blob: c6987032c3e968320713d69bae14e620bc4759f9 [file] [log] [blame]
* Phase1 is invoked with:
* gradlew -Pbranch=checkout_branch_name -PreleaseVersion=versionToRelease phase1
* e.g.:
* gradlew -Pbranch=GROOVY_2_4_X -PreleaseVersion=2.4.8 phase1
* Assumes you have the following properties set up, e.g. in ~/.gradle/
* or using -PpropName=propValue on the command line:
* signing.keyId=hexId
* signing.password=your_s3cr3t_passphrase
* signing.secretKeyRingFile=path_to_secring.gpg
* apacheUser=your_username
* apachePassword=your_password
* artifactoryUser=artifactory_username
* artifactoryPassword=artifactory_secret_password
* Phase 2 is invoked with:
* gradlew -Pbranch=checkout_branch_name -PreleaseVersion=versionToRelease phase2
* e.g.:
* gradlew -Pbranch=GROOVY_2_4_X -PreleaseVersion=2.4.8 phase2
* Assumes you have the following properties set up, e.g. in ~/.gradle/
* or using -PpropName=propValue on the command line:
* ciserver.user=ci_login_user
* ciserver.password=ci_login_password
* githubUser=your_github_user
* githubPassword=your_github_password
* gvm.consumerKey=xxxxx
* gvm.consumerToken=yyyyy
* artifactoryUser=aaaa
* artifactoryPassword=bbbb
* centralUser=cccc
* centralKey=dddd
* Using the -PsecurityFix property will add some additional placeholder text
* about a security fix to the email template.
* The script will try to be smart about making the new release the latest release version.
* It does this if the new release is a stable release and it looks like no other stable releases have
* a higher major.minor version. Use -PforceDefault and -PskipDefault to override.
* Assumptions:
* <ul>
* <li>The KEYS file is currently assumed to be updated manually outside this build script</li>
* </ul>
buildscript {
repositories {
maven {
url ""
dependencies {
classpath "org.ajoberstar:grgit:${getProperty('version.grgit')}"
classpath "at.bxm.gradleplugins:gradle-svntools-plugin:${getProperty('version.svntools')}"
classpath "io.github.http-builder-ng:http-builder-ng-okhttp:${getProperty('version.httpbuilderng')}"
classpath "org.hidetake:gradle-ssh-plugin:${getProperty('version.sshplugin')}"
classpath "${getProperty('version.sdkmanplugin')}"
ext {
grgitClass = org.ajoberstar.grgit.Grgit
repoBase = ''
repoUri = "$repoBase/groovy.git"
websiteRepo = ''
now = new Date().format('yyyy-MM-dd')
branch = project.findProperty('branch')
stagingDir = "$project.buildDir/staging-$branch/"
// if (Os.isFamily(Os.FAMILY_WINDOWS)) {
// System.setProperty('https.protocols', 'TLSv1.2')
// }
relVersion = project.findProperty('releaseVersion')
numVersion = relVersion?.find(/^[\d\.]+/)
newRelease = numVersion?.endsWith('.0')
apacheGroupId = relVersion && relVersion[0] >= '4'
distParentDir = apacheGroupId ? "$stagingDir/subprojects/groovy-binary/build" : "$stagingDir/target"
underVersion = relVersion?.replace('.', '_')?.replace('-', '_')?.toUpperCase()
releaseBuild = !relVersion?.toLowerCase()?.contains('snapshot')
stableBuild = releaseBuild && !relVersion?.toLowerCase()?.contains('alpha') && !relVersion?.toLowerCase()?.contains('beta') && !relVersion?.toLowerCase()?.contains('rc')
if (releaseBuild) {
def parts = relVersion?.split(/\./)
baseVersion = parts?.with{ "${it[0]}.${it[1]}.0" }
if (parts) {
if (stableBuild) {
nextVersion = [parts[0], parts[1], parts[2].toInteger() + 1].join('.')
} else {
def subparts = parts[2]?.split(/-/)
def part2 = [subparts[0], subparts[1], subparts[2].toInteger() + 1].join('-')
nextVersion = [parts[0], parts[1], part2].join('.')
devWorkspaceRoot = "$project.buildDir/svn-dev-workspace-$branch"
devWorkspace = "$devWorkspaceRoot/$relVersion"
releaseWorkspaceRoot = "$project.buildDir/svn-release-workspace-$branch"
releaseWorkspace = "$releaseWorkspaceRoot/$relVersion"
stagingWebsiteDir = "$project.buildDir/staging-website/"
task assumesBranch {
doLast {
assert branch, "Required property 'branch' not set"
task assumesRelVersion {
doLast {
assert relVersion, "Required property 'releaseVersion' not set"
task assumesPropsSet(dependsOn: [assumesBranch, assumesRelVersion])
apply plugin: 'idea'
apply plugin: 'groovy'
apply from: 'gradle/phase1.gradle'
apply from: 'gradle/phase2.gradle'
apply from: 'gradle/adhoc.gradle'
task phase1 {
dependsOn 'prepareVoteThread'
doLast {
println "Pre-vote phase"
task phase2 {
dependsOn 'announceReleaseOnSDKman'
doLast {
println "Post-vote phase"