blob: af743dc71db69b797e229a8531541a7485e7971d [file] [log] [blame]
import generator.SiteGenerator
def userSiteBase = ''
layout 'layouts/main.groovy', true,
pageTitle: 'The Apache Groovy programming language - Download',
mainContent: contents {
div(id: 'content', class: 'page-1') {
div(class: 'row') {
div(class: 'row-fluid') {
div(class: 'col-lg-3') {
ul(class: 'nav-sidebar') {
li(class: 'active') {
a(href: 'download.html') { strong('Download Groovy') }
li {
a(href: '#distro', class: 'anchor-link', 'Distributions')
li {
a(href: '#osinstall', class: 'anchor-link', 'OS/package manager install')
li {
a(href: '#buildtools', class: 'anchor-link', 'From your build tools')
li {
a(href: '#requirements', class: 'anchor-link', 'System requirements')
li {
a(href: 'versioning.html', 'Groovy version scheme')
li {
a(href: "${userSiteBase}indy.html", 'Invoke dynamic support')
li {
a(href: "${userSiteBase}releases.html", 'Release notes')
div(class: 'col-lg-8 col-lg-pull-0') {
include template: 'includes/contribute-button.groovy'
h1 {
i(class: 'fa fa-cloud-download') {}
yield ' Download'
def linkVersionToDownload = distributions.collect { it.packages }.flatten().find { it.stable }.version
button(id: 'big-download-button', type: 'button', class: 'btn btn-default',
title: "Download Apache Groovy ${linkVersionToDownload} binary zip\nSee below for verification information",
onclick: "window.location.href=\"${linkVersionToDownload}.zip\"") {
i(class: 'fa fa-download') {}
yield " Download ${linkVersionToDownload}"
article {
p 'Ways to get Apache Groovy:'
ul {
li {
yield 'Download a source or binary '
a(href: '#distro', 'distribution')
yield '.'
li {
yield 'Use a package manager or bundle for your '
a(href: '#osinstall', 'operating system')
yield '.'
li {
yield 'Refer to the appropriate Apache Groovy jars from your '
a(href: '#buildtools', 'build tools')
yield '.'
li {
yield 'Grab the latest '
a(href: "${userSiteBase}ides.html", 'plugin')
yield ' for your IDE and follow the installation instructions.'
li {
yield 'Find the latest source code in the '
a(href: '', 'Git repo')
yield ' (or the '
a(href: '', 'GitHub mirror')
yield ').'
li {
yield 'If you\'re using Docker, Groovy is available on '
a(href: '', 'Docker Hub')
yield '.'
hr(class: 'divider')
a(name: 'distro') {}
article {
h1 'Distributions'
p {
yield 'Distributions are bundles of source or class files needed to build or use Groovy.'
p {
yield 'All Apache projects provide a source zip which'
yield ' lets anyone build the software from scratch. If any doubt arises, you can regard'
yield ' the source zip as the authoritative artifact for each release. We also provide binary, downloadable documentation and'
yield ' SDK (combines src, binary and docs) convenience artifacts. You can also find a link'
yield ' to a non-ASF Windows installer convenience executable (if available).'
h3 'Verification'
p {
yield "We provide OpenPGP signatures ('.asc') files and checksums for every release artifact. We recommend that you "
a(href: '', 'verify')
yield ' the integrity of downloaded files by generating your own checksums and matching them against ours and checking signatures using the '
a(href: '', 'KEYS')
yield " file which contains the OpenPGP keys of Groovy's Release Managers across all releases."
distributions.each { dist ->
h2 {
i(class: 'fa fa-star') {}
yield " ${}"
if (dist.description) {
p {
dist.description.rehydrate(this, this, this)()
def archiveUrl = { String type, String area, v -> "${v}/${area}/apache-groovy-${type}-${v}.zip".toString() }
def archiveExtUrl = { String type, String area, v, String ext -> "${archiveUrl(type, area, v)}.$ext".toString() }
def distUrl = { String type, String area, v -> "${v}/${area}/apache-groovy-${type}-${v}.zip".toString() }
def distExtUrl = { String type, String area, v, String ext -> "${distUrl(type, area, v)}.$ext".toString() }
def findUrl = { String type, String area, v, String ext, boolean preferPermalink ->
def u
if (preferPermalink) {
u = archiveExtUrl(type, area, v, ext)
if (SiteGenerator.exists(u)) return u
u = distExtUrl(type, area, v, ext)
if (SiteGenerator.exists(u)) return u
if (!preferPermalink) {
u = archiveExtUrl(type, area, v, ext)
if (SiteGenerator.exists(u)) return u
def buildExtras = { String prefix, String type, String area, String v, boolean preferPermalink ->
def extras = [:]
def url = findUrl(type, area, v, 'asc', preferPermalink)
if (url) { extras.asc = url }
url = findUrl(type, area, v, 'md5', preferPermalink)
if (url) { extras.md5 = url }
url = findUrl(type, area, v, 'sha256', preferPermalink)
if (url) { extras.sha256 = url }
if (extras) {
def first = true
span(style: 'font-variant: small-caps', prefix)
extras.each { ext, u ->
if (first) first = false
else yield ' '
a(href: u, ext)
def srcUrl = { pkg ->
def v = pkg.version
pkg.archive ? archiveUrl('src', 'sources', v) : "${v}/sources/apache-groovy-src-${v}.zip"
dist.packages.each { pkg ->
def v = pkg.version
h3 "${v} distributions"
table(width: '100%', class: 'download-table') {
tr {
td {
a(href: "${v}.zip") {
i(class: 'fa fa-gears fa-4x') {}
yield 'binary'
buildExtras(pkg.archive ? '' : 'dist: ', 'binary', 'distribution', v, pkg.archive)
if (!pkg.archive) {
buildExtras('perm: ', 'binary', 'distribution', v, true)
td {
a(href: srcUrl(pkg)) {
i(class: 'fa fa-code fa-4x') {}
yield ' source'
buildExtras('', 'src', 'sources', v, pkg.archive)
td {
a(href: "${v}.zip") {
i(class: 'fa fa-file-text fa-4x') {}
yield ' documentation'
buildExtras(pkg.archive ? '' : 'dist: ', 'docs', 'distribution', v, pkg.archive)
if (!pkg.archive) {
buildExtras('perm: ', 'docs', 'distribution', v, true)
td {
a(href: "${v}.zip") {
i(class: 'fa fa-file-zip-o fa-4x') {}
yield ' SDK bundle'
buildExtras(pkg.archive ? '' : 'dist: ', 'sdk', 'distribution', v, pkg.archive)
if (!pkg.archive) {
buildExtras('perm: ', 'sdk', 'distribution', v, true)
if (pkg.windowsInstaller) {
td {
a(href: pkg.windowsInstaller) {
i(class: 'fa fa-windows fa-4x') {}
yield ' Windows installer'
yield '(community artifact)'
p {
yield 'Please consult the '
a(href: "${userSiteBase}changelogs/changelog-${v}.html", ' change log')
yield ' for details. '
article {
h3 'Other versions'
p {
yield 'Downloads for all versions are hosted (and mirrored) in:'
ul {
li {
yield "Apache's "
a(href: '', 'release mirrors')
yield ' and '
a(href: '', 'archive repository')
yield '.'
li {
yield "Bintray's "
a(href: '', 'Groovy repository')
yield '. Register on Bintray to rate, review, and register for new version notifications. Or '
a(href: '', 'browse')
yield ' all versions.'
p {
yield 'You can also read the changelogs for '
a(href: "${userSiteBase}changelogs.html", 'all versions')
yield '.'
article {
h3 'Invoke dynamic support'
p {
yield 'Please read the '
a(href: "${userSiteBase}indy.html", 'invoke dynamic support information')
yield ' if you would like to enable indy support and are using Groovy on JDK 7+.'
hr(class: 'divider')
a(name: 'osinstall') {}
article {
h1 'Operating system/package manager installation'
p {
a(href: '', 'Installing')
yield ' Apache Groovy from a distribution zip is not hard but if you don\'t want'
yield ' the hassle, consider the alternatives listed here.'
article {
p {
a(href: '', 'SDKMAN!')
yield ' is a tool for managing parallel versions of multiple Software Development Kits on most Unix-based systems:'
pre { code '$ sdk install groovy' }
p {
yield 'Windows users: see the SDKMAN '
a(href: '', 'install')
yield ' instructions for potential options.'
article {
p {
a(href: '', 'Homebrew')
yield ' is "the missing package manager for macOS":'
pre { code '$ brew install groovy' }
article {
p {
a(href: '', 'SnapCraft')
yield ' is "the app store for Linux". Groovy is supported in the '
a(href: '', 'store')
yield ' or via the commandline:'
pre { code '$ sudo snap install groovy --classic' }
article {
p {
a(href: '', 'MacPorts')
yield ' is a system for managing tools on macOS:'
pre { code '$ sudo port install groovy' }
article {
p {
a(href: '', 'Scoop')
yield ' is a command-line installer for Windows inspired by Homebrew:'
pre { code '> scoop install groovy' }
article {
p {
a(href: '', 'Chocolatey')
yield ' provides a sane way to manage software on Windows:'
pre { code '> choco install groovy' }
p 'Linux/*nix users: you may also find Groovy is available using your preferred operating system package manager, e.g.: apt, dpkg, pacman, etc.'
p 'Windows users: consider also the Windows installer (see links above under Distributions).'
hr(class: 'divider')
a(name: 'buildtools') {}
article {
h1 'From your build tools'
p 'If you wish to add Groovy as a dependency in your projects, you can refer to the Groovy JARs in the dependency section of your project build file descriptor:'
table(class: 'table') {
thead {
tr {
th 'Gradle'
th 'Maven'
th 'Explanation'
tbody {
tr {
td {
code 'org.codehaus.groovy:groovy:x.y.z'
td {
code '<groupId>org.codehaus.groovy</groupId>'
code '<artifactId>groovy</artifactId>'
code '<version>x.y.z</version>'
td 'Just the core of Groovy without the modules*. Also includes jarjar\'ed versions of Antlr, ASM, and an internal copy of needed CLI implementation classes.'
tr {
td {
code 'org.codehaus.groovy:groovy-$module:x.y.z'
td {
code '<groupId>org.codehaus.groovy</groupId>'
code '<artifactId>groovy-$module</artifactId>'
code '<version>x.y.z</version>'
td {
code '"$module"'
yield ' stands for the different optional groovy modules*.'
yield ' Example: '
code '<artifactId>groovy-sql</artifactId>'
yield '.'
tr {
td {
code 'org.codehaus.groovy:groovy-all:x.y.z'
td {
code '<groupId>org.codehaus.groovy</groupId>'
code '<artifactId>groovy-all</artifactId>'
code '<version>x.y.z</version>'
code '<type>pom</type> <!-- required JUST since Groovy 2.5.0 -->'
td {
yield 'Core plus all of the modules (excluding optional modules) according to the version packaging scheme**.'
tr {
td(colspan: 3) {
yield '* Modules:'
em '2.4.X:'
yield ' "ant", "bsf", "console", "docgenerator", "groovydoc", "groovysh", "jmx", "json", "jsr223", "nio", "servlet", "sql", "swing", "test", "templates", "testng" and "xml"'
em '2.5.0:'
yield ' as above but excluding optional module "bsf" plus "cli-picocli", "datetime", "macro", "test-junit5". Optional modules: "bsf", "dateutil", "cli-commons"'
em '2.5.1+:'
yield ' as above but "groovy-jaxb" is moved to become optional'
em '3.0.0+:'
yield ' as above but "groovy-yaml" is a new optional module'
tr {
td(colspan: 3) {
yield '** Packaging Scheme:'
em '2.4.X:'
yield ' The core plus all the modules merged into one "fat jar". Optional dependencies are marked as optional, so you may need to include some of the' +
' optional dependencies to use some features of Groovy, e.g. AntBuilder, GroovyMBeans...'
em '2.5+:'
yield ' A "fat pom" '
code 'groovy-all-x.y.z.pom'
yield ' referring to the core plus all modules (excluding optional ones).'
yield ' In order to cater to the module system of Java 9+, the '
code 'groovy-all-x.y.z.jar'
yield ' file is no longer available.'
tr {
td(colspan: 3) {
yield 'Indy jars'
yield "You can access the indy version of the core or a module jar by using the 'indy' classifier."
h3 'Maven repositories'
p "Groovy release jars are available from ${$a(href:'','Maven Central')} or ${$a(href:'','JCenter')}."
p "Groovy snapshot jars are available from ${$a(href:'','JFrog OpenSource Snapshots repository')}. Snapshots are not official releases but are provided to assist with integration testing leading up to an official release."
hr(class: 'divider')
a(name: 'requirements') {}
article {
h1 'System requirements'
p {
table(class: 'table') {
thead {
tr {
th 'Groovy'
th 'JVM Required (non-indy)'
th 'JVM Required (indy) *'
tbody {
tr {
td { b '4.0 - current' }
td 'N/A'
td '1.8+'
tr {
td { b '3.x' }
td '1.8+'
td '1.8+'
tr {
td { b '2.5 - 2.6' }
td '1.7+'
td '1.7+'
tr {
td { b '2.3 - 2.4' }
td '1.6+'
td '1.7+'
tr {
td { b '2.0 - 2.2' }
td '1.5+'
td '1.7+'
tr {
td { b '1.6 - 1.8' }
td '1.5+'
td 'N/A'
tr {
td { b '1.5' }
td '1.4+'
td 'N/A'
tr {
td { b '1.0' }
td '1.4-1.7'
td 'N/A'
yield '* If you plan to use invoke dynamic support, please read the '
a(href: "${userSiteBase}indy.html", 'support information')
yield '.'