blob: f0e9fb500262c3087fba856a6b404669d46d7762 [file] [log] [blame]
Giraph Change Log
Release 0.1.0 - 2012-01-31
GIRAPH-135: Need DISCLAIMER for incubator. (jghoman)
GIRAPH-134: Fix NOTICE file for release. (jghoman)
GIRAPH-128: RPC port from BasicRPCCommunications should be only a
starting port, and retried. (aching)
GIRAPH-131: Enable creation of test-jars to simplify testing in
downstream projects. (André Kelpe via jghoman)
GIRAPH-129: Enable creation of javadoc and sources jars.
(André Kelpe via jghoman)
GIRAPH-124: Combiner should return Iterable<M> instead of M or
null. (claudio)
GIRAPH-125: Bug in LongDoubleFloatDoubleVertex.sendMsgToAllEdges().
(humming80 via aching)
GIRAPH-122: Roll version back to 0.1. (jghoman)
GIRAPH-118: Clarify messages behavior in BasicVertex. (claudio)
GIRAPH-119: VertexCombiner should work on Iterable<M> instead of
List<M>. (claudio)
GIRAPH-116: Make EdgeListVertex the default vertex implementation,
fix bugs related to EdgeListVertex. (aching)
GIRAPH-115: Port of the HCC algorithm for identifying all connected
components of a graph. (ssc via aching)
GIRAPH-112: Use elements() properly in LongDoubleFloatDoubleVertex.
GIRAPH-114: Inconsistent message map handling in
BasicRPCCommunications.LargeMessageFlushExecutor. (ssc via aching)
GIRAPH-109: GiraphRunner should provide support for combiners.
(ssc via claudio)
GIRAPH-113: Change cast to Vertex used in prepareSuperstep() to
BasicVertex. (humming80 via aching)
GIRAPH-110: Add guide to setup the enviroment for running the
unittests in a pseudo-distributed hadoop instance. (ssc via aching)
GIRAPH-73: A little refactoring. (ssc via aching)
GIRAPH-106: Change prepareSuperstep() to make
setMessages(Iterable<M> messages) package-private. (aching)
GIRAPH-105: BspServiceMaster.checkWorkers() should return empty
lists instead of null. (ssc via aching)
GIRAPH-80: Don't expose the list holding the messages in
BasicVertex. (ssc via aching)
GIRAPH-103: Added properties for commonly used package version to
pom.xml. (aching)
GIRAPH-57: Add new RPC call (putVertexIdMessagesList) to batch
putMsgList RPCs together. (aching)
GIRAPH-104: Save half of maximum memory used from messaging. (aching)
GIRAPH-10: Aggregators are not exported. (claudio)
GIRAPH-100: GIRAPH-100 - Data input sampling and testing
improvements. (aching)
GIRAPH-51: Provide unit testing tool for Giraph algorithms.
(Sebastian Schelter via jghoman)
GIRAPH-89: Simplify boolean expressions in BspRecordReader.
(shaunak via claudio)
GIRAPH-90: LongDoubleFloatDoubleVertex has possibily the iterator()
implementation broken (claudio)
GIRAPH-99: Make AdjacencyListVertexReader and its constructor public.
(Kohei Ozaki via jghoman)
GIRAPH-98: Add Claudio Martella to site. (claudio)
GIRAPH-97: and missing license header (claudio)
GIRAPH-92: Need outputformat for just vertex ID and value. (jghoman)
GIRAPH-86: Simplify boolean expressions in ZooKeeperExt::createExt.
(attilacsordas via jghoman)
GIRAPH-91: Large-memory improvements (Memory reduced vertex
implementation, fast failure, added settings). (aching)
GIRAPH-89: Remove debugging system.out from LongDoubleFloatDoubleVertex.
(shaunak via aching)
GIRAPH-88: Message count not updated properly after GIRAPH-11. (aching)
GIRAPH-70: Misspellings in PseudoRandomVertexInputFormat configuration
parameters. (attilacsordas via jghoman)
GIRAPH-58: Update site with Arun's id (asuresh)
GIRAPH-11: Improve the graph distribution of Giraph. (aching)
GIRAPH-64: Create VertexRunner to make it easier to run users'
computations. (jghoman)
GIRAPH-79: Change the menu layout of the site. (hyunsik via jghoman)
GIRAPH-75: Create sections on how to get involved and how
to generate patches on website. (jghoman)
GIRAPH-63: Typo in PageRankBenchmark. (shaunak via jghoman)
GIRAPH-47: Export Worker's Context/State to vertices through
pre/post/Application/Superstep. (cmartella via aching)
GIRAPH-71: SequenceFileVertexInputFormat missing license header;
rat fails. (jghoman)
GIRAPH-36: Ensure that subclassing BasicVertex is possible by user
apps. (jmannix via aching)
GIRAPH-50: Require Maven 3 in order to work with munging plugin.
GIRAPH-67: Provide AdjacencyList InputFormat for Ids of Strings and
double values. (jghoman)
GIRAPH-56: Create a CSV TextOutputFormat. (jghoman)
GIRAPH-66: Add presentations section to website. (jghoman)
GIRAPH-62: Provide input format for reading graphs stored as adjacency
lists. (jghoman)
GIRAPH-59: Missing some test if debug enabled before LOG.debug() and (guzhiwei via aching)
GIRAPH-48: numFlushThreads is 0 when doing a single worker
unittest. Changing the minimum to 1. (aching)
GIRAPH-44: Add documentation about counter limits in Hadoop 0.203+.
(mtiwari via jghoman)
GIRAPH-12: Investigate communication improvements. (hyunsik)
GIRAPH-46: Race condition on superstep 1 with RPC servers not
started by the time that requests are sent. (aching)
GIRAPH-21: Revise CODE_CONVENTIONS. (aching via jghoman)
GIRAPH-39: mvn rat doesn't like .git or .idea. (jghoman)
GIRAPH-32: Implement benchmarks to evaluate the performance of message
passing. (hyunsik)
GIRAPH-34: Failure of Vertex reflection for putVertexList from
GIRAPH-27. (aching)
GIRAPH-35: Modifying the site to indicate that Jake Mannix and
Dmitriy Ryaboy are now Giraph committers. (aching)
GIRAPH-33: Missing license header of (Claudio
Martella via hyunsik)
GIRAPH-31: Hide the SortedMap<I, Edge<I,E>> in Vertex from client
visibility (impl. detail), replace with appropriate accessor
methods. (jake.mannix via aching)
GIRAPH-30: NPE in ZooKeeperManager if base directory cannot be
created. apurtell via aching.
GIRAPH-27: Mutable static global state in should be
refactored. jake.mannix via aching.
GIRAPH-25: NPE in BspServiceMaster when failing a job. dvryaboy via
GIRAPH-24: Job-level statistics reports one superstep greater than
workers. (jghoman)
GIRAPH-18: Refactor BspServiceWorker::loadVertices(). (jghoman)
GIRAPH-14: Support for the Facebook Hadoop branch. (aching)
GIRAPH-16: Add Apache RAT to the verify build step. (omalley)
GIRAPH-17: Giraph doesn't give up properly after the maximum connect
attempts to ZooKeeper. (aching)
GIRAPH-2: Make the project homepage. (jghoman)
GIRAPH-9: Change Yahoo License Header to Apache License Header (hyunsik)
GIRAPH-6: Remove Yahoo-specific code from pom.xml. (jghoman)
GIRAPH-5: Remove Yahoo directories after svn import from Yahoo! (aching)
GIRAPH-3: Vertex:sentMsgToAllEdges should be sendMsg. (jghoman)