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* Unit tests for static type checking : constructors.
class ConstructorsSTCTest extends StaticTypeCheckingTestCase {
void testConstructFromList() {
assertScript '''
import java.awt.Dimension
Dimension d = [100,200]
Set set = []
List list = []
void testWrongNumberOfArguments() {
// test that wrong number of arguments will fail
shouldFailWithMessages '''
import java.awt.Dimension
Dimension d = [100]
''', 'No matching constructor found: java.awt.Dimension<init>(int)'
void testWrongNumberOfArgumentsWithDefaultConstructor() {
shouldFailWithMessages '''
class X {}
def foo() {
new X("f")
println foo()
''', 'Cannot find matching method X#<init>(java.lang.String)'
void testCreateArrayWithDefaultConstructor() {
assertScript '''
String[] strings = ['a','b','c']
int[] ints = new int[2]
void testIncorrectArgumentTypes() {
// test that wrong number of arguments will fail
shouldFailWithMessages '''
import java.awt.Dimension
Dimension d = ['100','200']
''', 'No matching constructor found: java.awt.Dimension<init>(java.lang.String, java.lang.String)'
void testConstructFromListAndVariables() {
assertScript '''
import java.awt.Dimension
int x = 100
int y = 200
Dimension d = [x,y]
assert d.width == 100
assert d.height == 200
void testConstructFromListAndVariables2() {
assertScript '''
import java.awt.Dimension
int x = 100
Dimension d = [x, '200'.toInteger()]
assert d.width == 100
assert d.height == 200
void testConstructFromVariable() {
shouldFailWithMessages '''
import java.awt.Dimension
List args = [100,200]
Dimension d = args // not supported
''', 'Cannot assign value of type java.util.List <java.lang.Integer> to variable of type java.awt.Dimension'
void testConstructFromMap() {
assertScript '''
class A {
int x
int y
A a = [:]
assert a != null
assertScript '''
class A {
int x
int y
def a = [:] as A
assert a != null
assertScript '''
class A {
int x
int y
def a = A[:]
assert a != null
void testConstructMap() {
assertScript '''
def a = [:]
Map b = [:]
Object c = [:]
HashMap d = [:]
void testConstructFromValuedMap() {
assertScript '''
class A {
int x
int y
A a = [x:100, y:200]
assert a.x == 100
assert a.y == 200
void testConstructFromCoercedMap() {
assertScript '''
class A {
int x
int y
def a = [x:100, y:200] as A
assert a.x == 100
assert a.y == 200
assertScript '''
class A {
int x
int y
def a = A[x:100, y:200]
assert a.x == 100
assert a.y == 200
void testConstructWithNamedParams() {
assertScript '''
class A {
int x
int y
A a = new A(x:100, y:200)
assert a.x == 100
assert a.y == 200
void testConstructFromValuedMapAndMissingProperty() {
shouldFailWithMessages '''
class A {
int x
int y
A a = [x:100, y:200, z: 300]
''', 'No such property: z for class: A'
void testConstructWithNamedParamsAndMissingProperty() {
shouldFailWithMessages '''
class A {
int x
int y
A a = new A(x:100, y:200, z: 300)
''', 'No such property: z for class: A'
void testConstructFromValuedMapAndIncorrectTypes() {
shouldFailWithMessages '''
class A {
int x
int y
A a = [x:'100', y:200]
''', 'Cannot assign value of type java.lang.String to variable of type int'
void testConstructFromValuedMapAndDynamicKey() {
shouldFailWithMessages '''
class A {
int x
int y
A a = ["${'x'}":'100']
''', 'Dynamic keys in map-style constructors are unsupported'
void testConstructWithMapAndInheritance() {
assertScript '''
class A {
int x
class B extends A {
int y
B b = [x:1, y:2]
assert b.x == 1
assert b.y == 2
// GROOVY-5231
void testConstructorWithTupleConstructorAnnotation() {
assertScript '''
class Person {
String name, city
static Person create() {
new Person("Guillaume")
// GROOVY-5531
void testAccessToClosureVariableFromNamedParamConstructor() {
// test using "str" as name
assertScript '''
class Person { String name }
def cl = { String str ->
new Person(name: str)
assert cl('Cédric').name == 'Cédric'
// test using "it" as name
assertScript '''
class Person { String name }
def cl = { String it ->
new Person(name: it)
assert cl('Cédric').name == 'Cédric'
// GROOVY-5530
void testUseGStringInNamedParameter() {
assertScript '''class User {
String login
String username
String domain
String firstName
String lastName
class UserBase {
List<User> getUsers() {
[1, 2, 3].collect { Number num ->
new User(
login: "login$num",
username: "username$num",
domain: "domain$num",
firstName: "first$num",
lastName: "last$num"
def users = new UserBase().getUsers()
assert users.get(0).login == "login1"
// GROOVY-5578
void testConstructJavaBeanFromMap() {
assertScript '''import
MyBean bean = new MyBean(name:'Cedric')
assert == 'Cedric'
void testConstructJavaBeanFromMapAndSubclass() {
assertScript '''import
class MyBean2 extends MyBean {
int age
MyBean2 bean = new MyBean2(name:'Cedric', age:33)
assert == 'Cedric'
assert bean.age == 33
// GROOVY-5698
void testMapConstructorWithInterface() {
assertScript '''class CustomServletOutputStream extends OutputStream {
OutputStream out
void write(int i) {
void write(byte[] bytes) {
void write(byte[] bytes, int offset, int length) {
out.write(bytes, offset, length)
void flush() {
void close() {
class Test {
static void test() {
def csos = new CustomServletOutputStream(out: new ByteArrayOutputStream())
void testMapConstructorShouldFail() {
shouldFailWithMessages '''
class Foo {
ByteArrayOutputStream out
void m(OutputStream o) { new Foo(out:o) }
''', 'Cannot assign value of type to variable of type'
void testTypeCheckingInfoShouldNotBeAddedToConstructor() {
Class fooClass = assertClass '''
class Foo {
Foo() {}
def constructor = fooClass.getDeclaredConstructor()
assert constructor.declaredAnnotations.size() == 0
// GROOVY-6616
void testConstructorsWithVarargsAndArrayParameters() {
assertScript '''
class MultipleConstructors {
public MultipleConstructors(String s, short[] arr) {}
public MultipleConstructors(String s, int... arr) {}
public MultipleConstructors(short[] arr) {}
class Clz {
void run() {
new MultipleConstructors('d',1)
new Clz().run()
// GROOVY-6929
void testShouldNotThrowNPEDuringConstructorCallCheck() {
assertScript '''
class MyBean {
private String var
void setFoo(String foo) {
var = foo
String toString() { var }
def b = new MyBean(foo: 'Test')
assert b.toString() == 'Test'
void testMapStyleConstructorShouldNotCarrySetterInfoToOuterBinExp() {
assertScript '''
class Blah {
void setA(String a) {}
void blah(Map attrs) {
Closure c = {
def blah = new Blah(a:attrs.a as String)
void testDefaultConstructorWhenSetterParamAndFieldHaveDifferentTypes() {
assertScript '''
class Test {
private long timestamp
Date getTimestamp() {
return timestamp ? new Date(timestamp) : null
void setTimestamp (Date timestamp) {
this.timestamp = timestamp.time
def main() {
new Test(timestamp: new Date())
new Test().main()