blob: 6ad5f8aed12e9defce588ca45cab09a9b9f62ad5 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
import groovy.text.markup.MarkupTemplateEngine
import groovy.text.markup.TemplateConfiguration
import org.gradle.internal.logging.ConsoleRenderer
import util.CssFilter
import util.JsFilter
import util.CheckLinks
plugins {
id 'base' // common lifecycle tasks and artifact types
id 'org.ajoberstar.grgit' version '2.3.0' // to publish website to asf-git branch
ext.watchmode = project.hasProperty('watchmode')?project.getProperty('watchmode'):'false'
// a collection of links which have either been validated or are dummy links
ext.excludeFromChecks = [
def commitedChanges = false
def gitboxUrl = project.findProperty('gitPublishRemote') ?: ''
def stagingDevSite = "$project.buildDir/staging-dev-site/"
def generatedDevSite = "$project.buildDir/site/"
task copyAssets(type:Copy) {
from file('../site/src/site/assets')
into file("$buildDir/site")
filesMatching('**/*.css') { f->
if (!'.min.')) {
filesMatching('**/*.js') { f->
if (!'.min.')) {
task copyWikiAssets(type:Copy) {
from file('../site/src/site/wiki/img')
into file("$buildDir/site/wiki/img")
task generateSite(type:JavaExec) {
description = 'Generates the Groovy Dev Website'
dependsOn copyAssets
dependsOn copyWikiAssets
ext.sources = file('../site/src/site')
ext.outputDir = file("$buildDir/site")
inputs.files fileTree(sources)
outputs.files fileTree(outputDir)
classpath = project(':generator').sourceSets.main.runtimeClasspath
main = 'generator.SiteGenerator'
args = [sources, outputDir, 'sitemap-dev.groovy', project.watchmode]
systemProperties.docs_baseurl = System.getProperty('docs_baseurl')
task checkDeadLinks(dependsOn: generateSite) {
description = "Checks for dead links in the generated Groovy website"
ext.outputDir = file("$buildDir/reports")
ext.reportFile = file("$outputDir/deadlinks.html")
inputs.files fileTree(generateSite.outputDir)
outputs.file reportFile
doLast {
def baseDir = generateSite.outputDir
def checkLinks = new CheckLinks(baseDir: baseDir,
excludeFromChecks: excludeFromChecks,
logger: logger)
file(baseDir).eachFileRecurse {
if ('.html')) {
def tplConf = new TemplateConfiguration()
tplConf.with {
autoIndent = true
autoNewLine = true
def tplEngine = new MarkupTemplateEngine(this.class.classLoader, file('../site/gradle/templates'), tplConf)
def report = tplEngine.createTemplateByPath("deadlinks.groovy").make(deadLinks: checkLinks.deadLinks).toString()
reportFile.write(report, 'utf-8')
def reportURL = new ConsoleRenderer().asClickableFileUrl(reportFile)
logger.lifecycle "Dead links report written at $reportURL"
task webzip(type:Zip, dependsOn: checkDeadLinks) {
description = "Creates a zip with the generated website and the deadlink report"
destinationDir = file("$buildDir/distributions")
baseName = 'groovy'
appendix = 'website'
from(generateSite.outputDir) {
into 'site'
from (checkDeadLinks.outputDir) {
into 'reports'
// Creates a new commit on asf-site branch
task commitWebsite(dependsOn: webzip) {
doLast {
assert grgit : "git repository not found?"
assert file("$generatedDevSite/index.html").exists()
// get the latest commit on master
def gitin =
def latestCommit = gitin.log(maxCommits: 1)[0].abbreviatedId
def gitout
if (project.hasProperty('skipClone')) {
gitout = stagingDevSite)
} else {
println "Cloning $gitboxUrl to $stagingDevSite. This may take a few minutes ..."
gitout = grgit.clone(dir: stagingDevSite, uri: gitboxUrl)
gitout.checkout(branch: 'asf-site')
// Delete the previous content. These are asf-site branch paths.
gitout.remove(patterns: ['.'])
fileTree(stagingDevSite).exclude('.git').visit { delete it.file }
assert !file("${stagingDevSite}/index.html").exists()
// Copy the built content and add it.
copy {
from generatedDevSite
into stagingDevSite
assert file("${stagingDevSite}/index.html").exists()
gitout.add(patterns: ['.'], update: true)
if (!gitout.status().staged.getAllChanges()) {
println 'No changes to commit'
} else {
println 'Creating commit for changes'
def now = new Date().format('yyyy/MM/dd HH:mm:ss')
String message = "$now: Generated dev website from groovy-website@$latestCommit"
commitedChanges = true
gitout.commit(message: message)
* Pushes the asf-site branch commits.
* This requires write access to the asf-site branch and can be run on
* Jenkins executors with the git-websites label.
* For more details on publishing, see:
* You can test this locally with a forked repository by manually adding the
* website-publish remote pointing to your forked repository, for example:
* git remote add website-publish${GITUSER}/groovy-website.git
* because the remote is only added if it doesn't exist. The remote needs
* to be added before every execution of the publishing.
task publishWebsite(dependsOn: commitWebsite) {
doLast {
assert grgit : "git repository not found?"
def git = stagingDevSite)
git.checkout(branch: 'asf-site')
if (!commitedChanges) {
println 'No changes to push'
// Because git.push() fails to authenticate, run git push directly.
def cmd = 'git push origin asf-site'
exec {
workingDir stagingDevSite
if (System.getProperty('').toLowerCase(Locale.ROOT).contains('windows')) {
executable 'cmd.exe'
args '/c', cmd
} else {
executable 'sh'
args '-c', cmd