blob: b974a12b8b89efe837d93657c2fbee683ed2ae38 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
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import org.codehaus.groovy.classgen.asm.AbstractBytecodeTestCase
* Unit tests for static compilation: basic math operations.
class StaticCompileMathTest extends AbstractBytecodeTestCase {
void testIntSum() {
assertScript '''
int m() {
int a = 10
int b = 20
int c = a+b
assert m()==30
void testLongSum() {
assertScript '''
long m() {
long a = 10
long b = 20
long c = a+b
assert m()==30
void testShortSum() {
assertScript '''
int m() {
short a = 10
short b = 20
int c = a+b
assert m()==30
void testFloatSum() {
assertScript '''
float m() {
float a = 10f
float b = 20f
float c = a+b
assert m()==30f
void testDoubleSum() {
assertScript '''
double m() {
double a = 10d
double b = 20d
double c = a+b
assert m()==30d
void testDoublePlusInt() {
assertScript '''
double m() {
double a = 10d
int b = 1
double c = a+b
assert m()==11d
void testIntMinusDouble() {
assertScript '''
double m() {
int x = 10
double y = 0.5
assert m()==9.5d
void testIntMinusBigDec() {
extractionOptions = [method: 'm', print:true]
assertScript '''
double m() {
return 1i - 1.0 // 1.0 is BigDecimal
assert m()==0
void testIntPlusBigDec() {
extractionOptions = [method: 'm', print:true]
assertScript '''
double m() {
return 1i + 1.0 // 1.0 is BigDecimal
assert m()==2
void testIntMultiplyBigDec() {
extractionOptions = [method: 'm', print:true]
assertScript '''
double m() {
return 1i * 1.0 // 1.0 is BigDecimal
assert m()==1
void testIntDivBigDec() {
extractionOptions = [method: 'm', print:true]
assertScript '''
double m() {
return 1i / 1.0 // 1.0 is BigDecimal
assert m()==1
void testStaticCompilePiComputationWithPrimitives() {
// extractionOptions = [method: 'doIt', print:true]
assertScript '''@groovy.transform.CompileStatic
def doIt() {
final int n = 10000000i // 10 times fewer due to speed issues.
final double delta = 1.0d / n
final startTime = System.nanoTime()
double sum = 0.0d
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) { sum += 1.0d / (1.0d + ((i - 0.5d) * delta) ** 2i) }
final double pi = 4.0d * sum * delta
final elapseTime = (System.nanoTime() - startTime) / 1e9
println("==== Groovy Sequential Primitives pi = " + pi)
println("==== Groovy Sequential Primitives iteration count = " + n)
println("==== Groovy Sequential Primitives elapse = " + elapseTime)
void testStaticCompilePiComputationWithPrimitivesAndRangeLoop() {
// extractionOptions = [method: 'doIt', print:true]
assertScript '''@groovy.transform.CompileStatic
def doIt() {
final int n = 10000000i // 10 times fewer due to speed issues.
final double delta = 1.0d / n
final startTime = System.nanoTime()
double sum = 0.0d
for (int i in 1..n) { sum += 1.0d / (1.0d + ((i - 0.5d) * delta) ** 2i) }
final double pi = 4.0d * sum * delta
final elapseTime = (System.nanoTime() - startTime) / 1e9
println("==== Groovy Sequential Primitives pi = " + pi)
println("==== Groovy Sequential Primitives iteration count = " + n)
println("==== Groovy Sequential Primitives elapse = " + elapseTime)
void testStaticCompileLeftShiftEquals() {
assertScript '''
int foo() {
int i = 1
i <<= 2
assert foo()==4
void testStaticCompileRightShiftEquals() {
assertScript '''
int foo() {
int i = 4
i >>= 2
assert foo()==1
void testStaticCompilePlusEquals() {
assertScript '''
int foo() {
int i = 4
i += 2
assert foo()==6
void testStaticCompileMinusEquals() {
assertScript '''
int foo() {
int i = 4
i -= 2
assert foo()==2
void testStaticCompileDivideEquals() {
assertScript '''
int foo() {
int i = 4
i /= 2
assert foo()==2
void testStaticCompileMultiplyEquals() {
assertScript '''
int foo() {
int i = 4
i *= 2
assert foo()==8
void testStaticCompilePowerEquals() {
assertScript '''
def foo() {
def i = 4
i **= 2
assert foo()==16
void testStaticCompileModEquals() {
assertScript '''
int foo() {
int i = 3
i %= 2
assert foo()==1
void testPrimitiveIntCompareNotEqualShouldUseFastPath() {
def source = '''
boolean cmp(int i, int j) {
boolean b = i==j
return i!=j
assert cmp(1,1) == false
assert cmp(1,2) == true
def bytecode = compile(method:'cmp', source)
assert bytecode.hasStrictSequence([
'ILOAD 1',
'ILOAD 2',
void testPrimitiveLongCompareNotEqualShouldUseFastPath() {
def source = '''
boolean cmp(long i, long j) {
boolean b = i==j
return i!=j
assert cmp(1,1) == false
assert cmp(1,2) == true
def bytecode = compile(method:'cmp', source)
assert bytecode.hasStrictSequence([
'LLOAD 1',
'LLOAD 3',