blob: 3cd4edc1b632a678fb91e86db796be6af3cec56c [file] [log] [blame]
import at.bxm.gradleplugins.svntools.api.SvnDepth
import at.bxm.gradleplugins.svntools.tasks.SvnAdd
import at.bxm.gradleplugins.svntools.tasks.SvnCheckout
import at.bxm.gradleplugins.svntools.tasks.SvnCommit
import at.bxm.gradleplugins.svntools.tasks.SvnVersion
import org.ajoberstar.grgit.Credentials
import org.ajoberstar.grgit.Person
import org.ajoberstar.grgit.util.JGitUtil
buildscript {
apply from: "gradle/buildscript.gradle", to: buildscript
apply plugin: at.bxm.gradleplugins.svntools.SvnToolsPlugin
ext.grgitClass = org.ajoberstar.grgit.Grgit
svntools {
username = apacheUser
password = apachePassword
tasks.register('checkout') {
dependsOn assumesBranch
group = "Pre-vote phase"
description = "Checks out the Apache Groovy sources (assumes -Pbranch=branch_to_release)"
// fresh clone may be overkill but take safe option for now unless skipClone specified
doLast {
def grgit
if (project.hasProperty('skipClone')) {
grgit = stagingDir)
} else {
println "Cloning $repoUri to $stagingDir. This may take a few minutes ..."
grgit = grgitClass.clone(dir: stagingDir, uri: repoUri, refToCheckout: branch)
grgit.checkout(branch: branch)
def id = grgit.head().abbreviatedId
def message = grgit.head().shortMessage
def dir = file(stagingDir)
assert !dir.isFile() && dir.listFiles()
println "Checked out: $ @ $id ($message)"
tasks.register('confirmVersion') {
dependsOn([assumesPropsSet, checkout])
group = "Pre-vote phase"
description = "Confirm version to release (assumes -PreleaseVersion=version_to_release)"
doLast {
def propsFile = file("$stagingDir/")
def versionLines = propsFile.text.readLines().findAll { it.matches(/groovyVersion.*|groovyBundleVersion.*/) }
def normalVersion = /(?ism).*$numVersion[a-zA-Z\-]*\.SNAPSHOT.*/
def bundleVersion = /(?ism).*$numVersion[a-zA-Z\-]*-SNAPSHOT.*/
versionLines.each {
assert it.matches(normalVersion) || it.matches(bundleVersion)
// use Exec rather than GradleBuild to avoid any issues between gradle versions
tasks.register('checkCompatibility', Exec) {
dependsOn([assumesBranch, checkout])
workingDir stagingDir
def theArgs = []
if (Os.isFamily(Os.FAMILY_WINDOWS)) {
theArgs += ['cmd', '/C', 'gradlew.bat']
} else {
theArgs += ['sh', './gradlew']
theArgs << 'checkCompatibility'
commandLine theArgs
tasks.register('jiraPrecheck') {
dependsOn assumesRelVersion
doLast {
def prefix = ''
def client = HttpUtil.newClient()
def request = HttpUtil.getRequest("$prefix/project/GROOVY/versions", apacheUser, apachePassword)
def response = HttpUtil.send(client, request)
assert response.statusCode() == 200
def versionFields = response.json.find { == relVersion }
assert versionFields, "Version $relVersion not found in Jira!"
if (!project.hasProperty('skipJiraReleaseCheck')) {
assert !versionFields.released, "Version $relVersion already released!"
project.ext.versionId =
project.ext.projectId = versionFields.projectId
request = HttpUtil.getRequest("$prefix/version/$versionId/unresolvedIssueCount", apacheUser, apachePassword)
response = HttpUtil.send(client, request)
assert response.statusCode() == 200
if (response.json.issuesUnresolvedCount) {
logger.warn "Warning found $response.json.issuesUnresolvedCount unresolved issues for version $relVersion"
request = HttpUtil.getRequest("$prefix/version/$versionId/relatedIssueCounts", apacheUser, apachePassword)
response = HttpUtil.send(client, request)
assert response.statusCode() == 200
project.ext.fixCount = response.json.issuesFixedCount
tasks.register('createReleaseBranch') {
dependsOn([assumesPropsSet, jiraPrecheck, confirmVersion])
group = "Pre-vote phase"
description = "Creates a release branch"
doLast {
def grgit = stagingDir)
grgit.checkout(branch: "REL_BRANCH_$underVersion", startPoint: branch, createBranch: true)
println "Checked out: $"
tasks.register('updateVersionProperties') {
dependsOn([assumesPropsSet, createReleaseBranch])
group = "Pre-vote phase"
description = "Promotes versions to non SNAPSHOT in and commits the result"
doLast {
def propsFile = file("$stagingDir/")
def propsText = propsFile.text
propsText = propsText.replace(numVersion + '-SNAPSHOT', relVersion)
def osgiVersion = relVersion.replaceFirst("-", ".")
propsText = propsText.replace(numVersion + '.SNAPSHOT', osgiVersion)
propsFile.text = propsText
def grgit = stagingDir)
grgit.add(patterns: [''])
def commit = grgit.commit(message: "Release $relVersion: update versions")
println "@ $commit.abbreviatedId ($commit.shortMessage)"
[jiraPrecheck, createReleaseBranch, updateVersionProperties]*.onlyIf {
project.hasProperty('releaseBuild') && releaseBuild
// use Exec rather the GradleBuild to ensure we use the correct gradle version for the groovy version being built
tasks.register('buildAndUploadStep1', Exec) {
dependsOn([assumesPropsSet, updateVersionProperties, checkCompatibility])
group = "Pre-vote phase"
description = "Builds Apache Groovy and publishes the Maven artifacts to the Artifactory staging repository"
workingDir stagingDir
ext.theArgs = []
if (Os.isFamily(Os.FAMILY_WINDOWS)) {
theArgs += ['cmd', '/C', 'gradlew.bat']
} else {
theArgs += ['sh', './gradlew']
if (project.hasProperty('useAntlr4')) {
theArgs << "-PuseAntlr4=${getProperty('useAntlr4')}"
if (!relVersion?.startsWith('2.4')) {
theArgs << '--no-build-cache'
theArgs << "-PartifactoryContext="
theArgs << "-PartifactoryRepoKey=${releaseBuild ? 'libs-release-local' : 'libs-snapshot-local'}"
if (project.hasProperty('skipPublish')) {
theArgs += ['install', 'dist']
} else if (apacheGroupId) {
theArgs += ['install', 'dist', 'signSdkElements', 'artifactoryPublish']
} else {
theArgs += ['install', 'dist', 'artifactoryPublish']
commandLine theArgs
// use Exec rather the GradleBuild to ensure we use the correct gradle version for the groovy version being built
tasks.register('uploadStep2', Exec) {
dependsOn buildAndUploadStep1
group = "Pre-vote phase"
description = "Publishes the Maven artifacts to the Apache staging repository"
workingDir stagingDir
// if (apacheGroupId) {
ext.theArgs = []
if (Os.isFamily(Os.FAMILY_WINDOWS)) {
theArgs += ['cmd', '/C', 'gradlew.bat']
} else {
theArgs += ['sh', './gradlew']
// if (!relVersion.startsWith('2.4')) {
theArgs << '--no-build-cache'
// }
theArgs += ['publishAllPublicationsToApacheRepository']
commandLine theArgs
// }
uploadStep2.onlyIf{ apacheGroupId }
tasks.register('cleanSvnDevWorkspace', Delete) {
dependsOn([assumesBranch, uploadStep2])
delete devWorkspaceRoot
tasks.register('prepareSvnDevWorkspace', SvnCheckout) {
dependsOn([assumesBranch, cleanSvnDevWorkspace])
svnUrl = ""
workspaceDir = devWorkspaceRoot
depth = SvnDepth.FILES // slightly more efficient if we have two concurrent releases (e.g. 2.4.latest, 2.5.0)
tasks.register('copySvnDistro', Copy) {
dependsOn([assumesPropsSet, prepareSvnDevWorkspace])
description = "Creates the required tree structure for distribution"
into "$devWorkspace/distribution"
exclude 'apache-groovy-src-*'
tasks.register('copySvnSources', Copy) {
dependsOn([assumesPropsSet, prepareSvnDevWorkspace])
description = "Creates the required tree structure for sources"
into "$devWorkspace/sources"
include 'apache-groovy-src-*'
tasks.register('createChecksums') {
dependsOn([assumesPropsSet, copySvnDistro, copySvnSources])
group = "Pre-vote phase"
description = "Creates SHA-256 checksums for all artifacts"
doLast {
fileTree(devWorkspace).files.each { File f ->
if ('.zip')) {
ant.checksum file: f, algorithm: 'SHA-256', fileext: '.sha256'
tasks.register('addSvnDevFiles', SvnAdd) {
dependsOn([assumesPropsSet, createChecksums])
description = "Adds the changed files to svn"
add devWorkspace
recursive true
tasks.register('commitAddToDevSvn', SvnCommit) {
dependsOn([assumesPropsSet, addSvnDevFiles])
source << devWorkspace
recursive = true
commitMessage = "New version $branch $relVersion added to staging area"
tasks.register('checkDevWorkspaceVersion', SvnVersion) {
dependsOn([assumesPropsSet, commitAddToDevSvn])
sourcePath = devWorkspace
doLast {
def f = new File(devWorkspace)
println "SvnVersion: build/${}/${} at r" + svnVersion.maxRevisionNumber
tasks.register('createAndPushTag') {
dependsOn([assumesPropsSet, checkDevWorkspaceVersion])
group = "Pre-vote phase"
description = "Creates a release tag and pushes it to the Apache Git repository"
doLast {
def apacheCredentials = new Credentials(apacheUser, apachePassword)
def grgit = stagingDir, creds: apacheCredentials)
def tagName = "GROOVY_$underVersion"
def tag = null
try {
tag = JGitUtil.resolveTag(grgit.repository, tagName)
} catch (ignore) {
if (project.hasProperty('skipSvnTag')) {
assert tag, "Tag $tagName is supposed to exist but doesn't!"
} else {
assert !tag, "Tag $tagName already found!"
tag = grgit.tag.add(name: tagName,
message: "Release Groovy $relVersion",
tagger: new Person(apacheUser, apacheUser + '')
project.ext.tagId =
if (!project.hasProperty('skipSvnPush')) {
grgit.push(tags: true)
tasks.register('releaseOnJira') {
dependsOn([assumesRelVersion, jiraPrecheck, createAndPushTag])
group = "Pre-vote phase"
description = "Releases the version on JIRA"
doLast {
def client = HttpUtil.newClient()
def request = HttpUtil.putRequest("$versionId",
/{ "released": true, "releaseDate": "$now" }/, apacheUser, apachePassword)
def response = HttpUtil.send(client, request)
assert response.statusCode() == 200
tasks.register('prepareVoteThread') {
dependsOn([assumesPropsSet, releaseOnJira])
group = "Pre-vote phase"
description = "Generates a [VOTE] thread to be tweaked and sent to the dev@ mailing list"
doLast {
println """
Below is a template email to tweak and send to the dev@ mailing list as a [VOTE] thread.
If the vote passes after 72h, proceed with phase2.
If the vote fails or the release is cancelled, manually unrelease the version from Jira and start again.
---------------- >8 -----------------
Dear development community,
I am happy to start the VOTE thread for a Groovy $relVersion release!
This release includes $fixCount bug fixes/improvements as outlined in the changelog:$projectId&version=$versionId
Tag: $repoBase?p=groovy.git;a=tag;h=refs/tags/GROOVY_$underVersion
Tag commit id: $tagId
The artifacts to be voted on are located as follows (r$svnVersion.maxRevisionNumber).
Source release:$relVersion/sources
Convenience binaries:$relVersion/distribution
Release artifacts are signed with a key from the following file:
Please vote on releasing this package as Apache Groovy $relVersion.
Reminder on ASF release approval requirements for PMC members:
Hints on validating checksums/signatures (but replace md5sum with sha256sum):
The vote is open for the next 72 hours and passes if a majority of at least three +1 PMC votes are cast.
[ ] +1 Release Apache Groovy $relVersion
[ ] 0 I don't have a strong opinion about this, but I assume it's ok
[ ] -1 Do not release Apache Groovy $relVersion because...
Here is my vote:
+1 (binding)
---------------- >8 -----------------
[createAndPushTag, releaseOnJira, prepareVoteThread]*.onlyIf { project.hasProperty('releaseBuild') && releaseBuild }