blob: 53c918f631a751216e734bcc2547f33e56f33a27 [file] [log] [blame]
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><feed xmlns="">
<title>Groovy Blogs</title>
<subtitle>News and stories from the Groovy Ecosystem</subtitle>
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<name>Remko Popma</name>
<title>[ANNOUNCE] Announcing CodeNarc 1.2</title>
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<summary>CodeNarc 1.2 Release Announcement.</summary>
<name>Remko Popma</name>
<title>Groovy 2.5.1 released</title>
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<summary>Groovy 2.5.1 Release Announcement.</summary>
<name>Remko Popma</name>
<title>Groovy 2.5.2 released</title>
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<summary>Groovy 2.5.2 Release Announcement.</summary>
<name>Remko Popma</name>
<title>Groovy 2.5.2 Windows Installer Released (Community Artifact)</title>
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<summary>Groovy 2.5.2 Windows Installer Release Announcement.</summary>
<name>Remko Popma</name>
<title>Groovy 2.5.3 Windows Installer Released (Community Artifact)</title>
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<summary>Groovy 2.5.3 Windows Installer Release Announcement.</summary>
<name>Remko Popma</name>
<title>GMavenPlus 1.6.2 Released (Community Artifact)</title>
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<summary>GMavenPlus 1.6.2 Release Announcement.</summary>
<name>Remko Popma</name>
<title>Groovy 2.5.3 Released</title>
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<summary>Groovy 2.5.3 Release Announcement.</summary>
<name>Paul King</name>
<title>Apache Groovy committer Graeme Rocher receives Oracle Groundbreaker award</title>
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<summary>Congratulations to Graeme Rocher for receiving the Oracle Groundbreaker award.</summary>
<name>Remko Popma</name>
<title>Groovy 2.5.4 Windows Installer Released (Community Artifact)</title>
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<summary>Groovy 2.5.4 Windows Installer Release Announcement.</summary>
<name>Remko Popma</name>
<title>Groovy 2.5.4 Released</title>
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<summary>Groovy 2.5.4 Release Announcement.</summary>
<name>Remko Popma</name>
<title>Groovy 2.4.16 Released</title>
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<summary>Groovy 2.4.16 Release Announcement.</summary>
<name>Remko Popma</name>
<title>Groovy 2.4.16 Windows Installer Released (Community Artifact)</title>
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<summary>Groovy 2.4.16 Windows Installer Release Announcement.</summary>
<name>Remko Popma</name>
<title>Groovy 2.5.5 released</title>
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<summary>Groovy 2.5.5 Release Announcement.</summary>
<name>Remko Popma</name>
<title>Groovy 2.5.5 Windows Installer Released (Community Artifact)</title>
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<summary>Groovy 2.5.5 Windows Installer Release Announcement.</summary>
<name>Remko Popma</name>
<title>Groovy 3.0.0-alpha-4 Windows Installer Released (Community Artifact)</title>
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<summary>Groovy 2.4.16 Windows Installer Release Announcement.</summary>
<name>Remko Popma</name>
<title>Groovy 3.0.0-alpha-4 Released</title>
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<summary>Groovy 3.0.0-alpha-4 Release Announcement.</summary>
<name>Remko Popma</name>
<title>Groovy 2.5.6 Released</title>
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<summary>Groovy 2.5.6 Release Announcement.</summary>
<name>Remko Popma</name>
<title>Groovy 2.5.7 Released</title>
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<summary>Groovy 2.5.7 Release Announcement.</summary>
<name>Remko Popma</name>
<title>Groovy 2.4.17 Released</title>
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<summary>Groovy 2.4.17 Release Announcement.</summary>
<name>Remko Popma</name>
<title>Groovy 3.0.0-beta-1 Released</title>
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<summary>Groovy 3.0.0-beta-1 Release Announcement.</summary>
<name>Remko Popma</name>
<title>Groovy 2.5.7 and 3.0.0-beta-1 Windows Installers Released (Community Artifacts)</title>
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<summary>Groovy 2.5.7 and 3.0.0-beta-1 Windows Installer Release Announcement.</summary>
<name>Remko Popma</name>
<title>Groovy 3.0.0-beta-2 Windows Installer Released (Community Release)</title>
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<summary>Groovy 3.0.0-beta-2 Windows Installer Release Announcement.</summary>
<name>Remko Popma</name>
<title>Groovy 3.0.0-beta-2 Released</title>
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<summary>Groovy 3.0.0-beta-2 Release Announcement.</summary>
<title>Groovy 3 Highlights</title>
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<summary>A summary of the highlights for Groovy 3.</summary>
<name>Paul King</name>
<title>Groovy 4.0.3 Released</title>
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<summary>Groovy 4.0.3 Release Announcement.</summary>
<name>Paul King</name>
<title>Classifying Iris Flowers with Deep Learning, Groovy and GraalVM</title>
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<summary>This post looks at classifying Iris flowers using traditional and neural net based approaches using Eclipse DeepLearning4j, Encog, Deep Netts and GraalVM.</summary>
<name>Paul King</name>
<title>Comparators and Sorting in Groovy</title>
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<title>Groovy release train</title>
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<summary>Groovy 4.0.4, 3.0.12 and 2.5.18 Release Announcement.</summary>
<name>Paul King</name>
<title>Detecting objects with Groovy, the Deep Java Library (DJL), and Apache MXNet</title>
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<summary>This post looks at using Apache Groovy, DLJ and Apache MXNet to use neural networks to detect objects within an image.</summary>
<name>Paul King</name>
<title>Groovy List Processing Cheat Sheet</title>
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<title>Calculating Fibonacci with Groovy revisited</title>
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<summary>This post looks at various ways to calculate Fibonacci numbers such as recursion and iteration including optimisations like tail recursion and memoization.</summary>
<name>Paul King</name>
<title>Encryption and decryption with Groovy</title>
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<summary>This post looks at encrypting and decrypting data using Groovy with the AES and CAST5 algorithms.</summary>
<name>Paul King</name>
<title>Deck of cards with Groovy, JDK collections and Eclipse Collections</title>
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<summary>This post highlights some code for modelling and manipulating cards with records, JDK collections, and Eclipse Collections.</summary>
<name>Paul King</name>
<title>Fruity Eclipse Collections</title>
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<summary>This post looks at using KMeans to compare fruit nominated color with the colors used in its emoji.</summary>
<name>Paul King</name>
<title>Whiskey Clustering with Groovy and Apache Ignite</title>
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<summary>This post looks at using Apache Ignite with Apache Groovy and the K-Means algorithm to cluster scotch whiskeys.</summary>
<name>Paul King</name>
<title>Zipping Collections with Groovy</title>
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<summary>This post looks at zipping collections.</summary>
<name>Paul King</name>
<title>Fun with obfuscated Groovy</title>
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<summary>This post looks at some Obfuscated code for outputting some well-known text.</summary>
<name>Paul King</name>
<title>Adventures with GroovyFX</title>
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<summary>This blog looks at a GroovyFX TODO application.</summary>
<title>Apache Groovy 2022 Year In Review</title>
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<summary>This post looks back at some highlights for Groovy in 2022.</summary>
<name>Paul King</name>
<title>Fun with rating stars</title>
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<summary>Inspired by a recent tweet, this blog looks at producing a string of stars corresponding to a rating.</summary>
<name>Paul King</name>
<title>Groundhog Day</title>
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<summary>Inspired by a recent tweet, this blog looks at some datetime manipulations to calculate the period between Groundhog day and the start of Spring.</summary>
<name>Paul King</name>
<title>Groovy Processing Nulls In Lists</title>
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<summary>This post looks at processing lists containing nulls in Groovy.</summary>
<name>Paul King</name>
<title>Checking Wordle with Groovy</title>
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<summary>This post looks at writing a Wordle checker in Groovy.</summary>