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package org.codehaus.groovy.transform
import groovy.test.GroovyShellTestCase
class MapConstructorTransformTest extends GroovyShellTestCase {
void testMapConstructorWithFinalFields() {
assertScript '''
import groovy.transform.*
class Person {
final String first, last
assert new Person(first: 'Dierk', last: 'Koenig').toString() == 'Person(Dierk, Koenig)'
void testMapConstructorWithSetters() {
assertScript '''
import groovy.transform.*
class Person {
String first, last
void setFirst(String first) {
this.first = first?.toUpperCase()
assert new Person(first: 'Dierk', last: 'Koenig').toString() == 'Person(DIERK, Koenig)'
void testMapConstructorWithIncludesAndExcludes() {
assertScript '''
import groovy.transform.*
class Person {
String first, last
assert new Person(first: 'Dierk').toString() == 'Person(Dierk)'
assertScript '''
import groovy.transform.*
@ToString @MapConstructor(includes='first')
class Person {
String first, last
assert new Person(first: 'Dierk', last: 'Koenig').toString() == 'Person(Dierk, null)'
assertScript '''
import groovy.transform.*
@ToString @MapConstructor(excludes='last')
class Person {
String first, last
assert new Person(first: 'Dierk', last: 'Koenig').toString() == 'Person(Dierk, null)'
void testMapConstructorWithPost() {
def msg = shouldFail(MissingPropertyException, '''
import groovy.transform.*
import org.codehaus.groovy.transform.ImmutableASTTransformation
@MapConstructor(post={ ImmutableASTTransformation.checkPropNames(this, args) })
class Person {
String first, last
new Person(last: 'Koenig', nickname: 'mittie')
assert msg.contains('No such property: nickname for class: Person')
void testMapConstructorWithPostAndFields() {
assertScript '''
import groovy.transform.*
@ToString(includeFields=true, includeNames=true)
@MapConstructor(includeFields=true, post={ full = "$first $last" })
class Person {
final String first, last
private final String full
assert new Person(first: 'Dierk', last: 'Koenig').toString() ==
'Person(first:Dierk, last:Koenig, full:Dierk Koenig)'
void testMapConstructorWithPreAndPost() {
assertScript '''
import groovy.transform.*
class Person {
String first, last
@CompileStatic // optional
@MapConstructor(pre={ super(args?.first, args?.last); args = args ?: [:] }, post = { first = first?.toUpperCase() })
class Author extends Person {
String bookName
assert new Author(first: 'Dierk', last: 'Koenig', bookName: 'ReGinA').toString() == 'Author(ReGinA, DIERK, Koenig)'
assert new Author().toString() == 'Author(null, null, null)'
void testIncludesAndExcludesTogetherResultsInError() {
def message = shouldFail {
evaluate """
import groovy.transform.MapConstructor
@MapConstructor(includes='surName', excludes='surName')
class Person {
String surName
new Person()
assert message.contains("Error during @MapConstructor processing: Only one of 'includes' and 'excludes' should be supplied not both.")
void testIncludesWithInvalidPropertyNameResultsInError() {
def message = shouldFail {
evaluate """
import groovy.transform.MapConstructor
class Person {
String firstName
String surName
new Person(surname: "Doe")
assert message.contains("Error during @MapConstructor processing: 'includes' property 'sirName' does not exist.")
void testExcludesWithInvalidPropertyNameResultsInError() {
def message = shouldFail {
evaluate """
import groovy.transform.MapConstructor
class Person {
String firstName
String surName
new Person(surname: "Doe")
assert message.contains("Error during @MapConstructor processing: 'excludes' property 'sirName' does not exist.")
void testInternalFieldsAreIncludedIfRequested() {
assertScript '''
import groovy.transform.*
@MapConstructor(allNames = true)
class HasInternalProperty {
final String $
assert new HasInternalProperty($: "foo").$ == "foo"
// GROOVY-8012
void testMapConstructorWithNoArgs() {
assertScript '''
class Foo {
String bar
assert new Foo() instanceof Foo
// GROOVY-8776
void testNestedMapConstructorCS() {
assertScript '''
import groovy.transform.*
class GroovyMapConstructorCheck {
static class Goo {
int x0
assert new GroovyMapConstructorCheck.Goo(x0:123).toString() == 'GroovyMapConstructorCheck$Goo(123)'
// GROOVY-8777
void testMapConstructorUsedInInnerCS() {
assertScript '''
import groovy.transform.*
class GroovyMapConstructorCheck {
@MapConstructor(noArg = true)
class Goo {
final int x0
public String toString() {
return "Goo(|$x0|)"
def go() {
new Goo(x0:123).toString().toUpperCase()
final check = new GroovyMapConstructorCheck()
assert check.go() == 'GOO(|123|)'