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<title>Gora Core Module</title>
<title> Introduction </title>
<p> This is the main entry point for Gora documentation. Here are some pointers for further info:</p>
<li>First if you haven't already done so, make sure to check the <a href="site:quickstart">quick start guide</a>. </li>
<li>Information about gora modules can be found at the <a href="#Gora+Modules">section below</a>. </li>
<li>You can also take a look at the <a href="ext:api/index"> API</a> documentation which
contains the javadoc for all of the modules combined. </li>
<li>You can find how to configure gora in <a href="site:gora-conf"> Gora Configuration</a>. </li>
<title>Gora Modules </title>
<p> Gora source code is organized in a modular architecture. The
<b>gora-core</b> module is the main module which contains the core of
the code. All other modules depend on the gora-core module. Each data
store backend in Gora resides in it's own module. The documentation for
the specific module can be found at the module's documentation directory.
<p> It is wise so start with going over the documentation for the gora-core
module and then the specific data store module(s) you want to use. The
following modules are implemented in gora. </p>
<p> <ul>
<li> <b><a href="site:gora-core">gora-core</a></b>: Module containing core functionality </li>
<li> <b><a href="site:gora-cassandra">gora-cassandra</a></b>: Module for Apache Cassandra backend </li>
<li> <b><a href="site:gora-hbase">gora-hbase</a></b>: Module for Apache HBase backend </li>
<li> <b><a href="site:gora-sql">gora-sql</a></b>: Module for SQL database backends </li>