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* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
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* under the License.
package gls.innerClass
import groovy.test.NotYetImplemented
import groovy.transform.CompileStatic
import org.codehaus.groovy.control.CompilationFailedException
import org.junit.Test
import static groovy.test.GroovyAssert.assertScript
import static groovy.test.GroovyAssert.shouldFail
final class InnerClassTest {
void testTimerAIC() {
assertScript '''
import java.util.concurrent.CountDownLatch
import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit
CountDownLatch called = new CountDownLatch(1)
Timer timer = new Timer()
timer.schedule(new TimerTask() {
void run() {
}, 0)
assert called.await(10, TimeUnit.SECONDS)
void testAICReferenceInClosure() {
assertScript '''
def y = [true]
def o = new Object() {
def foo() {
def c = {
assert y[0]
void testExtendsObjectAndAccessAFinalVariableInScope() {
assertScript '''
final String objName = "My name is Guillaume"
assert new Object() {
String toString() { objName }
}.toString() == objName
void testExtendsObjectAndReferenceAMethodParameterWithinAGString() {
assertScript '''
Object makeObj0(String name) {
new Object() {
String toString() { "My name is \${name}" }
assert makeObj0("Guillaume").toString() == "My name is Guillaume"
void testExtendsObjectAndReferenceAGStringPropertyDependingOnAMethodParameter() {
assertScript '''
Object makeObj1(String name) {
new Object() {
String objName = "My name is \${name}"
String toString() { objName }
assert makeObj1("Guillaume").toString() == "My name is Guillaume"
void testUsageOfInitializerBlockWithinAnAIC() {
assertScript '''
Object makeObj2(String name) {
new Object() {
String objName
// initializer block
objName = "My name is " + name
String toString() {
assert makeObj2("Guillaume").toString() == "My name is Guillaume"
@Test // GROOVY-8423
void testPrivateInnerClassHasPrivateModifier() {
assertScript '''
import static java.lang.reflect.Modifier.*
class A {
private class B {}
int modifiers = A.B.modifiers
assert isPrivate(modifiers)
@Test // GROOVY-8423
void testProtectedInnerClassHasProtectedModifier() {
assertScript '''
import static java.lang.reflect.Modifier.*
class A {
protected class B {}
int modifiers = A.B.modifiers
assert isProtected(modifiers)
@Test // GROOVY-8423
void testPackagePrivateInnerClassHasProtectedModifier() {
assertScript '''
import static java.lang.reflect.Modifier.*
class A {
@groovy.transform.PackageScope class B {}
int modifiers = A.B.modifiers
assert !isPrivate(modifiers) && !isProtected(modifiers) && !isPublic(modifiers)
void testStaticInnerClass() {
assertScript '''
import static java.lang.reflect.Modifier.*
class A {
static class B {}
def b = new A.B()
assert b != null
int modifiers = A.B.modifiers
assert isPublic(modifiers)
void testStaticInnerClass2() {
assertScript '''
class A {
static class B{}
assert A.declaredClasses.length==1
assert A.declaredClasses[0]==A.B
void testNonStaticInnerClass() {
assertScript '''
class A {
class B {
final String foo = 'foo'
def b = new A.B(new A())
assert == 'foo'
@Test @NotYetImplemented
void testNonStaticInnerClass2() {
shouldFail CompilationFailedException, '''
class A {
class B {}
def x = new A.B() // requires reference to A
void testAnonymousInnerClass() {
assertScript '''
class Foo {}
def x = new Foo(){
def bar() { 1 }
assert == 1
void testLocalVariable() {
assertScript '''
class Foo {}
final val = 2
def x = new Foo() {
def bar() { val }
assert == val
assert == 2
void testConstructor() {
shouldFail CompilationFailedException, '''
class Foo {}
def x = new Foo() {
Foo() {}
void testUsageOfOuterField() {
assertScript '''
interface Run {
def run()
class Foo {
private x = 1
def foo() {
def runner = new Run() {
def run() { return x }
void x(y) { x = y }
def foo = new Foo()
assert == 1
assert == 2
void testUsageOfOuterField2() {
assertScript '''
interface Run {
def run()
class Foo {
private static x = 1
static foo() {
def runner = new Run() {
def run() { return x }
static x(y) { x = y }
assert == 1
assert == 2
void testUsageOfOuterField3() {
assertScript '''
interface X {
def m()
class A {
def pm = "pm"
def bar(x) {x().m()}
def foo() {
bar { ->
return new X() {
def m() { pm }
def a = new A()
assert "pm" ==
@Test // GROOVY-6141
void testUsageOfOuterField4() {
assertScript '''
class A {
def x = 1
def b = new B()
class B {
def y = 2
def c = new C()
def f () {
assert y==2
assert x==1
class C {
def z = 3
def f() {
assert z==3
assert y==2
assert x==1
def a = new A()
@Test // GROOVY-9189
void testUsageOfOuterField5() {
assertScript '''
interface Run {
def run()
class Foo {
private static x = 1
static foo(def runner = new Run() {
def run() { return x }
}) {
static x(y) { x = y }
assert == 1
assert == 2
@Test // GROOVY-9168
void testUsageOfOuterField6() {
assertScript '''
class A {
// AIC in this position can use static properties:
A(Runnable action = new Runnable() { void run() { answer = 42 }}) {
this.action = action
Runnable action
static int answer
def a = new A();
assert a.answer == 42
void testUsageOfOuterFieldOverridden() {
assertScript '''
interface Run {
def run()
class Foo {
private x = 1
def foo() {
def runner = new Run() {
def run() { return x } // <-- dynamic variable
void setX(val) { x = val }
class Bar extends Foo {
def x = 'string' // hides 'foo.@x' and overrides 'foo.setX(val)'
def bar = new Bar()
assert == 'string'
bar.x = 'new string'
assert == 'new string'
void testUsageOfOuterMethod() {
assertScript '''
interface Run {
def run()
class Foo {
private x() { return 1 }
def foo() {
def runner = new Run(){
def run() { return x() }
def foo = new Foo()
assert == 1
void testUsageOfOuterMethod2() {
assertScript '''
interface Run {
def run()
class Foo {
private static x() { return 1 }
def foo() {
def runner = new Run() {
def run() { return x() }
def foo = new Foo()
assert == 1
void testUsageOfOuterMethod3() {
assertScript '''
interface Run {
def run()
class Foo {
private static x() { return 1 }
def foo(def runner = new Run() {
def run() { return x() }
}) {
def foo = new Foo()
assert == 1
@Test // GROOVY-9189
void testUsageOfOuterMethod4() {
assertScript '''
interface Run {
def run()
class Foo {
private static x() { return 1 }
static def foo(def runner = new Run() {
def run() { return x() }
}) {
def foo = new Foo()
assert == 1
@Test // GROOVY-9168
void testUsageOfOuterMethod5() {
assertScript '''
class A {
// AIC in this position can use static methods:
A(Runnable action = new Runnable() { void run() { setAnswer(42) }}) {
this.action = action
Runnable action
static int answer
def a = new A();
assert a.answer == 42
void testUsageOfOuterMethodOverridden() {
assertScript '''
interface Run {
def run()
class Foo {
private x() { return 1 }
def foo() {
def runner = new Run() {
def run() { return x() }
class Bar extends Foo {
def x() { return 2 }
def bar = new Bar()
assert == 1
void testUsageOfOuterMethodOverridden2() {
assertScript '''
interface Run {
def run()
class Foo {
private static x() { return 1 }
static foo() {
def runner = new Run() {
def run() { return x() }
class Bar extends Foo {
static x() { return 2 }
def bar = new Bar()
assert == 1
void testClassOutputOrdering() {
// this does actually not do much, but before this
// change the inner class was tried to be executed
// because a class ordering bug. The main method
// makes the Foo class executeable, but Foo$Bar is
// not. So if Foo$Bar is returned, asserScript will
// fail. If Foo is returned, asserScript will not
// fail.
assertScript '''
class Foo {
static class Bar{}
static main(args){}
void testInnerClassDotThisUsage() {
assertScript '''
class A{
int x = 0;
class B{
int y = 2;
class C {
void foo() {
A.this.x = 1
A.B.this.y = 2*B.this.y;
def a = new A()
def b = new A.B(a)
def c = new A.B.C(b)
assert a.x == 1
assert b.y == 4
void testInnerClassDotThisUsage2() {
assertScript '''
interface X {
def m()
class A {
def foo() {
def c = {
return new X(){def m(){
} }
return c().m()
class B extends A {}
def b = new B()
assert instanceof B
@Test // GROOVY-4028
void testImplicitThisPassingWithNamedArguments() {
assertScript '''
class Outer {
def inner() {
new Inner(fName: 'Roshan', lName: 'Dawrani')
class Inner {
Map props
Inner(Map props) {
this.props = props
def outer = new Outer()
def inner = outer.inner()
assert inner.props.size() == 2
void testThis0() {
assertScript '''
class A {
static def field = 10
void main (a) {
new C ().r ()
class C {
def r () {
4.times {
new B(it).u (it)
class B {
def s
B (s) { this.s = s}
def u (i) { println i + s + field }
void testReferencedVariableInAIC() {
assertScript '''
interface X {}
final double delta = 0.1
(0 ..< 1).collect { n ->
new X () {
Double foo () {
void testReferencedVariableInAIC2() {
assertScript '''
interface X {}
final double delta1 = 0.1
final double delta2 = 0.1
(0 ..< 1).collect { n ->
new X () {
Double foo () {
delta1 + delta2
@Test // GROOVY-5989
void testReferenceToOuterClassNestedInterface() {
assertScript '''
interface Koo { class Inner { } }
class Usage implements Koo {
static class MyInner extends Inner { }
assert new Usage() != null
@Test // GROOVY-5679, GROOVY-5681
void testEnclosingMethodIsSet() {
assertScript '''
import groovy.transform.ASTTest
import org.codehaus.groovy.ast.expr.*
import static org.codehaus.groovy.classgen.Verifier.*
import static org.codehaus.groovy.control.CompilePhase.*
class A {
@ASTTest(phase=CLASS_GENERATION, value={
def initialExpression = node.parameters[0].getNodeMetaData(INITIAL_EXPRESSION)
assert initialExpression instanceof ConstructorCallExpression
def icn = initialExpression.type
assert icn instanceof org.codehaus.groovy.ast.InnerClassNode
assert icn.enclosingMethod != null
assert == 'bar'
assert icn.enclosingMethod.parameters.length == 0 // ensure the enclosing method is bar(), not bar(Object)
void bar(action = new Runnable() { void run() { x = 123 }}) {
int x
def a = new A()
assert a.x == 123
@Test // GROOVY-5681, GROOVY-9151
void testEnclosingMethodIsSet2() {
assertScript '''
import groovy.transform.ASTTest
import org.codehaus.groovy.ast.expr.*
import static org.codehaus.groovy.classgen.Verifier.*
import static org.codehaus.groovy.control.CompilePhase.*
@ASTTest(phase=CLASS_GENERATION, value={
def init = node.parameters[0].getNodeMetaData(INITIAL_EXPRESSION)
assert init instanceof MapExpression
assert init.mapEntryExpressions[0].valueExpression instanceof ConstructorCallExpression
def type = init.mapEntryExpressions[0].valueExpression.type
assert type.enclosingMethod != null
assert == 'bar'
assert type.enclosingMethod.parameters.length == 0 // ensure the enclosing method is bar(), not bar(Map)
void bar(Map args = [action: new Runnable() { void run() { result = 123 }}]) {
@Test // GROOVY-5681, GROOVY-9151
void testEnclosingMethodIsSet3() {
assertScript '''
import groovy.transform.ASTTest
import org.codehaus.groovy.ast.expr.*
import org.codehaus.groovy.ast.stmt.*
import static org.codehaus.groovy.classgen.Verifier.*
import static org.codehaus.groovy.control.CompilePhase.*
@ASTTest(phase=CLASS_GENERATION, value={
def init = node.parameters[0].getNodeMetaData(INITIAL_EXPRESSION)
assert init instanceof ConstructorCallExpression
assert init.type.enclosingMethod != null
assert == 'bar'
assert init.type.enclosingMethod.parameters.length == 0 // ensure the enclosing method is bar(), not bar(Runnable)
assert init.type.getMethods('run')[0].code instanceof BlockStatement
assert init.type.getMethods('run')[0].code.statements[0] instanceof ExpressionStatement
assert init.type.getMethods('run')[0].code.statements[0].expression instanceof DeclarationExpression
init = init.type.getMethods('run')[0].code.statements[0].expression.rightExpression
assert init instanceof ConstructorCallExpression
assert init.isUsingAnonymousInnerClass()
assert init.type.enclosingMethod != null
assert == 'run'
assert init.type.enclosingMethod.parameters.length == 0
void bar(Runnable runner = new Runnable() {
@Override void run() {
def comparator = new Comparator<int>() {
int compare(int one, int two) {
}) {
@Test // GROOVY-6810
void testThisReferenceForAICInOpenBlock() {
assertScript '''
static void injectVariables(final def instance, def variables) {
instance.class.declaredFields.each { field ->
if (variables[]) {
AccessController.doPrivileged(new PrivilegedAction() {
Object run() {
boolean wasAccessible = field.isAccessible()
try {
field.accessible = true
field.set(instance, variables[])
return null; // return nothing...
} catch (IllegalArgumentException | IllegalAccessException ex) {
throw new IllegalStateException("Cannot set field: " + field, ex)
} finally {
field.accessible = wasAccessible
class Test {def p}
def t = new Test()
injectVariables(t, ['p': 'q'])
@Test // GROOVY-4896
void testThisReferenceForAICInOpenBlock2() {
assertScript '''
def doSomethingUsingLocal(){
logExceptions {
String s1 = "Ok"
Runnable ifA = new Runnable(){
void run(){
def doSomethingUsingParamWorkaround(final String s2){
logExceptions {
String s1=s2
Runnable ifA = new Runnable(){
void run(){
def doSomethingUsingParam(final String s1){ // This always fails
logExceptions {
Runnable ifA = new Runnable(){
void run(){
def doSomethingEmptyRunnable(final String s1){
logExceptions {
Runnable ifA = new Runnable(){
void run(){
def logExceptions(Closure c){
} catch (Throwable e){
return false
return true
assert doSomethingUsingLocal()
assert doSomethingEmptyRunnable("")
assert doSomethingUsingParamWorkaround("Workaround")
assert doSomethingUsingParam("anyString")
@Test // GROOVY-5582
void testAICExtendingAbstractInnerClass() {
assertScript '''
class Outer {
int outer() { 1 }
abstract class Inner {
abstract int inner()
int test() {
Inner inner = new Inner() {
int inner() { outer() }
assert new Outer().test() == 1
@Test // GROOVY-6831
void testNestedPropertyHandling() {
assertScript '''
class Outer {
private static List items = []
void add() { items.add('Outer') }
static class Nested {
void add() { items.add('Nested') }
static class NestedNested {
void add() { items.add('NestedNested') }
void set() { items = ['Overridden'] }
new Outer().add()
new Outer.Nested().add()
new Outer.Nested.NestedNested().add()
assert Outer.items == ["Outer", "Nested", "NestedNested"]
new Outer.Nested.NestedNested().set()
assert Outer.items == ["Overridden"]
@Test // GROOVY-7312
void testInnerClassOfInterfaceIsStatic() {
assertScript '''
import java.lang.reflect.Modifier
interface Baz {
class Pls {}
assert Modifier.isStatic(Baz.Pls.modifiers)
@Test // GROOVY-7312
void testInnerClassOfInterfaceIsStatic2() {
assertScript '''
import java.lang.reflect.Modifier
import groovy.transform.ASTTest
import org.codehaus.groovy.control.CompilePhase
import org.objectweb.asm.Opcodes
@ASTTest(phase = CLASS_GENERATION, value = {
assert node.innerClasses.every { it.modifiers & Opcodes.ACC_STATIC }
interface Baz {
def foo = { "bar" }
@Test // GROOVY-8914
void testNestedClassInheritingFromNestedClass() {
// control
assert new Outer8914.Nested()
assertScript '''
class OuterReferencingPrecompiled {
static class Nested extends gls.innerClass.Parent8914.Nested {}
assert new OuterReferencingPrecompiled.Nested()
@Test // GROOVY-6809
void testReferenceToUninitializedThis() {
def err = shouldFail '''
class Test {
static main(args) {
def a = new A()
static class A {
A() {
def b = new B()
class B extends A {
B() {
assert err =~ / Could not find matching constructor for: Test.A\(Test.A\)/
@Test // GROOVY-6809
void testReferenceToUninitializedThis2() {
assertScript '''
class A {
A() {
this(new Runnable() {
void run() {
private A(Runnable action) {
new A()
@Test // GROOVY-6809
void testReferenceToUninitializedThis3() {
assertScript '''
class A {
A(x) {
class B extends A {
B() {
super(new Object() {})
new B()
@Test // GROOVY-9168
void testReferenceToUninitializedThis4() {
def err = shouldFail '''
class Outer {
class Inner {
Outer(Inner inner) {
Outer() {
this(new Inner())
new Outer()
assert err =~ / Cannot reference 'this' before supertype constructor has been called. /
@Test // GROOVY-9168
void testReferenceToUninitializedThis5() {
def err = shouldFail '''
class Outer {
class Inner {
Outer(Inner inner = new Inner()) {
new Outer()
assert err =~ / Cannot reference 'this' before supertype constructor has been called. /
@Test // GROOVY-9168
void testReferenceToUninitializedThis6() {
assertScript '''
import groovy.transform.ASTTest
import java.util.concurrent.Callable
import org.codehaus.groovy.ast.expr.*
import static org.codehaus.groovy.classgen.Verifier.*
import static org.codehaus.groovy.control.CompilePhase.*
class A {
@ASTTest(phase=CLASS_GENERATION, value={
def init = node.parameters[0].getNodeMetaData(INITIAL_EXPRESSION)
assert init instanceof ConstructorCallExpression
assert init.isUsingAnonymousInnerClass()
assert init.type.enclosingMethod != null
assert == '<init>'
assert init.type.enclosingMethod.parameters.length == 0 // ensure the enclosing method is A(), not A(Runnable)
A(Callable action = new Callable() { def call() { return 42 }}) {
this.action = action
Callable action
def a = new A()
assert == 42
class Parent8914 {
static class Nested {}
class Outer8914 {
static class Nested extends Parent8914.Nested {}