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<title>Quick Start</title>
<p>This is a quick start guide to help you setup the project.</p>
<title> Download </title>
<p> First you need to check out the most stable Gora release through the official Apache Gora release page <a href="ext:releases">here</a>.</p>
<p>For those who would like to use a development version Gora or simply wish to work with the bleeding edge, instructions for how to check out the source code using svn or git can be found
<a href="ext:vcs">here</a>.
<title> Compiling the project (Maven users)</title>
<p>Once you have the source code for Gora, you can compile the project using</p>
$ cd gora
</code> <br/>
$ mvn clean compile
<p> You can also compile individual modules by cd'ing to the module directory and
running <code>$ mvn clean compile</code> there. </p>
<title> Setting up your project </title>
More recently Gora began using Maven to manage it's dependencies and build lifecycle. Stable Gora releases are available on the central maven repository
or ivy repositories and Gora-SNAPSHOT OSGi bundle artifacts are now pushed to the Apache Nexus <a href=";quick~gora">here</a>.</p>
<p> You can manage Gora dependencies in a few ways. </p>
<title> Using ivy to manage gora </title>
<p>If your project already uses ivy, then you can include gora dependencies
to your ivy by adding the following lines to your <code>ivy.xml</code> file: </p>
&lt;dependency org="org.apache.gora" name="gora-hbase" rev="${version}" conf="*-&gt;compile" changing="true"&gt;
&lt;dependency org="org.apache.gora" name="gora-cassandra" rev="${version}" conf="*-&gt;compile" changing="true"&gt;
&lt;dependency org="org.apache.gora" name="gora-sql" rev="${version}" conf="*-&gt;compile" changing="true"&gt;
<p><b>N.B.</b> The <code>${version}</code> variable should be replaced by the most stable Gora release.</p>
<p>Only add the modules <code>gora-hbase, gora-cassandra, gora-sql</code>
that you will use, and set the <code>conf</code> to point to the
configurations (of your project) that you want to depend on gora. The
<code>changing="true"</code> attribute states that, gora artifacts
should not be cached, which is required if you want to change gora's
source and use the recompiled version.</p>
<p> Add the following to your <code>ivysettings.xml</code></p>
&lt;chain name="internal"&gt;
&lt;resolver ref="local"/&gt;
&lt;module organisation="org.apache.gora" name=".*" resolver="internal"/&gt;
<p>This forces gora to be built locally rather than look for it in other
<title> Using Maven to manage Gora </title>
<p>If your project however uses maven, then you can include gora dependencies
to your project by adding the following lines to your <code>pom.xml</code> file: </p>
<p><b>N.B.</b> The <code>${version}</code> variable should be replaced by the most stable Gora release.</p>
<p>Only add the modules <code>gora-hbase, gora-cassandra, gora-sql</code>
that you will use.</p>
<title>Managing gora jars manually </title>
<p>You can include gora jars manually, if you prefer so. After compiling gora
first copy all the jars in <code>gora-[modulename]/lib/</code> dir. Then
copy all the jars in <code>gora-core/lib/</code> since all of the modules depend
on <code>gora-core</code>. Last, copy the actual gora-jars in
<code>gora-core/build/gora-core-x.×.jar</code> and the jars of all the other
modules that you want to use ( for example
<title> What's next </title>
<p> After setting up gora, you might want to check out the documentation.
Most of the documentation can be find at the project
<a href="ext:gora">web site</a> or at the <a href="ext:wiki">wiki</a>.</p>
<title>Gora Modules </title>
<p> Gora source code is organized in a modular architecture. The
<b>gora-core</b> module is the main module which contains the core of
the code. All other modules depend on the gora-core module. Each data
store backend in Gora resides in it's own module. The documentation for
the specific module can be found at the module's documentation directory.
<p> It is wise so start with going over the documentation for the gora-core
module and then the specific data store module(s) you want to use. Below are the
modules in gora. </p>
<p> <ul>
<li> <b><a href="site:gora-core">gora-core</a></b>: Module containing core functionality </li>
<li> <b><a href="site:gora-cassandra">gora-cassandra</a></b>: Module for Apache Cassandra backend </li>
<li> <b><a href="site:gora-hbase">gora-hbase</a></b>: Module for Apache HBase backend </li>
<li> <b><a href="site:gora-sql">gora-sql</a></b>: Module for SQL database backends </li>