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# AstBuilder and AST Transformation Example
This example shows how to use the AstBuilder to add a public static void main(String[])
method to a class.
The example requires ant in your path and the Groovy 1.7 (or greater)
installed on your system.
Prior to running, __build.xml__ needs to be configured to reference the
installed version of groovy. The following must be done:
1) Set _groovy.version_ to the version of groovy installed.
2) Update _groovy.home_ to point to the location where groovy is installed.
Once these updates are made and saved, the build file is ready to use.
To build the example run "ant" from the current directory. The default
target will compile the classes needed. The last step of the build
script prints out the command needed to run the example.
To run the example perform either of the following from the command lines:
groovy MainExample.groovy
groovyc MainExample.groovy (and then invoke with java or view with javap)
The example should print:
Hello from the greet() method!
No exceptions should occur.
The MainIntegrationTest.groovy file shows how to invoke an ASTTransformation
from a unit test. An IDE should be able to debug this.