blob: 478786417919e47e5762fdb59fcc9aa29c35646b [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
import com.mongodb.*;
import com.mongodb.client.*;
import com.mongodb.client.model.CountOptions;
import com.mongodb.client.model.CreateCollectionOptions;
import com.mongodb.client.model.UpdateOptions;
import com.mongodb.client.result.DeleteResult;
import org.apache.avro.Schema;
import org.apache.avro.Schema.Field;
import org.apache.avro.Schema.Type;
import org.apache.avro.generic.GenericArray;
import org.apache.avro.util.Utf8;
import org.apache.gora.mongodb.filters.MongoFilterUtil;
import org.apache.gora.mongodb.query.MongoDBQuery;
import org.apache.gora.mongodb.query.MongoDBResult;
import org.apache.gora.mongodb.utils.BSONDecorator;
import org.apache.gora.mongodb.utils.Utf8Codec;
import org.apache.gora.persistency.impl.BeanFactoryImpl;
import org.apache.gora.persistency.impl.DirtyListWrapper;
import org.apache.gora.persistency.impl.DirtyMapWrapper;
import org.apache.gora.persistency.impl.PersistentBase;
import org.apache.gora.query.PartitionQuery;
import org.apache.gora.query.Query;
import org.apache.gora.query.Result;
import org.apache.gora.query.impl.PartitionQueryImpl;
import org.apache.gora.util.AvroUtils;
import org.apache.gora.util.ClassLoadingUtils;
import org.apache.gora.util.GoraException;
import org.bson.Document;
import org.bson.codecs.configuration.CodecRegistries;
import org.bson.codecs.configuration.CodecRegistry;
import org.bson.conversions.Bson;
import org.bson.types.ObjectId;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
import javax.xml.bind.DatatypeConverter;
import java.nio.ByteBuffer;
import java.nio.charset.Charset;
import java.util.*;
import java.util.Map.Entry;
import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap;
import static com.mongodb.AuthenticationMechanism.*;
import static com.mongodb.client.model.Filters.and;
* Implementation of a MongoDB data store to be used by gora.
* @param <K>
* class to be used for the key
* @param <T>
* class to be persisted within the store
* @author Fabien Poulard
* @author Damien Raude-Morvan
public class MongoStore<K, T extends PersistentBase> extends
DataStoreBase<K, T> {
public static final Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(MongoStore.class);
* Default value for mapping file
public static final String DEFAULT_MAPPING_FILE = "/gora-mongodb-mapping.xml";
* Key at DataStore Properties (same as to hold a mapping loaded from memory, instead from filesystem like
* the one at PARSE_MAPPING_FILE_KEY. If this key is present, the mapping is loaded from the value instead of gora-mongodb-mapping.xml
public static final String XML_MAPPING_DEFINITION = "gora.mapping" ;
* MongoDB client
private static ConcurrentHashMap<String, com.mongodb.client.MongoClient> mapsOfClients = new ConcurrentHashMap<>();
private MongoDatabase mongoClientDB;
private MongoCollection<Document> mongoClientColl;
* Mapping definition for MongoDB
private MongoMapping mapping;
private MongoFilterUtil<K, T> filterUtil;
public MongoStore() {
// Create a default mapping that will be overriden in initialize method
this.mapping = new MongoMapping();
* Initialize the data store by reading the credentials, setting the client's
* properties up and reading the mapping file.
public void initialize(final Class<K> keyClass,
final Class<T> pPersistentClass, final Properties properties) throws GoraException {
try {
LOG.debug("Initializing MongoDB store");
MongoStoreParameters parameters = MongoStoreParameters.load(properties, getConf());
super.initialize(keyClass, pPersistentClass, properties);
filterUtil = new MongoFilterUtil<>(getConf());
// Load the mapping
MongoMappingBuilder<K, T> builder = new MongoMappingBuilder<>(this);
LOG.debug("Initializing Mongo store with mapping {}.",
new Object[] { parameters.getMappingFile() });
InputStream mappingInputStream;
// If there is a mapping definition in the Properties, use it.
if (properties.containsKey(XML_MAPPING_DEFINITION)) {
if (LOG.isTraceEnabled()) LOG.trace(XML_MAPPING_DEFINITION + " = " + properties.getProperty(XML_MAPPING_DEFINITION));
mappingInputStream = IOUtils.toInputStream(properties.getProperty(XML_MAPPING_DEFINITION), (Charset)null);
// Otherwise use the mapping file from parameters.
else {
String mappingFile = parameters.getMappingFile();
mappingInputStream = getClass().getResourceAsStream(mappingFile);
mapping =;
// Prepare MongoDB connection
mongoClientDB = getDB(parameters);
mongoClientColl = mongoClientDB
.getCollection(mapping.getCollectionName());"Initialized Mongo store for database {} of {}.", new Object[] {
parameters.getDbname(), parameters.getServers() });
} catch (GoraException e) {
throw e;
} catch (IOException e) {
LOG.error("Error while initializing MongoDB store", e);
throw new GoraException(e);
* Retrieve a client connected to the MongoDB server to be used.
* @param params This value should specify the host:port (at least one) for
* connecting to remote MongoDB.
* @return a {@link com.mongodb.client.MongoClient} instance connected to the server
private com.mongodb.client.MongoClient getClient(MongoStoreParameters params) {
// Utf8 serialization!
CodecRegistry codecRegistry = CodecRegistries.fromRegistries(
CodecRegistries.fromCodecs(new Utf8Codec())
// Configure options
MongoClientSettings.Builder settings = MongoClientSettings.builder();
if (params.getReadPreference() != null) {
if (params.getWriteConcern() != null) {
// Build server address
List<ServerAddress> seeds = new ArrayList<>();
Iterable<String> serversArray = Splitter.on(",").split(params.getServers());
for (String server : serversArray) {
Iterator<String> paramsIterator = Splitter.on(":").trimResults().split(server).iterator();
if (!paramsIterator.hasNext()) {
// No server, use default
seeds.add(new ServerAddress());
} else {
String host =;
if (paramsIterator.hasNext()) {
String port =;
seeds.add(new ServerAddress(host, Integer.parseInt(port)));
} else {
seeds.add(new ServerAddress(host));
settings.applyToClusterSettings(builder -> builder.hosts(seeds));
// If configuration contains a login + secret, try to authenticated with DB
if (params.getLogin() != null && params.getSecret() != null) {
MongoCredential credential = createCredential(params.getAuthenticationType(), params.getLogin(), params.getDbname(), params.getSecret());
return MongoClients.create(;
* This method creates credentials according to the Authentication type.
* @param authenticationType authentication Type (Authentication Mechanism)
* @param username username
* @param database database
* @param password password
* @return Mongo Crendential
* @see <a href="">AuthenticationMechanism in MongoDB Java Driver</a>
private MongoCredential createCredential(String authenticationType, String username, String database, String password) {
MongoCredential credential = null;
if (PLAIN.getMechanismName().equals(authenticationType)) {
credential = MongoCredential.createPlainCredential(username, database, password.toCharArray());
} else if (SCRAM_SHA_1.getMechanismName().equals(authenticationType)) {
credential = MongoCredential.createScramSha1Credential(username, database, password.toCharArray());
} else if (SCRAM_SHA_256.getMechanismName().equals(authenticationType)) {
credential = MongoCredential.createScramSha256Credential(username, database, password.toCharArray());
} else if (GSSAPI.getMechanismName().equals(authenticationType)) {
credential = MongoCredential.createGSSAPICredential(username);
} else if (MONGODB_X509.getMechanismName().equals(authenticationType)) {
credential = MongoCredential.createMongoX509Credential(username);
} else {
credential = MongoCredential.createCredential(username, database, password.toCharArray());
return credential;
* Get reference to Mongo DB, using credentials if not null.
private MongoDatabase getDB(MongoStoreParameters parameters) throws UnknownHostException {
// Get reference to Mongo DB
if (!mapsOfClients.containsKey(parameters.getServers()))
mapsOfClients.put(parameters.getServers(), getClient(parameters));
return mapsOfClients.get(parameters.getServers()).getDatabase(parameters.getDbname());
public MongoMapping getMapping() {
return mapping;
* Accessor to the name of the collection used.
public String getSchemaName() {
return mapping.getCollectionName();
public String getSchemaName(final String mappingSchemaName,
final Class<?> persistentClass) {
return super.getSchemaName(mappingSchemaName, persistentClass);
* Create a new collection in MongoDB if necessary.
public void createSchema() throws GoraException {
if (mongoClientDB == null)
throw new GoraException(
"Impossible to create the schema as no database has been selected.");
if (schemaExists()) {
try {
// If initialized create the collection
CreateCollectionOptions opts = new CreateCollectionOptions();
String name = mapping.getCollectionName();
mongoClientDB.createCollection(name, opts);
mongoClientColl = mongoClientDB.getCollection(name);
LOG.debug("Collection {} has been created for Mongo database {}.",
new Object[] {name, mongoClientDB.getName() });
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new GoraException(e);
* Drop the collection.
public void deleteSchema() throws GoraException {
if (mongoClientColl == null)
throw new GoraException(
"Impossible to delete the schema as no schema is selected.");
try {
// If initialized, simply drop the collection
"Collection {} has been dropped.",
new Object[] { mongoClientColl.getNamespace().getFullName() });
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new GoraException(e);
* Check if the collection already exists or should be created.
public boolean schemaExists() throws GoraException {
try {
MongoIterable<String> names = mongoClientDB.listCollectionNames();
String name = mapping.getCollectionName();
return, false)
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new GoraException(e);
* Ensure the data is synced to disk.
public void flush() throws GoraException {
// no-op
* Release the resources linked to this collection
public void close() {
* Retrieve an entry from the store with only selected fields.
* @param key
* identifier of the document in the database
* @param fields
* list of fields to be loaded from the database
public T get(final K key, final String[] fields) throws GoraException {
try {
String[] dbFields = getFieldsToQuery(fields);
// Prepare the MongoDB query
Document q = new Document("_id", key);
Document proj = new Document();
for (String field : dbFields) {
String docf = mapping.getDocumentField(field);
if (docf != null) {
proj.put(docf, true);
// Execute the query
FindIterable<Document> res = mongoClientColl.find(q).projection(proj);
// Build the corresponding persistent
return newInstance(res.first(), dbFields);
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new GoraException(e);
public boolean exists(final K key) throws GoraException {
try {
// Prepare the MongoDB query
Document q = new Document("_id", key);
// Execute the query
long res = mongoClientColl.countDocuments(q);
return res > 0;
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new GoraException(e);
* Persist an object into the store.
* @param key
* identifier of the object in the store
* @param obj
* the object to be inserted
public void put(final K key, final T obj) throws GoraException {
try {
// Save the object in the database
if (obj.isDirty()) {
performPut(key, obj);
} else {"Ignored putting object {} in the store as it is neither "
+ "new, neither dirty.", new Object[] { obj });
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new GoraException(e);
* Update a object that already exists in the store. The object must exist
* already or the update may fail.
* @param key
* identifier of the object in the store
* @param obj
* the object to be inserted
private void performPut(final K key, final T obj) {
// Build the query to select the object to be updated
Document qSel = new Document("_id", key);
// Build the update query
Document qUpdate = new Document();
Document qUpdateSet = newUpdateSetInstance(obj);
if (qUpdateSet.size() > 0) {
qUpdate.put("$set", qUpdateSet);
Document qUpdateUnset = newUpdateUnsetInstance(obj);
if (qUpdateUnset.size() > 0) {
qUpdate.put("$unset", qUpdateUnset);
// Execute the update (if there is at least one $set ot $unset
if (!qUpdate.isEmpty()) {
mongoClientColl.updateOne(qSel, qUpdate, new UpdateOptions().upsert(true));
} else {
LOG.debug("No update to perform, skip {}", key);
public boolean delete(final K key) throws GoraException {
try {
Document removeKey = new Document("_id", key);
DeleteResult writeResult = mongoClientColl.deleteOne(removeKey);
return writeResult.getDeletedCount() > 0;
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new GoraException(e);
public long deleteByQuery(final Query<K, T> query) throws GoraException {
try {
// Build the actual MongoDB query
Bson q = MongoDBQuery.toDBQuery(query);
DeleteResult writeResult = mongoClientColl.deleteMany(q);
return writeResult.getDeletedCount();
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new GoraException(e);
* Execute the query and return the result.
public Result<K, T> execute(final Query<K, T> query) throws GoraException {
try {
String[] fields = getFieldsToQuery(query.getFields());
// Build the actual MongoDB query
Bson q = MongoDBQuery.toDBQuery(query);
Bson p = MongoDBQuery.toProjection(fields, mapping);
if (query.getFilter() != null) {
Optional<Bson> filter = filterUtil.setFilter(query.getFilter(), this);
if (!filter.isPresent()) {
// don't need local filter
} else {
q = and(q, filter.get());
// Execute the query on the collection
FindIterable<Document> iterable = mongoClientColl.find(q).projection(p);
CountOptions countOptions = new CountOptions();
if (query.getLimit() > 0) {
iterable.limit((int) query.getLimit());
countOptions.limit((int) query.getLimit());
// Build the result
long size = mongoClientColl.countDocuments(q, countOptions);
return new MongoDBResult<>(this, query, iterable.cursor(), size);
} catch(Exception e) {
throw new GoraException(e);
* Create a new {@link Query} to query the datastore.
public Query<K, T> newQuery() {
MongoDBQuery<K, T> query = new MongoDBQuery<>(this);
return query;
* Partitions the given query and returns a list of PartitionQuerys, which
* will execute on local data.
public List<PartitionQuery<K, T>> getPartitions(final Query<K, T> query)
throws IOException {
// FIXME: for now, there is only one partition as we do not handle
// MongoDB sharding configuration
List<PartitionQuery<K, T>> partitions = new ArrayList<>();
PartitionQueryImpl<K, T> partitionQuery = new PartitionQueryImpl<>(
return partitions;
// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////// DESERIALIZATION
* Build a new instance of the persisted class from the {@link Document}
* retrieved from the database.
* @param obj
* the {@link Document} that results from the query to the database
* @param fields
* the list of fields to be mapped to the persistence class instance
* @return a persistence class instance which content was deserialized from
* the {@link Document}
* @throws GoraException
public T newInstance(final Document obj, final String[] fields) throws GoraException {
if (obj == null)
return null;
BSONDecorator easybson = new BSONDecorator(obj);
// Create new empty persistent bean instance
T persistent = newPersistent();
String[] dbFields = getFieldsToQuery(fields);
// Populate each field
for (String f : dbFields) {
// Check the field exists in the mapping and in the db
String docf = mapping.getDocumentField(f);
if (docf == null || !easybson.containsField(docf))
DocumentFieldType storeType = mapping.getDocumentFieldType(docf);
Field field = fieldMap.get(f);
Schema fieldSchema = field.schema();
"Load from DBObject (MAIN), field:{}, schemaType:{}, docField:{}, storeType:{}",
new Object[] {, fieldSchema.getType(), docf, storeType });
Object result = fromDocument(fieldSchema, storeType, field, docf,
persistent.put(field.pos(), result);
return persistent;
private Object fromDocument(final Schema fieldSchema,
final DocumentFieldType storeType, final Field field, final String docf,
final BSONDecorator easybson) throws GoraException {
Object result = null;
switch (fieldSchema.getType()) {
case MAP:
result = fromMongoMap(docf, fieldSchema, easybson, field);
case ARRAY:
result = fromMongoList(docf, fieldSchema, easybson, field);
case RECORD:
Document rec = easybson.getDBObject(docf);
if (rec == null) {
result = null;
result = fromMongoRecord(fieldSchema, docf, rec);
result = easybson.getBoolean(docf);
case DOUBLE:
result = easybson.getDouble(docf);
case FLOAT:
result = easybson.getDouble(docf).floatValue();
case INT:
result = easybson.getInt(docf);
case LONG:
result = easybson.getLong(docf);
case STRING:
result = fromMongoString(storeType, docf, easybson);
case ENUM:
result = AvroUtils.getEnumValue(fieldSchema, easybson.getUtf8String(docf)
case BYTES:
case FIXED:
result = easybson.getBytes(docf);
case NULL:
result = null;
case UNION:
result = fromMongoUnion(fieldSchema, storeType, field, docf, easybson);
LOG.warn("Unable to read {}", docf);
return result;
private Object fromMongoUnion(final Schema fieldSchema,
final DocumentFieldType storeType, final Field field, final String docf,
final BSONDecorator easybson) throws GoraException {
Object result;// schema [type0, type1]
Type type0 = fieldSchema.getTypes().get(0).getType();
Type type1 = fieldSchema.getTypes().get(1).getType();
// Check if types are different and there's a "null", like ["null","type"]
// or ["type","null"]
if (!type0.equals(type1)
&& (type0.equals(Type.NULL) || type1.equals(Type.NULL))) {
Schema innerSchema = fieldSchema.getTypes().get(1);
"Load from DBObject (UNION), schemaType:{}, docField:{}, storeType:{}",
new Object[] { innerSchema.getType(), docf, storeType });
// Deserialize as if schema was ["type"]
result = fromDocument(innerSchema, storeType, field, docf, easybson);
} else {
throw new IllegalStateException(
"MongoStore doesn't support 3 types union field yet. Please update your mapping");
return result;
@SuppressWarnings({ "unchecked", "rawtypes" })
private Object fromMongoRecord(final Schema fieldSchema, final String docf,
final Document rec) throws GoraException {
Object result;
BSONDecorator innerBson = new BSONDecorator(rec);
Class<?> clazz = null;
try {
clazz = ClassLoadingUtils.loadClass(fieldSchema.getFullName());
} catch (ClassNotFoundException e) {
PersistentBase record = (PersistentBase) new BeanFactoryImpl(keyClass, clazz).newPersistent();
for (Field recField : fieldSchema.getFields()) {
Schema innerSchema = recField.schema();
DocumentFieldType innerStoreType = mapping
String innerDocField = mapping.getDocumentField( != null ? mapping
.getDocumentField( :;
String fieldPath = docf + "." + innerDocField;
"Load from DBObject (RECORD), field:{}, schemaType:{}, docField:{}, storeType:{}",
new Object[] {, innerSchema.getType(), fieldPath,
innerStoreType });
fromDocument(innerSchema, innerStoreType, recField, innerDocField,
result = record;
return result;
/* pp */ Object fromMongoList(final String docf, final Schema fieldSchema,
final BSONDecorator easybson, final Field f) throws GoraException {
List<Document> list = easybson.getDBList(docf);
List<Object> rlist = new ArrayList<>();
if (list == null) {
return new DirtyListWrapper(rlist);
for (Object item : list) {
DocumentFieldType storeType = mapping.getDocumentFieldType(docf);
Object o = fromDocument(fieldSchema.getElementType(), storeType, f,
"item", new BSONDecorator(new Document("item", item)));
return new DirtyListWrapper<>(rlist);
/* pp */ Object fromMongoMap(final String docf, final Schema fieldSchema,
final BSONDecorator easybson, final Field f) throws GoraException {
Document map = easybson.getDBObject(docf);
Map<Utf8, Object> rmap = new HashMap<>();
if (map == null) {
return new DirtyMapWrapper(rmap);
for (Entry<String, Object> e : map.entrySet()) {
String mapKey = e.getKey();
String decodedMapKey = decodeFieldKey(mapKey);
DocumentFieldType storeType = mapping.getDocumentFieldType(docf);
Object o = fromDocument(fieldSchema.getValueType(), storeType, f, mapKey,
new BSONDecorator(map));
rmap.put(new Utf8(decodedMapKey), o);
return new DirtyMapWrapper<>(rmap);
private Object fromMongoString(final DocumentFieldType storeType,
final String docf, final BSONDecorator easybson) {
Object result;
if (storeType == DocumentFieldType.OBJECTID) {
// Try auto-conversion of BSON data to ObjectId
// It will work if data is stored as String or as ObjectId
Object bin = easybson.get(docf);
if (bin instanceof String) {
ObjectId id = new ObjectId((String) bin);
result = new Utf8(id.toString());
} else {
result = new Utf8(bin.toString());
} else if (storeType == DocumentFieldType.DATE) {
Object bin = easybson.get(docf);
if (bin instanceof Date) {
Calendar calendar = Calendar.getInstance(TimeZone.getTimeZone("UTC"), Locale.getDefault());
calendar.setTime((Date) bin);
result = new Utf8(DatatypeConverter.printDateTime(calendar));
} else {
result = new Utf8(bin.toString());
} else {
result = easybson.getUtf8String(docf);
return result;
// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// SERIALIZATION
* Build a new instance of {@link Document} from the persistence class
* instance in parameter. Limit the {@link Document} to the fields that are
* dirty and not null, that is the fields that will need to be updated in the
* store.
* @param persistent
* a persistence class instance which content is to be serialized as
* a {@link Document} for use as parameter of a $set operator
* @return a {@link Document} which content corresponds to the fields that
* have to be updated... and formatted to be passed in parameter of a
* $set operator
private Document newUpdateSetInstance(final T persistent) {
Document result = new Document();
for (Field f : persistent.getSchema().getFields()) {
if (persistent.isDirty(f.pos()) && (persistent.get(f.pos()) != null)) {
String docf = mapping.getDocumentField(;
Object value = persistent.get(f.pos());
DocumentFieldType storeType = mapping.getDocumentFieldType(docf);
"Transform value to DBObject (MAIN), docField:{}, schemaType:{}, storeType:{}",
new Object[] { docf, f.schema().getType(), storeType });
Object o = toDocument(docf, f.schema(), f.schema().getType(),
storeType, value);
result.put(docf, o);
return result;
* Build a new instance of {@link Document} from the persistence class
* instance in parameter. Limit the {@link Document} to the fields that are
* dirty and null, that is the fields that will need to be updated in the
* store by being removed.
* @param persistent
* a persistence class instance which content is to be serialized as
* a {@link Document} for use as parameter of a $set operator
* @return a {@link Document} which content corresponds to the fields that
* have to be updated... and formated to be passed in parameter of a
* $unset operator
private Document newUpdateUnsetInstance(final T persistent) {
Document result = new Document();
for (Field f : persistent.getSchema().getFields()) {
if (persistent.isDirty(f.pos()) && (persistent.get(f.pos()) == null)) {
String docf = mapping.getDocumentField(;
Object value = persistent.get(f.pos());
DocumentFieldType storeType = mapping.getDocumentFieldType(docf);
"Transform value to DBObject (MAIN), docField:{}, schemaType:{}, storeType:{}",
new Object[] { docf, f.schema().getType(), storeType });
Object o = toDocument(docf, f.schema(), f.schema().getType(),
storeType, value);
result.put(docf, o);
return result;
private Object toDocument(final String docf, final Schema fieldSchema,
final Type fieldType, final DocumentFieldType storeType,
final Object value) {
Object result = null;
switch (fieldType) {
case MAP:
if (storeType != null && storeType != DocumentFieldType.DOCUMENT) {
throw new IllegalStateException(
"Field "
+ fieldSchema.getType()
+ ": to store a Gora 'map', target Mongo mapping have to be of 'document' type");
Schema valueSchema = fieldSchema.getValueType();
result = mapToMongo(docf, (Map<CharSequence, ?>) value, valueSchema,
case ARRAY:
if (storeType != null && storeType != DocumentFieldType.LIST) {
throw new IllegalStateException(
"Field "
+ fieldSchema.getType()
+ ": To store a Gora 'array', target Mongo mapping have to be of 'list' type");
Schema elementSchema = fieldSchema.getElementType();
result = listToMongo(docf, (List<?>) value, elementSchema,
case BYTES:
if (value != null) {
result = ((ByteBuffer) value).array();
case INT:
case LONG:
case FLOAT:
case DOUBLE:
result = value;
case STRING:
result = stringToMongo(fieldSchema, storeType, value);
case ENUM:
if (value != null)
result = value.toString();
case RECORD:
if (value == null)
result = recordToMongo(docf, fieldSchema, value);
case UNION:
result = unionToMongo(docf, fieldSchema, storeType, value);
case FIXED:
result = value;
LOG.error("Unknown field type: {}", fieldSchema.getType());
return result;
private Object unionToMongo(final String docf, final Schema fieldSchema,
final DocumentFieldType storeType, final Object value) {
Object result;// schema [type0, type1]
Type type0 = fieldSchema.getTypes().get(0).getType();
Type type1 = fieldSchema.getTypes().get(1).getType();
// Check if types are different and there's a "null", like ["null","type"]
// or ["type","null"]
if (!type0.equals(type1)
&& (type0.equals(Type.NULL) || type1.equals(Type.NULL))) {
Schema innerSchema = fieldSchema.getTypes().get(1);
"Transform value to DBObject (UNION), schemaType:{}, type1:{}, storeType:{}",
new Object[] { innerSchema.getType(), type1, storeType });
// Deserialize as if schema was ["type"]
result = toDocument(docf, innerSchema, type1, storeType, value);
} else {
throw new IllegalStateException(
"MongoStore doesn't support 3 types union field yet. Please update your mapping");
return result;
private Document recordToMongo(final String docf,
final Schema fieldSchema, final Object value) {
Document record = new Document();
for (Field member : fieldSchema.getFields()) {
Object innerValue = ((PersistentBase) value).get(member.pos());
String innerDoc = mapping.getDocumentField(;
Type innerType = member.schema().getType();
DocumentFieldType innerStoreType = mapping.getDocumentFieldType(innerDoc);
"Transform value to DBObject (RECORD), docField:{}, schemaType:{}, storeType:{}",
new Object[] {, member.schema().getType(),
innerStoreType });
toDocument(docf, member.schema(), innerType, innerStoreType,
return record;
private Object stringToMongo(final Schema fieldSchema,
final DocumentFieldType storeType, final Object value) {
Object result = null;
if (storeType == DocumentFieldType.OBJECTID) {
if (value != null) {
ObjectId id;
try {
id = new ObjectId(value.toString());
} catch (IllegalArgumentException e1) {
// Unable to parse anything from Utf8 value, throw error
throw new IllegalStateException("Field " + fieldSchema.getType()
+ ": Invalid string: unable to convert to ObjectId");
result = id;
} else if (storeType == DocumentFieldType.DATE) {
if (value != null) {
// Try to parse date from Utf8 value
Calendar calendar = null;
try {
// Parse as date + time
calendar = DatatypeConverter.parseDateTime(value.toString());
} catch (IllegalArgumentException e1) {
try {
// Parse as date only
calendar = DatatypeConverter.parseDate(value.toString());
} catch (IllegalArgumentException e2) {
// No-op
if (calendar == null) {
// Unable to parse anything from Utf8 value, throw error
throw new IllegalStateException("Field " + fieldSchema.getType()
+ ": Invalid date format '" + value + "'");
result = calendar.getTime();
} else {
if (value != null) {
result = value.toString();
return result;
* Convert a Java Map as used in Gora generated classes to a Map that can
* safely be serialized into MongoDB.
* @param value
* the Java Map that must be serialized into a MongoDB object
* @param fieldType
* type of the values within the map
* @return a {@link Document} version of the {@link Map} that can be
* safely serialized into MongoDB.
private Document mapToMongo(final String docf,
final Map<CharSequence, ?> value, final Schema fieldSchema,
final Type fieldType) {
Document map = new Document();
// Handle null case
if (value == null)
return map;
// Handle regular cases
for (Entry<CharSequence, ?> e : value.entrySet()) {
String mapKey = e.getKey().toString();
String encodedMapKey = encodeFieldKey(mapKey);
Object mapValue = e.getValue();
DocumentFieldType storeType = mapping.getDocumentFieldType(docf);
Object result = toDocument(docf, fieldSchema, fieldType, storeType,
map.put(encodedMapKey, result);
return map;
* Convert a Java {@link GenericArray} as used in Gora generated classes to a
* List that can safely be serialized into MongoDB.
* @param array
* the {@link GenericArray} to be serialized
* @param fieldType
* type of the elements within the array
* @return a {@link BasicDBList} version of the {@link GenericArray} that can
* be safely serialized into MongoDB.
private BasicDBList listToMongo(final String docf, final Collection<?> array,
final Schema fieldSchema, final Type fieldType) {
BasicDBList list = new BasicDBList();
// Handle null case
if (array == null)
return list;
// Handle regular cases
for (Object item : array) {
DocumentFieldType storeType = mapping.getDocumentFieldType(docf);
Object result = toDocument(docf, fieldSchema, fieldType, storeType, item);
return list;
// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////// CLEANUP
* Ensure Key encoding -&gt; dots replaced with middle dots
* @param key
* char with only dots.
* @return encoded string with "\u00B7" chars..
public String encodeFieldKey(final String key) {
if (key == null) {
return null;
return key.replace(".", "\u00B7");
* Ensure Key decoding -&gt; middle dots replaced with dots
* @param key
* encoded string with "\u00B7" chars.
* @return Cleanup up char with only dots.
public String decodeFieldKey(final String key) {
if (key == null) {
return null;
return key.replace("\u00B7", ".");