blob: 5eafa1a9cbc5092f89999fe8a0e57c9c88fa73e5 [file] [log] [blame]
// Suite for all webtests in this application.
import grails.util.WebTest
class TestSuite extends WebTest {
static void main(args) {
new TestSuite().runTests()
Scan trough all test files and call their suite method.
void suite() {
def scanner = ant.fileScanner {
fileset(dir:'webtest/tests', includes:'**/*Test.groovy')
for (file in scanner) {
def test = getClass().classLoader.parseClass(file).newInstance()
test.ant = ant
test.configMap = configMap
You can alternatively define your suite manually by calling a MyTest.groovy like so
instead of the suite impl. above:
new MyTest(ant:ant, configMap:configMap).suite()
new MyOtherTest(ant:ant, configMap:configMap).suite()
This gives you more fine-grained control over the sequence of test execution.