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| <p>In previous blogs, we’ve covered |
| <a href="https://groovy.apache.org/blog/deck-of-cards-with-groovy">Eclipse Collections</a> and |
| <a href="https://groovy.apache.org/blog/detecting-objects-with-groovy-the">Deep Learning</a>. |
| Recently, a couple of the highly recommended katas for Eclipse Collections have been |
| revamped to include "pet" and "fruit" emojis for a bit of extra fun. What could be better |
| than <em>Learning</em> Eclipse Collections?<em>Deep Learning</em> and Eclipse Collections of course!</p> |
| </div> |
| <div class="paragraph"> |
| <p>First, we create a <code>PetType</code> enum with the emoji as <code>toString</code>:</p> |
| </div> |
| <div class="listingblock"> |
| <div class="content"> |
| <pre class="prettyprint highlight"><code data-lang="groovy">enum PetType { |
| CAT("🐱"), |
| DOG("🐶"), |
| HAMSTER("🐹"), |
| TURTLE("🐢"), |
| BIRD("🐦"), |
| SNAKE("🐍") |
| |
| private final String emoji |
| |
| PetType(String emoji) { this.emoji = emoji } |
| |
| @Override |
| String toString() { emoji } |
| }</code></pre> |
| </div> |
| </div> |
| <div class="paragraph"> |
| <p>Then a <code>Pet</code> record (with the <code>type</code> as the <code>toString</code>):</p> |
| </div> |
| <div class="listingblock"> |
| <div class="content"> |
| <pre class="prettyprint highlight"><code data-lang="groovy">record Pet(PetType type, String name, int age) { |
| String toString() { type.toString() } |
| }</code></pre> |
| </div> |
| </div> |
| <div class="paragraph"> |
| <p>Similarly, we’ll create a <code>Person</code> record. We’ll also populate a <code>people</code> list as is done in the kata. The full details are in the <a href="https://github.com/paulk-asert/deep-learning-eclipse-collections">repo</a>.</p> |
| </div> |
| <div class="paragraph"> |
| <p>Let’s use a GQuery expression to explore the pre-populated list:</p> |
| </div> |
| <div class="listingblock"> |
| <div class="content"> |
| <pre class="prettyprint highlight"><code data-lang="groovy">println GQ { |
| from p in people |
| select p.fullName, p.pets |
| }</code></pre> |
| </div> |
| </div> |
| <div class="paragraph"> |
| <p>The result is:</p> |
| </div> |
| <div class="listingblock"> |
| <div class="content"> |
| <pre class="prettyprint highlight"><code>+---------------+----------+ |
| | fullName | pets | |
| +---------------+----------+ |
| | Mary Smith | [🐱] | |
| | Bob Smith | [🐱, 🐶] | |
| | Ted Smith | [🐶] | |
| | Jake Snake | [🐍] | |
| | Barry Bird | [🐦] | |
| | Terry Turtle | [🐢] | |
| | Harry Hamster | [🐹, 🐹] | |
| | John Doe | [] | |
| +---------------+----------+</code></pre> |
| </div> |
| </div> |
| <div class="paragraph"> |
| <p>Now let’s duplicate the assertion from the <code>getCountsByPetType</code> test in the original kata’s exercise3 which checks pet counts:</p> |
| </div> |
| <div class="listingblock"> |
| <div class="content"> |
| <pre class="prettyprint highlight"><code data-lang="groovy">var counts = people.countByEach(person -> person.petTypes).collect(Object::toString) |
| var expected = Bags.mutable.withOccurrences("🐱", 2, "🐶", 2, "🐹", 2).with("🐍").with("🐢").with("🐦") |
| assert counts == expected</code></pre> |
| </div> |
| </div> |
| <div class="paragraph"> |
| <p>As we expect, it passes.</p> |
| </div> |
| <div class="paragraph"> |
| <p>Now, for a bit of fun, we will use a neural network trained to detect cat and dog images and apply it to our emojis. We’ll follow the process described <a href="http://ramok.tech/2018/01/03/java-image-cat-vs-dog-recognizer-with-deep-neural-networks/">here</a>. It uses DeepLearning4J to train and then use a model. The images used to train the model were real cat and dog images, not emojis, so we aren’t expecting our model to be super accurate.</p> |
| </div> |
| <div class="paragraph"> |
| <p>The first attempt was to write the emojis into swing JLabel components and then save using a buffered image. This lead to poor looking images:</p> |
| </div> |
| <div class="paragraph"> |
| <p><span class="image"><img src="img/pet_emoji_fonts.jpg" alt="PetAsFonts"></span></p> |
| </div> |
| <div class="paragraph"> |
| <p>And consequently, poor image inference. Recent JDK versions on some platforms might do better, but we gave up on this approach.</p> |
| </div> |
| <div class="paragraph"> |
| <p>Instead, emoji image files from the <a href="https://fonts.google.com/noto/specimen/Noto+Color+Emoji?preview.text=%F0%9F%98%BB%F0%9F%90%B6%F0%9F%90%B9%F0%9F%90%A2%F0%9F%90%A6%F0%9F%90%8D&preview.text_type=custom">Noto Color Emoji</a> font were used and saved under the pet type in the <code>resources</code> folder. These look much nicer:</p> |
| </div> |
| <div class="paragraph"> |
| <p><span class="image"><img src="img/pet_emoji.png" alt="Noto Color Emoji"></span></p> |
| </div> |
| <div class="paragraph"> |
| <p>Here is the code which makes use of those saved images to detect the animal types (note the use of type aliasing since we have two <code>PetType</code> classes; we rename one to <code>PT</code>):</p> |
| </div> |
| <div class="listingblock"> |
| <div class="content"> |
| <pre class="prettyprint highlight"><code data-lang="groovy">import ramo.klevis.ml.vg16.PetType as PT |
| import ramo.klevis.ml.vg16.VG16ForCat |
| |
| var vg16ForCat = new VG16ForCat().tap{ loadModel() } |
| var results = [] |
| people.each{ p -> |
| results << p.pets.collect { pet -> |
| var file = new File("resources/${pet.type.name()}.png") |
| PT petType = vg16ForCat.detectCat(file, 0.675d) |
| var desc = switch(petType) { |
| case PT.CAT -> 'is a cat' |
| case PT.DOG -> 'is a dog' |
| default -> 'is unknown' |
| } |
| "$pet.name $desc" |
| } |
| } |
| println results.flatten().join('\n')</code></pre> |
| </div> |
| </div> |
| <div class="paragraph"> |
| <p>Note that the model exceeds the maximum allowable size for normal GitHub repos, so you should create it following the original repo <a href="https://github.com/klevis/CatAndDogRecognizer">instructions</a> and then store the resulting <code>model.zip</code> in the <code>resources</code> folder.</p> |
| </div> |
| <div class="paragraph"> |
| <p>When we run the script, we get the following output:</p> |
| </div> |
| <div class="listingblock"> |
| <div class="content"> |
| <pre class="prettyprint highlight"><code>[main] INFO org.nd4j.linalg.factory.Nd4jBackend - Loaded [CpuBackend] backend |
| ... |
| [main] INFO org.nd4j.linalg.api.ops.executioner.DefaultOpExecutioner - Blas vendor: [OPENBLAS] |
| ... |
| ============================================================================================================== |
| VertexName (VertexType) nIn,nOut TotalParams ParamsShape Vertex Inputs |
| ============================================================================================================== |
| input_1 (InputVertex) -,- - - - |
| block1_conv1 (Frozen ConvolutionLayer) 3,64 1792 b:{1,64}, W:{64,3,3,3} [input_1] |
| block1_conv2 (Frozen ConvolutionLayer) 64,64 36928 b:{1,64}, W:{64,64,3,3} [block1_conv1] |
| block1_pool (Frozen SubsamplingLayer) -,- 0 - [block1_conv2] |
| block2_conv1 (Frozen ConvolutionLayer) 64,128 73856 b:{1,128}, W:{128,64,3,3} [block1_pool] |
| block2_conv2 (Frozen ConvolutionLayer) 128,128 147584 b:{1,128}, W:{128,128,3,3} [block2_conv1] |
| block2_pool (Frozen SubsamplingLayer) -,- 0 - [block2_conv2] |
| block3_conv1 (Frozen ConvolutionLayer) 128,256 295168 b:{1,256}, W:{256,128,3,3} [block2_pool] |
| block3_conv2 (Frozen ConvolutionLayer) 256,256 590080 b:{1,256}, W:{256,256,3,3} [block3_conv1] |
| block3_conv3 (Frozen ConvolutionLayer) 256,256 590080 b:{1,256}, W:{256,256,3,3} [block3_conv2] |
| block3_pool (Frozen SubsamplingLayer) -,- 0 - [block3_conv3] |
| block4_conv1 (Frozen ConvolutionLayer) 256,512 1180160 b:{1,512}, W:{512,256,3,3} [block3_pool] |
| block4_conv2 (Frozen ConvolutionLayer) 512,512 2359808 b:{1,512}, W:{512,512,3,3} [block4_conv1] |
| block4_conv3 (Frozen ConvolutionLayer) 512,512 2359808 b:{1,512}, W:{512,512,3,3} [block4_conv2] |
| block4_pool (Frozen SubsamplingLayer) -,- 0 - [block4_conv3] |
| block5_conv1 (Frozen ConvolutionLayer) 512,512 2359808 b:{1,512}, W:{512,512,3,3} [block4_pool] |
| block5_conv2 (Frozen ConvolutionLayer) 512,512 2359808 b:{1,512}, W:{512,512,3,3} [block5_conv1] |
| block5_conv3 (Frozen ConvolutionLayer) 512,512 2359808 b:{1,512}, W:{512,512,3,3} [block5_conv2] |
| block5_pool (Frozen SubsamplingLayer) -,- 0 - [block5_conv3] |
| flatten (PreprocessorVertex) -,- - - [block5_pool] |
| fc1 (Frozen DenseLayer) 25088,4096 102764544 b:{1,4096}, W:{25088,4096} [flatten] |
| fc2 (Frozen DenseLayer) 4096,4096 16781312 b:{1,4096}, W:{4096,4096} [fc1] |
| predictions (OutputLayer) 4096,2 8194 b:{1,2}, W:{4096,2} [fc2] |
| -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| Total Parameters: 134268738 |
| Trainable Parameters: 8194 |
| Frozen Parameters: 134260544 |
| ============================================================================================================== |
| ... |
| Tabby is a cat |
| Dolly is a cat |
| Spot is a dog |
| Spike is a dog |
| Serpy is a cat |
| Tweety is unknown |
| Speedy is a dog |
| Fuzzy is unknown |
| Wuzzy is unknown</code></pre> |
| </div> |
| </div> |
| <div class="paragraph"> |
| <p>As we can see, it correctly predicted the cats (Tabby and Dolly) and dogs |
| (Spot and Spike) but incorrectly thought a snake (Serpy) was a cat and a |
| turtle (Speedy) was a dog. Given the lack of detail in the emoji images |
| compared to the training images, this lack of accuracy isn’t unexpected. |
| We could certainly use better images or train our model differently if |
| we wanted better results, but it is fun to see our model not doing too |
| badly even with emojis!</p> |
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