blob: 7ebcd12ef54e99ef2e60daf60250bcf42c4a4c79 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2003-2012 the original author or authors.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
import groovy.lang.GroovyRuntimeException;
import groovy.lang.IntRange;
import groovy.lang.ObjectRange;
import groovy.transform.TypeChecked;
import groovy.transform.TypeCheckingMode;
import org.codehaus.groovy.ast.*;
import org.codehaus.groovy.ast.expr.*;
import org.codehaus.groovy.ast.stmt.*;
import org.codehaus.groovy.classgen.ReturnAdder;
import org.codehaus.groovy.classgen.asm.BytecodeHelper;
import org.codehaus.groovy.classgen.asm.InvocationWriter;
import org.codehaus.groovy.control.CompilerConfiguration;
import org.codehaus.groovy.control.ErrorCollector;
import org.codehaus.groovy.control.SourceUnit;
import org.codehaus.groovy.control.messages.SyntaxErrorMessage;
import org.codehaus.groovy.runtime.DefaultGroovyMethods;
import org.codehaus.groovy.runtime.EncodingGroovyMethods;
import org.codehaus.groovy.runtime.MetaClassHelper;
import org.codehaus.groovy.syntax.SyntaxException;
import org.codehaus.groovy.syntax.Token;
import org.codehaus.groovy.transform.StaticTypesTransformation;
import org.codehaus.groovy.util.ListHashMap;
import org.objectweb.asm.Opcodes;
import java.util.*;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicReference;
import static org.codehaus.groovy.ast.ClassHelper.*;
import static*;
import static org.codehaus.groovy.syntax.Types.*;
import static*;
* The main class code visitor responsible for static type checking. It will perform various inspections like checking
* assignment types, type inference, ... Eventually, class nodes may be annotated with inferred type information.
* @author Cedric Champeau
* @author Jochen Theodorou
public class StaticTypeCheckingVisitor extends ClassCodeVisitorSupport {
private static final ClassNode ITERABLE_TYPE = ClassHelper.make(Iterable.class);
private final static List<MethodNode> EMPTY_METHODNODE_LIST = Collections.emptyList();
private static final ClassNode TYPECHECKED_CLASSNODE = ClassHelper.make(TypeChecked.class);
private static final ClassNode[] TYPECHECKING_ANNOTATIONS = new ClassNode[]{TYPECHECKED_CLASSNODE};
private static final ClassNode TYPECHECKING_INFO_NODE = ClassHelper.make(TypeChecked.TypeCheckingInfo.class);
private static final ClassNode DGM_CLASSNODE = ClassHelper.make(DefaultGroovyMethods.class);
private static final int CURRENT_SIGNATURE_PROTOCOL_VERSION = 1;
private static final Expression CURRENT_SIGNATURE_PROTOCOL = new ConstantExpression(CURRENT_SIGNATURE_PROTOCOL_VERSION, true);
private static final MethodNode GET_DELEGATE = CLOSURE_TYPE.getGetterMethod("getDelegate");
private static final MethodNode GET_OWNER = CLOSURE_TYPE.getGetterMethod("getOwner");
private static final MethodNode GET_THISOBJECT = CLOSURE_TYPE.getGetterMethod("getThisObject");
public static final MethodNode CLOSURE_CALL_NO_ARG;
public static final MethodNode CLOSURE_CALL_ONE_ARG;
public static final MethodNode CLOSURE_CALL_VARGS;
static {
// Cache closure call methods
CLOSURE_CALL_NO_ARG = CLOSURE_TYPE.getDeclaredMethod("call", Parameter.EMPTY_ARRAY);
CLOSURE_CALL_ONE_ARG = CLOSURE_TYPE.getDeclaredMethod("call", new Parameter[]{
new Parameter(OBJECT_TYPE, "arg")
CLOSURE_CALL_VARGS = CLOSURE_TYPE.getDeclaredMethod("call", new Parameter[]{
new Parameter(OBJECT_TYPE.makeArray(), "args")
private SourceUnit source;
private ClassNode classNode;
private MethodNode methodNode;
private Set<MethodNode> methodsToBeVisited = Collections.emptySet();
private ErrorCollector errorCollector;
private boolean isInStaticContext = false;
// used for closure return type inference
private ClosureExpression closureExpression;
private List<ClassNode> closureReturnTypes;
// whenever a "with" method call is detected, this list is updated
// with the receiver type of the with method
private LinkedList<ClassNode> withReceiverList = new LinkedList<ClassNode>();
* The type of the last encountered "it" implicit parameter
private ClassNode lastImplicitItType;
* This field is used to track assignments in if/else branches, for loops and while loops. For example, in the following code:
* if (cond) { x = 1 } else { x = '123' }
* the inferred type of x after the if/else statement should be the LUB of (int, String)
private Map<VariableExpression, List<ClassNode>> ifElseForWhileAssignmentTracker = null;
* Stores information which is only valid in the "if" branch of an if-then-else statement. This is used when the if
* condition expression makes use of an instanceof check
private Stack<Map<Object, List<ClassNode>>> temporaryIfBranchTypeInformation;
private Set<MethodNode> alreadyVisitedMethods = new HashSet<MethodNode>();
* Some expressions need to be visited twice, because type information may be insufficient at some
* point. For example, for closure shared variables, we need a first pass to collect every type which
* is assigned to a closure shared variable, then a second pass to ensure that every method call on
* such a variable is made on a LUB.
private final LinkedHashSet<Expression> secondPassExpressions = new LinkedHashSet<Expression>();
* A map used to store every type used in closure shared variable assignments. In a second pass, we will
* compute the LUB of each type and check that method calls on those variables are valid.
private final Map<VariableExpression, List<ClassNode>> closureSharedVariablesAssignmentTypes = new HashMap<VariableExpression, List<ClassNode>>();
* The plugin factory used to extend the type checker capabilities.
private final TypeCheckerPluginFactory pluginFactory;
private Map<Parameter, ClassNode> forLoopVariableTypes = new HashMap<Parameter, ClassNode>();
// this map is used to ensure that two errors are not reported on the same line/column
private final Set<Long> reportedErrors = new TreeSet<Long>();
private final ReturnAdder returnAdder = new ReturnAdder(new ReturnAdder.ReturnStatementListener() {
public void returnStatementAdded(final ReturnStatement returnStatement) {
if (returnStatement.getExpression().equals(ConstantExpression.NULL)) return;
ClassNode returnType = checkReturnType(returnStatement);
if (methodNode != null) {
ClassNode mrt = methodNode.getReturnType();
if (!returnType.implementsInterface(mrt) && !returnType.isDerivedFrom(mrt)) {
// there's an implicit type conversion, like Object -> String
// so we'll use the method return type instead
returnType = mrt;
ClassNode previousType = (ClassNode) methodNode.getNodeMetaData(StaticTypesMarker.INFERRED_RETURN_TYPE);
ClassNode inferred = previousType == null ? returnType : lowestUpperBound(returnType, previousType);
methodNode.putNodeMetaData(StaticTypesMarker.INFERRED_RETURN_TYPE, inferred);
private final ReturnAdder closureReturnAdder = new ReturnAdder(new ReturnAdder.ReturnStatementListener() {
public void returnStatementAdded(final ReturnStatement returnStatement) {
if (returnStatement.getExpression().equals(ConstantExpression.NULL)) return;
MethodNode currentNode = methodNode;
methodNode = null;
try {
if (closureExpression != null) {
} finally {
methodNode = currentNode;
public StaticTypeCheckingVisitor(SourceUnit source, ClassNode cn, TypeCheckerPluginFactory pluginFactory) {
this.source = source;
this.classNode = cn;
this.temporaryIfBranchTypeInformation = new Stack<Map<Object, List<ClassNode>>>();
this.pluginFactory = pluginFactory;
this.errorCollector = source.getErrorCollector();
// @Override
protected SourceUnit getSourceUnit() {
return source;
* Sets an alternative error collector. This can be useful when you want to run static
* type checking "silently", for example, without failing if errors are found.
* @param errorCollector an error collector
public void setErrorCollector(final ErrorCollector errorCollector) {
this.errorCollector = errorCollector;
public void visitClass(final ClassNode node) {
if (shouldSkipClassNode(node)) return;
ClassNode oldCN = classNode;
classNode = node;
Set<MethodNode> oldVisitedMethod = alreadyVisitedMethods;
alreadyVisitedMethods = new LinkedHashSet<MethodNode>();
Iterator<InnerClassNode> innerClasses = classNode.getInnerClasses();
while (innerClasses.hasNext()) {
InnerClassNode innerClassNode =;
alreadyVisitedMethods = oldVisitedMethod;
classNode = oldCN;
node.putNodeMetaData(StaticTypesMarker.INFERRED_TYPE, node);
protected boolean shouldSkipClassNode(final ClassNode node) {
Object type = node.getNodeMetaData(StaticTypesMarker.INFERRED_TYPE);
if (type != null) {
// transformation has already been run on this class node
// prevent it from running twice
return true;
if (isSkipMode(node)) return true;
return false;
* Returns the list of type checking annotations class nodes. Subclasses may override this method
* in order to provide additional classes which must be looked up when checking if a method or
* a class node should be skipped.
* <p/>
* The default implementation returns {@link TypeChecked}.
* @return array of class nodes
protected ClassNode[] getTypeCheckingAnnotations() {
public boolean isSkipMode(final AnnotatedNode node) {
if (node == null) return false;
for (ClassNode tca : getTypeCheckingAnnotations()) {
List<AnnotationNode> annotations = node.getAnnotations(tca);
if (annotations != null) {
for (AnnotationNode annotation : annotations) {
Expression value = annotation.getMember("value");
if (value != null) {
if (value instanceof ConstantExpression) {
ConstantExpression ce = (ConstantExpression) value;
if (TypeCheckingMode.SKIP.toString().equals(ce.getValue().toString())) return true;
} else if (value instanceof PropertyExpression) {
PropertyExpression pe = (PropertyExpression) value;
if (TypeCheckingMode.SKIP.toString().equals(pe.getPropertyAsString())) return true;
if (node instanceof MethodNode) {
return isSkipMode(node.getDeclaringClass());
return false;
public void visitClassExpression(final ClassExpression expression) {
ClassNode cn = (ClassNode) expression.getNodeMetaData(StaticTypesMarker.INFERRED_TYPE);
if (cn == null) {
storeType(expression, getType(expression));
public void visitVariableExpression(VariableExpression vexp) {
if (vexp != VariableExpression.THIS_EXPRESSION &&
vexp != VariableExpression.SUPER_EXPRESSION) {
if (vexp.getName().equals("this")) storeType(vexp, classNode);
if (vexp.getName().equals("super")) storeType(vexp, classNode.getSuperClass());
if (closureExpression!=null) {
if (vexp.getName().equals("owner")
|| vexp.getName().equals("delegate")
|| vexp.getName().equals("thisObject")) {
storeType(vexp, classNode);
if (vexp.getAccessedVariable() instanceof DynamicVariable) {
// a dynamic variable is either an undeclared variable
// or a member of a class used in a 'with'
DynamicVariable dyn = (DynamicVariable) vexp.getAccessedVariable();
// first, we must check the 'with' context
String dynName = dyn.getName();
List<ClassNode> checkList = new LinkedList<ClassNode>(withReceiverList);
// force checking on classNode for ast injected properties
for (ClassNode node : checkList) {
if (node.getProperty(dynName) != null) {
storeType(vexp, node.getProperty(dynName).getType());
if (node.getField(dynName) != null) {
storeType(vexp, node.getField(dynName).getType());
// lookup with plugin
if (pluginFactory != null) {
TypeCheckerPlugin plugin = pluginFactory.getTypeCheckerPlugin(classNode);
if (plugin != null) {
ClassNode type = plugin.resolveDynamicVariableType(dyn);
if (type != null) {
storeType(vexp, type);
addStaticTypeError("The variable [" + vexp.getName() + "] is undeclared.", vexp);
public void visitPropertyExpression(final PropertyExpression pexp) {
if (!existsProperty(pexp, true)) {
Expression objectExpression = pexp.getObjectExpression();
addStaticTypeError("No such property: " + pexp.getPropertyAsString() +
" for class: " + findCurrentInstanceOfClass(objectExpression, getType(objectExpression)).toString(false), pexp);
public void visitAttributeExpression(final AttributeExpression expression) {
if (!existsProperty(expression, true)) {
Expression objectExpression = expression.getObjectExpression();
addStaticTypeError("No such property: " + expression.getPropertyAsString() +
" for class: " + findCurrentInstanceOfClass(objectExpression, objectExpression.getType()), expression);
public void visitRangeExpression(final RangeExpression expression) {
ClassNode fromType = getWrapper(getType(expression.getFrom()));
ClassNode toType = getWrapper(getType(expression.getTo()));
if (Integer_TYPE.equals(fromType) && Integer_TYPE.equals(toType)) {
storeType(expression, ClassHelper.make(IntRange.class));
} else {
storeType(expression, ClassHelper.make(ObjectRange.class));
public void visitBinaryExpression(BinaryExpression expression) {
final Expression leftExpression = expression.getLeftExpression();
ClassNode lType = getType(leftExpression);
final Expression rightExpression = expression.getRightExpression();
ClassNode rType = getType(rightExpression);
if (rightExpression instanceof ConstantExpression && ((ConstantExpression) rightExpression).getValue() == null) {
if (!isPrimitiveType(lType))
rType = UNKNOWN_PARAMETER_TYPE; // primitive types should be ignored as they will result in another failure
int op = expression.getOperation().getType();
ClassNode resultType = getResultType(lType, op, rType, expression);
if (resultType == null) {
resultType = lType;
boolean isEmptyDeclaration = expression instanceof DeclarationExpression && rightExpression instanceof EmptyExpression;
if (!isEmptyDeclaration) storeType(expression, resultType);
if (!isEmptyDeclaration && isAssignment(op)) {
if (rightExpression instanceof ConstructorCallExpression) {
inferDiamondType((ConstructorCallExpression) rightExpression, lType);
ClassNode originType = getOriginalDeclarationType(leftExpression);
typeCheckAssignment(expression, leftExpression, originType, rightExpression, resultType);
// if assignment succeeds but result type is not a subtype of original type, then we are in a special cast handling
// and we must update the result type
if (!implementsInterfaceOrIsSubclassOf(getWrapper(resultType), getWrapper(originType))) {
resultType = originType;
} else if (lType.isUsingGenerics() && !lType.isEnum() && hasRHSIncompleteGenericTypeInfo(resultType)) {
// for example, LHS is List<ConcreteClass> and RHS is List<T> where T is a placeholder
resultType = lType;
// if we are in an if/else branch, keep track of assignment
if (ifElseForWhileAssignmentTracker != null && leftExpression instanceof VariableExpression) {
Variable accessedVariable = ((VariableExpression) leftExpression).getAccessedVariable();
if (accessedVariable instanceof VariableExpression) {
VariableExpression var = (VariableExpression) accessedVariable;
List<ClassNode> types = ifElseForWhileAssignmentTracker.get(var);
if (types == null) {
types = new LinkedList<ClassNode>();
ClassNode type = (ClassNode) var.getNodeMetaData(StaticTypesMarker.INFERRED_TYPE);
if (type != null) types.add(type);
ifElseForWhileAssignmentTracker.put(var, types);
storeType(leftExpression, resultType);
// if right expression is a ClosureExpression, store parameter type information
if (leftExpression instanceof VariableExpression && rightExpression instanceof ClosureExpression) {
Parameter[] parameters = ((ClosureExpression) rightExpression).getParameters();
leftExpression.putNodeMetaData(StaticTypesMarker.CLOSURE_ARGUMENTS, parameters);
} else if (op == KEYWORD_INSTANCEOF) {
pushInstanceOfTypeInfo(leftExpression, rightExpression);
private ClassNode getOriginalDeclarationType(Expression lhs) {
if (lhs instanceof VariableExpression) {
Variable var = findTargetVariable((VariableExpression) lhs);
if (var instanceof DynamicVariable) return getType(lhs);
return var.getOriginType();
if (lhs instanceof FieldExpression) {
return ((FieldExpression) lhs).getField().getOriginType();
return getType(lhs);
private void inferDiamondType(final ConstructorCallExpression cce, final ClassNode lType) {
// check if constructor call expression makes use of the diamond operator
ClassNode node = cce.getType();
if (node.isUsingGenerics() && node.getGenericsTypes().length == 0) {
ArgumentListExpression argumentListExpression = InvocationWriter.makeArgumentList(cce.getArguments());
if (argumentListExpression.getExpressions().isEmpty()) {
GenericsType[] genericsTypes = lType.getGenericsTypes();
GenericsType[] copy = new GenericsType[genericsTypes.length];
for (int i = 0; i < genericsTypes.length; i++) {
GenericsType genericsType = genericsTypes[i];
copy[i] = new GenericsType(
} else {
ClassNode type = getType(argumentListExpression.getExpression(0));
if (type.isUsingGenerics()) {
GenericsType[] genericsTypes = type.getGenericsTypes();
GenericsType[] copy = new GenericsType[genericsTypes.length];
for (int i = 0; i < genericsTypes.length; i++) {
GenericsType genericsType = genericsTypes[i];
copy[i] = new GenericsType(
* Stores information about types when [objectOfInstanceof instanceof typeExpression] is visited
* @param objectOfInstanceOf the expression which must be checked against instanceof
* @param typeExpression the expression which represents the target type
private void pushInstanceOfTypeInfo(final Expression objectOfInstanceOf, final Expression typeExpression) {
final Map<Object, List<ClassNode>> tempo = temporaryIfBranchTypeInformation.peek();
Object key = extractTemporaryTypeInfoKey(objectOfInstanceOf);
List<ClassNode> potentialTypes = tempo.get(key);
if (potentialTypes == null) {
potentialTypes = new LinkedList<ClassNode>();
tempo.put(key, potentialTypes);
private void typeCheckAssignment(
final BinaryExpression assignmentExpression,
final Expression leftExpression,
final ClassNode leftExpressionType,
final Expression rightExpression,
final ClassNode inferredRightExpressionType) {
ClassNode leftRedirect;
if (isArrayAccessExpression(leftExpression) || leftExpression instanceof PropertyExpression
|| (leftExpression instanceof VariableExpression
&& ((VariableExpression) leftExpression).getAccessedVariable() instanceof DynamicVariable)) {
// in case the left expression is in the form of an array access, we should use
// the inferred type instead of the left expression type.
// In case we have a variable expression which accessed variable is a dynamic variable, we are
// in the "with" case where the type must be taken from the inferred type
leftRedirect = leftExpressionType;
} else {
if (leftExpression instanceof VariableExpression && isPrimitiveType(((VariableExpression) leftExpression).getOriginType())) {
leftRedirect = leftExpressionType;
} else {
leftRedirect = leftExpression.getType().redirect();
if (leftExpression instanceof TupleExpression) {
// multiple assignment
if (!(rightExpression instanceof ListExpression)) {
addStaticTypeError("Multiple assignments without list expressions on the right hand side are unsupported in static type checking mode", rightExpression);
TupleExpression tuple = (TupleExpression) leftExpression;
ListExpression list = (ListExpression) rightExpression;
List<Expression> listExpressions = list.getExpressions();
List<Expression> tupleExpressions = tuple.getExpressions();
if (listExpressions.size() < tupleExpressions.size()) {
addStaticTypeError("Incorrect number of values. Expected:" + tupleExpressions.size() + " Was:" + listExpressions.size(), list);
for (int i = 0, tupleExpressionsSize = tupleExpressions.size(); i < tupleExpressionsSize; i++) {
Expression tupleExpression = tupleExpressions.get(i);
Expression listExpression = listExpressions.get(i);
ClassNode elemType = getType(listExpression);
ClassNode tupleType = getType(tupleExpression);
if (!isAssignableTo(elemType, tupleType)) {
addStaticTypeError("Cannot assign value of type " + elemType.getText() + " to variable of type " + tupleType.getText(), rightExpression);
break; // avoids too many errors
boolean compatible = checkCompatibleAssignmentTypes(leftRedirect, inferredRightExpressionType, rightExpression);
// if leftRedirect is of READONLY_PROPERTY_RETURN type, then it means we are on a missing property
if (leftExpression.getNodeMetaData(StaticTypesMarker.READONLY_PROPERTY) != null && (leftExpression instanceof PropertyExpression)) {
addStaticTypeError("Cannot set read-only property: " + ((PropertyExpression) leftExpression).getPropertyAsString(), leftExpression);
if (!compatible) {
addAssignmentError(leftExpressionType, inferredRightExpressionType, assignmentExpression);
} else {
// if closure expression on RHS, then copy the inferred closure return type
if (rightExpression instanceof ClosureExpression) {
Object type = rightExpression.getNodeMetaData(StaticTypesMarker.INFERRED_RETURN_TYPE);
if (type != null) {
leftExpression.putNodeMetaData(StaticTypesMarker.INFERRED_RETURN_TYPE, type);
boolean possibleLooseOfPrecision = false;
if (isNumberType(leftRedirect) && isNumberType(inferredRightExpressionType)) {
possibleLooseOfPrecision = checkPossibleLooseOfPrecision(leftRedirect, inferredRightExpressionType, rightExpression);
if (possibleLooseOfPrecision) {
addStaticTypeError("Possible loose of precision from " + inferredRightExpressionType + " to " + leftRedirect, rightExpression);
// if left type is array, we should check the right component types
if (!possibleLooseOfPrecision && leftExpressionType.isArray()) {
ClassNode leftComponentType = leftExpressionType.getComponentType();
ClassNode rightRedirect = rightExpression.getType().redirect();
if (rightRedirect.isArray()) {
ClassNode rightComponentType = rightRedirect.getComponentType();
if (!checkCompatibleAssignmentTypes(leftComponentType, rightComponentType)) {
addStaticTypeError("Cannot assign value of type " + rightComponentType.getText() + " into array of type " + leftExpressionType.getText(), assignmentExpression);
} else if (rightExpression instanceof ListExpression) {
for (Expression element : ((ListExpression) rightExpression).getExpressions()) {
ClassNode rightComponentType = element.getType().redirect();
if (!checkCompatibleAssignmentTypes(leftComponentType, rightComponentType)) {
addStaticTypeError("Cannot assign value of type " + rightComponentType.getText() + " into array of type " + leftExpressionType.getText(), assignmentExpression);
// if left type is not a list but right type is a list, then we're in the case of a groovy
// constructor type : Dimension d = [100,200]
// In that case, more checks can be performed
if (!implementsInterfaceOrIsSubclassOf(leftRedirect, LIST_TYPE) && rightExpression instanceof ListExpression) {
ArgumentListExpression argList = new ArgumentListExpression(((ListExpression) rightExpression).getExpressions());
ClassNode[] args = getArgumentTypes(argList);
checkGroovyStyleConstructor(leftRedirect, args);
} else if (!implementsInterfaceOrIsSubclassOf(inferredRightExpressionType, leftRedirect)
&& implementsInterfaceOrIsSubclassOf(inferredRightExpressionType, LIST_TYPE)) {
addAssignmentError(leftExpressionType, inferredRightExpressionType, assignmentExpression);
// if left type is not a list but right type is a map, then we're in the case of a groovy
// constructor type : A a = [x:2, y:3]
// In this case, more checks can be performed
if (!implementsInterfaceOrIsSubclassOf(leftRedirect, MAP_TYPE) && rightExpression instanceof MapExpression) {
if (!(leftExpression instanceof VariableExpression) || !((VariableExpression) leftExpression).isDynamicTyped()) {
ArgumentListExpression argList = new ArgumentListExpression(rightExpression);
ClassNode[] args = getArgumentTypes(argList);
checkGroovyStyleConstructor(leftRedirect, args);
// perform additional type checking on arguments
MapExpression mapExpression = (MapExpression) rightExpression;
checkGroovyConstructorMap(leftExpression, leftRedirect, mapExpression);
// last, check generic type information to ensure that inferred types are compatible
if (leftExpressionType.isUsingGenerics() && !leftExpressionType.isEnum()) {
boolean incomplete = hasRHSIncompleteGenericTypeInfo(inferredRightExpressionType);
if (!incomplete) {
GenericsType gt = GenericsUtils.buildWildcardType(leftExpressionType);
if (!gt.isCompatibleWith(inferredRightExpressionType)) {
addStaticTypeError("Incompatible generic argument types. Cannot assign "
+ inferredRightExpressionType.toString(false)
+ " to: " + leftExpressionType.toString(false), assignmentExpression);
private void addAssignmentError(final ClassNode leftType, final ClassNode rightType, final Expression assignmentExpression) {
addStaticTypeError("Cannot assign value of type " + rightType.getText() + " to variable of type " + leftType.getText(), assignmentExpression);
private void checkGroovyConstructorMap(final Expression receiver, final ClassNode receiverType, final MapExpression mapExpression) {
for (MapEntryExpression entryExpression : mapExpression.getMapEntryExpressions()) {
Expression keyExpr = entryExpression.getKeyExpression();
if (!(keyExpr instanceof ConstantExpression)) {
addStaticTypeError("Dynamic keys in map-style constructors are unsupported in static type checking", keyExpr);
} else {
String property = keyExpr.getText();
ClassNode currentNode = receiverType;
PropertyNode propertyNode = null;
while (propertyNode == null && currentNode != null) {
propertyNode = currentNode.getProperty(property);
currentNode = currentNode.getSuperClass();
if (propertyNode == null) {
addStaticTypeError("No such property: " + property +
" for class: " + receiverType.getName(), receiver);
} else if (propertyNode != null) {
ClassNode valueType = getType(entryExpression.getValueExpression());
if (!isAssignableTo(propertyNode.getType(), valueType)) {
addAssignmentError(propertyNode.getType(), valueType, entryExpression);
private boolean hasRHSIncompleteGenericTypeInfo(final ClassNode inferredRightExpressionType) {
boolean replaceType = false;
GenericsType[] genericsTypes = inferredRightExpressionType.getGenericsTypes();
if (genericsTypes != null) {
for (GenericsType genericsType : genericsTypes) {
if (genericsType.isPlaceholder()) {
replaceType = true;
return replaceType;
* Checks that a constructor style expression is valid regarding the number of arguments and the argument types.
* @param node the class node for which we will try to find a matching constructor
* @param arguments the constructor arguments
private void checkGroovyStyleConstructor(final ClassNode node, final ClassNode[] arguments) {
if (node.equals(ClassHelper.OBJECT_TYPE) || node.equals(ClassHelper.DYNAMIC_TYPE)) {
// in that case, we are facing a list constructor assigned to a def or object
List<ConstructorNode> constructors = node.getDeclaredConstructors();
if (constructors.isEmpty() && arguments.length == 0) return;
List<MethodNode> constructorList = findMethod(node, "<init>", arguments);
if (constructorList.isEmpty()) {
addStaticTypeError("No matching constructor found: " + node + toMethodParametersString("<init>", arguments), classNode);
* When instanceof checks are found in the code, we store temporary type information data in the {@link
* #temporaryIfBranchTypeInformation} table. This method computes the key which must be used to store this type
* info.
* @param expression the expression for which to compute the key
* @return a key to be used for {@link #temporaryIfBranchTypeInformation}
private Object extractTemporaryTypeInfoKey(final Expression expression) {
return expression instanceof VariableExpression ? findTargetVariable((VariableExpression) expression) : expression.getText();
* A helper method which determines which receiver class should be used in error messages when a field or attribute
* is not found. The returned type class depends on whether we have temporary type information availble (due to
* instanceof checks) and whether there is a single candidate in that case.
* @param expr the expression for which an unknown field has been found
* @param type the type of the expression (used as fallback type)
* @return if temporary information is available and there's only one type, returns the temporary type class
* otherwise falls back to the provided type class.
private ClassNode findCurrentInstanceOfClass(final Expression expr, final ClassNode type) {
if (!temporaryIfBranchTypeInformation.empty()) {
List<ClassNode> nodes = getTemporaryTypesForExpression(expr);
if (nodes != null && nodes.size() == 1) return nodes.get(0);
return type;
private boolean existsProperty(final PropertyExpression pexp, final boolean checkForReadOnly) {
return existsProperty(pexp, checkForReadOnly, null);
* Checks whether a property exists on the receiver, or on any of the possible receiver classes (found in the
* temporary type information table)
* @param pexp a property expression
* @param checkForReadOnly also lookup for read only properties
* @param visitor if not null, when the property node is found, visit it with the provided visitor
* @return true if the property is defined in any of the possible receiver classes
private boolean existsProperty(final PropertyExpression pexp, final boolean checkForReadOnly, final ClassCodeVisitorSupport visitor) {
Expression objectExpression = pexp.getObjectExpression();
ClassNode clazz = getType(objectExpression);
if (clazz.isArray() && "length".equals(pexp.getPropertyAsString())) {
if (visitor != null) {
PropertyNode node = new PropertyNode("length", Opcodes.ACC_PUBLIC | Opcodes.ACC_FINAL, int_TYPE, clazz, null, null, null);
storeType(pexp, int_TYPE);
return true;
List<ClassNode> tests = new LinkedList<ClassNode>();
if (clazz.equals(CLASS_Type) && clazz.getGenericsTypes() != null) {
if (!temporaryIfBranchTypeInformation.empty()) {
List<ClassNode> classNodes = getTemporaryTypesForExpression(objectExpression);
if (classNodes != null) tests.addAll(classNodes);
if (lastImplicitItType != null
&& pexp.getObjectExpression() instanceof VariableExpression
&& ((VariableExpression) pexp.getObjectExpression()).getName().equals("it")) {
String propertyName = pexp.getPropertyAsString();
if (propertyName == null) return false;
String capName = MetaClassHelper.capitalize(propertyName);
boolean isAttributeExpression = pexp instanceof AttributeExpression;
for (ClassNode testClass : tests) {
// maps and lists have special handling for property expressions
if (!implementsInterfaceOrIsSubclassOf(testClass, MAP_TYPE) && !implementsInterfaceOrIsSubclassOf(testClass, LIST_TYPE)) {
ClassNode current = testClass;
while (current != null) {
current = current.redirect();
PropertyNode propertyNode = current.getProperty(propertyName);
if (propertyNode != null) {
if (visitor != null) visitor.visitProperty(propertyNode);
storeType(pexp, propertyNode.getOriginType());
return true;
MethodNode getter = current.getGetterMethod("get" + capName);
if (getter == null) getter = current.getGetterMethod("is" + capName);
if (getter != null) {
// check that a setter also exists
MethodNode setterMethod = current.getSetterMethod("set" + capName);
if (setterMethod != null) {
if (visitor != null) visitor.visitMethod(getter);
storeType(pexp, getter.getReturnType());
return true;
if (!isAttributeExpression) {
FieldNode field = current.getDeclaredField(propertyName);
if (field != null) {
if (visitor != null) visitor.visitField(field);
storeType(pexp, field.getOriginType());
return true;
// if the property expression is an attribute expression (o.@attr), then
// we stop now, otherwise we must check the parent class
current = isAttributeExpression ? null : current.getSuperClass();
if (checkForReadOnly) {
current = testClass;
while (current != null) {
current = current.redirect();
MethodNode getter = current.getGetterMethod("get" + capName);
if (getter == null) getter = current.getGetterMethod("is" + capName);
if (getter != null) {
if (visitor != null) visitor.visitMethod(getter);
pexp.putNodeMetaData(StaticTypesMarker.READONLY_PROPERTY, Boolean.TRUE);
storeType(pexp, getter.getReturnType());
return true;
if (pluginFactory != null) {
TypeCheckerPlugin plugin = pluginFactory.getTypeCheckerPlugin(classNode);
if (plugin != null) {
PropertyNode result = plugin.resolveProperty(current, propertyName);
if (result != null) {
if (visitor != null) visitor.visitProperty(result);
storeType(pexp, result.getType());
return true;
// if the property expression is an attribute expression (o.@attr), then
// we stop now, otherwise we must check the parent class
current = isAttributeExpression ? null : current.getSuperClass();
} else {
if (visitor != null) {
// todo : type inferrence on maps and lists, if possible
PropertyNode node = new PropertyNode(propertyName, Opcodes.ACC_PUBLIC, OBJECT_TYPE, clazz, null, null, null);
return true;
return false;
public void visitField(final FieldNode node) {
final boolean osc = isInStaticContext;
try {
isInStaticContext = node.isInStaticContext();
Expression init = node.getInitialExpression();
if (init!=null) {
FieldExpression left = new FieldExpression(node);
BinaryExpression bexp = new BinaryExpression(
Token.newSymbol("=", node.getLineNumber(), node.getColumnNumber()),
typeCheckAssignment(bexp, left, node.getOriginType(), init, getType(init));
} finally {
isInStaticContext = osc;
public void visitForLoop(final ForStatement forLoop) {
// collect every variable expression used in the loop body
final Map<VariableExpression, ClassNode> varOrigType = new HashMap<VariableExpression, ClassNode>();
forLoop.getLoopBlock().visit(new VariableExpressionTypeMemoizer(varOrigType));
// visit body
Map<VariableExpression, List<ClassNode>> oldTracker = pushAssignmentTracking();
Expression collectionExpression = forLoop.getCollectionExpression();
if (collectionExpression instanceof ClosureListExpression) {
// for (int i=0; i<...; i++) style loop
} else {
final ClassNode collectionType = getType(collectionExpression);
ClassNode componentType = inferLoopElementType(collectionType);
if (ClassHelper.getUnwrapper(componentType) == forLoop.getVariableType()) {
// prefer primitive type over boxed type
componentType = forLoop.getVariableType();
forLoopVariableTypes.put(forLoop.getVariable(), componentType);
if (!checkCompatibleAssignmentTypes(forLoop.getVariableType(), componentType)) {
addStaticTypeError("Cannot loop with element of type " + forLoop.getVariableType() + " with collection of type " + collectionType, forLoop);
try {
} finally {
boolean typeChanged = isSecondPassNeededForControlStructure(varOrigType, oldTracker);
if (typeChanged) visitForLoop(forLoop);
* Given a loop collection type, returns the inferred type of the loop element. Used, for
* example, to infer the element type of a (for e in list) loop.
* @param collectionType the type of the collection
* @return the inferred component type
public static ClassNode inferLoopElementType(final ClassNode collectionType) {
ClassNode componentType = collectionType.getComponentType();
if (componentType == null) {
if (collectionType.implementsInterface(ITERABLE_TYPE)) {
ClassNode intf = GenericsUtils.parameterizeInterfaceGenerics(collectionType, ITERABLE_TYPE);
GenericsType[] genericsTypes = intf.getGenericsTypes();
componentType = genericsTypes[0].getType();
} else if (collectionType == ClassHelper.STRING_TYPE) {
componentType = ClassHelper.Character_TYPE;
} else {
componentType = ClassHelper.OBJECT_TYPE;
return componentType;
private boolean isSecondPassNeededForControlStructure(final Map<VariableExpression, ClassNode> varOrigType, final Map<VariableExpression, List<ClassNode>> oldTracker) {
Map<VariableExpression, ClassNode> assignedVars = popAssignmentTracking(oldTracker);
for (Map.Entry<VariableExpression, ClassNode> entry : assignedVars.entrySet()) {
Variable key = findTargetVariable(entry.getKey());
if (key instanceof VariableExpression) {
ClassNode origType = varOrigType.get((VariableExpression) key);
ClassNode newType = entry.getValue();
if (varOrigType.containsKey(key) && (origType == null || !newType.equals(origType))) {
return true;
return false;
public void visitWhileLoop(final WhileStatement loop) {
Map<VariableExpression, List<ClassNode>> oldTracker = pushAssignmentTracking();
public void visitBitwiseNegationExpression(BitwiseNegationExpression expression) {
ClassNode type = getType(expression);
ClassNode typeRe = type.redirect();
ClassNode resultType;
if (isBigIntCategory(typeRe)) {
// allow any internal number that is not a floating point one
resultType = type;
} else if (typeRe == STRING_TYPE || typeRe == GSTRING_TYPE) {
resultType = PATTERN_TYPE;
} else if (typeRe == ArrayList_TYPE) {
resultType = ArrayList_TYPE;
} else {
MethodNode mn = findMethodOrFail(expression, type, "bitwiseNegate");
resultType = mn.getReturnType();
storeType(expression, resultType);
public void visitUnaryPlusExpression(UnaryPlusExpression expression) {
negativeOrPositiveUnary(expression, "positive");
public void visitUnaryMinusExpression(UnaryMinusExpression expression) {
negativeOrPositiveUnary(expression, "negative");
public void visitPostfixExpression(final PostfixExpression expression) {
Expression inner = expression.getExpression();
ClassNode exprType = getType(inner);
int type = expression.getOperation().getType();
if (isPrimitiveType(exprType) || isPrimitiveType(getUnwrapper(exprType))) {
if (type == PLUS_PLUS || type == MINUS_MINUS) return;
addStaticTypeError("Unsupported postfix operation type [" + expression.getOperation() + "]", expression);
// not a primitive type. We must find a method which is called next
String name = type == PLUS_PLUS ? "next" : type == MINUS_MINUS ? "previous" : null;
if (name == null) {
addStaticTypeError("Unsupported postfix operation type [" + expression.getOperation() + "]", expression);
MethodNode node = findMethodOrFail(inner, exprType, name);
if (node != null) {
storeTargetMethod(expression, node);
public void visitPrefixExpression(final PrefixExpression expression) {
Expression inner = expression.getExpression();
ClassNode exprType = getType(inner);
int type = expression.getOperation().getType();
if (isPrimitiveType(exprType) || isPrimitiveType(getUnwrapper(exprType))) {
if (type == PLUS_PLUS || type == MINUS_MINUS) return;
addStaticTypeError("Unsupported prefix operation type [" + expression.getOperation() + "]", expression);
// not a primitive type. We must find a method which is called next or previous
String name = type == PLUS_PLUS ? "next" : type == MINUS_MINUS ? "previous" : null;
if (name == null) {
addStaticTypeError("Unsupported prefix operation type [" + expression.getOperation() + "]", expression);
MethodNode node = findMethodOrFail(inner, exprType, name);
if (node != null) {
storeTargetMethod(expression, node);
private void negativeOrPositiveUnary(Expression expression, String name) {
ClassNode type = getType(expression);
ClassNode typeRe = type.redirect();
ClassNode resultType;
if (isDoubleCategory(ClassHelper.getUnwrapper(typeRe))) {
resultType = type;
} else if (typeRe == ArrayList_TYPE) {
resultType = ArrayList_TYPE;
} else {
MethodNode mn = findMethodOrFail(expression, type, name);
if (mn != null) {
resultType = mn.getReturnType();
} else {
resultType = type;
storeType(expression, resultType);
protected void visitConstructorOrMethod(MethodNode node, boolean isConstructor) {
MethodNode old = this.methodNode;
this.methodNode = node;
super.visitConstructorOrMethod(node, isConstructor);
if (!isConstructor) {
this.methodNode = old;
public void visitReturnStatement(ReturnStatement statement) {
if (closureExpression != null && statement.getExpression() != ConstantExpression.NULL) {
private ClassNode checkReturnType(final ReturnStatement statement) {
Expression expression = statement.getExpression();
ClassNode type = getType(expression);
if (methodNode != null) {
if (!methodNode.isVoidMethod()
&& !type.equals(void_WRAPPER_TYPE)
&& !type.equals(VOID_TYPE)
&& !checkCompatibleAssignmentTypes(methodNode.getReturnType(), type)
&& !(expression instanceof ConstantExpression && ((ConstantExpression) expression).getValue()==null)) {
addStaticTypeError("Cannot return value of type " + type + " on method returning type " + methodNode.getReturnType(), expression);
} else if (!methodNode.isVoidMethod()) {
ClassNode previousType = (ClassNode) methodNode.getNodeMetaData(StaticTypesMarker.INFERRED_RETURN_TYPE);
ClassNode inferred = previousType == null ? type : lowestUpperBound(type, previousType);
if (implementsInterfaceOrIsSubclassOf(inferred, methodNode.getReturnType())) {
methodNode.putNodeMetaData(StaticTypesMarker.INFERRED_RETURN_TYPE, inferred);
} else {
methodNode.putNodeMetaData(StaticTypesMarker.INFERRED_RETURN_TYPE, methodNode.getReturnType());
return type;
private void addClosureReturnType(ClassNode returnType) {
if (closureReturnTypes == null) closureReturnTypes = new LinkedList<ClassNode>();
public void visitConstructorCallExpression(ConstructorCallExpression call) {
ClassNode receiver = call.isThisCall() ? classNode :
call.isSuperCall() ? classNode.getSuperClass() : call.getType();
Expression arguments = call.getArguments();
ClassNode[] args = getArgumentTypes(InvocationWriter.makeArgumentList(arguments));
MethodNode node = findMethodOrFail(call, receiver, "<init>", args);
if (node != null) {
if (node.getParameters().length == 0 && args.length == 1 && implementsInterfaceOrIsSubclassOf(args[0], MAP_TYPE)) {
if (arguments instanceof TupleExpression) {
TupleExpression texp = (TupleExpression) arguments;
List<Expression> expressions = texp.getExpressions();
if (expressions.size() == 1) {
Expression expression = expressions.get(0);
if (expression instanceof MapExpression) {
MapExpression argList = (MapExpression) expression;
checkGroovyConstructorMap(call, receiver, argList);
node = new ConstructorNode(Opcodes.ACC_PUBLIC, new Parameter[]{new Parameter(MAP_TYPE, "map")}, ClassNode.EMPTY_ARRAY, EmptyStatement.INSTANCE);
storeTargetMethod(call, node);
private ClassNode[] getArgumentTypes(ArgumentListExpression args) {
List<Expression> arglist = args.getExpressions();
ClassNode[] ret = new ClassNode[arglist.size()];
int i = 0;
Map<Object, List<ClassNode>> info = temporaryIfBranchTypeInformation.empty() ? null : temporaryIfBranchTypeInformation.peek();
for (Expression exp : arglist) {
if (exp instanceof ConstantExpression && ((ConstantExpression) exp).getValue() == null) {
} else {
ret[i] = getType(exp);
if (exp instanceof VariableExpression && info != null) {
List<ClassNode> classNodes = getTemporaryTypesForExpression(exp);
if (classNodes != null && !classNodes.isEmpty()) {
ArrayList<ClassNode> arr = new ArrayList<ClassNode>(classNodes.size() + 1);
ret[i] = new UnionTypeClassNode(arr.toArray(new ClassNode[arr.size()]));
return ret;
public void visitClosureExpression(final ClosureExpression expression) {
// collect every variable expression used in the loop body
final Map<VariableExpression, ClassNode> varOrigType = new HashMap<VariableExpression, ClassNode>();
Statement code = expression.getCode();
code.visit(new VariableExpressionTypeMemoizer(varOrigType));
Map<VariableExpression, List<ClassNode>> oldTracker = pushAssignmentTracking();
// first, collect closure shared variables and reinitialize types
SharedVariableCollector collector = new SharedVariableCollector(getSourceUnit());
Set<VariableExpression> closureSharedExpressions = collector.getClosureSharedExpressions();
Map<VariableExpression, ListHashMap> typesBeforeVisit = null;
if (!closureSharedExpressions.isEmpty()) {
typesBeforeVisit = new HashMap<VariableExpression, ListHashMap>();
saveVariableExpressionMetadata(closureSharedExpressions, typesBeforeVisit);
// perform visit
ClosureExpression oldClosureExpr = closureExpression;
List<ClassNode> oldClosureReturnTypes = closureReturnTypes;
closureExpression = expression;
MethodNode node = new MethodNode("dummy", 0, ClassHelper.OBJECT_TYPE, Parameter.EMPTY_ARRAY, ClassNode.EMPTY_ARRAY, code);
if (closureReturnTypes != null) {
expression.putNodeMetaData(StaticTypesMarker.INFERRED_RETURN_TYPE, lowestUpperBound(closureReturnTypes));
closureExpression = oldClosureExpr;
closureReturnTypes = oldClosureReturnTypes;
boolean typeChanged = isSecondPassNeededForControlStructure(varOrigType, oldTracker);
if (typeChanged) visitClosureExpression(expression);
// restore original metadata
private void restoreVariableExpressionMetadata(final Map<VariableExpression, ListHashMap> typesBeforeVisit) {
if (typesBeforeVisit != null) {
for (Map.Entry<VariableExpression, ListHashMap> entry : typesBeforeVisit.entrySet()) {
VariableExpression ve = entry.getKey();
ListHashMap metadata = entry.getValue();
for (StaticTypesMarker marker : StaticTypesMarker.values()) {
Object value = metadata.get(marker);
if (value != null) ve.setNodeMetaData(marker, value);
private void saveVariableExpressionMetadata(final Set<VariableExpression> closureSharedExpressions, final Map<VariableExpression, ListHashMap> typesBeforeVisit) {
for (VariableExpression ve : closureSharedExpressions) {
ListHashMap<StaticTypesMarker, Object> metadata = new ListHashMap<StaticTypesMarker, Object>();
for (StaticTypesMarker marker : StaticTypesMarker.values()) {
Object value = ve.getNodeMetaData(marker);
if (value != null) {
metadata.put(marker, value);
typesBeforeVisit.put(ve, metadata);
Variable accessedVariable = ve.getAccessedVariable();
if (accessedVariable != ve && accessedVariable instanceof VariableExpression) {
saveVariableExpressionMetadata(Collections.singleton((VariableExpression) accessedVariable), typesBeforeVisit);
public void visitMethod(final MethodNode node) {
if (isSkipMode(node)) return;
// alreadyVisitedMethods prevents from visiting the same method multiple times
// and prevents from infinite loops
if (alreadyVisitedMethods.contains(node)) return;
// second, we must ensure that this method MUST be statically checked
// for example, in a mixed mode where only some methods are statically checked
// we must not visit a method which used dynamic dispatch.
// We do not check for an annotation because some other AST transformations
// may use this visitor without the annotation being explicitely set
if (!methodsToBeVisited.isEmpty() && !methodsToBeVisited.contains(node)) return;
final boolean osc = isInStaticContext;
try {
isInStaticContext = node.isStatic();
ClassNode rtype = (ClassNode) node.getNodeMetaData(StaticTypesMarker.INFERRED_RETURN_TYPE);
if (rtype==null) {
node.putNodeMetaData(StaticTypesMarker.INFERRED_RETURN_TYPE, node.getReturnType());
} finally {
isInStaticContext = osc;
protected void addTypeCheckingInfoAnnotation(final MethodNode node) {
// if a returned inferred type is available and no @TypeCheckingInfo is on node, then add an
// annotation to the method node
ClassNode rtype = (ClassNode) node.getNodeMetaData(StaticTypesMarker.INFERRED_RETURN_TYPE);
if (rtype != null && node.getAnnotations(TYPECHECKING_INFO_NODE).isEmpty()) {
AnnotationNode anno = new AnnotationNode(TYPECHECKING_INFO_NODE);
anno.setMember("version", CURRENT_SIGNATURE_PROTOCOL);
SignatureCodec codec = SignatureCodecFactory.getCodec(CURRENT_SIGNATURE_PROTOCOL_VERSION);
String genericsSignature = codec.encode(rtype);
if (genericsSignature != null) {
ConstantExpression signature = new ConstantExpression(genericsSignature);
anno.setMember("inferredType", signature);
public void visitStaticMethodCallExpression(final StaticMethodCallExpression call) {
final String name = call.getMethod();
if (name == null) {
addStaticTypeError("cannot resolve dynamic method name at compile time.", call);
final ClassNode rememberLastItType = lastImplicitItType;
Expression callArguments = call.getArguments();
boolean isWithCall = isWithCall(name, callArguments);
if (!isWithCall) {
// if it is not a "with" call, arguments should be visited first
ClassNode[] args = getArgumentTypes(InvocationWriter.makeArgumentList(callArguments));
final ClassNode receiver = call.getOwnerType();
if (isWithCall) {
withReceiverList.add(0, receiver); // must be added first in the list
lastImplicitItType = receiver;
// if the provided closure uses an explicit parameter definition, we can
// also check that the provided type is correct
if (callArguments instanceof ArgumentListExpression) {
ArgumentListExpression argList = (ArgumentListExpression) callArguments;
ClosureExpression closure = (ClosureExpression) argList.getExpression(0);
Parameter[] parameters = closure.getParameters();
if (parameters.length > 1) {
addStaticTypeError("Unexpected number of parameters for a with call", argList);
} else if (parameters.length == 1) {
Parameter param = parameters[0];
if (!param.isDynamicTyped() && !isAssignableTo(receiver, param.getType().redirect())) {
addStaticTypeError("Expected parameter type: " + receiver.toString(false) + " but was: " + param.getType().redirect().toString(false), param);
try {
if (isWithCall) {
// in case of a with call, arguments (the closure) should be visited now that we checked
// the arguments
// method call receivers are :
// - possible "with" receivers
// - the actual receiver as found in the method call expression
// - any of the potential receivers found in the instanceof temporary table
// in that order
List<ClassNode> receivers = new LinkedList<ClassNode>();
if (!withReceiverList.isEmpty()) receivers.addAll(withReceiverList);
List<MethodNode> mn = null;
ClassNode chosenReceiver = null;
for (ClassNode currentReceiver : receivers) {
mn = findMethod(currentReceiver, name, args);
if (!mn.isEmpty()) {
if (mn.size() == 1) typeCheckMethodsWithGenerics(currentReceiver, args, mn.get(0), call);
chosenReceiver = currentReceiver;
if (mn.isEmpty()) {
addStaticTypeError("Cannot find matching method " + receiver.getText() + "#" + toMethodParametersString(name, args), call);
} else {
if (mn.size() == 1) {
MethodNode directMethodCallCandidate = mn.get(0);
// visit the method to obtain inferred return type
ClassNode currentClassNode = classNode;
classNode = directMethodCallCandidate.getDeclaringClass();
for (ClassNode node : source.getAST().getClasses()) {
if (isClassInnerClassOrEqualTo(classNode, node)) {
classNode = currentClassNode;
ClassNode returnType = getType(directMethodCallCandidate);
if (returnType.isUsingGenerics() && !returnType.isEnum()) {
ClassNode irtg = inferReturnTypeGenerics(chosenReceiver, directMethodCallCandidate, callArguments);
returnType = irtg!=null && implementsInterfaceOrIsSubclassOf(irtg, returnType)?irtg:returnType;
storeType(call, returnType);
storeTargetMethod(call, directMethodCallCandidate);
} else {
addAmbiguousErrorMessage(mn, name, args, call);
} finally {
if (isWithCall) {
lastImplicitItType = rememberLastItType;
private void pickInferredTypeFromMethodAnnotation(final MethodNode node) {
if (node.getNodeMetaData(StaticTypesMarker.INFERRED_RETURN_TYPE) == null
&& !node.getAnnotations(TYPECHECKING_INFO_NODE).isEmpty()) {
List<AnnotationNode> annotations = node.getAnnotations(TYPECHECKING_INFO_NODE);
AnnotationNode head = annotations.get(0);
int version = Integer.valueOf(head.getMember("version").getText());
String signature = head.getMember("inferredType").getText();
SignatureCodec codec = SignatureCodecFactory.getCodec(version);
ClassNode result = codec.decode(signature);
node.putNodeMetaData(StaticTypesMarker.INFERRED_RETURN_TYPE, result);
private void silentlyVisitMethodNode(final MethodNode directMethodCallCandidate) {
// visit is authorized because the classnode belongs to the same source unit
ErrorCollector currentCollector = errorCollector;
// create a dummy collector, we don't want errors to be reported for this visit
errorCollector = new ErrorCollector(new CompilerConfiguration());
try {
} finally {
// restore error collector
errorCollector = currentCollector;
public void visitMethodCallExpression(MethodCallExpression call) {
final String name = call.getMethodAsString();
if (name == null) {
addStaticTypeError("cannot resolve dynamic method name at compile time.", call.getMethod());
final Expression objectExpression = call.getObjectExpression();
// if the call expression is a spread operator call, then we must make sure that
// the call is made on a collection type
if (call.isSpreadSafe()) {
ClassNode expressionType = getType(objectExpression);
if (!(expressionType.equals(Collection_TYPE) || expressionType.implementsInterface(Collection_TYPE))) {
addStaticTypeError("Spread operator can only be used on collection types", expressionType);
} else {
// type check call as if it was made on component type
ClassNode componentType = inferComponentType(expressionType);
MethodCallExpression subcall = new MethodCallExpression(
new CastExpression(componentType, EmptyExpression.INSTANCE),
// the inferred type here should be a list of what the subcall returns
ClassNode subcallReturnType = getType(subcall);
ClassNode listNode = LIST_TYPE.getPlainNodeReference();
listNode.setGenericsTypes(new GenericsType[]{new GenericsType(wrapTypeIfNecessary(subcallReturnType))});
storeType(call, listNode);
// store target method
storeTargetMethod(call, (MethodNode) subcall.getNodeMetaData(StaticTypesMarker.DIRECT_METHOD_CALL_TARGET));
final ClassNode rememberLastItType = lastImplicitItType;
Expression callArguments = call.getArguments();
boolean isWithCall = isWithCall(name, callArguments);
if (!isWithCall) {
// if it is not a "with" call, arguments should be visited first
ClassNode[] args = getArgumentTypes(InvocationWriter.makeArgumentList(callArguments));
final boolean isCallOnClosure = isClosureCall(name, objectExpression, callArguments);
final ClassNode receiver = getType(objectExpression);
if (isWithCall) {
withReceiverList.add(0, receiver); // must be added first in the list
lastImplicitItType = receiver;
// if the provided closure uses an explicit parameter definition, we can
// also check that the provided type is correct
if (callArguments instanceof ArgumentListExpression) {
ArgumentListExpression argList = (ArgumentListExpression) callArguments;
ClosureExpression closure = (ClosureExpression) argList.getExpression(0);
Parameter[] parameters = closure.getParameters();
if (parameters.length > 1) {
addStaticTypeError("Unexpected number of parameters for a with call", argList);
} else if (parameters.length == 1) {
Parameter param = parameters[0];
if (!param.isDynamicTyped() && !isAssignableTo(receiver, param.getType().redirect())) {
addStaticTypeError("Expected parameter type: " + receiver.toString(false) + " but was: " + param.getType().redirect().toString(false), param);
try {
if (isWithCall) {
// in case of a with call, arguments (the closure) should be visited now that we checked
// the arguments
if (isCallOnClosure) {
// this is a call
if (objectExpression == VariableExpression.THIS_EXPRESSION) {
// isClosureCall() check verified earlier that a field exists
FieldNode field = classNode.getDeclaredField(name);
ClassNode closureReturnType = field.getType().getGenericsTypes()[0].getType();
Object data = field.getNodeMetaData(StaticTypesMarker.CLOSURE_ARGUMENTS);
if (data != null) {
Parameter[] parameters = (Parameter[]) data;
typeCheckClosureCall(callArguments, args, parameters);
storeType(call, closureReturnType);
} else if (objectExpression instanceof VariableExpression) {
Variable variable = findTargetVariable((VariableExpression) objectExpression);
if (variable instanceof Expression) {
Object data = ((Expression) variable).getNodeMetaData(StaticTypesMarker.CLOSURE_ARGUMENTS);
if (data != null) {
Parameter[] parameters = (Parameter[]) data;
typeCheckClosureCall(callArguments, args, parameters);
Object type = ((Expression) variable).getNodeMetaData(StaticTypesMarker.INFERRED_RETURN_TYPE);
if (type == null) {
// if variable was declared as a closure and inferred type is unknown, we
// may face a recursive call. In that case, we will use the type of the
// generic return type of the closure declaration
if (variable.getType().equals(CLOSURE_TYPE)) {
GenericsType[] genericsTypes = variable.getType().getGenericsTypes();
if (genericsTypes != null && !genericsTypes[0].isPlaceholder()) {
type = genericsTypes[0].getType();
} else {
if (type != null) {
storeType(call, (ClassNode) type);
} else if (objectExpression instanceof ClosureExpression) {
// we can get actual parameters directly
Parameter[] parameters = ((ClosureExpression) objectExpression).getParameters();
typeCheckClosureCall(callArguments, args, parameters);
Object data = objectExpression.getNodeMetaData(StaticTypesMarker.INFERRED_RETURN_TYPE);
if (data != null) {
storeType(call, (ClassNode) data);
int nbOfArgs = 0;
if (callArguments instanceof ArgumentListExpression) {
ArgumentListExpression list = (ArgumentListExpression) callArguments;
nbOfArgs = list.getExpressions().size();
} else {
// todo : other cases
nbOfArgs = 0;
nbOfArgs == 0 ? CLOSURE_CALL_NO_ARG :
nbOfArgs == 1 ? CLOSURE_CALL_ONE_ARG :
} else {
// method call receivers are :
// - possible "with" receivers
// - the actual receiver as found in the method call expression
// - any of the potential receivers found in the instanceof temporary table
// in that order
List<ClassNode> receivers = new LinkedList<ClassNode>();
if (!withReceiverList.isEmpty()) receivers.addAll(withReceiverList);
if (receiver.equals(CLASS_Type) && receiver.getGenericsTypes() != null) {
GenericsType clazzGT = receiver.getGenericsTypes()[0];
if (!temporaryIfBranchTypeInformation.empty()) {
List<ClassNode> potentialReceiverType = getTemporaryTypesForExpression(objectExpression);
if (potentialReceiverType != null) receivers.addAll(potentialReceiverType);
List<MethodNode> mn = null;
ClassNode chosenReceiver = null;
for (ClassNode currentReceiver : receivers) {
mn = findMethod(currentReceiver, name, args);
// if the receiver is "this" or "implicit this", then we must make sure that the compatible
// methods are only static if we are in a static context
if (!mn.isEmpty() && isInStaticContext && (call.isImplicitThis()
|| (objectExpression instanceof VariableExpression && ((VariableExpression)objectExpression).isThisExpression()))) {
// we create a separate method list just to be able to print out
// a nice error message to the user
List<MethodNode> staticMethods = new LinkedList<MethodNode>();
List<MethodNode> nonStaticMethods = new LinkedList<MethodNode>();
for (final MethodNode node : mn) {
if (node.isStatic()) {
} else {
mn = staticMethods;
if (staticMethods.isEmpty()) {
// choose an arbitrary method to display an error message
MethodNode node = nonStaticMethods.get(0);
ClassNode owner = node.getDeclaringClass();
addStaticTypeError("Non static method "+owner.getName()+"#"+node.getName()+" cannot be called from static context", call);
if (!mn.isEmpty()) {
if (mn.size() == 1) typeCheckMethodsWithGenerics(currentReceiver, args, mn.get(0), call);
chosenReceiver = currentReceiver;
if (mn.isEmpty() && closureExpression!=null && args.length==0) {
// add special handling of getDelegate() and getOwner()
if ("getDelegate".equals(name)) {
mn = Collections.singletonList(GET_DELEGATE);
} else if ("getOwner".equals(name)) {
mn = Collections.singletonList(GET_OWNER);
}else if ("getThisObject".equals(name)) {
mn = Collections.singletonList(GET_THISOBJECT);
if (mn.isEmpty()) {
addStaticTypeError("Cannot find matching method " + receiver.getText() + "#" + toMethodParametersString(name, args), call);
} else {
if (areCategoryMethodCalls(mn, name, args)) {
if (mn.size() == 1) {
MethodNode directMethodCallCandidate = mn.get(0);
// visit the method to obtain inferred return type
ClassNode currentClassNode = classNode;
classNode = directMethodCallCandidate.getDeclaringClass();
for (ClassNode node : source.getAST().getClasses()) {
if (isClassInnerClassOrEqualTo(classNode, node)) {
// visit is authorized because the classnode belongs to the same source unit
classNode = currentClassNode;
ClassNode returnType = getType(directMethodCallCandidate);
if (isUsingGenericsOrIsArrayUsingGenerics(returnType)) {
ClassNode irtg = inferReturnTypeGenerics(chosenReceiver, directMethodCallCandidate, callArguments);
returnType = irtg!=null && implementsInterfaceOrIsSubclassOf(irtg, returnType)?irtg:returnType;
storeType(call, returnType);
storeTargetMethod(call, directMethodCallCandidate);
// if the object expression is a closure shared variable, we will have to perform a second pass
if (objectExpression instanceof VariableExpression) {
VariableExpression var = (VariableExpression) objectExpression;
if (var.isClosureSharedVariable()) secondPassExpressions.add(call);
} else {
addAmbiguousErrorMessage(mn, name, args, call);
} finally {
if (isWithCall) {
lastImplicitItType = rememberLastItType;
private List<ClassNode> getTemporaryTypesForExpression(final Expression objectExpression) {
List<ClassNode> classNodes = null;
int depth = temporaryIfBranchTypeInformation.size();
while (classNodes == null && depth > 0) {
final Map<Object, List<ClassNode>> tempo = temporaryIfBranchTypeInformation.get(--depth);
Object key = extractTemporaryTypeInfoKey(objectExpression);
classNodes = tempo.get(key);
return classNodes;
private void storeTargetMethod(final Expression call, final MethodNode directMethodCallCandidate) {
call.putNodeMetaData(StaticTypesMarker.DIRECT_METHOD_CALL_TARGET, directMethodCallCandidate);
private boolean isClosureCall(final String name, final Expression objectExpression, final Expression arguments) {
if (objectExpression instanceof ClosureExpression) return true;
if (objectExpression == VariableExpression.THIS_EXPRESSION) {
FieldNode fieldNode = classNode.getDeclaredField(name);
if (fieldNode != null) {
ClassNode type = fieldNode.getType();
if (CLOSURE_TYPE.equals(type) && !classNode.hasPossibleMethod(name, arguments)) {
return true;
} else {
if (!"call".equals(name) && !"doCall".equals(name)) return false;
return (getType(objectExpression).equals(CLOSURE_TYPE));
private void typeCheckClosureCall(final Expression callArguments, final ClassNode[] args, final Parameter[] parameters) {
if (allParametersAndArgumentsMatch(parameters, args) < 0 &&
lastArgMatchesVarg(parameters, args) < 0) {
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder("[");
for (int i = 0, parametersLength = parameters.length; i < parametersLength; i++) {
final Parameter parameter = parameters[i];
if (i < parametersLength - 1) sb.append(", ");
addStaticTypeError("Closure argument types: " + sb + " do not match with parameter types: " + formatArgumentList(args), callArguments);
public void visitIfElse(final IfStatement ifElse) {
Map<VariableExpression, List<ClassNode>> oldTracker = pushAssignmentTracking();
try {
// create a new temporary element in the if-then-else type info
// pop if-then-else temporary type info
Statement elseBlock = ifElse.getElseBlock();
if (elseBlock instanceof EmptyStatement) {
// dispatching to EmptyStatement will not call back visitor,
// must call our visitEmptyStatement explicitly
visitEmptyStatement((EmptyStatement) elseBlock);
} else {
} finally {
private Map<VariableExpression, ClassNode> popAssignmentTracking(final Map<VariableExpression, List<ClassNode>> oldTracker) {
Map<VariableExpression, ClassNode> assignments = new HashMap<VariableExpression, ClassNode>();
if (!ifElseForWhileAssignmentTracker.isEmpty()) {
for (Map.Entry<VariableExpression, List<ClassNode>> entry : ifElseForWhileAssignmentTracker.entrySet()) {
VariableExpression key = entry.getKey();
ClassNode cn = lowestUpperBound(entry.getValue());
storeType(key, cn);
assignments.put(key, cn);
ifElseForWhileAssignmentTracker = oldTracker;
return assignments;
private Map<VariableExpression, List<ClassNode>> pushAssignmentTracking() {
// memorize current assignment context
Map<VariableExpression, List<ClassNode>> oldTracker = ifElseForWhileAssignmentTracker;
ifElseForWhileAssignmentTracker = new HashMap<VariableExpression, List<ClassNode>>();
return oldTracker;
public void visitCastExpression(final CastExpression expression) {
if (!expression.isCoerce()) {
ClassNode targetType = expression.getType();
Expression source = expression.getExpression();
ClassNode expressionType = getType(source);
if (!checkCast(targetType, source)) {
addStaticTypeError("Inconvertible types: cannot cast " + expressionType.toString(false) + " to " + targetType.getName(), expression);
storeType(expression, expression.getType());
private boolean checkCast(final ClassNode targetType, final Expression source) {
boolean sourceIsNull = source instanceof ConstantExpression && ((ConstantExpression) source).getValue() == null;
ClassNode expressionType = getType(source);
if (targetType.isArray() && expressionType.isArray()) {
return checkCast(targetType.getComponentType(), new VariableExpression("foo", expressionType.getComponentType()));
} else if (targetType.equals(char_TYPE) && expressionType == STRING_TYPE
&& source instanceof ConstantExpression && source.getText().length() == 1) {
// ex: (char) 'c'
} else if (targetType.equals(Character_TYPE) && (expressionType == STRING_TYPE || sourceIsNull)
&& (sourceIsNull || source instanceof ConstantExpression && source.getText().length() == 1)) {
// ex : (Character) 'c'
} else if (isNumberCategory(getWrapper(targetType)) && (isNumberCategory(getWrapper(expressionType)) || char_TYPE == expressionType)) {
// ex: short s = (short) 0
} else if (sourceIsNull && !isPrimitiveType(targetType)) {
// ex: (Date)null
} else if (sourceIsNull && isPrimitiveType(targetType)) {
return false;
} else if (!isAssignableTo(targetType, expressionType) && !implementsInterfaceOrIsSubclassOf(expressionType, targetType)) {
return false;
return true;
public void visitTernaryExpression(final TernaryExpression expression) {
Map<VariableExpression, List<ClassNode>> oldTracker = pushAssignmentTracking();
// create a new temporary element in the if-then-else type info
// pop if-then-else temporary type info
// store type information
final ClassNode typeOfTrue = getType(expression.getTrueExpression());
final ClassNode typeOfFalse = getType(expression.getFalseExpression());
storeType(expression, lowestUpperBound(typeOfTrue, typeOfFalse));
private void pushTemporaryTypeInfo() {
Map<Object, List<ClassNode>> potentialTypes = new HashMap<Object, List<ClassNode>>();
private void storeType(Expression exp, ClassNode cn) {
// this can happen for example when "null" is used in an assignment or a method parameter.
// In that case, instead of storing the virtual type, we must "reset" type information
// by determining the declaration type of the expression
storeType(exp, getOriginalDeclarationType(exp));
ClassNode oldValue = (ClassNode) exp.putNodeMetaData(StaticTypesMarker.INFERRED_TYPE, cn);
if (oldValue != null) {
// this may happen when a variable declaration type is wider than the subsequent assignment values
// for example :
// def o = 1 // first, an int
// o = 'String' // then a string
// o = new Object() // and eventually an object !
// in that case, the INFERRED_TYPE corresponds to the current inferred type, while
// DECLARATION_INFERRED_TYPE is the type which should be used for the initial type declaration
ClassNode oldDIT = (ClassNode) exp.getNodeMetaData(StaticTypesMarker.DECLARATION_INFERRED_TYPE);
if (oldDIT != null) {
exp.putNodeMetaData(StaticTypesMarker.DECLARATION_INFERRED_TYPE, lowestUpperBound(oldDIT, cn));
} else {
exp.putNodeMetaData(StaticTypesMarker.DECLARATION_INFERRED_TYPE, lowestUpperBound(oldValue, cn));
if (exp instanceof VariableExpression) {
VariableExpression var = (VariableExpression) exp;
final Variable accessedVariable = var.getAccessedVariable();
if (accessedVariable != null && accessedVariable != exp && accessedVariable instanceof VariableExpression) {
storeType((Expression) accessedVariable, cn);
if (var.isClosureSharedVariable()) {
List<ClassNode> assignedTypes = closureSharedVariablesAssignmentTypes.get(var);
if (assignedTypes == null) {
assignedTypes = new LinkedList<ClassNode>();
closureSharedVariablesAssignmentTypes.put(var, assignedTypes);
if (!temporaryIfBranchTypeInformation.empty()) {
List<ClassNode> temporaryTypesForExpression = getTemporaryTypesForExpression(exp);
if (temporaryTypesForExpression != null && !temporaryTypesForExpression.isEmpty()) {
// a type inference has been made on a variable which type was defined in an instanceof block
// we erase available information with the new type
private ClassNode getResultType(ClassNode left, int op, ClassNode right, BinaryExpression expr) {
ClassNode leftRedirect = left.redirect();
ClassNode rightRedirect = right.redirect();
Expression leftExpression = expr.getLeftExpression();
if (op == ASSIGN || op == ASSIGNMENT_OPERATOR) {
if (leftRedirect.isArray() && !rightRedirect.isArray()) return leftRedirect;
if (leftRedirect.implementsInterface(Collection_TYPE) && rightRedirect.implementsInterface(Collection_TYPE)) {
// because of type inferrence, we must perform an additional check if the right expression
// is an empty list expression ([]). In that case and only in that case, the inferred type
// will be wrong, so we will prefer the left type
if (expr.getRightExpression() instanceof ListExpression) {
List<Expression> list = ((ListExpression) expr.getRightExpression()).getExpressions();
if (list.isEmpty()) return left;
return right;
if (rightRedirect.implementsInterface(Collection_TYPE) && rightRedirect.isDerivedFrom(leftRedirect)) {
// ex : def foos = ['a','b','c']
return right;
if (leftExpression instanceof VariableExpression) {
ClassNode initialType = getOriginalDeclarationType(leftExpression).redirect();
// as anything can be assigned to a String, Class or boolean, return the left type instead
if (STRING_TYPE.equals(initialType)
|| CLASS_Type.equals(initialType)
|| Boolean_TYPE.equals(initialType)) {
return initialType;
return right;
} else if (isBoolIntrinsicOp(op)) {
return boolean_TYPE;
} else if (isArrayOp(op)) {
if (ClassHelper.STRING_TYPE.equals(left)) {
// special case here
return ClassHelper.STRING_TYPE;
return inferComponentType(left);
} else if (op == FIND_REGEX) {
// this case always succeeds the result is a Matcher
return Matcher_TYPE;
// the left operand is determining the result of the operation
// for primitives and their wrapper we use a fixed table here
else if (isNumberType(leftRedirect) && isNumberType(rightRedirect)) {
if (isOperationInGroup(op)) {
if (isIntCategory(leftRedirect) && isIntCategory(rightRedirect)) return int_TYPE;
if (isLongCategory(leftRedirect) && isLongCategory(rightRedirect)) return long_TYPE;
if (isFloat(leftRedirect) && isFloat(rightRedirect)) return float_TYPE;
if (isDouble(leftRedirect) && isDouble(rightRedirect)) return double_TYPE;
} else if (isPowerOperator(op)) {
return Number_TYPE;
} else if (isBitOperator(op)) {
if (isIntCategory(leftRedirect) && isIntCategory(rightRedirect)) return int_TYPE;
if (isLongCategory(leftRedirect) && isLongCategory(rightRedirect)) return Long_TYPE;
if (isBigIntCategory(leftRedirect) && isBigIntCategory(rightRedirect)) return BigInteger_TYPE;
} else if (isCompareToBoolean(op) || op == COMPARE_EQUAL) {
return boolean_TYPE;
// try to find a method for the operation
String operationName = getOperationName(op);
if (isShiftOperation(operationName) && isNumberCategory(leftRedirect) && (isIntCategory(rightRedirect) || isLongCategory(rightRedirect))) {
return leftRedirect;
// Divisions may produce different results depending on operand types
if (isNumberCategory(getWrapper(rightRedirect)) && (isNumberCategory(getWrapper(leftRedirect)) && (DIVIDE == op || DIVIDE_EQUAL == op))) {
if (isFloatingCategory(leftRedirect) || isFloatingCategory(rightRedirect)) {
if (!isPrimitiveType(leftRedirect) || !isPrimitiveType(rightRedirect)) {
return Double_TYPE;
return double_TYPE;
if (DIVIDE == op) {
return BigDecimal_TYPE;
return leftRedirect;
} else if (isOperationInGroup(op)) {
if (isNumberCategory(getWrapper(leftRedirect)) && isNumberCategory(getWrapper(rightRedirect))) {
return getGroupOperationResultType(leftRedirect, rightRedirect);
if (isNumberCategory(getWrapper(rightRedirect)) && isNumberCategory(getWrapper(leftRedirect)) && (MOD == op || MOD_EQUAL==op)) {
return leftRedirect;
MethodNode method = findMethodOrFail(expr, left, operationName, right);
if (method != null) {
typeCheckMethodsWithGenerics(left, new ClassNode[]{right}, method, expr);
if (isAssignment(op)) return left;
if (isCompareToBoolean(op)) return boolean_TYPE;
if (op == COMPARE_TO) return int_TYPE;
return inferReturnTypeGenerics(left, method, new ArgumentListExpression(expr.getRightExpression()));
//TODO: other cases
return null;
private static ClassNode getGroupOperationResultType(ClassNode a, ClassNode b) {
if (isBigIntCategory(a) && isBigIntCategory(b)) return BigInteger_TYPE;
if (isBigDecCategory(a) && isBigDecCategory(b)) return BigDecimal_TYPE;
if (BigDecimal_TYPE.equals(a) || BigDecimal_TYPE.equals(b)) return BigDecimal_TYPE;
if (BigInteger_TYPE.equals(a) || BigInteger_TYPE.equals(b)) {
if (isBigIntCategory(a) && isBigIntCategory(b)) return BigInteger_TYPE;
return BigDecimal_TYPE;
if (double_TYPE.equals(a) || double_TYPE.equals(b)) return double_TYPE;
if (Double_TYPE.equals(a) || Double_TYPE.equals(b)) return Double_TYPE;
if (float_TYPE.equals(a) || float_TYPE.equals(b)) return float_TYPE;
if (Float_TYPE.equals(a) || Float_TYPE.equals(b)) return Float_TYPE;
if (long_TYPE.equals(a) || long_TYPE.equals(b)) return long_TYPE;
if (Long_TYPE.equals(a) || Long_TYPE.equals(b)) return Long_TYPE;
if (int_TYPE.equals(a) || int_TYPE.equals(b)) return int_TYPE;
if (Integer_TYPE.equals(a) || Integer_TYPE.equals(b)) return Integer_TYPE;
if (short_TYPE.equals(a) || short_TYPE.equals(b)) return short_TYPE;
if (Short_TYPE.equals(a) || Short_TYPE.equals(b)) return Short_TYPE;
if (byte_TYPE.equals(a) || byte_TYPE.equals(b)) return byte_TYPE;
if (Byte_TYPE.equals(a) || Byte_TYPE.equals(b)) return Byte_TYPE;
if (char_TYPE.equals(a) || char_TYPE.equals(b)) return char_TYPE;
if (Character_TYPE.equals(a) || Character_TYPE.equals(b)) return Character_TYPE;
return Number_TYPE;
private ClassNode inferComponentType(final ClassNode containerType) {
final ClassNode componentType = containerType.getComponentType();
if (componentType == null) {
// check if any generic information could help
GenericsType[] types = containerType.getGenericsTypes();
if (types != null && types.length == 1) {
GenericsType type = types[0];
if (type.isWildcard()) {
ClassNode[] upperBounds = type.getUpperBounds();
if (upperBounds.length==1) {
return upperBounds[0];
ClassNode lowerBound = type.getLowerBound();
if (lowerBound!=null) return lowerBound;
return type.getType();
} else {
return componentType;
protected MethodNode findMethodOrFail(
Expression expr,
ClassNode receiver, String name, ClassNode... args) {
final List<MethodNode> methods = findMethod(receiver, name, args);
if (methods.isEmpty()) {
addStaticTypeError("Cannot find matching method " + receiver.getText() + "#" + toMethodParametersString(name, args), expr);
} else {
if (areCategoryMethodCalls(methods, name, args)) {
if (methods.size() == 1) {
return methods.get(0);
} else {
addAmbiguousErrorMessage(methods, name, args, expr);
return null;
private void addAmbiguousErrorMessage(final List<MethodNode> foundMethods, final String name, final ClassNode[] args, final Expression expr) {
addStaticTypeError("Reference to method is ambiguous. Cannot choose between " + foundMethods, expr);
private void addCategoryMethodCallError(final Expression call) {
addStaticTypeError("Due to their dynamic nature, usage of categories is not possible with static type checking active", call);
private boolean areCategoryMethodCalls(final List<MethodNode> foundMethods, final String name, final ClassNode[] args) {
boolean category = false;
if ("use".equals(name) && args!=null && args.length==2 && args[1].equals(ClassHelper.CLOSURE_TYPE)) {
category = true;
for (MethodNode method : foundMethods) {
if (!(method instanceof ExtensionMethodNode) || !((ExtensionMethodNode)method).getExtensionMethodNode().getDeclaringClass().equals(DGM_CLASSNODE)) {
category = false;
return category;
private List<MethodNode> findMethod(
ClassNode receiver, String name, ClassNode... args) {
if (isPrimitiveType(receiver)) receiver = getWrapper(receiver);
List<MethodNode> methods;
if ("<init>".equals(name)) {
methods = new ArrayList<MethodNode>(receiver.getDeclaredConstructors());
if (methods.isEmpty()) {
MethodNode node = new ConstructorNode(Opcodes.ACC_PUBLIC, Parameter.EMPTY_ARRAY, ClassNode.EMPTY_ARRAY, EmptyStatement.INSTANCE);
return Collections.singletonList(node);
} else {
methods = receiver.getMethods(name);
if (receiver.isInterface()) {
ClassNode[] interfaces = receiver.getInterfaces();
if (interfaces!=null && interfaces.length>0) {
methods = new ArrayList<MethodNode>(methods);
for (ClassNode node : interfaces) {
List<MethodNode> intfMethods = node.getMethods(name);
if (closureExpression == null) {
// not in a closure
ClassNode parent = receiver;
while (parent instanceof InnerClassNode && !parent.isStaticClass()) {
parent = receiver.getOuterClass();
if (methods.isEmpty() && (args == null || args.length == 0)) {
// check if it's a property
String pname = null;
if (name.startsWith("get")) {
pname = java.beans.Introspector.decapitalize(name.substring(3));
} else if (name.startsWith("is")) {
pname = java.beans.Introspector.decapitalize(name.substring(2));
if (pname != null) {
// we don't use property exists there because findMethod is called on super clases recursively
PropertyNode property = null;
ClassNode curNode = receiver;
while (property==null && curNode!=null) {
property = curNode.getProperty(pname);
curNode = curNode.getSuperClass();
if (property != null) {
MethodNode node = new MethodNode(name, Opcodes.ACC_PUBLIC, property.getType(), Parameter.EMPTY_ARRAY, ClassNode.EMPTY_ARRAY, EmptyStatement.INSTANCE);
return Collections.singletonList(
} else if (methods.isEmpty() && args != null && args.length == 1) {
// maybe we are looking for a setter ?
if (name.startsWith("set")) {
String pname = java.beans.Introspector.decapitalize(name.substring(3));
ClassNode curNode = receiver;
PropertyNode property = null;
while (property==null && curNode!=null) {
property = curNode.getProperty(pname);
curNode = curNode.getSuperClass();
if (property != null) {
ClassNode type = property.getOriginType();
if (implementsInterfaceOrIsSubclassOf(args[0], type)) {
MethodNode node = new MethodNode(name, Opcodes.ACC_PUBLIC, VOID_TYPE, new Parameter[]{
new Parameter(type, "arg")
}, ClassNode.EMPTY_ARRAY, EmptyStatement.INSTANCE);
return Collections.singletonList(node);
} else {
List<MethodNode> chosen = chooseBestMethod(receiver, methods, args);
if (!chosen.isEmpty()) return chosen;
// perform a lookup in DGM methods
chosen = findDGMMethodsByNameAndArguments(receiver, name, args, methods);
if (!chosen.isEmpty()) {
return chosen;
if (receiver == ClassHelper.GSTRING_TYPE) return findMethod(ClassHelper.STRING_TYPE, name, args);
if (pluginFactory != null) {
TypeCheckerPlugin plugin = pluginFactory.getTypeCheckerPlugin(classNode);
if (plugin != null) {
List<MethodNode> methodNodes = plugin.findMethod(receiver, name, args);
if (methodNodes != null && !methodNodes.isEmpty()) return methodNodes;
protected ClassNode getType(ASTNode exp) {
ClassNode cn = (ClassNode) exp.getNodeMetaData(StaticTypesMarker.INFERRED_TYPE);
if (cn != null) return cn;
if (exp instanceof ClassExpression) {
ClassNode node = CLASS_Type.getPlainNodeReference();
node.setGenericsTypes(new GenericsType[]{
new GenericsType(((ClassExpression) exp).getType())
return node;
} else if (exp instanceof VariableExpression) {
VariableExpression vexp = (VariableExpression) exp;
if (vexp == VariableExpression.THIS_EXPRESSION) return classNode;
if (vexp == VariableExpression.SUPER_EXPRESSION) return classNode.getSuperClass();
final Variable variable = vexp.getAccessedVariable();
if (variable != null && variable != vexp && variable instanceof VariableExpression) {
return getType((Expression) variable);
if (variable instanceof Parameter) {
Parameter parameter = (Parameter) variable;
ClassNode type = forLoopVariableTypes.get(parameter);
if (type != null) return type;
} else if (exp instanceof PropertyExpression) {
PropertyExpression pexp = (PropertyExpression) exp;
ClassNode objectExpType = getType(pexp.getObjectExpression());
if ((LIST_TYPE.equals(objectExpType) || objectExpType.implementsInterface(LIST_TYPE)) && pexp.isSpreadSafe()) {
// list*.property syntax
// todo : type inferrence on list content when possible
return LIST_TYPE;
} else if ((objectExpType.equals(MAP_TYPE) || objectExpType.implementsInterface(MAP_TYPE)) && pexp.isSpreadSafe()) {
// map*.property syntax
// only "key" and "value" are allowed
String propertyName = pexp.getPropertyAsString();
GenericsType[] types = objectExpType.getGenericsTypes();
if ("key".equals(propertyName)) {
if (types.length == 2) {
ClassNode listKey = LIST_TYPE.getPlainNodeReference();
listKey.setGenericsTypes(new GenericsType[]{types[0]});
return listKey;
} else if ("value".equals(propertyName)) {
if (types.length == 2) {
ClassNode listValue = LIST_TYPE.getPlainNodeReference();
listValue.setGenericsTypes(new GenericsType[]{types[1]});
return listValue;
} else {
addStaticTypeError("Spread operator on map only allows one of [key,value]", pexp);
return LIST_TYPE;
} else if (objectExpType.isEnum()) {
return objectExpType;
} else {
final AtomicReference<ClassNode> result = new AtomicReference<ClassNode>(ClassHelper.VOID_TYPE);
existsProperty(pexp, false, new PropertyLookupVisitor(result));
return result.get();
if (exp instanceof ListExpression) {
return inferListExpressionType((ListExpression) exp);
} else if (exp instanceof MapExpression) {
return inferMapExpressionType((MapExpression) exp);
if (exp instanceof MethodNode) {
if ((exp==GET_DELEGATE || exp==GET_OWNER || exp==GET_THISOBJECT) && closureExpression!=null) {
return classNode;
ClassNode ret = (ClassNode) exp.getNodeMetaData(StaticTypesMarker.INFERRED_RETURN_TYPE);
return ret != null ? ret : ((MethodNode) exp).getReturnType();
if (exp instanceof ClosureExpression) {
ClassNode irt = (ClassNode) exp.getNodeMetaData(StaticTypesMarker.INFERRED_RETURN_TYPE);
if (irt != null) {
irt = wrapTypeIfNecessary(irt);
ClassNode result = CLOSURE_TYPE.getPlainNodeReference();
result.setGenericsTypes(new GenericsType[]{new GenericsType(irt)});
return result;
if (exp instanceof RangeExpression) {
ClassNode plain = ClassHelper.RANGE_TYPE.getPlainNodeReference();
RangeExpression re = (RangeExpression) exp;
ClassNode fromType = getType(re.getFrom());
ClassNode toType = getType(re.getTo());
if (fromType.equals(toType)) {
plain.setGenericsTypes(new GenericsType[]{
new GenericsType(wrapTypeIfNecessary(fromType))
} else {
plain.setGenericsTypes(new GenericsType[]{
new GenericsType(wrapTypeIfNecessary(lowestUpperBound(fromType, toType)))
return plain;
if (exp instanceof UnaryPlusExpression) {
return getType(((UnaryPlusExpression) exp).getExpression());
if (exp instanceof UnaryMinusExpression) {
return getType(((UnaryMinusExpression) exp).getExpression());
if (exp instanceof BitwiseNegationExpression) {
return getType(((BitwiseNegationExpression) exp).getExpression());
return exp instanceof VariableExpression ? ((VariableExpression) exp).getOriginType() : ((Expression) exp).getType();
private ClassNode inferListExpressionType(final ListExpression list) {
List<Expression> expressions = list.getExpressions();
if (expressions.isEmpty()) {
// cannot infer, return list type
return list.getType();
ClassNode listType = list.getType();
GenericsType[] genericsTypes = listType.getGenericsTypes();
if ((genericsTypes == null
|| genericsTypes.length == 0
|| (genericsTypes.length == 1 && OBJECT_TYPE.equals(genericsTypes[0].getType())))
&& (!expressions.isEmpty())) {
// maybe we can infer the component type
List<ClassNode> nodes = new LinkedList<ClassNode>();
for (Expression expression : expressions) {
if (expression instanceof ConstantExpression && ((ConstantExpression) expression).getValue() == null) {
// a null element is found in the list, skip it because we'll use the other elements from the list
} else {
if (nodes.isEmpty()) {
// every element was the null constant
return listType;
ClassNode superType = getWrapper(lowestUpperBound(nodes)); // to be used in generics, type must be boxed
ClassNode inferred = listType.getPlainNodeReference();
inferred.setGenericsTypes(new GenericsType[]{new GenericsType(wrapTypeIfNecessary(superType))});
return inferred;
return listType;
private ClassNode inferMapExpressionType(final MapExpression map) {
ClassNode mapType = map.getType();
List<MapEntryExpression> entryExpressions = map.getMapEntryExpressions();
if (entryExpressions.isEmpty()) return mapType;
GenericsType[] genericsTypes = mapType.getGenericsTypes();
if (genericsTypes == null
|| genericsTypes.length < 2
|| (genericsTypes.length == 2 && OBJECT_TYPE.equals(genericsTypes[0].getType()) && OBJECT_TYPE.equals(genericsTypes[1].getType()))) {
List<ClassNode> keyTypes = new LinkedList<ClassNode>();
List<ClassNode> valueTypes = new LinkedList<ClassNode>();
for (MapEntryExpression entryExpression : entryExpressions) {
ClassNode keyType = getWrapper(lowestUpperBound(keyTypes)); // to be used in generics, type must be boxed
ClassNode valueType = getWrapper(lowestUpperBound(valueTypes)); // to be used in generics, type must be boxed
if (!OBJECT_TYPE.equals(keyType) || !OBJECT_TYPE.equals(valueType)) {
ClassNode inferred = mapType.getPlainNodeReference();
inferred.setGenericsTypes(new GenericsType[]{new GenericsType(wrapTypeIfNecessary(keyType)), new GenericsType(wrapTypeIfNecessary(valueType))});
return inferred;
return mapType;
* If a method call returns a parameterized type, then we can perform additional inference on the
* return type, so that the type gets actual type parameters. For example, the method
* Arrays.asList(T...) is generified with type T which can be deduced from actual type
* arguments.
* @param method the method node
* @param arguments the method call arguments
* @return parameterized, infered, class node
private ClassNode inferReturnTypeGenerics(final ClassNode receiver, final MethodNode method, final Expression arguments) {
ClassNode returnType = method.getReturnType();
if (method instanceof ExtensionMethodNode
&& (isUsingGenericsOrIsArrayUsingGenerics(returnType))) {
// check if the placeholder corresponds to the placeholder of the first parameter
ExtensionMethodNode emn = (ExtensionMethodNode) method;
MethodNode dgmMethod = emn.getExtensionMethodNode();
ClassNode dc = emn.getDeclaringClass();
ArgumentListExpression argList = new ArgumentListExpression();
VariableExpression vexp = new VariableExpression("$foo", receiver);
if (arguments instanceof ArgumentListExpression) {
List<Expression> expressions = ((ArgumentListExpression) arguments).getExpressions();
for (Expression arg : expressions) {
} else {
return inferReturnTypeGenerics(dc, dgmMethod, argList);
if (!isUsingGenericsOrIsArrayUsingGenerics(returnType)) return returnType;
GenericsType[] returnTypeGenerics = returnType.isArray() ? returnType.getComponentType().getGenericsTypes() : returnType.getGenericsTypes();
List<GenericsType> placeholders = new LinkedList<GenericsType>();
for (GenericsType returnTypeGeneric : returnTypeGenerics) {
if (returnTypeGeneric.isPlaceholder() || returnTypeGeneric.isWildcard()) {
if (placeholders.isEmpty()) return returnType; // nothing to infer
Map<String, GenericsType> resolvedPlaceholders = new HashMap<String, GenericsType>();
GenericsUtils.extractPlaceholders(receiver, resolvedPlaceholders);
GenericsUtils.extractPlaceholders(method.getReturnType(), resolvedPlaceholders);
// then resolve receivers from method arguments
Parameter[] parameters = method.getParameters();
boolean isVargs = isVargs(parameters);
ArgumentListExpression argList = InvocationWriter.makeArgumentList(arguments);
List<Expression> expressions = argList.getExpressions();
int paramLength = parameters.length;
if (expressions.size() >= paramLength) {
for (int i = 0; i < paramLength; i++) {
boolean lastArg = i == paramLength - 1;
ClassNode type = parameters[i].getType();
if (!type.isUsingGenerics() && type.isArray()) type = type.getComponentType();
if (type.isUsingGenerics()) {
ClassNode actualType = getType(expressions.get(i));
if (isVargs && lastArg && actualType.isArray()) {
actualType = actualType.getComponentType();
actualType = wrapTypeIfNecessary(actualType);
Map<String, GenericsType> typePlaceholders = GenericsUtils.extractPlaceholders(type.isArray() ? type.getComponentType() : type);
if (OBJECT_TYPE.equals(type)) {
// special case for handing Object<E> -> Object
for (String key : typePlaceholders.keySet()) {
resolvedPlaceholders.put(key, new GenericsType(actualType));
} else {
while (!actualType.equals(type)) {
Set<ClassNode> interfaces = actualType.getAllInterfaces();
boolean intf = false;
for (ClassNode anInterface : interfaces) {
if (anInterface.equals(type)) {
intf = true;
actualType = GenericsUtils.parameterizeInterfaceGenerics(actualType, anInterface);
if (!intf) actualType = actualType.getUnresolvedSuperClass();
Map<String, GenericsType> actualTypePlaceholders = GenericsUtils.extractPlaceholders(actualType);
for (Map.Entry<String, GenericsType> typeEntry : actualTypePlaceholders.entrySet()) {
String key = typeEntry.getKey();
GenericsType value = typeEntry.getValue();
GenericsType alias = typePlaceholders.get(key);
if (alias != null && alias.isPlaceholder()) {
resolvedPlaceholders.put(alias.getName(), value);
GenericsType[] copy = new GenericsType[returnTypeGenerics.length];
for (int i = 0; i < copy.length; i++) {
GenericsType returnTypeGeneric = returnTypeGenerics[i];
if (returnTypeGeneric.isPlaceholder() || returnTypeGeneric.isWildcard()) {
GenericsType resolved = resolvedPlaceholders.get(returnTypeGeneric.getName());
if (resolved == null) resolved = returnTypeGeneric;
copy[i] = resolved;
} else {
copy[i] = returnTypeGeneric;
if (returnType.equals(OBJECT_TYPE)) {
if (copy[0].getType().isGenericsPlaceHolder()) return OBJECT_TYPE;
return copy[0].getType();
if (returnType.isArray()) {
returnType = returnType.getComponentType().getPlainNodeReference();
if (OBJECT_TYPE.equals(returnType)) {
// replace Object<Component> with Component
returnType = copy[0].getType();
returnType = returnType.makeArray();
} else {
returnType = returnType.getPlainNodeReference();
if (returnType.equals(Annotation_TYPE) && returnType.getGenericsTypes() != null && !returnType.getGenericsTypes()[0].isPlaceholder()) {
return returnType.getGenericsTypes()[0].getType();
return returnType;
private void typeCheckMethodsWithGenerics(ClassNode receiver, ClassNode[] arguments, MethodNode candidateMethod, Expression location) {
if (!isUsingGenericsOrIsArrayUsingGenerics(receiver)) return;
boolean failure = false;
GenericsType[] methodGenericTypes = null;
ClassNode methodNodeReceiver = candidateMethod.getDeclaringClass();
if (!implementsInterfaceOrIsSubclassOf(receiver, methodNodeReceiver) || !isUsingGenericsOrIsArrayUsingGenerics(methodNodeReceiver))
// both candidate method and receiver have generic information so a check is possible
Parameter[] parameters = candidateMethod.getParameters();
int argNum = 0;
for (Parameter parameter : parameters) {
ClassNode type = parameter.getType();
if (type.isUsingGenerics()) {
methodGenericTypes =
if (methodGenericTypes.length == 1) {
ClassNode nodeType = getWrapper(methodGenericTypes[0].getType());
GenericsType[] argumentGenericTypes = arguments[argNum].getGenericsTypes();
ClassNode actualType = argumentGenericTypes != null ? getWrapper(argumentGenericTypes[0].getType()) : nodeType;
if (!implementsInterfaceOrIsSubclassOf(actualType, nodeType)) {
failure = true;
} else {
// not sure this is possible !
} else if (type.isArray() && type.getComponentType().isUsingGenerics()) {
ClassNode componentType = type.getComponentType();
methodGenericTypes =
if (methodGenericTypes.length == 1) {
ClassNode nodeType = getWrapper(methodGenericTypes[0].getType());
ClassNode actualType = getWrapper(arguments[argNum].getComponentType());
if (!implementsInterfaceOrIsSubclassOf(actualType, nodeType)) {
failure = true;
// for proper error message
GenericsType baseGT = methodGenericTypes[0];
methodGenericTypes[0] = new GenericsType(baseGT.getType(), baseGT.getUpperBounds(), baseGT.getLowerBound());
} else {
// not sure this is possible !
if (failure) {
ClassNode[] parameterTypes = new ClassNode[methodGenericTypes.length];
for (int i = 0; i < methodGenericTypes.length; i++) {
parameterTypes[i] = methodGenericTypes[i].getType();
addStaticTypeError("Cannot call " + receiver.getName() + "#" +
toMethodParametersString(candidateMethod.getName(), parameterTypes) +
" with arguments " + formatArgumentList(arguments), location);
private static String formatArgumentList(ClassNode[] nodes) {
if (nodes == null) return "[]";
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(24 * nodes.length);
for (ClassNode node : nodes) {
sb.append(", ");
if (sb.length() > 1) {
sb.setCharAt(sb.length() - 2, ']');
return sb.toString();
protected void addError(final String msg, final ASTNode expr) {
int line = expr.getLineNumber();
int col = expr.getColumnNumber();
Long err = ((long) expr.getLineNumber()) << 16 + expr.getColumnNumber();
if (!reportedErrors.contains(err)) {
new SyntaxErrorMessage(new SyntaxException(msg + '\n', line, col), source)
protected void addStaticTypeError(final String msg, final ASTNode expr) {
if (expr.getColumnNumber() > 0 && expr.getLineNumber() > 0) {
addError(StaticTypesTransformation.STATIC_ERROR_PREFIX + msg, expr);
} else {
// ignore errors which are related to unknown source locations
// because they are likely related to generated code
public void setMethodsToBeVisited(final Set<MethodNode> methodsToBeVisited) {
this.methodsToBeVisited = methodsToBeVisited;
public void performSecondPass() {
for (Expression expression : secondPassExpressions) {
if (expression instanceof MethodCallExpression) {
MethodCallExpression call = (MethodCallExpression) expression;
Expression objectExpression = call.getObjectExpression();
if (objectExpression instanceof VariableExpression) {
// this should always be the case, but adding a test is safer
Variable target = findTargetVariable((VariableExpression) objectExpression);
if (target instanceof VariableExpression) {
VariableExpression var = (VariableExpression) target;
List<ClassNode> classNodes = closureSharedVariablesAssignmentTypes.get(var);
if (classNodes != null && classNodes.size() > 1) {
ClassNode lub = lowestUpperBound(classNodes);
MethodNode methodNode = (MethodNode) call.getNodeMetaData(StaticTypesMarker.DIRECT_METHOD_CALL_TARGET);
// we must check that such a method exists on the LUB
Parameter[] parameters = methodNode.getParameters();
ClassNode[] params = new ClassNode[parameters.length];
for (int i = 0; i < params.length; i++) {
params[i] = parameters[i].getType();
List<MethodNode> method = findMethod(lub, methodNode.getName(), params);
if (method.size() != 1) {
addStaticTypeError("A closure shared variable [" + target.getName() + "] has been assigned with various types and the method" +
" [" + toMethodParametersString(methodNode.getName(), params) + "]" +
" does not exist in the lowest upper bound of those types: [" +
lub.toString(false) + "]. In general, this is a bad practice (variable reuse) because the compiler cannot" +
" determine safely what is the type of the variable at the moment of the call in a multithreaded context.", call);
* Returns a wrapped type if, and only if, the provided class node is a primitive type.
* This method differs from {@link ClassHelper#getWrapper(org.codehaus.groovy.ast.ClassNode)} as it will
* return the same instance if the provided type is not a generic type.
* @param type
* @return
private static ClassNode wrapTypeIfNecessary(ClassNode type) {
if (isPrimitiveType(type)) return getWrapper(type);
return type;
private static boolean isClassInnerClassOrEqualTo(ClassNode toBeChecked, ClassNode start) {
if (start == toBeChecked) return true;
if (start instanceof InnerClassNode) {
return isClassInnerClassOrEqualTo(toBeChecked, start.getOuterClass());
return false;
* A visitor used as a callback to {@link StaticTypeCheckingVisitor#existsProperty(org.codehaus.groovy.ast.expr.PropertyExpression, boolean, org.codehaus.groovy.ast.ClassCodeVisitorSupport)}
* which will return set the type of the found property in the provided reference.
private static class PropertyLookupVisitor extends ClassCodeVisitorSupport {
private final AtomicReference<ClassNode> result;
public PropertyLookupVisitor(final AtomicReference<ClassNode> result) {
this.result = result;
protected SourceUnit getSourceUnit() {
return null;
public void visitMethod(final MethodNode node) {
public void visitProperty(final PropertyNode node) {
public void visitField(final FieldNode field) {
private class VariableExpressionTypeMemoizer extends ClassCodeVisitorSupport {
private final Map<VariableExpression, ClassNode> varOrigType;
public VariableExpressionTypeMemoizer(final Map<VariableExpression, ClassNode> varOrigType) {
this.varOrigType = varOrigType;
protected SourceUnit getSourceUnit() {
return source;
public void visitVariableExpression(final VariableExpression expression) {
Variable var = findTargetVariable(expression);
if (var instanceof VariableExpression) {
VariableExpression ve = (VariableExpression) var;
varOrigType.put(ve, (ClassNode) ve.getNodeMetaData(StaticTypesMarker.INFERRED_TYPE));
// ------------------- codecs for method return type signatures ------------------------------
protected static interface SignatureCodec {
String encode(ClassNode node);
ClassNode decode(String signature);
private static class SignatureCodecVersion1 implements SignatureCodec {
private void doEncode(final ClassNode node, DataOutputStream dos) throws IOException {
if (node instanceof UnionTypeClassNode) {
UnionTypeClassNode union = (UnionTypeClassNode) node;
ClassNode[] delegates = union.getDelegates();
for (ClassNode delegate : delegates) {
doEncode(delegate, dos);
} else if (node instanceof LowestUpperBoundClassNode) {
LowestUpperBoundClassNode lub = (LowestUpperBoundClassNode) node;
doEncode(lub.getUnresolvedSuperClass(), dos);
ClassNode[] interfaces = lub.getInterfaces();
if (interfaces == null) {
} else {
for (ClassNode anInterface : interfaces) {
doEncode(anInterface, dos);
if (node.isArray()) {
doEncode(node.getComponentType(), dos);
} else {
GenericsType[] genericsTypes = node.getGenericsTypes();
if (genericsTypes == null) {
} else {
for (GenericsType type : genericsTypes) {
doEncode(type.getType(), dos);
ClassNode lb = type.getLowerBound();
if (lb == null) {
} else {
doEncode(lb, dos);
ClassNode[] upperBounds = type.getUpperBounds();
if (upperBounds == null) {
} else {
for (ClassNode bound : upperBounds) {
doEncode(bound, dos);
public String encode(final ClassNode node) {
ByteArrayOutputStream baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream(128);
DataOutputStream dos = new DataOutputStream(baos);
StringWriter wrt = new StringWriter();
String encoded = null;
try {
doEncode(node, dos);
encoded = wrt.toString();
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new GroovyRuntimeException("Unable to serialize type information", e);
return encoded;
private ClassNode doDecode(final DataInputStream dis) throws IOException {
String classNodeType = dis.readUTF();
if (UnionTypeClassNode.class.getSimpleName().equals(classNodeType)) {
int len = dis.readInt();
ClassNode[] delegates = new ClassNode[len];
for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) {
delegates[i] = doDecode(dis);
return new UnionTypeClassNode(delegates);
} else if (WideningCategories.LowestUpperBoundClassNode.class.getSimpleName().equals(classNodeType)) {
String name = dis.readUTF();
ClassNode upper = doDecode(dis);
int len = dis.readInt();
ClassNode[] interfaces = null;
if (len >= 0) {
interfaces = new ClassNode[len];
for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) {
interfaces[i] = doDecode(dis);
return new LowestUpperBoundClassNode(name, upper, interfaces);
boolean makeArray = dis.readBoolean();
if (makeArray) {
return doDecode(dis).makeArray();
String typedesc = dis.readUTF();
char typeCode = typedesc.charAt(0);
ClassNode result = OBJECT_TYPE;
if (typeCode == 'L') {
// object type
String className = typedesc.replace('/', '.').substring(1, typedesc.length() - 1);
try {
result = ClassHelper.make(Class.forName(className)).getPlainNodeReference();
} catch (ClassNotFoundException e) {
result = ClassHelper.make(className);
int len = dis.readInt();
if (len >= 0) {
GenericsType[] gts = new GenericsType[len];
for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) {
boolean placeholder = dis.readBoolean();
boolean wildcard = dis.readBoolean();
ClassNode type = doDecode(dis);
boolean low = dis.readBoolean();
ClassNode lb = null;
if (low) {
lb = doDecode(dis);
int upc = dis.readInt();
ClassNode[] ups = null;
if (upc >= 0) {
ups = new ClassNode[upc];
for (int j = 0; j < upc; j++) {
ups[j] = doDecode(dis);
GenericsType gt = new GenericsType(
type, ups, lb
gts[i] = gt;
} else {
// primitive type
switch (typeCode) {
case 'I': result = int_TYPE; break;
case 'Z': result = boolean_TYPE; break;
case 'B': result = byte_TYPE; break;
case 'C': result = char_TYPE; break;
case 'S': result = short_TYPE; break;
case 'D': result = double_TYPE; break;
case 'F': result = float_TYPE; break;
case 'J': result = long_TYPE; break;
case 'V': result = VOID_TYPE; break;
return result;
public ClassNode decode(final String signature) {
DataInputStream dis = new DataInputStream(
new ByteArrayInputStream(EncodingGroovyMethods.decodeBase64(signature)));
try {
return doDecode(dis);
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new GroovyRuntimeException("Unable to read type information", e);
protected static class SignatureCodecFactory {
static SignatureCodec getCodec(int version) {
switch (version) {
case 1: return new SignatureCodecVersion1();
default: return null;