blob: cbd08d4ab914a493fd5a374dbce5147b45a08fdb [file] [log] [blame]
package groovy.swt.examples
import groovy.jface.JFaceBuilder
class ApplicationDemo {
@Property mainapp
void run() {
def jface = new JFaceBuilder()
mainapp = jface.applicationWindow( title:"The forms demo", size:[700,800], location:[0,0] ) {
gridLayout ( numColumns:2 )
form( text:"Hello, Eclipse Forms" ) {
gridData( style:"fill_both" )
formSection( text:"section1", description:"description of section1", style:"description, twistie" ) {
tableWrapData( style:"fill" )
expansionListener( type:"expansionStateChanging", closure: { println "expansionStateChanging ... " + it } )
expansionListener( type:"expansionStateChanged", closure: { println "expansionStateChanged ... " + it } )
def htmlText = "<form>"
htmlText += "<li>list item</li>"
htmlText += "<p>this html code with an url:</p>"
htmlText += "<li style=\"text\" value=\"1.\">list item 2</li>"
htmlText += "<li style=\"text\" value=\"2.\">list item 3</li>"
htmlText += "</form>"
formFormattedText( text:htmlText, parseTags:true, expandURLs:true )
formButton ( text:"This is radiobutton1", style:"radio" )
formButton ( text:"This is radiobutton2", style:"radio" )
formButton ( text:"This is a ARROW button", style:"arrow" ) {
onEvent(type:"Selection", closure:{ println "stop selecting me !!!" })
formButton ( text:"This is a PUSH button", style:"push" ) {
onEvent(type:"Selection", closure:{ println "stop pushing me !!!" })
formButton ( text:"This is a TOGGLE button", style:"TOGGLE" ) {
onEvent(type:"Selection", closure:{ println it.event })
formSection( text:"section2", description:"description of section2", style:"description, twistie" ) {
tableWrapData( style:"fill" )
formLabel( text:"This is a label in section 2" )
formExpandableComposite( text:"formExpandableComposite" )
formSection( text:"section3", description:"description of section3", style:"description, twistie" ) {
tableWrapData( style:"fill" )
formLabel( text:"Below me is a tree" )
formSeparator( style:"separator, horizontal" ) {
tableWrapData( style:"fill" )
formButton( text:"This is a formButton" )
formHyperlink( text:"this is a hyperlink" ) {
hyperlinkListener( type:"hyperlinkUpdate", closure: { println "hyperlinkUpdate ... " + it } )
hyperlinkListener( type:"linkEntered", closure: { println "linkEntered ... " + it } )
hyperlinkListener( type:"linkExited", closure: { println "linkExited ... " + it } )
hyperlinkListener( type:"linkActivated", closure: { println "linkActivated ... " + it } )
formLabel( text:"This is a formLabel, folowed by a formTable" )
formTable() {
tableWrapData( style:"fill" )
// formImageHyperlink( text:"formImageHyperlink" )
// formPageBook( text:"formPageBook" )
form( text:"hello formScrolledForm" ) {
gridData( style:"fill_both" )
formLabel( text:"my parent is a scrolledForm" )
formButton( text:"formButton" )