should be invoked on.
* @param methodName The name of the method to invoke.
* @param arguments The arguments to the invoked method.
* @return The result of the method invocation.
public Object invokeMissingMethod(Object instance, String methodName, Object[] arguments) {
return invokeMissingMethod(instance, methodName, arguments, null, false);
* Invoke a missing property on the given object with the given arguments.
* @param instance The object the method should be invoked on.
* @param propertyName The name of the property to invoke.
* @param optionalValue The (optional) new value for the property
* @param isGetter Wether the method is a getter
* @return The result of the method invocation.
public Object invokeMissingProperty(Object instance, String propertyName, Object optionalValue, boolean isGetter) {
Class theClass = instance instanceof Class ? (Class) instance : instance.getClass();
CachedClass superClass = theCachedClass;
while (superClass != null && superClass != ReflectionCache.OBJECT_CLASS) {
final MetaBeanProperty property = findPropertyInClassHierarchy(propertyName, superClass);
if (property != null) {
if (!isGetter) {
property.setProperty(instance, optionalValue);
return null;
return property.getProperty(instance);
superClass = superClass.getCachedSuperClass();
// got here to property not found, look for getProperty or setProperty overrides
if (isGetter) {
final Class[] getPropertyArgs = {String.class};
final MetaMethod method = findMethodInClassHierarchy(instance.getClass(), GET_PROPERTY_METHOD, getPropertyArgs, this);
if (method instanceof ClosureMetaMethod) {
return method.invoke(instance, new Object[]{propertyName});
} else {
final Class[] setPropertyArgs = {String.class, Object.class};
final MetaMethod method = findMethodInClassHierarchy(instance.getClass(), SET_PROPERTY_METHOD, setPropertyArgs, this);
if (method instanceof ClosureMetaMethod) {
return method.invoke(instance, new Object[]{propertyName, optionalValue});
try {
if (!(instance instanceof Class)) {
if (isGetter) {
if (propertyMissingGet != null) {
return propertyMissingGet.invoke(instance, new Object[]{propertyName});
} else {
if (propertyMissingSet != null) {
return propertyMissingSet.invoke(instance, new Object[]{propertyName, optionalValue});
} catch (InvokerInvocationException iie) {
boolean shouldHandle = isGetter && propertyMissingGet != null;
if (!shouldHandle) shouldHandle = !isGetter && propertyMissingSet != null;
if (shouldHandle && iie.getCause() instanceof MissingPropertyException) {
throw (MissingPropertyException) iie.getCause();
throw iie;
if (instance instanceof Class && theClass != Class.class) {
final MetaProperty metaProperty = InvokerHelper.getMetaClass(Class.class).hasProperty(instance, propertyName);
if (metaProperty != null) {
if (isGetter) {
return metaProperty.getProperty(instance);
metaProperty.setProperty(instance, optionalValue);
return null;
throw new MissingPropertyExceptionNoStack(propertyName, theClass);
private Object invokeMissingMethod(Object instance, String methodName, Object[] arguments, RuntimeException original, boolean isCallToSuper) {
if (isCallToSuper) {
MetaClass metaClass = InvokerHelper.getMetaClass(theClass.getSuperclass());
return metaClass.invokeMissingMethod(instance, methodName, arguments);
Class instanceKlazz = instance.getClass();
if (theClass != instanceKlazz && theClass.isAssignableFrom(instanceKlazz))
instanceKlazz = theClass;
Class[] argClasses = MetaClassHelper.castArgumentsToClassArray(arguments);
MetaMethod method = findMixinMethod(methodName, argClasses);
if (method != null) {
return method.invoke(instance, arguments);
method = findMethodInClassHierarchy(instanceKlazz, methodName, argClasses, this);
if (method != null) {
return method.invoke(instance, arguments);
// still not method here, so see if there is an invokeMethod method up the hierarchy
final Class[] invokeMethodArgs = {String.class, Object[].class};
method = findMethodInClassHierarchy(instanceKlazz, INVOKE_METHOD_METHOD, invokeMethodArgs, this);
if (method instanceof ClosureMetaMethod) {
return method.invoke(instance, invokeMethodArgs);
// last resort look in the category
if (method == null && GroovyCategorySupport.hasCategoryInCurrentThread()) {
method = getCategoryMethodMissing(instanceKlazz);
if (method != null) {
return method.invoke(instance, new Object[]{methodName, arguments});
if (methodMissing != null) {
try {
return methodMissing.invoke(instance, new Object[]{methodName, arguments});
} catch (InvokerInvocationException iie) {
if (methodMissing instanceof ClosureMetaMethod && iie.getCause() instanceof MissingMethodException) {
MissingMethodException mme = (MissingMethodException) iie.getCause();
throw new MissingMethodExecutionFailed(mme.getMethod(), mme.getClass(),
mme.getArguments(), mme.isStatic(), mme);
throw iie;
} catch (MissingMethodException mme) {
if (methodMissing instanceof ClosureMetaMethod) {
throw new MissingMethodExecutionFailed(mme.getMethod(), mme.getClass(),
mme.getArguments(), mme.isStatic(), mme);
} else {
throw mme;
} else if (original != null) {
throw original;
} else {
throw new MissingMethodExceptionNoStack(methodName, theClass, arguments, false);
protected void onSuperPropertyFoundInHierarchy(MetaBeanProperty property) {
protected void onMixinMethodFound(MetaMethod method) {
protected void onSuperMethodFoundInHierarchy(MetaMethod method) {
protected void onInvokeMethodFoundInHierarchy(MetaMethod method) {
protected void onSetPropertyFoundInHierarchy(MetaMethod method) {
protected void onGetPropertyFoundInHierarchy(MetaMethod method) {
* Hook to deal with the case of MissingProperty for static properties. The method will look attempt to look up
* "propertyMissing" handlers and invoke them otherwise thrown a MissingPropertyException
* @param instance The instance
* @param propertyName The name of the property
* @param optionalValue The value in the case of a setter
* @param isGetter True if its a getter
* @return The value in the case of a getter or a MissingPropertyException
protected Object invokeStaticMissingProperty(Object instance, String propertyName, Object optionalValue, boolean isGetter) {
MetaClass mc = instance instanceof Class ? registry.getMetaClass((Class) instance) : this;
if (isGetter) {
MetaMethod propertyMissing = mc.getMetaMethod(STATIC_PROPERTY_MISSING, GETTER_MISSING_ARGS);
if (propertyMissing != null) {
return propertyMissing.invoke(instance, new Object[]{propertyName});
} else {
MetaMethod propertyMissing = mc.getMetaMethod(STATIC_PROPERTY_MISSING, SETTER_MISSING_ARGS);
if (propertyMissing != null) {
return propertyMissing.invoke(instance, new Object[]{propertyName, optionalValue});
if (instance instanceof Class) {
throw new MissingPropertyException(propertyName, (Class) instance);
throw new MissingPropertyException(propertyName, theClass);
* Invokes a method on the given receiver for the specified arguments.
* The MetaClass will attempt to establish the method to invoke based on the name and arguments provided.
* @param object The object which the method was invoked on
* @param methodName The name of the method
* @param originalArguments The arguments to the method
* @return The return value of the method
* @see MetaClass#invokeMethod(Class, Object, String, Object[], boolean, boolean)
public Object invokeMethod(Object object, String methodName, Object[] originalArguments) {
return invokeMethod(theClass, object, methodName, originalArguments, false, false);
private Object invokeMethodClosure(Object object, Object[] arguments) {
final MethodClosure mc = (MethodClosure) object;
final Object owner = mc.getOwner();
String methodName = mc.getMethod();
final Class ownerClass = owner instanceof Class ? (Class) owner : owner.getClass();
final MetaClass ownerMetaClass = registry.getMetaClass(ownerClass);
// To conform to "Least Surprise" principle, try to invoke method with original arguments first, which can match most of use cases
try {
return ownerMetaClass.invokeMethod(ownerClass, owner, methodName, arguments, false, false);
} catch (MissingMethodExceptionNoStack | InvokerInvocationException e) {
if (owner instanceof Class && MethodClosure.NEW.equals(methodName)) {
if (ownerClass.isArray()) {
if (0 == arguments.length) {
throw new GroovyRuntimeException("The arguments(specifying size) are required to create array[" + ownerClass.getCanonicalName() + "]");
int arrayDimension = ArrayTypeUtils.dimension(ownerClass);
if (arguments.length > arrayDimension) {
throw new GroovyRuntimeException("The length[" + arguments.length + "] of arguments should not be greater than the dimensions[" + arrayDimension + "] of array[" + ownerClass.getCanonicalName() + "]");
int[] sizeArray = new int[arguments.length];
for (int i = 0, n = sizeArray.length; i < n; i++) {
Object argument = arguments[i];
if (argument instanceof Integer) {
sizeArray[i] = (Integer) argument;
} else {
sizeArray[i] = Integer.parseInt(String.valueOf(argument));
Class arrayType =
arguments.length == arrayDimension
? ArrayTypeUtils.elementType(ownerClass) // Just for better performance, though we can use reduceDimension only
: ArrayTypeUtils.elementType(ownerClass, (arrayDimension - arguments.length));
return Array.newInstance(arrayType, sizeArray);
return ownerMetaClass.invokeConstructor(arguments);
// if and only if the owner is a class and the method closure can be related to some instance methods,
// try to invoke method with adjusted arguments(first argument is the actual owner) again.
// otherwise throw the MissingMethodExceptionNoStack.
if (!(owner instanceof Class
&& (Boolean) mc.getProperty(MethodClosure.ANY_INSTANCE_METHOD_EXISTS))) {
throw e;
if (arguments.length <= 0 || !(arguments[0].getClass().equals(ownerClass))) {
return invokeMissingMethod(object, methodName, arguments);
Object newOwner = arguments[0];
Object[] newArguments = Arrays.copyOfRange(arguments, 1, arguments.length);
return ownerMetaClass.invokeMethod(ownerClass, newOwner, methodName, newArguments, false, false);
* <p>Invokes a method on the given receiver for the specified arguments. The sender is the class that invoked the method on the object.
* The MetaClass will attempt to establish the method to invoke based on the name and arguments provided.
* <p>The isCallToSuper and fromInsideClass help the Groovy runtime perform optimisations on the call to go directly
* to the super class if necessary
* @param sender The java.lang.Class instance that invoked the method
* @param object The object which the method was invoked on
* @param methodName The name of the method
* @param originalArguments The arguments to the method
* @param isCallToSuper Whether the method is a call to a super class method
* @param fromInsideClass Whether the call was invoked from the inside or the outside of the class
* @return The return value of the method
* @see MetaClass#invokeMethod(Class, Object, String, Object[], boolean, boolean)
public Object invokeMethod(Class sender, Object object, String methodName, Object[] originalArguments, boolean isCallToSuper, boolean fromInsideClass) {
if (object == null) {
throw new NullPointerException("Cannot invoke method: " + methodName + " on null object");
final Object[] arguments = originalArguments == null ? EMPTY_ARGUMENTS : originalArguments;
// final Class[] argClasses = MetaClassHelper.convertToTypeArray(arguments);
// unwrap(arguments);
MetaMethod method = getMetaMethod(sender, object, methodName, isCallToSuper, arguments);
final boolean isClosure = object instanceof Closure;
if (isClosure) {
final Closure closure = (Closure) object;
final Object owner = closure.getOwner();
if (CLOSURE_CALL_METHOD.equals(methodName) || CLOSURE_DO_CALL_METHOD.equals(methodName)) {
final Class objectClass = object.getClass();
if (objectClass == MethodClosure.class) {
return this.invokeMethodClosure(object, arguments);
} else if (objectClass == CurriedClosure.class) {
final CurriedClosure cc = (CurriedClosure) object;
// change the arguments for an uncurried call
final Object[] curriedArguments = cc.getUncurriedArguments(arguments);
final Class ownerClass = owner instanceof Class ? (Class) owner : owner.getClass();
final MetaClass ownerMetaClass = registry.getMetaClass(ownerClass);
return ownerMetaClass.invokeMethod(owner, methodName, curriedArguments);
if (method == null) invokeMissingMethod(object, methodName, arguments);
final Object delegate = closure.getDelegate();
final boolean isClosureNotOwner = owner != closure;
final int resolveStrategy = closure.getResolveStrategy();
final Class[] argClasses = MetaClassHelper.convertToTypeArray(arguments);
switch (resolveStrategy) {
case Closure.TO_SELF:
method = closure.getMetaClass().pickMethod(methodName, argClasses);
if (method != null) return method.invoke(closure, arguments);
case Closure.DELEGATE_ONLY:
if (method == null && delegate != closure && delegate != null) {
MetaClass delegateMetaClass = lookupObjectMetaClass(delegate);
method = delegateMetaClass.pickMethod(methodName, argClasses);
if (method != null) {
return delegateMetaClass.invokeMethod(delegate, methodName, originalArguments);
} else if (delegate != closure && (delegate instanceof GroovyObject)) {
return invokeMethodOnGroovyObject(methodName, originalArguments, delegate);
case Closure.OWNER_ONLY:
if (method == null && owner != closure) {
MetaClass ownerMetaClass = lookupObjectMetaClass(owner);
return ownerMetaClass.invokeMethod(owner, methodName, originalArguments);
case Closure.DELEGATE_FIRST:
Tuple2<Object, MetaMethod> tuple = invokeMethod(method, delegate, closure, methodName, argClasses, originalArguments, owner);
Object result = tuple.getV1();
method = tuple.getV2();
if (InvokeMethodResult.NONE != result) {
return result;
if (method == null && resolveStrategy != Closure.TO_SELF) {
// still no methods found, test if delegate or owner are GroovyObjects
// and invoke the method on them if so.
MissingMethodException last = null;
if (delegate != closure && (delegate instanceof GroovyObject)) {
try {
return invokeMethodOnGroovyObject(methodName, originalArguments, delegate);
} catch (MissingMethodException mme) {
if (last == null) last = mme;
if (isClosureNotOwner && (owner instanceof GroovyObject)) {
try {
return invokeMethodOnGroovyObject(methodName, originalArguments, owner);
} catch (MissingMethodException mme) {
last = mme;
if (last != null)
return invokeMissingMethod(object, methodName, originalArguments, last, isCallToSuper);
Tuple2<Object, MetaMethod> t = invokeMethod(method, delegate, closure, methodName, argClasses, originalArguments, owner);
Object r = t.getV1();
method = t.getV2();
if (InvokeMethodResult.NONE != r) {
return r;
if (method == null && resolveStrategy != Closure.TO_SELF) {
// still no methods found, test if delegate or owner are GroovyObjects
// and invoke the method on them if so.
MissingMethodException last = null;
if (isClosureNotOwner && (owner instanceof GroovyObject)) {
try {
return invokeMethodOnGroovyObject(methodName, originalArguments, owner);
} catch (MissingMethodException mme) {
if (methodName.equals(mme.getMethod())) {
if (last == null) last = mme;
} else {
throw mme;
} catch (InvokerInvocationException iie) {
if (iie.getCause() instanceof MissingMethodException) {
MissingMethodException mme = (MissingMethodException) iie.getCause();
if (methodName.equals(mme.getMethod())) {
if (last == null) last = mme;
} else {
throw iie;
} else {
throw iie;
if (delegate != closure && (delegate instanceof GroovyObject)) {
try {
return invokeMethodOnGroovyObject(methodName, originalArguments, delegate);
} catch (MissingMethodException mme) {
last = mme;
} catch (InvokerInvocationException iie) {
if (iie.getCause() instanceof MissingMethodException) {
last = (MissingMethodException) iie.getCause();
} else {
throw iie;
if (last != null)
return invokeMissingMethod(object, methodName, originalArguments, last, isCallToSuper);
if (method != null) {
MetaMethod transformedMetaMethod = VM_PLUGIN.transformMetaMethod(this, method);
return transformedMetaMethod.doMethodInvoke(object, arguments);
} else {
return invokePropertyOrMissing(object, methodName, originalArguments, fromInsideClass, isCallToSuper);
private MetaMethod getMetaMethod(Class sender, Object object, String methodName, boolean isCallToSuper, Object... arguments) {
MetaMethod method = null;
if (CLOSURE_CALL_METHOD.equals(methodName) && object instanceof GeneratedClosure) {
method = getMethodWithCaching(sender, "doCall", arguments, isCallToSuper);
if (method == null) {
method = getMethodWithCaching(sender, methodName, arguments, isCallToSuper);
if (method == null)
method = tryListParamMetaMethod(sender, methodName, isCallToSuper, arguments);
return method;
private MetaMethod tryListParamMetaMethod(Class sender, String methodName, boolean isCallToSuper, Object[] arguments) {
MetaMethod method = null;
if (arguments.length == 1 && arguments[0] instanceof List) {
Object[] newArguments = ((List) arguments[0]).toArray();
method = createTransformMetaMethod(getMethodWithCaching(sender, methodName, newArguments, isCallToSuper));
return method;
protected MetaMethod createTransformMetaMethod(MetaMethod method) {
if (method == null) {
return null;
return new TransformMetaMethod(method) {
public Object invoke(Object object, Object[] arguments) {
Object firstArgument = arguments[0];
List list = (List) firstArgument;
arguments = list.toArray();
return super.invoke(object, arguments);
private Object invokePropertyOrMissing(Object object, String methodName, Object[] originalArguments, boolean fromInsideClass, boolean isCallToSuper) {
// if no method was found, try to find a closure defined as a field of the class and run it
Object value = null;
final MetaProperty metaProperty = this.getMetaProperty(methodName, false);
if (metaProperty != null) {
value = metaProperty.getProperty(object);
} else {
if (object instanceof Map)
value = ((Map) object).get(methodName);
if (value instanceof Closure) { // This test ensures that value != this If you ever change this ensure that value != this
Closure closure = (Closure) value;
MetaClass delegateMetaClass = closure.getMetaClass();
return delegateMetaClass.invokeMethod(closure.getClass(), closure, CLOSURE_DO_CALL_METHOD, originalArguments, false, fromInsideClass);
if (object instanceof Script) {
Object bindingVar = ((Script) object).getBinding().getVariables().get(methodName);
if (bindingVar != null) {
MetaClass bindingVarMC = ((MetaClassRegistryImpl) registry).getMetaClass(bindingVar);
return bindingVarMC.invokeMethod(bindingVar, CLOSURE_CALL_METHOD, originalArguments);
return invokeMissingMethod(object, methodName, originalArguments, null, isCallToSuper);
private MetaClass lookupObjectMetaClass(Object object) {
if (object instanceof GroovyObject) {
GroovyObject go = (GroovyObject) object;
return go.getMetaClass();
Class ownerClass = object.getClass();
if (ownerClass == Class.class) ownerClass = (Class) object;
MetaClass metaClass = registry.getMetaClass(ownerClass);
return metaClass;
private static Object invokeMethodOnGroovyObject(String methodName, Object[] originalArguments, Object owner) {
GroovyObject go = (GroovyObject) owner;
return go.invokeMethod(methodName, originalArguments);
public MetaMethod getMethodWithCaching(Class sender, String methodName, Object[] arguments, boolean isCallToSuper) {
// let's try use the cache to find the method
if (!isCallToSuper && GroovyCategorySupport.hasCategoryInCurrentThread()) {
return getMethodWithoutCaching(sender, methodName, MetaClassHelper.convertToTypeArray(arguments), isCallToSuper);
final MetaMethodIndex.Entry e = metaMethodIndex.getMethods(sender, methodName);
if (e == null) {
return null;
return isCallToSuper ? getSuperMethodWithCaching(arguments, e) : getNormalMethodWithCaching(arguments, e);
private static boolean sameClasses(Class[] params, Class[] arguments) {
// we do here a null check because the params field might not have been set yet
if (params == null) return false;
if (params.length != arguments.length)
return false;
for (int i = params.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
Object arg = arguments[i];
if (arg != null) {
if (params[i] != arguments[i]) return false;
} else {
return false;
return true;
// This method should be called by CallSite only
private MetaMethod getMethodWithCachingInternal(Class sender, CallSite site, Class[] params) {
if (GroovyCategorySupport.hasCategoryInCurrentThread())
return getMethodWithoutCaching(sender, site.getName(), params, false);
final MetaMethodIndex.Entry e = metaMethodIndex.getMethods(sender, site.getName());
if (e == null) {
return null;
MetaMethodIndex.CacheEntry cacheEntry;
final Object methods = e.methods;
if (methods == null)
return null;
cacheEntry = e.cachedMethod;
if (cacheEntry != null && (sameClasses(cacheEntry.params, params))) {
return cacheEntry.method;
cacheEntry = new MetaMethodIndex.CacheEntry(params, (MetaMethod) chooseMethod(, methods, params));
e.cachedMethod = cacheEntry;
return cacheEntry.method;
private MetaMethod getSuperMethodWithCaching(Object[] arguments, MetaMethodIndex.Entry e) {
MetaMethodIndex.CacheEntry cacheEntry;
if (e.methodsForSuper == null)
return null;
cacheEntry = e.cachedMethodForSuper;
if (cacheEntry != null &&
MetaClassHelper.sameClasses(cacheEntry.params, arguments, e.methodsForSuper instanceof MetaMethod)) {
MetaMethod method = cacheEntry.method;
if (method != null) return method;
final Class[] classes = MetaClassHelper.convertToTypeArray(arguments);
MetaMethod method = (MetaMethod) chooseMethod(, e.methodsForSuper, classes);
cacheEntry = new MetaMethodIndex.CacheEntry(classes, method.isAbstract() ? null : method);
e.cachedMethodForSuper = cacheEntry;
return cacheEntry.method;
private MetaMethod getNormalMethodWithCaching(Object[] arguments, MetaMethodIndex.Entry e) {
MetaMethodIndex.CacheEntry cacheEntry;
final Object methods = e.methods;
if (methods == null)
return null;
cacheEntry = e.cachedMethod;
if (cacheEntry != null &&
MetaClassHelper.sameClasses(cacheEntry.params, arguments, methods instanceof MetaMethod)) {
MetaMethod method = cacheEntry.method;
if (method != null) return method;
final Class[] classes = MetaClassHelper.convertToTypeArray(arguments);
cacheEntry = new MetaMethodIndex.CacheEntry(classes, (MetaMethod) chooseMethod(, methods, classes));
e.cachedMethod = cacheEntry;
return cacheEntry.method;
public Constructor retrieveConstructor(Class[] arguments) {
CachedConstructor constructor = (CachedConstructor) chooseMethod("<init>", constructors, arguments);
if (constructor != null) {
return constructor.getCachedConstructor();
constructor = (CachedConstructor) chooseMethod("<init>", constructors, arguments);
if (constructor != null) {
return constructor.getCachedConstructor();
return null;
public MetaMethod retrieveStaticMethod(String methodName, Object[] arguments) {
final MetaMethodIndex.Entry e = metaMethodIndex.getMethods(theClass, methodName);
MetaMethodIndex.CacheEntry cacheEntry;
if (e != null) {
cacheEntry = e.cachedStaticMethod;
if (cacheEntry != null &&
MetaClassHelper.sameClasses(cacheEntry.params, arguments, e.staticMethods instanceof MetaMethod)) {
return cacheEntry.method;
final Class[] classes = MetaClassHelper.convertToTypeArray(arguments);
cacheEntry = new MetaMethodIndex.CacheEntry(classes, pickStaticMethod(methodName, classes));
e.cachedStaticMethod = cacheEntry;
return cacheEntry.method;
return pickStaticMethod(methodName, MetaClassHelper.convertToTypeArray(arguments));
public MetaMethod getMethodWithoutCaching(Class sender, String methodName, Class[] arguments, boolean isCallToSuper) {
MetaMethod method = null;
Object methods = getMethods(sender, methodName, isCallToSuper);
if (methods != null) {
method = (MetaMethod) chooseMethod(methodName, methods, arguments);
return method;
public Object invokeStaticMethod(Object object, String methodName, Object[] arguments) {
final Class sender = object instanceof Class ? (Class) object : object.getClass();
if (sender != theClass) {
MetaClass mc = registry.getMetaClass(sender);
return mc.invokeStaticMethod(sender, methodName, arguments);
if (sender == Class.class) {
return invokeMethod(object, methodName, arguments);
if (arguments == null) arguments = EMPTY_ARGUMENTS;
// Class[] argClasses = MetaClassHelper.convertToTypeArray(arguments);
MetaMethod method = retrieveStaticMethod(methodName, arguments);
// let's try use the cache to find the method
if (method != null) {
return method.doMethodInvoke(object, arguments);
Object prop = null;
try {
prop = getProperty(theClass, theClass, methodName, false, false);
} catch (MissingPropertyException mpe) {
// ignore
if (prop instanceof Closure) {
return invokeStaticClosureProperty(arguments, prop);
Object[] originalArguments = arguments.clone();
Class superClass = sender.getSuperclass();
Class[] argClasses = MetaClassHelper.convertToTypeArray(arguments);
while (superClass != Object.class && superClass != null) {
MetaClass mc = registry.getMetaClass(superClass);
method = mc.getStaticMetaMethod(methodName, argClasses);
if (method != null) return method.doMethodInvoke(object, arguments);
try {
prop = mc.getProperty(superClass, superClass, methodName, false, false);
} catch (MissingPropertyException mpe) {
// ignore
if (prop instanceof Closure) {
return invokeStaticClosureProperty(originalArguments, prop);
superClass = superClass.getSuperclass();
if (prop != null) {
MetaClass propMC = registry.getMetaClass(prop.getClass());
return propMC.invokeMethod(prop, CLOSURE_CALL_METHOD, arguments);
return invokeStaticMissingMethod(sender, methodName, arguments);
private static Object invokeStaticClosureProperty(Object[] originalArguments, Object prop) {
Closure closure = (Closure) prop;
MetaClass delegateMetaClass = closure.getMetaClass();
return delegateMetaClass.invokeMethod(closure.getClass(), closure, CLOSURE_DO_CALL_METHOD, originalArguments, false, false);
private Object invokeStaticMissingMethod(Class sender, String methodName, Object[] arguments) {
MetaMethod metaMethod = getStaticMetaMethod(STATIC_METHOD_MISSING, METHOD_MISSING_ARGS);
if (metaMethod != null) {
return metaMethod.invoke(sender, new Object[]{methodName, arguments});
throw new MissingMethodException(methodName, sender, arguments, true);
private MetaMethod pickStaticMethod(String methodName, Class[] arguments) {
MetaMethod method = null;
MethodSelectionException mse = null;
Object methods = getStaticMethods(theClass, methodName);
if (!(methods instanceof FastArray) || !((FastArray) methods).isEmpty()) {
try {
method = (MetaMethod) chooseMethod(methodName, methods, arguments);
} catch (MethodSelectionException msex) {
mse = msex;
if (method == null && theClass != Class.class) {
MetaClass classMetaClass = registry.getMetaClass(Class.class);
method = classMetaClass.pickMethod(methodName, arguments);
if (method == null) {
method = (MetaMethod) chooseMethod(methodName, methods, MetaClassHelper.convertToTypeArray(arguments));
if (method == null && mse != null) {
throw mse;
} else {
return method;
public Object invokeConstructor(Object[] arguments) {
return invokeConstructor(theClass, arguments);
public int selectConstructorAndTransformArguments(int numberOfConstructors, Object[] arguments) {
if (numberOfConstructors == -1) {
return selectConstructorAndTransformArguments1(arguments);
// falling back to pre 2.1.9 selection algorithm
// in practice this branch will only be reached if the class calling this code is a Groovy class
// compiled with an earlier version of the Groovy compiler
return selectConstructorAndTransformArguments0(numberOfConstructors, arguments);
private int selectConstructorAndTransformArguments0(final int numberOfConstructors, Object[] arguments) {
//TODO: that is just a quick prototype, not the real thing!
if (numberOfConstructors != constructors.size()) {
throw new IncompatibleClassChangeError("the number of constructors during runtime and compile time for " +
this.theClass.getName() + " do not match. Expected " + numberOfConstructors + " but got " + constructors.size());
CachedConstructor constructor = createCachedConstructor(arguments);
List l = new ArrayList(constructors.toList());
Comparator comp = (arg0, arg1) -> {
CachedConstructor c0 = (CachedConstructor) arg0;
CachedConstructor c1 = (CachedConstructor) arg1;
String descriptor0 = BytecodeHelper.getMethodDescriptor(Void.TYPE, c0.getNativeParameterTypes());
String descriptor1 = BytecodeHelper.getMethodDescriptor(Void.TYPE, c1.getNativeParameterTypes());
return descriptor0.compareTo(descriptor1);
int found = -1;
for (int i = 0; i < l.size(); i++) {
if (l.get(i) != constructor) continue;
found = i;
// NOTE: must be changed to "1 |" if constructor was vargs
return (found << 8);
private CachedConstructor createCachedConstructor(Object[] arguments) {
if (arguments == null) arguments = EMPTY_ARGUMENTS;
Class[] argClasses = MetaClassHelper.convertToTypeArray(arguments);
CachedConstructor constructor = (CachedConstructor) chooseMethod("<init>", constructors, argClasses);
if (constructor == null) {
constructor = (CachedConstructor) chooseMethod("<init>", constructors, argClasses);
if (constructor == null) {
throw new GroovyRuntimeException(
"Could not find matching constructor for: "
+ theClass.getName()
+ "(" + InvokerHelper.toTypeString(arguments) + ")");
return constructor;
* Constructor selection algorithm for Groovy 2.1.9+.
* This selection algorithm was introduced as a workaround for GROOVY-6080. Instead of generating an index between
* 0 and N where N is the number of super constructors at the time the class is compiled, this algorithm uses
* a hash of the constructor descriptor instead.
* <p>
* This has the advantage of letting the super class add new constructors while being binary compatible. But there
* are still problems with this approach:
* <ul>
* <li>There's a risk of hash collision, even if it's very low (two constructors of the same class must have the same hash)</li>
* <li>If the super class adds a new constructor which takes as an argument a superclass of an existing constructor parameter and
* that this new constructor is selected at runtime, it would not find it.</li>
* </ul>
* <p>
* Hopefully in the last case, the error message is much nicer now since it explains that it's a binary incompatible change.
* @param arguments the actual constructor call arguments
* @return a hash used to identify the constructor to be called
* @since 2.1.9
private int selectConstructorAndTransformArguments1(Object[] arguments) {
CachedConstructor constructor = createCachedConstructor(arguments);
final String methodDescriptor = BytecodeHelper.getMethodDescriptor(Void.TYPE, constructor.getNativeParameterTypes());
// keeping 3 bits for additional information such as vargs
return BytecodeHelper.hashCode(methodDescriptor);
* checks if the initialisation of the class id complete.
* This method should be called as a form of assert, it is no
* way to test if there is still initialisation work to be done.
* Such logic must be implemented in a different way.
* @throws IllegalStateException if the initialisation is incomplete yet
protected void checkInitalised() {
if (!isInitialized())
throw new IllegalStateException(
"initialize must be called for meta " +
"class of " + theClass +
"(" + this.getClass() + ") " +
"to complete initialisation process " +
"before any invocation or field/property " +
"access can be done");
* This is a helper class introduced in Groovy 2.1.0, which is used only by
* indy. This class is for internal use only.
* @since Groovy 2.1.0
public static final class MetaConstructor extends MetaMethod {
private final CachedConstructor cc;
private final boolean beanConstructor;
private MetaConstructor(CachedConstructor cc, boolean bean) {
this.setParametersTypes(cc.getParameterTypes()); = cc;
this.beanConstructor = bean;
public int getModifiers() {
return cc.getModifiers();
public String getName() {
return "<init>";
public Class getReturnType() {
return cc.getCachedClass().getTheClass();
public CachedClass getDeclaringClass() {
return cc.getCachedClass();
public Object invoke(Object object, Object[] arguments) {
return cc.doConstructorInvoke(arguments);
public CachedConstructor getCachedConstrcutor() {
return cc;
public boolean isBeanConstructor() {
return beanConstructor;
* This is a helper method added in Groovy 2.1.0, which is used only by indy.
* This method is for internal use only.
* @since Groovy 2.1.0
public MetaMethod retrieveConstructor(Object[] arguments) {
if (arguments == null) arguments = EMPTY_ARGUMENTS;
Class[] argClasses = MetaClassHelper.convertToTypeArray(arguments);
Object res = chooseMethod("<init>", constructors, argClasses);
if (res instanceof MetaMethod) return (MetaMethod) res;
CachedConstructor constructor = (CachedConstructor) res;
if (constructor != null) return new MetaConstructor(constructor, false);
if (arguments.length == 1 && arguments[0] instanceof Map) {
res = chooseMethod("<init>", constructors, MetaClassHelper.EMPTY_TYPE_ARRAY);
} else if (
arguments.length == 2 && arguments[1] instanceof Map &&
theClass.getEnclosingClass() != null &&
theClass.getEnclosingClass().isAssignableFrom(argClasses[0])) {
res = chooseMethod("<init>", constructors, new Class[]{argClasses[0]});
if (res instanceof MetaMethod) return (MetaMethod) res;
constructor = (CachedConstructor) res;
if (constructor != null) return new MetaConstructor(constructor, true);
return null;
private Object invokeConstructor(Class at, Object[] arguments) {
if (arguments == null) arguments = EMPTY_ARGUMENTS;
Class[] argClasses = MetaClassHelper.convertToTypeArray(arguments);
CachedConstructor constructor = (CachedConstructor) chooseMethod("<init>", constructors, argClasses);
if (constructor != null) {
return constructor.doConstructorInvoke(arguments);
if (arguments.length == 1) {
Object firstArgument = arguments[0];
if (firstArgument instanceof Map) {
constructor = (CachedConstructor) chooseMethod("<init>", constructors, MetaClassHelper.EMPTY_TYPE_ARRAY);
if (constructor != null) {
Object bean = constructor.doConstructorInvoke(MetaClassHelper.EMPTY_ARRAY);
setProperties(bean, ((Map) firstArgument));
return bean;
throw new GroovyRuntimeException(
"Could not find matching constructor for: "
+ theClass.getName()
+ "(" + InvokerHelper.toTypeString(arguments) + ")");
* Sets a number of bean properties from the given Map where the keys are
* the String names of properties and the values are the values of the
* properties to set
public void setProperties(Object bean, Map map) {
for (Object o : map.entrySet()) {
Map.Entry entry = (Map.Entry) o;
String key = entry.getKey().toString();
Object value = entry.getValue();
setProperty(bean, key, value);
* @return the given property's value on the object
public Object getProperty(Class sender, Object object, String name, boolean useSuper, boolean fromInsideClass) {
// handling of static
boolean isStatic = theClass != Class.class && object instanceof Class;
if (isStatic && object != theClass) {
MetaClass mc = registry.getMetaClass((Class) object);
return mc.getProperty(sender, object, name, useSuper, false);
// turn getProperty on a Map to get on the Map itself
if (!isStatic && this.isMap) {
return ((Map) object).get(name);
Tuple2<MetaMethod, MetaProperty> methodAndProperty = createMetaMethodAndMetaProperty(sender, sender, name, useSuper, isStatic);
MetaMethod method = methodAndProperty.getV1();
// getter
MetaProperty mp = methodAndProperty.getV2();
// field
if (method == null && mp != null) {
try {
return mp.getProperty(object);
} catch (IllegalArgumentException | CacheAccessControlException e) {
// can't access the field directly but there may be a getter
mp = null;
// check for propertyMissing provided through a category
Object[] arguments = EMPTY_ARGUMENTS;
if (method == null && !useSuper && !isStatic && GroovyCategorySupport.hasCategoryInCurrentThread()) {
method = getCategoryMethodGetter(sender, "propertyMissing", true);
if (method != null) arguments = new Object[]{name};
// generic get method
// check for a generic get method provided through a category
if (method == null && !useSuper && !isStatic && GroovyCategorySupport.hasCategoryInCurrentThread()) {
method = getCategoryMethodGetter(sender, "get", true);
if (method != null) arguments = new Object[]{name};
// the generic method is valid, if available (!=null), if static or
// if it is not static and we do no static access
if (method == null && genericGetMethod != null && !(!genericGetMethod.isStatic() && isStatic)) {
arguments = new Object[]{name};
method = genericGetMethod;
// special cases
if (method == null) {
/* todo these special cases should be special MetaClasses maybe */
if (theClass != Class.class && object instanceof Class) {
MetaClass mc = registry.getMetaClass(Class.class);
return mc.getProperty(Class.class, object, name, useSuper, false);
if (object instanceof Collection) {
return DefaultGroovyMethods.getAt((Collection) object, name);
if (object instanceof Object[]) {
return DefaultGroovyMethods.getAt(Arrays.asList((Object[]) object), name);
MetaMethod addListenerMethod = listeners.get(name);
if (addListenerMethod != null) {
//TODO: one day we could try return the previously registered Closure listener for easy removal
return null;
} else {
// executing the getter method
MetaMethod transformedMetaMethod = VM_PLUGIN.transformMetaMethod(this, method);
return transformedMetaMethod.doMethodInvoke(object, arguments);
// error due to missing method/field
if (isStatic || object instanceof Class) {
return invokeStaticMissingProperty(object, name, null, true);
return invokeMissingProperty(object, name, null, true);
public MetaProperty getEffectiveGetMetaProperty(final Class sender, final Object object, String name, final boolean useSuper) {
// handling of static
boolean isStatic = theClass != Class.class && object instanceof Class;
if (isStatic && object != theClass) {
return new MetaProperty(name, Object.class) {
final MetaClass mc = registry.getMetaClass((Class) object);
public Object getProperty(Object object) {
return mc.getProperty(sender, object, name, useSuper, false);
public void setProperty(Object object, Object newValue) {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
// turn getProperty on a Map to get on the Map itself
if (!isStatic && this.isMap) {
return new MetaProperty(name, Object.class) {
public Object getProperty(Object object) {
return ((Map) object).get(name);
public void setProperty(Object object, Object newValue) {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
Tuple2<MetaMethod, MetaProperty> methodAndProperty = createMetaMethodAndMetaProperty(sender, theClass, name, useSuper, isStatic);
MetaMethod method = methodAndProperty.getV1();
// getter
MetaProperty mp = methodAndProperty.getV2();
// field
if (method != null) {
MetaMethod transformedMetaMethod = VM_PLUGIN.transformMetaMethod(this, method);
return new GetBeanMethodMetaProperty(name, transformedMetaMethod);
if (mp != null) {
return mp;
// try {
// return mp.getProperty(object);
// } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
// // can't access the field directly but there may be a getter
// mp = null;
// }
// generic get method
// check for a generic get method provided through a category
if (!useSuper && !isStatic && GroovyCategorySupport.hasCategoryInCurrentThread()) {
method = getCategoryMethodGetter(sender, "get", true);
if (method != null) {
MetaMethod transformedMetaMethod = VM_PLUGIN.transformMetaMethod(this, method);
return new GetMethodMetaProperty(name, transformedMetaMethod);
// the generic method is valid, if available (!=null), if static or
// if it is not static and we do no static access
if (genericGetMethod != null && !(!genericGetMethod.isStatic() && isStatic)) {
method = genericGetMethod;
MetaMethod transformedMetaMethod = VM_PLUGIN.transformMetaMethod(this, method);
return new GetMethodMetaProperty(name, transformedMetaMethod);
// special cases
/* todo these special cases should be special MetaClasses maybe */
if (theClass != Class.class && object instanceof Class) {
return new MetaProperty(name, Object.class) {
public Object getProperty(Object object) {
MetaClass mc = registry.getMetaClass(Class.class);
return mc.getProperty(Class.class, object, name, useSuper, false);
public void setProperty(Object object, Object newValue) {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
if (object instanceof Collection) {
return new MetaProperty(name, Object.class) {
public Object getProperty(Object object) {
return DefaultGroovyMethods.getAt((Collection) object, name);
public void setProperty(Object object, Object newValue) {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
if (object instanceof Object[]) {
return new MetaProperty(name, Object.class) {
public Object getProperty(Object object) {
return DefaultGroovyMethods.getAt(Arrays.asList((Object[]) object), name);
public void setProperty(Object object, Object newValue) {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
MetaMethod addListenerMethod = listeners.get(name);
if (addListenerMethod != null) {
//TODO: one day we could try return the previously registered Closure listener for easy removal
return new MetaProperty(name, Object.class) {
public Object getProperty(Object object) {
return null;
public void setProperty(Object object, Object newValue) {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
// error due to missing method/field
if (isStatic || object instanceof Class) {
return new MetaProperty(name, Object.class) {
public Object getProperty(Object object) {
return invokeStaticMissingProperty(object, name, null, true);
public void setProperty(Object object, Object newValue) {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
return new MetaProperty(name, Object.class) {
public Object getProperty(Object object) {
return invokeMissingProperty(object, name, null, true);
public void setProperty(Object object, Object newValue) {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
private Tuple2<MetaMethod, MetaProperty> createMetaMethodAndMetaProperty(final Class senderForMP, final Class senderForCMG, final String name, final boolean useSuper, final boolean isStatic) {
MetaMethod method = null;
MetaProperty mp = getMetaProperty(senderForMP, name, useSuper, isStatic);
if (mp != null) {
if (mp instanceof MetaBeanProperty) {
MetaBeanProperty mbp = (MetaBeanProperty) mp;
method = mbp.getGetter();
mp = mbp.getField();
// check for a category method named like a getter
if (!useSuper && !isStatic && GroovyCategorySupport.hasCategoryInCurrentThread()) {
String getterName = GroovyCategorySupport.getPropertyCategoryGetterName(name);
if (getterName != null) {
MetaMethod categoryMethod = getCategoryMethodGetter(senderForCMG, getterName, false);
if (categoryMethod != null)
method = categoryMethod;
return new Tuple2<>(method, mp);
private static MetaMethod getCategoryMethodMissing(Class sender) {
List possibleGenericMethods = GroovyCategorySupport.getCategoryMethods("methodMissing");
if (possibleGenericMethods != null) {
for (Object possibleGenericMethod : possibleGenericMethods) {
MetaMethod mmethod = (MetaMethod) possibleGenericMethod;
if (!mmethod.getDeclaringClass().getTheClass().isAssignableFrom(sender))
CachedClass[] paramTypes = mmethod.getParameterTypes();
if (paramTypes.length == 2 && paramTypes[0].getTheClass() == String.class) {
return mmethod;
return null;
private static MetaMethod getCategoryMethodGetter(Class sender, String name, boolean useLongVersion) {
List possibleGenericMethods = GroovyCategorySupport.getCategoryMethods(name);
if (possibleGenericMethods != null) {
for (Object possibleGenericMethod : possibleGenericMethods) {
MetaMethod mmethod = (MetaMethod) possibleGenericMethod;
if (!mmethod.getDeclaringClass().getTheClass().isAssignableFrom(sender))
CachedClass[] paramTypes = mmethod.getParameterTypes();
if (useLongVersion) {
if (paramTypes.length == 1 && paramTypes[0].getTheClass() == String.class) {
return mmethod;
} else {
if (paramTypes.length == 0) return mmethod;
return null;
private static MetaMethod getCategoryMethodSetter(Class sender, String name, boolean useLongVersion) {
List possibleGenericMethods = GroovyCategorySupport.getCategoryMethods(name);
if (possibleGenericMethods != null) {
for (Object possibleGenericMethod : possibleGenericMethods) {
MetaMethod mmethod = (MetaMethod) possibleGenericMethod;
if (!mmethod.getDeclaringClass().getTheClass().isAssignableFrom(sender))
CachedClass[] paramTypes = mmethod.getParameterTypes();
if (useLongVersion) {
if (paramTypes.length == 2 && paramTypes[0].getTheClass() == String.class) {
return mmethod;
} else {
if (paramTypes.length == 1) return mmethod;
return null;
* Get all the properties defined for this type
* @return a list of MetaProperty objects
public List<MetaProperty> getProperties() {
SingleKeyHashMap propertyMap = classPropertyIndex.getNullable(theCachedClass);
if (propertyMap == null) {
// GROOVY-6903: May happen in some special environment, like under Android, due
// to classloading issues
propertyMap = new SingleKeyHashMap();
// simply return the values of the metaproperty map as a List
List ret = new ArrayList(propertyMap.size());
for (ComplexKeyHashMap.EntryIterator iter = propertyMap.getEntrySetIterator(); iter.hasNext(); ) {
MetaProperty element = (MetaProperty) ((SingleKeyHashMap.Entry);
if (element instanceof CachedField) continue;
// filter out DGM beans
if (element instanceof MetaBeanProperty) {
MetaBeanProperty mp = (MetaBeanProperty) element;
boolean setter = true;
boolean getter = true;
MetaMethod getterMetaMethod = mp.getGetter();
if (getterMetaMethod == null || getterMetaMethod instanceof GeneratedMetaMethod || getterMetaMethod instanceof NewInstanceMetaMethod) {
getter = false;
MetaMethod setterMetaMethod = mp.getSetter();
if (setterMetaMethod == null || setterMetaMethod instanceof GeneratedMetaMethod || setterMetaMethod instanceof NewInstanceMetaMethod) {
setter = false;
if (!setter && !getter) continue;
// TODO: I (ait) don't know why these strange tricks needed and comment following as it effects some Grails tests
// if (!setter && mp.getSetter() != null) {
// element = new MetaBeanProperty(mp.getName(), mp.getType(), mp.getGetter(), null);
// }
// if (!getter && mp.getGetter() != null) {
// element = new MetaBeanProperty(mp.getName(), mp.getType(), null, mp.getSetter());
// }
if (!permissivePropertyAccess) {
if (element instanceof MetaBeanProperty) {
MetaBeanProperty mbp = (MetaBeanProperty) element;
boolean getterAccessible = canAccessLegally(mbp.getGetter());
boolean setterAccessible = canAccessLegally(mbp.getSetter());
if (!(getterAccessible && setterAccessible)) continue;
return ret;
private static boolean canAccessLegally(MetaMethod accessor) {
boolean accessible = true;
if (accessor instanceof CachedMethod) {
CachedMethod cm = (CachedMethod) accessor;
accessible = cm.canAccessLegally(MetaClassImpl.class);
return accessible;
* return null if nothing valid has been found, a MetaMethod (for getter always the case if not null) or
* a LinkedList&lt;MetaMethod&gt; if there are multiple setter
private static Object filterPropertyMethod(Object methodOrList, boolean isGetter, boolean booleanGetter) {
// Method has been optimized to reach a target of 325 bytecode size, making it JIT'able
Object ret = null;
if (methodOrList instanceof MetaMethod) {
MetaMethod element = (MetaMethod) methodOrList;
int parameterCount = element.getParameterTypes().length;
if (!isGetter &&
//(element.getReturnType() == Void.class || element.getReturnType() == Void.TYPE) &&
parameterCount == 1) {
ret = element;
Class returnType = element.getReturnType();
if (isGetter &&
!(returnType == Void.class || returnType == Void.TYPE) &&
(!booleanGetter || returnType == Boolean.class || returnType == Boolean.TYPE) &&
parameterCount == 0) {
ret = element;
if (methodOrList instanceof FastArray) {
FastArray methods = (FastArray) methodOrList;
final int len = methods.size();
final Object[] data = methods.getArray();
for (int i = 0; i != len; ++i) {
MetaMethod element = (MetaMethod) data[i];
int parameterCount = element.getParameterTypes().length;
if (!isGetter &&
//(element.getReturnType() == Void.class || element.getReturnType() == Void.TYPE) &&
parameterCount == 1) {
ret = addElementToList(ret, element);
Class returnType = element.getReturnType();
if (isGetter &&
!(returnType == Void.class || returnType == Void.TYPE) &&
parameterCount == 0) {
ret = addElementToList(ret, element);
if (ret == null
|| (ret instanceof MetaMethod)
|| !isGetter) {
return ret;
// we found multiple matching methods
// this is a problem, because we can use only one
// if it is a getter, then use the most general return
// type to decide which method to use. If it is a setter
// we use the type of the first parameter
MetaMethod method = null;
int distance = -1;
for (final Object o : ((List) ret)) {
MetaMethod element = (MetaMethod) o;
int localDistance = distanceToObject(element.getReturnType());
//TODO: maybe implement the case localDistance==distance
if (distance == -1 || distance > localDistance) {
distance = localDistance;
method = element;
return method;
private static Object addElementToList(Object ret, MetaMethod element) {
if (ret == null) {
ret = element;
} else if (ret instanceof List) {
((List) ret).add(element);
} else {
List list = new LinkedList();
ret = list;
return ret;
private static int distanceToObject(Class c) {
int count;
for (count = 0; c != null; count++) {
c = c.getSuperclass();
return count;
* This will build up the property map (Map of MetaProperty objects, keyed on
* property name).
* @param propertyDescriptors the property descriptors
private void setupProperties(PropertyDescriptor[] propertyDescriptors) {
if (theCachedClass.isInterface) {
LinkedList<CachedClass> superClasses = new LinkedList<>();
Set interfaces = theCachedClass.getInterfaces();
LinkedList<CachedClass> superInterfaces = new LinkedList<CachedClass>(interfaces);
// sort interfaces so that we may ensure a deterministic behaviour in case of
// ambiguous fields (class implementing two interfaces using the same field)
if (superInterfaces.size() > 1) {
SingleKeyHashMap iPropertyIndex = classPropertyIndex.getNotNull(theCachedClass);
for (CachedClass iclass : superInterfaces) {
SingleKeyHashMap sPropertyIndex = classPropertyIndex.getNotNull(iclass);
copyNonPrivateFields(sPropertyIndex, iPropertyIndex, null);
addFields(iclass, iPropertyIndex);
addFields(theCachedClass, iPropertyIndex);
applyStrayPropertyMethods(superClasses, classPropertyIndex, true);
} else {
LinkedList<CachedClass> superClasses = getSuperClasses();
LinkedList<CachedClass> interfaces = new LinkedList<>(theCachedClass.getInterfaces());
// sort interfaces so that we may ensure a deterministic behaviour in case of
// ambiguous fields (class implementing two interfaces using the same field)
if (interfaces.size() > 1) {
// if this an Array, then add the special read-only "length" property
if (theCachedClass.isArray) {
SingleKeyHashMap map = new SingleKeyHashMap();
map.put("length", arrayLengthProperty);
classPropertyIndex.put(theCachedClass, map);
inheritStaticInterfaceFields(superClasses, new LinkedHashSet(interfaces));
applyStrayPropertyMethods(superClasses, classPropertyIndex, true);
applyStrayPropertyMethods(superClasses, classPropertyIndexForSuper, false);
private void makeStaticPropertyIndex() {
SingleKeyHashMap propertyMap = classPropertyIndex.getNotNull(theCachedClass);
for (ComplexKeyHashMap.EntryIterator iter = propertyMap.getEntrySetIterator(); iter.hasNext(); ) {
SingleKeyHashMap.Entry entry = ((SingleKeyHashMap.Entry);
MetaProperty mp = (MetaProperty) entry.getValue();
if (mp instanceof CachedField) {
CachedField mfp = (CachedField) mp;
if (!mfp.isStatic()) continue;
} else if (mp instanceof MetaBeanProperty) {
MetaProperty result = establishStaticMetaProperty(mp);
if (result == null) continue;
else {
mp = result;
} else if (mp instanceof MultipleSetterProperty) {
MultipleSetterProperty msp = (MultipleSetterProperty) mp;
mp = msp.createStaticVersion();
} else {
continue; // ignore all other types
staticPropertyIndex.put(entry.getKey(), mp);
private static MetaProperty establishStaticMetaProperty(MetaProperty mp) {
MetaBeanProperty mbp = (MetaBeanProperty) mp;
MetaProperty result = null;
final MetaMethod getterMethod = mbp.getGetter();
final MetaMethod setterMethod = mbp.getSetter();
final CachedField metaField = mbp.getField();
boolean getter = getterMethod == null || getterMethod.isStatic();
boolean setter = setterMethod == null || setterMethod.isStatic();
boolean field = metaField == null || metaField.isStatic();
if (!getter && !setter && !field) {
return result;
} else {
final String propertyName = mbp.getName();
final Class propertyType = mbp.getType();
if (setter && getter) {
if (field) {
result = mbp; // nothing to do
} else {
result = new MetaBeanProperty(propertyName, propertyType, getterMethod, setterMethod);
} else if (getter && !setter) {
if (getterMethod == null) {
result = metaField;
} else {
MetaBeanProperty newmp = new MetaBeanProperty(propertyName, propertyType, getterMethod, null);
if (field) newmp.setField(metaField);
result = newmp;
} else if (setter && !getter) {
if (setterMethod == null) {
result = metaField;
} else {
MetaBeanProperty newmp = new MetaBeanProperty(propertyName, propertyType, null, setterMethod);
if (field) newmp.setField(metaField);
result = newmp;
} else {
result = metaField;
return result;
private void copyClassPropertyIndexForSuper(Index dest) {
for (ComplexKeyHashMap.EntryIterator iter = classPropertyIndex.getEntrySetIterator(); iter.hasNext(); ) {
SingleKeyHashMap.Entry entry = (SingleKeyHashMap.Entry);
SingleKeyHashMap newVal = new SingleKeyHashMap();
dest.put((CachedClass) entry.getKey(), newVal);
private void inheritStaticInterfaceFields(LinkedList superClasses, Set interfaces) {
for (Object anInterface : interfaces) {
CachedClass iclass = (CachedClass) anInterface;
SingleKeyHashMap iPropertyIndex = classPropertyIndex.getNotNull(iclass);
addFields(iclass, iPropertyIndex);
for (Object superClass : superClasses) {
CachedClass sclass = (CachedClass) superClass;
if (!iclass.getTheClass().isAssignableFrom(sclass.getTheClass())) continue;
SingleKeyHashMap sPropertyIndex = classPropertyIndex.getNotNull(sclass);
copyNonPrivateFields(iPropertyIndex, sPropertyIndex, null);
private void inheritFields(LinkedList<CachedClass> superClasses) {
SingleKeyHashMap last = null;
for (CachedClass klass : superClasses) {
SingleKeyHashMap propertyIndex = classPropertyIndex.getNotNull(klass);
if (last != null) {
copyNonPrivateFields(last, propertyIndex, klass);
last = propertyIndex;
addFields(klass, propertyIndex);
private static void addFields(CachedClass klass, SingleKeyHashMap propertyIndex) {
for (CachedField field : klass.getFields()) {
propertyIndex.put(field.getName(), field);
private static void copyNonPrivateFields(SingleKeyHashMap from, SingleKeyHashMap to, @Nullable CachedClass klass) {
for (ComplexKeyHashMap.EntryIterator it = from.getEntrySetIterator(); it.hasNext(); ) {
SingleKeyHashMap.Entry entry = (SingleKeyHashMap.Entry);
CachedField field = (CachedField) entry.getValue();
int modifiers = field.getModifiers();
if (Modifier.isPublic(modifiers) || Modifier.isProtected(modifiers) || (!Modifier.isPrivate(modifiers)
&& klass != null && inSamePackage(field.getDeclaringClass(), klass.getTheClass()))) {
to.put(entry.getKey(), field);
private void applyStrayPropertyMethods(LinkedList<CachedClass> superClasses, Index classPropertyIndex, boolean isThis) {
// now look for any stray getters that may be used to define a property
for (CachedClass klass : superClasses) {
MetaMethodIndex.Header header = metaMethodIndex.getHeader(klass.getTheClass());
SingleKeyHashMap propertyIndex = classPropertyIndex.getNotNull(klass);
for (MetaMethodIndex.Entry e = header.head; e != null; e = e.nextClassEntry) {
String methodName =;
// name too short?
if (methodName.length() < 3 ||
(!methodName.startsWith("is") && methodName.length() < 4)) continue;
// possible getter/setter?
boolean isGetter = methodName.startsWith("get") || methodName.startsWith("is");
boolean isBooleanGetter = methodName.startsWith("is");
boolean isSetter = methodName.startsWith("set");
if (!isGetter && !isSetter) continue;
Object propertyMethods = filterPropertyMethod(isThis ? e.methods : e.methodsForSuper, isGetter, isBooleanGetter);
if (propertyMethods == null) continue;
String propName = getPropName(methodName);
if (propertyMethods instanceof MetaMethod) {
createMetaBeanProperty(propertyIndex, propName, isGetter, (MetaMethod) propertyMethods);
} else {
LinkedList<MetaMethod> methods = (LinkedList<MetaMethod>) propertyMethods;
for (MetaMethod m : methods) {
createMetaBeanProperty(propertyIndex, propName, isGetter, m);
private static final ConcurrentMap<String, String> PROP_NAMES = new ConcurrentHashMap<>(1024);
private static String getPropName(String methodName) {
return PROP_NAMES.computeIfAbsent(methodName, k -> {
// assume "is" or "[gs]et"
return BeanUtils.decapitalize(methodName.startsWith("is")
? methodName.substring(2) : methodName.substring(3));
private static MetaProperty makeReplacementMetaProperty(MetaProperty mp, String propName, boolean isGetter, MetaMethod propertyMethod) {
if (mp == null) {
if (isGetter) {
return new MetaBeanProperty(propName,
propertyMethod, null);
} else {
return new MetaBeanProperty(propName,
null, propertyMethod);
if (mp instanceof CachedField) {
CachedField mfp = (CachedField) mp;
MetaBeanProperty mbp = new MetaBeanProperty(propName, mfp.getType(),
isGetter ? propertyMethod : null,
isGetter ? null : propertyMethod);
return mbp;
} else if (mp instanceof MultipleSetterProperty) {
MultipleSetterProperty msp = (MultipleSetterProperty) mp;
if (isGetter) {
return msp;
} else if (mp instanceof MetaBeanProperty) {
MetaBeanProperty mbp = (MetaBeanProperty) mp;
if (isGetter) {
return mbp;
} else if (mbp.getSetter() == null || mbp.getSetter() == propertyMethod) {
return mbp;
} else {
MultipleSetterProperty msp = new MultipleSetterProperty(propName);
return msp;
} else {
throw new GroovyBugError("unknown MetaProperty class used. Class is " + mp.getClass());
private static void createMetaBeanProperty(SingleKeyHashMap propertyIndex, String propName, boolean isGetter, MetaMethod propertyMethod) {
// is this property already accounted for?
MetaProperty mp = (MetaProperty) propertyIndex.get(propName);
MetaProperty newMp = makeReplacementMetaProperty(mp, propName, isGetter, propertyMethod);
if (newMp != mp) {
propertyIndex.put(propName, newMp);
protected void applyPropertyDescriptors(PropertyDescriptor[] propertyDescriptors) {
// now iterate over the map of property descriptors and generate
// MetaBeanProperty objects
for (PropertyDescriptor pd : propertyDescriptors) {
// skip if the property type is unknown (this seems to be the case if the
// property descriptor is based on a setX() method that has two parameters,
// which is not a valid property)
if (pd.getPropertyType() == null)
// get the getter method
Method method = pd.getReadMethod();
MetaMethod getter;
if (method != null) {
CachedMethod cachedGetter = CachedMethod.find(method);
getter = cachedGetter == null ? null : findMethod(cachedGetter);
} else {
getter = null;
// get the setter method
MetaMethod setter;
method = pd.getWriteMethod();
if (method != null) {
CachedMethod cachedSetter = CachedMethod.find(method);
setter = cachedSetter == null ? null : findMethod(cachedSetter);
} else {
setter = null;
// now create the MetaProperty object
MetaBeanProperty mp = new MetaBeanProperty(pd.getName(), pd.getPropertyType(), getter, setter);
* Adds a new MetaBeanProperty to this MetaClass
* @param mp The MetaBeanProperty
public void addMetaBeanProperty(MetaBeanProperty mp) {
MetaProperty staticProperty = establishStaticMetaProperty(mp);
if (staticProperty != null) {
staticPropertyIndex.put(mp.getName(), mp);
} else {
SingleKeyHashMap propertyMap = classPropertyIndex.getNotNull(theCachedClass);
//keep field
CachedField field;
MetaProperty old = (MetaProperty) propertyMap.get(mp.getName());
if (old != null) {
if (old instanceof MetaBeanProperty) {
field = ((MetaBeanProperty) old).getField();
} else if (old instanceof MultipleSetterProperty) {
field = ((MultipleSetterProperty) old).getField();
} else {
field = (CachedField) old;
// put it in the list
// this will overwrite a possible field property
propertyMap.put(mp.getName(), mp);
* <p>Retrieves a property on the given receiver for the specified arguments. The sender is the class that is requesting the property from the object.
* The MetaClass will attempt to establish the method to invoke based on the name and arguments provided.
* <p>The useSuper and fromInsideClass help the Groovy runtime perform optimisations on the call to go directly
* to the super class if necessary
* @param sender The java.lang.Class instance that is mutating the property
* @param object The Object which the property is being set on
* @param name The name of the property
* @param newValue The new value of the property to set
* @param useSuper Whether the call is to a super class property
* @param fromInsideClass Whether the call was invoked from the inside or the outside of the class.
public void setProperty(Class sender, Object object, String name, Object newValue, boolean useSuper, boolean fromInsideClass) {
// handling of static
boolean isStatic = theClass != Class.class && object instanceof Class;
if (isStatic && object != theClass) {
MetaClass mc = registry.getMetaClass((Class) object);
mc.getProperty(sender, object, name, useSuper, fromInsideClass);
// Unwrap wrapped values fo now - the new MOP will handle them properly
if (newValue instanceof Wrapper) newValue = ((Wrapper) newValue).unwrap();
MetaMethod method = null;
Object[] arguments = null;
// setter
MetaProperty mp = getMetaProperty(sender, name, useSuper, isStatic);
MetaProperty field = null;
if (mp != null) {
if (mp instanceof MetaBeanProperty) {
MetaBeanProperty mbp = (MetaBeanProperty) mp;
method = mbp.getSetter();
MetaProperty f = mbp.getField();
if (method != null || (f != null && !Modifier.isFinal(f.getModifiers()))) {
arguments = new Object[]{newValue};
field = f;
} else {
field = mp;
// check for a category method named like a setter
if (!useSuper && !isStatic && GroovyCategorySupport.hasCategoryInCurrentThread()
&& name.length() > 0) {
String getterName = GroovyCategorySupport.getPropertyCategorySetterName(name);
if (getterName != null) {
MetaMethod categoryMethod = getCategoryMethodSetter(sender, getterName, false);
if (categoryMethod != null) {
method = categoryMethod;
arguments = new Object[]{newValue};
// listener method
boolean ambiguousListener = false;
if (method == null) {
method = listeners.get(name);
ambiguousListener = method == AMBIGUOUS_LISTENER_METHOD;
if (method != null &&
!ambiguousListener &&
newValue instanceof Closure) {
// let's create a dynamic proxy
Object proxy = Proxy.newProxyInstance(
new Class[]{method.getParameterTypes()[0].getTheClass()},
new ConvertedClosure((Closure) newValue, name));
arguments = new Object[]{proxy};
newValue = proxy;
} else {
method = null;
// field
if (method == null && field != null) {
int modifiers = field.getModifiers();
if (Modifier.isFinal(modifiers)) {
// GROOVY-5985
if (!isStatic && this.isMap) {
((Map) object).put(name, newValue);
throw new ReadOnlyPropertyException(name, theClass);
if (!this.isMap || Modifier.isPublic(modifiers) || Modifier.isProtected(modifiers)) {
field.setProperty(object, newValue);
// generic set method
// check for a generic get method provided through a category
if (method == null && !useSuper && !isStatic && GroovyCategorySupport.hasCategoryInCurrentThread()) {
method = getCategoryMethodSetter(sender, "set", true);
if (method != null) arguments = new Object[]{name, newValue};
// the generic method is valid, if available (!=null), if static or
// if it is not static and we do no static access
if (method == null && genericSetMethod != null && !(!genericSetMethod.isStatic() && isStatic)) {
arguments = new Object[]{name, newValue};
method = genericSetMethod;
// executing the setter method
if (method != null) {
if (arguments.length == 1) {
newValue = DefaultTypeTransformation.castToType(
arguments[0] = newValue;
} else {
newValue = DefaultTypeTransformation.castToType(
arguments[1] = newValue;
MetaMethod transformedMetaMethod = VM_PLUGIN.transformMetaMethod(this, method);
transformedMetaMethod.doMethodInvoke(object, arguments);
// turn setProperty on a Map to put on the Map itself
if (method == null && !isStatic && this.isMap) {
((Map) object).put(name, newValue);
// error due to missing method/field
if (ambiguousListener) {
throw new GroovyRuntimeException("There are multiple listeners for the property " + name + ". Please do not use the bean short form to access this listener.");
if (mp != null) {
throw new ReadOnlyPropertyException(name, theClass);
if ((isStatic || object instanceof Class) && !"metaClass".equals(name)) {
invokeStaticMissingProperty(object, name, newValue, false);
} else {
invokeMissingProperty(object, name, newValue, false);
private MetaProperty getMetaProperty(Class _clazz, String name, boolean useSuper, boolean useStatic) {
if (_clazz == theClass)
return getMetaProperty(name, useStatic);
CachedClass clazz = ReflectionCache.getCachedClass(_clazz);
while (true) {
SingleKeyHashMap propertyMap;
if (useStatic) {
propertyMap = staticPropertyIndex;
} else if (useSuper) {
propertyMap = classPropertyIndexForSuper.getNullable(clazz);
} else {
propertyMap = classPropertyIndex.getNullable(clazz);
if (propertyMap == null) {
if (clazz != theCachedClass) {
clazz = theCachedClass;
} else {
return null;
return (MetaProperty) propertyMap.get(name);
private MetaProperty getMetaProperty(String name, boolean useStatic) {
CachedClass clazz = theCachedClass;
SingleKeyHashMap propertyMap;
if (useStatic) {
propertyMap = staticPropertyIndex;
} else {
propertyMap = classPropertyIndex.getNullable(clazz);
if (propertyMap == null) {
return null;
return (MetaProperty) propertyMap.get(name);
* Retrieves the value of an attribute (field). This method is to support the Groovy runtime and not for general client API usage.
* @param sender The class of the object that requested the attribute
* @param object The instance
* @param attribute The name of the attribute
* @param useSuper Whether to look-up on the super class or not
* @return The attribute value
public Object getAttribute(final Class sender, final Object object, final String attribute, final boolean useSuper) {
return getAttribute(sender, object, attribute, useSuper, false);
* Retrieves the value of an attribute (field). This method is to support the Groovy runtime and not for general client API usage.
* @param sender The class of the object that requested the attribute
* @param object The instance the attribute is to be retrieved from
* @param attribute The name of the attribute
* @param useSuper Whether to look-up on the super class or not
* @param fromInsideClass Whether the call was invoked from the inside or the outside of the class.
* @return The attribute value
public Object getAttribute(final Class sender, final Object object, final String attribute, final boolean useSuper, final boolean fromInsideClass) {
boolean isStatic = theClass != Class.class && object instanceof Class;
if (isStatic && object != theClass) {
MetaClass mc = registry.getMetaClass((Class) object);
return mc.getAttribute(sender, object, attribute, useSuper);
MetaProperty mp = getMetaProperty(sender, attribute, useSuper, isStatic);
if (mp != null) {
if (mp instanceof MetaBeanProperty) {
MetaBeanProperty mbp = (MetaBeanProperty) mp;
mp = mbp.getField();
try {
// delegate the get operation to the metaproperty
if (mp != null) return mp.getProperty(object);
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new GroovyRuntimeException("Cannot read field: " + attribute, e);
throw new MissingFieldException(attribute, !useSuper ? theClass : theClass.getSuperclass());
* <p>Sets an attribute on the given receiver for the specified arguments. The sender is the class that is setting the attribute from the object.
* The MetaClass will attempt to establish the method to invoke based on the name and arguments provided.
* <p>The isCallToSuper and fromInsideClass help the Groovy runtime perform optimisations on the call to go directly
* to the super class if necessary
* @param sender The java.lang.Class instance that is mutating the property
* @param object The Object which the property is being set on
* @param attribute The name of the attribute,
* @param newValue The new value of the attribute to set
* @param useSuper Whether the call is to a super class property
* @param fromInsideClass Whether the call was invoked from the inside or the outside of the class
public void setAttribute(final Class sender, final Object object, final String attribute, final Object newValue, final boolean useSuper, final boolean fromInsideClass) {
boolean isStatic = theClass != Class.class && object instanceof Class;
if (isStatic && object != theClass) {
MetaClass mc = registry.getMetaClass((Class) object);
mc.setAttribute(sender, object, attribute, newValue, useSuper, fromInsideClass);
MetaProperty mp = getMetaProperty(sender, attribute, useSuper, isStatic);
if (mp != null) {
if (mp instanceof MetaBeanProperty) {
MetaBeanProperty mbp = (MetaBeanProperty) mp;
mp = mbp.getField();
if (mp != null) {
mp.setProperty(object, newValue);
throw new MissingFieldException(attribute, !useSuper ? theClass : theClass.getSuperclass());
* Obtains a reference to the original AST for the MetaClass if it is available at runtime
* @return The original AST or null if it cannot be returned
public ClassNode getClassNode() {
if (classNode == null && GroovyObject.class.isAssignableFrom(theClass)) {
// let's try load it from the classpath
String groovyFile = theClass.getName();
int idx = groovyFile.indexOf('$');
if (idx > 0) {
groovyFile = groovyFile.substring(0, idx);
groovyFile = groovyFile.replace('.', '/') + ".groovy";
//System.out.println("Attempting to load: " + groovyFile);
URL url = theClass.getClassLoader().getResource(groovyFile);
if (url == null) {
url = Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader().getResource(groovyFile);
if (url != null) {
try {
* todo there is no CompileUnit in scope so class name
* checking won't work but that mostly affects the bytecode
* generation rather than viewing the AST
CompilationUnit.ClassgenCallback search = (writer, node) -> {
if (node.getName().equals(theClass.getName())) {
MetaClassImpl.this.classNode = node;
CompilationUnit unit = new CompilationUnit();
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new GroovyRuntimeException("Exception thrown parsing: " + groovyFile + ". Reason: " + e, e);
return classNode;
* Returns a string representation of this metaclass
public String toString() {
return super.toString() + "[" + theClass + "]";
// Implementation methods
* adds a MetaMethod to this class. WARNING: this method will not
* do the neccessary steps for multimethod logic and using this
* method doesn't mean, that a method added here is replacing another
* method from a parent class completely. These steps are usually done
* by initialize, which means if you need these steps, you have to add
* the method before running initialize the first time.
* @param method the MetaMethod
* @see #initialize()
public void addMetaMethod(MetaMethod method) {
if (isInitialized()) {
throw new RuntimeException("Already initialized, cannot add new method: " + method);
final CachedClass declaringClass = method.getDeclaringClass();
addMetaMethodToIndex(method, metaMethodIndex.getHeader(declaringClass.getTheClass()));
protected void addMetaMethodToIndex(MetaMethod method, MetaMethodIndex.Header header) {
String name = method.getName();
MetaMethodIndex.Entry e = metaMethodIndex.getOrPutMethods(name, header);
if (method.isStatic()) {
e.staticMethods = metaMethodIndex.addMethodToList(e.staticMethods, method);
e.methods = metaMethodIndex.addMethodToList(e.methods, method);
* Checks if the metaMethod is a method from the GroovyObject interface such as setProperty, getProperty and invokeMethod
* @param metaMethod The metaMethod instance
* @see GroovyObject
protected final void checkIfGroovyObjectMethod(MetaMethod metaMethod) {
if (metaMethod instanceof ClosureMetaMethod || metaMethod instanceof MixinInstanceMetaMethod) {
if (isGetPropertyMethod(metaMethod)) {
getPropertyMethod = metaMethod;
} else if (isInvokeMethod(metaMethod)) {
invokeMethodMethod = metaMethod;
} else if (isSetPropertyMethod(metaMethod)) {
setPropertyMethod = metaMethod;
private static boolean isSetPropertyMethod(MetaMethod metaMethod) {
return SET_PROPERTY_METHOD.equals(metaMethod.getName()) && metaMethod.getParameterTypes().length == 2;
private static boolean isGetPropertyMethod(MetaMethod metaMethod) {
return GET_PROPERTY_METHOD.equals(metaMethod.getName());
private static boolean isInvokeMethod(MetaMethod metaMethod) {
return INVOKE_METHOD_METHOD.equals(metaMethod.getName()) && metaMethod.getParameterTypes().length == 2;
private void checkIfStdMethod(MetaMethod method) {
if (isGenericGetMethod(method) && genericGetMethod == null) {
genericGetMethod = method;
} else if (MetaClassHelper.isGenericSetMethod(method) && genericSetMethod == null) {
genericSetMethod = method;
if (method.getName().equals(PROPERTY_MISSING)) {
CachedClass[] parameterTypes = method.getParameterTypes();
if (parameterTypes.length == 1) {
propertyMissingGet = method;
if (propertyMissingSet == null && method.getName().equals(PROPERTY_MISSING)) {
CachedClass[] parameterTypes = method.getParameterTypes();
if (parameterTypes.length == 2) {
propertyMissingSet = method;
if (method.getName().equals(METHOD_MISSING)) {
CachedClass[] parameterTypes = method.getParameterTypes();
if (parameterTypes.length == 2
&& parameterTypes[0].getTheClass() == String.class
&& parameterTypes[1].getTheClass() == Object.class) {
methodMissing = method;
if (theCachedClass.isNumber) {
protected boolean isInitialized() {
return initialized;
protected void setInitialized(boolean initialized) {
this.initialized = initialized;
* @return {@code false}: add method
* {@code null} : ignore method
* {@code true} : replace
private static Boolean getMatchKindForCategory(MetaMethod aMethod, MetaMethod categoryMethod) {
CachedClass[] params1 = aMethod.getParameterTypes();
CachedClass[] params2 = categoryMethod.getParameterTypes();
if (params1.length != params2.length) return Boolean.FALSE;
for (int i = 0; i < params1.length; i++) {
if (params1[i] != params2[i]) return Boolean.FALSE;
Class aMethodClass = aMethod.getDeclaringClass().getTheClass();
Class categoryMethodClass = categoryMethod.getDeclaringClass().getTheClass();
if (aMethodClass == categoryMethodClass) return Boolean.TRUE;
boolean match = aMethodClass.isAssignableFrom(categoryMethodClass);
if (match) return Boolean.TRUE;
return null;
private static void filterMatchingMethodForCategory(FastArray list, MetaMethod method) {
int len = list.size();
if (len == 0) {
Object[] data = list.getArray();
for (int j = 0; j != len; ++j) {
MetaMethod aMethod = (MetaMethod) data[j];
Boolean match = getMatchKindForCategory(aMethod, method);
// true == replace
if (Boolean.TRUE.equals(match)) {
list.set(j, method);
// null == ignore (we have a better method already)
} else if (match == null) {
// the casese true and null for a match are through, the
// remaining case is false and that means adding the method
// to our list
private int findMatchingMethod(CachedMethod[] data, int from, int to, MetaMethod method) {
for (int j = from; j <= to; ++j) {
CachedMethod aMethod = data[j];
CachedClass[] params1 = aMethod.getParameterTypes();
CachedClass[] params2 = method.getParameterTypes();
if (params1.length == params2.length) {
boolean matches = true;
for (int i = 0; i < params1.length; i++) {
if (params1[i] != params2[i]) {
matches = false;
if (matches) {
return j;
return -1;
* @return the matching method which should be found
private MetaMethod findMethod(CachedMethod aMethod) {
Object methods = getMethods(theClass, aMethod.getName(), false);
if (methods instanceof FastArray) {
FastArray m = (FastArray) methods;
final int len = m.size;
final Object[] data = m.getArray();
for (int i = 0; i != len; ++i) {
MetaMethod method = (MetaMethod) data[i];
if (method.isMethod(aMethod)) {
return method;
} else {
MetaMethod method = (MetaMethod) methods;
if (method.getName().equals(aMethod.getName())
// TODO: should be better check for case when only diff in modifiers can be SYNTHETIC flag
// && method.getModifiers() == aMethod.getModifiers()
&& method.getReturnType().equals(aMethod.getReturnType())
&& MetaMethod.equal(method.getParameterTypes(), aMethod.getParameterTypes())) {
return method;
return aMethod;
* Chooses the correct method to use from a list of methods which match by
* name.
* @param methodOrList the possible methods to choose from
* @param arguments the arguments
protected Object chooseMethod(String methodName, Object methodOrList, Class[] arguments) {
Object method = chooseMethodInternal(methodName, methodOrList, arguments);
if (method instanceof GeneratedMetaMethod.Proxy)
return ((GeneratedMetaMethod.Proxy) method).proxy();
return method;
private Object chooseMethodInternal(String methodName, Object methodOrList, Class[] arguments) {
if (methodOrList instanceof MetaMethod) {
if (((ParameterTypes) methodOrList).isValidMethod(arguments)) {
return methodOrList;
return null;
FastArray methods = (FastArray) methodOrList;
if (methods == null) return null;
int methodCount = methods.size();
if (methodCount <= 0) {
return null;
} else if (methodCount == 1) {
Object method = methods.get(0);
if (((ParameterTypes) method).isValidMethod(arguments)) {
return method;
return null;
Object answer;
if (arguments == null || arguments.length == 0) {
answer = MetaClassHelper.chooseEmptyMethodParams(methods);
} else {
Object matchingMethods = null;
final int len = methods.size;
Object[] data = methods.getArray();
for (int i = 0; i != len; ++i) {
Object method = data[i];
// making this false helps find matches
if (((ParameterTypes) method).isValidMethod(arguments)) {
if (matchingMethods == null) {
matchingMethods = method;
} else if (matchingMethods instanceof ArrayList) {
((ArrayList) matchingMethods).add(method);
} else {
List arr = new ArrayList(4);
matchingMethods = arr;
if (matchingMethods == null) {
return null;
} else if (!(matchingMethods instanceof ArrayList)) {
return matchingMethods;
return chooseMostSpecificParams(methodName, (List) matchingMethods, arguments);
if (answer != null) {
return answer;
throw new MethodSelectionException(methodName, methods, arguments);
private Object chooseMostSpecificParams(String name, List matchingMethods, Class[] arguments) {
return doChooseMostSpecificParams(theClass.getName(), name, matchingMethods, arguments, false);
protected static Object doChooseMostSpecificParams(String theClassName, String name, List matchingMethods, Class[] arguments, boolean checkParametersCompatible) {
long matchesDistance = -1;
LinkedList matches = new LinkedList();
for (Object method : matchingMethods) {
final ParameterTypes parameterTypes = (ParameterTypes) method;
if (checkParametersCompatible && !MetaClassHelper.parametersAreCompatible(arguments, parameterTypes.getNativeParameterTypes()))
long dist = MetaClassHelper.calculateParameterDistance(arguments, parameterTypes);
if (dist == 0) return method;
matchesDistance = handleMatches(matchesDistance, matches, method, dist);
int size = matches.size();
if (1 == size) {
return matches.getFirst();
if (0 == size) {
return null;
//more than one matching method found --> ambiguous!
throw new GroovyRuntimeException(createErrorMessageForAmbiguity(theClassName, name, arguments, matches));
protected static String createErrorMessageForAmbiguity(String theClassName, String name, Class[] arguments, LinkedList matches) {
StringBuilder msg = new StringBuilder("Ambiguous method overloading for method ");
.append(".\nCannot resolve which method to invoke for ")
.append(" due to overlapping prototypes between:");
for (final Object match : matches) {
CachedClass[] types = ((ParameterTypes) match).getParameterTypes();
return msg.toString();
protected static long handleMatches(long matchesDistance, LinkedList matches, Object method, long dist) {
if (matches.isEmpty()) {
matchesDistance = dist;
} else if (dist < matchesDistance) {
matchesDistance = dist;
} else if (dist == matchesDistance) {
return matchesDistance;
private static boolean isGenericGetMethod(MetaMethod method) {
if (method.getName().equals("get")) {
CachedClass[] parameterTypes = method.getParameterTypes();
return parameterTypes.length == 1 && parameterTypes[0].getTheClass() == String.class;
return false;
* Complete the initialisation process. After this method
* is called no methods should be added to the meta class.
* Invocation of methods or access to fields/properties is
* forbidden unless this method is called. This method
* should contain any initialisation code, taking a longer
* time to complete. An example is the creation of the
* Reflector. It is suggested to synchronize this
* method.
public synchronized void initialize() {
if (!isInitialized()) {
try {
} catch (Throwable e) {
if (!AndroidSupport.isRunningAndroid()) {
// Introspection failure...
// May happen in Android
private void addProperties() {
BeanInfo info;
// introspect
try {
if (isBeanDerivative(theClass)) {
info = (BeanInfo) AccessController.doPrivileged((PrivilegedExceptionAction) () -> Introspector.getBeanInfo(theClass, Introspector.IGNORE_ALL_BEANINFO));
} else {
info = (BeanInfo) AccessController.doPrivileged((PrivilegedExceptionAction) () -> Introspector.getBeanInfo(theClass));
} catch (PrivilegedActionException pae) {
throw new GroovyRuntimeException("exception during bean introspection", pae.getException());
PropertyDescriptor[] descriptors = info.getPropertyDescriptors();
// build up the metaproperties based on the public fields, property descriptors,
// and the getters and setters
EventSetDescriptor[] eventDescriptors = info.getEventSetDescriptors();
for (EventSetDescriptor descriptor : eventDescriptors) {
Method[] listenerMethods = descriptor.getListenerMethods();
for (Method listenerMethod : listenerMethods) {
final MetaMethod metaMethod = CachedMethod.find(descriptor.getAddListenerMethod());
// GROOVY-5202
// there might be a non public listener of some kind
// we skip that here
if (metaMethod == null) continue;
String name = listenerMethod.getName();
if (listeners.containsKey(name)) {
listeners.put(name, AMBIGUOUS_LISTENER_METHOD);
} else {
listeners.put(name, metaMethod);
private static boolean isBeanDerivative(Class theClass) {
Class next = theClass;
while (next != null) {
if (Arrays.asList(next.getInterfaces()).contains(BeanInfo.class)) return true;
next = next.getSuperclass();
return false;
private void addToAllMethodsIfPublic(MetaMethod metaMethod) {
if (Modifier.isPublic(metaMethod.getModifiers()))
* Retrieves the list of MetaMethods held by the class. This list does not include MetaMethods added by groovy.lang.ExpandoMetaClass.
* @return A list of MetaMethods
public List<MetaMethod> getMethods() {
return allMethods;
* Retrieves the list of MetaMethods held by this class. This list includes MetaMethods added by groovy.lang.ExpandoMetaClass.
* @return A list of MetaMethods
public List<MetaMethod> getMetaMethods() {
return new ArrayList<>(newGroovyMethodsSet);
protected void dropStaticMethodCache(String name) {
protected void dropMethodCache(String name) {
* Create a CallSite
public CallSite createPojoCallSite(CallSite site, Object receiver, Object[] args) {
if (!(this instanceof AdaptingMetaClass)) {
Class[] params = MetaClassHelper.convertToTypeArray(args);
MetaMethod metaMethod = getMethodWithCachingInternal(getTheClass(), site, params);
if (metaMethod != null)
return PojoMetaMethodSite.createPojoMetaMethodSite(site, this, metaMethod, params, receiver, args);
return new PojoMetaClassSite(site, this);
* Create a CallSite
public CallSite createStaticSite(CallSite site, Object[] args) {
if (!(this instanceof AdaptingMetaClass)) {
Class[] params = MetaClassHelper.convertToTypeArray(args);
MetaMethod metaMethod = retrieveStaticMethod(site.getName(), args);
if (metaMethod != null)
return StaticMetaMethodSite.createStaticMetaMethodSite(site, this, metaMethod, params, args);
return new StaticMetaClassSite(site, this);
* Create a CallSite
public CallSite createPogoCallSite(CallSite site, Object[] args) {
if (!GroovyCategorySupport.hasCategoryInCurrentThread() && !(this instanceof AdaptingMetaClass)) {
Class[] params = MetaClassHelper.convertToTypeArray(args);
CallSite tempSite = site;
if (site.getName().equals("call") && GeneratedClosure.class.isAssignableFrom(theClass)) {
// here, we want to point to a method named "doCall" instead of "call"
// but we don't want to replace the original call site name, otherwise
// we loose the fact that the original method name was "call" so instead
// we will point to a metamethod called "doCall"
// see GROOVY-5806 for details
tempSite = new AbstractCallSite(site.getArray(), site.getIndex(), "doCall");
MetaMethod metaMethod = getMethodWithCachingInternal(theClass, tempSite, params);
if (metaMethod != null)
return PogoMetaMethodSite.createPogoMetaMethodSite(site, this, metaMethod, params, args);
return new PogoMetaClassSite(site, this);
* Create a CallSite
public CallSite createPogoCallCurrentSite(CallSite site, Class sender, Object[] args) {
if (!GroovyCategorySupport.hasCategoryInCurrentThread() && !(this instanceof AdaptingMetaClass)) {
Class[] params = MetaClassHelper.convertToTypeArray(args);
MetaMethod metaMethod = getMethodWithCachingInternal(sender, site, params);
if (metaMethod != null)
return PogoMetaMethodSite.createPogoMetaMethodSite(site, this, metaMethod, params, args);
return new PogoMetaClassSite(site, this);
* Create a CallSite
public CallSite createConstructorSite(CallSite site, Object[] args) {
if (!(this instanceof AdaptingMetaClass)) {
Class[] params = MetaClassHelper.convertToTypeArray(args);
CachedConstructor constructor = (CachedConstructor) chooseMethod("<init>", constructors, params);
if (constructor != null) {
return ConstructorSite.createConstructorSite(site, this, constructor, params, args);
} else {
if (args.length == 1 && args[0] instanceof Map) {
constructor = (CachedConstructor) chooseMethod("<init>", constructors, MetaClassHelper.EMPTY_TYPE_ARRAY);
if (constructor != null) {
return new ConstructorSite.NoParamSite(site, this, constructor, params);
} else if (args.length == 2 && theClass.getEnclosingClass() != null && args[1] instanceof Map) {
Class enclosingClass = theClass.getEnclosingClass();
String enclosingInstanceParamType = args[0] != null ? args[0].getClass().getName() : "";
if (enclosingClass.getName().equals(enclosingInstanceParamType)) {
constructor = (CachedConstructor) chooseMethod("<init>", constructors, new Class[]{enclosingClass});
if (constructor != null) {
return new ConstructorSite.NoParamSiteInnerClass(site, this, constructor, params);
return new MetaClassConstructorSite(site, this);
* Returns the ClassInfo for the contained Class
* @return The ClassInfo for the contained class.
public ClassInfo getClassInfo() {
return theCachedClass.classInfo;
* Returns version of the contained Class
* @return The version of the contained class.
public int getVersion() {
return theCachedClass.classInfo.getVersion();
* Increments version of the contained Class
public void incVersion() {
* Retrieves a list of additional MetaMethods held by this class
* @return A list of MetaMethods
public MetaMethod[] getAdditionalMetaMethods() {
return additionalMetaMethods;
protected MetaBeanProperty findPropertyInClassHierarchy(String propertyName, CachedClass theClass) {
MetaBeanProperty property = null;
if (theClass == null)
return null;
final CachedClass superClass = theClass.getCachedSuperClass();
if (superClass == null)
return null;
MetaClass metaClass = this.registry.getMetaClass(superClass.getTheClass());
if (metaClass instanceof MutableMetaClass) {
property = getMetaPropertyFromMutableMetaClass(propertyName, metaClass);
if (property == null) {
if (superClass != ReflectionCache.OBJECT_CLASS) {
property = findPropertyInClassHierarchy(propertyName, superClass);
if (property == null) {
final Class[] interfaces = theClass.getTheClass().getInterfaces();
property = searchInterfacesForMetaProperty(propertyName, interfaces);
return property;
private MetaBeanProperty searchInterfacesForMetaProperty(String propertyName, Class[] interfaces) {
MetaBeanProperty property = null;
for (Class anInterface : interfaces) {
MetaClass metaClass = registry.getMetaClass(anInterface);
if (metaClass instanceof MutableMetaClass) {
property = getMetaPropertyFromMutableMetaClass(propertyName, metaClass);
if (property != null) break;
Class[] superInterfaces = anInterface.getInterfaces();
if (superInterfaces.length > 0) {
property = searchInterfacesForMetaProperty(propertyName, superInterfaces);
if (property != null) break;
return property;
private static MetaBeanProperty getMetaPropertyFromMutableMetaClass(String propertyName, MetaClass metaClass) {
final boolean isModified = ((MutableMetaClass) metaClass).isModified();
if (isModified) {
final MetaProperty metaProperty = metaClass.getMetaProperty(propertyName);
if (metaProperty instanceof MetaBeanProperty)
return (MetaBeanProperty) metaProperty;
return null;
protected MetaMethod findMixinMethod(String methodName, Class[] arguments) {
return null;
protected static MetaMethod findMethodInClassHierarchy(Class instanceKlazz, String methodName, Class[] arguments, MetaClass metaClass) {
if (metaClass instanceof MetaClassImpl) {
boolean check = false;
for (ClassInfo ci : ((MetaClassImpl) metaClass).theCachedClass.getHierarchy()) {
final MetaClass aClass = ci.getStrongMetaClass();
if (aClass instanceof MutableMetaClass && ((MutableMetaClass) aClass).isModified()) {
check = true;
if (!check)
return null;
MetaMethod method = null;
Class superClass;
if (metaClass.getTheClass().isArray() && !metaClass.getTheClass().getComponentType().isPrimitive() && metaClass.getTheClass().getComponentType() != Object.class) {
superClass = Object[].class;
} else {
superClass = metaClass.getTheClass().getSuperclass();
if (superClass != null) {
MetaClass superMetaClass = GroovySystem.getMetaClassRegistry().getMetaClass(superClass);
method = findMethodInClassHierarchy(instanceKlazz, methodName, arguments, superMetaClass);
} else {
if (metaClass.getTheClass().isInterface()) {
MetaClass superMetaClass = GroovySystem.getMetaClassRegistry().getMetaClass(Object.class);
method = findMethodInClassHierarchy(instanceKlazz, methodName, arguments, superMetaClass);
method = findSubClassMethod(instanceKlazz, methodName, arguments, metaClass, method);
method = getMetaMethod(instanceKlazz, methodName, arguments, metaClass, method);
method = findOwnMethod(instanceKlazz, methodName, arguments, metaClass, method);
return method;
private static MetaMethod getMetaMethod(Class instanceKlazz, String methodName, Class[] arguments, MetaClass metaClass, MetaMethod method) {
MetaMethod infMethod = searchInterfacesForMetaMethod(instanceKlazz, methodName, arguments, metaClass);
if (infMethod != null) {
method = (method == null ? infMethod : mostSpecific(method, infMethod, instanceKlazz));
return method;
private static MetaMethod findSubClassMethod(Class instanceKlazz, String methodName, Class[] arguments, MetaClass metaClass, MetaMethod method) {
if (metaClass instanceof MetaClassImpl) {
Object list = ((MetaClassImpl) metaClass).getSubclassMetaMethods(methodName);
if (list != null) {
if (list instanceof MetaMethod) {
MetaMethod m = (MetaMethod) list;
method = findSubClassMethod(instanceKlazz, arguments, method, m);
} else {
FastArray arr = (FastArray) list;
for (int i = 0; i != arr.size(); ++i) {
MetaMethod m = (MetaMethod) arr.get(i);
method = findSubClassMethod(instanceKlazz, arguments, method, m);
return method;
private static MetaMethod findSubClassMethod(Class instanceKlazz, Class[] arguments, MetaMethod method, MetaMethod m) {
if (m.getDeclaringClass().getTheClass().isAssignableFrom(instanceKlazz) && m.isValidExactMethod(arguments)) {
method = (method == null ? m : mostSpecific(method, m, instanceKlazz));
return method;
private static MetaMethod mostSpecific(MetaMethod method, MetaMethod newMethod, Class instanceKlazz) {
Class newMethodC = newMethod.getDeclaringClass().getTheClass();
Class methodC = method.getDeclaringClass().getTheClass();
if (!newMethodC.isAssignableFrom(instanceKlazz))
return method;
if (newMethodC == methodC)
return newMethod;
if (newMethodC.isAssignableFrom(methodC)) {
return method;
if (methodC.isAssignableFrom(newMethodC)) {
return newMethod;
return newMethod;
private static MetaMethod searchInterfacesForMetaMethod(Class instanceKlazz, String methodName, Class[] arguments, MetaClass metaClass) {
Class[] interfaces = metaClass.getTheClass().getInterfaces();
MetaMethod method = null;
for (Class anInterface : interfaces) {
MetaClass infMetaClass = GroovySystem.getMetaClassRegistry().getMetaClass(anInterface);
method = getMetaMethod(instanceKlazz, methodName, arguments, infMetaClass, method);
method = findSubClassMethod(instanceKlazz, methodName, arguments, metaClass, method);
method = findOwnMethod(instanceKlazz, methodName, arguments, metaClass, method);
return method;
protected static MetaMethod findOwnMethod(Class instanceKlazz, String methodName, Class[] arguments, MetaClass metaClass, MetaMethod method) {
// we trick ourselves here
if (instanceKlazz != metaClass.getTheClass()) {
MetaMethod ownMethod = metaClass.pickMethod(methodName, arguments);
if (ownMethod != null) {
method = (method == null ? ownMethod : mostSpecific(method, ownMethod, instanceKlazz));
return method;
protected Object getSubclassMetaMethods(String methodName) {
return null;
private abstract class MethodIndexAction {
public void iterate() {
final ComplexKeyHashMap.Entry[] table = metaMethodIndex.methodHeaders.getTable();
int len = table.length;
for (int i = 0; i != len; ++i) {
for (SingleKeyHashMap.Entry classEntry = (SingleKeyHashMap.Entry) table[i];
classEntry != null;
classEntry = (SingleKeyHashMap.Entry) {
Class clazz = (Class) classEntry.getKey();
if (skipClass(clazz)) continue;
MetaMethodIndex.Header header = (MetaMethodIndex.Header) classEntry.getValue();
for (MetaMethodIndex.Entry nameEntry = header.head; nameEntry != null; nameEntry = nameEntry.nextClassEntry) {
methodNameAction(clazz, nameEntry);
public abstract void methodNameAction(Class clazz, MetaMethodIndex.Entry methods);
public boolean skipClass(Class clazz) {
return false;
* <p>Retrieves a property on the given object for the specified arguments.
* @param object The Object which the property is being retrieved from
* @param property The name of the property
* @return The properties value
public Object getProperty(Object object, String property) {
return getProperty(theClass, object, property, false, false);
* <p>Sets a property on the given object for the specified arguments.
* @param object The Object which the property is being retrieved from
* @param property The name of the property
* @param newValue The new value
public void setProperty(Object object, String property, Object newValue) {
setProperty(theClass, object, property, newValue, false, false);
* Retrieves the value of an attribute (field). This method is to support the Groovy runtime and not for general client API usage.
* @param object The object to get the attribute from
* @param attribute The name of the attribute
* @return The attribute value
public Object getAttribute(final Object object, final String attribute) {
return getAttribute(theClass, object, attribute, false, false);
* Sets the value of an attribute (field). This method is to support the Groovy runtime and not for general client API usage.
* @param object The object to get the attribute from
* @param attribute The name of the attribute
* @param newValue The new value of the attribute
public void setAttribute(final Object object, final String attribute, final Object newValue) {
setAttribute(theClass, object, attribute, newValue, false, false);
* Selects a method by name and argument classes. This method
* does not search for an exact match, it searches for a compatible
* method. For this the method selection mechanism is used as provided
* by the implementation of this MetaClass. pickMethod may or may
* not be used during the method selection process when invoking a method.
* There is no warranty for that.
* @param methodName the name of the method to pick
* @param arguments the method arguments
* @return a matching MetaMethod or null
* @throws GroovyRuntimeException if there is more than one matching method
public MetaMethod pickMethod(String methodName, Class[] arguments) {
return getMethodWithoutCaching(theClass, methodName, arguments, false);
* indicates is the meta class method invocation for non-static methods is done
* through a custom invoker object.
* @return true - if the method invocation is not done by the meta class itself
public boolean hasCustomInvokeMethod() {
return invokeMethodMethod != null;
* indicates is the meta class method invocation for static methods is done
* through a custom invoker object.
* @return true - if the method invocation is not done by the meta class itself
public boolean hasCustomStaticInvokeMethod() {
return false;
* remove all method call cache entries. This should be done if a
* method is added during runtime, but not by using a category.
protected void clearInvocationCaches() {
private static final SingleKeyHashMap.Copier NAME_INDEX_COPIER = value -> {
if (value instanceof FastArray) {
return ((FastArray) value).copy();
} else {
return value;
private static final SingleKeyHashMap.Copier METHOD_INDEX_COPIER = value -> SingleKeyHashMap.copy(new SingleKeyHashMap(false), (SingleKeyHashMap) value, NAME_INDEX_COPIER);
static class MethodIndex extends Index {
public MethodIndex(boolean b) {
public MethodIndex(int size) {
public MethodIndex() {
MethodIndex copy() {
return (MethodIndex) SingleKeyHashMap.copy(new MethodIndex(false), this, METHOD_INDEX_COPIER);
protected Object clone() throws CloneNotSupportedException {
return super.clone();
public static class Index extends SingleKeyHashMap {
public Index(int size) {
public Index() {
public Index(boolean size) {
public SingleKeyHashMap getNotNull(CachedClass key) {
Entry res = getOrPut(key);
if (res.value == null) {
res.value = new SingleKeyHashMap();
return (SingleKeyHashMap) res.value;
public void put(CachedClass key, SingleKeyHashMap value) {
getOrPut(key).value = value;
public SingleKeyHashMap getNullable(CachedClass clazz) {
return (SingleKeyHashMap) get(clazz);
public boolean checkEquals(ComplexKeyHashMap.Entry e, Object key) {
return ((Entry) e).key.equals(key);
private static class DummyMetaMethod extends MetaMethod {
public int getModifiers() {
return 0;
public String getName() {
return null;
public Class getReturnType() {
return null;
public CachedClass getDeclaringClass() {
return null;
public ParameterTypes getParamTypes() {
return null;
public Object invoke(Object object, Object[] arguments) {
return null;
private Tuple2<Object, MetaMethod> invokeMethod(MetaMethod method,
Object delegate,
Closure closure,
String methodName,
Class[] argClasses,
Object[] originalArguments,
Object owner) {
if (method == null && delegate != closure && delegate != null) {
MetaClass delegateMetaClass = lookupObjectMetaClass(delegate);
method = delegateMetaClass.pickMethod(methodName, argClasses);
if (method != null)
return new Tuple2<>(delegateMetaClass.invokeMethod(delegate, methodName, originalArguments), method);
if (method == null && owner != closure) {
MetaClass ownerMetaClass = lookupObjectMetaClass(owner);
method = ownerMetaClass.pickMethod(methodName, argClasses);
if (method != null)
return new Tuple2<>(ownerMetaClass.invokeMethod(owner, methodName, originalArguments), method);
return new Tuple2<>(InvokeMethodResult.NONE, method);
private enum InvokeMethodResult {
public boolean isPermissivePropertyAccess() {
return permissivePropertyAccess;
public void setPermissivePropertyAccess(boolean permissivePropertyAccess) {
this.permissivePropertyAccess = permissivePropertyAccess;