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Groovy, the Java-like dynamic language for
the JVM, matures over time like good wines. After the successful release
of Groovy 1.0 in January 2007, the next major milestone with the 1.5
label already hits the shelves. With it, come several interesting
novelties that we will examine in this article. The major addition to
the language is the support of Java 5 features with annotations,
generics and enums, making Groovy *the sole alternative dynamic language
for the JVM fully supporting frameworks like Spring, Hibernate, JPA*,
Google Guice, or TestNG. Apart from the new Java 5 features, a few
syntax enhancements find their way in the language, as well as a more
powerful dynamic behavior customization, a Swing UI builder on steroids,
and improved tooling support.
== A groovier Groovy and why it matters
Groovy's key selling point has always been its *seamless integration
with Java*. You can mix and match Groovy and Java classes together in
very easy ways: You may have a Groovy class extending a Java class
implementing a Groovy interface, and vice versa. Most of the other
alternative JVM languages unfortunately won't let you seamlessly
interchange classes of two different languages. So if you want to use
the best language for the job without compromising your nice class
hierarchy, you won't have many options to choose from, and Groovy gives
you all the freedom for integrating both languages in the most
transparent way.
Groovy shares the same libraries, the same object model, the same
threading model, and the same security model as Java. In a way, you can
consider Groovy as an implementation detail of your Java
project, *without having to bear problematic impedance mismatch issues*.
Groovy is Java, and Groovy makes Java groovier. Compared with other
languages, Groovy is certainly the language that provides the *flattest
learning curve to Java developers*, thanks to a very similar syntax.
This is even more important to keep in mind that Groovy generates normal
Java bytecode and uses the usual JDK libraries, so you won't need to
learn whole new APIs or have complex integration mechanisms: out of the
box, Groovy and Java are interchangeable. The added benefit is that you
can *protect the investment*you made in Java *skills for your
developers*, or in *costly application servers*, or third party
or *home-grown libraries*, as you can reuse all of them without a
problem from Groovy.
Speaking of calling into JDK, third party, or in-house libraries,
alternative languages which don't support strong typing, can't always
call all Java methods because of the fact they can't choose a certain
polymorphic variation of the same method. When choosing an alternative
language to improve your productivity or make your code more readable,
if you need to call other Java classes, you will have to be very careful
to the choice of language you will make, as you may encounter some road
blocks along the way.
These days, all major Enterprise frameworks require the use of features
like annotations, enums or generics, to be leveraged at their fullest
extent. Fortunately, with Groovy 1.5, developers can benefit from the
support of all these Java 5 features in their projects. Let's see how
annotations, enums and generics can be used from Groovy.
== Java 5 additions
The Groovy compiler always generates Java bytecode which is compatible
with older Java VMs, but relies on JDK 1.4 for the core libraries it is
using. However, for certain of these Java 5 additions, using Java 5
bytecode was required, so that, for example, the generated classes may
contain the bytecode information representing annotations with runtime
retention policy. So although Groovy 1.5 can run on JDK 1.4, certain of
these features will only be usable on JDK 5 - when this is the case, it
will be mentioned in this article.
=== Variable arguments
In Java 5, the ellipsis notation was created to denote methods with
variable length arguments. With those little triple dots, Java lets
users put as many parameters of the same type at the end of a method -
actually, the vararg parameter is just an array of elements of that
type. Varargs were already present in Groovy 1.0 - and still work with a
JDK 1.4 runtime, but it is good to show how you can use them. Basically,
whenever the last argument of a method is an array of objects, or a
parameter declaration with a triple dot, you can pass multiple
parameters to this method.
A first example will show the usage of varargs in Groovy with the
int sum(int... someInts) {
def total = 0
for (int i = 0; i < someInts.size(); i++) total += someInts[i]
return total
assert sum(1) == 1
assert sum(1, 2) == 3
assert sum(1, 2, 3) == 6
The assertions used in this example show how we can pass as many ints as
desired. It is also interesting to see that, for more syntax
compatibility with Java, the classical for loop has been added into
Groovy - despite the presence of the groovier version with the in
keyword that can also transparently iterate over various array or
collection types.
Note that it is possible to have varargs support even with an array as
last parameter by declaring the method as follows:
int sum(int[] someInts) { /* */ }
This snippet is really trivial, and there are obviously more expressive
ways of calculating a sum. For instance, if you have a list of numbers,
you can sum all of them in a single line of code:
assert [1, 2, 3].sum() == 6
Varargs in Groovy don't require JDK 5 as the underlying Java runtime,
unlike annotations that we are now going to look at in the following
=== Annotations
As shown in
of JBoss Seam] which supports Groovy for writing its entities,
controllers and components, annotations like *@Entity, @Id,
@Override* and others can be used to decorate your beans:
class Hotel implements Serializable {
@Id @GeneratedValue Long id
@Length(max=50) @NotNull String name
@Length(max=100) @NotNull String address
@Length(max=40) @NotNull String city
@Length(min=2, max=10) @NotNull String state
@Length(min=4, max=6) @NotNull String zip
@Length(min=2, max=40) @NotNull String country
@Column(precision=6, scale=2) BigDecimal price
String toString() {
return "Hotel(${name}, ${address}, ${city}, ${zip})"
The Hotel entity is marked with the @Entity annotation, and it's given a
name through @Name. Different parameters can be passed to your
annotations like in the @Length annotation constraint where different
upper and lower bound can be set for validation purpose. You can also
notice *Groovy properties* in action: Where are all the getters and
setters? Where are the public or private modifiers? You don't have to
wait for Java 7 or 8 to get properties! By convention, defining a
property is as simple as String country: a private country field will be
auto-generated, as well as a public getter and setter. *Your code
becomes naturally more concise and readable*.
Annotations can be used on classes, fields, methods and method
parameters, like in Java. There are, however, two gotchas to be aware
of. Firstly, you can use annotations in Groovy, but you cannot yet
define them - however, it will be possible in an upcoming version of
Groovy. Secondly, although the syntax is almost 100% the same as in
Java, there is a little difference when an array of values is passed in
parameter of the annotation: instead of curly braces to surround the
elements, Groovy requires the use of square brackets to offer a more
homogeneous syntax - since Groovy lists and arrays use square brackets
to surround their elements as well.
With annotations in Groovy 1.5, you can easily define your JPA or
Hibernate annotated beans
in Groovy, add an `@Transactional` annotation on your Spring services,
test your Swing UI with TestNG and Fest
All the useful and powerful enterprise frameworks leveraging annotations
can be used from your Groovy-powered projects.
=== Enums
Whenever you need a fixed set of constants of a same type, Enums come in
handy. Say you need a clean way to define constants for days without
resorting to using integer constants? Then Enums are your friend. The
following snippet shows how to define the days of the week:
Once you have defined your enum, you can use it as in Java with the
usual notation *Day.MONDAY* and you can spice up your switch / case
statements with it as well:
def today = Day.SATURDAY
switch (today) {
// Saturday or Sunday
case [Day.SATURDAY, Day.SUNDAY]: println "Weekends are cool"
// a day between Monday and Friday
case Day.MONDAY..Day.FRIDAY: println "Boring work day"
default: println "Are you sure this is a valid day?"
Notice that Groovy's switch is a bit more powerful than C-like languages
switches in that it is possible to use any kind of object in the switch
and case. Instead of stacking up seven different case block with each
enumerated value, you can regroup them in lists or ranges: whenever the
value is in the list or the range, the case will be true and its
associated instructions will be executed.
A more complex example inspired by the Java tutorial takes a more
astronomical perspective on enums, and shows how your enums can have
properties, constructors and methods:
enum Planet {
MERCURY (3.303e+23, 2.4397e6),
VENUS (4.869e+24, 6.0518e6),
EARTH (5.976e+24, 6.37814e6),
MARS (6.421e+23, 3.3972e6),
JUPITER (1.9e+27, 7.1492e7),
SATURN (5.688e+26, 6.0268e7),
URANUS (8.686e+25, 2.5559e7),
NEPTUNE (1.024e+26, 2.4746e7)
double mass
double radius
Planet(double mass, double radius) {
this.mass = mass;
this.radius = radius;
void printMe() {
println "${name()} has a mass of ${mass} " +
"and a radius of ${radius}"
Like annotations, enums in Groovy require a JDK 5+ to run on, as Java 5
bytecode is generated.
=== Static imports
In our previous examples of enums, we always had to prefix the
enumerated value with its parent enum class, but thanks to static
imports (which work even on a JDK 1.4 runtime) we can save some
characters by dropping the Planet prefix:
import static Planet.*SATURN.printMe()
No more Planet prefix. But of course, static imports aren't only
available for enums, but also work for other classes and static fields.
What about doing some math?
import static java.lang.Math.*assert sin(PI / 6) + cos(PI / 3) == 1
Both the static methods of *java.lang.Math* and its static constants
were statically imported to make the expression more concise. But if the
abbreviations of sine and cosine are not readable for you, you can use
aliasing in Groovy with the as keyword:
import static java.lang.Math.PI
import static java.lang.Math.sin as sine
import static java.lang.Math.cos as cosine
assert sine(PI / 6) + cosine(PI / 3) == 1
Aliasing also works with normal imports too, not just static imports,
and it can be pretty handy for adding some shortcut notation to very
long class names as found in many frameworks, or for renaming methods or
constants with non-obvious names, or not following your naming
convention standards.
=== Generics
A somewhat more controversial feature of Java 5 also finds its way in
the latest release of Groovy 1.5 with Generics. Initially, it may feel
odd to add even more typing information to a dynamic language, after
all. Java developers usually believe that because of type erasure (for
backward compatibility reasons with older versions of Java) no
information is left in the class bytecode to represent the generic type.
However, this is wrong, since through the reflection API, you are able
to introspect a class to discover the types of its fields or of its
methods arguments with the generics details.
So for instance, when you declare of field of type *List<String>*,
somewhere in the bytecode, this information is kept in the form of some
meta-information, although this field is really just of type *List*.
This kind of reflexive information is used by enterprise frameworks like
JPA or Hibernate to be able to relate a collection of elements from an
entity to the entity representing the type of these elements.
To put this into practice, let us check if the generics information is
kept on class fields:
class Talk { String title }
class Speaker {
String name
List<Talk> talks = []
def me = new Speaker(name: 'Guillaume Laforge',
talks: [new Talk(title: 'Groovy'),new Talk(title: 'Grails')])
def talksField = me.class.getDeclaredField('talks')
assert talksField.genericType.toString() ==  'java.util.List<Talk>'
We defined two classes: a Speaker class giving Talks at conferences. In
the Speaker class, the talks property is of type *List<Talk>*. Then, we
create a Speaker instance with two nice shortcuts for initializing the
name and talks properties, and for creating a list of Talk instances.
Once this setup code is ready, we retrieve the field representing the
talks, and we check that the generic type information is correct:
yes, *talks* is a *List*, but a *List* of *Talks*.
=== Covariant return types
In Java 5, if you have a method in a subclass with the same name and
parameter types as in a parent class, but with a return type derived
from the parent method's return type, then we can override the parent
method. In Groovy 1.0, covariant return types were not supported. But in
Groovy 1.5, you can use them. Additionally, if you are trying to
override a method with a return type not deriving from the parent class
method's return type, a compilation error will be thrown. Covariant
return types also work with parameterized types.
Beyond the support of Java 5 features which brought a few additions to
the language, a few other syntax enhancements have been introduced in
Groovy 1.5, and we are going to discover them in the following section.
== Syntax additions
=== Elvis operator
Apart from the Java 5 features that brought annotations, generics and
enums into Groovy, a new operator finds its way into the language: ?:
the Elvis operator. When you see the operator in question, you will
easily guessed why it was nicknamed that way - if not, think in terms of
Smiley. This new operator is, in fact, a shortcut notation for the
ternary operator. How many times are you using the ternary operator to
change the value of a variable if its content is null to assign it some
default value? The typical case in Java is as follows:
String name = "Guillaume";
String displayName = name != null ? name : "Unknown";
In Groovy, since the language is able to ``coerce'' types to boolean
values as needed (for instance where conditional expressions are
required like in if or while constructs), in this statement, we can omit
the comparison to null, because when a String is null, it is coerced to
false, so in Groovy, the statement would become:
String name = "Guillaume"
String displayName = name ? name : "Unknown"
However, you will still notice the repetition of the name variable,
which would violate the DRY principle (Don't Repeat Yourself). As this
construct is pretty common, the Elvis operator was introduced to
simplify such recurring cases, and the statements become:
String name = "Guillaume"
String displayName = name ?: "Unknown"
The second occurrence of the name variable is simply omitted and the
ternary operator is no more ternary and is shortened to this more
concise form.
It is also worth noticing that there are no side effects to this new
construct, since the first element (here the name) is not evaluated
twice as it would be the case with the ternary operator, so there's no
need to introduce some intermediate temporary value to hold the result
of the first evaluation of the first element of the ternary operator.
=== Classical for loop
Although Groovy is not strictly speaking a 100% superset of Java, the
Groovy syntax comes closer to the Java syntax after each release, and
more and more Java code is also valid Groovy. The net benefit of this is
that when you begin with Groovy, you can copy and paste Java code in
your Groovy classes, and this should just work as expected. Then, over
time, as you learn the language, you start throwing away the semi-colons
which are not mandatory in Groovy, using GStrings (interpolated
strings), or closures, etc. Groovy offers a rather flat learning curve
to Java developers.
However, there was one omission to this Java-syntax compatibility in the
fact the classical for loop inherited from Java's C background wasn't
allowed in Groovy. Initially, the Groovy developers thought it was not
the nicest syntax of all and preferred using the for / in construct
which was more readable. But as the Groovy users regularly asked for
this old construct to be also part of Groovy, the team decided to bring
it back to Groovy.
With Groovy 1.5, you can either chose the Groovy for / in, or prefer the
classical for loop:
for (i in 0..9) println i
for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) println i
At the end of the day, it is probably more a matter of taste, and long
time Groovy users usually prefer the most concise syntax with the for /
in loop instead.
=== Named parameters without parenthesis
With its malleable and concise syntax, and its advanced dynamic
capabilities, *Groovy is an ideal choice for implementing internal
Domain-Specific Languages*. When you want to share a common metaphor
between subject matter experts and developers, you can leverage Groovy
to create a dedicated business language which models the key concept and
business rules of your application. An important aspect of these DSLs is
to make the code very readable, and also easier to write by
non-technical persons. To achieve this goal even further, the grammar of
the language was tweaked to allow us to use named parameters without the
surrounding parenthesis.
First of all, in Groovy, named parameters look like this:
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- benchmarkFund, in: euros)
compare(fund: someFund, to: benchmark, in: euros)
By adding new properties to numbers - which is possible in Groovy but
beyond the scope of this article - we can also write code like this:
monster.move(left: 3.meters, at: 5.mph)
Now by omitting parenthesis, the code can become a little clearer as
shown below:
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- to: benchmarkFund, in: euros
compare fund: someFund, to: benchmark, in: euros
monster.move left: 3.meters, at: 5.mph
Obviously, this is not a big difference, but each statement becomes
closer to real plain English sentences, and removes the usual
boiler-plate technical code of the host language. This little
enhancement of the grammar of the Groovy language gives more options to
the designers of the business DSL.
== Improved tooling support
A common show-stopper when Groovy was a young language, was the lack of
good tooling support: both the tool chain and the IDE support weren't up
to the task. Fortunately, with the maturity and success of Groovy and
the Grails web framework, this situation has changed.
== Introduction of the joint compiler
Groovy is well-known for its transparent and seamless integration with
Java. But this is not just about being able to call Java methods from
Groovy scripts, no, the integration between both languages goes well
beyond that. For instance, it is totally possible to have a Groovy class
extending a Java class which in turns implements a Groovy interface, or
vice versa. This is something other alternative languages don't always
support, unfortunately. However, when mixing Groovy and Java classes
together, so far, you had to be careful when compiling both type of
classes by cleverly choosing the order of compilation, and when cyclic
dependencies were spanning both languages, you may have hit a ``chicken
and egg'' problem. Fortunately with Groovy 1.5, this is not the case
anymore, and thanks to a contribution from JetBrains, the makers of the
award winning[Java IDE IntelliJ IDEA], a
``joint'' compiler is available with which you can compile both Groovy
and Java sources together in one go without having to think about
dependencies between classes.
If you want to use the joint compiler from the command-line, you can
call the groovyc command as usual, but specify the -j flag which will
enable the joint compilation:
groovyc *.groovy *.java -j -Jsource=1.4 -Jtarget=1.4
For passing parameters to the underlying javac command, you can prefix
the flags with the J prefix. You can also use the joint compiler through
its Ant task from you Ant or Maven build files:
<taskdef name="groovyc" classname="org.codehaus.groovy.ant.Groovyc" classpathref="my.classpath"/>
<groovyc srcdir="${mainSourceDirectory}"
jointCompilationOptions="-j -Jsource=1.4 -Jtarget=1.4" />
=== Maven plugin for Groovy
For the Maven users, there is also a fully featured Maven plugin hosted
at Codehaus which allows you to build your Java / Groovy applications:
compile your Groovy and Java code, generate documentation from the
JavaDoc tags, or it even lets you write your own Maven plugins in
Groovy. There is also a Maven archetype to bootstrap your Groovy project
more rapidly.
=== The GroovyDoc documentation tool
As a Java developer, you are used to documenting your code through
JavaDoc tags in the comments of your classes, interfaces, fields, or
methods. In Groovy, you can also use such tags in your comments, and
have them being used by a tool called GroovyDoc to generate the
equivalent JavaDoc documentation for all your Groovy classes.
There's an Ant task you can define then use to generate the
documentation as follows:
<taskdef name="groovydoc"
<path path="${mainClassesDirectory}"/>
<path refid="compilePath"/>
<groovydoc destdir="${docsDirectory}/gapi"
packagenames="**.*" use="true"
== New interactive shell and the Swing console
Groovy distributions always contained two different shells: a
command-line shell as well as a Swing console. Groovysh, the
command-line shell, has never been very friendly in terms of
interactions with its user: whenever you wanted to execute a statement,
you had to type `go' or `execute' after each one, so that it got
executed. For quick prototyping or playing with some new API, typing
`go' each time was very cumbersome. The situation has changed in Groovy
1.5, since a new interactive shell is born. No need to type `go'
This new shell features several enhancements, such as the use of the
JLine library which provides ANSI coloring, tab completion for commands,
line editing capabilities. You can work with different script buffers,
remember already imported classes, load existing scripts, save the
current script to a file, browse the history, etc. For detailed
explanations of the supported features, please have a look at
The command-line shell isn't the only one that received some care, the
Swing console has also been improved, with a new toolbar, with advanced
undo capabilities, the possibility to increase or decrease the font
size, syntax highlighting. A lot of polishing has been applied to the
=== IntelliJ IDEA JetGroovy plugin
I will save the best of tooling support till the end of this section by
mentioning the JetGroovy plugin: a free and Open Source IntelliJ IDEA
plugin dedicated to the support of both Groovy and Grails. This plugin
has been developed by JetBrains themselves, and provides unmatched
support for both the language and the web framework.
To list a few of the available features of the Groovy support:
* *Syntax highlighting* for all the syntax, plus different warnings for
types not recognized, or when static type information is not known to
help spot potential errors.
* Ability to *run Groovy classes, scripts and JUnit test cases written
in Groovy*.
* *Debugger*: You can debug step by step across your Java and Groovy
code, set breakpoints, show variables, the current stack, etc.
* Joint compiler: the compiler *compiles both Groovy and Java* classes
together and is able to resolve dependencies between both languages.
* *Code completion* for packages, classes, properties, fields,
variables, methods, keywords, and even specific support for the Swing UI
* Advanced class search and find usage.
* *Refactorings*: most of the usual refactorings you've come to love in
Java are available as well and work across Java and Groovy, like
``surround with'', introduce, inline or rename a variable, renaming for
packages, classes, methods, and fields.
* *Imports optimizations and code formatting*.
* Structure view: to have a bird's eye view of your classes.
At the end of the day, you won't even notice whether you're developing a
class in Groovy or in Java, considering the level of interplay and
support offered inside IntelliJ IDEA. This is definitely a plugin to
install if you're considering adding some dose of Groovy in your Java
project, or if you plan to develop Grails applications.
More information can be found
Although I'm only mentioning the plugin for IntelliJ IDEA, for your
Groovy developments, you don't have to change your habits. You can also
use the Eclipse plugin which is regularly improved by the IBM Project
Zero developers, or Sun's brand new support of Groovy and Grails in
== Performance improvements
Along with new features, this new release of Groovy brings noticeable
performance improvements as well as lower memory consumption, compared
to previous versions. In our informal benchmarks measuring the duration
of all our test suites, we noticed speed improvements between 15% to 45%
compared with our beta versions of Groovy 1.5 - and certainly higher
figures can be expected by comparing with the now old Groovy 1.0. More
formal benchmarks have yet to be developed, but those figures have also
been confirmed by developers from an insurance company that is using
Groovy to write the business rules of their policy risk calculation
engine, and from another company who ran several tests on highly
parallel machines. Overall, Groovy 1.5 should be faster and leaner in
most situations. Your mileage may vary depending on your own context of
usage of Groovy.
== Enhanced dynamic capabilities
Through the symbiotic relationships between the Groovy and Grails
projects, new dynamic capabilities have been introduced in Groovy, after
having matured in the heart of Grails.
Groovy is a dynamic language: put simply, it means that certain things
like method dispatch happens at runtime, instead of at compile-time as
it is the case of Java and other languages. There is a specific runtime
system, called the MOP (stands for Meta-Object Protocol) that is
responsible for the dispatching logic. Fortunately, this runtime system
is open enough so that people can hook into the system and change its
usual behavior. For each Java class and for each Groovy instance, there
is an associated meta-class which represents this runtime behavior of
your objects. Groovy offered various ways to interact with the MOP by
defining custom meta-classes by extending some base class, but thanks to
the contribution from the Grails project, a groovier kind of meta-class
is available: the expando meta-class.
Again,code samples are easier to help us understand the concept. In the
following example, the msg String instance has got a meta-class that we
can access through the metaClass property. Then we change the meta-class
of the *String* class to add a new method called up to the String class,
to have a shortcut notation for the *toUpperCase()* method. To do so, we
assign a closure to the up property of the meta-class which is created
as we assign it the closure. This closure takes no argument (hence why
it starts with an arrow), and we call the *toUpperCase()* method on the
delegate of the closure, which is a special closure variable which
represents the real object (here the String instance).
def msg = "Hello!"
println msg.metaClass
String.metaClass.up = { -> delegate.toUpperCase() }
assert "HELLO!" == msg.up()
Through this meta-class, you can query the methods and/or properties
which are available:
// print all the methods
obj.metaClass.methods.each { println }
// print all the properties { println }
You can even check that a certain method or property is available, with
a finer granularity than through any instanceof check:
def msg = 'Hello!'
if (msg.metaClass.respondsTo(msg, 'toUpperCase')) {
println msg.toUpperCase()
if (msg.metaClass.hasProperty(msg, 'bytes')) {
println foo.bytes.encodeBase64()
These mechanisms are extensively used in the Grails web framework for
instance to create dynamic finders: no need for DAOs in most
circumstances, as you are able to call a *findByTitle()* dynamic method
on a Book domain class. Through meta-classes, Grails automatically
decorates the domain classes with such methods. Furthermore, if the
method doesn't exist yet, it will be created and cached on first use.
This can be accomplished by other advanced hooks as explained below.
Beyond those examples we've seen so far, expando meta-classes also
provide some complementary hooks. Four other kind of methods can be
added to an expando meta-class:
* *invokeMethod()* lets you intercept all methods calls,
* while *methodMissing()* will be called on last resort only of no other
method is found.
* *get/setProperty()* intercepts access to all properties,
* whereas *propertyMissing()* is called when no property can be found.
With expando meta-classes, customizing the behavior of the types of your
application becomes easier and can save precious time of development
compared with the previous version of Groovy. Obviously, not everybody
needs to use those techniques, but they can be handy in a number of
situations where you want to apply some AOP (Aspect Oriented Techniques)
to decorate your classes, and when you want to simplify and make more
readable the business code of your application, by removing some
unnecessary boiler-plate code.
== Swing on steroids
The Groovy project has the chance to have a team of talented Swing
developers who worked hard to enhance the capabilities of Groovy to
build user interfaces in Swing. The basic brick for building Swing UIs
in Groovy is the SwingBuilder class: at a syntactical level in your
source, you can visually see how Swing components are nested within each
other. A simplistic example from the Groovy website shows how to simply
create a little GUI:
import groovy.swing.SwingBuilder
import java.awt.BorderLayout
import groovy.swing.SwingBuilder
import java.awt.BorderLayout as BL
def swing = new SwingBuilder()
count = 0
def textlabel
def frame = swing.frame(title:'Frame', size:[300,300]) {
textlabel = label(text:"Clicked ${count} time(s).", constraints: BL.NORTH)
button(text:'Click Me', actionPerformed: { count++; textlabel.text = "Clicked ${count} time(s)."; println "clicked"},
In the novelties, the Swing builder concept has been extend to provide
custom component factories. There are additional modules, not bundled
with Groovy by default, which integrates the Swing components from JIDE
or from the SwingX project into the usual Swing builder code.
Although this topic would deserve a full article, I'm only going to list
some of the other improvements in this release, for instance, the bind()
method. Inspired by the beans binding JSR (JSR-295), you can easily bind
components or beans together to have them react upon changes made on
each other. In the following example, the size of the insets of the
button will be changed according to the value of the slider component:
import groovy.swing.SwingBuilder
import java.awt.Insets
swing = new SwingBuilder()
frame = swing.frame {
vbox {
slider(id: 'slider', value:5)
button('Big Button?!', margin: bind(source: slider, sourceProperty:'value', converter: { [it, it, it, it] as Insets }))
frame.size = [frame.width + 200, frame.height + 200]
Binding components together is such a common task when building user
interfaces, that this task has been simplified through this binding
mechanism. There are also some other automatic binding options that can
be used, but again, a dedicated article would probably be better.
In other new and noteworthy features, a few handy new methods have been
added which leverage closures to call the infamous SwingUtilities class,
and to start new threads: edt() will call _invokeAndWait()_,
while *doLater()* will call *invokeLater()*, and *doOutside()* will just
launch a closure in a new thread. No more ugly anonymous inner classes:
just use closures through those shortcut methods!
Last but not least, separating the description of the view and its
associated behavior logic has never been easier, thanks to the build()
method on SwingBuilder. You can create a separate script which only
contains the view, while the interactions or bindings between components
are in the main class, making a clearer separation in the MVC model.
== Summary
In this article, the new and noteworthy features have been outlined, but
we have barely scratched the surface of this new version of Groovy. The
big highlights are mainly around the new Java 5 features, such as
annotations, enums or generics: it makes Groovy perfectly capable of
being integrated nicely and seamlessly with Enterprise frameworks such
as Spring, Hibernate, or JPA. With the improvements in the syntax and
with the enhanced dynamic capabilities, Groovy will let you customize
your business logic by creating embedded Domain-Specific Languages, that
you can easily integrate at the extension points of your application.
The developer experience has progressed significantly through the work
poured in the tooling support, this is no more a show stopper to the
adoption of Groovy. Overall, with Groovy 1.5, the goal of simplifying
the life of developers has never been so well fulfilled, and Groovy
should definitely be part of all the Java developers' toolbox.