blob: 02e554a4c2ed314783f7d4579cc648e7b34a89d4 [file] [log] [blame]
layout 'layouts/main.groovy', true,
pageTitle: 'The Apache Groovy programming language - Mailing-lists',
mainContent: contents {
div(id: 'content', class: 'page-1') {
div(class: 'row') {
div(class: 'row-fluid') {
div(class: 'col-lg-3') {
include template: 'includes/support-navbar.groovy'
div(class: 'col-lg-8 col-lg-pull-0') {
include template: 'includes/contribute-button.groovy'
h1 {
i(class: 'fa fa-envelope-o') {}
yield ' Mailing-lists'
p '''The Groovy mailing lists are a great way to interact with the Groovy developers and Groovy users.'''
hr(class: 'divider')
article {
h1 'Available lists'
table(class: 'table') {
tr {
td {
h3 ''
em 'General purpose list for questions and discussion about Groovy'
td { a(href: '', 'Browse') }
td { a(href: '', 'Subscribe') }
td { a(href: '', 'Unsubscribe') }
td { a(href: '', 'Archive') }
tr {
td {
h3 ''
em 'More focused list about the language implementation and its evolution'
td { a(href: '', 'Browse') }
td { a(href: '', 'Subscribe') }
td { a(href: '', 'Unsubscribe') }
td { a(href: '', 'Archive') }
tr {
td {
h3 ''
em 'Tracks all commits'
td { a(href: '', 'Browse') }
td { a(href: '', 'Subscribe') }
td { a(href: '', 'Unsubscribe') }
td { a(href: '', 'Archive') }
tr {
td {
h3 ''
em 'Contains JIRA and Github notifications'
td { a(href: '', 'Browse') }
td { a(href: '', 'Subscribe') }
td { a(href: '', 'Unsubscribe') }
td { a(href: '', 'Archive') }
hr(class: 'divider')
h2 'Alternative mailing list archives'
ul {
li {
p """
The mailing lists are archived on ${
$a(href: '', 'MarkMail')
You can browse ${
$a(href: '', 'recent emails')
p """
MarkMail also provide RSS feeds: ${
$a(href: '', 'users')
} ${
$a(href: '', 'dev')
} ${
$a(href: '', 'commits')
} ${
$a(href: '', 'notifications')
li {
p """
The mailing lists are archived on ${
$a(href: '', 'Nabble')
}: ${
$a(href: '', 'combined')
} ${
$a(href: '', 'users')
} ${
$a(href: '', 'dev')
} ${
$a(href: '', 'commits')
} ${
$a(href: '', 'notifications')
p """
You can even post messages to a mailing list through Nabble
but you first need to be subscribed to the appropriate list!
li """
You can also find archives on ${
$a(href: '', 'users')} ${
$a(href: '', 'dev')} ${
$a(href: '', 'commits')} ${
$a(href: '', 'notifications')
li """
You can also find some historic dev mailing list archives on MARC: ${
$a(href: '', 'groovy-dev')