blob: 094ab6c3acf9a6f722ef7e3a2ed1aeeef7a766bc [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
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* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
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* under the License.
package groovy.console.ui
import groovy.beans.Bindable
import groovy.inspect.Inspector
import groovy.swing.SwingBuilder
import groovy.swing.table.TableSorter
import javax.swing.ToolTipManager
import javax.swing.WindowConstants
import java.awt.FlowLayout
import java.awt.Insets
import java.awt.Toolkit
import java.awt.datatransfer.StringSelection
import java.awt.event.MouseAdapter
import java.awt.event.MouseEvent
import static groovy.console.ui.text.SmartDocumentFilter.HIGHLIGHTED_TOKEN_TYPE_LIST
import static groovy.inspect.Inspector.MEMBER_DECLARER_IDX
import static groovy.inspect.Inspector.MEMBER_EXCEPTIONS_IDX
import static groovy.inspect.Inspector.MEMBER_MODIFIER_IDX
import static groovy.inspect.Inspector.MEMBER_NAME_IDX
import static groovy.inspect.Inspector.MEMBER_ORIGIN_IDX
import static groovy.inspect.Inspector.MEMBER_PARAMS_IDX
import static groovy.inspect.Inspector.MEMBER_TYPE_IDX
import static groovy.inspect.Inspector.MEMBER_VALUE_IDX
import static javax.swing.ListSelectionModel.SINGLE_SELECTION
import static org.apache.groovy.parser.antlr4.GroovyLexer.VOCABULARY
* A little GUI to show some of the Inspector capabilities.
* Starting this script opens the ObjectBrowser on "some String".
* Use it in groovysh or groovyConsole to inspect your object of interest with:
* <code>
* ObjectBrowser.inspect(myObject)
* </code>.
class ObjectBrowser {
def inspector
String path
int pathCount = 0
def tracker
def swing, frame, fieldTable, methodTable, arrayTable, collectionTable, mapTable, cards, pathMenu, mb
private static final Comparator<Object> comparator = new Inspector.MemberComparatorWithValue()
static void main(args) {
inspect('some String')
static void inspect(objectUnderInspection, String path = '') {
def browser = new ObjectBrowser(path: path ?: '')
browser.inspector = new Inspector(objectUnderInspection)
if (objectUnderInspection != null && browser.path == '') {
browser.path = "${objectUnderInspection.getClass().name} instance"
void inspectAlso(objectUnderInspection, String path = '') {
int idx = pathCount++
def pathId = 'path' + idx
tracker.current = idx
cards.add(makeCard(swing, new Inspector(objectUnderInspection), path), pathId), pathId)
pathMenu.add(swing.menuItem { action(name: path, enabled: bind{ tracker.current != idx }, closure: this.&showAction.curry(idx)) })
void run() {
swing = new SwingBuilder()
tracker = new CardTracker()
frame = swing.frame(title: 'Groovy Object Browser', location: [200, 200],
size: [800, 600], pack: true, show: true,
iconImage: swing.imageIcon(Console.ICON_PATH).image,
defaultCloseOperation: WindowConstants.DISPOSE_ON_CLOSE) {
mb = menuBar {
pathMenu = menu(text: 'Path') {
int idx = pathCount++
menuItem { action(name: path.toString(), enabled: bind{ tracker.current != idx }, closure: this.&showAction.curry(idx)) }
menu(text: 'Help') {
menuItem { action(name: 'Usage', closure: this.&usageAction) }
menuItem { action(
name: 'About',
smallIcon: imageIcon(resource: 'icons/information.png', class: this),
closure: this.&aboutAction)
cards = panel {
makeCard(swing, inspector, path)
// can't seem to get the 'path0' to stick so re-add and remove the original
cards.add(makeCard(swing, inspector, path), 'path0')
// Add a bit of formatting
private makeCard(builder, inspector, String path) {
builder.panel {
panel(name: 'Class Info',
border: titledBorder('Class Info'),
constraints: NORTH) {
flowLayout(alignment: FlowLayout.LEFT)
def props = inspector.classProps.findAll { it != 'implements ' }
try {
def module =
if (module) props.add(0, "module ${module}")
} catch(Exception ignore) {}
final implementsPrefix = 'implements '
def content = props.collect {
String p = it.trim()
if (p.startsWith(implementsPrefix)) {
return "${implementsPrefix}${p.substring(implementsPrefix.length()).replace(' ', ', ')}"
if (p.startsWith('is ')) {
return "(${p})"
return p
for (def ln in (HIGHLIGHTED_TOKEN_TYPE_LIST.collect {
VOCABULARY.getLiteralName(it)?.replace("'", '')
}.grep { it } + ['module', 'true', 'false'])) {
content = content.replaceAll(/\b(${ln})\b/, '<b>$1</b>')
content = content.replace('\n', '<br/>').replace(',', '<b>,</b>').replace(':', '<b>:</b>')
def classLabel = "<html>${content}</html>"
tabbedPane(constraints: CENTER) {
if (inspector.object?.class?.array) {
scrollPane(name: ' Array data ') {
arrayTable = table(new CellValueToolTipJTable(), selectionMode: SINGLE_SELECTION) {
tableModel(list: inspector.object.toList().withIndex()) {
closureColumn(header: 'Index', read: { it[1] })
closureColumn(header: 'Value', read: { it[0] })
closureColumn(header: 'Raw Value', read: { it[0] })
arrayTable.columnModel.with {
getColumn(2).with {
minWidth = 0
maxWidth = 0
width = 0
preferredWidth = 0
getColumn(0).preferredWidth = 50
getColumn(1).preferredWidth = 400
arrayTable.addMouseListener(mouseListener(2) { row ->
path + "[${arrayTable.model.getValueAt(row, 0)}]"
} else if (inspector.object instanceof Collection) {
scrollPane(name: ' Collection data ') {
collectionTable = table(new CellValueToolTipJTable(), selectionMode: SINGLE_SELECTION) {
tableModel(list: inspector.object.withIndex()) {
closureColumn(header: 'Index', read: { it[1] })
closureColumn(header: 'Value', read: { it[0] })
closureColumn(header: 'Raw Value', read: { it[0] })
collectionTable.columnModel.with {
getColumn(2).with {
minWidth = 0
maxWidth = 0
width = 0
preferredWidth = 0
getColumn(0).preferredWidth = 50
getColumn(1).preferredWidth = 400
collectionTable.addMouseListener(mouseListener(2) { row ->
path + "[${collectionTable.model.getValueAt(row, 0)}]"
} else if (inspector.object instanceof Map) {
scrollPane(name: ' Map data ') {
mapTable = table(new CellValueToolTipJTable(), selectionMode: SINGLE_SELECTION) {
tableModel(list: inspector.object.entrySet().withIndex()) {
closureColumn(header: 'Index', read: { it[1] })
closureColumn(header: 'Key', read: { it[0].key })
closureColumn(header: 'Value', read: { it[0].value })
closureColumn(header: 'Raw Value', read: { it[0].value })
mapTable.columnModel.with {
getColumn(3).with {
minWidth = 0
maxWidth = 0
width = 0
preferredWidth = 0
getColumn(0).preferredWidth = 50
getColumn(1).preferredWidth = 200
getColumn(2).preferredWidth = 400
mapTable.addMouseListener(mouseListener(2) { row ->
path + "[${mapTable.model.getValueAt(row, 1)}]"
scrollPane(name: ' Properties (includes public fields) ') {
def data = Inspector.sort(inspector.propertiesWithInfo.toList(), comparator)
fieldTable = table(new CellValueToolTipJTable(), selectionMode: SINGLE_SELECTION) {
tableModel(list: data) {
closureColumn(header: 'Name', read: { it.v2[MEMBER_NAME_IDX] })
closureColumn(header: 'Value', read: { it.v2[MEMBER_VALUE_IDX] })
closureColumn(header: 'Type', read: { it.v2[MEMBER_TYPE_IDX] })
closureColumn(header: 'Origin', read: { it.v2[MEMBER_ORIGIN_IDX] })
closureColumn(header: 'Modifier', read: { it.v2[MEMBER_MODIFIER_IDX] })
closureColumn(header: 'Declarer', read: { it.v2[MEMBER_DECLARER_IDX] })
closureColumn(header: 'Raw Value', read: { it.v1 })
fieldTable.columnModel.getColumn(6).with {
minWidth = 0
maxWidth = 0
width = 0
fieldTable.addMouseListener(mouseListener(6) { row ->
path + (path.size() == 0 ? '' : '.') + "${fieldTable.model.getValueAt(row, 0)}"
scrollPane(name: ' (Meta) Methods ') {
methodTable = table(new CellValueToolTipJTable(), selectionMode: SINGLE_SELECTION) {
def data = Inspector.sort(inspector.methodsWithInfo.toList(), comparator)
data.addAll(Inspector.sort(inspector.metaMethodsWithInfo.toList(), comparator))
tableModel(list: data) {
closureColumn(header: 'Name', read: { it.v2[MEMBER_NAME_IDX] })
closureColumn(header: 'Params', read: { it.v2[MEMBER_PARAMS_IDX] })
closureColumn(header: 'Type', read: { it.v2[MEMBER_TYPE_IDX] })
closureColumn(header: 'Origin', read: { it.v2[MEMBER_ORIGIN_IDX] })
closureColumn(header: 'Modifier', read: { it.v2[MEMBER_MODIFIER_IDX] })
closureColumn(header: 'Declarer', read: { it.v2[MEMBER_DECLARER_IDX] })
closureColumn(header: 'Exceptions', read: { it.v2[MEMBER_EXCEPTIONS_IDX] })
closureColumn(header: 'Raw Value', read: { it.v1 })
methodTable.columnModel.getColumn(7).with {
minWidth = 0
maxWidth = 0
width = 0
methodTable.addMouseListener(mouseListener(7) { row ->
path + (path.size() == 0 ? '' : ".method['") + "${methodTable.model.getValueAt(row, 0)}']"
panel(name: 'Path',
border: emptyBorder([5, 10, 5, 10]),
constraints: SOUTH) {
boxLayout(axis: 2)
button(icon: imageIcon(resource: 'icons/resultset_previous.png', class: this),
margin: [5, 5, 5, 5] as Insets,
actionPerformed: { tracker.current--; show() },
enabled: bind { tracker.current > 0 })
label('Path: ')
textField(editable: false, text: path)
button(icon: imageIcon(resource: 'icons/resultset_next.png', class: this),
margin: [5, 5, 5, 5] as Insets,
actionPerformed: { tracker.current++; show() },
enabled: bind { tracker.current < pathCount - 1 }
def mouseListener(int valueCol, Closure pathClosure) {
def outer = this
new MouseAdapter() {
void mouseClicked(MouseEvent e) {
if (e.clickCount == 2) {
launch(e.source, valueCol, e.shiftDown, pathClosure)
void mouseReleased(MouseEvent e) {
def table = e.source
int r = table.rowAtPoint(e.point)
if (r >= 0 && r < table.rowCount) {
table.setRowSelectionInterval(r, r)
} else {
if (table.selectedRow < 0) return
if (e.isPopupTrigger()) {
def popup = swing.popupMenu {
name: 'Copy',
closure: outer.&copyAction.curry(table, e),
mnemonic: 'C',
accelerator: shortcut('C'),
smallIcon: imageIcon(resource: 'icons/page_copy.png', class: this),
shortDescription: 'Copy'
name: 'Browse',
enabled: table.model.getValueAt(table.selectedRow, valueCol) != null,
closure: outer.&launchAction.curry(table, valueCol, false, pathClosure),
smallIcon: imageIcon(resource: 'icons/page_white_stack.png', class: this),
shortDescription: 'Browse'
name: 'Browse in new window',
enabled: table.model.getValueAt(table.selectedRow, valueCol) != null,
closure: outer.&launchAction.curry(table, valueCol, true, pathClosure),
smallIcon: imageIcon(resource: 'icons/page_white_go.png', class: this),
shortDescription: 'Browse window'
}, e.x, e.y)
void launch(table, valueCol, boolean newWindow, pathClosure) {
def selectedRow = table.selectedRow
if (selectedRow != -1) {
def value = table.model.getValueAt(selectedRow, valueCol)
if (value != null) {
if (newWindow)
ObjectBrowser.inspect(value, pathClosure(selectedRow))
inspectAlso(value, pathClosure(selectedRow))
void addSorter(table) {
if (table != null) {
def sorter = new TableSorter(table.model)
table.model = sorter
void showAction(int idx, EventObject evt) {
tracker.current = idx
void show() {, 'path' + tracker.current)
void usageAction(EventObject evt) {
def pane = swing.optionPane()
// work around GROOVY-1048
'Double-click on a row to drill-down into the child level.\n' +
'A new card is created for the child level. The cards can\n' +
'be selected using menu items in the Path menu.\n' +
'Shift-double-click on a row to launch new Object Browser\n' +
def dialog = pane.createDialog(frame, 'Object Browser Usage')
void launchAction(table, valueCol, boolean newWindow, pathClosure, EventObject evt) {
launch(table, valueCol, newWindow, pathClosure)
void copyAction(table, MouseEvent me, EventObject evt) {
def toolTipText = table.getToolTipText(me)
if (toolTipText) {
Toolkit.defaultToolkit.systemClipboard.setContents(new StringSelection(toolTipText), null)
void aboutAction(EventObject evt) {
def pane = swing.optionPane()
// work around GROOVY-1048
def version = GroovySystem.version
pane.setMessage('An interactive GUI to explore object capabilities.\nVersion ' + version)
def dialog = pane.createDialog(frame, 'About Groovy Object Browser')
@Bindable class CardTracker {
int current = 0