blob: 67f4b06fcb11b6b38d637c21e6ceab418f86d142 [file] [log] [blame]
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* Unit tests for static type checking : unary and binary expressions.
class STCnAryExpressionTest extends StaticTypeCheckingTestCase {
void testBinaryStringPlus() {
assertScript '''
String str = 'a'
String str2 = 'b'
void testBinaryStringPlusInt() {
assertScript '''
String str = 'a'
int num = 2
void testBinaryObjectPlusInt() {
shouldFailWithMessages '''
def obj = new Object()
int num = 2
'Cannot find matching method java.lang.Object#plus(int)'
void testBinaryIntPlusObject() {
shouldFailWithMessages '''
def obj = new Object()
int num = 2
'Cannot find matching method int#plus(java.lang.Object)'
// GROOVY-10818
void testBinaryTimeDurationPlus() {
assertScript '''import groovy.time.*
TimeDuration td1 = new TimeDuration(0, 1, 20, 43, 0)
TimeDuration td2 = new TimeDuration(0, 0, 20, 17, 0)
Duration d = td1 + td2
void testPrimitiveComparison() {
assertScript '''
assertScript '''
assertScript '''
assertScript '''
assertScript '''
void testBoxedTypeComparison() {
assertScript '''
1<new Integer(2)
assertScript '''
1>new Integer(2)
assertScript '''
1<=new Integer(2)
assertScript '''
1>=new Integer(2)
assertScript '''
1==new Integer(2)
void testOtherTypeComparison() {
shouldFailWithMessages '''
def that = new Object()
def test = (that >= this)
test.booleanValue() // no error
'Cannot find matching method java.lang.Object#compareTo'
void testShiftOnPrimitives() {
assertScript '''
1 << 8
assertScript '''
1 >> 8
assertScript '''
1 >>> 8
void testShiftOnPrimitivesThroughVariables() {
assertScript '''
int x = 1
int y = 8
x << y
assertScript '''
int x = 1
int y = 8
x >> y
assertScript '''
int x = 1
int y = 8
x >>> y
// GROOVY-5644
void testSpaceshipOperatorNoAmbiguousError() {
assertScript '''
Integer x = 3
Integer y = 4
assert (x <=> y) == -1
// GROOVY-6137, GROOVY-7473, GROOVY-10909
void testInOperatorImplicitNullSafetyChecks() {
assertScript '''
class C {
int i = 0
int getA() { i++ }
boolean isCase(obj) { true }
boolean isNotCase(obj) { false }
new C().with { c ->
assert !(a !in c)
assert i == 1
assert a in c
assert i == 2
// GROOVY-10915
void testInNotInAndUnaryNotOperatorConsistent() {
assertScript '''
class C {
boolean isCase(obj) { true }
def c = new C()
assert 0 in c
assert !!(0 in c)
assert !(0 !in c)
assert (0 !in c) == false
// GROOVY-7473
void testInOperatorShouldEvaluateOperandsOnce() {
assertScript '''
import groovy.transform.Field
@Field int i = 0
@Field int j = 0
int getA() { i++ }
int getB() { j++ }
assert a in b
assert i == 1
assert j == 1
assertScript '''
import groovy.transform.Field
@Field int i = 0
@Field int j = 0
def getA() { i++; null }
def getB() { j++ }
assert !(a in b)
assert i == 1
assert j == 1
assertScript '''
import groovy.transform.Field
@Field int i = 0
@Field int j = 0
def getA() { i++ }
def getB() { j++; null }
assert !(a in b)
assert i == 1
assert j == 1
// GROOVY-6137, GROOVY-7473, GROOVY-10383
void testInOperatorShouldEvaluateOperandsOnce2() {
assertScript '''
import groovy.transform.Field
@Field int i = 0
@Field int j = 0
int getA() { i++ }
int getB() { j++ }
assert !(a !in b)
assert i == 1
assert j == 1
assertScript '''
import groovy.transform.Field
@Field int i = 0
@Field int j = 0
def getA() { i++; null }
def getB() { j++ }
assert a !in b
assert i == 1
assert j == 1
assertScript '''
import groovy.transform.Field
@Field int i = 0
@Field int j = 0
def getA() { i++ }
def getB() { j++; null }
assert a !in b
assert i == 1
assert j == 1
// GROOVY-10394
void testUfoOperatorShouldEvaluateOperandsOnce() {
assertScript '''
import groovy.transform.Field
@Field int i = 0
@Field int j = 1
Integer getA() { i++ }
Integer getB() { j++ }
assert (a <=> b) < 0
assert i == 1
assert j == 2
void testComparisonOperatorCheckWithIncompatibleTypesOkIfComparableNotImplemented() {
shouldFailWithMessages '''
[] < 1
'Cannot find matching method java.util.ArrayList#compareTo(int)'
void testComparisonOperatorCheckWithIncompatibleTypesFailsIfComparableImplemented() {
shouldFailWithMessages '''
'abc' < 1
'Cannot call java.lang.String#compareTo(java.lang.String) with arguments [int]'
void testCompareToCallCheckWithIncompatibleTypesAlsoFailsIfComparableImplemented() {
shouldFailWithMessages '''
'Cannot call java.lang.String#compareTo(java.lang.String) with arguments [int]'