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     <summary>This blog looks at union, intersection, difference &amp;amp; symmetric difference operators in Groovy.</summary>
+  <entry>
+    <author>
+      <name>Paul King</name>
+    </author>
+    <title>Using Gatherers with Groovy</title>
+    <link href="http://groovy.apache.org/blog/groovy-gatherers"/>
+    <updated>2023-12-09T15:30:00+00:00</updated>
+    <published>2023-12-09T15:30:00+00:00</published>
+    <summary>This post looks at using Gatherers (JEP 461) with Groovy.</summary>
+  </entry>
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@@ -53,17 +53,18 @@
-                        </div><div id='content' class='page-1'><div class='row'><div class='row-fluid'><div class='col-lg-3'><ul class='nav-sidebar'><li><a href='./'>Blog index</a></li><li class='active'><a href='#doc'>Using Gatherers with Groovy</a></li><li><a href='#_understanding_gatherers' class='anchor-link'>Understanding Gatherers</a></li><li><a href='#_accessing_parts_of_a_collection' class='anchor-link'>Accessing parts of a collection</a></li><li><a href='#_collate' class='anchor-link'>Collate</a></li><li><a href='#_chop' class='anchor-link'>Chop</a></li><li><a href='#_testing_for_a_subsequence' class='anchor-link'>Testing for a subsequence</a></li><li><a href='#_conclusion' class='anchor-link'>Conclusion</a></li></ul></div><div class='col-lg-8 col-lg-pull-0'><a name='doc'></a><h1>Using Gatherers with Groovy</h1><p><span>Author: <i>Paul King</i></span><br/><span>Published: 2023-12-09 11:30AM</span></p><hr/><div id="preamble">
+                        </div><div id='content' class='page-1'><div class='row'><div class='row-fluid'><div class='col-lg-3'><ul class='nav-sidebar'><li><a href='./'>Blog index</a></li><li class='active'><a href='#doc'>Using Gatherers with Groovy</a></li><li><a href='#_understanding_gatherers' class='anchor-link'>Understanding Gatherers</a></li><li><a href='#_accessing_parts_of_a_collection' class='anchor-link'>Accessing parts of a collection</a></li><li><a href='#_collate' class='anchor-link'>Collate</a></li><li><a href='#_chop' class='anchor-link'>Chop</a></li><li><a href='#_inject_and_fold' class='anchor-link'>Inject and fold</a></li><li><a href='#_testing_for_a_subsequence_fun_with_inits_and_tails' class='anchor-link'>Testing for a subsequence (fun with <code>inits</code> and <code>tails</code>)</a></li><li><a href='#_conclusion' class='anchor-link'>Conclusion</a></li></ul></div><div class='col-lg-8 col-lg-pull-0'><a name='doc'></a><h1>Using Gatherers with Groovy</h1><p><span>Author: <i>Paul King</i></span><br/><span>Published: 2023-12-09 03:30PM</span></p><hr/><div id="preamble">
 <div class="sectionbody">
 <div class="paragraph">
 <p>An interesting feature being previewed in JDK22 is <em>Gatherers</em>
 (<a href="https://openjdk.java.net/jeps/461">JEP 461</a>).
 This blog looks at using that feature with Groovy.
 The examples in this blog were tested with Groovy 4.0.16 using JDK version 22-ea+27-2262.
-As this JDK version is still in early access,
+As the JDK version we used is still in early access status,
 you should read the disclaimers to understand that this JDK feature
 is subject to change before final release. If and when the feature becomes
-final, Groovy supports it without needing any additional support.</p>
+final, it looks like Groovy will automatically support it without needing
+any additional tweaks.</p>
@@ -85,11 +86,12 @@
 Enter <em>gatherers</em>. Gatherers provide the ability to customize intermediate operations.</p>
 <div class="paragraph">
-<p>The stream API is updated to support a <code>gather</code> intermediate operation which takes a gatherer
-and returns a transformed stream. Let&#8217;s dive into a few more details of gatherers.</p>
+<p>With gatherers, the stream API is updated to support a <code>gather</code> intermediate operation
+which takes a gatherer and returns a transformed stream.
+Let&#8217;s dive into a few more details of gatherers.</p>
 <div class="paragraph">
-<p>A gatherer has four functions:</p>
+<p>A gatherer is defined by four pieces of functionality:</p>
 <div class="ulist">
@@ -107,7 +109,7 @@
 <div class="paragraph">
 <p>where <code>state</code> is some state&#8201;&#8212;&#8201;we&#8217;ll use a list as state in a few of the upcoming
-examples, but it could just as easily be an instance of a class or record, <code>element</code>
+examples, but it could just as easily be an instance of some other class or record, <code>element</code>
 is the next element in the current stream to be processed, and <code>downstream</code> is
 a hook for creating the elements that will be processed in the next stage of the stream pipeline.</p>
@@ -124,7 +126,13 @@
 <div class="paragraph">
 <p>Over and above, the Gatherer API, there are a number of built-in gathers
-like <code>windowFixed</code> and <code>windowSliding</code>, among others.</p>
+like <code>windowFixed</code>, <code>windowSliding</code>, and <code>fold</code>, among others.</p>
+<div class="paragraph">
+<p>Before getting into functionality where gatherers will become essential,
+let&#8217;s start off by looking at accessing collections where functionality
+is well provided for in both the collection and stream APIs and related
+extension methods.</p>
@@ -164,8 +172,9 @@
 <div class="paragraph">
-<p>But what about some of Groovy&#8217;s more elaborate mechanisms for manipulating collections?
-I&#8217;m glad you asked. Let&#8217;s look at <code>collate</code> and <code>chop</code>.</p>
+<p>We can see here there are stream equivalents for <code>drop</code> and <code>take</code>,
+but what about some of Groovy&#8217;s more elaborate mechanisms for manipulating collections?
+I&#8217;m glad you asked. Let&#8217;s look at stream equivalents for <code>collate</code> and <code>chop</code>.</p>
@@ -214,8 +223,8 @@
 <div class="content">
 <pre class="prettyprint highlight"><code data-lang="groovy">&lt;T&gt; Gatherer&lt;T, ?, List&lt;T&gt;&gt; windowFixedTruncating(int windowSize) {
-        () -&gt; [],
-        Gatherer.Integrator.ofGreedy { window, element, downstream -&gt;
+        () -&gt; [],                                                       // initializer
+        Gatherer.Integrator.ofGreedy { window, element, downstream -&gt;   // integrator
             window &lt;&lt; element
             if (window.size() &lt; windowSize) return true
             var result = List.copyOf(window)
@@ -228,18 +237,36 @@
 <div class="paragraph">
 <p>We have an initializer which just returns an empty list as our initial state.
-The gatherer keeps adding elements to the state (our list or window). Once the
+The integrator keeps adding elements to the state (our list or window). Once the
 list is filled to the window size, we&#8217;ll output it to the downstream,
-and then clear the list ready for the next window.
-The code here is essentially a simplified version of <code>windowFixed</code>, we can
-just leave out the finalizer that <code>windowFixed</code> would require to potentially
+and then clear the list ready for the next window.</p>
+<div class="paragraph">
+<p>The code here is essentially a simplified version of <code>windowFixed</code>, we can
+just leave out the finisher that <code>windowFixed</code> would require to potentially
 output the partially-filled window at the end.</p>
 <div class="paragraph">
-<p>A few details. Our operation is sequential since it is inherently ordered,
-hence we used <code>ofSequential</code> to mark it so. We will also always process all
+<p>A few details:</p>
+<div class="ulist">
+<p>Our operation is sequential since it is inherently ordered,
+hence we used <code>ofSequential</code> to mark it so.</p>
+<p>We will also always process all
 elements, so we create a greedy gatherer using <code>ofGreedy</code>. While not strictly
 necessary, this allows for optimisation of the pipeline.</p>
+<p>We have specifically left out some validation logic out of this example
+to focus on the new gatherer functionality. Check out how <code>windowFixed</code>
+throws <code>IllegalArgumentException</code> for window sizes less than 1 to see what
+should really also be added here if you were using this in production.</p>
 <div class="paragraph">
 <p>We&#8217;d use it like this:</p>
@@ -310,7 +337,7 @@
             [stepSize, windowSize].min().times { window.removeFirst() }
-        (window, downstream) -&gt; {                                        // finalizer
+        (window, downstream) -&gt; {                                        // finisher
             if (keepRemaining) {
                 while(window.size() &gt; stepSize) {
@@ -324,14 +351,29 @@
 <div class="paragraph">
-<p>Some points. Our gatherer is still sequential for the same reasons as previously.
-We are still processing every element, so we again created a greedy gatherer.
-We have a little bit of optimization baked into the code. If our step size
+<p>Some points:</p>
+<div class="ulist">
+<p>Our gatherer is still sequential for the same reasons as previously.
+We are still processing every element, so we again created a greedy gatherer.</p>
+<p>We have a little bit of optimization baked into the code. If our step size
 is bigger than the window size, we can do no further processing in our gatherer
 for the elements in between our windows. We could simplify the code and store those
 elements only to throw them away later, but it&#8217;s not too much effort to make
-the algorithm as efficient as possible. We also need a finalizer here which
-handles the leftover chunk(s).</p>
+the algorithm as efficient as possible.</p>
+<p>We also need a finisher here which
+handles the leftover chunk(s) when required.</p>
+<p>As per the previous example, we chose to elide some argument validation logic.</p>
 <div class="paragraph">
 <p>And we&#8217;d use it like this:</p>
@@ -350,26 +392,344 @@
     [[1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6], [7, 8]]</code></pre>
+<div class="paragraph">
+<p>Before leaving this section, let&#8217;s look at a few examples using Groovy&#8217;s
+language integrated query capabilities as an alternative way to manipulate
+<div class="paragraph">
+<p>Firstly, the equivalent of what we saw with <code>take</code> / <code>limit</code>:</p>
+<div class="listingblock">
+<div class="content">
+<pre class="prettyprint highlight"><code data-lang="groovy">assert GQL {
+    from n in 1..8
+    limit 3
+    select n
+} == [1, 2, 3]</code></pre>
+<div class="paragraph">
+<p>Then, the equivalent if we added in <code>drop</code> / <code>skip</code>:</p>
+<div class="listingblock">
+<div class="content">
+<pre class="prettyprint highlight"><code data-lang="groovy">assert GQL {
+    from n in 1..8
+    limit 2, 3
+    select n
+} == [3, 4, 5]</code></pre>
+<div class="paragraph">
+<p>Finally, a sliding window equivalent:</p>
+<div class="listingblock">
+<div class="content">
+<pre class="prettyprint highlight"><code data-lang="groovy">assert GQL {
+    from ns in (
+        from n in 1..8
+        select n, (lead(n) over(orderby n)), (lead(n, 2) over(orderby n))
+    )
+    limit 3
+    select ns
+}*.toList() == [[1, 2, 3], [2, 3, 4], [3, 4, 5]]</code></pre>
 <div class="sect1">
 <h2 id="_chop">Chop</h2>
 <div class="sectionbody">
+<div class="paragraph">
+<p>A related collection method is <code>chop</code>. For this method, we also create chunks
+from the original collection but rather than specifying a fixed size that applies to
+all chunks, we specify the size we want for each chunk. Each size is only used once.
+The special size of <code>-1</code> indicates that we want the remainder of the collection as
+the last chunk.</p>
+<div class="listingblock">
+<div class="content">
+<pre class="prettyprint highlight"><code data-lang="groovy">assert (1..8).chop(3) == [[1, 2, 3]]
+assert (1..8).chop(3, 2, 1) == [[1, 2, 3], [4, 5], [6]]
+assert (1..8).chop(3, -1) == [[1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6, 7, 8]]</code></pre>
+<div class="paragraph">
+<p>There is no original stream or pre-built gatherer for this functionality.
+We&#8217;ll write our own:</p>
+<div class="listingblock">
+<div class="content">
+<pre class="prettyprint highlight"><code data-lang="groovy">&lt;T&gt; Gatherer&lt;T, ?, List&lt;T&gt;&gt; windowMultiple(int... steps) {
+    var remaining = steps.toList()
+    Gatherer.ofSequential(
+        () -&gt; [],
+        Gatherer.Integrator.of { window, element, downstream -&gt;
+            if (!remaining) {
+                return false
+            }
+            window &lt;&lt; element
+            if (remaining[0] != -1) remaining[0]--
+            if (remaining[0]) return true
+            remaining.removeFirst()
+            var result = List.copyOf(window)
+            window.clear()
+            downstream.push(result)
+        },
+        (window, downstream) -&gt; {
+            if (window) {
+                var result = List.copyOf(window)
+                downstream.push(result)
+            }
+        }
+    )
+<div class="paragraph">
+<p>Some points:</p>
+<div class="ulist">
+<p>This is also an ordered algorithm, so we use <code>ofSequential</code> again.</p>
+<p>This is similar to what we used for collate, but we have a different sized
+window for each chunk size as we process the elements.</p>
+<p>Once we hit the last chunk, we don&#8217;t want to process further
+elements unless we see the special -1 marker, so we won&#8217;t create a greedy gatherer.</p>
+<p>We do need a finisher to potentially output elements that have been stored but not yet
+pushed downstream.</p>
+<div class="paragraph">
+<p>We&#8217;d use <code>windowMultiple</code> like this:</p>
+<div class="listingblock">
+<div class="content">
+<pre class="prettyprint highlight"><code data-lang="groovy">assert (1..8).stream().gather(windowMultiple(3)).toList() ==
+    [[1, 2, 3]]
+assert (1..8).stream().gather(windowMultiple(3, 2, 1)).toList() ==
+    [[1, 2, 3], [4, 5], [6]]
+assert (1..8).stream().gather(windowMultiple(3, -1)).toList() ==
+    [[1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6, 7, 8]]</code></pre>
 <div class="sect1">
-<h2 id="_testing_for_a_subsequence">Testing for a subsequence</h2>
+<h2 id="_inject_and_fold">Inject and fold</h2>
 <div class="sectionbody">
+<div class="paragraph">
+<p>Groovy&#8217;s <code>inject</code> is a little different to the stream <code>reduce</code> intermediate operator.
+The latter expects a binary operator which restricts the types of the elements
+being consumed and produced.</p>
+<div class="paragraph">
+<p>The <code>inject</code> method can have different types for its arguments as shown here:</p>
+<div class="listingblock">
+<div class="content">
+<pre class="prettyprint highlight"><code data-lang="groovy">assert (1..5).inject(''){ string, number -&gt; string + number } == '12345'</code></pre>
+<div class="paragraph">
+<p>The <code>fold</code> built-in gatherer provides the equivalent functionality:</p>
+<div class="listingblock">
+<div class="content">
+<pre class="prettyprint highlight"><code data-lang="groovy">assert (1..5).stream().gather(fold(() -&gt; '', (string, number) -&gt; string + number)).findFirst().get() == '12345'</code></pre>
+<div class="sect1">
+<h2 id="_testing_for_a_subsequence_fun_with_inits_and_tails">Testing for a subsequence (fun with <code>inits</code> and <code>tails</code>)</h2>
+<div class="sectionbody">
+<div class="paragraph">
+<p>As a final example, let&#8217;s have a look at how we might test
+if one list is a subset of another.</p>
+<div class="paragraph">
+<p>We&#8217;ll start with a list of words, and a list containing the search terms:</p>
+<div class="listingblock">
+<div class="content">
+<pre class="prettyprint highlight"><code data-lang="groovy">var words = 'the quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog'.split().toList()
+var search = 'brown fox'.split().toList()</code></pre>
+<div class="paragraph">
+<p>It turns out that this is solved already in the JDK for collections:</p>
+<div class="listingblock">
+<div class="content">
+<pre class="prettyprint highlight"><code data-lang="groovy">assert Collections.indexOfSubList(words, search) != -1</code></pre>
+<div class="paragraph">
+<p>Let&#8217;s have a look at some possible stream implementations.
+But first a diversion. For any functional programmers who might have dabbled
+with Haskell, you may have seen the book <a href="http://learnyouahaskell.com/">Learn You a Haskell for Great Good!</a>. It sets an interesting exercise for finding a "Needle in the Haystack"
+using <code>inits</code> and <code>tails</code>. So what are <code>inits</code> and <code>tails</code>? They are built-in fuctions
+in Haskell and Groovy:</p>
+<div class="listingblock">
+<div class="content">
+<pre class="prettyprint highlight"><code data-lang="groovy">assert (1..6).inits() == [[1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6],
+                          [1, 2, 3, 4, 5],
+                          [1, 2, 3, 4],
+                          [1, 2, 3],
+                          [1, 2],
+                          [1],
+                          []]
+assert (1..6).tails() == [[1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6],
+                             [2, 3, 4, 5, 6],
+                                [3, 4, 5, 6],
+                                   [4, 5, 6],
+                                      [5, 6],
+                                         [6],
+                                          []]</code></pre>
+<div class="paragraph">
+<p>Once we know about these methods, we can paraphrase the "Needle in the Haystack"
+solution for collections in Groovy as follows:</p>
+<div class="listingblock">
+<div class="content">
+<pre class="prettyprint highlight"><code data-lang="groovy">var found = words.tails().any{ subseq -&gt; subseq.inits().contains(search) }
+assert found</code></pre>
+<div class="paragraph">
+<p>It may not be the most efficient implementation of this functionality,
+but it has a nice symmetry. Let&#8217;s now explore some stream-based solutions.</p>
+<div class="paragraph">
+<p>We can start off with a <code>tails</code> gatherer:</p>
+<div class="listingblock">
+<div class="content">
+<pre class="prettyprint highlight"><code data-lang="groovy">&lt;T&gt; Gatherer&lt;T, ?, List&lt;T&gt;&gt; tails() {
+    Gatherer.ofSequential(
+        () -&gt; [],
+        Gatherer.Integrator.ofGreedy { state, element, downstream -&gt;
+            state &lt;&lt; element
+            return true
+        },
+        (state, downstream) -&gt; {
+            state.tails().each(downstream::push)
+        }
+    )
+<div class="paragraph">
+<p>In the integrator, we just store away all the elements,
+and in the finisher we do all the work. This works but isn&#8217;t really
+properly leveraging the stream pipeline nature.</p>
+<div class="paragraph">
+<p>We can check it works as follows:</p>
+<div class="listingblock">
+<div class="content">
+<pre class="prettyprint highlight"><code data-lang="groovy">assert search.stream().gather(tails()).toList() ==
+    [['brown', 'fox'], ['fox'], []]</code></pre>
+<div class="paragraph">
+<p>We could continue with this approach to create an <code>initsOfTails</code> gatherer:</p>
+<div class="listingblock">
+<div class="content">
+<pre class="prettyprint highlight"><code data-lang="groovy">&lt;T&gt; Gatherer&lt;T, ?, List&lt;T&gt;&gt; initsOfTails() {
+    Gatherer.ofSequential(
+        () -&gt; [],
+        Gatherer.Integrator.ofGreedy { state, element, downstream -&gt;
+            state &lt;&lt; element
+            return true
+        },
+        (state, downstream) -&gt; {
+            state.tails()*.inits().sum().each(downstream::push)
+        }
+    )
+<div class="paragraph">
+<p>Again, all the work is in the finisher, and we haven&#8217;t really made use
+of the power of the stream pipeline.</p>
+<div class="paragraph">
+<p>It still works of course:</p>
+<div class="listingblock">
+<div class="content">
+<pre class="prettyprint highlight"><code data-lang="groovy">assert words.stream().gather(initsOfTails()).anyMatch { it == search }</code></pre>
+<div class="paragraph">
+<p>But it might have been more efficient to have collected
+the stream as a list and used Groovy&#8217;s built-in <code>inits</code> and <code>tails</code> on that.</p>
+<div class="paragraph">
+<p>But all is not lost. If we were willing to tweak the algorithm slightly,
+we could make better use of the stream pipeline. For example, if we don&#8217;t
+mind getting the <code>inits</code> results in the reverse order, we could define the following
+gatherer for <code>inits</code>:</p>
+<div class="listingblock">
+<div class="content">
+<pre class="prettyprint highlight"><code data-lang="groovy">&lt;T&gt; Gatherer&lt;T, ?, List&lt;T&gt;&gt; inits() {
+    Gatherer.ofSequential(
+        () -&gt; [],
+        Gatherer.Integrator.ofGreedy { state, element, downstream -&gt;
+            downstream.push(List.copyOf(state))
+            state &lt;&lt; element
+            return true
+        },
+        (state, downstream) -&gt; {
+            downstream.push(state)
+        }
+    )
+<div class="paragraph">
+<p>Which we&#8217;d use like this:</p>
+<div class="listingblock">
+<div class="content">
+<pre class="prettyprint highlight"><code data-lang="groovy">assert search.stream().gather(inits()).toList() ==
+    [[], ['brown'], ['brown', 'fox']]</code></pre>
 <div class="sect1">
 <h2 id="_conclusion">Conclusion</h2>
 <div class="sectionbody">
 <div class="paragraph">
-<p>We have had a quick glimpse at using gatherers with Groovy.
-We are still in the early days of gatherers being available,
+<p>It is great that Groovy has a rich set of methods that
+work with collections. Some of these methods have stream
+equivalents, and now we see that using gatherers with Groovy,
+we can emulate more of the methods.
+Not all algorithms need or benefit from using streams,
+but it&#8217;s great to know that with gatherers, we can
+likely pick whichever style makes sense.</p>
+<div class="paragraph">
+<p>We are still in the early days of gatherers being available,
 so expect much more to emerge as this feature becomes more mainstream.
 We look forward to it advancing past preview status.</p>
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-                        </div><div id='content' class='page-1'><div class='row'><div class='row-fluid'><div class='col-lg-3' id='blog-index'><ul class='nav-sidebar list'><li class='active'><a href='/blog/'>Blogs</a></li><li><a href='set-operations-with-groovy'>Set Operators with Groovy</a></li><li><a href='community-over-code-na-2023'>Community Over Code (North America) 2023</a></li><li><a href='chatgpt-one-liners'>ChatGPT meets Groovy one-liners</a></li><li><a href='groovy-pekko-gpars'>Using Apache Pekko actors and GPars actors with Groovy</a></li><li><a href='groovy-dauphine'>Processing Results for the Critérium du Dauphiné</a></li><li><a href='create-groovy-blog'>Creating a Groovy Blog Post</a></li><li><a href='groovy-record-performance'>Groovy Record Performance</a></li><li><a href='groovy-sequenced-collections'>Groovy and Sequenced Collections (JEP-431)</a></li><li><a href='lego-bricks-with-groovy'>Lego Bricks with Groovy</a></li><li><a href='gpars-meets-virtual-threads'>GPars meets Virtual Threads</a></li><li><a href='helloworldemoji'>Hello World with Emojis</a></li><li><a href='groovy-records'>Groovy Records</a></li><li><a href='groovy-haiku-processing'>Groovy Haiku processing</a></li><li><a href='testing_permutations_combinations'>Groovy Testing with Combinations and Permutations</a></li><li><a href='apache-nlpcraft-with-groovy'>Converting natural language into actions with NLPCraft and Groovy</a></li><li><a href='quake3-inverse-square-root'>Quake III Arena and the fast inverse square root algorithm</a></li><li><a href='australian-timezones'>Australian Time Zones</a></li><li><a href='wordle-checker'>Checking Wordle with Groovy</a></li><li><a href='groovy-null-processing'>Groovy Processing Nulls In Lists</a></li><li><a href='groundhog-day'>Groundhog Day</a></li><li><a href='fun-with-rating-stars'>Fun with rating stars</a></li><li><a href='apache-groovy-2022-year-in'>Apache Groovy 2022 Year In Review</a></li><li><a href='jvm-hello-world-with-groovy'>JVM Hello World with Groovy</a></li><li><a href='adventures-with-groovyfx'>Adventures with GroovyFX</a></li><li><a href='fun-with-obfuscated-groovy'>Fun with obfuscated Groovy</a></li><li><a href='zipping-collections-with-groovy'>Zipping Collections with Groovy</a></li><li><a href='whiskey-clustering-with-groovy-and'>Whiskey Clustering with Groovy and Apache Ignite</a></li><li><a href='groovy-dates-and-times-cheat'>Groovy Dates And Times Cheat Sheet</a></li><li><a href='fruity-eclipse-collections'>Fruity Eclipse Collections</a></li><li><a href='deep-learning-and-eclipse-collections'>Deep Learning and Eclipse Collections</a></li><li><a href='deck-of-cards-with-groovy'>Deck of cards with Groovy, JDK collections and Eclipse Collections</a></li><li><a href='encryption-and-decryption-with-groovy'>Encryption and decryption with Groovy</a></li><li><a href='calculating-fibonacci-with-groovy-revisited'>Calculating Fibonacci with Groovy revisited</a></li><li><a href='solving-cryptarithmetic-puzzles-with-groovy'>Solving cryptarithmetic puzzles with Groovy and constraint programming using Choco, JaCoP, and OR-Tools</a></li><li><a href='groovy-list-processing-cheat-sheet'>Groovy List Processing Cheat Sheet</a></li><li><a href='matrix-calculations-with-groovy-apache'>Matrix calculations with Groovy, Apache Commons Math, ojAlgo, Nd4j and EJML</a></li><li><a href='life-on-mars-units-of'>Life on Mars: Units of Measurement systems, Groovy, and domain specific languages (DSLs)</a></li><li><a href='natural-language-processing-with-groovy'>Natural Language Processing with Groovy, OpenNLP, CoreNLP, Nlp4j, Datumbox, Smile, Spark NLP, DJL and TensorFlow</a></li><li><a href='detecting-objects-with-groovy-the'>Detecting objects with Groovy, the Deep Java Library (DJL), and Apache MXNet</a></li><li><a href='working-with-sql-databases-with'>Working with SQL databases with Groovy and GraalVM</a></li><li><a href='reading-and-writing-csv-files'>Reading and Writing CSV files with Groovy</a></li><li><a href='groovy-release-train-4-0'>Groovy release train: 4.0.4, 3.0.12, 2.5.18</a></li><li><a href='comparators-and-sorting-in-groovy'>Comparators and Sorting in Groovy</a></li><li><a href='testing-your-java-with-groovy'>Testing your Java with Groovy, Spock, JUnit5, Jacoco, Jqwik and Pitest</a></li><li><a href='parsing-json-with-groovy'>Parsing JSON with Groovy</a></li><li><a href='classifying-iris-flowers-with-deep'>Classifying Iris Flowers with Deep Learning, Groovy and GraalVM</a></li><li><a href='using-groovy-with-apache-wayang'>Using Groovy with Apache Wayang and Apache Spark</a></li><li><a href='groovy-4-0-3-released'>Groovy 4.0.3 Released</a></li><li><a href='groovy-3-highlights'>Groovy 3 Highlights</a></li><li><a href='groovy-3-0-0-beta2'>Groovy 3.0.0-beta-2 Windows Installer Released (Community Release)</a></li><li><a href='groovy-3-0-0-beta1'>Groovy 3.0.0-beta-2 Released</a></li><li><a href='groovy-2-5-7-and'>Groovy 2.5.7 and 3.0.0-beta-1 Windows Installers Released (Community Artifacts)</a></li><li><a href='groovy-3-0-0-beta'>Groovy 3.0.0-beta-1 Released</a></li><li><a href='groovy-2-5-7-released'>Groovy 2.5.7 Released</a></li><li><a href='groovy-2-4-17-released'>Groovy 2.4.17 Released</a></li><li><a href='groovy-2-5-6-released'>Groovy 2.5.6 Released</a></li><li><a href='groovy-3-0-0-alpha1'>Groovy 3.0.0-alpha-4 Windows Installer Released (Community Artifact)</a></li><li><a href='groovy-3-0-0-alpha'>Groovy 3.0.0-alpha-4 Released</a></li><li><a href='groovy-2-5-5-windows'>Groovy 2.5.5 Windows Installer Released (Community Artifact)</a></li><li><a href='groovy-2-5-5-released'>Groovy 2.5.5 released</a></li><li><a href='groovy-2-4-16-windows'>Groovy 2.4.16 Windows Installer Released (Community Artifact)</a></li><li><a href='groovy-2-4-16-released'>Groovy 2.4.16 Released</a></li><li><a href='groovy-2-5-4-windows'>Groovy 2.5.4 Windows Installer Released (Community Artifact)</a></li><li><a href='groovy-2-5-4-released'>Groovy 2.5.4 Released</a></li><li><a href='apache-groovy-committer-graeme-rocher'>Apache Groovy committer Graeme Rocher receives Oracle Groundbreaker award</a></li><li><a href='gmavenplus-1-6-2-released'>GMavenPlus 1.6.2 Released (Community Artifact)</a></li><li><a href='groovy-2-5-3-windows'>Groovy 2.5.3 Windows Installer Released (Community Artifact)</a></li><li><a href='groovy-2-5-3-released'>Groovy 2.5.3 Released</a></li><li><a href='groovy-2-5-2-windows'>Groovy 2.5.2 Windows Installer Released (Community Artifact)</a></li><li><a href='groovy-2-5-2-released'>Groovy 2.5.2 released</a></li><li><a href='groovy-2-5-1-released'>Groovy 2.5.1 released</a></li><li><a href='announce-announcing-codenarc-1-2'>Announcing CodeNarc 1.2</a></li><li><a href='groovy-2-5-clibuilder-renewal'>Apache Groovy 2.5 CliBuilder Renewal</a></li><li><a href='groovy-2-5-0-released'>Groovy 2.5.0 released</a></li></ul><ul class='pagination'/></div><div class='col-lg-8 col-lg-pull-0'><h1>Blogs for Groovy</h1><div id='chartdiv'></div><p>Here you can find the Blogs for the Groovy programming language:</p><div id='blog-list'><div><span>Search: </span><input type='text' class='search'/></div><ul class='list'><li><p class='name'><a href='set-operations-with-groovy'>Set Operators with Groovy</a><br/>Published by Paul King on 2023-11-14 03:22PM<br/>This blog looks at union, intersection, difference &amp;amp; symmetric difference operators in Groovy.</p></li><li><p class='name'><a href='community-over-code-na-2023'>Community Over Code (North America) 2023</a><br/>Published by Paul King on 2023-10-26 05:00PM<br/>This post looks at the ASF Community Over Code conference in Halifax, Nova Scotia, October 7-10 2023, with a particular focus on the Groovy Track.</p></li><li><p class='name'><a href='chatgpt-one-liners'>ChatGPT meets Groovy one-liners</a><br/>Published by Paul King on 2023-10-19 06:00PM<br/>I asked ChatGPT if it could represent some short/one-liner programming-related dad jokes as short/one-liner Groovy scripts.</p></li><li><p class='name'><a href='groovy-pekko-gpars'>Using Apache Pekko actors and GPars actors with Groovy</a><br/>Published by Paul King on 2023-07-17 11:24PM<br/>Last updated: 2023-07-26 03:02PM<br/>This post looks at using Apache Pekko Actors and GPars Actors with Groovy.</p></li><li><p class='name'><a href='groovy-dauphine'>Processing Results for the Critérium du Dauphiné</a><br/>Published by Paul King on 2023-06-13 05:00PM<br/>This post looks at processing the general classification results for the Critérium du Dauphiné using Groovy, GQuery and DuckDB.</p></li><li><p class='name'><a href='create-groovy-blog'>Creating a Groovy Blog Post</a><br/>Published by Paul King on 2023-05-25 11:35PM<br/>This post looks at the steps to create a blog post.</p></li><li><p class='name'><a href='groovy-record-performance'>Groovy Record Performance</a><br/>Published by Paul King on 2023-05-09 11:39PM<br/>Last updated: 2023-05-10 07:57PM<br/>This post looks at the performance of some of the generated methods in Groovy records.</p></li><li><p class='name'><a href='groovy-sequenced-collections'>Groovy and Sequenced Collections (JEP-431)</a><br/>Published by Paul King on 2023-04-29 09:00AM<br/>This post looks at Groovy support for sequenced collections.</p></li><li><p class='name'><a href='lego-bricks-with-groovy'>Lego Bricks with Groovy</a><br/>Published by Paul King on 2023-04-25 11:28PM<br/>Last updated: 2023-04-27 10:42PM<br/>This post compares Groovy built-in capabilities to Java and Eclipse Collections.</p></li><li><p class='name'><a href='gpars-meets-virtual-threads'>GPars meets Virtual Threads</a><br/>Published by Paul King on 2022-06-15 11:28AM<br/>Last updated: 2023-04-14 06:23PM<br/>This post looks at using GPars with virtual threads.</p></li><li><p class='name'><a href='helloworldemoji'>Hello World with Emojis</a><br/>Published by Paul King on 2023-04-04 12:24PM<br/>This post looks at a Groovy hello world with some emoji fun.</p></li><li><p class='name'><a href='groovy-records'>Groovy Records</a><br/>Published by Paul King on 2023-04-02 08:22PM<br/>This blog looks at Groovy records.</p></li><li><p class='name'><a href='groovy-haiku-processing'>Groovy Haiku processing</a><br/>Published by Paul King on 2023-11-07 07:22PM<br/>This blog looks at processing some creative writing looking at various properties of the letters within the text.</p></li><li><p class='name'><a href='testing_permutations_combinations'>Groovy Testing with Combinations and Permutations</a><br/>Published by Paul King on 2023-03-19 05:23PM<br/>This blog looks at testing with Groovy using Combinations and Permutations.</p></li><li><p class='name'><a href='apache-nlpcraft-with-groovy'>Converting natural language into actions with NLPCraft and Groovy</a><br/>Published by Paul King on 2023-03-10 07:22PM<br/>Last updated: 2023-03-13 01:32PM<br/>This blog looks at using Apache NLPCraft from Groovy.</p></li><li><p class='name'><a href='quake3-inverse-square-root'>Quake III Arena and the fast inverse square root algorithm</a><br/>Published by Paul King on 2023-02-28 12:05AM<br/>Inspired by a recent tweet, this blog looks at the fast inverse square root algorithm made famous in Quake III Arena.</p></li><li><p class='name'><a href='australian-timezones'>Australian Time Zones</a><br/>Published by Paul King on 2023-02-20 08:00PM<br/>Inspired by a recent update related to Antarctic timezones, this post looks at some interesting Australian time zone facts.</p></li><li><p class='name'><a href='wordle-checker'>Checking Wordle with Groovy</a><br/>Published by Paul King on 2023-02-08 12:00AM<br/>This post looks at writing a Wordle checker in Groovy.</p></li><li><p class='name'><a href='groovy-null-processing'>Groovy Processing Nulls In Lists</a><br/>Published by Paul King on 2023-02-06 12:00AM<br/>This post looks at processing lists containing nulls in Groovy.</p></li><li><p class='name'><a href='groundhog-day'>Groundhog Day</a><br/>Published by Paul King on 2023-02-02 12:00AM<br/>Inspired by a recent tweet, this blog looks at some datetime manipulations to calculate the period between Groundhog day and the start of Spring.</p></li><li><p class='name'><a href='fun-with-rating-stars'>Fun with rating stars</a><br/>Published by Paul King on 2023-01-25 12:00AM<br/>Inspired by a recent tweet, this blog looks at producing a string of stars corresponding to a rating.</p></li><li><p class='name'><a href='apache-groovy-2022-year-in'>Apache Groovy 2022 Year In Review</a><br/>Published by Paul King on 2022-12-29 02:28PM<br/>This post looks back at some highlights for Groovy in 2022.</p></li><li><p class='name'><a href='jvm-hello-world-with-groovy'>JVM Hello World with Groovy</a><br/>Published by Paul King on 2022-12-22 02:24PM<br/>This post looks at using bytecode libraries to generate class files. It&apos;s a deep dive into how compilers and other tools work behind the scenes.</p></li><li><p class='name'><a href='adventures-with-groovyfx'>Adventures with GroovyFX</a><br/>Published by Paul King on 2022-12-12 02:22PM<br/>This blog looks at a GroovyFX TODO application.</p></li><li><p class='name'><a href='fun-with-obfuscated-groovy'>Fun with obfuscated Groovy</a><br/>Published by Paul King on 2022-12-08 12:40AM<br/>This post looks at some Obfuscated code for outputting some well-known text.</p></li><li><p class='name'><a href='zipping-collections-with-groovy'>Zipping Collections with Groovy</a><br/>Published by Paul King on 2022-11-17 12:50PM<br/>This post looks at zipping collections.</p></li><li><p class='name'><a href='whiskey-clustering-with-groovy-and'>Whiskey Clustering with Groovy and Apache Ignite</a><br/>Published by Paul King on 2022-10-27 11:13AM<br/>This post looks at using Apache Ignite with Apache Groovy and the K-Means algorithm to cluster scotch whiskeys.</p></li><li><p class='name'><a href='groovy-dates-and-times-cheat'>Groovy Dates And Times Cheat Sheet</a><br/>Published by Paul King on 2022-10-24 07:27AM<br/>This post looks at data and time functionality in Groovy including classic and Java date time, JSR310, functionality.</p></li><li><p class='name'><a href='fruity-eclipse-collections'>Fruity Eclipse Collections</a><br/>Published by Paul King on 2022-10-13 11:05AM<br/>This post looks at using KMeans to compare fruit nominated color with the colors used in its emoji.</p></li><li><p class='name'><a href='deep-learning-and-eclipse-collections'>Deep Learning and Eclipse Collections</a><br/>Published by Paul King on 2022-10-11 10:41AM<br/>This post uses Emojis and Eclipse Collections to process pet records. We then use deep learning to predict whether each emoji looks like a dog or cat.</p></li><li><p class='name'><a href='deck-of-cards-with-groovy'>Deck of cards with Groovy, JDK collections and Eclipse Collections</a><br/>Published by Paul King on 2022-09-23 10:18AM<br/>Last updated: 2022-09-25 11:15AM<br/>This post highlights some code for modelling and manipulating cards with records, JDK collections, and Eclipse Collections.</p></li><li><p class='name'><a href='encryption-and-decryption-with-groovy'>Encryption and decryption with Groovy</a><br/>Published by Paul King on 2022-09-19 02:34PM<br/>This post looks at encrypting and decrypting data using Groovy with the AES and CAST5 algorithms.</p></li><li><p class='name'><a href='calculating-fibonacci-with-groovy-revisited'>Calculating Fibonacci with Groovy revisited</a><br/>Published by Paul King on 2022-09-08 10:59AM<br/>This post looks at various ways to calculate Fibonacci numbers such as recursion and iteration including optimisations like tail recursion and memoization.</p></li><li><p class='name'><a href='solving-cryptarithmetic-puzzles-with-groovy'>Solving cryptarithmetic puzzles with Groovy and constraint programming using Choco, JaCoP, and OR-Tools</a><br/>Published by Paul King on 2022-09-05 01:43PM<br/>This post looks at solving cryptarithmetic puzzles using Groovy.</p></li><li><p class='name'><a href='groovy-list-processing-cheat-sheet'>Groovy List Processing Cheat Sheet</a><br/>Published by Paul King on 2022-08-28 08:46AM<br/>This post looks at the common Groovy features for processing lists.</p></li><li><p class='name'><a href='matrix-calculations-with-groovy-apache'>Matrix calculations with Groovy, Apache Commons Math, ojAlgo, Nd4j and EJML</a><br/>Published by Paul King on 2022-08-18 01:41PM<br/>This post looks at using Groovy to write a number of applications involving matrices. It uses a number of open source matrix libraries.</p></li><li><p class='name'><a href='life-on-mars-units-of'>Life on Mars: Units of Measurement systems, Groovy, and domain specific languages (DSLs)</a><br/>Published by Paul King on 2022-08-13 06:31AM<br/>This post looks at using the JSR 385 unit of measurement system and writing domain specific languages with examples including the Mars rover robot.</p></li><li><p class='name'><a href='natural-language-processing-with-groovy'>Natural Language Processing with Groovy, OpenNLP, CoreNLP, Nlp4j, Datumbox, Smile, Spark NLP, DJL and TensorFlow</a><br/>Published by Paul King on 2022-08-07 07:34AM<br/>This post looks at numerous common natural language processing tasks using Groovy and a range of NLP libraries.</p></li><li><p class='name'><a href='detecting-objects-with-groovy-the'>Detecting objects with Groovy, the Deep Java Library (DJL), and Apache MXNet</a><br/>Published by Paul King on 2022-08-01 11:52AM<br/>This post looks at using Apache Groovy, DLJ and Apache MXNet to use neural networks to detect objects within an image.</p></li><li><p class='name'><a href='working-with-sql-databases-with'>Working with SQL databases with Groovy and GraalVM</a><br/>Published by Paul King on 2022-07-29 02:07PM<br/>This post looks at a simple H2 database application. It shows how to create a native version of the application using GraalVM.</p></li><li><p class='name'><a href='reading-and-writing-csv-files'>Reading and Writing CSV files with Groovy</a><br/>Published by Paul King on 2022-07-25 02:26PM<br/>This post looks at processing CSV files using OpenCSV, Commons CSV, and Jackson Databind libraries.</p></li><li><p class='name'><a href='groovy-release-train-4-0'>Groovy release train: 4.0.4, 3.0.12, 2.5.18</a><br/>Published by Paul King on 2022-07-24 12:55PM<br/>Groovy 4.0.4, 3.0.12 and 2.5.18 Release Announcement.</p></li><li><p class='name'><a href='comparators-and-sorting-in-groovy'>Comparators and Sorting in Groovy</a><br/>Published by Paul King on 2022-07-21 03:51PM<br/>This post looks at Groovy functionality for making your classes comparable and/or sortable.</p></li><li><p class='name'><a href='testing-your-java-with-groovy'>Testing your Java with Groovy, Spock, JUnit5, Jacoco, Jqwik and Pitest</a><br/>Published by Paul King on 2022-07-15 08:26AM<br/>This post looks at testing Java using Groovy, Spock, JUnit5, Jacoco, Jqwik and Pitest</p></li><li><p class='name'><a href='parsing-json-with-groovy'>Parsing JSON with Groovy</a><br/>Published by Paul King on 2022-07-10 02:00PM<br/>This post looks at parsing JSON using Groovy&apos;s in-built capabilities as well as some other libraries.</p></li><li><p class='name'><a href='classifying-iris-flowers-with-deep'>Classifying Iris Flowers with Deep Learning, Groovy and GraalVM</a><br/>Published by Paul King on 2022-06-25 10:52AM<br/>Last updated: 2022-06-27 11:16AM<br/>This post looks at classifying Iris flowers using traditional and neural net based approaches using Eclipse DeepLearning4j, Encog, Deep Netts and GraalVM.</p></li><li><p class='name'><a href='using-groovy-with-apache-wayang'>Using Groovy with Apache Wayang and Apache Spark</a><br/>Published by Paul King on 2022-06-19 01:01PM<br/>This post looks at using Apache Wayang and Apache Spark with Apache Groovy to cluster various Whiskies.</p></li><li><p class='name'><a href='groovy-4-0-3-released'>Groovy 4.0.3 Released</a><br/>Published by Paul King on 2022-06-15 08:16AM<br/>Groovy 4.0.3 Release Announcement.</p></li><li><p class='name'><a href='groovy-3-highlights'>Groovy 3 Highlights</a><br/>Published by Paul King on 2020-02-13 02:28AM<br/>A summary of the highlights for Groovy 3.</p></li><li><p class='name'><a href='groovy-3-0-0-beta2'>Groovy 3.0.0-beta-2 Windows Installer Released (Community Release)</a><br/>Published by Remko Popma on 2019-07-15 10:30AM<br/>Groovy 3.0.0-beta-2 Windows Installer Release Announcement.</p></li><li><p class='name'><a href='groovy-3-0-0-beta1'>Groovy 3.0.0-beta-2 Released</a><br/>Published by Remko Popma on 2019-07-15 10:25AM<br/>Groovy 3.0.0-beta-2 Release Announcement.</p></li><li><p class='name'><a href='groovy-2-5-7-and'>Groovy 2.5.7 and 3.0.0-beta-1 Windows Installers Released (Community Artifacts)</a><br/>Published by Remko Popma on 2019-05-12 10:49PM<br/>Groovy 2.5.7 and 3.0.0-beta-1 Windows Installer Release Announcement.</p></li><li><p class='name'><a href='groovy-3-0-0-beta'>Groovy 3.0.0-beta-1 Released</a><br/>Published by Remko Popma on 2019-05-12 10:41PM<br/>Groovy 3.0.0-beta-1 Release Announcement.</p></li><li><p class='name'><a href='groovy-2-5-7-released'>Groovy 2.5.7 Released</a><br/>Published by Remko Popma on 2019-05-12 10:39PM<br/>Groovy 2.5.7 Release Announcement.</p></li><li><p class='name'><a href='groovy-2-4-17-released'>Groovy 2.4.17 Released</a><br/>Published by Remko Popma on 2019-05-12 10:32PM<br/>Groovy 2.4.17 Release Announcement.</p></li><li><p class='name'><a href='groovy-2-5-6-released'>Groovy 2.5.6 Released</a><br/>Published by Remko Popma on 2019-02-04 10:19PM<br/>Groovy 2.5.6 Release Announcement.</p></li><li><p class='name'><a href='groovy-3-0-0-alpha1'>Groovy 3.0.0-alpha-4 Windows Installer Released (Community Artifact)</a><br/>Published by Remko Popma on 2019-01-01 09:28AM<br/>Groovy 2.4.16 Windows Installer Release Announcement.</p></li><li><p class='name'><a href='groovy-3-0-0-alpha'>Groovy 3.0.0-alpha-4 Released</a><br/>Published by Remko Popma on 2019-01-01 09:24AM<br/>Groovy 3.0.0-alpha-4 Release Announcement.</p></li><li><p class='name'><a href='groovy-2-5-5-windows'>Groovy 2.5.5 Windows Installer Released (Community Artifact)</a><br/>Published by Remko Popma on 2018-12-24 10:02PM<br/>Groovy 2.5.5 Windows Installer Release Announcement.</p></li><li><p class='name'><a href='groovy-2-5-5-released'>Groovy 2.5.5 released</a><br/>Published by Remko Popma on 2018-12-24 11:53AM<br/>Groovy 2.5.5 Release Announcement.</p></li><li><p class='name'><a href='groovy-2-4-16-windows'>Groovy 2.4.16 Windows Installer Released (Community Artifact)</a><br/>Published by Remko Popma on 2018-12-18 10:06PM<br/>Groovy 2.4.16 Windows Installer Release Announcement.</p></li><li><p class='name'><a href='groovy-2-4-16-released'>Groovy 2.4.16 Released</a><br/>Published by Remko Popma on 2018-12-18 10:04PM<br/>Groovy 2.4.16 Release Announcement.</p></li><li><p class='name'><a href='groovy-2-5-4-windows'>Groovy 2.5.4 Windows Installer Released (Community Artifact)</a><br/>Published by Remko Popma on 2018-11-12 11:43AM<br/>Groovy 2.5.4 Windows Installer Release Announcement.</p></li><li><p class='name'><a href='groovy-2-5-4-released'>Groovy 2.5.4 Released</a><br/>Published by Remko Popma on 2018-11-12 11:42AM<br/>Groovy 2.5.4 Release Announcement.</p></li><li><p class='name'><a href='apache-groovy-committer-graeme-rocher'>Apache Groovy committer Graeme Rocher receives Oracle Groundbreaker award</a><br/>Published by Paul King on 2018-10-24 11:33PM<br/>Congratulations to Graeme Rocher for receiving the Oracle Groundbreaker award.</p></li><li><p class='name'><a href='gmavenplus-1-6-2-released'>GMavenPlus 1.6.2 Released (Community Artifact)</a><br/>Published by Remko Popma on 2018-10-14 10:00PM<br/>GMavenPlus 1.6.2 Release Announcement.</p></li><li><p class='name'><a href='groovy-2-5-3-windows'>Groovy 2.5.3 Windows Installer Released (Community Artifact)</a><br/>Published by Remko Popma on 2018-10-14 09:47PM<br/>Groovy 2.5.3 Windows Installer Release Announcement.</p></li><li><p class='name'><a href='groovy-2-5-3-released'>Groovy 2.5.3 Released</a><br/>Published by Remko Popma on 2018-10-14 09:43PM<br/>Groovy 2.5.3 Release Announcement.</p></li><li><p class='name'><a href='groovy-2-5-2-windows'>Groovy 2.5.2 Windows Installer Released (Community Artifact)</a><br/>Published by Remko Popma on 2018-08-19 09:50AM<br/>Groovy 2.5.2 Windows Installer Release Announcement.</p></li><li><p class='name'><a href='groovy-2-5-2-released'>Groovy 2.5.2 released</a><br/>Published by Remko Popma on 2018-08-16 02:52AM<br/>Groovy 2.5.2 Release Announcement.</p></li><li><p class='name'><a href='groovy-2-5-1-released'>Groovy 2.5.1 released</a><br/>Published by Remko Popma on 2018-07-14 02:18AM<br/>Groovy 2.5.1 Release Announcement.</p></li><li><p class='name'><a href='announce-announcing-codenarc-1-2'>Announcing CodeNarc 1.2</a><br/>Published by Remko Popma on 2018-07-10 10:16AM<br/>CodeNarc 1.2 Release Announcement.</p></li><li><p class='name'><a href='groovy-2-5-clibuilder-renewal'>Apache Groovy 2.5 CliBuilder Renewal</a><br/>Published by Remko Popma on 2018-05-30 11:28AM<br/>This post looks at new CliBuilder features from Groovy 2.5 in particular the Picocli-based implementation.</p></li><li><p class='name'><a href='groovy-2-5-0-released'>Groovy 2.5.0 released</a><br/>Published by Remko Popma on 2018-05-30 11:28AM<br/>Groovy 2.5.0 Release Announcement.</p></li></ul><ul class='pagination'/></div></div></div></div></div><footer id='footer'>
+                        </div><div id='content' class='page-1'><div class='row'><div class='row-fluid'><div class='col-lg-3' id='blog-index'><ul class='nav-sidebar list'><li class='active'><a href='/blog/'>Blogs</a></li><li><a href='groovy-gatherers'>Using Gatherers with Groovy</a></li><li><a href='set-operations-with-groovy'>Set Operators with Groovy</a></li><li><a href='community-over-code-na-2023'>Community Over Code (North America) 2023</a></li><li><a href='chatgpt-one-liners'>ChatGPT meets Groovy one-liners</a></li><li><a href='groovy-pekko-gpars'>Using Apache Pekko actors and GPars actors with Groovy</a></li><li><a href='groovy-dauphine'>Processing Results for the Critérium du Dauphiné</a></li><li><a href='create-groovy-blog'>Creating a Groovy Blog Post</a></li><li><a href='groovy-record-performance'>Groovy Record Performance</a></li><li><a href='groovy-sequenced-collections'>Groovy and Sequenced Collections (JEP-431)</a></li><li><a href='lego-bricks-with-groovy'>Lego Bricks with Groovy</a></li><li><a href='gpars-meets-virtual-threads'>GPars meets Virtual Threads</a></li><li><a href='helloworldemoji'>Hello World with Emojis</a></li><li><a href='groovy-records'>Groovy Records</a></li><li><a href='groovy-haiku-processing'>Groovy Haiku processing</a></li><li><a href='testing_permutations_combinations'>Groovy Testing with Combinations and Permutations</a></li><li><a href='apache-nlpcraft-with-groovy'>Converting natural language into actions with NLPCraft and Groovy</a></li><li><a href='quake3-inverse-square-root'>Quake III Arena and the fast inverse square root algorithm</a></li><li><a href='australian-timezones'>Australian Time Zones</a></li><li><a href='wordle-checker'>Checking Wordle with Groovy</a></li><li><a href='groovy-null-processing'>Groovy Processing Nulls In Lists</a></li><li><a href='groundhog-day'>Groundhog Day</a></li><li><a href='fun-with-rating-stars'>Fun with rating stars</a></li><li><a href='apache-groovy-2022-year-in'>Apache Groovy 2022 Year In Review</a></li><li><a href='jvm-hello-world-with-groovy'>JVM Hello World with Groovy</a></li><li><a href='adventures-with-groovyfx'>Adventures with GroovyFX</a></li><li><a href='fun-with-obfuscated-groovy'>Fun with obfuscated Groovy</a></li><li><a href='zipping-collections-with-groovy'>Zipping Collections with Groovy</a></li><li><a href='whiskey-clustering-with-groovy-and'>Whiskey Clustering with Groovy and Apache Ignite</a></li><li><a href='groovy-dates-and-times-cheat'>Groovy Dates And Times Cheat Sheet</a></li><li><a href='fruity-eclipse-collections'>Fruity Eclipse Collections</a></li><li><a href='deep-learning-and-eclipse-collections'>Deep Learning and Eclipse Collections</a></li><li><a href='deck-of-cards-with-groovy'>Deck of cards with Groovy, JDK collections and Eclipse Collections</a></li><li><a href='encryption-and-decryption-with-groovy'>Encryption and decryption with Groovy</a></li><li><a href='calculating-fibonacci-with-groovy-revisited'>Calculating Fibonacci with Groovy revisited</a></li><li><a href='solving-cryptarithmetic-puzzles-with-groovy'>Solving cryptarithmetic puzzles with Groovy and constraint programming using Choco, JaCoP, and OR-Tools</a></li><li><a href='groovy-list-processing-cheat-sheet'>Groovy List Processing Cheat Sheet</a></li><li><a href='matrix-calculations-with-groovy-apache'>Matrix calculations with Groovy, Apache Commons Math, ojAlgo, Nd4j and EJML</a></li><li><a href='life-on-mars-units-of'>Life on Mars: Units of Measurement systems, Groovy, and domain specific languages (DSLs)</a></li><li><a href='natural-language-processing-with-groovy'>Natural Language Processing with Groovy, OpenNLP, CoreNLP, Nlp4j, Datumbox, Smile, Spark NLP, DJL and TensorFlow</a></li><li><a href='detecting-objects-with-groovy-the'>Detecting objects with Groovy, the Deep Java Library (DJL), and Apache MXNet</a></li><li><a href='working-with-sql-databases-with'>Working with SQL databases with Groovy and GraalVM</a></li><li><a href='reading-and-writing-csv-files'>Reading and Writing CSV files with Groovy</a></li><li><a href='groovy-release-train-4-0'>Groovy release train: 4.0.4, 3.0.12, 2.5.18</a></li><li><a href='comparators-and-sorting-in-groovy'>Comparators and Sorting in Groovy</a></li><li><a href='testing-your-java-with-groovy'>Testing your Java with Groovy, Spock, JUnit5, Jacoco, Jqwik and Pitest</a></li><li><a href='parsing-json-with-groovy'>Parsing JSON with Groovy</a></li><li><a href='classifying-iris-flowers-with-deep'>Classifying Iris Flowers with Deep Learning, Groovy and GraalVM</a></li><li><a href='using-groovy-with-apache-wayang'>Using Groovy with Apache Wayang and Apache Spark</a></li><li><a href='groovy-4-0-3-released'>Groovy 4.0.3 Released</a></li><li><a href='groovy-3-highlights'>Groovy 3 Highlights</a></li><li><a href='groovy-3-0-0-beta2'>Groovy 3.0.0-beta-2 Windows Installer Released (Community Release)</a></li><li><a href='groovy-3-0-0-beta1'>Groovy 3.0.0-beta-2 Released</a></li><li><a href='groovy-2-5-7-and'>Groovy 2.5.7 and 3.0.0-beta-1 Windows Installers Released (Community Artifacts)</a></li><li><a href='groovy-3-0-0-beta'>Groovy 3.0.0-beta-1 Released</a></li><li><a href='groovy-2-5-7-released'>Groovy 2.5.7 Released</a></li><li><a href='groovy-2-4-17-released'>Groovy 2.4.17 Released</a></li><li><a href='groovy-2-5-6-released'>Groovy 2.5.6 Released</a></li><li><a href='groovy-3-0-0-alpha1'>Groovy 3.0.0-alpha-4 Windows Installer Released (Community Artifact)</a></li><li><a href='groovy-3-0-0-alpha'>Groovy 3.0.0-alpha-4 Released</a></li><li><a href='groovy-2-5-5-windows'>Groovy 2.5.5 Windows Installer Released (Community Artifact)</a></li><li><a href='groovy-2-5-5-released'>Groovy 2.5.5 released</a></li><li><a href='groovy-2-4-16-windows'>Groovy 2.4.16 Windows Installer Released (Community Artifact)</a></li><li><a href='groovy-2-4-16-released'>Groovy 2.4.16 Released</a></li><li><a href='groovy-2-5-4-windows'>Groovy 2.5.4 Windows Installer Released (Community Artifact)</a></li><li><a href='groovy-2-5-4-released'>Groovy 2.5.4 Released</a></li><li><a href='apache-groovy-committer-graeme-rocher'>Apache Groovy committer Graeme Rocher receives Oracle Groundbreaker award</a></li><li><a href='gmavenplus-1-6-2-released'>GMavenPlus 1.6.2 Released (Community Artifact)</a></li><li><a href='groovy-2-5-3-windows'>Groovy 2.5.3 Windows Installer Released (Community Artifact)</a></li><li><a href='groovy-2-5-3-released'>Groovy 2.5.3 Released</a></li><li><a href='groovy-2-5-2-windows'>Groovy 2.5.2 Windows Installer Released (Community Artifact)</a></li><li><a href='groovy-2-5-2-released'>Groovy 2.5.2 released</a></li><li><a href='groovy-2-5-1-released'>Groovy 2.5.1 released</a></li><li><a href='announce-announcing-codenarc-1-2'>Announcing CodeNarc 1.2</a></li><li><a href='groovy-2-5-clibuilder-renewal'>Apache Groovy 2.5 CliBuilder Renewal</a></li><li><a href='groovy-2-5-0-released'>Groovy 2.5.0 released</a></li></ul><ul class='pagination'/></div><div class='col-lg-8 col-lg-pull-0'><h1>Blogs for Groovy</h1><div id='chartdiv'></div><p>Here you can find the Blogs for the Groovy programming language:</p><div id='blog-list'><div><span>Search: </span><input type='text' class='search'/></div><ul class='list'><li><p class='name'><a href='groovy-gatherers'>Using Gatherers with Groovy</a><br/>Published by Paul King on 2023-12-09 03:30PM<br/>This post looks at using Gatherers (JEP 461) with Groovy.</p></li><li><p class='name'><a href='set-operations-with-groovy'>Set Operators with Groovy</a><br/>Published by Paul King on 2023-11-14 03:22PM<br/>This blog looks at union, intersection, difference &amp;amp; symmetric difference operators in Groovy.</p></li><li><p class='name'><a href='community-over-code-na-2023'>Community Over Code (North America) 2023</a><br/>Published by Paul King on 2023-10-26 05:00PM<br/>This post looks at the ASF Community Over Code conference in Halifax, Nova Scotia, October 7-10 2023, with a particular focus on the Groovy Track.</p></li><li><p class='name'><a href='chatgpt-one-liners'>ChatGPT meets Groovy one-liners</a><br/>Published by Paul King on 2023-10-19 06:00PM<br/>I asked ChatGPT if it could represent some short/one-liner programming-related dad jokes as short/one-liner Groovy scripts.</p></li><li><p class='name'><a href='groovy-pekko-gpars'>Using Apache Pekko actors and GPars actors with Groovy</a><br/>Published by Paul King on 2023-07-17 11:24PM<br/>Last updated: 2023-07-26 03:02PM<br/>This post looks at using Apache Pekko Actors and GPars Actors with Groovy.</p></li><li><p class='name'><a href='groovy-dauphine'>Processing Results for the Critérium du Dauphiné</a><br/>Published by Paul King on 2023-06-13 05:00PM<br/>This post looks at processing the general classification results for the Critérium du Dauphiné using Groovy, GQuery and DuckDB.</p></li><li><p class='name'><a href='create-groovy-blog'>Creating a Groovy Blog Post</a><br/>Published by Paul King on 2023-05-25 11:35PM<br/>This post looks at the steps to create a blog post.</p></li><li><p class='name'><a href='groovy-record-performance'>Groovy Record Performance</a><br/>Published by Paul King on 2023-05-09 11:39PM<br/>Last updated: 2023-05-10 07:57PM<br/>This post looks at the performance of some of the generated methods in Groovy records.</p></li><li><p class='name'><a href='groovy-sequenced-collections'>Groovy and Sequenced Collections (JEP-431)</a><br/>Published by Paul King on 2023-04-29 09:00AM<br/>This post looks at Groovy support for sequenced collections.</p></li><li><p class='name'><a href='lego-bricks-with-groovy'>Lego Bricks with Groovy</a><br/>Published by Paul King on 2023-04-25 11:28PM<br/>Last updated: 2023-04-27 10:42PM<br/>This post compares Groovy built-in capabilities to Java and Eclipse Collections.</p></li><li><p class='name'><a href='gpars-meets-virtual-threads'>GPars meets Virtual Threads</a><br/>Published by Paul King on 2022-06-15 11:28AM<br/>Last updated: 2023-04-14 06:23PM<br/>This post looks at using GPars with virtual threads.</p></li><li><p class='name'><a href='helloworldemoji'>Hello World with Emojis</a><br/>Published by Paul King on 2023-04-04 12:24PM<br/>This post looks at a Groovy hello world with some emoji fun.</p></li><li><p class='name'><a href='groovy-records'>Groovy Records</a><br/>Published by Paul King on 2023-04-02 08:22PM<br/>This blog looks at Groovy records.</p></li><li><p class='name'><a href='groovy-haiku-processing'>Groovy Haiku processing</a><br/>Published by Paul King on 2023-11-07 07:22PM<br/>This blog looks at processing some creative writing looking at various properties of the letters within the text.</p></li><li><p class='name'><a href='testing_permutations_combinations'>Groovy Testing with Combinations and Permutations</a><br/>Published by Paul King on 2023-03-19 05:23PM<br/>This blog looks at testing with Groovy using Combinations and Permutations.</p></li><li><p class='name'><a href='apache-nlpcraft-with-groovy'>Converting natural language into actions with NLPCraft and Groovy</a><br/>Published by Paul King on 2023-03-10 07:22PM<br/>Last updated: 2023-03-13 01:32PM<br/>This blog looks at using Apache NLPCraft from Groovy.</p></li><li><p class='name'><a href='quake3-inverse-square-root'>Quake III Arena and the fast inverse square root algorithm</a><br/>Published by Paul King on 2023-02-28 12:05AM<br/>Inspired by a recent tweet, this blog looks at the fast inverse square root algorithm made famous in Quake III Arena.</p></li><li><p class='name'><a href='australian-timezones'>Australian Time Zones</a><br/>Published by Paul King on 2023-02-20 08:00PM<br/>Inspired by a recent update related to Antarctic timezones, this post looks at some interesting Australian time zone facts.</p></li><li><p class='name'><a href='wordle-checker'>Checking Wordle with Groovy</a><br/>Published by Paul King on 2023-02-08 12:00AM<br/>This post looks at writing a Wordle checker in Groovy.</p></li><li><p class='name'><a href='groovy-null-processing'>Groovy Processing Nulls In Lists</a><br/>Published by Paul King on 2023-02-06 12:00AM<br/>This post looks at processing lists containing nulls in Groovy.</p></li><li><p class='name'><a href='groundhog-day'>Groundhog Day</a><br/>Published by Paul King on 2023-02-02 12:00AM<br/>Inspired by a recent tweet, this blog looks at some datetime manipulations to calculate the period between Groundhog day and the start of Spring.</p></li><li><p class='name'><a href='fun-with-rating-stars'>Fun with rating stars</a><br/>Published by Paul King on 2023-01-25 12:00AM<br/>Inspired by a recent tweet, this blog looks at producing a string of stars corresponding to a rating.</p></li><li><p class='name'><a href='apache-groovy-2022-year-in'>Apache Groovy 2022 Year In Review</a><br/>Published by Paul King on 2022-12-29 02:28PM<br/>This post looks back at some highlights for Groovy in 2022.</p></li><li><p class='name'><a href='jvm-hello-world-with-groovy'>JVM Hello World with Groovy</a><br/>Published by Paul King on 2022-12-22 02:24PM<br/>This post looks at using bytecode libraries to generate class files. It&apos;s a deep dive into how compilers and other tools work behind the scenes.</p></li><li><p class='name'><a href='adventures-with-groovyfx'>Adventures with GroovyFX</a><br/>Published by Paul King on 2022-12-12 02:22PM<br/>This blog looks at a GroovyFX TODO application.</p></li><li><p class='name'><a href='fun-with-obfuscated-groovy'>Fun with obfuscated Groovy</a><br/>Published by Paul King on 2022-12-08 12:40AM<br/>This post looks at some Obfuscated code for outputting some well-known text.</p></li><li><p class='name'><a href='zipping-collections-with-groovy'>Zipping Collections with Groovy</a><br/>Published by Paul King on 2022-11-17 12:50PM<br/>This post looks at zipping collections.</p></li><li><p class='name'><a href='whiskey-clustering-with-groovy-and'>Whiskey Clustering with Groovy and Apache Ignite</a><br/>Published by Paul King on 2022-10-27 11:13AM<br/>This post looks at using Apache Ignite with Apache Groovy and the K-Means algorithm to cluster scotch whiskeys.</p></li><li><p class='name'><a href='groovy-dates-and-times-cheat'>Groovy Dates And Times Cheat Sheet</a><br/>Published by Paul King on 2022-10-24 07:27AM<br/>This post looks at data and time functionality in Groovy including classic and Java date time, JSR310, functionality.</p></li><li><p class='name'><a href='fruity-eclipse-collections'>Fruity Eclipse Collections</a><br/>Published by Paul King on 2022-10-13 11:05AM<br/>This post looks at using KMeans to compare fruit nominated color with the colors used in its emoji.</p></li><li><p class='name'><a href='deep-learning-and-eclipse-collections'>Deep Learning and Eclipse Collections</a><br/>Published by Paul King on 2022-10-11 10:41AM<br/>This post uses Emojis and Eclipse Collections to process pet records. We then use deep learning to predict whether each emoji looks like a dog or cat.</p></li><li><p class='name'><a href='deck-of-cards-with-groovy'>Deck of cards with Groovy, JDK collections and Eclipse Collections</a><br/>Published by Paul King on 2022-09-23 10:18AM<br/>Last updated: 2022-09-25 11:15AM<br/>This post highlights some code for modelling and manipulating cards with records, JDK collections, and Eclipse Collections.</p></li><li><p class='name'><a href='encryption-and-decryption-with-groovy'>Encryption and decryption with Groovy</a><br/>Published by Paul King on 2022-09-19 02:34PM<br/>This post looks at encrypting and decrypting data using Groovy with the AES and CAST5 algorithms.</p></li><li><p class='name'><a href='calculating-fibonacci-with-groovy-revisited'>Calculating Fibonacci with Groovy revisited</a><br/>Published by Paul King on 2022-09-08 10:59AM<br/>This post looks at various ways to calculate Fibonacci numbers such as recursion and iteration including optimisations like tail recursion and memoization.</p></li><li><p class='name'><a href='solving-cryptarithmetic-puzzles-with-groovy'>Solving cryptarithmetic puzzles with Groovy and constraint programming using Choco, JaCoP, and OR-Tools</a><br/>Published by Paul King on 2022-09-05 01:43PM<br/>This post looks at solving cryptarithmetic puzzles using Groovy.</p></li><li><p class='name'><a href='groovy-list-processing-cheat-sheet'>Groovy List Processing Cheat Sheet</a><br/>Published by Paul King on 2022-08-28 08:46AM<br/>This post looks at the common Groovy features for processing lists.</p></li><li><p class='name'><a href='matrix-calculations-with-groovy-apache'>Matrix calculations with Groovy, Apache Commons Math, ojAlgo, Nd4j and EJML</a><br/>Published by Paul King on 2022-08-18 01:41PM<br/>This post looks at using Groovy to write a number of applications involving matrices. It uses a number of open source matrix libraries.</p></li><li><p class='name'><a href='life-on-mars-units-of'>Life on Mars: Units of Measurement systems, Groovy, and domain specific languages (DSLs)</a><br/>Published by Paul King on 2022-08-13 06:31AM<br/>This post looks at using the JSR 385 unit of measurement system and writing domain specific languages with examples including the Mars rover robot.</p></li><li><p class='name'><a href='natural-language-processing-with-groovy'>Natural Language Processing with Groovy, OpenNLP, CoreNLP, Nlp4j, Datumbox, Smile, Spark NLP, DJL and TensorFlow</a><br/>Published by Paul King on 2022-08-07 07:34AM<br/>This post looks at numerous common natural language processing tasks using Groovy and a range of NLP libraries.</p></li><li><p class='name'><a href='detecting-objects-with-groovy-the'>Detecting objects with Groovy, the Deep Java Library (DJL), and Apache MXNet</a><br/>Published by Paul King on 2022-08-01 11:52AM<br/>This post looks at using Apache Groovy, DLJ and Apache MXNet to use neural networks to detect objects within an image.</p></li><li><p class='name'><a href='working-with-sql-databases-with'>Working with SQL databases with Groovy and GraalVM</a><br/>Published by Paul King on 2022-07-29 02:07PM<br/>This post looks at a simple H2 database application. It shows how to create a native version of the application using GraalVM.</p></li><li><p class='name'><a href='reading-and-writing-csv-files'>Reading and Writing CSV files with Groovy</a><br/>Published by Paul King on 2022-07-25 02:26PM<br/>This post looks at processing CSV files using OpenCSV, Commons CSV, and Jackson Databind libraries.</p></li><li><p class='name'><a href='groovy-release-train-4-0'>Groovy release train: 4.0.4, 3.0.12, 2.5.18</a><br/>Published by Paul King on 2022-07-24 12:55PM<br/>Groovy 4.0.4, 3.0.12 and 2.5.18 Release Announcement.</p></li><li><p class='name'><a href='comparators-and-sorting-in-groovy'>Comparators and Sorting in Groovy</a><br/>Published by Paul King on 2022-07-21 03:51PM<br/>This post looks at Groovy functionality for making your classes comparable and/or sortable.</p></li><li><p class='name'><a href='testing-your-java-with-groovy'>Testing your Java with Groovy, Spock, JUnit5, Jacoco, Jqwik and Pitest</a><br/>Published by Paul King on 2022-07-15 08:26AM<br/>This post looks at testing Java using Groovy, Spock, JUnit5, Jacoco, Jqwik and Pitest</p></li><li><p class='name'><a href='parsing-json-with-groovy'>Parsing JSON with Groovy</a><br/>Published by Paul King on 2022-07-10 02:00PM<br/>This post looks at parsing JSON using Groovy&apos;s in-built capabilities as well as some other libraries.</p></li><li><p class='name'><a href='classifying-iris-flowers-with-deep'>Classifying Iris Flowers with Deep Learning, Groovy and GraalVM</a><br/>Published by Paul King on 2022-06-25 10:52AM<br/>Last updated: 2022-06-27 11:16AM<br/>This post looks at classifying Iris flowers using traditional and neural net based approaches using Eclipse DeepLearning4j, Encog, Deep Netts and GraalVM.</p></li><li><p class='name'><a href='using-groovy-with-apache-wayang'>Using Groovy with Apache Wayang and Apache Spark</a><br/>Published by Paul King on 2022-06-19 01:01PM<br/>This post looks at using Apache Wayang and Apache Spark with Apache Groovy to cluster various Whiskies.</p></li><li><p class='name'><a href='groovy-4-0-3-released'>Groovy 4.0.3 Released</a><br/>Published by Paul King on 2022-06-15 08:16AM<br/>Groovy 4.0.3 Release Announcement.</p></li><li><p class='name'><a href='groovy-3-highlights'>Groovy 3 Highlights</a><br/>Published by Paul King on 2020-02-13 02:28AM<br/>A summary of the highlights for Groovy 3.</p></li><li><p class='name'><a href='groovy-3-0-0-beta2'>Groovy 3.0.0-beta-2 Windows Installer Released (Community Release)</a><br/>Published by Remko Popma on 2019-07-15 10:30AM<br/>Groovy 3.0.0-beta-2 Windows Installer Release Announcement.</p></li><li><p class='name'><a href='groovy-3-0-0-beta1'>Groovy 3.0.0-beta-2 Released</a><br/>Published by Remko Popma on 2019-07-15 10:25AM<br/>Groovy 3.0.0-beta-2 Release Announcement.</p></li><li><p class='name'><a href='groovy-2-5-7-and'>Groovy 2.5.7 and 3.0.0-beta-1 Windows Installers Released (Community Artifacts)</a><br/>Published by Remko Popma on 2019-05-12 10:49PM<br/>Groovy 2.5.7 and 3.0.0-beta-1 Windows Installer Release Announcement.</p></li><li><p class='name'><a href='groovy-3-0-0-beta'>Groovy 3.0.0-beta-1 Released</a><br/>Published by Remko Popma on 2019-05-12 10:41PM<br/>Groovy 3.0.0-beta-1 Release Announcement.</p></li><li><p class='name'><a href='groovy-2-5-7-released'>Groovy 2.5.7 Released</a><br/>Published by Remko Popma on 2019-05-12 10:39PM<br/>Groovy 2.5.7 Release Announcement.</p></li><li><p class='name'><a href='groovy-2-4-17-released'>Groovy 2.4.17 Released</a><br/>Published by Remko Popma on 2019-05-12 10:32PM<br/>Groovy 2.4.17 Release Announcement.</p></li><li><p class='name'><a href='groovy-2-5-6-released'>Groovy 2.5.6 Released</a><br/>Published by Remko Popma on 2019-02-04 10:19PM<br/>Groovy 2.5.6 Release Announcement.</p></li><li><p class='name'><a href='groovy-3-0-0-alpha1'>Groovy 3.0.0-alpha-4 Windows Installer Released (Community Artifact)</a><br/>Published by Remko Popma on 2019-01-01 09:28AM<br/>Groovy 2.4.16 Windows Installer Release Announcement.</p></li><li><p class='name'><a href='groovy-3-0-0-alpha'>Groovy 3.0.0-alpha-4 Released</a><br/>Published by Remko Popma on 2019-01-01 09:24AM<br/>Groovy 3.0.0-alpha-4 Release Announcement.</p></li><li><p class='name'><a href='groovy-2-5-5-windows'>Groovy 2.5.5 Windows Installer Released (Community Artifact)</a><br/>Published by Remko Popma on 2018-12-24 10:02PM<br/>Groovy 2.5.5 Windows Installer Release Announcement.</p></li><li><p class='name'><a href='groovy-2-5-5-released'>Groovy 2.5.5 released</a><br/>Published by Remko Popma on 2018-12-24 11:53AM<br/>Groovy 2.5.5 Release Announcement.</p></li><li><p class='name'><a href='groovy-2-4-16-windows'>Groovy 2.4.16 Windows Installer Released (Community Artifact)</a><br/>Published by Remko Popma on 2018-12-18 10:06PM<br/>Groovy 2.4.16 Windows Installer Release Announcement.</p></li><li><p class='name'><a href='groovy-2-4-16-released'>Groovy 2.4.16 Released</a><br/>Published by Remko Popma on 2018-12-18 10:04PM<br/>Groovy 2.4.16 Release Announcement.</p></li><li><p class='name'><a href='groovy-2-5-4-windows'>Groovy 2.5.4 Windows Installer Released (Community Artifact)</a><br/>Published by Remko Popma on 2018-11-12 11:43AM<br/>Groovy 2.5.4 Windows Installer Release Announcement.</p></li><li><p class='name'><a href='groovy-2-5-4-released'>Groovy 2.5.4 Released</a><br/>Published by Remko Popma on 2018-11-12 11:42AM<br/>Groovy 2.5.4 Release Announcement.</p></li><li><p class='name'><a href='apache-groovy-committer-graeme-rocher'>Apache Groovy committer Graeme Rocher receives Oracle Groundbreaker award</a><br/>Published by Paul King on 2018-10-24 11:33PM<br/>Congratulations to Graeme Rocher for receiving the Oracle Groundbreaker award.</p></li><li><p class='name'><a href='gmavenplus-1-6-2-released'>GMavenPlus 1.6.2 Released (Community Artifact)</a><br/>Published by Remko Popma on 2018-10-14 10:00PM<br/>GMavenPlus 1.6.2 Release Announcement.</p></li><li><p class='name'><a href='groovy-2-5-3-windows'>Groovy 2.5.3 Windows Installer Released (Community Artifact)</a><br/>Published by Remko Popma on 2018-10-14 09:47PM<br/>Groovy 2.5.3 Windows Installer Release Announcement.</p></li><li><p class='name'><a href='groovy-2-5-3-released'>Groovy 2.5.3 Released</a><br/>Published by Remko Popma on 2018-10-14 09:43PM<br/>Groovy 2.5.3 Release Announcement.</p></li><li><p class='name'><a href='groovy-2-5-2-windows'>Groovy 2.5.2 Windows Installer Released (Community Artifact)</a><br/>Published by Remko Popma on 2018-08-19 09:50AM<br/>Groovy 2.5.2 Windows Installer Release Announcement.</p></li><li><p class='name'><a href='groovy-2-5-2-released'>Groovy 2.5.2 released</a><br/>Published by Remko Popma on 2018-08-16 02:52AM<br/>Groovy 2.5.2 Release Announcement.</p></li><li><p class='name'><a href='groovy-2-5-1-released'>Groovy 2.5.1 released</a><br/>Published by Remko Popma on 2018-07-14 02:18AM<br/>Groovy 2.5.1 Release Announcement.</p></li><li><p class='name'><a href='announce-announcing-codenarc-1-2'>Announcing CodeNarc 1.2</a><br/>Published by Remko Popma on 2018-07-10 10:16AM<br/>CodeNarc 1.2 Release Announcement.</p></li><li><p class='name'><a href='groovy-2-5-clibuilder-renewal'>Apache Groovy 2.5 CliBuilder Renewal</a><br/>Published by Remko Popma on 2018-05-30 11:28AM<br/>This post looks at new CliBuilder features from Groovy 2.5 in particular the Picocli-based implementation.</p></li><li><p class='name'><a href='groovy-2-5-0-released'>Groovy 2.5.0 released</a><br/>Published by Remko Popma on 2018-05-30 11:28AM<br/>Groovy 2.5.0 Release Announcement.</p></li></ul><ul class='pagination'/></div></div></div></div></div><footer id='footer'>
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@@ -97,7 +97,7 @@
                     colors: am5.ColorSet.new(root, {})
-                { category: "groovy", value: 74 }, { category: "emoji", value: 6 }, { category: "set", value: 1 }, { category: "constraint programming", value: 1 }, { category: "jacop", value: 1 }, { category: "or-tools", value: 1 }, { category: "choco", value: 1 }, { category: "jsr331", value: 1 }, { category: "bytecode", value: 1 }, { category: "byte buddy", value: 1 }, { category: "proguardcore", value: 1 }, { category: "asm", value: 1 }, { category: "jvmadvent", value: 1 }, { category: "eclipse collections", value: 9 }, { category: "streams", value: 2 }, { category: "windows installer", value: 8 }, { category: "release", value: 25 }, { category: "comparators", value: 1 }, { category: "functional", value: 1 }, { category: "gquery", value: 5 }, { category: "ginq", value: 5 }, { category: "lambdas", value: 1 }, { category: "records", value: 7 }, { category: "sorting", value: 1 }, { category: "collections", value: 5 }, { category: "zip", value: 1 }, { category: "guava", value: 3 }, { category: "vavr", value: 1 }, { category: "streamex", value: 1 }, { category: "jOOλ", value: 1 }, { category: "lists", value: 2 }, { category: "commons collections", value: 2 }, { category: "gpars", value: 2 }, { category: "virtual threads", value: 3 }, { category: "apache", value: 2 }, { category: "parrot", value: 1 }, { category: "decryption", value: 1 }, { category: "encryption", value: 1 }, { category: "security", value: 1 }, { category: "bouncy castle", value: 1 }, { category: "groovyConsole", value: 1 }, { category: "hephaestus", value: 1 }, { category: "domain specific languages", value: 1 }, { category: "jsr385", value: 1 }, { category: "units of measurement", value: 1 }, { category: "data science", value: 7 }, { category: "deep learning", value: 3 }, { category: "neural networks", value: 2 }, { category: "apache mxnet", value: 1 }, { category: "DJL", value: 1 }, { category: "artifical intelligence", value: 1 }, { category: "machine learning", value: 2 }, { category: "gradle", value: 2 }, { category: "null", value: 1 }, { category: "Groovy truth", value: 1 }, { category: "jep431", value: 1 }, { category: "combinations", value: 1 }, { category: "permutations", value: 1 }, { category: "testing", value: 2 }, { category: "junit", value: 2 }, { category: "spock", value: 2 }, { category: "jqwik", value: 2 }, { category: "allpairs", value: 1 }, { category: "maven", value: 1 }, { category: "gmaven", value: 1 }, { category: "concurrency", value: 2 }, { category: "actors", value: 2 }, { category: "pekko", value: 1 }, { category: "award", value: 1 }, { category: "java", value: 3 }, { category: "obfuscated", value: 1 }, { category: "commons math", value: 2 }, { category: "json", value: 1 }, { category: "scripting", value: 1 }, { category: "graalvm", value: 3 }, { category: "native", value: 3 }, { category: "blog", value: 1 }, { category: "datetime", value: 2 }, { category: "timezone", value: 1 }, { category: "date", value: 3 }, { category: "pitest", value: 1 }, { category: "jacoco", value: 1 }, { category: "natural language processing", value: 2 }, { category: "spark nlp", value: 1 }, { category: "apache opennlp", value: 1 }, { category: "corenlp", value: 1 }, { category: "nlp4j", value: 1 }, { category: "tensorflow", value: 1 }, { category: "djl", value: 1 }, { category: "smile", value: 1 }, { category: "datumbox", value: 1 }, { category: "asf", value: 1 }, { category: "apachecon", value: 2 }, { category: "communityovercode", value: 1 }, { category: "centroids", value: 1 }, { category: "kmeans", value: 3 }, { category: "apache spark", value: 1 }, { category: "apache wayang", value: 1 }, { category: "codenarc", value: 1 }, { category: "grails", value: 1 }, { category: "calendar", value: 1 }, { category: "jsr310", value: 1 }, { category: "time", value: 1 }, { category: "matrices", value: 1 }, { category: "ojalgo", value: 1 }, { category: "nd4j", value: 1 }, { category: "ejml", value: 1 }, { category: "vector api", value: 1 }, { category: "eclipse deeplearning4j", value: 3 }, { category: "AST transforms", value: 1 }, { category: "zipping", value: 1 }, { category: "wordle", value: 1 }, { category: "timecategory", value: 1 }, { category: "artificial intelligence", value: 1 }, { category: "tribuo", value: 1 }, { category: "deep netts", value: 1 }, { category: "encog", value: 1 }, { category: "clibuilder", value: 1 }, { category: "picocli", value: 1 }, { category: "commons cli", value: 1 }, { category: "2022", value: 1 }, { category: "scala integration", value: 1 }, { category: "clustering", value: 2 }, { category: "groovyfx", value: 1 }, { category: "javafx", value: 1 }, { category: "jackson databind", value: 2 }, { category: "ignite", value: 1 }, { category: "nlp", value: 1 }, { category: "nlpcraft", value: 1 }, { category: "jvm", value: 1 }, { category: "sql", value: 2 }, { category: "h2", value: 1 }, { category: "scala", value: 1 }, { category: "kotlin", value: 1 }, { category: "lombok", value: 1 }, { category: "chatgpt", value: 1 }, { category: "one-liners", value: 1 }, { category: "dataflow", value: 1 }, { category: "agents", value: 1 }, { category: "fibonacci", value: 1 }, { category: "recursion", value: 1 }, { category: "csv", value: 2 }, { category: "data", value: 1 }, { category: "deserialization", value: 1 }, { category: "files", value: 1 }, { category: "reading", value: 1 }, { category: "serialization", value: 1 }, { category: "writing", value: 1 }, { category: "opencsv", value: 1 }, { category: "commons csv", value: 1 }, { category: "cycling", value: 2 }, { category: "@Sortable", value: 1 }, { category: "lego", value: 1 }, { category: "duckdb", value: 1 }
+                { category: "groovy", value: 74 }, { category: "emoji", value: 6 }, { category: "set", value: 1 }, { category: "constraint programming", value: 1 }, { category: "jacop", value: 1 }, { category: "or-tools", value: 1 }, { category: "choco", value: 1 }, { category: "jsr331", value: 1 }, { category: "bytecode", value: 1 }, { category: "byte buddy", value: 1 }, { category: "proguardcore", value: 1 }, { category: "asm", value: 1 }, { category: "jvmadvent", value: 1 }, { category: "eclipse collections", value: 9 }, { category: "streams", value: 2 }, { category: "windows installer", value: 8 }, { category: "release", value: 25 }, { category: "comparators", value: 1 }, { category: "functional", value: 1 }, { category: "gquery", value: 5 }, { category: "ginq", value: 6 }, { category: "lambdas", value: 1 }, { category: "records", value: 7 }, { category: "sorting", value: 1 }, { category: "collections", value: 5 }, { category: "zip", value: 1 }, { category: "guava", value: 3 }, { category: "vavr", value: 1 }, { category: "streamex", value: 1 }, { category: "jOOλ", value: 1 }, { category: "lists", value: 2 }, { category: "commons collections", value: 2 }, { category: "gpars", value: 2 }, { category: "virtual threads", value: 3 }, { category: "apache", value: 2 }, { category: "parrot", value: 1 }, { category: "decryption", value: 1 }, { category: "encryption", value: 1 }, { category: "security", value: 1 }, { category: "bouncy castle", value: 1 }, { category: "groovyConsole", value: 1 }, { category: "hephaestus", value: 1 }, { category: "domain specific languages", value: 1 }, { category: "jsr385", value: 1 }, { category: "units of measurement", value: 1 }, { category: "data science", value: 7 }, { category: "deep learning", value: 3 }, { category: "neural networks", value: 2 }, { category: "apache mxnet", value: 1 }, { category: "DJL", value: 1 }, { category: "artifical intelligence", value: 1 }, { category: "machine learning", value: 2 }, { category: "gradle", value: 2 }, { category: "null", value: 1 }, { category: "Groovy truth", value: 1 }, { category: "jep431", value: 1 }, { category: "combinations", value: 1 }, { category: "permutations", value: 1 }, { category: "testing", value: 2 }, { category: "junit", value: 2 }, { category: "spock", value: 2 }, { category: "jqwik", value: 2 }, { category: "allpairs", value: 1 }, { category: "maven", value: 1 }, { category: "gmaven", value: 1 }, { category: "concurrency", value: 2 }, { category: "actors", value: 2 }, { category: "pekko", value: 1 }, { category: "award", value: 1 }, { category: "java", value: 3 }, { category: "obfuscated", value: 1 }, { category: "commons math", value: 2 }, { category: "json", value: 1 }, { category: "scripting", value: 1 }, { category: "graalvm", value: 3 }, { category: "native", value: 3 }, { category: "blog", value: 1 }, { category: "datetime", value: 2 }, { category: "timezone", value: 1 }, { category: "date", value: 3 }, { category: "pitest", value: 1 }, { category: "jacoco", value: 1 }, { category: "natural language processing", value: 2 }, { category: "spark nlp", value: 1 }, { category: "apache opennlp", value: 1 }, { category: "corenlp", value: 1 }, { category: "nlp4j", value: 1 }, { category: "tensorflow", value: 1 }, { category: "djl", value: 1 }, { category: "smile", value: 1 }, { category: "datumbox", value: 1 }, { category: "asf", value: 1 }, { category: "apachecon", value: 2 }, { category: "communityovercode", value: 1 }, { category: "centroids", value: 1 }, { category: "kmeans", value: 3 }, { category: "apache spark", value: 1 }, { category: "apache wayang", value: 1 }, { category: "codenarc", value: 1 }, { category: "grails", value: 1 }, { category: "calendar", value: 1 }, { category: "jsr310", value: 1 }, { category: "time", value: 1 }, { category: "matrices", value: 1 }, { category: "ojalgo", value: 1 }, { category: "nd4j", value: 1 }, { category: "ejml", value: 1 }, { category: "vector api", value: 1 }, { category: "eclipse deeplearning4j", value: 3 }, { category: "AST transforms", value: 1 }, { category: "zipping", value: 1 }, { category: "wordle", value: 1 }, { category: "timecategory", value: 1 }, { category: "artificial intelligence", value: 1 }, { category: "tribuo", value: 1 }, { category: "deep netts", value: 1 }, { category: "encog", value: 1 }, { category: "clibuilder", value: 1 }, { category: "picocli", value: 1 }, { category: "commons cli", value: 1 }, { category: "2022", value: 1 }, { category: "scala integration", value: 1 }, { category: "clustering", value: 2 }, { category: "groovyfx", value: 1 }, { category: "javafx", value: 1 }, { category: "jackson databind", value: 2 }, { category: "ignite", value: 1 }, { category: "nlp", value: 1 }, { category: "nlpcraft", value: 1 }, { category: "gatherers", value: 1 }, { category: "jdk22", value: 1 }, { category: "chop", value: 1 }, { category: "collate", value: 1 }, { category: "inject", value: 1 }, { category: "jep461", value: 1 }, { category: "jvm", value: 1 }, { category: "sql", value: 2 }, { category: "h2", value: 1 }, { category: "scala", value: 1 }, { category: "kotlin", value: 1 }, { category: "lombok", value: 1 }, { category: "chatgpt", value: 1 }, { category: "one-liners", value: 1 }, { category: "dataflow", value: 1 }, { category: "agents", value: 1 }, { category: "fibonacci", value: 1 }, { category: "recursion", value: 1 }, { category: "csv", value: 2 }, { category: "data", value: 1 }, { category: "deserialization", value: 1 }, { category: "files", value: 1 }, { category: "reading", value: 1 }, { category: "serialization", value: 1 }, { category: "writing", value: 1 }, { category: "opencsv", value: 1 }, { category: "commons csv", value: 1 }, { category: "cycling", value: 2 }, { category: "@Sortable", value: 1 }, { category: "lego", value: 1 }, { category: "duckdb", value: 1 }
                     paddingTop: 5,