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package org.codehaus.groovy.transform
import gls.CompilableTestSupport
* Tests for the {@code @Delegate} AST transform.
class DelegateTransformTest extends CompilableTestSupport {
/** fix for GROOVY-3380 */
void testDelegateImplementingANonPublicInterface() {
assertScript """
import org.codehaus.groovy.transform.ClassImplementingANonPublicInterface
class DelegatingToClassImplementingANonPublicInterface {
@Delegate ClassImplementingANonPublicInterface delegate = new ClassImplementingANonPublicInterface()
def constant = new DelegatingToClassImplementingANonPublicInterface().returnConstant()
assert constant == "constant"
/** fix for GROOVY-3380 */
void testDelegateImplementingANonPublicInterfaceWithZipFileConcreteCase() {
assertScript """
class ZipWrapper{
@Delegate ZipFile zipFile
new ZipWrapper()
/** test for GROOVY-5974 */
void testDelegateExcludes() {
assertScript """
class MapSet {
@Delegate(interfaces=false, excludes=['remove','clear']) Map m = [a: 1]
@Delegate Set s = new LinkedHashSet([2, 3, 4] as Set) // HashSet not good enough in JDK 1.5
String toString() { m.toString() + ' ' + s }
def ms = new MapSet()
assert ms.size() == 1
assert ms.toString() == '[a:1] [2, 3, 4]'
assert ms.size() == 1
assert ms.toString() == '[a:1] [2, 4]'
assert ms.toString() == '[a:1] []'
void testDelegateCompileStatic() {
assertScript """
class MapSet {
@Delegate(interfaces=false, excludes=['remove','clear']) Map m = [a: 1]
@Delegate Set s = new LinkedHashSet([2, 3, 4] as Set)
String toString() { m.toString() + ' ' + s }
def ms = new MapSet()
assert ms.size() == 1
assert ms.toString() == '{a=1} [2, 3, 4]'
assert ms.size() == 1
assert ms.toString() == '{a=1} [2, 4]'
assert ms.toString() == '{a=1} []'
void testLock() {
def res = new GroovyShell().evaluate("""
import java.util.concurrent.locks.*
class LockableMap {
@Delegate private Map map = [:]
@Delegate private Lock lock = new ReentrantLock ()
@Delegate(interfaces=false) private List list = new ArrayList ()
new LockableMap ()
try {
res[0] = 0
res[1] = 1
res[2] = 2
res.add("in list")
finally {
assertEquals([0: 0, 1: 1, 2: 2], res.@map)
assertEquals("in list", res.@list[0])
assertTrue res instanceof Map
assertTrue res instanceof java.util.concurrent.locks.Lock
assertFalse res instanceof List
void testMultiple() {
def res = new GroovyShell().evaluate("""
class X {
def value = 10
class Y {
@Delegate X x = new X ()
@Delegate XX xx = new XX ()
void setValue (v) {
this.@x.@value = 12
class XX {
def value2 = 11
new Y ()
assertEquals 10, res.value
assertEquals 11, res.value2
res.value = 123
assertEquals 12, res.value
void testUsingDateCompiles() {
assertScript """
class Foo {
@Delegate Date d = new Date();
/** fix for GROOVY-3471 */
void testDelegateOnAMapTypeFieldWithInitializationUsingConstructorProperties() {
assertScript """
class Test3471 { @Delegate Map mp }
def t = new Test3471(mp: new HashMap()) // this was resulting in a NPE due to MetaClassImpl's special handling of Map
assert t.keySet().size() == 0
/** GROOVY-3323 */
void testDelegateTransformCorrectlyDelegatesMethodsFromSuperInterfaces() {
assert new DelegateBarImpl(new DelegateFooImpl()).bar() == 'bar impl'
assert new DelegateBarImpl(new DelegateFooImpl()).foo() == 'foo impl'
/** GROOVY-3555 */
void testDelegateTransformIgnoresDeprecatedMethodsByDefault() {
def b1 = new DelegateBarForcingDeprecated(baz: new BazWithDeprecatedFoo())
def b2 = new DelegateBarWithoutDeprecated(baz: new BazWithDeprecatedFoo())
assert == 'bar'
assert == 'bar'
assert == 'foo'
shouldFail(MissingMethodException) {
assert == 'foo'
/** GROOVY-4163 */
void testDelegateTransformAllowsInterfacesAndDelegation() {
assertScript """
class Temp implements Runnable {
private Thread runnable
static main(args) {
def thread = Thread.currentThread()
def temp = new Temp(runnable: thread)
void testDelegateToSelfTypeShouldFail() {
shouldNotCompile """
class B {
@Delegate B b = new B()
static main(args){
new B()
// GROOVY-4265
void testShouldPreferDelegatedOverStaticSuperMethod() {
assertScript """
class A {
static foo(){"A->foo()"}
class B extends A {
@Delegate C c = new C()
class C {
def foo(){"C->foo()"}
assert new B().foo() == 'C->foo()'
void testDelegateToObjectShouldFail() {
shouldNotCompile """
class B {
@Delegate b = new Object()
/** GROOVY-4244 */
void testSetPropertiesThroughDelegate() {
def foo = new Foo4244()
assert foo.nonFinalBaz == 'Initial value - nonFinalBaz'
foo.nonFinalBaz = 'New value - nonFinalBaz'
assert foo.nonFinalBaz == 'New value - nonFinalBaz'
assert foo.finalBaz == 'Initial value - finalBaz'
shouldFail(ReadOnlyPropertyException) {
foo.finalBaz = 'New value - finalBaz'
void testDelegateSuperInterfaces_Groovy4619() {
assert 'doSomething' in SomeClass4619.class.methods*.name
// GROOVY-5112
void testGenericsOnArray() {
assertScript '''
class ListWrapper {
List myList
URL homepage
new ListWrapper()
// GROOVY-5732
void testInterfacesFromSuperClasses() {
assertScript '''
interface I5732 {
void aMethod()
abstract class AbstractBaseClass implements I5732 { }
abstract class DelegatedClass extends AbstractBaseClass {
void aMethod() {}
class Delegator {
@Delegate private DelegatedClass delegate
assert I5732.isAssignableFrom(Delegator)
// GROOVY-5729
void testDeprecationWithInterfaces() {
assertScript '''
interface I5729 {
void aMethod()
class Delegator1 {
@Delegate private I5729 delegate
assert I5729.isAssignableFrom(Delegator1)
assert Delegator1.methods*.name.contains('aMethod')
class Delegator2 {
@Delegate(interfaces=false) private I5729 delegate
assert !I5729.isAssignableFrom(Delegator2)
assert !Delegator2.methods*.name.contains('aMethod')
class Delegator3 {
@Delegate(interfaces=false, deprecated=true) private I5729 delegate
assert !I5729.isAssignableFrom(Delegator3)
assert Delegator3.methods*.name.contains('aMethod')
// GROOVY-5446
void testDelegateWithParameterAnnotations() {
assertScript """
import java.lang.annotation.*
public @interface SomeAnnotation {
class A {
def method(@SomeAnnotation def param) { "Test" }
class A_Delegate {
@Delegate(parameterAnnotations = true)
A a = new A()
def originalMethod = A.getMethod('method', [Object.class] as Class[])
def originalAnno = originalMethod.parameterAnnotations[0][0]
def delegateMethod = A_Delegate.getMethod('method', [Object.class] as Class[])
def delegateAnno = delegateMethod.parameterAnnotations[0][0]
println delegateMethod.parameterAnnotations
assert delegateAnno == originalAnno
void testDelegateWithMethodAnnotations() {
assertScript """
import java.lang.annotation.*
public @interface SomeAnnotation {
int value()
class A {
def method( def param) { "Test" }
class A_Delegate {
@Delegate(methodAnnotations = true)
A a = new A()
def originalMethod = A.getMethod('method', [Object.class] as Class[])
def originalAnno = originalMethod.declaredAnnotations[0]
def delegateMethod = A_Delegate.getMethod('method', [Object.class] as Class[])
def delegateAnno = delegateMethod.declaredAnnotations[1]
assert delegateAnno == originalAnno
assert delegateAnno.value() == 42
assert delegateAnno.value() == originalAnno.value()
void testParameterAnnotationsShouldNotBeCarriedOverByDefault() {
assertScript """
import java.lang.annotation.*
public @interface SomeAnnotation {
class A {
def method(@SomeAnnotation def param) { "Test" }
class A_Delegate {
A a = new A()
def originalMethod = A.getMethod('method', [Object.class] as Class[])
def originalAnno = originalMethod.parameterAnnotations[0][0]
def delegateMethod = A_Delegate.getMethod('method', [Object.class] as Class[])
assert delegateMethod.parameterAnnotations[0].length == 0
// this test reflects that we currently don't support carrying over
// Closure Annotations rather than a desired design goal
// TODO: support Closure Annotations and then remove/change this test
void testAnnotationWithClosureMemberIsNotSupported() {
def message = shouldFail {
assertScript """
import java.lang.annotation.*
public @interface SomeAnnotation {
Class value()
class A {
@SomeAnnotation({ param != null })
def method(def param) { "Test" }
class A_Delegate {
@Delegate(methodAnnotations = true)
A a = new A()
assert message.contains('@Delegate does not support keeping Closure annotation members.')
// this test reflects that we currently don't support carrying over
// Closure Annotations rather than a desired design goal
// TODO: support Closure Annotations and then remove/change this test
void testAnnotationWithClosureClassDescendantIsNotSupported() {
def message = shouldFail {
assertScript """
import java.lang.annotation.*
public @interface SomeAnnotation {
Class value()
class A {
def method(def param) { "Test" }
class A_Delegate {
@Delegate(methodAnnotations = true)
A a = new A()
assert message.contains('@Delegate does not support keeping Closure annotation members.')
// GROOVY-5445
void testDelegateToSuperProperties() {
assertScript """
class Foo {
@Delegate Bar delegate = new Bar()
def foo() {
bar = "bar"
baz = "baz"
class Bar extends Baz { String bar }
class Baz { String baz }
def f = new Foo()
assert + f.baz == 'barbaz'
// GROOVY-7243
void testInclude() {
assertScript '''
class Book {
String title
String author
String getTitleAndAuthor() {
"${title} : ${author}"
String getAuthorAndTitle() {
"${author} : ${title}"
class OwnedBook {
String owner
@Delegate(includes=['author', 'getTitleAndAuthor'])
Book book
Book book = new Book(title: 'Ulysses', author: 'James Joyce')
OwnedBook ownedBook = new OwnedBook(owner: 'John Smith', book: book) = 'John Smith'
assert == 'John Smith'
assert ownedBook.getTitleAndAuthor() == 'Ulysses : John Smith'
try {
assert false, 'Non-included methods should not be delegated'
} catch(groovy.lang.MissingMethodException expected) {
try {
ownedBook.title = 'Finnegans Wake'
assert false, 'Non-included properties should not be delegated'
} catch(groovy.lang.MissingPropertyException expected) {
// GROOVY-6329
void testIncludeAndExcludeByType() {
assertScript """
interface OddInclusionsTU<T, U> {
boolean addAll(Collection<? extends T> t)
boolean add(U u)
T remove(int index)
interface OddInclusionsU<U> extends OddInclusionsTU<Integer, U> { }
interface OddInclusions extends OddInclusionsU<Integer> { }
interface OtherInclusions {
void clear()
interface EvenExclusions extends OddInclusions, OtherInclusions { }
class MixedNumbers {
// collection variant of addAll and remove will work on odd list
@Delegate(includeTypes=OddInclusions) List<Integer> odds = [1, 3]
// clear will work on other list
@Delegate(includeTypes=OtherInclusions) List<Integer> others = [0]
// all other methods will work on even list
@Delegate(excludeTypes=EvenExclusions) List<Integer> evens = [2, 4, 6]
def getAll() { evens + odds + others }
def list = new MixedNumbers()
assert list.all == [2, 4, 6, 1, 3, 0]
list.addAll([7, 9])
list.addAll(1, [8])
assert list.indexOf(8) == 1
assert list.all == [2, 8, 4, 6, 3, 5, 7, 9]
// GROOVY-5211
void testAvoidFieldNameClashWithParameterName() {
assertScript """
class A {
def foo(a) { a * 2 }
class B {
@Delegate A a = new A()
assert new B().foo(10) == 20
// GROOVY-6542
void testLineNumberInStackTrace() {
try {
assertScript '''import groovy.transform.ASTTest
import org.codehaus.groovy.control.CompilePhase
@ASTTest(phase=CompilePhase.CANONICALIZATION, value={
def fieldNode = node.getDeclaredField('thingie')
def blowupMethod = node.getDeclaredMethod('blowup')
def mce = blowupMethod.code.expression
assert mce.lineNumber==fieldNode.lineNumber
assert mce.lineNumber>0
class Upper {
@Delegate Lower thingie
Upper() {
thingie = new Lower()
class Lower {
def foo() {
def blowup(String a) {
throw new Exception("blow up with ${a}")
def blowup() {
throw new Exception("blow up")
def up = new Upper()
} catch (e) {
// ok
void testShouldNotReuseRawClassNode() {
assertScript '''import org.codehaus.groovy.transform.DelegateMap
class Foo {
DelegateMap dm = new DelegateMap()
def foo = new Foo()
assert == '123'
// GROOVY-7118
void testDelegateOfMethodHavingPlaceholder() {
assertScript """
interface FooInt {
public <T extends Throwable> T get(Class<T> clazz) throws Exception
class Foo implements FooInt {
public <T extends Throwable> T get(Class<T> clazz) throws Exception {
class FooMain {
@Delegate Foo foo = new Foo()
class FooMain2 {
@Delegate Foo foo = new Foo()
assert new FooMain().get(Exception).class == Exception
assert new FooMain2().get(Exception).class == Exception
import org.codehaus.groovy.transform.Bar
class BarMain {
@Delegate Bar bar = new Bar()
assert new BarMain().get(Exception).class == Exception
// GROOVY-7261
void testShouldWorkWithLazyTransform() {
assertScript '''
class Foo {
private @Delegate @Lazy ArrayList list = ['bar', 'baz']
// fragile: $list is an internal implementation detail that may change
def getInternalDelegate() { $list }
def f = new Foo()
assert f.internalDelegate == null
assert f.size() == 2
assert f.internalDelegate == ['bar', 'baz']
// GROOVY-6454
void testMethodsWithInternalNameShouldNotBeDelegatedTo() {
assertScript '''
class HasMethodWithInternalName {
void $() {
class DelegatesToHasMethodWithInternalName {
HasMethodWithInternalName hasMethodWithInternalName
assert !new DelegatesToHasMethodWithInternalName().respondsTo('$')
// GROOVY-6454
void testMethodsWithInternalNameShouldBeDelegatedToIfRequested() {
assertScript '''
interface HasMethodWithInternalName {
void $()
class DelegatesToHasMethodWithInternalName {
@Delegate(allNames = true)
HasMethodWithInternalName hasMethodWithInternalName
assert new DelegatesToHasMethodWithInternalName().respondsTo('$')
// GROOVY-6454
void testProperitesWithInternalNameShouldBeDelegatedToIfRequested() {
assertScript '''
class HasPropertyWithInternalName {
def $
class DelegatesToHasPropertyWithInternalName {
@Delegate(allNames = true)
HasPropertyWithInternalName hasPropertyWithInternalName
def delegates = new DelegatesToHasPropertyWithInternalName()
assert delegates.respondsTo('get$')
assert delegates.respondsTo('set$')
void testDelegateToGetterMethod() {
// given:
def delegate = { new DelegateFooImpl() }
// when:
def foo = new FooToMethod(delegate)
// then:
assert == delegate().foo()
// GROOVY-5752
void testDelegationShouldAccountForPrimitiveBooleanProperties() {
assertScript """
class A {
boolean a
boolean b
boolean isB() { b }
boolean c
boolean getC() { c }
class B {
@Delegate A a = new A(a: true, b: true, c: true)
def a = new A(a: true, b: true, c: true)
assert a.getA()
assert a.isA()
assert a.isB()
assert a.getC()
def b = new B()
assert b.getA()
assert b.isA()
assert b.isB()
assert b.getC()
void testOwnerPropertyPreferredToDelegateProperty() {
assertScript '''
class Foo {
String pls
Bar bar
class Bar {
String pls
assert new Foo(pls: 'ok').pls == 'ok'
void testOwnerMethodPreferredToDelegateMethod() {
assertScript '''
class Foo {
String pls() { 'foo pls' }
Bar bar
class Bar {
String pls() { 'bar pls' }
assert new Foo(bar: new Bar()).pls() == 'foo pls'
// GROOVY-8204
void testDelegateToArray() {
assertScript '''
import groovy.lang.Delegate
class BugsMe {
String[] content = ['foo', 'bar']
assert new BugsMe().content.join() == 'foobar'
assert new BugsMe().content.length == 2
assert new BugsMe().length == 2
// GROOVY-9289
void testExcludesWithInvalidPropertyNameResultsInError() {
def message = shouldFail """
class WMap {
String name
@Delegate(excludes = "name")
Map<String, String> data
WMap(String name, Map<String, String> data) { = name = data
new WMap('example', [name: 'weird'])
assert message.contains("Error during @Delegate processing: 'excludes' property or method 'name' does not exist.")
// GROOVY-8825
void testDelegateToPrecompiledGroovyGeneratedMethod() {
assertScript '''
import org.codehaus.groovy.transform.CompiledClass8825
class B {
@Delegate(methodAnnotations = true)
private final CompiledClass8825 delegate = new CompiledClass8825()
assert new B().s == '456'
interface DelegateFoo {
def foo()
class DelegateFooImpl implements DelegateFoo {
def foo() { 'foo impl' }
interface DelegateBar extends DelegateFoo {
def bar()
class DelegateBarImpl implements DelegateBar {
@Delegate DelegateFoo foo;
DelegateBarImpl(DelegateFoo f) { = f}
def bar() { 'bar impl'}
class BazWithDeprecatedFoo {
@Deprecated foo() { 'foo' }
def bar() { 'bar' }
class DelegateBarWithoutDeprecated {
@Delegate BazWithDeprecatedFoo baz
class DelegateBarForcingDeprecated {
@Delegate(deprecated=true) BazWithDeprecatedFoo baz
class Foo4244 {
@Delegate Bar4244 bar = new Bar4244()
class FooToMethod {
private final Closure<DelegateFoo> strategy
FooToMethod(Closure<DelegateFoo> strategy) {
this.strategy = strategy
DelegateFoo getStrategy() { strategy() }
class Bar4244 {
String nonFinalBaz = "Initial value - nonFinalBaz"
final String finalBaz = "Initial value - finalBaz"
interface SomeInterface4619 {
void doSomething()
interface SomeOtherInterface4619 extends SomeInterface4619 {}
class SomeClass4619 {
SomeOtherInterface4619 delegate
interface BarInt {
public <T extends Throwable> T get(Class<T> clazz) throws Exception
class Bar implements BarInt {
public <T extends Throwable> T get(Class<T> clazz) throws Exception {
class CompiledClass8825 {
final String s = '456'
class DelegateMap {
protected final @Delegate Map props = [x:'123']