blob: 587ae65f6417981edbcd028c9703bcc33120c3e6 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.apache.giraph.block_app.library;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import org.apache.giraph.block_app.framework.api.BlockMasterApi;
import org.apache.giraph.block_app.framework.api.BlockWorkerReceiveApi;
import org.apache.giraph.block_app.framework.api.BlockWorkerSendApi;
import org.apache.giraph.block_app.framework.api.CreateReducersApi;
import org.apache.giraph.block_app.framework.piece.Piece;
import org.apache.giraph.block_app.framework.piece.global_comm.ReducerAndBroadcastWrapperHandle;
import org.apache.giraph.block_app.framework.piece.global_comm.ReducerHandle;
import org.apache.giraph.block_app.framework.piece.global_comm.array.BroadcastArrayHandle;
import org.apache.giraph.block_app.framework.piece.interfaces.VertexReceiver;
import org.apache.giraph.block_app.framework.piece.interfaces.VertexSender;
import org.apache.giraph.block_app.library.internal.SendMessagePiece;
import org.apache.giraph.block_app.library.internal.SendMessageWithCombinerPiece;
import org.apache.giraph.block_app.reducers.array.ArrayOfHandles;
import org.apache.giraph.combiner.MessageCombiner;
import org.apache.giraph.function.Consumer;
import org.apache.giraph.function.PairConsumer;
import org.apache.giraph.function.Supplier;
import org.apache.giraph.function.vertex.ConsumerWithVertex;
import org.apache.giraph.function.vertex.SupplierFromVertex;
import org.apache.giraph.graph.Vertex;
import org.apache.giraph.reducers.ReduceOperation;
import org.apache.giraph.reducers.impl.SumReduce;
import org.apache.giraph.types.NoMessage;
import org.apache.log4j.Logger;
* Utility class for creating common Pieces and computations for processing
* graphs.
public class Pieces {
private static final Logger LOG = Logger.getLogger(Pieces.class);
private Pieces() { }
* For each vertex execute given process function.
* Computation is happening in send phase of the returned Piece.
public static
<I extends WritableComparable, V extends Writable, E extends Writable>
Piece<I, V, E, NoMessage, Object> forAllVertices(
final String pieceName, final Consumer<Vertex<I, V, E>> process) {
return new Piece<I, V, E, NoMessage, Object>() {
public VertexSender<I, V, E> getVertexSender(
BlockWorkerSendApi<I, V, E, NoMessage> workerApi,
Object executionStage) {
return new InnerVertexSender() {
public void vertexSend(Vertex<I, V, E> vertex) {
public String toString() {
return pieceName;
* Execute given function on master.
public static
Piece<WritableComparable, Writable, Writable, NoMessage,
Object> masterCompute(
final String pieceName, final Consumer<BlockMasterApi> process) {
return new Piece<WritableComparable, Writable, Writable, NoMessage,
Object>() {
public void masterCompute(
BlockMasterApi masterApi, Object executionStage) {
* For each vertex execute given process function.
* Computation is happening in the receive phase of the returned Piece.
* This function should be used if you need returned Piece to interact with
* subsequent Piece, as that requires passed function to be executed
* during receive phase,
public static
<I extends WritableComparable, V extends Writable, E extends Writable>
Piece<I, V, E, NoMessage, Object> forAllVerticesOnReceive(
final String pieceName, final Consumer<Vertex<I, V, E>> process) {
return new Piece<I, V, E, NoMessage, Object>() {
public VertexReceiver<I, V, E, NoMessage> getVertexReceiver(
BlockWorkerReceiveApi<I> workerApi, Object executionStage) {
return new InnerVertexReceiver() {
public void vertexReceive(
Vertex<I, V, E> vertex, Iterable<NoMessage> messages) {
public String toString() {
return pieceName;
* Creates Piece which removes vertices for which supplier returns true.
public static
<I extends WritableComparable, V extends Writable, E extends Writable>
Piece<I, V, E, NoMessage, Object> removeVertices(
final String pieceName,
final SupplierFromVertex<I, V, E, Boolean> shouldRemoveVertex) {
return new Piece<I, V, E, NoMessage, Object>() {
private ReducerHandle<LongWritable, LongWritable> countRemovedAgg;
public void registerReducers(
CreateReducersApi reduceApi, Object executionStage) {
countRemovedAgg = reduceApi.createLocalReducer(SumReduce.LONG);
public VertexSender<I, V, E> getVertexSender(
final BlockWorkerSendApi<I, V, E, NoMessage> workerApi,
Object executionStage) {
return new InnerVertexSender() {
public void vertexSend(Vertex<I, V, E> vertex) {
if (shouldRemoveVertex.get(vertex)) {
reduceLong(countRemovedAgg, 1);
public void masterCompute(BlockMasterApi master, Object executionStage) {"Removed " + countRemovedAgg.getReducedValue(master) +
" vertices from the graph, during stage " + executionStage);
public String toString() {
return pieceName;
* Creates single reducer piece - given reduce class, supplier of values on
* worker, reduces and passes the result to given consumer on master.
* @param <S> Single value type, objects passed on workers
* @param <R> Reduced value type
* @param <I> Vertex id type
* @param <V> Vertex value type
* @param <E> Edge value type
public static
<S, R extends Writable, I extends WritableComparable, V extends Writable,
E extends Writable>
Piece<I, V, E, NoMessage, Object> reduce(
String name,
ReduceOperation<S, R> reduceOp,
SupplierFromVertex<I, V, E, S> valueSupplier,
final Consumer<R> reducedValueConsumer) {
return reduceWithMaster(
name, reduceOp, valueSupplier,
new PairConsumer<R, BlockMasterApi>() {
public void apply(R input, BlockMasterApi master) {
* Creates single reducer piece - given reduce class, supplier of values on
* worker, reduces and passes the result to given consumer on master.
* @param <S> Single value type, objects passed on workers
* @param <R> Reduced value type
* @param <I> Vertex id type
* @param <V> Vertex value type
* @param <E> Edge value type
public static
<S, R extends Writable, I extends WritableComparable, V extends Writable,
E extends Writable>
Piece<I, V, E, NoMessage, Object> reduceWithMaster(
final String name,
final ReduceOperation<S, R> reduceOp,
final SupplierFromVertex<I, V, E, S> valueSupplier,
final PairConsumer<R, BlockMasterApi> reducedValueConsumer) {
return new Piece<I, V, E, NoMessage, Object>() {
private ReducerHandle<S, R> handle;
public void registerReducers(
CreateReducersApi reduceApi, Object executionStage) {
handle = reduceApi.createLocalReducer(reduceOp);
public VertexSender<I, V, E> getVertexSender(
BlockWorkerSendApi<I, V, E, NoMessage> workerApi,
Object executionStage) {
return new InnerVertexSender() {
public void vertexSend(Vertex<I, V, E> vertex) {
public void masterCompute(BlockMasterApi master, Object executionStage) {
reducedValueConsumer.apply(handle.getReducedValue(master), master);
public String toString() {
return name;
* Creates single reducer and broadcast piece - given reduce class, supplier
* of values on worker, reduces and broadcasts the value, passing it to the
* consumer on worker for each vertex.
* @param <S> Single value type, objects passed on workers
* @param <R> Reduced value type
* @param <I> Vertex id type
* @param <V> Vertex value type
* @param <E> Edge value type
public static
<S, R extends Writable, I extends WritableComparable, V extends Writable,
E extends Writable>
Piece<I, V, E, NoMessage, Object> reduceAndBroadcast(
final String name,
final ReduceOperation<S, R> reduceOp,
final SupplierFromVertex<I, V, E, S> valueSupplier,
final ConsumerWithVertex<I, V, E, R> reducedValueConsumer) {
return new Piece<I, V, E, NoMessage, Object>() {
private final ReducerAndBroadcastWrapperHandle<S, R> handle =
new ReducerAndBroadcastWrapperHandle<>();
public void registerReducers(
CreateReducersApi reduceApi, Object executionStage) {
public VertexSender<I, V, E> getVertexSender(
BlockWorkerSendApi<I, V, E, NoMessage> workerApi,
Object executionStage) {
return new InnerVertexSender() {
public void vertexSend(Vertex<I, V, E> vertex) {
public void masterCompute(BlockMasterApi master, Object executionStage) {
public VertexReceiver<I, V, E, NoMessage> getVertexReceiver(
BlockWorkerReceiveApi<I> workerApi, Object executionStage) {
final R value = handle.getBroadcast(workerApi);
return new InnerVertexReceiver() {
public void vertexReceive(
Vertex<I, V, E> vertex, Iterable<NoMessage> messages) {
reducedValueConsumer.apply(vertex, value);
public String toString() {
return name;
* Like reduceAndBroadcast, but uses array of handles for reducers and
* broadcasts, to make it feasible and performant when values are large.
* Each supplied value to reduce will be reduced in the handle defined by
* handleHashSupplier%numHandles
* @param <S> Single value type, objects passed on workers
* @param <R> Reduced value type
* @param <I> Vertex id type
* @param <V> Vertex value type
* @param <E> Edge value type
public static
<S, R extends Writable, I extends WritableComparable, V extends Writable,
E extends Writable>
Piece<I, V, E, NoMessage, Object> reduceAndBroadcastWithArrayOfHandles(
final String name,
final int numHandles,
final Supplier<ReduceOperation<S, R>> reduceOp,
final SupplierFromVertex<I, V, E, Long> handleHashSupplier,
final SupplierFromVertex<I, V, E, S> valueSupplier,
final ConsumerWithVertex<I, V, E, R> reducedValueConsumer) {
return new Piece<I, V, E, NoMessage, Object>() {
protected ArrayOfHandles.ArrayOfReducers<S, R> reducers;
protected BroadcastArrayHandle<R> broadcasts;
private int getHandleIndex(Vertex<I, V, E> vertex) {
return (int) Math.abs(handleHashSupplier.get(vertex) % numHandles);
public void registerReducers(
final CreateReducersApi reduceApi, Object executionStage) {
reducers = new ArrayOfHandles.ArrayOfReducers<>(
new Supplier<ReducerHandle<S, R>>() {
public ReducerHandle<S, R> get() {
return reduceApi.createLocalReducer(reduceOp.get());
public VertexSender<I, V, E> getVertexSender(
BlockWorkerSendApi<I, V, E, NoMessage> workerApi,
Object executionStage) {
return new InnerVertexSender() {
public void vertexSend(Vertex<I, V, E> vertex) {
public void masterCompute(BlockMasterApi master, Object executionStage) {
broadcasts = reducers.broadcastValue(master);
public VertexReceiver<I, V, E, NoMessage> getVertexReceiver(
BlockWorkerReceiveApi<I> workerApi, Object executionStage) {
final List<R> values = new ArrayList<>();
for (int i = 0; i < numHandles; i++) {
return new InnerVertexReceiver() {
public void vertexReceive(
Vertex<I, V, E> vertex, Iterable<NoMessage> messages) {
vertex, values.get(getHandleIndex(vertex)));
public String toString() {
return name;
* Creates Piece that for each vertex, sends message provided by
* messageSupplier to all targets provided by targetsSupplier.
* Received messages are then passed to and processed by provided
* messagesConsumer.
* If messageSupplier or targetsSupplier returns null, current vertex
* is not going to send any messages.
public static
<I extends WritableComparable, V extends Writable, E extends Writable,
M extends Writable>
SendMessagePiece<I, V, E, M> sendMessage(
String name,
Class<M> messageClass,
SupplierFromVertex<I, V, E, M> messageSupplier,
SupplierFromVertex<I, V, E, Iterator<I>> targetsSupplier,
ConsumerWithVertex<I, V, E, Iterable<M>> messagesConsumer) {
return new SendMessagePiece<>(
name, messageClass, messageSupplier, targetsSupplier, messagesConsumer);
* Creates Piece that for each vertex, sends message provided by
* messageSupplier to all neighbors of current vertex.
* Received messages are then passed to and processed by provided
* messagesConsumer.
* If messageSupplier returns null, current vertex
* is not going to send any messages.
public static
<I extends WritableComparable, V extends Writable, E extends Writable,
M extends Writable>
SendMessagePiece<I, V, E, M> sendMessageToNeighbors(
String name,
Class<M> messageClass,
SupplierFromVertex<I, V, E, M> messageSupplier,
ConsumerWithVertex<I, V, E, Iterable<M>> messagesConsumer) {
return sendMessage(
name, messageClass, messageSupplier,
VertexSuppliers.<I, V, E>vertexNeighborsSupplier(),
* Creates Piece that for each vertex, sends message provided by
* messageSupplier to all targets provided by targetsSupplier,
* and uses given messageCombiner to combine messages together.
* Received combined message is then passed to and processed by provided
* messageConsumer. (null is passed to it, if vertex received no messages)
* If messageSupplier or targetsSupplier returns null, current vertex
* is not going to send any messages.
public static
<I extends WritableComparable, V extends Writable, E extends Writable,
M extends Writable>
SendMessageWithCombinerPiece<I, V, E, M> sendMessage(
String name,
MessageCombiner<? super I, M> messageCombiner,
SupplierFromVertex<I, V, E, M> messageSupplier,
SupplierFromVertex<I, V, E, Iterator<I>> targetsSupplier,
ConsumerWithVertex<I, V, E, M> messagesConsumer) {
return new SendMessageWithCombinerPiece<>(
name, messageCombiner,
messageSupplier, targetsSupplier, messagesConsumer);
* Creates Piece that for each vertex, sends message provided by
* messageSupplier to all neighbors of current vertex,
* and uses given messageCombiner to combine messages together.
* Received combined message is then passed to and processed by provided
* messageConsumer. (null is passed to it, if vertex received no messages)
* If messageSupplier returns null, current vertex
* is not going to send any messages.
public static
<I extends WritableComparable, V extends Writable, E extends Writable,
M extends Writable>
SendMessageWithCombinerPiece<I, V, E, M> sendMessageToNeighbors(
String name,
MessageCombiner<? super I, M> messageCombiner,
SupplierFromVertex<I, V, E, M> messageSupplier,
ConsumerWithVertex<I, V, E, M> messagesConsumer) {
return sendMessage(
name, messageCombiner, messageSupplier,
VertexSuppliers.<I, V, E>vertexNeighborsSupplier(),