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package org.codehaus.groovy.runtime
import groovy.test.GroovyTestCase
class PerInstanceMetaClassTest extends GroovyTestCase{
protected void setUp() {
Integer.metaClass = null
void testEMC () {
def x = Integer.valueOf(22)
def FOUR = Integer.valueOf(4)
ExpandoMetaClass emc = new ExpandoMetaClass(Integer, false, true).define {
plus {Number arg ->
Integer.metaClass.invokeMethod(delegate / 2, "plus", 2 * arg)
_100 = 100
addTwice {Number u ->
delegate + 2 * u
mul = { u ->
Integer.valueOf(11 * u)
divFour << { u ->
u / FOUR
emc.initialize ()
x.metaClass = emc
assertEquals 123, x + 6 + x._100
assertEquals 211, x.addTwice(50)
assertEquals 127, 5 + x + x._100
assertEquals 3, x.divFour (12)
assertEquals 55, x.mul(5)
assertEquals 23, Integer.valueOf(10 + 12) + 6 // (10+12) == Integer.valueOf(22) !!!!!!
x.metaClass = null
Integer.metaClass = null
assertEquals 28, x + 6
x.metaClass.static.addTwice = {Number u ->
delegate + 2 * u
x.metaClass.static.mul = { u ->
11 * u
x.metaClass.static.divFour << { u ->
u / FOUR
} = {Number arg ->
Integer.metaClass.invokeMethod(delegate / 2, "plus", 2 * arg)
x.metaClass._100 = 100
assertEquals 123, x + 6 + x._100
assertEquals 211, x.addTwice(50)
assertEquals 127, 5 + x + x._100
assertEquals 3, x.divFour (12)
assertEquals 55, x.mul(5)
assertEquals 23, Integer.valueOf(10 + 12) + 6 // (10+12) == Integer.valueOf(22) !!!!!!
x.metaClass = null
assertEquals 28, 10 + 12 + 6
static def CONST = 2
void testMetaClassMethod () {
def x = Integer.valueOf(22)
x.metaClass {
// define method
plus { Number arg ->
Integer.metaClass.invokeMethod( delegate / CONST, "plus", 2*arg )
// define property
_100 = 100
'static' {
addTwice { Number u ->
delegate + 2 * u
assertEquals 123, x + 6 + x._100
assertEquals 211, x.addTwice(50)
assertEquals 127, 5 + x + x._100
assertEquals 23, Integer.valueOf(10 + 12) + 6 // (10+12) == Integer.valueOf(22) !!!!!!
x.metaClass {
// add method
minus { Number arg ->
delegate + arg
assertEquals 23, x - 6
x.metaClass = null
assertEquals 28, x + 6
assertEquals 16, x - 6
void testBean () {
def bean = new PimctBean()
assertEquals 24, bean.value
bean.metaClass {
getValue { ->
assertEquals 25, bean.value
bean.metaClass {
getValue { ->
bean.metaClass.setValue = { v -> delegate.@value = 2*v }
assertEquals 24, bean.value
bean.value = 10
assertEquals 20, bean.value
bean.metaClass = null
shouldFail(GroovyRuntimeException) {
bean.metaClass {
setValue << { v -> delegate.@value = 3*v }
bean.metaClass = null
bean.metaClass {
prop = 12
foo << { ->
bean.prop = 7
assertEquals 21, ()
void testClass () {
def FOUR = Integer.valueOf(4)
Integer.metaClass {
'static' {
fib { Number n ->
Integer.valueOf(n.fib ())
static.unused = { -> }
fib { ->
def n = delegate
if (n == 0)
return 1;
if (n == 1)
return 1
return fib(Integer.valueOf(n-1)) + fib(Integer.valueOf(n-2))
assertEquals( 3, Integer.fib(3))
FOUR.metaClass {
fib { ->
assertEquals( 13, Integer.fib(5))
FOUR.metaClass {
fib { ->
fib(2) + fib(3)
assertEquals( 8, Integer.fib(5))
FOUR.metaClass = null
void testCategory () {
def FOUR = Integer.valueOf(4)
Integer.metaClass {
mixin Fib
assertEquals (3, 3.fib())
Integer.metaClass = null
shouldFail {
FOUR.metaClass {
mixin FibInst
assertEquals (15, FOUR.fib())
FOUR.metaClass = null
void testInteger () {
Integer.metaClass = null
def foo = { x ->
return x._100
shouldFail {
assert foo(1) == 100
def x = Integer.valueOf(22)
ExpandoMetaClass emc = new ExpandoMetaClass(Integer, false, true).define {
_100 = 100
emc.initialize ()
shouldFail {
assert foo(1) == 100
x.metaClass = emc
shouldFail {
assert foo(1) == 100
assert foo(x) == 100
assert x._100 == 100
shouldFail {
assert foo(1) == 100
shouldFail {
assert 1._100 == 100
class PimctBean {
def value = 24
class Fib {
static int fib (Integer self) {
if (self == 0 || self == 1)
return 1
return (self-1).fib() + (self-2).fib ()
class FibInst {
static int fib (Integer self) {