blob: 2808e8459f80a57048e5bd98450ba6b1238721ad [file] [log] [blame]
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<title>Generating Patches</title>
<section name="Generating patches" id="Generatingpatches">
<p>Follow these steps to generate a patch that can be attached to a JIRA issue for review.</p>
<li>Check out the Giraph source from the <a href="">git repository</a>.</li>
<li>Make the changes necessary for your particular issue while following the code conventions found in <tt>CODE_CONVENTIONS</tt>. Try to avoid unnecessary changes, such as extra whitespace or formatting changes. Include a unit test, or be ready to justify in the JIRA why one isn't necessary.</li>
<li>Verify the new and existing tests continue to pass via <tt>mvn clean verify</tt>. This maven lifecycle will do checkstyle, findbugs, license checks (Apache Rat), and unittests. Verify the change works as expected on a real cluster, if possible. If one's not available for testing, mention it on the JIRA so another contributor can verify.</li>
<li>Generate a patch with <tt>git diff --no-prefix trunk > GIRAPH-{ISSUE_NUMBER}.patch</tt> (the <tt>--no-prefix</tt> option is necessary to make the patch compatible with Apache's subversion repository). For subsequent patches, if necessary, number each version to make it easier for reviewers to track their progress.</li>
<li>Attach the patch to the JIRA issue (click <em>More Actions</em> and then <em>Attach File</em> from the top menu) using the comment to briefly explain what changes it contains and what testing was done. Mark the JIRA as <em>Patch Available</em> to let reviewers know it's ripe for evaluation.</li>
<li>Optionally, you can open <a href="">reviewboard</a> request for the patch, although not all reviewers use this tool.</li>
<p>A committer should review the patch shortly and either provide feedback for a new version, or commit it to the Giraph source.</p>