add "Groovy Record Performance" blog
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+= Groovy Record Performance
+Paul King
+:revdate: 2023-05-09T23:39:00+00:00
+:description: This post looks at the performance of some of the generated methods in Groovy records.
+:keywords: groovy, records, java, scala, kotlin, lombok
+We highly recommend the excellent
+[JEP Café]
+series on the
+[@java] YouTube channel.
+Features arriving on the JDK are likely to be features you will
+be able to use in Groovy soon too!
+In JEP Café[Episode 8],
+[José Paumard] looks at a number of topics related to Records including the performance
+of some of the generated methods like `hashCode` and `equals`.
+It compares the performance of those methods for Java, Kotlin
+data classes and Lombok's @Data classes.
+Let's do a similar comparison adding in Scala case classes
+and Groovy records. For Groovy, we'll cover native records
+and emulated records (which you can use on JDK8 and above
+if you are still stuck on older JDK versions).
+== Our domain
+We'll use the example about 7½ minutes into the JEP Café episode.
+It is an aggregate of five Strings
+which together form a kind of aggregate label.
+=== Java record
+Here is the Java version:
+public record JavaRecordLabel(String x0, String x1, String x2, String x3, String x4) { }
+=== Java class with Lombok's @Data
+Here is the Lombok equivalent:
+public class LombokDataLabel {
+    final String x0, x1, x2, x3, x4;
+=== Kotlin data class
+Here is the Kotlin equivalent:
+data class KotlinDataLabel (
+    val x0: String, val x1: String, val x2: String,
+    val x3: String, val x4: String)
+=== Scala case class
+Here is the Scala equivalent:
+case class ScalaCaseLabel(x0: String, x1: String, x2: String, x3: String, x4: String)
+=== Groovy record
+Here is the Groovy equivalent:
+record GroovyRecordLabel(String x0, String x1, String x2, String x3, String x4) { }
+This will produce bytecode similar to a native Java record
+when run on a version of the JDK supporting records.
+On earlier JDK versions, it will produce an emulated record.
+We are going to use JDK17 for our examples. We can force the
+Groovy compiler to produce emulated code with JDK17 by
+applying a record option annotation as shown here:
+@RecordOptions(mode = RecordTypeMode.EMULATE)
+record GroovyEmulatedRecordLabel(String x0, String x1, String x2, String x3, String x4) { }
+== Performance of `hashCode`
+Our benchmark code was written in Java for all cases
+and used[JMH].
+It called the `hashCode` method of a static instance
+for each of the different cases.
+The full source code is in a `record-performance`[repo] on GitHub.
+Here is an example of setting up the static instance (`X0` .. `X4` are String constants):
+private static final JavaRecordLabel JAVA_RECORD_LABEL = new JavaRecordLabel(X0, X1, X2, X3, X4);
+Here is an example of the benchmark test:
+public void hashcodeJavaRecord(Blackhole bh) {
+    bh.consume(JAVA_RECORD_LABEL.hashCode());
+We used 3 warmup iterations and 10 benchmark iterations:
+jmh {
+    warmupIterations = 3
+    iterations = 10
+    fork = 1
+    timeUnit = 'ns'
+    benchmarkMode = ['avgt']
+=== Results
+The tests were run using GitHub actions on various platforms.
+The results show average time taken in nanoseconds, so a smaller _Score_ means faster.
+==== Using ubuntu-latest
+Benchmark                                         Mode  Cnt   Score   Error  Units
+HashCodeBenchmark.hashcodeGroovyEmulatedRecord    avgt   10   3.530 ± 0.186  ns/op
+HashCodeBenchmark.hashcodeGroovyRecord            avgt   10   3.180 ± 0.145  ns/op
+HashCodeBenchmark.hashcodeJavaRecord              avgt   10   3.184 ± 0.156  ns/op
+HashCodeBenchmark.hashcodeKotlinDataLabel         avgt   10   7.523 ± 0.272  ns/op
+HashCodeBenchmark.hashcodeLombokDataLabel         avgt   10  19.042 ± 0.425  ns/op
+HashCodeBenchmark.hashcodeScalaCaseLabel          avgt   10  21.639 ± 0.843  ns/op
+==== Using windows-latest
+Benchmark                                         Mode  Cnt   Score   Error  Units
+HashCodeBenchmark.hashcodeGroovyEmulatedRecord    avgt   10   3.074 ± 0.010  ns/op
+HashCodeBenchmark.hashcodeGroovyRecord            avgt   10   2.832 ± 0.004  ns/op
+HashCodeBenchmark.hashcodeJavaRecord              avgt   10   3.233 ± 0.003  ns/op
+HashCodeBenchmark.hashcodeKotlinDataLabel         avgt   10   4.091 ± 0.006  ns/op
+HashCodeBenchmark.hashcodeLombokDataLabel         avgt   10  19.000 ± 0.027  ns/op
+HashCodeBenchmark.hashcodeScalaCaseLabel          avgt   10  18.984 ± 0.172  ns/op
+==== Using macos-latest
+Benchmark                                         Mode  Cnt   Score   Error  Units
+HashCodeBenchmark.hashcodeGroovyEmulatedRecord    avgt   10   2.732 ± 0.135  ns/op
+HashCodeBenchmark.hashcodeGroovyRecord            avgt   10   2.995 ± 0.038  ns/op
+HashCodeBenchmark.hashcodeJavaRecord              avgt   10   3.056 ± 0.147  ns/op
+HashCodeBenchmark.hashcodeKotlinDataLabel         avgt   10   6.670 ± 0.308  ns/op
+HashCodeBenchmark.hashcodeLombokDataLabel         avgt   10  16.560 ± 0.425  ns/op
+HashCodeBenchmark.hashcodeScalaCaseLabel          avgt   10  17.542 ± 0.465  ns/op
+==== Graphing the results
+We can already see some variance in the results across platforms.
+So, let's average the results across the three platforms, which
+gives us the following chart:
+Next we'll look at some of the reasons behind these differences
+and some other considerations which can help you speed up `hashCode`
+or justify why you might want to choose a slower version as a
+trade-off for other useful properties.
+=== Discussion
+It is always dangerous to draw too many conclusions from microbenchmarks.
+We don't always know if we are comparing apples with apples, or what else
+was running on the machine when the benchmarks were executed, or how changing
+the benchmark slightly might alter the result. Certainly for `hashCode`,
+the result is impacted by the number of and types of our record components.
+Even the particular data instances (arbitrary Strings in our case) will
+impact the speed of that method.
+But what does this really tell us? For Groovy users, it is good to know
+that the `hashCode` method is as good or better than Java records.
+That isn't too surprising since the Groovy bytecode is almost identical
+to the Java bytecode for most parts of records.
+For Lombok and the other languages, the `hashCode` method is slower but only
+by a few (or into the 10s of) nanoseconds.
+Do we really care about how fast this particular method is?
+Certainly if we are storing a lot of our label instances
+into hashed collections, it could matter, but otherwise, not so much;
+we'll rarely call this method directly.
+But speed is only one of properties we'd like in a good `hashCode` method.
+Another is minimal collisions. We can after all return the constant `0` or `-1`
+from our `hashCode` and that would be very fast but hopeless in terms of collisions.
+==== Hashing algorithm
+For Scala case classes, the
+[Murmur3] hashing algorithm is currently
+used which is slightly slower that what Java uses but
+to have improved collision resistance.
+If you are using large collections or records with many components, this tradeoff
+might be worth considering.
+You can use Scala's algorithm directly in Groovy with a record definition like this:
+record GroovyRecordScalaMurmur3Label(String x0, String x1, String x2, String x3, String x4) {
+    int hashCode() {
+        ScalaRunTime._hashCode(new Tuple5<>(x0, x1, x2, x3, x4))
+    }
+And this has almost identical performance to the native Scala example from our earlier bar chart.
+If you want a smaller dependency than the Scala runtime jar, you could use
+the[32-bit Murmur3] algorithm from[Guava]
+or write your own combiner to combine hashes produced by Apache Commons Codec's
+[Murmur3 algorithm] on the bytes of each String component.
+In my tests, both of these alternatives ended up being slower than borrowing Scala's algorithm,
+but I didn't try to optimise my implementation.
+If you want to diver deeper on this topic, check out:
+* this great overview article about[Optimizing HashMap’s Performance],
+* and this article on
+[optimising a hashing strategy] and its impact on collisions,
+* the original
+[C++ implementation] of the Murmur3 algorithm.
+==== JDK version support
+One difference worth pointing out is that the Groovy, Lombok and other
+languages work on earlier JDKs. As the GitHub action workflow configuration
+shows, the example in this blog post are tested on JDK 8, 11 and 17.
+  java: [8,11,17]
+The Java record examples are tested in JDK 17 (technically requires 16+).
+This is good to know if you are stuck on earlier versions but should become
+less of an issue over time.
+==== Caching
+A nice Groovy feature provided by some of Groovy's transforms
+is _caching_, which is exactly what you might want to do
+for immutable classes (like records). In fact, in Groovy, caching is turned on
+by default for the `hashCode` and `toString` methods for `@Immutable` classes,
+but we leave it off by default for records for Java compatibility.
+Let's turn on caching for the `hashCode` method with Groovy:
+@EqualsAndHashCode(useGetters = false, cache = true)
+record GroovyRecordWithCacheLabel(String x0, String x1, String x2, String x3, String x4) { }
+By default, Groovy records behave like Java records.
+By supplying the `@EqualsAndHashCode` annotation, we effectively get
+the code for an emulated record instead of the normal record bytecode.
+To be as close to records as possible but with caching turned on,
+we enable `cache` and disable `useGetters`. We'll discuss the latter
+in more detail in the next subsection.
+Now, let's change our Java and Groovy benchmark code to simulate some code that
+uses `hashCode` multiple times. For our purposes, we'll just sum 5 calls to `hashCode`:
+public void hashcodeJavaRecord(Blackhole bh) {
+    bh.consume(JAVA_RECORD_LABEL.hashCode()
+        + JAVA_RECORD_LABEL.hashCode()
+        + JAVA_RECORD_LABEL.hashCode()
+        + JAVA_RECORD_LABEL.hashCode()
+        + JAVA_RECORD_LABEL.hashCode());
+And we can do the same for Groovy. Here are the results of our new benchmark:
+Benchmark                                         Mode  Cnt   Score   Error  Units
+HashCodeCacheBenchmark.hashcodeGroovyCacheRecord  avgt   10   4.296 ± 0.108  ns/op  windows-latest
+HashCodeCacheBenchmark.hashcodeGroovyCacheRecord  avgt   10   4.787 ± 0.151  ns/op  ubuntu-latest
+HashCodeCacheBenchmark.hashcodeGroovyCacheRecord  avgt   10   5.465 ± 0.045  ns/op  macos-latest
+HashCodeCacheBenchmark.hashcodeJavaRecord         avgt   10  21.956 ± 0.023  ns/op  windows-latest
+HashCodeCacheBenchmark.hashcodeJavaRecord         avgt   10  33.820 ± 0.750  ns/op  ubuntu-latest
+HashCodeCacheBenchmark.hashcodeJavaRecord         avgt   10  32.837 ± 1.136  ns/op  macos-latest
+As expected, the effect of caching is clearly visible. We could certainly
+write our own caching with an explicit `hashCode` method in Java and perhaps
+call into `Objects.hash` or similar, but it's not as nice as having a declarative
+approach to achieve that.
+As a side note, we could add `@Memoized` to the `hashCode` method in our earlier
+`GroovyRecordScalaMurmur3Label` example to turn on caching when using that algorithm.
+==== Supporting JavaBean-like behavior
+One other "feature" of Java (and Groovy) records is the ability to override the
+record component "getters". You could for instance, write a 3-String label record in Java that
+always returns its `x1` component in uppercase:
+public record JavaRecordLabelUpper(String x0, String x1, String x2) {
+    public String x1() { return x1.toUpperCase(); }
+Now using the `x1()` getter method will give you the uppercase version.
+Just be aware though that `hashCode` (and `equals`) don't use the getter
+but access the field directly.
+So, while all the components might be equal in the following example,
+the hashcode (and the record as a whole) won't be equal:
+private static final JavaRecordLabelUpper JAVA_UPPER_1
+        = new JavaRecordLabelUpper("a", "b", "c");
+private static final JavaRecordLabelUpper JAVA_UPPER_2
+        = new JavaRecordLabelUpper("a", "B", "c");
+assertEquals(JAVA_UPPER_1.x0(), JAVA_UPPER_2.x0());
+assertEquals(JAVA_UPPER_1.x1(), JAVA_UPPER_2.x1());
+assertEquals(JAVA_UPPER_1.x2(), JAVA_UPPER_2.x2());
+assertNotEquals(JAVA_UPPER_1.hashCode(), JAVA_UPPER_2.hashCode());
+assertNotEquals(JAVA_UPPER_1, JAVA_UPPER_2);
+This is exactly as expected from the record-related parts of the JLS specification
+and is a reasonable design decision given that records are handling the use case
+of _"a simple aggregate of values"_.
+Indeed, records step away from many of the JavaBean conventions, so we might expect
+some differences, yet not using the getter might still seem strange to some folks.
+The JLS specification elaborates further, stating that the above `JavaRecordLabelUpper`
+class might be considered bad style. The rationale is in terms of a record `r2` derived
+from the components of record `r1`:
+R r2 = new R(r1.c1(), r1.c2(), ...,;
+For any well-behaved record class, `r1.equals(r2)` should be true, which
+won't be the case for `JavaRecordLabelUpper`.
+Accessing the component through its getter is slower but would preserve the above property.
+Both the Lombok and Scala implementations use the getter. This accounts for some of the
+reduced speed of those implementations.
+Groovy records default to Java behavior here but allow you to use the getters
+for `hashCode` (and `equals` and `toString`) if you so desire. It will be slower
+be preserves traditional JavaBean-like getter behavior.
+Here is what the code would look like:
+record GroovyRecordUpperGetter(String x0, String x1, String x2) {
+    String x1() { x1.toUpperCase() }
+The explicit annotation turns on Groovy's emulated record bytecode
+which is the same algorithm but defaults to using the getters.
+And now our tests pass (with `assertEquals` instead of `assertNotEquals`):
+private static final GroovyRecordUpperGetter GROOVY_UPPER_GETTER_1
+        = new GroovyRecordUpperGetter("a", "b", "c");
+private static final GroovyRecordUpperGetter GROOVY_UPPER_GETTER_2
+        = new GroovyRecordUpperGetter("a", "B", "c");
+assertEquals(GROOVY_UPPER_GETTER_1.hashCode(), GROOVY_UPPER_GETTER_2.hashCode());
+==== Summary
+Groovy records have good `hashCode` performance. There are times when you might want to
+enable caching. Rarely, you might want to also consider swapping the hashing algorithm
+or enabling getters, but if you need to, Groovy makes that easy too.
+== Performance of `equals`
+For this benchmark, the `equals` method of a static instance
+was called passing in a second static instance.
+Here is an example of our benchmark code:
+public void equalsGroovyRecord(Blackhole bh) {
+=== Results
+As before, the tests were run using GitHub actions on various platforms.
+The results show average time taken in nanoseconds, so a smaller _Score_ means faster.
+==== Using ubuntu-latest
+Benchmark                                           Mode  Cnt   Score   Error  Units
+EqualsBenchmark.equalsGroovyEmulatedRecord          avgt   10   2.573 ± 0.017  ns/op
+EqualsBenchmark.equalsGroovyRecord                  avgt   10   0.592 ± 0.002  ns/op
+EqualsBenchmark.equalsJavaRecord                    avgt   10   0.595 ± 0.006  ns/op
+EqualsBenchmark.equalsKotlinDataLabel               avgt   10   3.560 ± 0.024  ns/op
+EqualsBenchmark.equalsLombokDataLabel               avgt   10  24.914 ± 0.118  ns/op
+EqualsBenchmark.equalsScalaCaseLabel                avgt   10  25.000 ± 0.141  ns/op
+==== Using windows-latest
+Benchmark                                           Mode  Cnt   Score   Error  Units
+EqualsBenchmark.equalsGroovyEmulatedRecord          avgt   10   2.221 ± 0.012  ns/op
+EqualsBenchmark.equalsGroovyRecord                  avgt   10   0.511 ± 0.002  ns/op
+EqualsBenchmark.equalsJavaRecord                    avgt   10   0.512 ± 0.001  ns/op
+EqualsBenchmark.equalsKotlinDataLabel               avgt   10   3.071 ± 0.007  ns/op
+EqualsBenchmark.equalsLombokDataLabel               avgt   10  21.491 ± 0.038  ns/op
+EqualsBenchmark.equalsScalaCaseLabel                avgt   10  21.477 ± 0.032  ns/op
+==== Using macos-latest
+Benchmark                                           Mode  Cnt   Score   Error  Units
+EqualsBenchmark.equalsGroovyEmulatedRecord          avgt   10   1.841 ± 0.036  ns/op
+EqualsBenchmark.equalsGroovyRecord                  avgt   10   0.557 ± 0.002  ns/op
+EqualsBenchmark.equalsJavaRecord                    avgt   10   0.557 ± 0.001  ns/op
+EqualsBenchmark.equalsKotlinDataLabel               avgt   10   2.620 ± 0.013  ns/op
+EqualsBenchmark.equalsLombokDataLabel               avgt   10  19.273 ± 0.125  ns/op
+EqualsBenchmark.equalsScalaCaseLabel                avgt   10  19.335 ± 0.298  ns/op
+==== Graphing the results
+Like before, we'll average the results across the three platforms:
+=== Discussion
+We saw for `hashCode`, that using getters retained JavaBean-like expectations
+but with additional costs of calling that method. That impact is doubly worse
+for `equals` since we call the getters for `this` and the instance we are comparing
+against. This explains a significant part of the slowness for Lombok and Scala.
+Groovy follows Java behavior here by default but enables you to turn on getters
+if you desire.
+The JLS has an example of a `SmallPoint` record in section
+which is discussed as _bad style_ because with Java records the last statement prints `false`.
+If we enable getters, the last statement now prints `true` as shown in this Groovy equivalent
+of that example:
+record SmallPoint(int x, int y) {
+    int x() { this.x < 100 ? this.x : 100 }
+    int y() { this.y < 100 ? this.y : 100 }
+    static main(args) {
+        var p1 = new SmallPoint(200, 300)
+        var p2 = new SmallPoint(200, 300)
+        println p1 == p2  // prints true
+        var p3 = new SmallPoint(p1.x(), p1.y())
+        println p1 == p3  // prints true
+    }
+Never-the-less, for this particular example, it might be better style to leave the
+normal field access in place and provide something like a compact canonical
+constructor to truncate the points during construction.
+== Summary
+We have looked at a few aspects of the performance of Groovy records and compared
+them to other languages. Groovy's default behavior piggybacks directly on Java's
+behavior but Groovy has many declarative options to tweak the generated code if needed.
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