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* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
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* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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package org.apache.giraph.counters;
import org.apache.hadoop.mapreduce.Mapper.Context;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.Map;
* Hadoop Counters in group "Giraph Timers" for timing things.
public class GiraphTimers extends HadoopCountersBase {
/** Counter group name for the giraph timers */
public static final String GROUP_NAME = "Giraph Timers";
/** Counter name for setup msec */
public static final String SETUP_MS_NAME = "Setup (ms)";
/** Counter name for total msec */
public static final String TOTAL_MS_NAME = "Total (ms)";
/** Counter name for shutdown msec */
public static final String SHUTDOWN_MS_NAME = "Shutdown (ms)";
/** Counter name for initialize msec */
public static final String INITIALIZE_MS_NAME = "Initialize (ms)";
/** Singleton instance for everyone to use */
private static GiraphTimers INSTANCE;
/** Setup time in msec */
private static final int SETUP_MS = 0;
/** Total time in msec (doesn't include initialize time) */
private static final int TOTAL_MS = 1;
/** Shutdown time in msec */
private static final int SHUTDOWN_MS = 2;
/** Total time it takes to get minimum machines */
private static final int INITIALIZE_MS = 3;
/** How many whole job counters we have */
private static final int NUM_COUNTERS = 4;
/** superstep time in msec */
private final Map<Long, GiraphHadoopCounter> superstepMsec;
/** Whole job counters stored in this class */
private final GiraphHadoopCounter[] jobCounters;
* Internal use only. Create using Hadoop Context
* @param context Hadoop Context to use.
private GiraphTimers(Context context) {
super(context, GROUP_NAME);
jobCounters = new GiraphHadoopCounter[NUM_COUNTERS];
jobCounters[SETUP_MS] = getCounter(SETUP_MS_NAME);
jobCounters[TOTAL_MS] = getCounter(TOTAL_MS_NAME);
jobCounters[SHUTDOWN_MS] = getCounter(SHUTDOWN_MS_NAME);
jobCounters[INITIALIZE_MS] = getCounter(INITIALIZE_MS_NAME);
superstepMsec = Maps.newHashMap();
* Instantiate with Hadoop Context.
* @param context Hadoop Context to use.
public static void init(Context context) {
INSTANCE = new GiraphTimers(context);
* Get singleton instance.
* @return singleton GiraphTimers instance.
public static GiraphTimers getInstance() {
return INSTANCE;
* Get counter for setup time in milliseconds
* @return Counter for setup time in milliseconds
public GiraphHadoopCounter getSetupMs() {
return jobCounters[SETUP_MS];
* Get counter for superstep time in milliseconds
* @param superstep Integer superstep number.
* @param computationName Name of the computation for display (may be null)
* @return Counter for setup time in milliseconds
public GiraphHadoopCounter getSuperstepMs(long superstep,
String computationName) {
GiraphHadoopCounter counter = superstepMsec.get(superstep);
if (counter == null) {
String counterPrefix;
if (superstep == -1) {
counterPrefix = "Input superstep";
} else {
counterPrefix = "Superstep " + superstep +
(computationName == null ? "" : " " + computationName);
counter = getCounter(counterPrefix + " (ms)");
superstepMsec.put(superstep, counter);
return counter;
* Get counter for total time in milliseconds (doesn't include initialize
* time).
* @return Counter for total time in milliseconds.
public GiraphHadoopCounter getTotalMs() {
return jobCounters[TOTAL_MS];
* Get counter for shutdown time in milliseconds.
* @return Counter for shutdown time in milliseconds.
public GiraphHadoopCounter getShutdownMs() {
return jobCounters[SHUTDOWN_MS];
* Get counter for initializing the process,
* having to wait for a minimum number of processes to be available
* before setup step
* @return Counter for initializing in milliseconds
public GiraphHadoopCounter getInitializeMs() {
return jobCounters[INITIALIZE_MS];
* Get map of superstep to msec counter.
* @return mapping of superstep to msec counter.
public Map<Long, GiraphHadoopCounter> superstepCounters() {
return superstepMsec;
* Get Iterable through job counters.
* @return Iterable of job counters.
public Iterable<GiraphHadoopCounter> jobCounters() {
return Arrays.asList(jobCounters);
public Iterator<GiraphHadoopCounter> iterator() {
return Iterators.concat(jobCounters().iterator(),