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<div class="sectionbody">
<div class="paragraph">
<p>The 2023 <a href="">Critérium du Dauphiné</a>
has just finished. Let&#8217;s examine the results using Groovy and DuckDB.
For the purposes of this post, we are interested in the overall top ten
riders in the general classification.</p>
<div class="sect1">
<h2 id="_results_file">Results file</h2>
<div class="sectionbody">
<div class="paragraph">
<p>Our results are stored in a CSV file:</p>
<div class="paragraph">
<p><span class="image"><img src="img/topten.png" alt="lines from CSV file"></span></p>
<div class="paragraph">
<p>In a
<a href="">previous article</a>,
we looked at reading and writing CSV files using a number of CSV libraries. Today we will use a nice feature of
<a href="">DuckDB</a>
which can read in CSV files on the fly.</p>
<div class="paragraph">
<p>Our goal is very simple, just print out the information but grouped by each rider&#8217;s country.</p>
<div class="listingblock">
<div class="content">
<pre class="prettyprint highlight"><code data-lang="groovy">Sql.withInstance('jdbc:duckdb:', 'org.duckdb.DuckDBDriver') { sql -&gt;
println "Country Riders Places Count"
sql.eachRow("""SELECT Country,
rpad(string_agg(Rider, ', '), 40, ' ') as Riders,
rpad(string_agg(Place, ', '), 10, ' ') as Places,
bar(count(Country), 0, 4, 30) as Count
FROM 'topten.csv' GROUP BY Country""") { row -&gt;
row.with {
println "$Country $Riders$Places$Count"
<div class="paragraph">
<p>Here we are making use of several built-in functions from DuckDB
including <code>rpad</code> to right pad the output, <code>string_agg</code> to aggregate
the riders (and their places) from the same country, and <code>bar</code>
to produce a pretty barchart.</p>
<div class="paragraph">
<p>Running this code produces the following output:</p>
<div class="listingblock">
<div class="content">
<pre class="prettyprint highlight"><code data-lang="text">Country Riders Places Count
🇩🇰 JONAS VINGEGAARD 1 ███████▌
🇬🇧 ADAM YATES 2 ███████▌
🇦🇺 BEN O’CONNOR, JAI HINDLEY, JACK HAIG 3, 4, 5 ██████████████████████▌
🇳🇴 TORSTEIN TRÆEN 8 ███████▌
🇪🇸 CARLOS RODRIGUEZ CANO 9 ███████▌</code></pre>
<div class="paragraph">
<p>We can achieve a similar result using GQuery (AKA GINQ) using the following code:</p>
<div class="listingblock">
<div class="content">
<pre class="prettyprint highlight"><code data-lang="groovy">var f = 'topten.csv' as File
var lines = f.readLines()*.split(',')
var cols = lines[0].size()
var rows = lines[1..-1].collect{row -&gt;
(0..&lt;cols).collectEntries{ col -&gt; [lines[0][col], row[col]] }}
var commaDelimited = Collectors.joining(', ')
var aggRiders = { -&gt; rec.r.Rider).collect(commaDelimited) }
var aggPlaces = { -&gt; rec.r.Place).collect(commaDelimited) }
println GQ {
from r in rows
groupby r.Country
select r.Country,
agg(aggRiders(_g)) as Riders,
agg(aggPlaces(_g)) as Places,
'██' * count(r.Country) as Count
<div class="paragraph">
<p>We could use a CSV library to read in the data, but for this simple example
we&#8217;ll just use Groovy&#8217;s line/text processing capabilities.
GQuery doesn&#8217;t currently have built in equivalents to <code>bar</code> or <code>string_agg</code>
so we roll our own crude bar character function and aggregators, <code>aggRiders</code>
and <code>aggPlaces</code>.</p>
<div class="paragraph">
<p>Running this code gives the following output:</p>
<div class="listingblock">
<div class="content">
<pre class="prettyprint highlight"><code data-lang="text">+---------+--------------------------------------+---------+--------+
| Country | Riders | Places | Count |
| 🇦🇺 | BEN O’CONNOR, JAI HINDLEY, JACK HAIG | 3, 4, 5 | ██████ |
| 🇩🇰 | JONAS VINGEGAARD | 1 | ██ |
| 🇳🇴 | TORSTEIN TRÆEN | 8 | ██ |
| 🇬🇧 | ADAM YATES | 2 | ██ |
| 🇪🇸 | CARLOS RODRIGUEZ CANO | 9 | ██ |
<div class="paragraph">
<p>For Groovy 5, we are currently exploring the possibility of adding more
functions in GQuery, like <code>bar</code> and <code>stringAgg</code>. If you are interested in this
functionality, please get in touch via the
<a href="">mailing lists</a> or
<a href="">Slack</a>.</p>
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