blob: f788189532232d519bf7cf0b8ca9705e649ec3a8 [file] [log] [blame]
import at.bxm.gradleplugins.svntools.api.SvnDepth
import at.bxm.gradleplugins.svntools.tasks.SvnAdd
import at.bxm.gradleplugins.svntools.tasks.SvnCheckout
import at.bxm.gradleplugins.svntools.tasks.SvnCommit
import at.bxm.gradleplugins.svntools.tasks.SvnDelete
import org.ajoberstar.grgit.Credentials
buildscript {
apply from: "gradle/buildscript.gradle", to: buildscript
ext.grgitClass = org.ajoberstar.grgit.Grgit
svntools {
username = apacheUser
password = apachePassword
ssh.settings {
dryRun = project.hasProperty('dryRun')
// TODO explore whether this can be made more secure - below not working on windows
// knownHosts = file(System.getProperty('user.home') + '/.ssh/known_hosts')
knownHosts = allowAnyHosts
remotes {
ciServer {
host = ''
user = findProperty('ciserver.user')
password = findProperty('ciserver.password')
//identity = file('id_rsa')
sdkman {
consumerKey = findProperty('gvm.consumerKey')
consumerToken = findProperty('gvm.consumerPassword')
candidate = "groovy"
version = "$relVersion"
url = "${relVersion}.zip"
hashtag = "#groovylang"
tasks.register('jiraCheckPhase2') {
dependsOn assumesRelVersion
doLast {
def prefix = ''
def client = HttpUtil.newClient()
def request = HttpUtil.getRequest("$prefix/project/GROOVY/versions", apacheUser, apachePassword)
def response = HttpUtil.send(client, request)
assert response.statusCode() == 200
def versionFields = response.json.find { == relVersion }
assert versionFields, "Version $relVersion not found in Jira!"
assert versionFields.released, "Version $relVersion not yet released!"
project.ext.versionId =
project.ext.projectId = versionFields.projectId
request = HttpUtil.getRequest("$prefix/version/$versionId/unresolvedIssueCount", apacheUser, apachePassword)
response = HttpUtil.send(client, request)
if (response.json.issuesUnresolvedCount) {
logger.warn "Warning found $response.json.issuesUnresolvedCount unresolved issues for version $relVersion"
request = HttpUtil.getRequest("$prefix/version/$versionId/relatedIssueCounts", apacheUser, apachePassword)
response = HttpUtil.send(client, request)
project.ext.fixCount = response.json.issuesFixedCount
task promoteJarsOnArtifactory(dependsOn: jiraCheckPhase2) {
group = "Post-passed phase"
description = "Releases the versions artifacts on Artifactory"
doLast {
def artifactory = HttpBuilder.configure {
request.uri = ''
request.auth.basic artifactoryUser, artifactoryPassword
def resp = artifactory.get {
request.uri.path = '/groovy/api/build/groovy'
request.headers['Accept'] = 'application/json'
// sort to minimise work - normally we want the last started
def builds = resp.buildsNumbers.sort{ it.started }.reverse()
// check version - in case we are releasing multiple builds at the one time
println "----------------"
def build = builds.find { b ->
resp = artifactory.get {
request.uri.path = "/groovy/api/build/groovy/$b.uri"
request.headers['Accept'] = 'application/json'
def prefix = apacheGroupId ? 'org.apache.groovy:groovy:' : 'org.codehaus.groovy:groovy:'
def coreModuleId = resp.buildInfo.modules*.id.find{ it.startsWith(prefix) }
def found = coreModuleId?.endsWith(':' + relVersion)
println "${found ? 'FOUND' : 'SKIPPING'} $coreModuleId @ ${b.uri}"
println "----------------"
assert build, "No build matching $relVersion found in artifactory"
def buildNum = resp.buildInfo.number
def body = /{
"dryRun" : ${project.hasProperty('dryRun').toString()},
"publish" : true,
"async" : false,
"targetRepo" : "${apacheGroupId ? 'distribution-repo-apache' : 'distribution-repo'}",
"sourceRepos" : ["libs-release-local"]
if (project.hasProperty('dryRun')) println "path: api/build/distribute/groovy/$buildNum\nbody: $body"
resp ={
request.uri.path = "/groovy/api/build/distribute/groovy/$buildNum"
request.body = body
request.contentType = 'application/json'
if (project.hasProperty('dryRun')) println resp
// we fix up properties to ensure paths are found, see link:
task augmentProperties(dependsOn: jiraCheckPhase2) {
group = "Post-passed phase"
description = "Display info about build"
doLast {
def artifactory = HttpBuilder.configure {
request.uri = ''
request.auth.basic artifactoryUser, artifactoryPassword
def resp = artifactory.get {
request.uri.path = '/groovy/api/build/groovy'
request.headers['Accept'] = 'application/json'
// sort to minimise work - normally we want the last started
def builds = resp.buildsNumbers.sort{ it.started }.reverse()
// check version - in case we are releasing multiple builds at the one time
println "----------------"
def build = builds.find { b ->
resp = artifactory.get {
request.uri.path = "/groovy/api/build/groovy/$b.uri"
request.headers['Accept'] = 'application/json'
def prefix = apacheGroupId ? 'org.apache.groovy:groovy:' : 'org.codehaus.groovy:groovy:'
def coreModuleId = resp.buildInfo.modules*.id.find{ it.startsWith(prefix) }
def found = coreModuleId?.endsWith(':' + relVersion)
println "${found ? 'FOUND' : 'SKIPPING'} $coreModuleId @ ${b.uri}"
println "----------------"
assert build, "No build matching $relVersion found in artifactory"
def buildNum = resp.buildInfo.number
def buildName =
def prefix = '/groovy/api/storage/libs-release-local'
def suffix = "$buildName;build.number=$buildNum&recursive=1"
resp.buildInfo.modules*.id.each { module ->
println "Augmenting properties for module $module"
def pieces = module.split(':')
def middle = "${pieces[0].replace('.', '/')}/${pieces[1]}/${pieces[2]}"
artifactory.put {
request.uri.path = "$prefix/$middle"
request.uri.query = [properties: suffix, recursive: '1']
response.failure { fs ->
println "request failed: $fs.statusCode : $fs.message"
augmentProperties.onlyIf{ apacheGroupId }
tasks.register('publishZipsOnArtifactory') {
dependsOn([jiraCheckPhase2, assumesRelVersion])
group = "Post-passed phase"
description = "Publish distribution zips to Groovy artifactory instance"
doLast {
def prefix = ''
def client = HttpUtil.newClient()
fileTree("$distParentDir/distributions").files.each { File f ->
println "Uploading $"
def request = HttpUtil.putRequest(prefix, f, artifactoryUser, artifactoryPassword)
def response = HttpUtil.send(client, request)
assert response.statusCode() in [200, 201]
println "Zips uploaded! You may need to release manually."
tasks.register('waitForArtifactoryZipPublication') {
dependsOn publishZipsOnArtifactory /*, promoteJarsOnArtifactory*/
group = "Post-passed phase"
description = "Polls the artifactory instance website to check if it is released"
doLast {
def delay = 30000 // 1/2 a minute
def numTries = 60 // wait for up to 30 mins
def url = "${relVersion}.zip"
def found = HttpUtil.awaitPublication(url, artifactoryUser, artifactoryPassword, delay, numTries)
assert found, 'Timed out waiting for artifactory publish/sync - please check manually'
sdkReleaseVersion.dependsOn waitForArtifactoryZipPublication
task synchronizeWithMavenCentral(dependsOn: promoteOnBintray) {
group = "Post-passed phase"
description = "Syncs with Maven Central/Sonatype"
doLast {
println """
Synchronizing with Maven central. This may take a few minutes ...
If this fails, log on to using the centralUser credentials
and progress through process manually -> Close -> Publish ... under staging repositories
def bintray = HttpBuilder.configure {
request.uri = ''
request.headers['Authorization'] = 'Basic ' + "$bintrayUser:$bintrayKey".getBytes('iso-8859-1').encodeBase64()
def body = /{
"username" : "${project.findProperty('centralUser')}",
"password" : "${project.findProperty('centralKey')}"
}/ {
request.uri.path = "/maven_central_sync/groovy/maven/groovy/versions/$relVersion"
request.body = body
request.contentType = 'application/json'
synchronizeWithMavenCentral.onlyIf{ !apacheGroupId }
tasks.register('cleanSvnReleaseWorkspace', Delete) {
dependsOn assumesRelVersion
delete releaseWorkspaceRoot
tasks.register('prepareSvnReleaseWorkspace', SvnCheckout) {
dependsOn cleanSvnReleaseWorkspace
svnUrl = ""
workspaceDir = releaseWorkspaceRoot
depth = SvnDepth.FILES // slightly more efficient if we have two concurrent releases (e.g. 2.4.latest, 2.5.0)
tasks.register('copyReleaseArtifacts', Copy) {
dependsOn prepareSvnReleaseWorkspace
description = "Copies all files from DEV to RELEASE"
into releaseWorkspace
tasks.register('addSvnReleaseFiles', SvnAdd) {
dependsOn copyReleaseArtifacts
description = "Adds the changed files to dist svn"
add releaseWorkspace
recursive true
tasks.register('deleteSvnDevFiles', SvnDelete) {
dependsOn addSvnReleaseFiles
description = "Deletes the changed files to svn"
delete devWorkspace
tasks.register('commitDeleteFromDevSvn', SvnCommit) {
dependsOn deleteSvnDevFiles
description = "Deletes the version from the DEV staging area"
source << devWorkspaceRoot
recursive = true
commitMessage = "Deleting version $relVersion from the DEV staging area"
tasks.register('commitAddToReleaseSvn', SvnCommit) {
dependsOn addSvnReleaseFiles
source << releaseWorkspace
recursive = true
commitMessage = "Releasing version $relVersion"
tasks.register('uploadToApacheReleaseServer') {
dependsOn([commitDeleteFromDevSvn, commitAddToReleaseSvn])
// svntools has no move so add and delete explicitly
group = "Post-passed phase"
description = "Moves the artifacts from the DEV svn repo to the RELEASE svn repo"
doLast {
println """
Once the release has been announced and mirrors have the latest artifacts, please remove old versions manually
from ASF svn servers - they will remain automatically on the archive servers.
tasks.register('uploadDocumentationToGroovyWebsite') {
group = "Post-passed phase"
description = "Uploads the documentation to the Groovy website server"
doLast { {
session(remotes.ciServer) {
execute 'uname -a'
put from: "$distParentDir/distributions/apache-groovy-docs-${relVersion}.zip", into: '/var/www/docs/docs'
execute "rm -rf /var/www/docs/docs/groovy-${relVersion}/"
execute "unzip -d /var/www/docs/docs/ /var/www/docs/docs/apache-groovy-docs-${relVersion}.zip"
execute "chmod 664 /var/www/docs/docs/apache-groovy-docs-${relVersion}.zip"
// execute "chgrp -R teamcity /var/www/docs/docs/groovy-${relVersion}/"
// execute "chown -R teamcity /var/www/docs/docs/groovy-${relVersion}/"
execute "rm /var/www/docs/docs/apache-groovy-docs-${relVersion}.zip"
tasks.register('checkoutGroovyWebsite') {
dependsOn uploadDocumentationToGroovyWebsite
group = "Post-passed phase"
description = "Checks out the Groovy website repository"
doLast {
if (!project.hasProperty('skipClone')) {
println "Cloning $websiteRepo to $stagingWebsiteDir. This may take a few minutes ..."
grgitClass.clone(dir: stagingWebsiteDir, uri: websiteRepo)
tasks.register('findGroovyVersions') {
dependsOn checkoutGroovyWebsite
doLast {
def sitemapFile = file("$stagingWebsiteDir/site/src/site/sitemap-user.groovy")
def matcher = sitemapFile.text =~ /(?ism).*groovyDocumentationVersions\(([^)]*)\).*/
assert matcher[0]
rootProject.ext.versionsText = matcher[0][1]
def majorMinor = { String s -> s.split(/\./).with { it[0].toInteger() * 100 + it[1].toInteger() } }
def versions =
def relMajorMinor = majorMinor(relVersion)
def foundNewer = versions.findAll {
!(it.contains('alpha') || it.contains('beta') || it.contains('rc'))
}.collect { majorMinor(it) }.any { it > relMajorMinor }
rootProject.ext.newDefault = project.hasProperty('forceDefault') ||
(!project.hasProperty('skipDefault') && stableBuild && !foundNewer)
tasks.register('maybeUpdateDocumentationSymlink') {
dependsOn findGroovyVersions
group = "Post-passed phase"
description = "Changes the symlink to the latest documentation if and only if it's a stable release"
doLast {
// TODO work out unix group permissions - currently might require manual chown/chgrp fix ups {
session(remotes.ciServer) {
execute 'uname -a'
execute "cd /var/www/docs/docs; ln -s -f -T groovy-$relVersion latest; ln -s -f -T groovy-$relVersion groovy-latest"
// execute "chgrp -h teamcity /var/www/docs/docs/latest"
// execute "chown -h teamcity /var/www/docs/docs/latest"
maybeUpdateDocumentationSymlink.onlyIf{ newDefault }
tasks.register('updateGroovySitemap') {
dependsOn findGroovyVersions
group = "Post-passed phase"
description = "Updates sitemap-user.groovy to include the newly released version and commits the result"
doLast {
def sitemapFile = file("$stagingWebsiteDir/site/src/site/sitemap-user.groovy")
def sitemapText = sitemapFile.text
def newText = newRelease ? versionsText.replaceFirst(/(?sm)'\s*\]/, "',\n '$relVersion'\n \\]")
: versionsText.replaceFirst(/(?sm)(.*)('$baseVersion'[',. 0-9]*)/, "\$1\$2 '$relVersion',")
sitemapText = sitemapText.replace(versionsText, newText)
// TODO add download distributions section ...
sitemapFile.text = sitemapText
updateGroovySitemap.onlyIf{ releaseBuild }
tasks.register('pushGroovyWebsite') {
dependsOn updateGroovySitemap
group = "Post-passed phase"
description = "Pushes the Groovy website so that the new website is published"
doLast {
def githubCredentials = new Credentials(githubUser, githubPassword)
def grgit = stagingWebsiteDir, creds: githubCredentials)
grgit.add(patterns: ['sitemap.groovy'])
def commit = grgit.commit(message: "Release $relVersion: update sitemap")
println "@ $commit.abbreviatedId ($commit.shortMessage)"
pushGroovyWebsite.onlyIf{ releaseBuild }
tasks.register('waitForWebsitePublication') {
dependsOn pushGroovyWebsite
group = "Post-passed phase"
description = "Polls the Groovy website to check if the changelog for this version is published"
doLast {
def delay = 30000 // 1/2 a minute
def numTries = 60 // wait for up to 30 mins
def url = "${relVersion}.html"
def found = HttpUtil.awaitPublication(url, apacheUser, apachePassword, delay, numTries)
assert found, 'Timed out waiting for website to be published - please check manually'
waitForWebsitePublication.onlyIf{ releaseBuild }
tasks.register('publishToSDKman') {
dependsOn([/*synchronizeWithMavenCentral,*/ publishZipsOnArtifactory, uploadToApacheReleaseServer, waitForWebsitePublication, maybeUpdateDocumentationSymlink, sdkReleaseVersion])
group = "Post-passed phase"
description = "Publishes the release on SDKman"
sdkDefaultVersion.dependsOn findGroovyVersions
tasks.register('makeDefaultOnSDKman') {
dependsOn([publishToSDKman, sdkDefaultVersion])
group = "Post-passed phase"
description = "Make it the default version on SDKman"
makeDefaultOnSDKman.onlyIf{ rootProject.ext.newDefault }
sdkDefaultVersion.onlyIf{ rootProject.ext.newDefault }
tasks.register('createNextVersionInJira') {
dependsOn jiraCheckPhase2
group = "Post-passed phase"
description = "Make sure that Jira is ready for the next version on this branch"
doLast {
def prefix = ''
def client = HttpUtil.newClient()
def request = HttpUtil.getRequest("$prefix/project/GROOVY/versions", apacheUser, apachePassword)
def response = HttpUtil.send(client, request)
assert response.statusCode() == 200
def versionFields = response.json.find { == nextVersion }
if (versionFields) {
println "Version $nextVersion already found in Jira!"
} else {
def body = /{ "name": "$nextVersion", "project": "GROOVY", "projectId": $projectId }/
request = HttpUtil.postRequest("$prefix/version", body, apacheUser, apachePassword)
response = HttpUtil.send(client, request)
assert response.statusCode() in [200, 201]
tasks.register('bumpVersionInGit') {
dependsOn findGroovyVersions
group = "Post-passed phase"
description = "The version in the file in the branch repo should be bumped"
doLast {
// def apacheCredentials = new Credentials(username: apacheUser, password: apachePassword)
def apacheCredentials = new Credentials(apacheUser, apachePassword)
def grgit = stagingDir, creds: apacheCredentials)
grgit.checkout(branch: branch)
def propsFile = file("$stagingDir/")
def propsText = propsFile.text
propsText = propsText.replace(numVersion + '-SNAPSHOT', nextVersion + '-SNAPSHOT')
propsText = propsText.replace(numVersion + '.SNAPSHOT', nextVersion + '.SNAPSHOT')
propsFile.text = propsText
grgit.add(patterns: [''])
def commit = grgit.commit(message: "Bump version on $branch branch")
println "@ $commit.abbreviatedId ($commit.shortMessage)"
bumpVersionInGit.onlyIf{ stableBuild }
tasks.register('gitTasks') { dependsOn([bumpVersionInGit, jiraCheckPhase2]) }
tasks.register('jiraTasks') { dependsOn([findGroovyVersions, createNextVersionInJira]) }
tasks.register('sdkmanTasks') { dependsOn([jiraCheckPhase2, findGroovyVersions, makeDefaultOnSDKman]) }
tasks.register('proposeAnnouncementEmail') {
dependsOn([gitTasks, jiraTasks, sdkmanTasks, findGroovyVersions])
group = "Post-passed phase"
description = "Generates an [ANNOUNCE] thread to be tweaked and sent to the dev@, user@ and announce@ mailing lists"
doLast {
def securityFix = project.hasProperty('securityFix')
println """"
Below is a template email to tweak and send to the normaly mailing lists including, and mailing lists
as an [ANNOUNCE] thread. This should be sent using an Apache email from address.
---------------- >8 -----------------
Dear community,
The Apache Groovy team is pleased to announce version $relVersion of Apache Groovy.
Apache Groovy is a multi-faceted programming language for the JVM.
Further details can be found at the website.
${ stableBuild ?
(newRelease ?
'''We are sure you'll enjoy the features in this new version of Groovy.
Your feedback on any unintentional glitches is welcome.'''
: """This release is a maintenance release of the $branch branch.
It is strongly encouraged that all users using prior
versions on this branch upgrade to this version.""")
: '''This is a pre-release of a new version of Groovy.
We greatly appreciate any feedback you can give us when using this version.'''
${securityFix ? '''
This release contains critical security fixes.
Details can be found on
''' : '' }
This release includes $fixCount bug fixes/improvements as outlined in the changelog:$projectId&version=$versionId
Sources, convenience binaries, downloadable documentation and an SDK
bundle can be found at:
We recommend you verify your installation using the information on that page.
Jars are also available within the major binary repositories.
We welcome your help and feedback and in particular want
to thank everyone who contributed to this release.
For more information on how to report problems, and to get involved,
visit the project website at
Best regards,
The Apache Groovy team.
tasks.register('promptForReleaseUpdater') {
dependsOn proposeAnnouncementEmail
group = "Post-passed phase"
description = "Prompts the release manager to update the Apache Release info system"
doLast {
println '''
If you are a PMC member of this project, we ask that you log on to:
and add your release data (version and date) to the database.
If you are not a PMC member, please have a PMC member add this information.
tasks.register('announceReleaseOnSDKman') {
dependsOn([promptForReleaseUpdater, sdkAnnounceVersion])
group = "Post-passed phase"
description = "Announces the release on SDKman"