blob: 45cff519decfc585041a4db234fe1e2776aa6c85 [file] [log] [blame]
This sample application demonstrates a simple page flow application that maintains a list of books.
The directory structure is:
This application clearly demonstrates how compact Grails applications are and how little configuration is required.
If you have obtained Grails from CVS make sure the JAR file is build by running this command in the Grails home directory:
ant jar
To deploy this application set the GRAILS_HOME environment to the root directory of the Grails distribution or project.
At the command prompt change directory to the project root directory which is ${GRAILS_HOME}/samples/books.
Next run this command to initiate the dictory structure:
${GRAILS_HOME}/bin/grails init
If you get "permission denied", this file is not executable. In that case run the command as follows:
/bin/sh ${GRAILS_HOME}/bin/grails init
Then run this command to create the WAR file:
${GRAILS_HOME}/bin/grails war
This application is written against the Servlet 2.3 specifications so should run in any servlet container.
Deploy grails-app.war in you servlet container (for most containers this mean copying the file in the webapps folder).
Browse to http://<server_address>:<server_port>/books/books to test the application. You can also rename the WAR file to use another context path.
Please post a message on the Grails mailing list if you experience any problems running this sample application.
With a Groovy installation in place, you can build, run, and test the grails book sample by running
groovy build.groovy
To make this happen, you need
- a webserver installation like tomcat (recommended: tomcat 5)
- a download of Canoo WebTest from
to a directory that is referred to as WEBTEST_HOME
Getting the classpath for testing right, requires a bit of work.
- adapt your GROOVY_HOME/conf/groovy_classworlds.conf to include your
${user.home}/.groovy/lib dir
- copy all jar files from WEBTEST_HOME/lib and its subdirs to
${user.home}/.groovy/lib (i.e. 'flat')
- adapt the settings in to your personal needs
when using with tomcat 5 make sure to copy
TOMCAT_HOME/server/catalina_ant.jar to ${user.home}/.groovy/lib
[todo: provide an installer script]
After running 'groovy build.groovy' successfully you find the test reports
in tmp/webtest/results/WebTestResults.html
When running on windows, this file will be automatically opened for you
in your default browser.